1. Quick start

In many cases, PRRTE can be built and installed by simply indicating the installation directory on the command line:

$ tar xf prrte-<version>.tar.bz2
$ cd prrte-<version>
$ ./configure --prefix=<path> |& tee config.out
...lots of output...
$ make -j 8 |& tee make.out
...lots of output...
$ make install |& tee install.out
...lots of output...

Note that there are many, many configuration options to the ./configure step. Some of them may be needed for your particular environmnet; see below for desciptions of the options available.

If your installation prefix path is not writable by a regular user, you may need to use sudo or su to run the make install step. For example:

$ sudo make install |& tee install.out
[sudo] password for builduser: <enter your password here>
...lots of output...

Finally, note that VPATH builds are fully supported. For example:

$ tar xf prrte-<version>.tar.bz2
$ cd prrte-<version>
$ mkdir build
$ cd build
$ ../configure --prefix=<path> |& tee config.out