// this software is distributed under the MIT License (http://www.opensource.org/licenses/MIT): // // Copyright 2018-2019, CWI, TU Munich // // Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files // (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, // merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is // furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: // // - The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. // // THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES // OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE // LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR // IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. // // You can contact the authors via the FSST source repository : https://github.com/cwida/fsst #include "libfsst12.hpp" #include #include Symbol concat(Symbol a, Symbol b) { Symbol s; u32 length = min(8, a.length()+b.length()); s.set_code_len(FSST_CODE_MASK, length); *(u64*) s.symbol = ((*(u64*) b.symbol) << (8*a.length())) | *(u64*) a.symbol; return s; } namespace std { template <> class hash { public: size_t operator()(const Symbol& s) const { uint64_t k = *(u64*) s.symbol; const uint64_t m = 0xc6a4a7935bd1e995; const int r = 47; uint64_t h = 0x8445d61a4e774912 ^ (8*m); k *= m; k ^= k >> r; k *= m; h ^= k; h *= m; h ^= h >> r; h *= m; h ^= h >> r; return h; } }; } std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& out, const Symbol& s) { for (u32 i=0; i& sample, ulong len[], u8* line[]) { ulong sampleSize = max(sampleParam, FSST_SAMPLEMAXSZ); // if sampleParam is negative, we need to ignore part of the last line SymbolMap *st = new SymbolMap(), *bestMap = new SymbolMap(); long bestGain = -sampleSize; // worst case (everything exception) ulong sampleFrac = 128; for(ulong i=0; i 500) end = cur + ((end-cur)*sampleFrac)/128; // shorten long lines to the sample fraction } else if (sampleFrac < 128) { // in earlier rounds (sampleFrac < 128) we skip data in the sample (reduces overall work ~2x) if (rnd128(i) > sampleFrac) continue; } if (cur < end) { u16 pos2 = 0, pos1 = st->findExpansion(Symbol(cur, end)); cur += pos1 >> 12; pos1 &= FSST_CODE_MASK; while (true) { u8 *old = cur; counters.count1Inc(pos1); if (curhashTabSize-1); Symbol s = st->hashTab[idx]; pos2 = st->shortCodes[word & 0xFFFF]; word &= (0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF >> (u8) s.gcl); if ((s.gcl < FSST_GCL_FREE) && (*(u64*) s.symbol == word)) { pos2 = s.code(); cur += s.length(); } else { cur += (pos2 >> 12); pos2 &= FSST_CODE_MASK; } } else if (cur==end) { break; } else { assert(curfindExpansion(Symbol(cur, end)); cur += pos2 >> 12; pos2 &= FSST_CODE_MASK; } // compute compressed output size (later divide by 2) gain += 2*(cur-old)-3; // now count the subsequent two symbols we encode as an extension possibility if (sampleFrac < 128) { // no need to count pairs in final round counters.count2Inc(pos1, pos2); } pos1 = pos2; } } } return gain; }; auto makeMap = [&](SymbolMap *st, Counters &counters) { // hashmap of c (needed because we can generate duplicate candidates) unordered_set cands; auto addOrInc = [&](unordered_set &cands, Symbol s, u32 count) { auto it = cands.find(s); s.gain = s.length()*count; if (it != cands.end()) { s.gain += (*it).gain; cands.erase(*it); } cands.insert(s); }; // add candidate symbols based on counted frequency for (u32 pos1=0; pos1symbolCount; pos1++) { u32 cnt1 = counters.count1GetNext(pos1); // may advance pos1!! if (!cnt1) continue; Symbol s1 = st->symbols[pos1]; if (s1.length() > 1) { // 1-byte symbols are always in the map addOrInc(cands, s1, cnt1); } if (sampleFrac >= 128 || // last round we do not create new (combined) symbols s1.length() == Symbol::maxLength) { // symbol cannot be extended continue; } for (u32 pos2=0; pos2symbolCount; pos2++) { u32 cnt2 = counters.count2GetNext(pos1, pos2); // may advance pos2!! if (!cnt2) continue; // create a new symbol Symbol s2 = st->symbols[pos2]; Symbol s3 = concat(s1, s2); addOrInc(cands, s3, cnt2); } } // insert candidates into priority queue (by gain) auto cmpGn = [](const Symbol& q1, const Symbol& q2) { return q1.gain < q2.gain; }; priority_queue,decltype(cmpGn)> pq(cmpGn); for (auto& q : cands) pq.push(q); // Create new symbol map using best candidates st->clear(); while (st->symbolCount < 4096 && !pq.empty()) { Symbol s = pq.top(); pq.pop(); st->add(s); } }; #ifdef NONOPT_FSST for(ulong frac : {127, 127, 127, 127, 127, 127, 127, 127, 127, 128}) { sampleFrac = frac; #else for(sampleFrac=14; true; sampleFrac = sampleFrac + 38) { #endif memset(&counters, 0, sizeof(Counters)); long gain = compressCount(st, counters); if (gain >= bestGain) { // a new best solution! *bestMap = *st; bestGain = gain; } if (sampleFrac >= 128) break; // we do 4 rounds (sampleFrac=14,52,90,128) makeMap(st, counters); } delete st; return bestMap; } // optimized adaptive *scalar* compression method static inline ulong compressBulk(SymbolMap &symbolMap, ulong nlines, ulong lenIn[], u8* strIn[], ulong size, u8* out, ulong lenOut[], u8* strOut[]) { u8 *lim = out + size; ulong curLine; for(curLine=0; curLine= 8) { u64 word = fsst_unaligned_load(cur); ulong code = symbolMap.shortCodes[word & 0xFFFF]; ulong pos = (u32) word; // key is first 4 bytes ulong idx = FSST_HASH(pos)&(symbolMap.hashTabSize-1); Symbol s = symbolMap.hashTab[idx]; word &= (0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF >> (u8) s.gcl); if ((s.gcl < FSST_GCL_FREE) && *(ulong*) s.symbol == word) { code = s.gcl >> 16; } cur += (code >> 12); u32 res = code & FSST_CODE_MASK; word = fsst_unaligned_load(cur); code = symbolMap.shortCodes[word & 0xFFFF]; pos = (u32) word; // key is first 4 bytes idx = FSST_HASH(pos)&(symbolMap.hashTabSize-1); s = symbolMap.hashTab[idx]; word &= (0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF >> (u8) s.gcl); if ((s.gcl < FSST_GCL_FREE) && *(ulong*) s.symbol == word) { code = s.gcl >> 16; } cur += (code >> 12); res |= (code&FSST_CODE_MASK) << 12; memcpy(out, &res, sizeof(u64)); out += 3; } while (cur < end) { ulong code = symbolMap.findExpansion(Symbol(cur, end)); u32 res = (code&FSST_CODE_MASK); if (out+8 > lim) { return curLine; // u32 write would be out of bounds (out of output memory) } cur += code >> 12; if (cur >= end) { memcpy(out, &res, sizeof(u64)); out += 2; break; } code = symbolMap.findExpansion(Symbol(cur, end)); res |= (code&FSST_CODE_MASK) << 12; cur += code >> 12; memcpy(out, &res, sizeof(u64)); out += 3; } lenOut[curLine] = out - strOut[curLine]; } return curLine; } long makeSample(vector &sample, ulong nlines, ulong len[]) { ulong i, sampleRnd = 1, sampleProb = 256, sampleSize = 0, totSize = 0; ulong sampleTarget = FSST_SAMPLETARGET; for(i=0; i FSST_SAMPLETARGET) { // if the batch is larger than the sampletarget, sample this fraction sampleProb = max(((ulong) 4),(256*sampleTarget) / totSize); } else { // too little data. But ok, do not include lines multiple times, just use everything once sampleTarget = totSize; // sampleProb will be 256/256 (aka 100%) } do { // if nlines is very large and strings are small (8, so we need 4K lines), we still expect 4K*256/4 iterations total worst case for(i=0; i= sampleTarget) // enough? i = nlines; // break out of both loops; } } sampleProb *= 4; //accelerate the selection process at expense of front-bias (4,16,64,256: 4 passes max) } while(i <= nlines); // basically continue until we have enough // if the last line (only line?) is excessively long, return a negative samplesize (the amount of front bytes to skip) long sampleLong = (long) sampleSize; assert(sampleLong > 0); return (sampleLong < FSST_SAMPLEMAXSZ)?sampleLong:FSST_SAMPLEMAXSZ-sampleLong; } extern "C" fsst_encoder_t* fsst_create(ulong n, ulong lenIn[], u8 *strIn[], int dummy) { vector sample; (void) dummy; long sampleSize = makeSample(sample, n?n:1, lenIn); // careful handling of input to get a right-size and representative sample Encoder *encoder = new Encoder(); encoder->symbolMap = shared_ptr(buildSymbolMap(encoder->counters, sampleSize, sample, lenIn, strIn)); return (fsst_encoder_t*) encoder; } /* create another encoder instance, necessary to do multi-threaded encoding using the same dictionary */ extern "C" fsst_encoder_t* fsst_duplicate(fsst_encoder_t *encoder) { Encoder *e = new Encoder(); e->symbolMap = ((Encoder*)encoder)->symbolMap; // it is a shared_ptr return (fsst_encoder_t*) e; } // export a dictionary in compact format. extern "C" u32 fsst_export(fsst_encoder_t *encoder, u8 *buf) { Encoder *e = (Encoder*) encoder; // In ->version there is a versionnr, but we hide also suffixLim/terminator/symbolCount there. // This is sufficient in principle to *reconstruct* a fsst_encoder_t from a fsst_decoder_t // (such functionality could be useful to append compressed data to an existing block). // // However, the hash function in the encoder hash table is endian-sensitive, and given its // 'lossy perfect' hashing scheme is *unable* to contain other-endian-produced symbol tables. // Doing a endian-conversion during hashing will be slow and self-defeating. // // Overall, we could support reconstructing an encoder for incremental compression, but // should enforce equal-endianness. Bit of a bummer. Not going there now. // // The version field is now there just for future-proofness, but not used yet // version allows keeping track of fsst versions, track endianness, and encoder reconstruction u64 version = (FSST_VERSION << 32) | FSST_ENDIAN_MARKER; // least significant byte is nonzero /* do not assume unaligned reads here */ memcpy(buf, &version, 8); memcpy(buf+8, e->symbolMap->lenHisto, 16); // serialize the lenHisto u32 pos = 24; // emit only the used bytes of the symbols for(u32 i = 0; i < e->symbolMap->symbolCount; i++) { buf[pos++] = e->symbolMap->symbols[i].length(); for(u32 j = 0; j < e->symbolMap->symbols[i].length(); j++) { buf[pos++] = ((u8*) &e->symbolMap->symbols[i].symbol)[j]; // serialize used symbol bytes } } return pos; // length of what was serialized } #define FSST_CORRUPT 32774747032022883 /* 7-byte number in little endian containing "corrupt" */ extern "C" u32 fsst_import(fsst_decoder_t *decoder, u8 *buf) { u64 version = 0, symbolCount = 0; u32 pos = 24; u16 lenHisto[8]; // version field (first 8 bytes) is now there just for future-proofness, unused still (skipped) memcpy(&version, buf, 8); if ((version>>32) != FSST_VERSION) return 0; memcpy(lenHisto, buf+8, 16); for(u32 i=0; i<8; i++) symbolCount += lenHisto[i]; for(u32 i = 0; i < symbolCount; i++) { u32 len = decoder->len[i] = buf[pos++]; for(u32 j = 0; j < len; j++) { ((u8*) &decoder->symbol[i])[j] = buf[pos++]; } } // fill unused symbols with text "corrupt". Gives a chance to detect corrupted code sequences (if there are unused symbols). while(symbolCount<4096) { decoder->symbol[symbolCount] = FSST_CORRUPT; decoder->len[symbolCount++] = 8; } return pos; } // runtime check for simd inline ulong _compressImpl(Encoder *e, ulong nlines, ulong lenIn[], u8 *strIn[], ulong size, u8 *output, ulong *lenOut, u8 *strOut[], bool noSuffixOpt, bool avoidBranch, int simd) { (void) noSuffixOpt; (void) avoidBranch; (void) simd; return compressBulk(*e->symbolMap, nlines, lenIn, strIn, size, output, lenOut, strOut); } ulong compressImpl(Encoder *e, ulong nlines, ulong lenIn[], u8 *strIn[], ulong size, u8 *output, ulong *lenOut, u8 *strOut[], bool noSuffixOpt, bool avoidBranch, int simd) { return _compressImpl(e, nlines, lenIn, strIn, size, output, lenOut, strOut, noSuffixOpt, avoidBranch, simd); } // adaptive choosing of scalar compression method based on symbol length histogram inline ulong _compressAuto(Encoder *e, ulong nlines, ulong lenIn[], u8 *strIn[], ulong size, u8 *output, ulong *lenOut, u8 *strOut[], int simd) { (void) simd; return _compressImpl(e, nlines, lenIn, strIn, size, output, lenOut, strOut, false, false, false); } ulong compressAuto(Encoder *e, ulong nlines, ulong lenIn[], u8 *strIn[], ulong size, u8 *output, ulong *lenOut, u8 *strOut[], int simd) { return _compressAuto(e, nlines, lenIn, strIn, size, output, lenOut, strOut, simd); } // the main compression function (everything automatic) extern "C" ulong fsst_compress(fsst_encoder_t *encoder, ulong nlines, ulong lenIn[], u8 *strIn[], ulong size, u8 *output, ulong *lenOut, u8 *strOut[]) { // to be faster than scalar, simd needs 64 lines or more of length >=12; or fewer lines, but big ones (totLen > 32KB) ulong totLen = accumulate(lenIn, lenIn+nlines, 0); int simd = totLen > nlines*12 && (nlines > 64 || totLen > (ulong) 1<<15); return _compressAuto((Encoder*) encoder, nlines, lenIn, strIn, size, output, lenOut, strOut, 3*simd); } /* deallocate encoder */ extern "C" void fsst_destroy(fsst_encoder_t* encoder) { Encoder *e = (Encoder*) encoder; delete e; } /* very lazy implementation relying on export and import */ extern "C" fsst_decoder_t fsst_decoder(fsst_encoder_t *encoder) { u8 buf[sizeof(fsst_decoder_t)]; u32 cnt1 = fsst_export(encoder, buf); fsst_decoder_t decoder; u32 cnt2 = fsst_import(&decoder, buf); assert(cnt1 == cnt2); (void) cnt1; (void) cnt2; return decoder; }