load("@fbsource//tools/build_defs:default_platform_defs.bzl", "DEVSERVER_PLATFORM_REGEX") load("@fbsource//xplat/executorch/build:runtime_wrapper.bzl", "runtime") # Because vec exists as a collection of header files, compile and preprocessor # flags applied to the vec target do not have any effect, since no compilation # actually occurs for the target. # # Targets using the vec library must therefore call the get_vec_*_flags # functions in order to declare the required compiler flags needed in order to # access CPU vector intrinsics. def get_vec_android_preprocessor_flags(): preprocessor_flags = [ ( "^android-arm64.*$", [ "-DET_BUILD_ARM_VEC256_WITH_SLEEF", ], ), ] return preprocessor_flags def get_vec_cxx_preprocessor_flags(): preprocessor_flags = [ ( DEVSERVER_PLATFORM_REGEX, [ "-DCPU_CAPABILITY_AVX2", ], ), ] return preprocessor_flags def get_vec_fbcode_preprocessor_flags(): preprocessor_flags = [ "-DCPU_CAPABILITY_AVX2", ] return preprocessor_flags # Currently, having a dependency on fbsource//third-party/sleef:sleef may cause # duplicate symbol errors when linking fbcode targets in opt mode that also # depend on ATen. This is because ATen accesses sleef via the third-party folder # in caffe2 (caffe2/third-party//sleef:sleef). # TODO(ssjia): Enable -DCPU_CAPABILITY_AVX2 in fbcode, which requires sleef. def define_libs(): runtime.cxx_library( name = "libvec", srcs = [], exported_headers = native.glob([ "vec/**/*.h", ]), header_namespace = "executorch/kernels/optimized", visibility = [ "//executorch/...", "@EXECUTORCH_CLIENTS", ], cxx_platform_deps = select({ "DEFAULT": [ ( DEVSERVER_PLATFORM_REGEX, [ "fbsource//third-party/sleef:sleef", ], ), ], "ovr_config//cpu:arm64": [ ( DEVSERVER_PLATFORM_REGEX, [ "fbsource//third-party/sleef:sleef_arm", ], ), ], }), fbandroid_platform_deps = [ ( "^android-arm64.*$", [ "fbsource//third-party/sleef:sleef_arm", ], ), ], ) runtime.cxx_library( name = "libutils", srcs = [], exported_headers = native.glob([ "utils/**/*.h", ]), header_namespace = "executorch/kernels/optimized", visibility = [ "//executorch/...", "@EXECUTORCH_CLIENTS", ], exported_deps = [ # Needed to access the __ET_INLINE macro "//executorch/runtime/platform:compiler", ], ) runtime.cxx_library( name = "libblas", srcs = native.glob([ "blas/**/*.cpp", ]), exported_headers = native.glob([ "blas/**/*.h", ]), header_namespace = "executorch/kernels/optimized", visibility = [ "//executorch/...", "@EXECUTORCH_CLIENTS", ], fbandroid_platform_preprocessor_flags = [ ( "^android-arm64.*$", [ "-DET_BUILD_WITH_BLAS", ], ), ], fbandroid_platform_deps = [ ( "^android-arm64.*$", [ "fbsource//third-party/openblas:openblas", ], ), ], fbobjc_exported_preprocessor_flags = [ "-DET_BUILD_WITH_BLAS", "-DET_BUILD_FOR_APPLE", ], fbobjc_frameworks = [ "Accelerate", ], exported_deps = [ "//executorch/kernels/optimized:libutils", "//executorch/runtime/core/exec_aten:lib", ], )