/* * Copyright (c) Meta Platforms, Inc. and affiliates. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ include "thrift/annotation/rust.thrift" include "thrift/annotation/scope.thrift" // -- @rust.Type{name = "OrderedFloat"} typedef double double_t struct T0 { 1: double_t data; } struct T1 { @rust.Type{name = "OrderedFloat"} 1: double data; } @rust.Type{name = "sorted_vector_map::SortedVectorMap"} typedef map map_t struct T2 { 1: map_t data; } struct T3 { @rust.Type{name = "sorted_vector_map::SortedVectorMap"} 1: map data; } struct T4 { @rust.Type{name = "HashMap"} 1: map_t data; } // -- @rust.Type{name = "smallvec::SmallVec<[u8; 16]>"} typedef binary binary_t (rust.newtype) @rust.NewType typedef i64 Generation @rust.NewType @rust.Type{name = "smallvec::SmallVec<[u8; 16]>"} typedef binary binary_t2 // -- @rust.Ord // This struct would not derive `Ord` but for this. struct T5 { 1: map data; } // -- @rust.Exhaustive // no `pub _dot_dot_Default_default: self::dot_dot::OtherFields` struct T6 {} // -- struct T7 { @rust.Box 1: i64 data; // `::std::boxed::Box<::std::primitive::i64>` } // -- struct T8 { @rust.Arc 1: i64 data; // `::std::sync::Arc<::std::primitive::i64>` } // -- @rust.Name{name = "Service1"} @rust.RequestContext service S1 { T6 r(); } // -- @rust.Copy struct T9 { 1: i64 data; } // -- service S2 { @rust.Name{name = "s"} T6 r(); } enum E1 { @rust.Name{name = "B0"} A0 = 0, @rust.Name{name = "B1"} A1 = 1, } @rust.Name{name = "F2"} enum E2 { } @rust.Name{name = "U10"} struct T10 { @rust.Name{name = "string"} 1: string data; } @rust.Name{name = "t_y1"} typedef i64 t_t1 @rust.Name{name = "U11"} union T11 { @rust.Name{name = "string"} 1: string str; 2: i32 integer; } // -- @rust.Derive{derives = ["Foo", "crate::Bar"]} @scope.Transitive struct TransitiveDerives {} @rust.Derive{derives = ["Foo"]} enum EnumWithDerives { UNKNOWN = 0, STUFF = 420, } @TransitiveDerives struct StructWithTransitiveDerives {} safe transient server exception SomeError {} @rust.ServiceExn{anyhow_to_application_exn = true} service AllMethods { void foo(); string bar() throws (1: SomeError se); } service OneMethod { @rust.ServiceExn{anyhow_to_application_exn = true} void foo(); string bar() throws (1: SomeError se); } @rust.ServiceExn{anyhow_to_application_exn = true} service OneMethodOptOut { void foo(); @rust.ServiceExn{anyhow_to_application_exn = false} string bar() throws (1: SomeError se); } union Bar { 1: i32 WithAnnotation (rust.name = "Annotated"); 2: i32 WithoutAnnotation; } // @lint-ignore THRIFTCHECKS const Bar BAR1 = {WithAnnotation: 123}; // @lint-ignore THRIFTCHECKS const Bar BAR2 = {WithoutAnnotation: 123};