/* * the API for FSST compression -- (c) Peter Boncz, Viktor Leis and Thomas Neumann (CWI, TU Munich), 2018-2019 * * =================================================================================================================================== * this software is distributed under the MIT License (http://www.opensource.org/licenses/MIT): * * Copyright 2018-2020, CWI, TU Munich, FSU Jena * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files * (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, * merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is * furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: * * - The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES * OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE * LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR * IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. * * You can contact the authors via the FSST source repository : https://github.com/cwida/fsst * =================================================================================================================================== * * FSST: Fast Static Symbol Table compression * see the paper https://github.com/cwida/fsst/raw/master/fsstcompression.pdf * * FSST is a compression scheme focused on string/text data: it can compress strings from distributions with many different values (i.e. * where dictionary compression will not work well). It allows *random-access* to compressed data: it is not block-based, so individual * strings can be decompressed without touching the surrounding data in a compressed block. When compared to e.g. lz4 (which is * block-based), FSST achieves similar decompression speed, (2x) better compression speed and 30% better compression ratio on text. * * FSST encodes strings also using a symbol table -- but it works on pieces of the string, as it maps "symbols" (1-8 byte sequences) * onto "codes" (single-bytes). FSST can also represent a byte as an exception (255 followed by the original byte). Hence, compression * transforms a sequence of bytes into a (supposedly shorter) sequence of codes or escaped bytes. These shorter byte-sequences could * be seen as strings again and fit in whatever your program is that manipulates strings. * * useful property: FSST ensures that strings that are equal, are also equal in their compressed form. * * In this API, strings are considered byte-arrays (byte = unsigned char) and a batch of strings is represented as an array of * unsigned char* pointers to their starts. A seperate length array (of unsigned int) denotes how many bytes each string consists of. * * This representation as unsigned char* pointers tries to assume as little as possible on the memory management of the program * that calls this API, and is also intended to allow passing strings into this API without copying (even if you use C++ strings). * * This is the 12-bits version of FSST: it uses a 4K dictionary (rather than the 256 dictionary and 8-bits codes) * 12-bits FSST often does not work better dan 8-bits, but it will outperform it on datasets that are more chaotic, such as JSON * and widely diverse URLs. */ #ifndef FSST_INCLUDED_H #define FSST_INCLUDED_H #include "assert.h" #ifdef __cplusplus #include extern "C" { #endif /* Data structure needed for compressing strings - use fsst_duplicate() to create thread-local copies. Use fsst_destroy() to free. */ typedef void* fsst_encoder_t; /* opaque type - it wraps around a rather large (~3MB) C++ object */ /* Data structure needed for decompressing strings - read-only and thus can be shared between multiple decompressing threads. */ typedef struct { unsigned long long version; /* version id */ unsigned char len[4096]; /* len[x] is the byte-length of the symbol x (1 < len[x] <= 8). */ unsigned long long symbol[4096]; /* symbol[x] contains in LITTLE_ENDIAN the bytesequence that code x represents (0 <= x < 255). */ } fsst_decoder_t; /* Calibrate a FSST dictionary from a batch of strings (it is best to provide at least 16KB of data). */ fsst_encoder_t* fsst_create( unsigned long n, /* IN: number of strings in batch to sample from. */ unsigned long lenIn[], /* IN: byte-lengths of the inputs */ unsigned char *strIn[], /* IN: string start pointers. */ int dummy ); /* Create another encoder instance, necessary to do multi-threaded encoding using the same dictionary. */ fsst_encoder_t* fsst_duplicate( fsst_encoder_t *encoder /* IN: the dictionary to duplicate. */ ); #define FSST_MAXHEADER (8+16+4096+32768) /* maxlen of deserialized fsst header, produced/consumed by fsst_export() resp. fsst_import() */ /* Space-efficient dictionary serialization (smaller than sizeof(fsst_decoder_t) - by saving on the unused bytes in symbols of len < 8). */ unsigned int /* OUT: number of bytes written in buf, at most sizeof(fsst_decoder_t) */ fsst_export( fsst_encoder_t *encoder, /* IN: the dictionary to dump. */ unsigned char *buf /* OUT: pointer to a byte-buffer where to serialize this dictionary. */ ); /* Deallocate encoder. */ void fsst_destroy(fsst_encoder_t*); /* Return a decoder structure from serialized format (typically used in a block-, file- or row-group header). */ unsigned int /* OUT: number of bytes consumed in buf (0 on failure). */ fsst_import( fsst_decoder_t *decoder, /* IN: this dictionary will be overwritten. */ unsigned char *buf /* OUT: pointer to a byte-buffer where fsst_export() serialized this dictionary. */ ); /* Return a decoder structure from an encoder. */ fsst_decoder_t fsst_decoder( fsst_encoder_t *encoder ); /* Compress a batch of strings (on AVX512 machines best performance is obtained by compressing more than 32KB of string volume). */ /* The output buffer must be large; at least "conservative space" (7+2*inputlength) for the first string for something to happen. */ unsigned long /* OUT: the number of compressed strings (<=n) that fit the output buffer. */ fsst_compress( fsst_encoder_t *encoder, /* IN: encoder obtained from fsst_create(). */ unsigned long nstrings, /* IN: number of strings in batch to compress. */ unsigned long lenIn[], /* IN: byte-lengths of the inputs */ unsigned char *strIn[], /* IN: input string start pointers. */ unsigned long outsize, /* IN: byte-length of output buffer. */ unsigned char *output, /* OUT: memory buffer to put the compressed strings in (one after the other). */ unsigned long lenOut[], /* OUT: byte-lengths of the compressed strings. */ unsigned char *strOut[] /* OUT: output string start pointers. Will all point into [output,output+size). */ ); /* Decompress a single string, inlined for speed. */ inline unsigned long /* OUT: bytesize of the decompressed string. If > size, the decoded output is truncated to size. */ fsst_decompress( fsst_decoder_t *decoder, /* IN: use this dictionary for compression. */ unsigned long lenIn, /* IN: byte-length of compressed string. */ unsigned char *strIn, /* IN: compressed string. */ unsigned long size, /* IN: byte-length of output buffer. */ unsigned char *output /* OUT: memory buffer to put the decompressed string in. */ ) { unsigned char*__restrict__ len = (unsigned char* __restrict__) decoder->len; unsigned long*__restrict__ symbol = (unsigned long* __restrict__) decoder->symbol; unsigned char*__restrict__ strOut = (unsigned char* __restrict__) output; unsigned long posOut = 0, posIn = 0; #define FSST_UNALIGNED_STORE(dst,src) memcpy((unsigned long long*) (dst), &(src), sizeof(unsigned long long)) #ifndef FSST_MUST_ALIGN /* defining on platforms that require aligned memory access may help their performance */ while (posOut+16 <= size && posIn+4 < lenIn) { unsigned int code, code0, code1; memcpy(&code, strIn+posIn, sizeof(unsigned int)); code0 = code & 4095; code1 = (code >> 12) & 4095; posIn += 3; FSST_UNALIGNED_STORE(strOut+posOut, symbol[code0]); posOut += len[code0]; FSST_UNALIGNED_STORE(strOut+posOut, symbol[code1]); posOut += len[code1]; } if (posOut+8 <= size && posIn < lenIn) { unsigned short code; memcpy(&code, strIn+posIn, sizeof(unsigned short)); code &= 4095; posIn=lenIn; FSST_UNALIGNED_STORE(strOut+posOut, symbol[code]); posOut += len[code]; } #endif while (posIn+3 < lenIn) { unsigned int code, code0, code1; memcpy(&code, strIn+posIn, sizeof(unsigned int)); code0 = code & 4095; code1 = (code >> 12) & 4095; posIn += 3; unsigned char *__restrict__ src, *__restrict__ lim, *__restrict__ dst = strOut+posOut; for(lim=strOut+((posOut+len[code0])>size?size:posOut+len[code0]), src=(unsigned char*__restrict__) &symbol[code0]; dst < lim; dst++, src++) *dst = *src; posOut += len[code0]; for(lim=strOut+((posOut+len[code1])>size?size:posOut+len[code1]), src=(unsigned char*__restrict__) &symbol[code1]; dst < lim; dst++, src++) *dst = *src; posOut += len[code1]; } if (posIn < lenIn) { unsigned short code; memcpy(&code, strIn+posIn, sizeof(unsigned short)); code &= 4095; posIn=lenIn; unsigned char *__restrict__ src, *__restrict__ lim, *__restrict__ dst = strOut+posOut; for(lim=strOut+((posOut+len[code])>size?size:posOut+len[code]), src=(unsigned char*__restrict__) &symbol[code]; dst < lim; dst++, src++) *dst = *src; posOut += len[code]; } return posOut; /* full size of decompressed string (could be >size, then the actually decompressed part) */ } #ifdef __cplusplus } #endif #endif /* _FSST_INCLUDED_H_ */