/* * Copyright (c) Meta Platforms, Inc. and affiliates. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #include #include #include #include namespace apache { namespace thrift { using namespace testutil::testservice; struct SinkServiceTest : public AsyncTestSetup> {}; folly::coro::Task waitNoLeak(Client& client) { auto deadline = std::chrono::steady_clock::now() + std::chrono::seconds{2}; do { bool unsubscribed = co_await client.co_isSinkUnSubscribed(); if (unsubscribed) { co_return true; } } while (std::chrono::steady_clock::now() < deadline); co_return false; } TEST_F(SinkServiceTest, SimpleSink) { connectToServer( [](Client& client) -> folly::coro::Task { auto sink = co_await client.co_range(0, 100); bool finalResponse = co_await sink.sink([]() -> folly::coro::AsyncGenerator { // @lint-ignore CLANGTIDY bugprone-use-after-move for (int i = 0; i <= 100; i++) { co_yield std::move(i); } }()); EXPECT_TRUE(finalResponse); }); } TEST_F(SinkServiceTest, SinkThrow) { connectToServer( [](Client& client) -> folly::coro::Task { auto sink = co_await client.co_rangeThrow(0, 100); EXPECT_THROW( co_await sink.sink([]() -> folly::coro::AsyncGenerator { co_yield 0; co_yield 1; throw std::runtime_error("test"); }()), std::exception); co_await client.co_purge(); }); } TEST_F(SinkServiceTest, SinkThrowStruct) { connectToServer([](Client& client) -> folly::coro::Task { auto sink = co_await client.co_sinkThrow(); bool exceptionThrown = false; try { co_await sink.sink([]() -> folly::coro::AsyncGenerator { co_yield 0; co_yield 1; SinkException e; e.reason_ref() = "test"; throw e; }()); } catch (const SinkThrew& ex) { exceptionThrown = true; EXPECT_EQ(TApplicationException::UNKNOWN, ex.getType()); EXPECT_EQ( "testutil::testservice::SinkException: ::testutil::testservice::SinkException", ex.getMessage()); } EXPECT_TRUE(exceptionThrown); co_await client.co_purge(); }); } TEST_F(SinkServiceTest, SinkFinalThrow) { connectToServer( [](Client& client) -> folly::coro::Task { auto sink = co_await client.co_rangeFinalResponseThrow(0, 100); bool throwed = false; try { co_await sink.sink([]() -> folly::coro::AsyncGenerator { // @lint-ignore CLANGTIDY bugprone-use-after-move for (int i = 0; i <= 100; i++) { co_yield std::move(i); } }()); } catch (const std::exception& ex) { throwed = true; EXPECT_EQ("std::runtime_error: test", std::string(ex.what())); } EXPECT_TRUE(throwed); }); } TEST_F(SinkServiceTest, SinkFinalThrowStruct) { connectToServer( [](Client& client) -> folly::coro::Task { auto sink = co_await client.co_sinkFinalThrow(); bool throwed = false; try { co_await sink.sink([]() -> folly::coro::AsyncGenerator { // @lint-ignore CLANGTIDY bugprone-use-after-move for (int i = 0; i <= 100; i++) { co_yield std::move(i); } }()); } catch (const FinalException& ex) { throwed = true; EXPECT_EQ("test", *ex.reason_ref()); } EXPECT_TRUE(throwed); }); } TEST_F(SinkServiceTest, SinkEarlyFinalResponse) { connectToServer( [](Client& client) -> folly::coro::Task { auto sink = co_await client.co_rangeEarlyResponse(0, 100, 20); int finalResponse = co_await sink.sink([]() -> folly::coro::AsyncGenerator { // @lint-ignore CLANGTIDY bugprone-use-after-move for (int i = 0; i <= 100; i++) { co_yield std::move(i); } }()); EXPECT_EQ(20, finalResponse); }); } TEST_F(SinkServiceTest, SinkUnimplemented) { connectToServer( [](Client& client) -> folly::coro::Task { EXPECT_THROW(co_await client.co_unimplemented(), std::exception); }); } TEST_F(SinkServiceTest, SinkNotCalled) { connectToServer( [](Client& client) -> folly::coro::Task { // even though don't really call sink.sink(...), // after sink get out of scope, the sink should be cancelled properly co_await client.co_unSubscribedSink(); EXPECT_TRUE(co_await waitNoLeak(client)); }); } TEST_F(SinkServiceTest, SinkInitialThrows) { connectToServer( [](Client& client) -> folly::coro::Task { try { co_await client.co_initialThrow(); } catch (const MyException& ex) { EXPECT_EQ("reason", *ex.reason_ref()); } // connection should still be alive after initial throw co_await client.co_purge(); }); } TEST_F(SinkServiceTest, SinkInitialThrowsOnFinalResponseCalled) { class Callback : public SinkClientCallback { public: Callback( bool onFirstResponseBool, folly::coro::Baton& responseReceived, folly::coro::Baton& onFinalResponseCalled) : onFirstResponseBool_(onFirstResponseBool), responseReceived_(responseReceived), onFinalResponseCalled_(onFinalResponseCalled) {} bool onFirstResponse( FirstResponsePayload&&, folly::EventBase*, SinkServerCallback* serverCallback) override { SCOPE_EXIT { responseReceived_.post(); }; if (!onFirstResponseBool_) { serverCallback->onSinkError(std::runtime_error("stop sink")); return false; } return true; } void onFinalResponse(StreamPayload&&) override { if (onFirstResponseBool_) { onFinalResponseCalled_.post(); } else { FAIL() << "onFinalResponse called when onFirstResponse returned false"; } } bool onFirstResponseBool_; folly::coro::Baton& responseReceived_; folly::coro::Baton& onFinalResponseCalled_; // unused void onFirstResponseError(folly::exception_wrapper) override {} bool onSinkRequestN(uint64_t) override { return true; } void onFinalResponseError(folly::exception_wrapper) override {} void resetServerCallback(SinkServerCallback&) override {} }; connectToServer( [](Client& client) -> folly::coro::Task { ThriftPresult pargs; auto req = CompactSerializer::serialize(pargs); for (auto onFirstResponseBool : {true, false}) { folly::coro::Baton responseReceived, onFinalResponseCalled; Callback callback( onFirstResponseBool, responseReceived, onFinalResponseCalled); client.getChannelShared()->sendRequestSink( RpcOptions(), "initialThrow", SerializedRequest(folly::IOBuf::copyBuffer(req)), std::make_shared(), &callback); co_await responseReceived; if (onFirstResponseBool) { co_await onFinalResponseCalled; } } }); } TEST_F(SinkServiceTest, SinkChunkTimeout) { connectToServer( [](Client& client) -> folly::coro::Task { auto sink = co_await client.co_rangeChunkTimeout(); bool exceptionThrown = false; try { co_await [&]() -> folly::coro::Task { co_await sink.sink([]() -> folly::coro::AsyncGenerator { // @lint-ignore CLANGTIDY bugprone-use-after-move for (int i = 0; i <= 100; i++) { if (i == 20) { co_await folly::coro::sleep(std::chrono::milliseconds{500}); } co_yield std::move(i); } }()); }(); } catch (const TApplicationException& ex) { exceptionThrown = true; EXPECT_EQ(TApplicationException::TIMEOUT, ex.getType()); } EXPECT_TRUE(exceptionThrown); }); } TEST_F(SinkServiceTest, ClientTimeoutNoLeak) { connectToServer( [](Client& client) -> folly::coro::Task { EXPECT_THROW( co_await client.co_unSubscribedSinkSlowReturn(), std::exception); EXPECT_TRUE(co_await waitNoLeak(client)); }); } TEST_F(SinkServiceTest, AssignmentNoLeak) { connectToServer( [](Client& client) -> folly::coro::Task { { auto sink = co_await client.co_unSubscribedSink(); sink = co_await client.co_unSubscribedSink(); } EXPECT_TRUE(co_await waitNoLeak(client)); }); } folly::coro::Task neverStream() { folly::coro::Baton baton; folly::CancellationCallback cb{ co_await folly::coro::co_current_cancellation_token, [&] { baton.post(); }}; co_await baton; } TEST_F(SinkServiceTest, SinkEarlyFinalResponseWithLongWait) { connectToServer( [](Client& client) -> folly::coro::Task { // return final response once received two numbers auto sink = co_await client.co_rangeEarlyResponse(0, 5, 2); int finalResponse = co_await sink.sink([]() -> folly::coro::AsyncGenerator { co_yield 0; co_yield 1; // this long wait should get cancelled by final response co_await neverStream(); }()); EXPECT_EQ(2, finalResponse); }); } TEST_F(SinkServiceTest, SinkEarlyClose) { std::vector ths; for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++) { ths.push_back(std::thread([this]() { connectToServer( [](Client& client) -> folly::coro::Task { auto sink = co_await client.co_range(0, 100); }); })); } for (auto& th : ths) { th.join(); } } TEST_F(SinkServiceTest, SinkEmptyRocketExceptionCrash) { connectToServer( [&](Client& client) -> folly::coro::Task { auto sink = co_await client.co_range(0, 100); server_->setIngressMemoryLimit(1); server_->setMinPayloadSizeToEnforceIngressMemoryLimit(0); EXPECT_THROW(co_await client.co_test(), TApplicationException); EXPECT_THROW(co_await sink.sink({}), rocket::RocketException); }); } TEST_F(SinkServiceTest, SinkServerCancellation) { connectToServer( [](Client& client) -> folly::coro::Task { // client sends values 0..100, server initiates cancellation at value 5 auto sink = co_await client.co_rangeCancelAt(0, 100, 5); bool finalResponse = co_await sink.sink([]() -> folly::coro::AsyncGenerator { // enter wait after 5 values, server should cancel // @lint-ignore CLANGTIDY bugprone-use-after-move for (int i = 0; i <= 5; i++) { co_yield std::move(i); } co_await neverStream(); }()); // server sends false as finalResponse after canceling sink EXPECT_FALSE(finalResponse); }); } TEST_F(SinkServiceTest, SinkClientCancellation) { // cancel when async generator get stuck connectToServer( [](Client& client) -> folly::coro::Task { auto sink = co_await client.co_unSubscribedSink(); folly::CancellationSource cancelSource; folly::coro::co_invoke([&cancelSource]() -> folly::coro::Task { co_await folly::coro::sleep(std::chrono::milliseconds{200}); cancelSource.requestCancellation(); }) .scheduleOn(co_await folly::coro::co_current_executor) .start(); EXPECT_THROW( co_await folly::coro::co_withCancellation( cancelSource.getToken(), sink.sink([]() -> folly::coro::AsyncGenerator { co_await neverStream(); // @lint-ignore CLANGTIDY bugprone-use-after-move for (int i = 0; i <= 10; i++) { co_yield std::move(i); } }())), folly::OperationCancelled); co_await waitNoLeak(client); }); // cancel when final response being slow connectToServer( [](Client& client) -> folly::coro::Task { auto sink = co_await client.co_rangeSlowFinalResponse(0, 10); folly::CancellationSource cancelSource; EXPECT_THROW( co_await folly::coro::co_withCancellation( cancelSource.getToken(), sink.sink([&]() -> folly::coro::AsyncGenerator { // @lint-ignore CLANGTIDY bugprone-use-after-move for (int i = 0; i <= 10; i++) { co_yield std::move(i); } cancelSource.requestCancellation(); }())), folly::OperationCancelled); }); } TEST_F(SinkServiceTest, DuplicateStreamIdThrows) { connectToServer( [](Client& client) -> folly::coro::Task { // dummy request to send setup frame co_await client.co_test(); // sink request frame will now be sent twice with the same stream id EXPECT_THROW(co_await client.co_range(0, 100), TTransportException); }); } } // namespace thrift } // namespace apache