/* * Copyright (c) Meta Platforms, Inc. and affiliates. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ // NOTE: See dep_test/cpp_compat_test.cpp for a comparison use std::collections::BTreeMap; use serde_json::json; use super::BOOL_VALUES; use super::DOUBLE_VALUES; use super::INT64_VALUES; use crate::simplejson_protocol; use crate::simplejson_protocol::SimpleJsonProtocolDeserializer; use crate::thrift_protocol::MessageType; use crate::ttype::TType; use crate::Deserialize; use crate::ProtocolWriter; use crate::SimpleJsonProtocol; #[test] fn write_bool_list() { let thetype = TType::Bool; let thelen = BOOL_VALUES.len(); // Write let buf = serialize!(SimpleJsonProtocol, |p| { p.write_list_begin(thetype, thelen); for v in &BOOL_VALUES { p.write_list_value_begin(); p.write_bool(*v); } p.write_list_end(); }); let v: serde_json::Result = serde_json::from_slice(&buf); assert!(v.is_ok()); assert_eq!(buf, "[false,true,false,false,true]"); } #[test] fn write_string_list() { let string_values = vec![ String::from(""), String::from("a"), String::from("st[uf]f"), String::from("st,u:ff with spaces"), String::from("stuff\twith\nescape\\characters'...\"lots{of}fun"), String::from("UNICODE\u{1F60A}UH OH"), ]; let thetype = TType::String; let thelen = string_values.len(); let buf = serialize!(SimpleJsonProtocol, |p| { p.write_list_begin(thetype, thelen); for v in &string_values { p.write_list_value_begin(); p.write_string(v); } p.write_list_end(); }); let v: serde_json::Result = serde_json::from_slice(&buf); assert!(v.is_ok()); // String in the json should be escaped // But unicode is left alone // // See cpp_compat_test.cpp for a comparison assert_eq!( buf, "[\"\",\"a\",\"st[uf]f\",\"st,\ u:ff with spaces\",\"stuff\\twith\\nescape\\\\characters'...\\\"lots{of}fun\ \",\"UNICODE\u{1F60A}UH OH\"]" ); } #[test] fn write_i64_list() { let thetype = TType::I64; let thelen = INT64_VALUES.len(); let buf = serialize!(SimpleJsonProtocol, |p| { p.write_list_begin(thetype, thelen); for v in &INT64_VALUES { p.write_list_value_begin(); p.write_i64(*v); } p.write_list_end(); }); let v: serde_json::Result = serde_json::from_slice(&buf); assert!(v.is_ok()); assert_eq!( buf, "[459,0,1,-1,-128,127,32767,2147483647,\ -2147483535,34359738481,-35184372088719,\ -9223372036854775808,9223372036854775807]" ); } #[test] fn write_f64_list() { let thetype = TType::Double; let thelen = DOUBLE_VALUES.len(); let buf = serialize!(SimpleJsonProtocol, |p| { p.write_list_begin(thetype, thelen); for v in &DOUBLE_VALUES { p.write_list_value_begin(); p.write_double(*v); } p.write_list_end(); }); // json can't handle infinity or nan let v: serde_json::Result = serde_json::from_slice(&buf); assert!(v.is_err()); let buf2 = serialize!(SimpleJsonProtocol, |p| { p.write_list_begin(thetype, thelen - 2); for v in &DOUBLE_VALUES { if v >= &::std::f64::INFINITY || v <= &::std::f64::NEG_INFINITY || v.is_nan() { continue; } p.write_list_value_begin(); p.write_double(*v); } p.write_list_end(); }); let v: serde_json::Result = serde_json::from_slice(&buf2); assert!(v.is_ok()); assert_eq!( buf2, "[459.3,0.0,-1.0,1.0,0.5,0.3333,3.14159,\ 1.537e-38,1.673e25,6.02214179e23,-6.02214179e23]" ); } #[test] fn write_binary() { let buf = serialize!(SimpleJsonProtocol, |p| { // "1234" p.write_binary(&[49u8, 50u8, 51u8, 52u8]); }); // the \ isnt escaped assert_eq!(buf, "\"MTIzNA\""); } #[test] fn write_message() { let msg_name = String::from("hello_message"); let msg_type = MessageType::Call; let seq_id = 10; let buf = serialize!(SimpleJsonProtocol, |p| { p.write_message_begin(&msg_name, msg_type, seq_id); p.write_message_end(); }); let v: serde_json::Result = serde_json::from_slice(&buf); assert!(v.is_ok()); assert_eq!(buf, "[\"hello_message\",1,10]"); } #[test] fn read_json_value() { let json: &[u8] = br#" { "void" : null , "bool" : true , "double" : 1.0 , "utf8" : "..." , "spaces" : " spaces ", "list" : [ null , 1 ] , "struct" : { "" : null , "x" : false } } "#; let mut de = SimpleJsonProtocolDeserializer::new(json); let actual = serde_json::Value::read(&mut de).unwrap(); let expected = json!({ "void": null, "bool": true, "double": 1.0, "utf8": "...", "spaces": " spaces ", "list": [null, 1], "struct": {"": null, "x": false}, }); assert_eq!(actual, expected); } #[test] fn fail_to_read_json_value() { let json: &[u8] = br#" [null,] "#; let mut de = SimpleJsonProtocolDeserializer::new(json); let err = serde_json::Value::read(&mut de).unwrap_err(); assert_eq!("Found trailing comma", err.to_string()); } #[test] fn test_trailing() { let json: &[u8] = br#" "..." null "#; match simplejson_protocol::deserialize(json) { Ok(ok) => { let _: String = ok; panic!("trailing data is supposed to cause deserialization failure"); } Err(err) => assert_eq!( "Unexpected trailing data after the end of a value", format!("{:#}", err), ), } } #[test] fn fail_to_read_object() { let json: &[u8] = br#" { "#; let mut de = SimpleJsonProtocolDeserializer::new(json); let err = serde_json::Value::read(&mut de).unwrap_err(); assert_eq!( "Expected an end of a struct: Expected the following chars: \"}\", not enough bytes remaining", format!("{:#}", err), ); } #[test] fn test_bad_type() { let json: &[u8] = br#"{"test": 456}"#; match simplejson_protocol::deserialize(json) { Ok(ok) => { let _: BTreeMap = ok; panic!("type mismatch is supposed to cause deserialization failure"); } Err(err) => assert_eq!( r#"Expected a start of a string: Expected '"' got '4'"#, format!("{:#}", err) ), } }