--- description: How to preview the doc site locally --- # Local Preview Thrift content is built using [Docusaurus](https://docusaurus.io). For simple edits and suggestions, you can use the Edit this page or the Add new page button at the end of each page to submit your edit. For more complex edits and suggestions, you can clone the repo locally, make your edits, preview, and submit a pull request. ## Install Website from GitHub Prereq: Make sure you have `yarn` and `node.js` installed on your local machine. From a commandline or SSH: 1. Run `git clone https://github.com/facebook/fbthrift` to clone the fbThrift project 1. cd into `cd fbthrift/thrift/website` 1. Run `yarn install` to install website packages and any dependancies. You only need to do this once 1. Run `yarn start` to start the webserver 1. To preview the website, point your web browser to: `localhost:3000`