# Style Guide The following naming style **should** be used in all Thrift IDL files for consistency and clarity. ## Naming Use snake case for file names, as they function like "module" names when included in other thrift files, for example: `standard.thrift`, `security_domain.thrift.` Use upper camel case (PascalCase) for type and service names. - `struct MyStruct { ... }`, not `myStruct` - `typedef int MyInt`, not `my_int` Use lower camel case for identifiers. - `1: string tierName`, not `tier_name` Don’t capitalize acronyms; they follow the same camel-case rules. - `serviceId`, not `serviceID` - `service HttpServer { ... }`, not `HTTPServer` When types are impractical for dimensional values, include units, for example `ttlMs` instead of `ttl`.