// @generated by Thrift for [[[ program path ]]] // This file is probably not the place you want to edit! package module // [[[ program thrift source path ]]] import ( "context" "fmt" "strings" "sync" thrift "github.com/facebook/fbthrift/thrift/lib/go/thrift" metadata "github.com/facebook/fbthrift/thrift/lib/thrift/metadata" ) // (needed to ensure safety because of naive import list construction) var _ = context.Background var _ = fmt.Printf var _ = strings.Split var _ = sync.Mutex{} var _ = thrift.ZERO var _ = metadata.GoUnusedProtection__ type GetEntity interface { GetEntity(ctx context.Context, r *GetEntityRequest) (*GetEntityResponse, error) GetBool(ctx context.Context) (bool, error) GetByte(ctx context.Context) (int8, error) GetI16(ctx context.Context) (int16, error) GetI32(ctx context.Context) (int32, error) GetI64(ctx context.Context) (int64, error) GetDouble(ctx context.Context) (float64, error) GetString(ctx context.Context) (string, error) GetBinary(ctx context.Context) ([]byte, error) GetMap(ctx context.Context) (map[string]string, error) GetSet(ctx context.Context) ([]string, error) GetList(ctx context.Context) ([]string, error) GetLegacyStuff(ctx context.Context, numPos int64, numNeg1 int64, numNeg2 int64) (int32, error) GetCtxCollision(ctx1 context.Context, ctx int64) (int32, error) GetCtx1Collision(ctx2 context.Context, ctx int64, ctx1 int64) (int32, error) GetContextCollision(ctx context.Context, context_ int64) (int32, error) GetOutCollision(ctx context.Context, out int64) (int32, error) GetOut1Collision(ctx context.Context, out int64, out1 int64) (int32, error) GetInCollision(ctx context.Context, in int64) (int32, error) GetIn1Collision(ctx context.Context, in int64, in1 int64) (int32, error) GetErrCollision(ctx context.Context, err int64) (int32, error) GetErr1Collision(ctx context.Context, err int64, err1 int64) (int32, error) } type GetEntityChannelClientInterface interface { thrift.ClientInterface GetEntity } type GetEntityClientInterface interface { thrift.ClientInterface GetEntity(r *GetEntityRequest) (*GetEntityResponse, error) GetBool() (bool, error) GetByte() (int8, error) GetI16() (int16, error) GetI32() (int32, error) GetI64() (int64, error) GetDouble() (float64, error) GetString() (string, error) GetBinary() ([]byte, error) GetMap() (map[string]string, error) GetSet() ([]string, error) GetList() ([]string, error) GetLegacyStuff(numPos int64, numNeg1 int64, numNeg2 int64) (int32, error) GetCtxCollision(ctx int64) (int32, error) GetCtx1Collision(ctx int64, ctx1 int64) (int32, error) GetContextCollision(context_ int64) (int32, error) GetOutCollision(out int64) (int32, error) GetOut1Collision(out int64, out1 int64) (int32, error) GetInCollision(in int64) (int32, error) GetIn1Collision(in int64, in1 int64) (int32, error) GetErrCollision(err int64) (int32, error) GetErr1Collision(err int64, err1 int64) (int32, error) } type GetEntityContextClientInterface interface { GetEntityClientInterface GetEntityContext(ctx context.Context, r *GetEntityRequest) (*GetEntityResponse, error) GetBoolContext(ctx context.Context) (bool, error) GetByteContext(ctx context.Context) (int8, error) GetI16Context(ctx context.Context) (int16, error) GetI32Context(ctx context.Context) (int32, error) GetI64Context(ctx context.Context) (int64, error) GetDoubleContext(ctx context.Context) (float64, error) GetStringContext(ctx context.Context) (string, error) GetBinaryContext(ctx context.Context) ([]byte, error) GetMapContext(ctx context.Context) (map[string]string, error) GetSetContext(ctx context.Context) ([]string, error) GetListContext(ctx context.Context) ([]string, error) GetLegacyStuffContext(ctx context.Context, numPos int64, numNeg1 int64, numNeg2 int64) (int32, error) GetCtxCollisionContext(ctx1 context.Context, ctx int64) (int32, error) GetCtx1CollisionContext(ctx2 context.Context, ctx int64, ctx1 int64) (int32, error) GetContextCollisionContext(ctx context.Context, context_ int64) (int32, error) GetOutCollisionContext(ctx context.Context, out int64) (int32, error) GetOut1CollisionContext(ctx context.Context, out int64, out1 int64) (int32, error) GetInCollisionContext(ctx context.Context, in int64) (int32, error) GetIn1CollisionContext(ctx context.Context, in int64, in1 int64) (int32, error) GetErrCollisionContext(ctx context.Context, err int64) (int32, error) GetErr1CollisionContext(ctx context.Context, err int64, err1 int64) (int32, error) } type GetEntityChannelClient struct { ch thrift.RequestChannel } // Compile time interface enforcer var _ GetEntityChannelClientInterface = &GetEntityChannelClient{} func NewGetEntityChannelClient(channel thrift.RequestChannel) *GetEntityChannelClient { return &GetEntityChannelClient{ ch: channel, } } func (c *GetEntityChannelClient) Close() error { return c.ch.Close() } type GetEntityClient struct { chClient *GetEntityChannelClient Mu sync.Mutex } // Compile time interface enforcer var _ GetEntityClientInterface = &GetEntityClient{} var _ GetEntityContextClientInterface = &GetEntityClient{} func NewGetEntityClient(prot thrift.Protocol) *GetEntityClient { return &GetEntityClient{ chClient: NewGetEntityChannelClient( thrift.NewSerialChannel(prot), ), } } func (c *GetEntityClient) Close() error { return c.chClient.Close() } func (c *GetEntityChannelClient) GetEntity(ctx context.Context, r *GetEntityRequest) (*GetEntityResponse, error) { in := &reqGetEntityGetEntity{ R: r, } out := newRespGetEntityGetEntity() err := c.ch.Call(ctx, "getEntity", in, out) if err != nil { return nil, err } return out.GetSuccess(), nil } func (c *GetEntityClient) GetEntity(r *GetEntityRequest) (*GetEntityResponse, error) { return c.chClient.GetEntity(context.Background(), r) } func (c *GetEntityClient) GetEntityContext(ctx context.Context, r *GetEntityRequest) (*GetEntityResponse, error) { return c.chClient.GetEntity(ctx, r) } func (c *GetEntityChannelClient) GetBool(ctx context.Context) (bool, error) { in := &reqGetEntityGetBool{ } out := newRespGetEntityGetBool() err := c.ch.Call(ctx, "getBool", in, out) if err != nil { return false, err } return out.GetSuccess(), nil } func (c *GetEntityClient) GetBool() (bool, error) { return c.chClient.GetBool(context.Background()) } func (c *GetEntityClient) GetBoolContext(ctx context.Context) (bool, error) { return c.chClient.GetBool(ctx) } func (c *GetEntityChannelClient) GetByte(ctx context.Context) (int8, error) { in := &reqGetEntityGetByte{ } out := newRespGetEntityGetByte() err := c.ch.Call(ctx, "getByte", in, out) if err != nil { return 0, err } return out.GetSuccess(), nil } func (c *GetEntityClient) GetByte() (int8, error) { return c.chClient.GetByte(context.Background()) } func (c *GetEntityClient) GetByteContext(ctx context.Context) (int8, error) { return c.chClient.GetByte(ctx) } func (c *GetEntityChannelClient) GetI16(ctx context.Context) (int16, error) { in := &reqGetEntityGetI16{ } out := newRespGetEntityGetI16() err := c.ch.Call(ctx, "getI16", in, out) if err != nil { return 0, err } return out.GetSuccess(), nil } func (c *GetEntityClient) GetI16() (int16, error) { return c.chClient.GetI16(context.Background()) } func (c *GetEntityClient) GetI16Context(ctx context.Context) (int16, error) { return c.chClient.GetI16(ctx) } func (c *GetEntityChannelClient) GetI32(ctx context.Context) (int32, error) { in := &reqGetEntityGetI32{ } out := newRespGetEntityGetI32() err := c.ch.Call(ctx, "getI32", in, out) if err != nil { return 0, err } return out.GetSuccess(), nil } func (c *GetEntityClient) GetI32() (int32, error) { return c.chClient.GetI32(context.Background()) } func (c *GetEntityClient) GetI32Context(ctx context.Context) (int32, error) { return c.chClient.GetI32(ctx) } func (c *GetEntityChannelClient) GetI64(ctx context.Context) (int64, error) { in := &reqGetEntityGetI64{ } out := newRespGetEntityGetI64() err := c.ch.Call(ctx, "getI64", in, out) if err != nil { return 0, err } return out.GetSuccess(), nil } func (c *GetEntityClient) GetI64() (int64, error) { return c.chClient.GetI64(context.Background()) } func (c *GetEntityClient) GetI64Context(ctx context.Context) (int64, error) { return c.chClient.GetI64(ctx) } func (c *GetEntityChannelClient) GetDouble(ctx context.Context) (float64, error) { in := &reqGetEntityGetDouble{ } out := newRespGetEntityGetDouble() err := c.ch.Call(ctx, "getDouble", in, out) if err != nil { return 0.0, err } return out.GetSuccess(), nil } func (c *GetEntityClient) GetDouble() (float64, error) { return c.chClient.GetDouble(context.Background()) } func (c *GetEntityClient) GetDoubleContext(ctx context.Context) (float64, error) { return c.chClient.GetDouble(ctx) } func (c *GetEntityChannelClient) GetString(ctx context.Context) (string, error) { in := &reqGetEntityGetString{ } out := newRespGetEntityGetString() err := c.ch.Call(ctx, "getString", in, out) if err != nil { return "", err } return out.GetSuccess(), nil } func (c *GetEntityClient) GetString() (string, error) { return c.chClient.GetString(context.Background()) } func (c *GetEntityClient) GetStringContext(ctx context.Context) (string, error) { return c.chClient.GetString(ctx) } func (c *GetEntityChannelClient) GetBinary(ctx context.Context) ([]byte, error) { in := &reqGetEntityGetBinary{ } out := newRespGetEntityGetBinary() err := c.ch.Call(ctx, "getBinary", in, out) if err != nil { return nil, err } return out.GetSuccess(), nil } func (c *GetEntityClient) GetBinary() ([]byte, error) { return c.chClient.GetBinary(context.Background()) } func (c *GetEntityClient) GetBinaryContext(ctx context.Context) ([]byte, error) { return c.chClient.GetBinary(ctx) } func (c *GetEntityChannelClient) GetMap(ctx context.Context) (map[string]string, error) { in := &reqGetEntityGetMap{ } out := newRespGetEntityGetMap() err := c.ch.Call(ctx, "getMap", in, out) if err != nil { return nil, err } return out.GetSuccess(), nil } func (c *GetEntityClient) GetMap() (map[string]string, error) { return c.chClient.GetMap(context.Background()) } func (c *GetEntityClient) GetMapContext(ctx context.Context) (map[string]string, error) { return c.chClient.GetMap(ctx) } func (c *GetEntityChannelClient) GetSet(ctx context.Context) ([]string, error) { in := &reqGetEntityGetSet{ } out := newRespGetEntityGetSet() err := c.ch.Call(ctx, "getSet", in, out) if err != nil { return nil, err } return out.GetSuccess(), nil } func (c *GetEntityClient) GetSet() ([]string, error) { return c.chClient.GetSet(context.Background()) } func (c *GetEntityClient) GetSetContext(ctx context.Context) ([]string, error) { return c.chClient.GetSet(ctx) } func (c *GetEntityChannelClient) GetList(ctx context.Context) ([]string, error) { in := &reqGetEntityGetList{ } out := newRespGetEntityGetList() err := c.ch.Call(ctx, "getList", in, out) if err != nil { return nil, err } return out.GetSuccess(), nil } func (c *GetEntityClient) GetList() ([]string, error) { return c.chClient.GetList(context.Background()) } func (c *GetEntityClient) GetListContext(ctx context.Context) ([]string, error) { return c.chClient.GetList(ctx) } func (c *GetEntityChannelClient) GetLegacyStuff(ctx context.Context, numPos int64, numNeg1 int64, numNeg2 int64) (int32, error) { in := &reqGetEntityGetLegacyStuff{ NumPos: numPos, NumNeg1: numNeg1, NumNeg2: numNeg2, } out := newRespGetEntityGetLegacyStuff() err := c.ch.Call(ctx, "getLegacyStuff", in, out) if err != nil { return 0, err } return out.GetSuccess(), nil } func (c *GetEntityClient) GetLegacyStuff(numPos int64, numNeg1 int64, numNeg2 int64) (int32, error) { return c.chClient.GetLegacyStuff(context.Background(), numPos, numNeg1, numNeg2) } func (c *GetEntityClient) GetLegacyStuffContext(ctx context.Context, numPos int64, numNeg1 int64, numNeg2 int64) (int32, error) { return c.chClient.GetLegacyStuff(ctx, numPos, numNeg1, numNeg2) } func (c *GetEntityChannelClient) GetCtxCollision(ctx1 context.Context, ctx int64) (int32, error) { in := &reqGetEntityGetCtxCollision{ Ctx: ctx, } out := newRespGetEntityGetCtxCollision() err := c.ch.Call(ctx1, "getCtxCollision", in, out) if err != nil { return 0, err } return out.GetSuccess(), nil } func (c *GetEntityClient) GetCtxCollision(ctx int64) (int32, error) { return c.chClient.GetCtxCollision(context.Background(), ctx) } func (c *GetEntityClient) GetCtxCollisionContext(ctx1 context.Context, ctx int64) (int32, error) { return c.chClient.GetCtxCollision(ctx1, ctx) } func (c *GetEntityChannelClient) GetCtx1Collision(ctx2 context.Context, ctx int64, ctx1 int64) (int32, error) { in := &reqGetEntityGetCtx1Collision{ Ctx: ctx, Ctx1: ctx1, } out := newRespGetEntityGetCtx1Collision() err := c.ch.Call(ctx2, "getCtx1Collision", in, out) if err != nil { return 0, err } return out.GetSuccess(), nil } func (c *GetEntityClient) GetCtx1Collision(ctx int64, ctx1 int64) (int32, error) { return c.chClient.GetCtx1Collision(context.Background(), ctx, ctx1) } func (c *GetEntityClient) GetCtx1CollisionContext(ctx2 context.Context, ctx int64, ctx1 int64) (int32, error) { return c.chClient.GetCtx1Collision(ctx2, ctx, ctx1) } func (c *GetEntityChannelClient) GetContextCollision(ctx context.Context, context_ int64) (int32, error) { in := &reqGetEntityGetContextCollision{ Context: context_, } out := newRespGetEntityGetContextCollision() err := c.ch.Call(ctx, "getContextCollision", in, out) if err != nil { return 0, err } return out.GetSuccess(), nil } func (c *GetEntityClient) GetContextCollision(context_ int64) (int32, error) { return c.chClient.GetContextCollision(context.Background(), context_) } func (c *GetEntityClient) GetContextCollisionContext(ctx context.Context, context_ int64) (int32, error) { return c.chClient.GetContextCollision(ctx, context_) } func (c *GetEntityChannelClient) GetOutCollision(ctx context.Context, out int64) (int32, error) { in := &reqGetEntityGetOutCollision{ Out: out, } out1 := newRespGetEntityGetOutCollision() err := c.ch.Call(ctx, "getOutCollision", in, out1) if err != nil { return 0, err } return out1.GetSuccess(), nil } func (c *GetEntityClient) GetOutCollision(out int64) (int32, error) { return c.chClient.GetOutCollision(context.Background(), out) } func (c *GetEntityClient) GetOutCollisionContext(ctx context.Context, out int64) (int32, error) { return c.chClient.GetOutCollision(ctx, out) } func (c *GetEntityChannelClient) GetOut1Collision(ctx context.Context, out int64, out1 int64) (int32, error) { in := &reqGetEntityGetOut1Collision{ Out: out, Out1: out1, } out2 := newRespGetEntityGetOut1Collision() err := c.ch.Call(ctx, "getOut1Collision", in, out2) if err != nil { return 0, err } return out2.GetSuccess(), nil } func (c *GetEntityClient) GetOut1Collision(out int64, out1 int64) (int32, error) { return c.chClient.GetOut1Collision(context.Background(), out, out1) } func (c *GetEntityClient) GetOut1CollisionContext(ctx context.Context, out int64, out1 int64) (int32, error) { return c.chClient.GetOut1Collision(ctx, out, out1) } func (c *GetEntityChannelClient) GetInCollision(ctx context.Context, in int64) (int32, error) { in1 := &reqGetEntityGetInCollision{ In: in, } out := newRespGetEntityGetInCollision() err := c.ch.Call(ctx, "getInCollision", in1, out) if err != nil { return 0, err } return out.GetSuccess(), nil } func (c *GetEntityClient) GetInCollision(in int64) (int32, error) { return c.chClient.GetInCollision(context.Background(), in) } func (c *GetEntityClient) GetInCollisionContext(ctx context.Context, in int64) (int32, error) { return c.chClient.GetInCollision(ctx, in) } func (c *GetEntityChannelClient) GetIn1Collision(ctx context.Context, in int64, in1 int64) (int32, error) { in2 := &reqGetEntityGetIn1Collision{ In: in, In1: in1, } out := newRespGetEntityGetIn1Collision() err := c.ch.Call(ctx, "getIn1Collision", in2, out) if err != nil { return 0, err } return out.GetSuccess(), nil } func (c *GetEntityClient) GetIn1Collision(in int64, in1 int64) (int32, error) { return c.chClient.GetIn1Collision(context.Background(), in, in1) } func (c *GetEntityClient) GetIn1CollisionContext(ctx context.Context, in int64, in1 int64) (int32, error) { return c.chClient.GetIn1Collision(ctx, in, in1) } func (c *GetEntityChannelClient) GetErrCollision(ctx context.Context, err int64) (int32, error) { in := &reqGetEntityGetErrCollision{ Err: err, } out := newRespGetEntityGetErrCollision() err1 := c.ch.Call(ctx, "getErrCollision", in, out) if err1 != nil { return 0, err1 } return out.GetSuccess(), nil } func (c *GetEntityClient) GetErrCollision(err int64) (int32, error) { return c.chClient.GetErrCollision(context.Background(), err) } func (c *GetEntityClient) GetErrCollisionContext(ctx context.Context, err int64) (int32, error) { return c.chClient.GetErrCollision(ctx, err) } func (c *GetEntityChannelClient) GetErr1Collision(ctx context.Context, err int64, err1 int64) (int32, error) { in := &reqGetEntityGetErr1Collision{ Err: err, Err1: err1, } out := newRespGetEntityGetErr1Collision() err2 := c.ch.Call(ctx, "getErr1Collision", in, out) if err2 != nil { return 0, err2 } return out.GetSuccess(), nil } func (c *GetEntityClient) GetErr1Collision(err int64, err1 int64) (int32, error) { return c.chClient.GetErr1Collision(context.Background(), err, err1) } func (c *GetEntityClient) GetErr1CollisionContext(ctx context.Context, err int64, err1 int64) (int32, error) { return c.chClient.GetErr1Collision(ctx, err, err1) } type reqGetEntityGetEntity struct { R *GetEntityRequest `thrift:"r,1" json:"r" db:"r"` } // Compile time interface enforcer var _ thrift.Struct = &reqGetEntityGetEntity{} // Deprecated: GetEntityGetEntityArgsDeprecated is deprecated, since it is supposed to be internal. type GetEntityGetEntityArgsDeprecated = reqGetEntityGetEntity func newReqGetEntityGetEntity() *reqGetEntityGetEntity { return (&reqGetEntityGetEntity{}). SetRNonCompat(*NewGetEntityRequest()) } func (x *reqGetEntityGetEntity) GetRNonCompat() *GetEntityRequest { return x.R } func (x *reqGetEntityGetEntity) GetR() *GetEntityRequest { if !x.IsSetR() { return nil } return x.R } func (x *reqGetEntityGetEntity) SetRNonCompat(value GetEntityRequest) *reqGetEntityGetEntity { x.R = &value return x } func (x *reqGetEntityGetEntity) SetR(value *GetEntityRequest) *reqGetEntityGetEntity { x.R = value return x } func (x *reqGetEntityGetEntity) IsSetR() bool { return x != nil && x.R != nil } func (x *reqGetEntityGetEntity) writeField1(p thrift.Format) error { // R if !x.IsSetR() { return nil } if err := p.WriteFieldBegin("r", thrift.STRUCT, 1); err != nil { return thrift.PrependError(fmt.Sprintf("%T write field begin error: ", x), err) } item := x.GetRNonCompat() if err := item.Write(p); err != nil { return err } if err := p.WriteFieldEnd(); err != nil { return thrift.PrependError(fmt.Sprintf("%T write field end error: ", x), err) } return nil } func (x *reqGetEntityGetEntity) readField1(p thrift.Format) error { // R result := *NewGetEntityRequest() err := result.Read(p) if err != nil { return err } x.SetRNonCompat(result) return nil } func (x *reqGetEntityGetEntity) toString1() string { // R return fmt.Sprintf("%v", x.GetRNonCompat()) } // Deprecated: Use newReqGetEntityGetEntity().GetR() instead. func (x *reqGetEntityGetEntity) DefaultGetR() *GetEntityRequest { if !x.IsSetR() { return NewGetEntityRequest() } return x.R } // Deprecated: Use "New" constructor and setters to build your structs. // e.g newReqGetEntityGetEntity().Set().Set() type reqGetEntityGetEntityBuilder struct { obj *reqGetEntityGetEntity } // Deprecated: Use "New" constructor and setters to build your structs. // e.g newReqGetEntityGetEntity().Set().Set() func newReqGetEntityGetEntityBuilder() *reqGetEntityGetEntityBuilder { return &reqGetEntityGetEntityBuilder{ obj: newReqGetEntityGetEntity(), } } // Deprecated: Use "New" constructor and setters to build your structs. // e.g newReqGetEntityGetEntity().Set().Set() func (x *reqGetEntityGetEntityBuilder) R(value *GetEntityRequest) *reqGetEntityGetEntityBuilder { x.obj.R = value return x } // Deprecated: Use "New" constructor and setters to build your structs. // e.g newReqGetEntityGetEntity().Set().Set() func (x *reqGetEntityGetEntityBuilder) Emit() *reqGetEntityGetEntity { var objCopy reqGetEntityGetEntity = *x.obj return &objCopy } func (x *reqGetEntityGetEntity) Write(p thrift.Format) error { if err := p.WriteStructBegin("reqGetEntityGetEntity"); err != nil { return thrift.PrependError(fmt.Sprintf("%T write struct begin error: ", x), err) } if err := x.writeField1(p); err != nil { return err } if err := p.WriteFieldStop(); err != nil { return thrift.PrependError(fmt.Sprintf("%T write field stop error: ", x), err) } if err := p.WriteStructEnd(); err != nil { return thrift.PrependError(fmt.Sprintf("%T write struct end error: ", x), err) } return nil } func (x *reqGetEntityGetEntity) Read(p thrift.Format) error { if _, err := p.ReadStructBegin(); err != nil { return thrift.PrependError(fmt.Sprintf("%T read error: ", x), err) } for { _, wireType, id, err := p.ReadFieldBegin() if err != nil { return thrift.PrependError(fmt.Sprintf("%T field %d read error: ", x, id), err) } if wireType == thrift.STOP { break; } switch { case (id == 1 && wireType == thrift.Type(thrift.STRUCT)): // r if err := x.readField1(p); err != nil { return err } default: if err := p.Skip(wireType); err != nil { return err } } if err := p.ReadFieldEnd(); err != nil { return err } } if err := p.ReadStructEnd(); err != nil { return thrift.PrependError(fmt.Sprintf("%T read struct end error: ", x), err) } return nil } func (x *reqGetEntityGetEntity) String() string { if x == nil { return "" } var sb strings.Builder sb.WriteString("reqGetEntityGetEntity({") sb.WriteString(fmt.Sprintf("R:%s", x.toString1())) sb.WriteString("})") return sb.String() } type respGetEntityGetEntity struct { Success *GetEntityResponse `thrift:"success,0,optional" json:"success,omitempty" db:"success"` } // Compile time interface enforcer var _ thrift.Struct = &respGetEntityGetEntity{} var _ thrift.WritableResult = &respGetEntityGetEntity{} // Deprecated: GetEntityGetEntityResultDeprecated is deprecated, since it is supposed to be internal. type GetEntityGetEntityResultDeprecated = respGetEntityGetEntity func newRespGetEntityGetEntity() *respGetEntityGetEntity { return (&respGetEntityGetEntity{}) } func (x *respGetEntityGetEntity) GetSuccessNonCompat() *GetEntityResponse { return x.Success } func (x *respGetEntityGetEntity) GetSuccess() *GetEntityResponse { if !x.IsSetSuccess() { return nil } return x.Success } func (x *respGetEntityGetEntity) SetSuccessNonCompat(value GetEntityResponse) *respGetEntityGetEntity { x.Success = &value return x } func (x *respGetEntityGetEntity) SetSuccess(value *GetEntityResponse) *respGetEntityGetEntity { x.Success = value return x } func (x *respGetEntityGetEntity) IsSetSuccess() bool { return x != nil && x.Success != nil } func (x *respGetEntityGetEntity) writeField0(p thrift.Format) error { // Success if !x.IsSetSuccess() { return nil } if err := p.WriteFieldBegin("success", thrift.STRUCT, 0); err != nil { return thrift.PrependError(fmt.Sprintf("%T write field begin error: ", x), err) } item := x.GetSuccessNonCompat() if err := item.Write(p); err != nil { return err } if err := p.WriteFieldEnd(); err != nil { return thrift.PrependError(fmt.Sprintf("%T write field end error: ", x), err) } return nil } func (x *respGetEntityGetEntity) readField0(p thrift.Format) error { // Success result := *NewGetEntityResponse() err := result.Read(p) if err != nil { return err } x.SetSuccessNonCompat(result) return nil } func (x *respGetEntityGetEntity) toString0() string { // Success return fmt.Sprintf("%v", x.GetSuccessNonCompat()) } // Deprecated: Use newRespGetEntityGetEntity().GetSuccess() instead. func (x *respGetEntityGetEntity) DefaultGetSuccess() *GetEntityResponse { if !x.IsSetSuccess() { return NewGetEntityResponse() } return x.Success } // Deprecated: Use "New" constructor and setters to build your structs. // e.g newRespGetEntityGetEntity().Set().Set() type respGetEntityGetEntityBuilder struct { obj *respGetEntityGetEntity } // Deprecated: Use "New" constructor and setters to build your structs. // e.g newRespGetEntityGetEntity().Set().Set() func newRespGetEntityGetEntityBuilder() *respGetEntityGetEntityBuilder { return &respGetEntityGetEntityBuilder{ obj: newRespGetEntityGetEntity(), } } // Deprecated: Use "New" constructor and setters to build your structs. // e.g newRespGetEntityGetEntity().Set().Set() func (x *respGetEntityGetEntityBuilder) Success(value *GetEntityResponse) *respGetEntityGetEntityBuilder { x.obj.Success = value return x } // Deprecated: Use "New" constructor and setters to build your structs. // e.g newRespGetEntityGetEntity().Set().Set() func (x *respGetEntityGetEntityBuilder) Emit() *respGetEntityGetEntity { var objCopy respGetEntityGetEntity = *x.obj return &objCopy } func (x *respGetEntityGetEntity) Exception() thrift.WritableException { return nil } func (x *respGetEntityGetEntity) Write(p thrift.Format) error { if err := p.WriteStructBegin("respGetEntityGetEntity"); err != nil { return thrift.PrependError(fmt.Sprintf("%T write struct begin error: ", x), err) } if err := x.writeField0(p); err != nil { return err } if err := p.WriteFieldStop(); err != nil { return thrift.PrependError(fmt.Sprintf("%T write field stop error: ", x), err) } if err := p.WriteStructEnd(); err != nil { return thrift.PrependError(fmt.Sprintf("%T write struct end error: ", x), err) } return nil } func (x *respGetEntityGetEntity) Read(p thrift.Format) error { if _, err := p.ReadStructBegin(); err != nil { return thrift.PrependError(fmt.Sprintf("%T read error: ", x), err) } for { _, wireType, id, err := p.ReadFieldBegin() if err != nil { return thrift.PrependError(fmt.Sprintf("%T field %d read error: ", x, id), err) } if wireType == thrift.STOP { break; } switch { case (id == 0 && wireType == thrift.Type(thrift.STRUCT)): // success if err := x.readField0(p); err != nil { return err } default: if err := p.Skip(wireType); err != nil { return err } } if err := p.ReadFieldEnd(); err != nil { return err } } if err := p.ReadStructEnd(); err != nil { return thrift.PrependError(fmt.Sprintf("%T read struct end error: ", x), err) } return nil } func (x *respGetEntityGetEntity) String() string { if x == nil { return "" } var sb strings.Builder sb.WriteString("respGetEntityGetEntity({") sb.WriteString(fmt.Sprintf("Success:%s", x.toString0())) sb.WriteString("})") return sb.String() } type reqGetEntityGetBool struct { } // Compile time interface enforcer var _ thrift.Struct = &reqGetEntityGetBool{} // Deprecated: GetEntityGetBoolArgsDeprecated is deprecated, since it is supposed to be internal. type GetEntityGetBoolArgsDeprecated = reqGetEntityGetBool func newReqGetEntityGetBool() *reqGetEntityGetBool { return (&reqGetEntityGetBool{}) } // Deprecated: Use "New" constructor and setters to build your structs. // e.g newReqGetEntityGetBool().Set().Set() type reqGetEntityGetBoolBuilder struct { obj *reqGetEntityGetBool } // Deprecated: Use "New" constructor and setters to build your structs. // e.g newReqGetEntityGetBool().Set().Set() func newReqGetEntityGetBoolBuilder() *reqGetEntityGetBoolBuilder { return &reqGetEntityGetBoolBuilder{ obj: newReqGetEntityGetBool(), } } // Deprecated: Use "New" constructor and setters to build your structs. // e.g newReqGetEntityGetBool().Set().Set() func (x *reqGetEntityGetBoolBuilder) Emit() *reqGetEntityGetBool { var objCopy reqGetEntityGetBool = *x.obj return &objCopy } func (x *reqGetEntityGetBool) Write(p thrift.Format) error { if err := p.WriteStructBegin("reqGetEntityGetBool"); err != nil { return thrift.PrependError(fmt.Sprintf("%T write struct begin error: ", x), err) } if err := p.WriteFieldStop(); err != nil { return thrift.PrependError(fmt.Sprintf("%T write field stop error: ", x), err) } if err := p.WriteStructEnd(); err != nil { return thrift.PrependError(fmt.Sprintf("%T write struct end error: ", x), err) } return nil } func (x *reqGetEntityGetBool) Read(p thrift.Format) error { if _, err := p.ReadStructBegin(); err != nil { return thrift.PrependError(fmt.Sprintf("%T read error: ", x), err) } for { _, wireType, id, err := p.ReadFieldBegin() if err != nil { return thrift.PrependError(fmt.Sprintf("%T field %d read error: ", x, id), err) } if wireType == thrift.STOP { break; } switch { default: if err := p.Skip(wireType); err != nil { return err } } if err := p.ReadFieldEnd(); err != nil { return err } } if err := p.ReadStructEnd(); err != nil { return thrift.PrependError(fmt.Sprintf("%T read struct end error: ", x), err) } return nil } func (x *reqGetEntityGetBool) String() string { if x == nil { return "" } var sb strings.Builder sb.WriteString("reqGetEntityGetBool({") sb.WriteString("})") return sb.String() } type respGetEntityGetBool struct { Success *bool `thrift:"success,0,optional" json:"success,omitempty" db:"success"` } // Compile time interface enforcer var _ thrift.Struct = &respGetEntityGetBool{} var _ thrift.WritableResult = &respGetEntityGetBool{} // Deprecated: GetEntityGetBoolResultDeprecated is deprecated, since it is supposed to be internal. type GetEntityGetBoolResultDeprecated = respGetEntityGetBool func newRespGetEntityGetBool() *respGetEntityGetBool { return (&respGetEntityGetBool{}) } func (x *respGetEntityGetBool) GetSuccessNonCompat() *bool { return x.Success } func (x *respGetEntityGetBool) GetSuccess() bool { if !x.IsSetSuccess() { return false } return *x.Success } func (x *respGetEntityGetBool) SetSuccessNonCompat(value bool) *respGetEntityGetBool { x.Success = &value return x } func (x *respGetEntityGetBool) SetSuccess(value *bool) *respGetEntityGetBool { x.Success = value return x } func (x *respGetEntityGetBool) IsSetSuccess() bool { return x != nil && x.Success != nil } func (x *respGetEntityGetBool) writeField0(p thrift.Format) error { // Success if !x.IsSetSuccess() { return nil } if err := p.WriteFieldBegin("success", thrift.BOOL, 0); err != nil { return thrift.PrependError(fmt.Sprintf("%T write field begin error: ", x), err) } item := *x.GetSuccessNonCompat() if err := p.WriteBool(item); err != nil { return err } if err := p.WriteFieldEnd(); err != nil { return thrift.PrependError(fmt.Sprintf("%T write field end error: ", x), err) } return nil } func (x *respGetEntityGetBool) readField0(p thrift.Format) error { // Success result, err := p.ReadBool() if err != nil { return err } x.SetSuccessNonCompat(result) return nil } func (x *respGetEntityGetBool) toString0() string { // Success if x.IsSetSuccess() { return fmt.Sprintf("%v", *x.GetSuccessNonCompat()) } return fmt.Sprintf("%v", x.GetSuccessNonCompat()) } // Deprecated: Use "New" constructor and setters to build your structs. // e.g newRespGetEntityGetBool().Set().Set() type respGetEntityGetBoolBuilder struct { obj *respGetEntityGetBool } // Deprecated: Use "New" constructor and setters to build your structs. // e.g newRespGetEntityGetBool().Set().Set() func newRespGetEntityGetBoolBuilder() *respGetEntityGetBoolBuilder { return &respGetEntityGetBoolBuilder{ obj: newRespGetEntityGetBool(), } } // Deprecated: Use "New" constructor and setters to build your structs. // e.g newRespGetEntityGetBool().Set().Set() func (x *respGetEntityGetBoolBuilder) Success(value *bool) *respGetEntityGetBoolBuilder { x.obj.Success = value return x } // Deprecated: Use "New" constructor and setters to build your structs. // e.g newRespGetEntityGetBool().Set().Set() func (x *respGetEntityGetBoolBuilder) Emit() *respGetEntityGetBool { var objCopy respGetEntityGetBool = *x.obj return &objCopy } func (x *respGetEntityGetBool) Exception() thrift.WritableException { return nil } func (x *respGetEntityGetBool) Write(p thrift.Format) error { if err := p.WriteStructBegin("respGetEntityGetBool"); err != nil { return thrift.PrependError(fmt.Sprintf("%T write struct begin error: ", x), err) } if err := x.writeField0(p); err != nil { return err } if err := p.WriteFieldStop(); err != nil { return thrift.PrependError(fmt.Sprintf("%T write field stop error: ", x), err) } if err := p.WriteStructEnd(); err != nil { return thrift.PrependError(fmt.Sprintf("%T write struct end error: ", x), err) } return nil } func (x *respGetEntityGetBool) Read(p thrift.Format) error { if _, err := p.ReadStructBegin(); err != nil { return thrift.PrependError(fmt.Sprintf("%T read error: ", x), err) } for { _, wireType, id, err := p.ReadFieldBegin() if err != nil { return thrift.PrependError(fmt.Sprintf("%T field %d read error: ", x, id), err) } if wireType == thrift.STOP { break; } switch { case (id == 0 && wireType == thrift.Type(thrift.BOOL)): // success if err := x.readField0(p); err != nil { return err } default: if err := p.Skip(wireType); err != nil { return err } } if err := p.ReadFieldEnd(); err != nil { return err } } if err := p.ReadStructEnd(); err != nil { return thrift.PrependError(fmt.Sprintf("%T read struct end error: ", x), err) } return nil } func (x *respGetEntityGetBool) String() string { if x == nil { return "" } var sb strings.Builder sb.WriteString("respGetEntityGetBool({") sb.WriteString(fmt.Sprintf("Success:%s", x.toString0())) sb.WriteString("})") return sb.String() } type reqGetEntityGetByte struct { } // Compile time interface enforcer var _ thrift.Struct = &reqGetEntityGetByte{} // Deprecated: GetEntityGetByteArgsDeprecated is deprecated, since it is supposed to be internal. type GetEntityGetByteArgsDeprecated = reqGetEntityGetByte func newReqGetEntityGetByte() *reqGetEntityGetByte { return (&reqGetEntityGetByte{}) } // Deprecated: Use "New" constructor and setters to build your structs. // e.g newReqGetEntityGetByte().Set().Set() type reqGetEntityGetByteBuilder struct { obj *reqGetEntityGetByte } // Deprecated: Use "New" constructor and setters to build your structs. // e.g newReqGetEntityGetByte().Set().Set() func newReqGetEntityGetByteBuilder() *reqGetEntityGetByteBuilder { return &reqGetEntityGetByteBuilder{ obj: newReqGetEntityGetByte(), } } // Deprecated: Use "New" constructor and setters to build your structs. // e.g newReqGetEntityGetByte().Set().Set() func (x *reqGetEntityGetByteBuilder) Emit() *reqGetEntityGetByte { var objCopy reqGetEntityGetByte = *x.obj return &objCopy } func (x *reqGetEntityGetByte) Write(p thrift.Format) error { if err := p.WriteStructBegin("reqGetEntityGetByte"); err != nil { return thrift.PrependError(fmt.Sprintf("%T write struct begin error: ", x), err) } if err := p.WriteFieldStop(); err != nil { return thrift.PrependError(fmt.Sprintf("%T write field stop error: ", x), err) } if err := p.WriteStructEnd(); err != nil { return thrift.PrependError(fmt.Sprintf("%T write struct end error: ", x), err) } return nil } func (x *reqGetEntityGetByte) Read(p thrift.Format) error { if _, err := p.ReadStructBegin(); err != nil { return thrift.PrependError(fmt.Sprintf("%T read error: ", x), err) } for { _, wireType, id, err := p.ReadFieldBegin() if err != nil { return thrift.PrependError(fmt.Sprintf("%T field %d read error: ", x, id), err) } if wireType == thrift.STOP { break; } switch { default: if err := p.Skip(wireType); err != nil { return err } } if err := p.ReadFieldEnd(); err != nil { return err } } if err := p.ReadStructEnd(); err != nil { return thrift.PrependError(fmt.Sprintf("%T read struct end error: ", x), err) } return nil } func (x *reqGetEntityGetByte) String() string { if x == nil { return "" } var sb strings.Builder sb.WriteString("reqGetEntityGetByte({") sb.WriteString("})") return sb.String() } type respGetEntityGetByte struct { Success *int8 `thrift:"success,0,optional" json:"success,omitempty" db:"success"` } // Compile time interface enforcer var _ thrift.Struct = &respGetEntityGetByte{} var _ thrift.WritableResult = &respGetEntityGetByte{} // Deprecated: GetEntityGetByteResultDeprecated is deprecated, since it is supposed to be internal. type GetEntityGetByteResultDeprecated = respGetEntityGetByte func newRespGetEntityGetByte() *respGetEntityGetByte { return (&respGetEntityGetByte{}) } func (x *respGetEntityGetByte) GetSuccessNonCompat() *int8 { return x.Success } func (x *respGetEntityGetByte) GetSuccess() int8 { if !x.IsSetSuccess() { return 0 } return *x.Success } func (x *respGetEntityGetByte) SetSuccessNonCompat(value int8) *respGetEntityGetByte { x.Success = &value return x } func (x *respGetEntityGetByte) SetSuccess(value *int8) *respGetEntityGetByte { x.Success = value return x } func (x *respGetEntityGetByte) IsSetSuccess() bool { return x != nil && x.Success != nil } func (x *respGetEntityGetByte) writeField0(p thrift.Format) error { // Success if !x.IsSetSuccess() { return nil } if err := p.WriteFieldBegin("success", thrift.BYTE, 0); err != nil { return thrift.PrependError(fmt.Sprintf("%T write field begin error: ", x), err) } item := *x.GetSuccessNonCompat() if err := p.WriteByte(byte(item)); err != nil { return err } if err := p.WriteFieldEnd(); err != nil { return thrift.PrependError(fmt.Sprintf("%T write field end error: ", x), err) } return nil } func (x *respGetEntityGetByte) readField0(p thrift.Format) error { // Success resultByte, err := p.ReadByte() result := int8(resultByte) if err != nil { return err } x.SetSuccessNonCompat(result) return nil } func (x *respGetEntityGetByte) toString0() string { // Success if x.IsSetSuccess() { return fmt.Sprintf("%v", *x.GetSuccessNonCompat()) } return fmt.Sprintf("%v", x.GetSuccessNonCompat()) } // Deprecated: Use "New" constructor and setters to build your structs. // e.g newRespGetEntityGetByte().Set().Set() type respGetEntityGetByteBuilder struct { obj *respGetEntityGetByte } // Deprecated: Use "New" constructor and setters to build your structs. // e.g newRespGetEntityGetByte().Set().Set() func newRespGetEntityGetByteBuilder() *respGetEntityGetByteBuilder { return &respGetEntityGetByteBuilder{ obj: newRespGetEntityGetByte(), } } // Deprecated: Use "New" constructor and setters to build your structs. // e.g newRespGetEntityGetByte().Set().Set() func (x *respGetEntityGetByteBuilder) Success(value *int8) *respGetEntityGetByteBuilder { x.obj.Success = value return x } // Deprecated: Use "New" constructor and setters to build your structs. // e.g newRespGetEntityGetByte().Set().Set() func (x *respGetEntityGetByteBuilder) Emit() *respGetEntityGetByte { var objCopy respGetEntityGetByte = *x.obj return &objCopy } func (x *respGetEntityGetByte) Exception() thrift.WritableException { return nil } func (x *respGetEntityGetByte) Write(p thrift.Format) error { if err := p.WriteStructBegin("respGetEntityGetByte"); err != nil { return thrift.PrependError(fmt.Sprintf("%T write struct begin error: ", x), err) } if err := x.writeField0(p); err != nil { return err } if err := p.WriteFieldStop(); err != nil { return thrift.PrependError(fmt.Sprintf("%T write field stop error: ", x), err) } if err := p.WriteStructEnd(); err != nil { return thrift.PrependError(fmt.Sprintf("%T write struct end error: ", x), err) } return nil } func (x *respGetEntityGetByte) Read(p thrift.Format) error { if _, err := p.ReadStructBegin(); err != nil { return thrift.PrependError(fmt.Sprintf("%T read error: ", x), err) } for { _, wireType, id, err := p.ReadFieldBegin() if err != nil { return thrift.PrependError(fmt.Sprintf("%T field %d read error: ", x, id), err) } if wireType == thrift.STOP { break; } switch { case (id == 0 && wireType == thrift.Type(thrift.BYTE)): // success if err := x.readField0(p); err != nil { return err } default: if err := p.Skip(wireType); err != nil { return err } } if err := p.ReadFieldEnd(); err != nil { return err } } if err := p.ReadStructEnd(); err != nil { return thrift.PrependError(fmt.Sprintf("%T read struct end error: ", x), err) } return nil } func (x *respGetEntityGetByte) String() string { if x == nil { return "" } var sb strings.Builder sb.WriteString("respGetEntityGetByte({") sb.WriteString(fmt.Sprintf("Success:%s", x.toString0())) sb.WriteString("})") return sb.String() } type reqGetEntityGetI16 struct { } // Compile time interface enforcer var _ thrift.Struct = &reqGetEntityGetI16{} // Deprecated: GetEntityGetI16ArgsDeprecated is deprecated, since it is supposed to be internal. type GetEntityGetI16ArgsDeprecated = reqGetEntityGetI16 func newReqGetEntityGetI16() *reqGetEntityGetI16 { return (&reqGetEntityGetI16{}) } // Deprecated: Use "New" constructor and setters to build your structs. // e.g newReqGetEntityGetI16().Set().Set() type reqGetEntityGetI16Builder struct { obj *reqGetEntityGetI16 } // Deprecated: Use "New" constructor and setters to build your structs. // e.g newReqGetEntityGetI16().Set().Set() func newReqGetEntityGetI16Builder() *reqGetEntityGetI16Builder { return &reqGetEntityGetI16Builder{ obj: newReqGetEntityGetI16(), } } // Deprecated: Use "New" constructor and setters to build your structs. // e.g newReqGetEntityGetI16().Set().Set() func (x *reqGetEntityGetI16Builder) Emit() *reqGetEntityGetI16 { var objCopy reqGetEntityGetI16 = *x.obj return &objCopy } func (x *reqGetEntityGetI16) Write(p thrift.Format) error { if err := p.WriteStructBegin("reqGetEntityGetI16"); err != nil { return thrift.PrependError(fmt.Sprintf("%T write struct begin error: ", x), err) } if err := p.WriteFieldStop(); err != nil { return thrift.PrependError(fmt.Sprintf("%T write field stop error: ", x), err) } if err := p.WriteStructEnd(); err != nil { return thrift.PrependError(fmt.Sprintf("%T write struct end error: ", x), err) } return nil } func (x *reqGetEntityGetI16) Read(p thrift.Format) error { if _, err := p.ReadStructBegin(); err != nil { return thrift.PrependError(fmt.Sprintf("%T read error: ", x), err) } for { _, wireType, id, err := p.ReadFieldBegin() if err != nil { return thrift.PrependError(fmt.Sprintf("%T field %d read error: ", x, id), err) } if wireType == thrift.STOP { break; } switch { default: if err := p.Skip(wireType); err != nil { return err } } if err := p.ReadFieldEnd(); err != nil { return err } } if err := p.ReadStructEnd(); err != nil { return thrift.PrependError(fmt.Sprintf("%T read struct end error: ", x), err) } return nil } func (x *reqGetEntityGetI16) String() string { if x == nil { return "" } var sb strings.Builder sb.WriteString("reqGetEntityGetI16({") sb.WriteString("})") return sb.String() } type respGetEntityGetI16 struct { Success *int16 `thrift:"success,0,optional" json:"success,omitempty" db:"success"` } // Compile time interface enforcer var _ thrift.Struct = &respGetEntityGetI16{} var _ thrift.WritableResult = &respGetEntityGetI16{} // Deprecated: GetEntityGetI16ResultDeprecated is deprecated, since it is supposed to be internal. type GetEntityGetI16ResultDeprecated = respGetEntityGetI16 func newRespGetEntityGetI16() *respGetEntityGetI16 { return (&respGetEntityGetI16{}) } func (x *respGetEntityGetI16) GetSuccessNonCompat() *int16 { return x.Success } func (x *respGetEntityGetI16) GetSuccess() int16 { if !x.IsSetSuccess() { return 0 } return *x.Success } func (x *respGetEntityGetI16) SetSuccessNonCompat(value int16) *respGetEntityGetI16 { x.Success = &value return x } func (x *respGetEntityGetI16) SetSuccess(value *int16) *respGetEntityGetI16 { x.Success = value return x } func (x *respGetEntityGetI16) IsSetSuccess() bool { return x != nil && x.Success != nil } func (x *respGetEntityGetI16) writeField0(p thrift.Format) error { // Success if !x.IsSetSuccess() { return nil } if err := p.WriteFieldBegin("success", thrift.I16, 0); err != nil { return thrift.PrependError(fmt.Sprintf("%T write field begin error: ", x), err) } item := *x.GetSuccessNonCompat() if err := p.WriteI16(item); err != nil { return err } if err := p.WriteFieldEnd(); err != nil { return thrift.PrependError(fmt.Sprintf("%T write field end error: ", x), err) } return nil } func (x *respGetEntityGetI16) readField0(p thrift.Format) error { // Success result, err := p.ReadI16() if err != nil { return err } x.SetSuccessNonCompat(result) return nil } func (x *respGetEntityGetI16) toString0() string { // Success if x.IsSetSuccess() { return fmt.Sprintf("%v", *x.GetSuccessNonCompat()) } return fmt.Sprintf("%v", x.GetSuccessNonCompat()) } // Deprecated: Use "New" constructor and setters to build your structs. // e.g newRespGetEntityGetI16().Set().Set() type respGetEntityGetI16Builder struct { obj *respGetEntityGetI16 } // Deprecated: Use "New" constructor and setters to build your structs. // e.g newRespGetEntityGetI16().Set().Set() func newRespGetEntityGetI16Builder() *respGetEntityGetI16Builder { return &respGetEntityGetI16Builder{ obj: newRespGetEntityGetI16(), } } // Deprecated: Use "New" constructor and setters to build your structs. // e.g newRespGetEntityGetI16().Set().Set() func (x *respGetEntityGetI16Builder) Success(value *int16) *respGetEntityGetI16Builder { x.obj.Success = value return x } // Deprecated: Use "New" constructor and setters to build your structs. // e.g newRespGetEntityGetI16().Set().Set() func (x *respGetEntityGetI16Builder) Emit() *respGetEntityGetI16 { var objCopy respGetEntityGetI16 = *x.obj return &objCopy } func (x *respGetEntityGetI16) Exception() thrift.WritableException { return nil } func (x *respGetEntityGetI16) Write(p thrift.Format) error { if err := p.WriteStructBegin("respGetEntityGetI16"); err != nil { return thrift.PrependError(fmt.Sprintf("%T write struct begin error: ", x), err) } if err := x.writeField0(p); err != nil { return err } if err := p.WriteFieldStop(); err != nil { return thrift.PrependError(fmt.Sprintf("%T write field stop error: ", x), err) } if err := p.WriteStructEnd(); err != nil { return thrift.PrependError(fmt.Sprintf("%T write struct end error: ", x), err) } return nil } func (x *respGetEntityGetI16) Read(p thrift.Format) error { if _, err := p.ReadStructBegin(); err != nil { return thrift.PrependError(fmt.Sprintf("%T read error: ", x), err) } for { _, wireType, id, err := p.ReadFieldBegin() if err != nil { return thrift.PrependError(fmt.Sprintf("%T field %d read error: ", x, id), err) } if wireType == thrift.STOP { break; } switch { case (id == 0 && wireType == thrift.Type(thrift.I16)): // success if err := x.readField0(p); err != nil { return err } default: if err := p.Skip(wireType); err != nil { return err } } if err := p.ReadFieldEnd(); err != nil { return err } } if err := p.ReadStructEnd(); err != nil { return thrift.PrependError(fmt.Sprintf("%T read struct end error: ", x), err) } return nil } func (x *respGetEntityGetI16) String() string { if x == nil { return "" } var sb strings.Builder sb.WriteString("respGetEntityGetI16({") sb.WriteString(fmt.Sprintf("Success:%s", x.toString0())) sb.WriteString("})") return sb.String() } type reqGetEntityGetI32 struct { } // Compile time interface enforcer var _ thrift.Struct = &reqGetEntityGetI32{} // Deprecated: GetEntityGetI32ArgsDeprecated is deprecated, since it is supposed to be internal. type GetEntityGetI32ArgsDeprecated = reqGetEntityGetI32 func newReqGetEntityGetI32() *reqGetEntityGetI32 { return (&reqGetEntityGetI32{}) } // Deprecated: Use "New" constructor and setters to build your structs. // e.g newReqGetEntityGetI32().Set().Set() type reqGetEntityGetI32Builder struct { obj *reqGetEntityGetI32 } // Deprecated: Use "New" constructor and setters to build your structs. // e.g newReqGetEntityGetI32().Set().Set() func newReqGetEntityGetI32Builder() *reqGetEntityGetI32Builder { return &reqGetEntityGetI32Builder{ obj: newReqGetEntityGetI32(), } } // Deprecated: Use "New" constructor and setters to build your structs. // e.g newReqGetEntityGetI32().Set().Set() func (x *reqGetEntityGetI32Builder) Emit() *reqGetEntityGetI32 { var objCopy reqGetEntityGetI32 = *x.obj return &objCopy } func (x *reqGetEntityGetI32) Write(p thrift.Format) error { if err := p.WriteStructBegin("reqGetEntityGetI32"); err != nil { return thrift.PrependError(fmt.Sprintf("%T write struct begin error: ", x), err) } if err := p.WriteFieldStop(); err != nil { return thrift.PrependError(fmt.Sprintf("%T write field stop error: ", x), err) } if err := p.WriteStructEnd(); err != nil { return thrift.PrependError(fmt.Sprintf("%T write struct end error: ", x), err) } return nil } func (x *reqGetEntityGetI32) Read(p thrift.Format) error { if _, err := p.ReadStructBegin(); err != nil { return thrift.PrependError(fmt.Sprintf("%T read error: ", x), err) } for { _, wireType, id, err := p.ReadFieldBegin() if err != nil { return thrift.PrependError(fmt.Sprintf("%T field %d read error: ", x, id), err) } if wireType == thrift.STOP { break; } switch { default: if err := p.Skip(wireType); err != nil { return err } } if err := p.ReadFieldEnd(); err != nil { return err } } if err := p.ReadStructEnd(); err != nil { return thrift.PrependError(fmt.Sprintf("%T read struct end error: ", x), err) } return nil } func (x *reqGetEntityGetI32) String() string { if x == nil { return "" } var sb strings.Builder sb.WriteString("reqGetEntityGetI32({") sb.WriteString("})") return sb.String() } type respGetEntityGetI32 struct { Success *int32 `thrift:"success,0,optional" json:"success,omitempty" db:"success"` } // Compile time interface enforcer var _ thrift.Struct = &respGetEntityGetI32{} var _ thrift.WritableResult = &respGetEntityGetI32{} // Deprecated: GetEntityGetI32ResultDeprecated is deprecated, since it is supposed to be internal. type GetEntityGetI32ResultDeprecated = respGetEntityGetI32 func newRespGetEntityGetI32() *respGetEntityGetI32 { return (&respGetEntityGetI32{}) } func (x *respGetEntityGetI32) GetSuccessNonCompat() *int32 { return x.Success } func (x *respGetEntityGetI32) GetSuccess() int32 { if !x.IsSetSuccess() { return 0 } return *x.Success } func (x *respGetEntityGetI32) SetSuccessNonCompat(value int32) *respGetEntityGetI32 { x.Success = &value return x } func (x *respGetEntityGetI32) SetSuccess(value *int32) *respGetEntityGetI32 { x.Success = value return x } func (x *respGetEntityGetI32) IsSetSuccess() bool { return x != nil && x.Success != nil } func (x *respGetEntityGetI32) writeField0(p thrift.Format) error { // Success if !x.IsSetSuccess() { return nil } if err := p.WriteFieldBegin("success", thrift.I32, 0); err != nil { return thrift.PrependError(fmt.Sprintf("%T write field begin error: ", x), err) } item := *x.GetSuccessNonCompat() if err := p.WriteI32(item); err != nil { return err } if err := p.WriteFieldEnd(); err != nil { return thrift.PrependError(fmt.Sprintf("%T write field end error: ", x), err) } return nil } func (x *respGetEntityGetI32) readField0(p thrift.Format) error { // Success result, err := p.ReadI32() if err != nil { return err } x.SetSuccessNonCompat(result) return nil } func (x *respGetEntityGetI32) toString0() string { // Success if x.IsSetSuccess() { return fmt.Sprintf("%v", *x.GetSuccessNonCompat()) } return fmt.Sprintf("%v", x.GetSuccessNonCompat()) } // Deprecated: Use "New" constructor and setters to build your structs. // e.g newRespGetEntityGetI32().Set().Set() type respGetEntityGetI32Builder struct { obj *respGetEntityGetI32 } // Deprecated: Use "New" constructor and setters to build your structs. // e.g newRespGetEntityGetI32().Set().Set() func newRespGetEntityGetI32Builder() *respGetEntityGetI32Builder { return &respGetEntityGetI32Builder{ obj: newRespGetEntityGetI32(), } } // Deprecated: Use "New" constructor and setters to build your structs. // e.g newRespGetEntityGetI32().Set().Set() func (x *respGetEntityGetI32Builder) Success(value *int32) *respGetEntityGetI32Builder { x.obj.Success = value return x } // Deprecated: Use "New" constructor and setters to build your structs. // e.g newRespGetEntityGetI32().Set().Set() func (x *respGetEntityGetI32Builder) Emit() *respGetEntityGetI32 { var objCopy respGetEntityGetI32 = *x.obj return &objCopy } func (x *respGetEntityGetI32) Exception() thrift.WritableException { return nil } func (x *respGetEntityGetI32) Write(p thrift.Format) error { if err := p.WriteStructBegin("respGetEntityGetI32"); err != nil { return thrift.PrependError(fmt.Sprintf("%T write struct begin error: ", x), err) } if err := x.writeField0(p); err != nil { return err } if err := p.WriteFieldStop(); err != nil { return thrift.PrependError(fmt.Sprintf("%T write field stop error: ", x), err) } if err := p.WriteStructEnd(); err != nil { return thrift.PrependError(fmt.Sprintf("%T write struct end error: ", x), err) } return nil } func (x *respGetEntityGetI32) Read(p thrift.Format) error { if _, err := p.ReadStructBegin(); err != nil { return thrift.PrependError(fmt.Sprintf("%T read error: ", x), err) } for { _, wireType, id, err := p.ReadFieldBegin() if err != nil { return thrift.PrependError(fmt.Sprintf("%T field %d read error: ", x, id), err) } if wireType == thrift.STOP { break; } switch { case (id == 0 && wireType == thrift.Type(thrift.I32)): // success if err := x.readField0(p); err != nil { return err } default: if err := p.Skip(wireType); err != nil { return err } } if err := p.ReadFieldEnd(); err != nil { return err } } if err := p.ReadStructEnd(); err != nil { return thrift.PrependError(fmt.Sprintf("%T read struct end error: ", x), err) } return nil } func (x *respGetEntityGetI32) String() string { if x == nil { return "" } var sb strings.Builder sb.WriteString("respGetEntityGetI32({") sb.WriteString(fmt.Sprintf("Success:%s", x.toString0())) sb.WriteString("})") return sb.String() } type reqGetEntityGetI64 struct { } // Compile time interface enforcer var _ thrift.Struct = &reqGetEntityGetI64{} // Deprecated: GetEntityGetI64ArgsDeprecated is deprecated, since it is supposed to be internal. type GetEntityGetI64ArgsDeprecated = reqGetEntityGetI64 func newReqGetEntityGetI64() *reqGetEntityGetI64 { return (&reqGetEntityGetI64{}) } // Deprecated: Use "New" constructor and setters to build your structs. // e.g newReqGetEntityGetI64().Set().Set() type reqGetEntityGetI64Builder struct { obj *reqGetEntityGetI64 } // Deprecated: Use "New" constructor and setters to build your structs. // e.g newReqGetEntityGetI64().Set().Set() func newReqGetEntityGetI64Builder() *reqGetEntityGetI64Builder { return &reqGetEntityGetI64Builder{ obj: newReqGetEntityGetI64(), } } // Deprecated: Use "New" constructor and setters to build your structs. // e.g newReqGetEntityGetI64().Set().Set() func (x *reqGetEntityGetI64Builder) Emit() *reqGetEntityGetI64 { var objCopy reqGetEntityGetI64 = *x.obj return &objCopy } func (x *reqGetEntityGetI64) Write(p thrift.Format) error { if err := p.WriteStructBegin("reqGetEntityGetI64"); err != nil { return thrift.PrependError(fmt.Sprintf("%T write struct begin error: ", x), err) } if err := p.WriteFieldStop(); err != nil { return thrift.PrependError(fmt.Sprintf("%T write field stop error: ", x), err) } if err := p.WriteStructEnd(); err != nil { return thrift.PrependError(fmt.Sprintf("%T write struct end error: ", x), err) } return nil } func (x *reqGetEntityGetI64) Read(p thrift.Format) error { if _, err := p.ReadStructBegin(); err != nil { return thrift.PrependError(fmt.Sprintf("%T read error: ", x), err) } for { _, wireType, id, err := p.ReadFieldBegin() if err != nil { return thrift.PrependError(fmt.Sprintf("%T field %d read error: ", x, id), err) } if wireType == thrift.STOP { break; } switch { default: if err := p.Skip(wireType); err != nil { return err } } if err := p.ReadFieldEnd(); err != nil { return err } } if err := p.ReadStructEnd(); err != nil { return thrift.PrependError(fmt.Sprintf("%T read struct end error: ", x), err) } return nil } func (x *reqGetEntityGetI64) String() string { if x == nil { return "" } var sb strings.Builder sb.WriteString("reqGetEntityGetI64({") sb.WriteString("})") return sb.String() } type respGetEntityGetI64 struct { Success *int64 `thrift:"success,0,optional" json:"success,omitempty" db:"success"` } // Compile time interface enforcer var _ thrift.Struct = &respGetEntityGetI64{} var _ thrift.WritableResult = &respGetEntityGetI64{} // Deprecated: GetEntityGetI64ResultDeprecated is deprecated, since it is supposed to be internal. type GetEntityGetI64ResultDeprecated = respGetEntityGetI64 func newRespGetEntityGetI64() *respGetEntityGetI64 { return (&respGetEntityGetI64{}) } func (x *respGetEntityGetI64) GetSuccessNonCompat() *int64 { return x.Success } func (x *respGetEntityGetI64) GetSuccess() int64 { if !x.IsSetSuccess() { return 0 } return *x.Success } func (x *respGetEntityGetI64) SetSuccessNonCompat(value int64) *respGetEntityGetI64 { x.Success = &value return x } func (x *respGetEntityGetI64) SetSuccess(value *int64) *respGetEntityGetI64 { x.Success = value return x } func (x *respGetEntityGetI64) IsSetSuccess() bool { return x != nil && x.Success != nil } func (x *respGetEntityGetI64) writeField0(p thrift.Format) error { // Success if !x.IsSetSuccess() { return nil } if err := p.WriteFieldBegin("success", thrift.I64, 0); err != nil { return thrift.PrependError(fmt.Sprintf("%T write field begin error: ", x), err) } item := *x.GetSuccessNonCompat() if err := p.WriteI64(item); err != nil { return err } if err := p.WriteFieldEnd(); err != nil { return thrift.PrependError(fmt.Sprintf("%T write field end error: ", x), err) } return nil } func (x *respGetEntityGetI64) readField0(p thrift.Format) error { // Success result, err := p.ReadI64() if err != nil { return err } x.SetSuccessNonCompat(result) return nil } func (x *respGetEntityGetI64) toString0() string { // Success if x.IsSetSuccess() { return fmt.Sprintf("%v", *x.GetSuccessNonCompat()) } return fmt.Sprintf("%v", x.GetSuccessNonCompat()) } // Deprecated: Use "New" constructor and setters to build your structs. // e.g newRespGetEntityGetI64().Set().Set() type respGetEntityGetI64Builder struct { obj *respGetEntityGetI64 } // Deprecated: Use "New" constructor and setters to build your structs. // e.g newRespGetEntityGetI64().Set().Set() func newRespGetEntityGetI64Builder() *respGetEntityGetI64Builder { return &respGetEntityGetI64Builder{ obj: newRespGetEntityGetI64(), } } // Deprecated: Use "New" constructor and setters to build your structs. // e.g newRespGetEntityGetI64().Set().Set() func (x *respGetEntityGetI64Builder) Success(value *int64) *respGetEntityGetI64Builder { x.obj.Success = value return x } // Deprecated: Use "New" constructor and setters to build your structs. // e.g newRespGetEntityGetI64().Set().Set() func (x *respGetEntityGetI64Builder) Emit() *respGetEntityGetI64 { var objCopy respGetEntityGetI64 = *x.obj return &objCopy } func (x *respGetEntityGetI64) Exception() thrift.WritableException { return nil } func (x *respGetEntityGetI64) Write(p thrift.Format) error { if err := p.WriteStructBegin("respGetEntityGetI64"); err != nil { return thrift.PrependError(fmt.Sprintf("%T write struct begin error: ", x), err) } if err := x.writeField0(p); err != nil { return err } if err := p.WriteFieldStop(); err != nil { return thrift.PrependError(fmt.Sprintf("%T write field stop error: ", x), err) } if err := p.WriteStructEnd(); err != nil { return thrift.PrependError(fmt.Sprintf("%T write struct end error: ", x), err) } return nil } func (x *respGetEntityGetI64) Read(p thrift.Format) error { if _, err := p.ReadStructBegin(); err != nil { return thrift.PrependError(fmt.Sprintf("%T read error: ", x), err) } for { _, wireType, id, err := p.ReadFieldBegin() if err != nil { return thrift.PrependError(fmt.Sprintf("%T field %d read error: ", x, id), err) } if wireType == thrift.STOP { break; } switch { case (id == 0 && wireType == thrift.Type(thrift.I64)): // success if err := x.readField0(p); err != nil { return err } default: if err := p.Skip(wireType); err != nil { return err } } if err := p.ReadFieldEnd(); err != nil { return err } } if err := p.ReadStructEnd(); err != nil { return thrift.PrependError(fmt.Sprintf("%T read struct end error: ", x), err) } return nil } func (x *respGetEntityGetI64) String() string { if x == nil { return "" } var sb strings.Builder sb.WriteString("respGetEntityGetI64({") sb.WriteString(fmt.Sprintf("Success:%s", x.toString0())) sb.WriteString("})") return sb.String() } type reqGetEntityGetDouble struct { } // Compile time interface enforcer var _ thrift.Struct = &reqGetEntityGetDouble{} // Deprecated: GetEntityGetDoubleArgsDeprecated is deprecated, since it is supposed to be internal. type GetEntityGetDoubleArgsDeprecated = reqGetEntityGetDouble func newReqGetEntityGetDouble() *reqGetEntityGetDouble { return (&reqGetEntityGetDouble{}) } // Deprecated: Use "New" constructor and setters to build your structs. // e.g newReqGetEntityGetDouble().Set().Set() type reqGetEntityGetDoubleBuilder struct { obj *reqGetEntityGetDouble } // Deprecated: Use "New" constructor and setters to build your structs. // e.g newReqGetEntityGetDouble().Set().Set() func newReqGetEntityGetDoubleBuilder() *reqGetEntityGetDoubleBuilder { return &reqGetEntityGetDoubleBuilder{ obj: newReqGetEntityGetDouble(), } } // Deprecated: Use "New" constructor and setters to build your structs. // e.g newReqGetEntityGetDouble().Set().Set() func (x *reqGetEntityGetDoubleBuilder) Emit() *reqGetEntityGetDouble { var objCopy reqGetEntityGetDouble = *x.obj return &objCopy } func (x *reqGetEntityGetDouble) Write(p thrift.Format) error { if err := p.WriteStructBegin("reqGetEntityGetDouble"); err != nil { return thrift.PrependError(fmt.Sprintf("%T write struct begin error: ", x), err) } if err := p.WriteFieldStop(); err != nil { return thrift.PrependError(fmt.Sprintf("%T write field stop error: ", x), err) } if err := p.WriteStructEnd(); err != nil { return thrift.PrependError(fmt.Sprintf("%T write struct end error: ", x), err) } return nil } func (x *reqGetEntityGetDouble) Read(p thrift.Format) error { if _, err := p.ReadStructBegin(); err != nil { return thrift.PrependError(fmt.Sprintf("%T read error: ", x), err) } for { _, wireType, id, err := p.ReadFieldBegin() if err != nil { return thrift.PrependError(fmt.Sprintf("%T field %d read error: ", x, id), err) } if wireType == thrift.STOP { break; } switch { default: if err := p.Skip(wireType); err != nil { return err } } if err := p.ReadFieldEnd(); err != nil { return err } } if err := p.ReadStructEnd(); err != nil { return thrift.PrependError(fmt.Sprintf("%T read struct end error: ", x), err) } return nil } func (x *reqGetEntityGetDouble) String() string { if x == nil { return "" } var sb strings.Builder sb.WriteString("reqGetEntityGetDouble({") sb.WriteString("})") return sb.String() } type respGetEntityGetDouble struct { Success *float64 `thrift:"success,0,optional" json:"success,omitempty" db:"success"` } // Compile time interface enforcer var _ thrift.Struct = &respGetEntityGetDouble{} var _ thrift.WritableResult = &respGetEntityGetDouble{} // Deprecated: GetEntityGetDoubleResultDeprecated is deprecated, since it is supposed to be internal. type GetEntityGetDoubleResultDeprecated = respGetEntityGetDouble func newRespGetEntityGetDouble() *respGetEntityGetDouble { return (&respGetEntityGetDouble{}) } func (x *respGetEntityGetDouble) GetSuccessNonCompat() *float64 { return x.Success } func (x *respGetEntityGetDouble) GetSuccess() float64 { if !x.IsSetSuccess() { return 0.0 } return *x.Success } func (x *respGetEntityGetDouble) SetSuccessNonCompat(value float64) *respGetEntityGetDouble { x.Success = &value return x } func (x *respGetEntityGetDouble) SetSuccess(value *float64) *respGetEntityGetDouble { x.Success = value return x } func (x *respGetEntityGetDouble) IsSetSuccess() bool { return x != nil && x.Success != nil } func (x *respGetEntityGetDouble) writeField0(p thrift.Format) error { // Success if !x.IsSetSuccess() { return nil } if err := p.WriteFieldBegin("success", thrift.DOUBLE, 0); err != nil { return thrift.PrependError(fmt.Sprintf("%T write field begin error: ", x), err) } item := *x.GetSuccessNonCompat() if err := p.WriteDouble(item); err != nil { return err } if err := p.WriteFieldEnd(); err != nil { return thrift.PrependError(fmt.Sprintf("%T write field end error: ", x), err) } return nil } func (x *respGetEntityGetDouble) readField0(p thrift.Format) error { // Success result, err := p.ReadDouble() if err != nil { return err } x.SetSuccessNonCompat(result) return nil } func (x *respGetEntityGetDouble) toString0() string { // Success if x.IsSetSuccess() { return fmt.Sprintf("%v", *x.GetSuccessNonCompat()) } return fmt.Sprintf("%v", x.GetSuccessNonCompat()) } // Deprecated: Use "New" constructor and setters to build your structs. // e.g newRespGetEntityGetDouble().Set().Set() type respGetEntityGetDoubleBuilder struct { obj *respGetEntityGetDouble } // Deprecated: Use "New" constructor and setters to build your structs. // e.g newRespGetEntityGetDouble().Set().Set() func newRespGetEntityGetDoubleBuilder() *respGetEntityGetDoubleBuilder { return &respGetEntityGetDoubleBuilder{ obj: newRespGetEntityGetDouble(), } } // Deprecated: Use "New" constructor and setters to build your structs. // e.g newRespGetEntityGetDouble().Set().Set() func (x *respGetEntityGetDoubleBuilder) Success(value *float64) *respGetEntityGetDoubleBuilder { x.obj.Success = value return x } // Deprecated: Use "New" constructor and setters to build your structs. // e.g newRespGetEntityGetDouble().Set().Set() func (x *respGetEntityGetDoubleBuilder) Emit() *respGetEntityGetDouble { var objCopy respGetEntityGetDouble = *x.obj return &objCopy } func (x *respGetEntityGetDouble) Exception() thrift.WritableException { return nil } func (x *respGetEntityGetDouble) Write(p thrift.Format) error { if err := p.WriteStructBegin("respGetEntityGetDouble"); err != nil { return thrift.PrependError(fmt.Sprintf("%T write struct begin error: ", x), err) } if err := x.writeField0(p); err != nil { return err } if err := p.WriteFieldStop(); err != nil { return thrift.PrependError(fmt.Sprintf("%T write field stop error: ", x), err) } if err := p.WriteStructEnd(); err != nil { return thrift.PrependError(fmt.Sprintf("%T write struct end error: ", x), err) } return nil } func (x *respGetEntityGetDouble) Read(p thrift.Format) error { if _, err := p.ReadStructBegin(); err != nil { return thrift.PrependError(fmt.Sprintf("%T read error: ", x), err) } for { _, wireType, id, err := p.ReadFieldBegin() if err != nil { return thrift.PrependError(fmt.Sprintf("%T field %d read error: ", x, id), err) } if wireType == thrift.STOP { break; } switch { case (id == 0 && wireType == thrift.Type(thrift.DOUBLE)): // success if err := x.readField0(p); err != nil { return err } default: if err := p.Skip(wireType); err != nil { return err } } if err := p.ReadFieldEnd(); err != nil { return err } } if err := p.ReadStructEnd(); err != nil { return thrift.PrependError(fmt.Sprintf("%T read struct end error: ", x), err) } return nil } func (x *respGetEntityGetDouble) String() string { if x == nil { return "" } var sb strings.Builder sb.WriteString("respGetEntityGetDouble({") sb.WriteString(fmt.Sprintf("Success:%s", x.toString0())) sb.WriteString("})") return sb.String() } type reqGetEntityGetString struct { } // Compile time interface enforcer var _ thrift.Struct = &reqGetEntityGetString{} // Deprecated: GetEntityGetStringArgsDeprecated is deprecated, since it is supposed to be internal. type GetEntityGetStringArgsDeprecated = reqGetEntityGetString func newReqGetEntityGetString() *reqGetEntityGetString { return (&reqGetEntityGetString{}) } // Deprecated: Use "New" constructor and setters to build your structs. // e.g newReqGetEntityGetString().Set().Set() type reqGetEntityGetStringBuilder struct { obj *reqGetEntityGetString } // Deprecated: Use "New" constructor and setters to build your structs. // e.g newReqGetEntityGetString().Set().Set() func newReqGetEntityGetStringBuilder() *reqGetEntityGetStringBuilder { return &reqGetEntityGetStringBuilder{ obj: newReqGetEntityGetString(), } } // Deprecated: Use "New" constructor and setters to build your structs. // e.g newReqGetEntityGetString().Set().Set() func (x *reqGetEntityGetStringBuilder) Emit() *reqGetEntityGetString { var objCopy reqGetEntityGetString = *x.obj return &objCopy } func (x *reqGetEntityGetString) Write(p thrift.Format) error { if err := p.WriteStructBegin("reqGetEntityGetString"); err != nil { return thrift.PrependError(fmt.Sprintf("%T write struct begin error: ", x), err) } if err := p.WriteFieldStop(); err != nil { return thrift.PrependError(fmt.Sprintf("%T write field stop error: ", x), err) } if err := p.WriteStructEnd(); err != nil { return thrift.PrependError(fmt.Sprintf("%T write struct end error: ", x), err) } return nil } func (x *reqGetEntityGetString) Read(p thrift.Format) error { if _, err := p.ReadStructBegin(); err != nil { return thrift.PrependError(fmt.Sprintf("%T read error: ", x), err) } for { _, wireType, id, err := p.ReadFieldBegin() if err != nil { return thrift.PrependError(fmt.Sprintf("%T field %d read error: ", x, id), err) } if wireType == thrift.STOP { break; } switch { default: if err := p.Skip(wireType); err != nil { return err } } if err := p.ReadFieldEnd(); err != nil { return err } } if err := p.ReadStructEnd(); err != nil { return thrift.PrependError(fmt.Sprintf("%T read struct end error: ", x), err) } return nil } func (x *reqGetEntityGetString) String() string { if x == nil { return "" } var sb strings.Builder sb.WriteString("reqGetEntityGetString({") sb.WriteString("})") return sb.String() } type respGetEntityGetString struct { Success *string `thrift:"success,0,optional" json:"success,omitempty" db:"success"` } // Compile time interface enforcer var _ thrift.Struct = &respGetEntityGetString{} var _ thrift.WritableResult = &respGetEntityGetString{} // Deprecated: GetEntityGetStringResultDeprecated is deprecated, since it is supposed to be internal. type GetEntityGetStringResultDeprecated = respGetEntityGetString func newRespGetEntityGetString() *respGetEntityGetString { return (&respGetEntityGetString{}) } func (x *respGetEntityGetString) GetSuccessNonCompat() *string { return x.Success } func (x *respGetEntityGetString) GetSuccess() string { if !x.IsSetSuccess() { return "" } return *x.Success } func (x *respGetEntityGetString) SetSuccessNonCompat(value string) *respGetEntityGetString { x.Success = &value return x } func (x *respGetEntityGetString) SetSuccess(value *string) *respGetEntityGetString { x.Success = value return x } func (x *respGetEntityGetString) IsSetSuccess() bool { return x != nil && x.Success != nil } func (x *respGetEntityGetString) writeField0(p thrift.Format) error { // Success if !x.IsSetSuccess() { return nil } if err := p.WriteFieldBegin("success", thrift.STRING, 0); err != nil { return thrift.PrependError(fmt.Sprintf("%T write field begin error: ", x), err) } item := *x.GetSuccessNonCompat() if err := p.WriteString(item); err != nil { return err } if err := p.WriteFieldEnd(); err != nil { return thrift.PrependError(fmt.Sprintf("%T write field end error: ", x), err) } return nil } func (x *respGetEntityGetString) readField0(p thrift.Format) error { // Success result, err := p.ReadString() if err != nil { return err } x.SetSuccessNonCompat(result) return nil } func (x *respGetEntityGetString) toString0() string { // Success if x.IsSetSuccess() { return fmt.Sprintf("%v", *x.GetSuccessNonCompat()) } return fmt.Sprintf("%v", x.GetSuccessNonCompat()) } // Deprecated: Use "New" constructor and setters to build your structs. // e.g newRespGetEntityGetString().Set().Set() type respGetEntityGetStringBuilder struct { obj *respGetEntityGetString } // Deprecated: Use "New" constructor and setters to build your structs. // e.g newRespGetEntityGetString().Set().Set() func newRespGetEntityGetStringBuilder() *respGetEntityGetStringBuilder { return &respGetEntityGetStringBuilder{ obj: newRespGetEntityGetString(), } } // Deprecated: Use "New" constructor and setters to build your structs. // e.g newRespGetEntityGetString().Set().Set() func (x *respGetEntityGetStringBuilder) Success(value *string) *respGetEntityGetStringBuilder { x.obj.Success = value return x } // Deprecated: Use "New" constructor and setters to build your structs. // e.g newRespGetEntityGetString().Set().Set() func (x *respGetEntityGetStringBuilder) Emit() *respGetEntityGetString { var objCopy respGetEntityGetString = *x.obj return &objCopy } func (x *respGetEntityGetString) Exception() thrift.WritableException { return nil } func (x *respGetEntityGetString) Write(p thrift.Format) error { if err := p.WriteStructBegin("respGetEntityGetString"); err != nil { return thrift.PrependError(fmt.Sprintf("%T write struct begin error: ", x), err) } if err := x.writeField0(p); err != nil { return err } if err := p.WriteFieldStop(); err != nil { return thrift.PrependError(fmt.Sprintf("%T write field stop error: ", x), err) } if err := p.WriteStructEnd(); err != nil { return thrift.PrependError(fmt.Sprintf("%T write struct end error: ", x), err) } return nil } func (x *respGetEntityGetString) Read(p thrift.Format) error { if _, err := p.ReadStructBegin(); err != nil { return thrift.PrependError(fmt.Sprintf("%T read error: ", x), err) } for { _, wireType, id, err := p.ReadFieldBegin() if err != nil { return thrift.PrependError(fmt.Sprintf("%T field %d read error: ", x, id), err) } if wireType == thrift.STOP { break; } switch { case (id == 0 && wireType == thrift.Type(thrift.STRING)): // success if err := x.readField0(p); err != nil { return err } default: if err := p.Skip(wireType); err != nil { return err } } if err := p.ReadFieldEnd(); err != nil { return err } } if err := p.ReadStructEnd(); err != nil { return thrift.PrependError(fmt.Sprintf("%T read struct end error: ", x), err) } return nil } func (x *respGetEntityGetString) String() string { if x == nil { return "" } var sb strings.Builder sb.WriteString("respGetEntityGetString({") sb.WriteString(fmt.Sprintf("Success:%s", x.toString0())) sb.WriteString("})") return sb.String() } type reqGetEntityGetBinary struct { } // Compile time interface enforcer var _ thrift.Struct = &reqGetEntityGetBinary{} // Deprecated: GetEntityGetBinaryArgsDeprecated is deprecated, since it is supposed to be internal. type GetEntityGetBinaryArgsDeprecated = reqGetEntityGetBinary func newReqGetEntityGetBinary() *reqGetEntityGetBinary { return (&reqGetEntityGetBinary{}) } // Deprecated: Use "New" constructor and setters to build your structs. // e.g newReqGetEntityGetBinary().Set().Set() type reqGetEntityGetBinaryBuilder struct { obj *reqGetEntityGetBinary } // Deprecated: Use "New" constructor and setters to build your structs. // e.g newReqGetEntityGetBinary().Set().Set() func newReqGetEntityGetBinaryBuilder() *reqGetEntityGetBinaryBuilder { return &reqGetEntityGetBinaryBuilder{ obj: newReqGetEntityGetBinary(), } } // Deprecated: Use "New" constructor and setters to build your structs. // e.g newReqGetEntityGetBinary().Set().Set() func (x *reqGetEntityGetBinaryBuilder) Emit() *reqGetEntityGetBinary { var objCopy reqGetEntityGetBinary = *x.obj return &objCopy } func (x *reqGetEntityGetBinary) Write(p thrift.Format) error { if err := p.WriteStructBegin("reqGetEntityGetBinary"); err != nil { return thrift.PrependError(fmt.Sprintf("%T write struct begin error: ", x), err) } if err := p.WriteFieldStop(); err != nil { return thrift.PrependError(fmt.Sprintf("%T write field stop error: ", x), err) } if err := p.WriteStructEnd(); err != nil { return thrift.PrependError(fmt.Sprintf("%T write struct end error: ", x), err) } return nil } func (x *reqGetEntityGetBinary) Read(p thrift.Format) error { if _, err := p.ReadStructBegin(); err != nil { return thrift.PrependError(fmt.Sprintf("%T read error: ", x), err) } for { _, wireType, id, err := p.ReadFieldBegin() if err != nil { return thrift.PrependError(fmt.Sprintf("%T field %d read error: ", x, id), err) } if wireType == thrift.STOP { break; } switch { default: if err := p.Skip(wireType); err != nil { return err } } if err := p.ReadFieldEnd(); err != nil { return err } } if err := p.ReadStructEnd(); err != nil { return thrift.PrependError(fmt.Sprintf("%T read struct end error: ", x), err) } return nil } func (x *reqGetEntityGetBinary) String() string { if x == nil { return "" } var sb strings.Builder sb.WriteString("reqGetEntityGetBinary({") sb.WriteString("})") return sb.String() } type respGetEntityGetBinary struct { Success []byte `thrift:"success,0,optional" json:"success,omitempty" db:"success"` } // Compile time interface enforcer var _ thrift.Struct = &respGetEntityGetBinary{} var _ thrift.WritableResult = &respGetEntityGetBinary{} // Deprecated: GetEntityGetBinaryResultDeprecated is deprecated, since it is supposed to be internal. type GetEntityGetBinaryResultDeprecated = respGetEntityGetBinary func newRespGetEntityGetBinary() *respGetEntityGetBinary { return (&respGetEntityGetBinary{}) } func (x *respGetEntityGetBinary) GetSuccessNonCompat() []byte { return x.Success } func (x *respGetEntityGetBinary) GetSuccess() []byte { if !x.IsSetSuccess() { return []byte("") } return x.Success } func (x *respGetEntityGetBinary) SetSuccessNonCompat(value []byte) *respGetEntityGetBinary { x.Success = value return x } func (x *respGetEntityGetBinary) SetSuccess(value []byte) *respGetEntityGetBinary { x.Success = value return x } func (x *respGetEntityGetBinary) IsSetSuccess() bool { return x != nil && x.Success != nil } func (x *respGetEntityGetBinary) writeField0(p thrift.Format) error { // Success if !x.IsSetSuccess() { return nil } if err := p.WriteFieldBegin("success", thrift.STRING, 0); err != nil { return thrift.PrependError(fmt.Sprintf("%T write field begin error: ", x), err) } item := x.GetSuccessNonCompat() if err := p.WriteBinary(item); err != nil { return err } if err := p.WriteFieldEnd(); err != nil { return thrift.PrependError(fmt.Sprintf("%T write field end error: ", x), err) } return nil } func (x *respGetEntityGetBinary) readField0(p thrift.Format) error { // Success result, err := p.ReadBinary() if err != nil { return err } x.SetSuccessNonCompat(result) return nil } func (x *respGetEntityGetBinary) toString0() string { // Success return fmt.Sprintf("%v", x.GetSuccessNonCompat()) } // Deprecated: Use "New" constructor and setters to build your structs. // e.g newRespGetEntityGetBinary().Set().Set() type respGetEntityGetBinaryBuilder struct { obj *respGetEntityGetBinary } // Deprecated: Use "New" constructor and setters to build your structs. // e.g newRespGetEntityGetBinary().Set().Set() func newRespGetEntityGetBinaryBuilder() *respGetEntityGetBinaryBuilder { return &respGetEntityGetBinaryBuilder{ obj: newRespGetEntityGetBinary(), } } // Deprecated: Use "New" constructor and setters to build your structs. // e.g newRespGetEntityGetBinary().Set().Set() func (x *respGetEntityGetBinaryBuilder) Success(value []byte) *respGetEntityGetBinaryBuilder { x.obj.Success = value return x } // Deprecated: Use "New" constructor and setters to build your structs. // e.g newRespGetEntityGetBinary().Set().Set() func (x *respGetEntityGetBinaryBuilder) Emit() *respGetEntityGetBinary { var objCopy respGetEntityGetBinary = *x.obj return &objCopy } func (x *respGetEntityGetBinary) Exception() thrift.WritableException { return nil } func (x *respGetEntityGetBinary) Write(p thrift.Format) error { if err := p.WriteStructBegin("respGetEntityGetBinary"); err != nil { return thrift.PrependError(fmt.Sprintf("%T write struct begin error: ", x), err) } if err := x.writeField0(p); err != nil { return err } if err := p.WriteFieldStop(); err != nil { return thrift.PrependError(fmt.Sprintf("%T write field stop error: ", x), err) } if err := p.WriteStructEnd(); err != nil { return thrift.PrependError(fmt.Sprintf("%T write struct end error: ", x), err) } return nil } func (x *respGetEntityGetBinary) Read(p thrift.Format) error { if _, err := p.ReadStructBegin(); err != nil { return thrift.PrependError(fmt.Sprintf("%T read error: ", x), err) } for { _, wireType, id, err := p.ReadFieldBegin() if err != nil { return thrift.PrependError(fmt.Sprintf("%T field %d read error: ", x, id), err) } if wireType == thrift.STOP { break; } switch { case (id == 0 && wireType == thrift.Type(thrift.STRING)): // success if err := x.readField0(p); err != nil { return err } default: if err := p.Skip(wireType); err != nil { return err } } if err := p.ReadFieldEnd(); err != nil { return err } } if err := p.ReadStructEnd(); err != nil { return thrift.PrependError(fmt.Sprintf("%T read struct end error: ", x), err) } return nil } func (x *respGetEntityGetBinary) String() string { if x == nil { return "" } var sb strings.Builder sb.WriteString("respGetEntityGetBinary({") sb.WriteString(fmt.Sprintf("Success:%s", x.toString0())) sb.WriteString("})") return sb.String() } type reqGetEntityGetMap struct { } // Compile time interface enforcer var _ thrift.Struct = &reqGetEntityGetMap{} // Deprecated: GetEntityGetMapArgsDeprecated is deprecated, since it is supposed to be internal. type GetEntityGetMapArgsDeprecated = reqGetEntityGetMap func newReqGetEntityGetMap() *reqGetEntityGetMap { return (&reqGetEntityGetMap{}) } // Deprecated: Use "New" constructor and setters to build your structs. // e.g newReqGetEntityGetMap().Set().Set() type reqGetEntityGetMapBuilder struct { obj *reqGetEntityGetMap } // Deprecated: Use "New" constructor and setters to build your structs. // e.g newReqGetEntityGetMap().Set().Set() func newReqGetEntityGetMapBuilder() *reqGetEntityGetMapBuilder { return &reqGetEntityGetMapBuilder{ obj: newReqGetEntityGetMap(), } } // Deprecated: Use "New" constructor and setters to build your structs. // e.g newReqGetEntityGetMap().Set().Set() func (x *reqGetEntityGetMapBuilder) Emit() *reqGetEntityGetMap { var objCopy reqGetEntityGetMap = *x.obj return &objCopy } func (x *reqGetEntityGetMap) Write(p thrift.Format) error { if err := p.WriteStructBegin("reqGetEntityGetMap"); err != nil { return thrift.PrependError(fmt.Sprintf("%T write struct begin error: ", x), err) } if err := p.WriteFieldStop(); err != nil { return thrift.PrependError(fmt.Sprintf("%T write field stop error: ", x), err) } if err := p.WriteStructEnd(); err != nil { return thrift.PrependError(fmt.Sprintf("%T write struct end error: ", x), err) } return nil } func (x *reqGetEntityGetMap) Read(p thrift.Format) error { if _, err := p.ReadStructBegin(); err != nil { return thrift.PrependError(fmt.Sprintf("%T read error: ", x), err) } for { _, wireType, id, err := p.ReadFieldBegin() if err != nil { return thrift.PrependError(fmt.Sprintf("%T field %d read error: ", x, id), err) } if wireType == thrift.STOP { break; } switch { default: if err := p.Skip(wireType); err != nil { return err } } if err := p.ReadFieldEnd(); err != nil { return err } } if err := p.ReadStructEnd(); err != nil { return thrift.PrependError(fmt.Sprintf("%T read struct end error: ", x), err) } return nil } func (x *reqGetEntityGetMap) String() string { if x == nil { return "" } var sb strings.Builder sb.WriteString("reqGetEntityGetMap({") sb.WriteString("})") return sb.String() } type respGetEntityGetMap struct { Success map[string]string `thrift:"success,0,optional" json:"success,omitempty" db:"success"` } // Compile time interface enforcer var _ thrift.Struct = &respGetEntityGetMap{} var _ thrift.WritableResult = &respGetEntityGetMap{} // Deprecated: GetEntityGetMapResultDeprecated is deprecated, since it is supposed to be internal. type GetEntityGetMapResultDeprecated = respGetEntityGetMap func newRespGetEntityGetMap() *respGetEntityGetMap { return (&respGetEntityGetMap{}) } func (x *respGetEntityGetMap) GetSuccessNonCompat() map[string]string { return x.Success } func (x *respGetEntityGetMap) GetSuccess() map[string]string { if !x.IsSetSuccess() { return make(map[string]string) } return x.Success } func (x *respGetEntityGetMap) SetSuccessNonCompat(value map[string]string) *respGetEntityGetMap { x.Success = value return x } func (x *respGetEntityGetMap) SetSuccess(value map[string]string) *respGetEntityGetMap { x.Success = value return x } func (x *respGetEntityGetMap) IsSetSuccess() bool { return x != nil && x.Success != nil } func (x *respGetEntityGetMap) writeField0(p thrift.Format) error { // Success if !x.IsSetSuccess() { return nil } if err := p.WriteFieldBegin("success", thrift.MAP, 0); err != nil { return thrift.PrependError(fmt.Sprintf("%T write field begin error: ", x), err) } item := x.GetSuccessNonCompat() if err := p.WriteMapBegin(thrift.STRING, thrift.STRING, len(item)); err != nil { return thrift.PrependError("error writing map begin: ", err) } for k, v := range item { { item := k if err := p.WriteString(item); err != nil { return err } } { item := v if err := p.WriteString(item); err != nil { return err } } } if err := p.WriteMapEnd(); err != nil { return thrift.PrependError("error writing map end: ", err) } if err := p.WriteFieldEnd(); err != nil { return thrift.PrependError(fmt.Sprintf("%T write field end error: ", x), err) } return nil } func (x *respGetEntityGetMap) readField0(p thrift.Format) error { // Success _ /* keyType */, _ /* valueType */, size, err := p.ReadMapBegin() if err != nil { return thrift.PrependError("error reading map begin: ", err) } mapResult := make(map[string]string, size) for i := 0; i < size; i++ { var key string { result, err := p.ReadString() if err != nil { return err } key = result } var value string { result, err := p.ReadString() if err != nil { return err } value = result } mapResult[key] = value } if err := p.ReadMapEnd(); err != nil { return thrift.PrependError("error reading map end: ", err) } result := mapResult x.SetSuccessNonCompat(result) return nil } func (x *respGetEntityGetMap) toString0() string { // Success return fmt.Sprintf("%v", x.GetSuccessNonCompat()) } // Deprecated: Use "New" constructor and setters to build your structs. // e.g newRespGetEntityGetMap().Set().Set() type respGetEntityGetMapBuilder struct { obj *respGetEntityGetMap } // Deprecated: Use "New" constructor and setters to build your structs. // e.g newRespGetEntityGetMap().Set().Set() func newRespGetEntityGetMapBuilder() *respGetEntityGetMapBuilder { return &respGetEntityGetMapBuilder{ obj: newRespGetEntityGetMap(), } } // Deprecated: Use "New" constructor and setters to build your structs. // e.g newRespGetEntityGetMap().Set().Set() func (x *respGetEntityGetMapBuilder) Success(value map[string]string) *respGetEntityGetMapBuilder { x.obj.Success = value return x } // Deprecated: Use "New" constructor and setters to build your structs. // e.g newRespGetEntityGetMap().Set().Set() func (x *respGetEntityGetMapBuilder) Emit() *respGetEntityGetMap { var objCopy respGetEntityGetMap = *x.obj return &objCopy } func (x *respGetEntityGetMap) Exception() thrift.WritableException { return nil } func (x *respGetEntityGetMap) Write(p thrift.Format) error { if err := p.WriteStructBegin("respGetEntityGetMap"); err != nil { return thrift.PrependError(fmt.Sprintf("%T write struct begin error: ", x), err) } if err := x.writeField0(p); err != nil { return err } if err := p.WriteFieldStop(); err != nil { return thrift.PrependError(fmt.Sprintf("%T write field stop error: ", x), err) } if err := p.WriteStructEnd(); err != nil { return thrift.PrependError(fmt.Sprintf("%T write struct end error: ", x), err) } return nil } func (x *respGetEntityGetMap) Read(p thrift.Format) error { if _, err := p.ReadStructBegin(); err != nil { return thrift.PrependError(fmt.Sprintf("%T read error: ", x), err) } for { _, wireType, id, err := p.ReadFieldBegin() if err != nil { return thrift.PrependError(fmt.Sprintf("%T field %d read error: ", x, id), err) } if wireType == thrift.STOP { break; } switch { case (id == 0 && wireType == thrift.Type(thrift.MAP)): // success if err := x.readField0(p); err != nil { return err } default: if err := p.Skip(wireType); err != nil { return err } } if err := p.ReadFieldEnd(); err != nil { return err } } if err := p.ReadStructEnd(); err != nil { return thrift.PrependError(fmt.Sprintf("%T read struct end error: ", x), err) } return nil } func (x *respGetEntityGetMap) String() string { if x == nil { return "" } var sb strings.Builder sb.WriteString("respGetEntityGetMap({") sb.WriteString(fmt.Sprintf("Success:%s", x.toString0())) sb.WriteString("})") return sb.String() } type reqGetEntityGetSet struct { } // Compile time interface enforcer var _ thrift.Struct = &reqGetEntityGetSet{} // Deprecated: GetEntityGetSetArgsDeprecated is deprecated, since it is supposed to be internal. type GetEntityGetSetArgsDeprecated = reqGetEntityGetSet func newReqGetEntityGetSet() *reqGetEntityGetSet { return (&reqGetEntityGetSet{}) } // Deprecated: Use "New" constructor and setters to build your structs. // e.g newReqGetEntityGetSet().Set().Set() type reqGetEntityGetSetBuilder struct { obj *reqGetEntityGetSet } // Deprecated: Use "New" constructor and setters to build your structs. // e.g newReqGetEntityGetSet().Set().Set() func newReqGetEntityGetSetBuilder() *reqGetEntityGetSetBuilder { return &reqGetEntityGetSetBuilder{ obj: newReqGetEntityGetSet(), } } // Deprecated: Use "New" constructor and setters to build your structs. // e.g newReqGetEntityGetSet().Set().Set() func (x *reqGetEntityGetSetBuilder) Emit() *reqGetEntityGetSet { var objCopy reqGetEntityGetSet = *x.obj return &objCopy } func (x *reqGetEntityGetSet) Write(p thrift.Format) error { if err := p.WriteStructBegin("reqGetEntityGetSet"); err != nil { return thrift.PrependError(fmt.Sprintf("%T write struct begin error: ", x), err) } if err := p.WriteFieldStop(); err != nil { return thrift.PrependError(fmt.Sprintf("%T write field stop error: ", x), err) } if err := p.WriteStructEnd(); err != nil { return thrift.PrependError(fmt.Sprintf("%T write struct end error: ", x), err) } return nil } func (x *reqGetEntityGetSet) Read(p thrift.Format) error { if _, err := p.ReadStructBegin(); err != nil { return thrift.PrependError(fmt.Sprintf("%T read error: ", x), err) } for { _, wireType, id, err := p.ReadFieldBegin() if err != nil { return thrift.PrependError(fmt.Sprintf("%T field %d read error: ", x, id), err) } if wireType == thrift.STOP { break; } switch { default: if err := p.Skip(wireType); err != nil { return err } } if err := p.ReadFieldEnd(); err != nil { return err } } if err := p.ReadStructEnd(); err != nil { return thrift.PrependError(fmt.Sprintf("%T read struct end error: ", x), err) } return nil } func (x *reqGetEntityGetSet) String() string { if x == nil { return "" } var sb strings.Builder sb.WriteString("reqGetEntityGetSet({") sb.WriteString("})") return sb.String() } type respGetEntityGetSet struct { Success []string `thrift:"success,0,optional" json:"success,omitempty" db:"success"` } // Compile time interface enforcer var _ thrift.Struct = &respGetEntityGetSet{} var _ thrift.WritableResult = &respGetEntityGetSet{} // Deprecated: GetEntityGetSetResultDeprecated is deprecated, since it is supposed to be internal. type GetEntityGetSetResultDeprecated = respGetEntityGetSet func newRespGetEntityGetSet() *respGetEntityGetSet { return (&respGetEntityGetSet{}) } func (x *respGetEntityGetSet) GetSuccessNonCompat() []string { return x.Success } func (x *respGetEntityGetSet) GetSuccess() []string { if !x.IsSetSuccess() { return make([]string, 0) } return x.Success } func (x *respGetEntityGetSet) SetSuccessNonCompat(value []string) *respGetEntityGetSet { x.Success = value return x } func (x *respGetEntityGetSet) SetSuccess(value []string) *respGetEntityGetSet { x.Success = value return x } func (x *respGetEntityGetSet) IsSetSuccess() bool { return x != nil && x.Success != nil } func (x *respGetEntityGetSet) writeField0(p thrift.Format) error { // Success if !x.IsSetSuccess() { return nil } if err := p.WriteFieldBegin("success", thrift.SET, 0); err != nil { return thrift.PrependError(fmt.Sprintf("%T write field begin error: ", x), err) } item := x.GetSuccessNonCompat() if err := p.WriteSetBegin(thrift.STRING, len(item)); err != nil { return thrift.PrependError("error writing set begin: ", err) } for _, v := range item { { item := v if err := p.WriteString(item); err != nil { return err } } } if err := p.WriteSetEnd(); err != nil { return thrift.PrependError("error writing set end: ", err) } if err := p.WriteFieldEnd(); err != nil { return thrift.PrependError(fmt.Sprintf("%T write field end error: ", x), err) } return nil } func (x *respGetEntityGetSet) readField0(p thrift.Format) error { // Success _ /* elemType */, size, err := p.ReadSetBegin() if err != nil { return thrift.PrependError("error reading set begin: ", err) } setResult := make([]string, 0, size) for i := 0; i < size; i++ { var elem string { result, err := p.ReadString() if err != nil { return err } elem = result } setResult = append(setResult, elem) } if err := p.ReadSetEnd(); err != nil { return thrift.PrependError("error reading set end: ", err) } result := setResult x.SetSuccessNonCompat(result) return nil } func (x *respGetEntityGetSet) toString0() string { // Success return fmt.Sprintf("%v", x.GetSuccessNonCompat()) } // Deprecated: Use "New" constructor and setters to build your structs. // e.g newRespGetEntityGetSet().Set().Set() type respGetEntityGetSetBuilder struct { obj *respGetEntityGetSet } // Deprecated: Use "New" constructor and setters to build your structs. // e.g newRespGetEntityGetSet().Set().Set() func newRespGetEntityGetSetBuilder() *respGetEntityGetSetBuilder { return &respGetEntityGetSetBuilder{ obj: newRespGetEntityGetSet(), } } // Deprecated: Use "New" constructor and setters to build your structs. // e.g newRespGetEntityGetSet().Set().Set() func (x *respGetEntityGetSetBuilder) Success(value []string) *respGetEntityGetSetBuilder { x.obj.Success = value return x } // Deprecated: Use "New" constructor and setters to build your structs. // e.g newRespGetEntityGetSet().Set().Set() func (x *respGetEntityGetSetBuilder) Emit() *respGetEntityGetSet { var objCopy respGetEntityGetSet = *x.obj return &objCopy } func (x *respGetEntityGetSet) Exception() thrift.WritableException { return nil } func (x *respGetEntityGetSet) Write(p thrift.Format) error { if err := p.WriteStructBegin("respGetEntityGetSet"); err != nil { return thrift.PrependError(fmt.Sprintf("%T write struct begin error: ", x), err) } if err := x.writeField0(p); err != nil { return err } if err := p.WriteFieldStop(); err != nil { return thrift.PrependError(fmt.Sprintf("%T write field stop error: ", x), err) } if err := p.WriteStructEnd(); err != nil { return thrift.PrependError(fmt.Sprintf("%T write struct end error: ", x), err) } return nil } func (x *respGetEntityGetSet) Read(p thrift.Format) error { if _, err := p.ReadStructBegin(); err != nil { return thrift.PrependError(fmt.Sprintf("%T read error: ", x), err) } for { _, wireType, id, err := p.ReadFieldBegin() if err != nil { return thrift.PrependError(fmt.Sprintf("%T field %d read error: ", x, id), err) } if wireType == thrift.STOP { break; } switch { case (id == 0 && wireType == thrift.Type(thrift.SET)): // success if err := x.readField0(p); err != nil { return err } default: if err := p.Skip(wireType); err != nil { return err } } if err := p.ReadFieldEnd(); err != nil { return err } } if err := p.ReadStructEnd(); err != nil { return thrift.PrependError(fmt.Sprintf("%T read struct end error: ", x), err) } return nil } func (x *respGetEntityGetSet) String() string { if x == nil { return "" } var sb strings.Builder sb.WriteString("respGetEntityGetSet({") sb.WriteString(fmt.Sprintf("Success:%s", x.toString0())) sb.WriteString("})") return sb.String() } type reqGetEntityGetList struct { } // Compile time interface enforcer var _ thrift.Struct = &reqGetEntityGetList{} // Deprecated: GetEntityGetListArgsDeprecated is deprecated, since it is supposed to be internal. type GetEntityGetListArgsDeprecated = reqGetEntityGetList func newReqGetEntityGetList() *reqGetEntityGetList { return (&reqGetEntityGetList{}) } // Deprecated: Use "New" constructor and setters to build your structs. // e.g newReqGetEntityGetList().Set().Set() type reqGetEntityGetListBuilder struct { obj *reqGetEntityGetList } // Deprecated: Use "New" constructor and setters to build your structs. // e.g newReqGetEntityGetList().Set().Set() func newReqGetEntityGetListBuilder() *reqGetEntityGetListBuilder { return &reqGetEntityGetListBuilder{ obj: newReqGetEntityGetList(), } } // Deprecated: Use "New" constructor and setters to build your structs. // e.g newReqGetEntityGetList().Set().Set() func (x *reqGetEntityGetListBuilder) Emit() *reqGetEntityGetList { var objCopy reqGetEntityGetList = *x.obj return &objCopy } func (x *reqGetEntityGetList) Write(p thrift.Format) error { if err := p.WriteStructBegin("reqGetEntityGetList"); err != nil { return thrift.PrependError(fmt.Sprintf("%T write struct begin error: ", x), err) } if err := p.WriteFieldStop(); err != nil { return thrift.PrependError(fmt.Sprintf("%T write field stop error: ", x), err) } if err := p.WriteStructEnd(); err != nil { return thrift.PrependError(fmt.Sprintf("%T write struct end error: ", x), err) } return nil } func (x *reqGetEntityGetList) Read(p thrift.Format) error { if _, err := p.ReadStructBegin(); err != nil { return thrift.PrependError(fmt.Sprintf("%T read error: ", x), err) } for { _, wireType, id, err := p.ReadFieldBegin() if err != nil { return thrift.PrependError(fmt.Sprintf("%T field %d read error: ", x, id), err) } if wireType == thrift.STOP { break; } switch { default: if err := p.Skip(wireType); err != nil { return err } } if err := p.ReadFieldEnd(); err != nil { return err } } if err := p.ReadStructEnd(); err != nil { return thrift.PrependError(fmt.Sprintf("%T read struct end error: ", x), err) } return nil } func (x *reqGetEntityGetList) String() string { if x == nil { return "" } var sb strings.Builder sb.WriteString("reqGetEntityGetList({") sb.WriteString("})") return sb.String() } type respGetEntityGetList struct { Success []string `thrift:"success,0,optional" json:"success,omitempty" db:"success"` } // Compile time interface enforcer var _ thrift.Struct = &respGetEntityGetList{} var _ thrift.WritableResult = &respGetEntityGetList{} // Deprecated: GetEntityGetListResultDeprecated is deprecated, since it is supposed to be internal. type GetEntityGetListResultDeprecated = respGetEntityGetList func newRespGetEntityGetList() *respGetEntityGetList { return (&respGetEntityGetList{}) } func (x *respGetEntityGetList) GetSuccessNonCompat() []string { return x.Success } func (x *respGetEntityGetList) GetSuccess() []string { if !x.IsSetSuccess() { return make([]string, 0) } return x.Success } func (x *respGetEntityGetList) SetSuccessNonCompat(value []string) *respGetEntityGetList { x.Success = value return x } func (x *respGetEntityGetList) SetSuccess(value []string) *respGetEntityGetList { x.Success = value return x } func (x *respGetEntityGetList) IsSetSuccess() bool { return x != nil && x.Success != nil } func (x *respGetEntityGetList) writeField0(p thrift.Format) error { // Success if !x.IsSetSuccess() { return nil } if err := p.WriteFieldBegin("success", thrift.LIST, 0); err != nil { return thrift.PrependError(fmt.Sprintf("%T write field begin error: ", x), err) } item := x.GetSuccessNonCompat() if err := p.WriteListBegin(thrift.STRING, len(item)); err != nil { return thrift.PrependError("error writing list begin: ", err) } for _, v := range item { { item := v if err := p.WriteString(item); err != nil { return err } } } if err := p.WriteListEnd(); err != nil { return thrift.PrependError("error writing list end: ", err) } if err := p.WriteFieldEnd(); err != nil { return thrift.PrependError(fmt.Sprintf("%T write field end error: ", x), err) } return nil } func (x *respGetEntityGetList) readField0(p thrift.Format) error { // Success _ /* elemType */, size, err := p.ReadListBegin() if err != nil { return thrift.PrependError("error reading list begin: ", err) } listResult := make([]string, 0, size) for i := 0; i < size; i++ { var elem string { result, err := p.ReadString() if err != nil { return err } elem = result } listResult = append(listResult, elem) } if err := p.ReadListEnd(); err != nil { return thrift.PrependError("error reading list end: ", err) } result := listResult x.SetSuccessNonCompat(result) return nil } func (x *respGetEntityGetList) toString0() string { // Success return fmt.Sprintf("%v", x.GetSuccessNonCompat()) } // Deprecated: Use "New" constructor and setters to build your structs. // e.g newRespGetEntityGetList().Set().Set() type respGetEntityGetListBuilder struct { obj *respGetEntityGetList } // Deprecated: Use "New" constructor and setters to build your structs. // e.g newRespGetEntityGetList().Set().Set() func newRespGetEntityGetListBuilder() *respGetEntityGetListBuilder { return &respGetEntityGetListBuilder{ obj: newRespGetEntityGetList(), } } // Deprecated: Use "New" constructor and setters to build your structs. // e.g newRespGetEntityGetList().Set().Set() func (x *respGetEntityGetListBuilder) Success(value []string) *respGetEntityGetListBuilder { x.obj.Success = value return x } // Deprecated: Use "New" constructor and setters to build your structs. // e.g newRespGetEntityGetList().Set().Set() func (x *respGetEntityGetListBuilder) Emit() *respGetEntityGetList { var objCopy respGetEntityGetList = *x.obj return &objCopy } func (x *respGetEntityGetList) Exception() thrift.WritableException { return nil } func (x *respGetEntityGetList) Write(p thrift.Format) error { if err := p.WriteStructBegin("respGetEntityGetList"); err != nil { return thrift.PrependError(fmt.Sprintf("%T write struct begin error: ", x), err) } if err := x.writeField0(p); err != nil { return err } if err := p.WriteFieldStop(); err != nil { return thrift.PrependError(fmt.Sprintf("%T write field stop error: ", x), err) } if err := p.WriteStructEnd(); err != nil { return thrift.PrependError(fmt.Sprintf("%T write struct end error: ", x), err) } return nil } func (x *respGetEntityGetList) Read(p thrift.Format) error { if _, err := p.ReadStructBegin(); err != nil { return thrift.PrependError(fmt.Sprintf("%T read error: ", x), err) } for { _, wireType, id, err := p.ReadFieldBegin() if err != nil { return thrift.PrependError(fmt.Sprintf("%T field %d read error: ", x, id), err) } if wireType == thrift.STOP { break; } switch { case (id == 0 && wireType == thrift.Type(thrift.LIST)): // success if err := x.readField0(p); err != nil { return err } default: if err := p.Skip(wireType); err != nil { return err } } if err := p.ReadFieldEnd(); err != nil { return err } } if err := p.ReadStructEnd(); err != nil { return thrift.PrependError(fmt.Sprintf("%T read struct end error: ", x), err) } return nil } func (x *respGetEntityGetList) String() string { if x == nil { return "" } var sb strings.Builder sb.WriteString("respGetEntityGetList({") sb.WriteString(fmt.Sprintf("Success:%s", x.toString0())) sb.WriteString("})") return sb.String() } type reqGetEntityGetLegacyStuff struct { NumNeg2 int64 `thrift:"numNeg2,-2" json:"numNeg2" db:"numNeg2"` NumNeg1 int64 `thrift:"numNeg1,-1" json:"numNeg1" db:"numNeg1"` NumPos int64 `thrift:"numPos,1" json:"numPos" db:"numPos"` } // Compile time interface enforcer var _ thrift.Struct = &reqGetEntityGetLegacyStuff{} // Deprecated: GetEntityGetLegacyStuffArgsDeprecated is deprecated, since it is supposed to be internal. type GetEntityGetLegacyStuffArgsDeprecated = reqGetEntityGetLegacyStuff func newReqGetEntityGetLegacyStuff() *reqGetEntityGetLegacyStuff { return (&reqGetEntityGetLegacyStuff{}). SetNumNeg2NonCompat(0). SetNumNeg1NonCompat(0). SetNumPosNonCompat(0) } func (x *reqGetEntityGetLegacyStuff) GetNumNeg2NonCompat() int64 { return x.NumNeg2 } func (x *reqGetEntityGetLegacyStuff) GetNumNeg2() int64 { return x.NumNeg2 } func (x *reqGetEntityGetLegacyStuff) GetNumNeg1NonCompat() int64 { return x.NumNeg1 } func (x *reqGetEntityGetLegacyStuff) GetNumNeg1() int64 { return x.NumNeg1 } func (x *reqGetEntityGetLegacyStuff) GetNumPosNonCompat() int64 { return x.NumPos } func (x *reqGetEntityGetLegacyStuff) GetNumPos() int64 { return x.NumPos } func (x *reqGetEntityGetLegacyStuff) SetNumNeg2NonCompat(value int64) *reqGetEntityGetLegacyStuff { x.NumNeg2 = value return x } func (x *reqGetEntityGetLegacyStuff) SetNumNeg2(value int64) *reqGetEntityGetLegacyStuff { x.NumNeg2 = value return x } func (x *reqGetEntityGetLegacyStuff) SetNumNeg1NonCompat(value int64) *reqGetEntityGetLegacyStuff { x.NumNeg1 = value return x } func (x *reqGetEntityGetLegacyStuff) SetNumNeg1(value int64) *reqGetEntityGetLegacyStuff { x.NumNeg1 = value return x } func (x *reqGetEntityGetLegacyStuff) SetNumPosNonCompat(value int64) *reqGetEntityGetLegacyStuff { x.NumPos = value return x } func (x *reqGetEntityGetLegacyStuff) SetNumPos(value int64) *reqGetEntityGetLegacyStuff { x.NumPos = value return x } func (x *reqGetEntityGetLegacyStuff) writeField_2(p thrift.Format) error { // NumNeg2 if err := p.WriteFieldBegin("numNeg2", thrift.I64, -2); err != nil { return thrift.PrependError(fmt.Sprintf("%T write field begin error: ", x), err) } item := x.GetNumNeg2NonCompat() if err := p.WriteI64(item); err != nil { return err } if err := p.WriteFieldEnd(); err != nil { return thrift.PrependError(fmt.Sprintf("%T write field end error: ", x), err) } return nil } func (x *reqGetEntityGetLegacyStuff) writeField_1(p thrift.Format) error { // NumNeg1 if err := p.WriteFieldBegin("numNeg1", thrift.I64, -1); err != nil { return thrift.PrependError(fmt.Sprintf("%T write field begin error: ", x), err) } item := x.GetNumNeg1NonCompat() if err := p.WriteI64(item); err != nil { return err } if err := p.WriteFieldEnd(); err != nil { return thrift.PrependError(fmt.Sprintf("%T write field end error: ", x), err) } return nil } func (x *reqGetEntityGetLegacyStuff) writeField1(p thrift.Format) error { // NumPos if err := p.WriteFieldBegin("numPos", thrift.I64, 1); err != nil { return thrift.PrependError(fmt.Sprintf("%T write field begin error: ", x), err) } item := x.GetNumPosNonCompat() if err := p.WriteI64(item); err != nil { return err } if err := p.WriteFieldEnd(); err != nil { return thrift.PrependError(fmt.Sprintf("%T write field end error: ", x), err) } return nil } func (x *reqGetEntityGetLegacyStuff) readField_2(p thrift.Format) error { // NumNeg2 result, err := p.ReadI64() if err != nil { return err } x.SetNumNeg2NonCompat(result) return nil } func (x *reqGetEntityGetLegacyStuff) readField_1(p thrift.Format) error { // NumNeg1 result, err := p.ReadI64() if err != nil { return err } x.SetNumNeg1NonCompat(result) return nil } func (x *reqGetEntityGetLegacyStuff) readField1(p thrift.Format) error { // NumPos result, err := p.ReadI64() if err != nil { return err } x.SetNumPosNonCompat(result) return nil } func (x *reqGetEntityGetLegacyStuff) toString_2() string { // NumNeg2 return fmt.Sprintf("%v", x.GetNumNeg2NonCompat()) } func (x *reqGetEntityGetLegacyStuff) toString_1() string { // NumNeg1 return fmt.Sprintf("%v", x.GetNumNeg1NonCompat()) } func (x *reqGetEntityGetLegacyStuff) toString1() string { // NumPos return fmt.Sprintf("%v", x.GetNumPosNonCompat()) } // Deprecated: Use "New" constructor and setters to build your structs. // e.g newReqGetEntityGetLegacyStuff().Set().Set() type reqGetEntityGetLegacyStuffBuilder struct { obj *reqGetEntityGetLegacyStuff } // Deprecated: Use "New" constructor and setters to build your structs. // e.g newReqGetEntityGetLegacyStuff().Set().Set() func newReqGetEntityGetLegacyStuffBuilder() *reqGetEntityGetLegacyStuffBuilder { return &reqGetEntityGetLegacyStuffBuilder{ obj: newReqGetEntityGetLegacyStuff(), } } // Deprecated: Use "New" constructor and setters to build your structs. // e.g newReqGetEntityGetLegacyStuff().Set().Set() func (x *reqGetEntityGetLegacyStuffBuilder) NumNeg2(value int64) *reqGetEntityGetLegacyStuffBuilder { x.obj.NumNeg2 = value return x } // Deprecated: Use "New" constructor and setters to build your structs. // e.g newReqGetEntityGetLegacyStuff().Set().Set() func (x *reqGetEntityGetLegacyStuffBuilder) NumNeg1(value int64) *reqGetEntityGetLegacyStuffBuilder { x.obj.NumNeg1 = value return x } // Deprecated: Use "New" constructor and setters to build your structs. // e.g newReqGetEntityGetLegacyStuff().Set().Set() func (x *reqGetEntityGetLegacyStuffBuilder) NumPos(value int64) *reqGetEntityGetLegacyStuffBuilder { x.obj.NumPos = value return x } // Deprecated: Use "New" constructor and setters to build your structs. // e.g newReqGetEntityGetLegacyStuff().Set().Set() func (x *reqGetEntityGetLegacyStuffBuilder) Emit() *reqGetEntityGetLegacyStuff { var objCopy reqGetEntityGetLegacyStuff = *x.obj return &objCopy } func (x *reqGetEntityGetLegacyStuff) Write(p thrift.Format) error { if err := p.WriteStructBegin("reqGetEntityGetLegacyStuff"); err != nil { return thrift.PrependError(fmt.Sprintf("%T write struct begin error: ", x), err) } if err := x.writeField_2(p); err != nil { return err } if err := x.writeField_1(p); err != nil { return err } if err := x.writeField1(p); err != nil { return err } if err := p.WriteFieldStop(); err != nil { return thrift.PrependError(fmt.Sprintf("%T write field stop error: ", x), err) } if err := p.WriteStructEnd(); err != nil { return thrift.PrependError(fmt.Sprintf("%T write struct end error: ", x), err) } return nil } func (x *reqGetEntityGetLegacyStuff) Read(p thrift.Format) error { if _, err := p.ReadStructBegin(); err != nil { return thrift.PrependError(fmt.Sprintf("%T read error: ", x), err) } for { _, wireType, id, err := p.ReadFieldBegin() if err != nil { return thrift.PrependError(fmt.Sprintf("%T field %d read error: ", x, id), err) } if wireType == thrift.STOP { break; } switch { case (id == -2 && wireType == thrift.Type(thrift.I64)): // numNeg2 if err := x.readField_2(p); err != nil { return err } case (id == -1 && wireType == thrift.Type(thrift.I64)): // numNeg1 if err := x.readField_1(p); err != nil { return err } case (id == 1 && wireType == thrift.Type(thrift.I64)): // numPos if err := x.readField1(p); err != nil { return err } default: if err := p.Skip(wireType); err != nil { return err } } if err := p.ReadFieldEnd(); err != nil { return err } } if err := p.ReadStructEnd(); err != nil { return thrift.PrependError(fmt.Sprintf("%T read struct end error: ", x), err) } return nil } func (x *reqGetEntityGetLegacyStuff) String() string { if x == nil { return "" } var sb strings.Builder sb.WriteString("reqGetEntityGetLegacyStuff({") sb.WriteString(fmt.Sprintf("NumNeg2:%s ", x.toString_2())) sb.WriteString(fmt.Sprintf("NumNeg1:%s ", x.toString_1())) sb.WriteString(fmt.Sprintf("NumPos:%s", x.toString1())) sb.WriteString("})") return sb.String() } type respGetEntityGetLegacyStuff struct { Success *int32 `thrift:"success,0,optional" json:"success,omitempty" db:"success"` } // Compile time interface enforcer var _ thrift.Struct = &respGetEntityGetLegacyStuff{} var _ thrift.WritableResult = &respGetEntityGetLegacyStuff{} // Deprecated: GetEntityGetLegacyStuffResultDeprecated is deprecated, since it is supposed to be internal. type GetEntityGetLegacyStuffResultDeprecated = respGetEntityGetLegacyStuff func newRespGetEntityGetLegacyStuff() *respGetEntityGetLegacyStuff { return (&respGetEntityGetLegacyStuff{}) } func (x *respGetEntityGetLegacyStuff) GetSuccessNonCompat() *int32 { return x.Success } func (x *respGetEntityGetLegacyStuff) GetSuccess() int32 { if !x.IsSetSuccess() { return 0 } return *x.Success } func (x *respGetEntityGetLegacyStuff) SetSuccessNonCompat(value int32) *respGetEntityGetLegacyStuff { x.Success = &value return x } func (x *respGetEntityGetLegacyStuff) SetSuccess(value *int32) *respGetEntityGetLegacyStuff { x.Success = value return x } func (x *respGetEntityGetLegacyStuff) IsSetSuccess() bool { return x != nil && x.Success != nil } func (x *respGetEntityGetLegacyStuff) writeField0(p thrift.Format) error { // Success if !x.IsSetSuccess() { return nil } if err := p.WriteFieldBegin("success", thrift.I32, 0); err != nil { return thrift.PrependError(fmt.Sprintf("%T write field begin error: ", x), err) } item := *x.GetSuccessNonCompat() if err := p.WriteI32(item); err != nil { return err } if err := p.WriteFieldEnd(); err != nil { return thrift.PrependError(fmt.Sprintf("%T write field end error: ", x), err) } return nil } func (x *respGetEntityGetLegacyStuff) readField0(p thrift.Format) error { // Success result, err := p.ReadI32() if err != nil { return err } x.SetSuccessNonCompat(result) return nil } func (x *respGetEntityGetLegacyStuff) toString0() string { // Success if x.IsSetSuccess() { return fmt.Sprintf("%v", *x.GetSuccessNonCompat()) } return fmt.Sprintf("%v", x.GetSuccessNonCompat()) } // Deprecated: Use "New" constructor and setters to build your structs. // e.g newRespGetEntityGetLegacyStuff().Set().Set() type respGetEntityGetLegacyStuffBuilder struct { obj *respGetEntityGetLegacyStuff } // Deprecated: Use "New" constructor and setters to build your structs. // e.g newRespGetEntityGetLegacyStuff().Set().Set() func newRespGetEntityGetLegacyStuffBuilder() *respGetEntityGetLegacyStuffBuilder { return &respGetEntityGetLegacyStuffBuilder{ obj: newRespGetEntityGetLegacyStuff(), } } // Deprecated: Use "New" constructor and setters to build your structs. // e.g newRespGetEntityGetLegacyStuff().Set().Set() func (x *respGetEntityGetLegacyStuffBuilder) Success(value *int32) *respGetEntityGetLegacyStuffBuilder { x.obj.Success = value return x } // Deprecated: Use "New" constructor and setters to build your structs. // e.g newRespGetEntityGetLegacyStuff().Set().Set() func (x *respGetEntityGetLegacyStuffBuilder) Emit() *respGetEntityGetLegacyStuff { var objCopy respGetEntityGetLegacyStuff = *x.obj return &objCopy } func (x *respGetEntityGetLegacyStuff) Exception() thrift.WritableException { return nil } func (x *respGetEntityGetLegacyStuff) Write(p thrift.Format) error { if err := p.WriteStructBegin("respGetEntityGetLegacyStuff"); err != nil { return thrift.PrependError(fmt.Sprintf("%T write struct begin error: ", x), err) } if err := x.writeField0(p); err != nil { return err } if err := p.WriteFieldStop(); err != nil { return thrift.PrependError(fmt.Sprintf("%T write field stop error: ", x), err) } if err := p.WriteStructEnd(); err != nil { return thrift.PrependError(fmt.Sprintf("%T write struct end error: ", x), err) } return nil } func (x *respGetEntityGetLegacyStuff) Read(p thrift.Format) error { if _, err := p.ReadStructBegin(); err != nil { return thrift.PrependError(fmt.Sprintf("%T read error: ", x), err) } for { _, wireType, id, err := p.ReadFieldBegin() if err != nil { return thrift.PrependError(fmt.Sprintf("%T field %d read error: ", x, id), err) } if wireType == thrift.STOP { break; } switch { case (id == 0 && wireType == thrift.Type(thrift.I32)): // success if err := x.readField0(p); err != nil { return err } default: if err := p.Skip(wireType); err != nil { return err } } if err := p.ReadFieldEnd(); err != nil { return err } } if err := p.ReadStructEnd(); err != nil { return thrift.PrependError(fmt.Sprintf("%T read struct end error: ", x), err) } return nil } func (x *respGetEntityGetLegacyStuff) String() string { if x == nil { return "" } var sb strings.Builder sb.WriteString("respGetEntityGetLegacyStuff({") sb.WriteString(fmt.Sprintf("Success:%s", x.toString0())) sb.WriteString("})") return sb.String() } type reqGetEntityGetCtxCollision struct { Ctx int64 `thrift:"ctx,1" json:"ctx" db:"ctx"` } // Compile time interface enforcer var _ thrift.Struct = &reqGetEntityGetCtxCollision{} // Deprecated: GetEntityGetCtxCollisionArgsDeprecated is deprecated, since it is supposed to be internal. type GetEntityGetCtxCollisionArgsDeprecated = reqGetEntityGetCtxCollision func newReqGetEntityGetCtxCollision() *reqGetEntityGetCtxCollision { return (&reqGetEntityGetCtxCollision{}). SetCtxNonCompat(0) } func (x *reqGetEntityGetCtxCollision) GetCtxNonCompat() int64 { return x.Ctx } func (x *reqGetEntityGetCtxCollision) GetCtx() int64 { return x.Ctx } func (x *reqGetEntityGetCtxCollision) SetCtxNonCompat(value int64) *reqGetEntityGetCtxCollision { x.Ctx = value return x } func (x *reqGetEntityGetCtxCollision) SetCtx(value int64) *reqGetEntityGetCtxCollision { x.Ctx = value return x } func (x *reqGetEntityGetCtxCollision) writeField1(p thrift.Format) error { // Ctx if err := p.WriteFieldBegin("ctx", thrift.I64, 1); err != nil { return thrift.PrependError(fmt.Sprintf("%T write field begin error: ", x), err) } item := x.GetCtxNonCompat() if err := p.WriteI64(item); err != nil { return err } if err := p.WriteFieldEnd(); err != nil { return thrift.PrependError(fmt.Sprintf("%T write field end error: ", x), err) } return nil } func (x *reqGetEntityGetCtxCollision) readField1(p thrift.Format) error { // Ctx result, err := p.ReadI64() if err != nil { return err } x.SetCtxNonCompat(result) return nil } func (x *reqGetEntityGetCtxCollision) toString1() string { // Ctx return fmt.Sprintf("%v", x.GetCtxNonCompat()) } // Deprecated: Use "New" constructor and setters to build your structs. // e.g newReqGetEntityGetCtxCollision().Set().Set() type reqGetEntityGetCtxCollisionBuilder struct { obj *reqGetEntityGetCtxCollision } // Deprecated: Use "New" constructor and setters to build your structs. // e.g newReqGetEntityGetCtxCollision().Set().Set() func newReqGetEntityGetCtxCollisionBuilder() *reqGetEntityGetCtxCollisionBuilder { return &reqGetEntityGetCtxCollisionBuilder{ obj: newReqGetEntityGetCtxCollision(), } } // Deprecated: Use "New" constructor and setters to build your structs. // e.g newReqGetEntityGetCtxCollision().Set().Set() func (x *reqGetEntityGetCtxCollisionBuilder) Ctx(value int64) *reqGetEntityGetCtxCollisionBuilder { x.obj.Ctx = value return x } // Deprecated: Use "New" constructor and setters to build your structs. // e.g newReqGetEntityGetCtxCollision().Set().Set() func (x *reqGetEntityGetCtxCollisionBuilder) Emit() *reqGetEntityGetCtxCollision { var objCopy reqGetEntityGetCtxCollision = *x.obj return &objCopy } func (x *reqGetEntityGetCtxCollision) Write(p thrift.Format) error { if err := p.WriteStructBegin("reqGetEntityGetCtxCollision"); err != nil { return thrift.PrependError(fmt.Sprintf("%T write struct begin error: ", x), err) } if err := x.writeField1(p); err != nil { return err } if err := p.WriteFieldStop(); err != nil { return thrift.PrependError(fmt.Sprintf("%T write field stop error: ", x), err) } if err := p.WriteStructEnd(); err != nil { return thrift.PrependError(fmt.Sprintf("%T write struct end error: ", x), err) } return nil } func (x *reqGetEntityGetCtxCollision) Read(p thrift.Format) error { if _, err := p.ReadStructBegin(); err != nil { return thrift.PrependError(fmt.Sprintf("%T read error: ", x), err) } for { _, wireType, id, err := p.ReadFieldBegin() if err != nil { return thrift.PrependError(fmt.Sprintf("%T field %d read error: ", x, id), err) } if wireType == thrift.STOP { break; } switch { case (id == 1 && wireType == thrift.Type(thrift.I64)): // ctx if err := x.readField1(p); err != nil { return err } default: if err := p.Skip(wireType); err != nil { return err } } if err := p.ReadFieldEnd(); err != nil { return err } } if err := p.ReadStructEnd(); err != nil { return thrift.PrependError(fmt.Sprintf("%T read struct end error: ", x), err) } return nil } func (x *reqGetEntityGetCtxCollision) String() string { if x == nil { return "" } var sb strings.Builder sb.WriteString("reqGetEntityGetCtxCollision({") sb.WriteString(fmt.Sprintf("Ctx:%s", x.toString1())) sb.WriteString("})") return sb.String() } type respGetEntityGetCtxCollision struct { Success *int32 `thrift:"success,0,optional" json:"success,omitempty" db:"success"` } // Compile time interface enforcer var _ thrift.Struct = &respGetEntityGetCtxCollision{} var _ thrift.WritableResult = &respGetEntityGetCtxCollision{} // Deprecated: GetEntityGetCtxCollisionResultDeprecated is deprecated, since it is supposed to be internal. type GetEntityGetCtxCollisionResultDeprecated = respGetEntityGetCtxCollision func newRespGetEntityGetCtxCollision() *respGetEntityGetCtxCollision { return (&respGetEntityGetCtxCollision{}) } func (x *respGetEntityGetCtxCollision) GetSuccessNonCompat() *int32 { return x.Success } func (x *respGetEntityGetCtxCollision) GetSuccess() int32 { if !x.IsSetSuccess() { return 0 } return *x.Success } func (x *respGetEntityGetCtxCollision) SetSuccessNonCompat(value int32) *respGetEntityGetCtxCollision { x.Success = &value return x } func (x *respGetEntityGetCtxCollision) SetSuccess(value *int32) *respGetEntityGetCtxCollision { x.Success = value return x } func (x *respGetEntityGetCtxCollision) IsSetSuccess() bool { return x != nil && x.Success != nil } func (x *respGetEntityGetCtxCollision) writeField0(p thrift.Format) error { // Success if !x.IsSetSuccess() { return nil } if err := p.WriteFieldBegin("success", thrift.I32, 0); err != nil { return thrift.PrependError(fmt.Sprintf("%T write field begin error: ", x), err) } item := *x.GetSuccessNonCompat() if err := p.WriteI32(item); err != nil { return err } if err := p.WriteFieldEnd(); err != nil { return thrift.PrependError(fmt.Sprintf("%T write field end error: ", x), err) } return nil } func (x *respGetEntityGetCtxCollision) readField0(p thrift.Format) error { // Success result, err := p.ReadI32() if err != nil { return err } x.SetSuccessNonCompat(result) return nil } func (x *respGetEntityGetCtxCollision) toString0() string { // Success if x.IsSetSuccess() { return fmt.Sprintf("%v", *x.GetSuccessNonCompat()) } return fmt.Sprintf("%v", x.GetSuccessNonCompat()) } // Deprecated: Use "New" constructor and setters to build your structs. // e.g newRespGetEntityGetCtxCollision().Set().Set() type respGetEntityGetCtxCollisionBuilder struct { obj *respGetEntityGetCtxCollision } // Deprecated: Use "New" constructor and setters to build your structs. // e.g newRespGetEntityGetCtxCollision().Set().Set() func newRespGetEntityGetCtxCollisionBuilder() *respGetEntityGetCtxCollisionBuilder { return &respGetEntityGetCtxCollisionBuilder{ obj: newRespGetEntityGetCtxCollision(), } } // Deprecated: Use "New" constructor and setters to build your structs. // e.g newRespGetEntityGetCtxCollision().Set().Set() func (x *respGetEntityGetCtxCollisionBuilder) Success(value *int32) *respGetEntityGetCtxCollisionBuilder { x.obj.Success = value return x } // Deprecated: Use "New" constructor and setters to build your structs. // e.g newRespGetEntityGetCtxCollision().Set().Set() func (x *respGetEntityGetCtxCollisionBuilder) Emit() *respGetEntityGetCtxCollision { var objCopy respGetEntityGetCtxCollision = *x.obj return &objCopy } func (x *respGetEntityGetCtxCollision) Exception() thrift.WritableException { return nil } func (x *respGetEntityGetCtxCollision) Write(p thrift.Format) error { if err := p.WriteStructBegin("respGetEntityGetCtxCollision"); err != nil { return thrift.PrependError(fmt.Sprintf("%T write struct begin error: ", x), err) } if err := x.writeField0(p); err != nil { return err } if err := p.WriteFieldStop(); err != nil { return thrift.PrependError(fmt.Sprintf("%T write field stop error: ", x), err) } if err := p.WriteStructEnd(); err != nil { return thrift.PrependError(fmt.Sprintf("%T write struct end error: ", x), err) } return nil } func (x *respGetEntityGetCtxCollision) Read(p thrift.Format) error { if _, err := p.ReadStructBegin(); err != nil { return thrift.PrependError(fmt.Sprintf("%T read error: ", x), err) } for { _, wireType, id, err := p.ReadFieldBegin() if err != nil { return thrift.PrependError(fmt.Sprintf("%T field %d read error: ", x, id), err) } if wireType == thrift.STOP { break; } switch { case (id == 0 && wireType == thrift.Type(thrift.I32)): // success if err := x.readField0(p); err != nil { return err } default: if err := p.Skip(wireType); err != nil { return err } } if err := p.ReadFieldEnd(); err != nil { return err } } if err := p.ReadStructEnd(); err != nil { return thrift.PrependError(fmt.Sprintf("%T read struct end error: ", x), err) } return nil } func (x *respGetEntityGetCtxCollision) String() string { if x == nil { return "" } var sb strings.Builder sb.WriteString("respGetEntityGetCtxCollision({") sb.WriteString(fmt.Sprintf("Success:%s", x.toString0())) sb.WriteString("})") return sb.String() } type reqGetEntityGetCtx1Collision struct { Ctx int64 `thrift:"ctx,1" json:"ctx" db:"ctx"` Ctx1 int64 `thrift:"ctx1,2" json:"ctx1" db:"ctx1"` } // Compile time interface enforcer var _ thrift.Struct = &reqGetEntityGetCtx1Collision{} // Deprecated: GetEntityGetCtx1CollisionArgsDeprecated is deprecated, since it is supposed to be internal. type GetEntityGetCtx1CollisionArgsDeprecated = reqGetEntityGetCtx1Collision func newReqGetEntityGetCtx1Collision() *reqGetEntityGetCtx1Collision { return (&reqGetEntityGetCtx1Collision{}). SetCtxNonCompat(0). SetCtx1NonCompat(0) } func (x *reqGetEntityGetCtx1Collision) GetCtxNonCompat() int64 { return x.Ctx } func (x *reqGetEntityGetCtx1Collision) GetCtx() int64 { return x.Ctx } func (x *reqGetEntityGetCtx1Collision) GetCtx1NonCompat() int64 { return x.Ctx1 } func (x *reqGetEntityGetCtx1Collision) GetCtx1() int64 { return x.Ctx1 } func (x *reqGetEntityGetCtx1Collision) SetCtxNonCompat(value int64) *reqGetEntityGetCtx1Collision { x.Ctx = value return x } func (x *reqGetEntityGetCtx1Collision) SetCtx(value int64) *reqGetEntityGetCtx1Collision { x.Ctx = value return x } func (x *reqGetEntityGetCtx1Collision) SetCtx1NonCompat(value int64) *reqGetEntityGetCtx1Collision { x.Ctx1 = value return x } func (x *reqGetEntityGetCtx1Collision) SetCtx1(value int64) *reqGetEntityGetCtx1Collision { x.Ctx1 = value return x } func (x *reqGetEntityGetCtx1Collision) writeField1(p thrift.Format) error { // Ctx if err := p.WriteFieldBegin("ctx", thrift.I64, 1); err != nil { return thrift.PrependError(fmt.Sprintf("%T write field begin error: ", x), err) } item := x.GetCtxNonCompat() if err := p.WriteI64(item); err != nil { return err } if err := p.WriteFieldEnd(); err != nil { return thrift.PrependError(fmt.Sprintf("%T write field end error: ", x), err) } return nil } func (x *reqGetEntityGetCtx1Collision) writeField2(p thrift.Format) error { // Ctx1 if err := p.WriteFieldBegin("ctx1", thrift.I64, 2); err != nil { return thrift.PrependError(fmt.Sprintf("%T write field begin error: ", x), err) } item := x.GetCtx1NonCompat() if err := p.WriteI64(item); err != nil { return err } if err := p.WriteFieldEnd(); err != nil { return thrift.PrependError(fmt.Sprintf("%T write field end error: ", x), err) } return nil } func (x *reqGetEntityGetCtx1Collision) readField1(p thrift.Format) error { // Ctx result, err := p.ReadI64() if err != nil { return err } x.SetCtxNonCompat(result) return nil } func (x *reqGetEntityGetCtx1Collision) readField2(p thrift.Format) error { // Ctx1 result, err := p.ReadI64() if err != nil { return err } x.SetCtx1NonCompat(result) return nil } func (x *reqGetEntityGetCtx1Collision) toString1() string { // Ctx return fmt.Sprintf("%v", x.GetCtxNonCompat()) } func (x *reqGetEntityGetCtx1Collision) toString2() string { // Ctx1 return fmt.Sprintf("%v", x.GetCtx1NonCompat()) } // Deprecated: Use "New" constructor and setters to build your structs. // e.g newReqGetEntityGetCtx1Collision().Set().Set() type reqGetEntityGetCtx1CollisionBuilder struct { obj *reqGetEntityGetCtx1Collision } // Deprecated: Use "New" constructor and setters to build your structs. // e.g newReqGetEntityGetCtx1Collision().Set().Set() func newReqGetEntityGetCtx1CollisionBuilder() *reqGetEntityGetCtx1CollisionBuilder { return &reqGetEntityGetCtx1CollisionBuilder{ obj: newReqGetEntityGetCtx1Collision(), } } // Deprecated: Use "New" constructor and setters to build your structs. // e.g newReqGetEntityGetCtx1Collision().Set().Set() func (x *reqGetEntityGetCtx1CollisionBuilder) Ctx(value int64) *reqGetEntityGetCtx1CollisionBuilder { x.obj.Ctx = value return x } // Deprecated: Use "New" constructor and setters to build your structs. // e.g newReqGetEntityGetCtx1Collision().Set().Set() func (x *reqGetEntityGetCtx1CollisionBuilder) Ctx1(value int64) *reqGetEntityGetCtx1CollisionBuilder { x.obj.Ctx1 = value return x } // Deprecated: Use "New" constructor and setters to build your structs. // e.g newReqGetEntityGetCtx1Collision().Set().Set() func (x *reqGetEntityGetCtx1CollisionBuilder) Emit() *reqGetEntityGetCtx1Collision { var objCopy reqGetEntityGetCtx1Collision = *x.obj return &objCopy } func (x *reqGetEntityGetCtx1Collision) Write(p thrift.Format) error { if err := p.WriteStructBegin("reqGetEntityGetCtx1Collision"); err != nil { return thrift.PrependError(fmt.Sprintf("%T write struct begin error: ", x), err) } if err := x.writeField1(p); err != nil { return err } if err := x.writeField2(p); err != nil { return err } if err := p.WriteFieldStop(); err != nil { return thrift.PrependError(fmt.Sprintf("%T write field stop error: ", x), err) } if err := p.WriteStructEnd(); err != nil { return thrift.PrependError(fmt.Sprintf("%T write struct end error: ", x), err) } return nil } func (x *reqGetEntityGetCtx1Collision) Read(p thrift.Format) error { if _, err := p.ReadStructBegin(); err != nil { return thrift.PrependError(fmt.Sprintf("%T read error: ", x), err) } for { _, wireType, id, err := p.ReadFieldBegin() if err != nil { return thrift.PrependError(fmt.Sprintf("%T field %d read error: ", x, id), err) } if wireType == thrift.STOP { break; } switch { case (id == 1 && wireType == thrift.Type(thrift.I64)): // ctx if err := x.readField1(p); err != nil { return err } case (id == 2 && wireType == thrift.Type(thrift.I64)): // ctx1 if err := x.readField2(p); err != nil { return err } default: if err := p.Skip(wireType); err != nil { return err } } if err := p.ReadFieldEnd(); err != nil { return err } } if err := p.ReadStructEnd(); err != nil { return thrift.PrependError(fmt.Sprintf("%T read struct end error: ", x), err) } return nil } func (x *reqGetEntityGetCtx1Collision) String() string { if x == nil { return "" } var sb strings.Builder sb.WriteString("reqGetEntityGetCtx1Collision({") sb.WriteString(fmt.Sprintf("Ctx:%s ", x.toString1())) sb.WriteString(fmt.Sprintf("Ctx1:%s", x.toString2())) sb.WriteString("})") return sb.String() } type respGetEntityGetCtx1Collision struct { Success *int32 `thrift:"success,0,optional" json:"success,omitempty" db:"success"` } // Compile time interface enforcer var _ thrift.Struct = &respGetEntityGetCtx1Collision{} var _ thrift.WritableResult = &respGetEntityGetCtx1Collision{} // Deprecated: GetEntityGetCtx1CollisionResultDeprecated is deprecated, since it is supposed to be internal. type GetEntityGetCtx1CollisionResultDeprecated = respGetEntityGetCtx1Collision func newRespGetEntityGetCtx1Collision() *respGetEntityGetCtx1Collision { return (&respGetEntityGetCtx1Collision{}) } func (x *respGetEntityGetCtx1Collision) GetSuccessNonCompat() *int32 { return x.Success } func (x *respGetEntityGetCtx1Collision) GetSuccess() int32 { if !x.IsSetSuccess() { return 0 } return *x.Success } func (x *respGetEntityGetCtx1Collision) SetSuccessNonCompat(value int32) *respGetEntityGetCtx1Collision { x.Success = &value return x } func (x *respGetEntityGetCtx1Collision) SetSuccess(value *int32) *respGetEntityGetCtx1Collision { x.Success = value return x } func (x *respGetEntityGetCtx1Collision) IsSetSuccess() bool { return x != nil && x.Success != nil } func (x *respGetEntityGetCtx1Collision) writeField0(p thrift.Format) error { // Success if !x.IsSetSuccess() { return nil } if err := p.WriteFieldBegin("success", thrift.I32, 0); err != nil { return thrift.PrependError(fmt.Sprintf("%T write field begin error: ", x), err) } item := *x.GetSuccessNonCompat() if err := p.WriteI32(item); err != nil { return err } if err := p.WriteFieldEnd(); err != nil { return thrift.PrependError(fmt.Sprintf("%T write field end error: ", x), err) } return nil } func (x *respGetEntityGetCtx1Collision) readField0(p thrift.Format) error { // Success result, err := p.ReadI32() if err != nil { return err } x.SetSuccessNonCompat(result) return nil } func (x *respGetEntityGetCtx1Collision) toString0() string { // Success if x.IsSetSuccess() { return fmt.Sprintf("%v", *x.GetSuccessNonCompat()) } return fmt.Sprintf("%v", x.GetSuccessNonCompat()) } // Deprecated: Use "New" constructor and setters to build your structs. // e.g newRespGetEntityGetCtx1Collision().Set().Set() type respGetEntityGetCtx1CollisionBuilder struct { obj *respGetEntityGetCtx1Collision } // Deprecated: Use "New" constructor and setters to build your structs. // e.g newRespGetEntityGetCtx1Collision().Set().Set() func newRespGetEntityGetCtx1CollisionBuilder() *respGetEntityGetCtx1CollisionBuilder { return &respGetEntityGetCtx1CollisionBuilder{ obj: newRespGetEntityGetCtx1Collision(), } } // Deprecated: Use "New" constructor and setters to build your structs. // e.g newRespGetEntityGetCtx1Collision().Set().Set() func (x *respGetEntityGetCtx1CollisionBuilder) Success(value *int32) *respGetEntityGetCtx1CollisionBuilder { x.obj.Success = value return x } // Deprecated: Use "New" constructor and setters to build your structs. // e.g newRespGetEntityGetCtx1Collision().Set().Set() func (x *respGetEntityGetCtx1CollisionBuilder) Emit() *respGetEntityGetCtx1Collision { var objCopy respGetEntityGetCtx1Collision = *x.obj return &objCopy } func (x *respGetEntityGetCtx1Collision) Exception() thrift.WritableException { return nil } func (x *respGetEntityGetCtx1Collision) Write(p thrift.Format) error { if err := p.WriteStructBegin("respGetEntityGetCtx1Collision"); err != nil { return thrift.PrependError(fmt.Sprintf("%T write struct begin error: ", x), err) } if err := x.writeField0(p); err != nil { return err } if err := p.WriteFieldStop(); err != nil { return thrift.PrependError(fmt.Sprintf("%T write field stop error: ", x), err) } if err := p.WriteStructEnd(); err != nil { return thrift.PrependError(fmt.Sprintf("%T write struct end error: ", x), err) } return nil } func (x *respGetEntityGetCtx1Collision) Read(p thrift.Format) error { if _, err := p.ReadStructBegin(); err != nil { return thrift.PrependError(fmt.Sprintf("%T read error: ", x), err) } for { _, wireType, id, err := p.ReadFieldBegin() if err != nil { return thrift.PrependError(fmt.Sprintf("%T field %d read error: ", x, id), err) } if wireType == thrift.STOP { break; } switch { case (id == 0 && wireType == thrift.Type(thrift.I32)): // success if err := x.readField0(p); err != nil { return err } default: if err := p.Skip(wireType); err != nil { return err } } if err := p.ReadFieldEnd(); err != nil { return err } } if err := p.ReadStructEnd(); err != nil { return thrift.PrependError(fmt.Sprintf("%T read struct end error: ", x), err) } return nil } func (x *respGetEntityGetCtx1Collision) String() string { if x == nil { return "" } var sb strings.Builder sb.WriteString("respGetEntityGetCtx1Collision({") sb.WriteString(fmt.Sprintf("Success:%s", x.toString0())) sb.WriteString("})") return sb.String() } type reqGetEntityGetContextCollision struct { Context int64 `thrift:"context,1" json:"context" db:"context"` } // Compile time interface enforcer var _ thrift.Struct = &reqGetEntityGetContextCollision{} // Deprecated: GetEntityGetContextCollisionArgsDeprecated is deprecated, since it is supposed to be internal. type GetEntityGetContextCollisionArgsDeprecated = reqGetEntityGetContextCollision func newReqGetEntityGetContextCollision() *reqGetEntityGetContextCollision { return (&reqGetEntityGetContextCollision{}). SetContextNonCompat(0) } func (x *reqGetEntityGetContextCollision) GetContextNonCompat() int64 { return x.Context } func (x *reqGetEntityGetContextCollision) GetContext() int64 { return x.Context } func (x *reqGetEntityGetContextCollision) SetContextNonCompat(value int64) *reqGetEntityGetContextCollision { x.Context = value return x } func (x *reqGetEntityGetContextCollision) SetContext(value int64) *reqGetEntityGetContextCollision { x.Context = value return x } func (x *reqGetEntityGetContextCollision) writeField1(p thrift.Format) error { // Context if err := p.WriteFieldBegin("context", thrift.I64, 1); err != nil { return thrift.PrependError(fmt.Sprintf("%T write field begin error: ", x), err) } item := x.GetContextNonCompat() if err := p.WriteI64(item); err != nil { return err } if err := p.WriteFieldEnd(); err != nil { return thrift.PrependError(fmt.Sprintf("%T write field end error: ", x), err) } return nil } func (x *reqGetEntityGetContextCollision) readField1(p thrift.Format) error { // Context result, err := p.ReadI64() if err != nil { return err } x.SetContextNonCompat(result) return nil } func (x *reqGetEntityGetContextCollision) toString1() string { // Context return fmt.Sprintf("%v", x.GetContextNonCompat()) } // Deprecated: Use "New" constructor and setters to build your structs. // e.g newReqGetEntityGetContextCollision().Set().Set() type reqGetEntityGetContextCollisionBuilder struct { obj *reqGetEntityGetContextCollision } // Deprecated: Use "New" constructor and setters to build your structs. // e.g newReqGetEntityGetContextCollision().Set().Set() func newReqGetEntityGetContextCollisionBuilder() *reqGetEntityGetContextCollisionBuilder { return &reqGetEntityGetContextCollisionBuilder{ obj: newReqGetEntityGetContextCollision(), } } // Deprecated: Use "New" constructor and setters to build your structs. // e.g newReqGetEntityGetContextCollision().Set().Set() func (x *reqGetEntityGetContextCollisionBuilder) Context(value int64) *reqGetEntityGetContextCollisionBuilder { x.obj.Context = value return x } // Deprecated: Use "New" constructor and setters to build your structs. // e.g newReqGetEntityGetContextCollision().Set().Set() func (x *reqGetEntityGetContextCollisionBuilder) Emit() *reqGetEntityGetContextCollision { var objCopy reqGetEntityGetContextCollision = *x.obj return &objCopy } func (x *reqGetEntityGetContextCollision) Write(p thrift.Format) error { if err := p.WriteStructBegin("reqGetEntityGetContextCollision"); err != nil { return thrift.PrependError(fmt.Sprintf("%T write struct begin error: ", x), err) } if err := x.writeField1(p); err != nil { return err } if err := p.WriteFieldStop(); err != nil { return thrift.PrependError(fmt.Sprintf("%T write field stop error: ", x), err) } if err := p.WriteStructEnd(); err != nil { return thrift.PrependError(fmt.Sprintf("%T write struct end error: ", x), err) } return nil } func (x *reqGetEntityGetContextCollision) Read(p thrift.Format) error { if _, err := p.ReadStructBegin(); err != nil { return thrift.PrependError(fmt.Sprintf("%T read error: ", x), err) } for { _, wireType, id, err := p.ReadFieldBegin() if err != nil { return thrift.PrependError(fmt.Sprintf("%T field %d read error: ", x, id), err) } if wireType == thrift.STOP { break; } switch { case (id == 1 && wireType == thrift.Type(thrift.I64)): // context if err := x.readField1(p); err != nil { return err } default: if err := p.Skip(wireType); err != nil { return err } } if err := p.ReadFieldEnd(); err != nil { return err } } if err := p.ReadStructEnd(); err != nil { return thrift.PrependError(fmt.Sprintf("%T read struct end error: ", x), err) } return nil } func (x *reqGetEntityGetContextCollision) String() string { if x == nil { return "" } var sb strings.Builder sb.WriteString("reqGetEntityGetContextCollision({") sb.WriteString(fmt.Sprintf("Context:%s", x.toString1())) sb.WriteString("})") return sb.String() } type respGetEntityGetContextCollision struct { Success *int32 `thrift:"success,0,optional" json:"success,omitempty" db:"success"` } // Compile time interface enforcer var _ thrift.Struct = &respGetEntityGetContextCollision{} var _ thrift.WritableResult = &respGetEntityGetContextCollision{} // Deprecated: GetEntityGetContextCollisionResultDeprecated is deprecated, since it is supposed to be internal. type GetEntityGetContextCollisionResultDeprecated = respGetEntityGetContextCollision func newRespGetEntityGetContextCollision() *respGetEntityGetContextCollision { return (&respGetEntityGetContextCollision{}) } func (x *respGetEntityGetContextCollision) GetSuccessNonCompat() *int32 { return x.Success } func (x *respGetEntityGetContextCollision) GetSuccess() int32 { if !x.IsSetSuccess() { return 0 } return *x.Success } func (x *respGetEntityGetContextCollision) SetSuccessNonCompat(value int32) *respGetEntityGetContextCollision { x.Success = &value return x } func (x *respGetEntityGetContextCollision) SetSuccess(value *int32) *respGetEntityGetContextCollision { x.Success = value return x } func (x *respGetEntityGetContextCollision) IsSetSuccess() bool { return x != nil && x.Success != nil } func (x *respGetEntityGetContextCollision) writeField0(p thrift.Format) error { // Success if !x.IsSetSuccess() { return nil } if err := p.WriteFieldBegin("success", thrift.I32, 0); err != nil { return thrift.PrependError(fmt.Sprintf("%T write field begin error: ", x), err) } item := *x.GetSuccessNonCompat() if err := p.WriteI32(item); err != nil { return err } if err := p.WriteFieldEnd(); err != nil { return thrift.PrependError(fmt.Sprintf("%T write field end error: ", x), err) } return nil } func (x *respGetEntityGetContextCollision) readField0(p thrift.Format) error { // Success result, err := p.ReadI32() if err != nil { return err } x.SetSuccessNonCompat(result) return nil } func (x *respGetEntityGetContextCollision) toString0() string { // Success if x.IsSetSuccess() { return fmt.Sprintf("%v", *x.GetSuccessNonCompat()) } return fmt.Sprintf("%v", x.GetSuccessNonCompat()) } // Deprecated: Use "New" constructor and setters to build your structs. // e.g newRespGetEntityGetContextCollision().Set().Set() type respGetEntityGetContextCollisionBuilder struct { obj *respGetEntityGetContextCollision } // Deprecated: Use "New" constructor and setters to build your structs. // e.g newRespGetEntityGetContextCollision().Set().Set() func newRespGetEntityGetContextCollisionBuilder() *respGetEntityGetContextCollisionBuilder { return &respGetEntityGetContextCollisionBuilder{ obj: newRespGetEntityGetContextCollision(), } } // Deprecated: Use "New" constructor and setters to build your structs. // e.g newRespGetEntityGetContextCollision().Set().Set() func (x *respGetEntityGetContextCollisionBuilder) Success(value *int32) *respGetEntityGetContextCollisionBuilder { x.obj.Success = value return x } // Deprecated: Use "New" constructor and setters to build your structs. // e.g newRespGetEntityGetContextCollision().Set().Set() func (x *respGetEntityGetContextCollisionBuilder) Emit() *respGetEntityGetContextCollision { var objCopy respGetEntityGetContextCollision = *x.obj return &objCopy } func (x *respGetEntityGetContextCollision) Exception() thrift.WritableException { return nil } func (x *respGetEntityGetContextCollision) Write(p thrift.Format) error { if err := p.WriteStructBegin("respGetEntityGetContextCollision"); err != nil { return thrift.PrependError(fmt.Sprintf("%T write struct begin error: ", x), err) } if err := x.writeField0(p); err != nil { return err } if err := p.WriteFieldStop(); err != nil { return thrift.PrependError(fmt.Sprintf("%T write field stop error: ", x), err) } if err := p.WriteStructEnd(); err != nil { return thrift.PrependError(fmt.Sprintf("%T write struct end error: ", x), err) } return nil } func (x *respGetEntityGetContextCollision) Read(p thrift.Format) error { if _, err := p.ReadStructBegin(); err != nil { return thrift.PrependError(fmt.Sprintf("%T read error: ", x), err) } for { _, wireType, id, err := p.ReadFieldBegin() if err != nil { return thrift.PrependError(fmt.Sprintf("%T field %d read error: ", x, id), err) } if wireType == thrift.STOP { break; } switch { case (id == 0 && wireType == thrift.Type(thrift.I32)): // success if err := x.readField0(p); err != nil { return err } default: if err := p.Skip(wireType); err != nil { return err } } if err := p.ReadFieldEnd(); err != nil { return err } } if err := p.ReadStructEnd(); err != nil { return thrift.PrependError(fmt.Sprintf("%T read struct end error: ", x), err) } return nil } func (x *respGetEntityGetContextCollision) String() string { if x == nil { return "" } var sb strings.Builder sb.WriteString("respGetEntityGetContextCollision({") sb.WriteString(fmt.Sprintf("Success:%s", x.toString0())) sb.WriteString("})") return sb.String() } type reqGetEntityGetOutCollision struct { Out int64 `thrift:"out,1" json:"out" db:"out"` } // Compile time interface enforcer var _ thrift.Struct = &reqGetEntityGetOutCollision{} // Deprecated: GetEntityGetOutCollisionArgsDeprecated is deprecated, since it is supposed to be internal. type GetEntityGetOutCollisionArgsDeprecated = reqGetEntityGetOutCollision func newReqGetEntityGetOutCollision() *reqGetEntityGetOutCollision { return (&reqGetEntityGetOutCollision{}). SetOutNonCompat(0) } func (x *reqGetEntityGetOutCollision) GetOutNonCompat() int64 { return x.Out } func (x *reqGetEntityGetOutCollision) GetOut() int64 { return x.Out } func (x *reqGetEntityGetOutCollision) SetOutNonCompat(value int64) *reqGetEntityGetOutCollision { x.Out = value return x } func (x *reqGetEntityGetOutCollision) SetOut(value int64) *reqGetEntityGetOutCollision { x.Out = value return x } func (x *reqGetEntityGetOutCollision) writeField1(p thrift.Format) error { // Out if err := p.WriteFieldBegin("out", thrift.I64, 1); err != nil { return thrift.PrependError(fmt.Sprintf("%T write field begin error: ", x), err) } item := x.GetOutNonCompat() if err := p.WriteI64(item); err != nil { return err } if err := p.WriteFieldEnd(); err != nil { return thrift.PrependError(fmt.Sprintf("%T write field end error: ", x), err) } return nil } func (x *reqGetEntityGetOutCollision) readField1(p thrift.Format) error { // Out result, err := p.ReadI64() if err != nil { return err } x.SetOutNonCompat(result) return nil } func (x *reqGetEntityGetOutCollision) toString1() string { // Out return fmt.Sprintf("%v", x.GetOutNonCompat()) } // Deprecated: Use "New" constructor and setters to build your structs. // e.g newReqGetEntityGetOutCollision().Set().Set() type reqGetEntityGetOutCollisionBuilder struct { obj *reqGetEntityGetOutCollision } // Deprecated: Use "New" constructor and setters to build your structs. // e.g newReqGetEntityGetOutCollision().Set().Set() func newReqGetEntityGetOutCollisionBuilder() *reqGetEntityGetOutCollisionBuilder { return &reqGetEntityGetOutCollisionBuilder{ obj: newReqGetEntityGetOutCollision(), } } // Deprecated: Use "New" constructor and setters to build your structs. // e.g newReqGetEntityGetOutCollision().Set().Set() func (x *reqGetEntityGetOutCollisionBuilder) Out(value int64) *reqGetEntityGetOutCollisionBuilder { x.obj.Out = value return x } // Deprecated: Use "New" constructor and setters to build your structs. // e.g newReqGetEntityGetOutCollision().Set().Set() func (x *reqGetEntityGetOutCollisionBuilder) Emit() *reqGetEntityGetOutCollision { var objCopy reqGetEntityGetOutCollision = *x.obj return &objCopy } func (x *reqGetEntityGetOutCollision) Write(p thrift.Format) error { if err := p.WriteStructBegin("reqGetEntityGetOutCollision"); err != nil { return thrift.PrependError(fmt.Sprintf("%T write struct begin error: ", x), err) } if err := x.writeField1(p); err != nil { return err } if err := p.WriteFieldStop(); err != nil { return thrift.PrependError(fmt.Sprintf("%T write field stop error: ", x), err) } if err := p.WriteStructEnd(); err != nil { return thrift.PrependError(fmt.Sprintf("%T write struct end error: ", x), err) } return nil } func (x *reqGetEntityGetOutCollision) Read(p thrift.Format) error { if _, err := p.ReadStructBegin(); err != nil { return thrift.PrependError(fmt.Sprintf("%T read error: ", x), err) } for { _, wireType, id, err := p.ReadFieldBegin() if err != nil { return thrift.PrependError(fmt.Sprintf("%T field %d read error: ", x, id), err) } if wireType == thrift.STOP { break; } switch { case (id == 1 && wireType == thrift.Type(thrift.I64)): // out if err := x.readField1(p); err != nil { return err } default: if err := p.Skip(wireType); err != nil { return err } } if err := p.ReadFieldEnd(); err != nil { return err } } if err := p.ReadStructEnd(); err != nil { return thrift.PrependError(fmt.Sprintf("%T read struct end error: ", x), err) } return nil } func (x *reqGetEntityGetOutCollision) String() string { if x == nil { return "" } var sb strings.Builder sb.WriteString("reqGetEntityGetOutCollision({") sb.WriteString(fmt.Sprintf("Out:%s", x.toString1())) sb.WriteString("})") return sb.String() } type respGetEntityGetOutCollision struct { Success *int32 `thrift:"success,0,optional" json:"success,omitempty" db:"success"` } // Compile time interface enforcer var _ thrift.Struct = &respGetEntityGetOutCollision{} var _ thrift.WritableResult = &respGetEntityGetOutCollision{} // Deprecated: GetEntityGetOutCollisionResultDeprecated is deprecated, since it is supposed to be internal. type GetEntityGetOutCollisionResultDeprecated = respGetEntityGetOutCollision func newRespGetEntityGetOutCollision() *respGetEntityGetOutCollision { return (&respGetEntityGetOutCollision{}) } func (x *respGetEntityGetOutCollision) GetSuccessNonCompat() *int32 { return x.Success } func (x *respGetEntityGetOutCollision) GetSuccess() int32 { if !x.IsSetSuccess() { return 0 } return *x.Success } func (x *respGetEntityGetOutCollision) SetSuccessNonCompat(value int32) *respGetEntityGetOutCollision { x.Success = &value return x } func (x *respGetEntityGetOutCollision) SetSuccess(value *int32) *respGetEntityGetOutCollision { x.Success = value return x } func (x *respGetEntityGetOutCollision) IsSetSuccess() bool { return x != nil && x.Success != nil } func (x *respGetEntityGetOutCollision) writeField0(p thrift.Format) error { // Success if !x.IsSetSuccess() { return nil } if err := p.WriteFieldBegin("success", thrift.I32, 0); err != nil { return thrift.PrependError(fmt.Sprintf("%T write field begin error: ", x), err) } item := *x.GetSuccessNonCompat() if err := p.WriteI32(item); err != nil { return err } if err := p.WriteFieldEnd(); err != nil { return thrift.PrependError(fmt.Sprintf("%T write field end error: ", x), err) } return nil } func (x *respGetEntityGetOutCollision) readField0(p thrift.Format) error { // Success result, err := p.ReadI32() if err != nil { return err } x.SetSuccessNonCompat(result) return nil } func (x *respGetEntityGetOutCollision) toString0() string { // Success if x.IsSetSuccess() { return fmt.Sprintf("%v", *x.GetSuccessNonCompat()) } return fmt.Sprintf("%v", x.GetSuccessNonCompat()) } // Deprecated: Use "New" constructor and setters to build your structs. // e.g newRespGetEntityGetOutCollision().Set().Set() type respGetEntityGetOutCollisionBuilder struct { obj *respGetEntityGetOutCollision } // Deprecated: Use "New" constructor and setters to build your structs. // e.g newRespGetEntityGetOutCollision().Set().Set() func newRespGetEntityGetOutCollisionBuilder() *respGetEntityGetOutCollisionBuilder { return &respGetEntityGetOutCollisionBuilder{ obj: newRespGetEntityGetOutCollision(), } } // Deprecated: Use "New" constructor and setters to build your structs. // e.g newRespGetEntityGetOutCollision().Set().Set() func (x *respGetEntityGetOutCollisionBuilder) Success(value *int32) *respGetEntityGetOutCollisionBuilder { x.obj.Success = value return x } // Deprecated: Use "New" constructor and setters to build your structs. // e.g newRespGetEntityGetOutCollision().Set().Set() func (x *respGetEntityGetOutCollisionBuilder) Emit() *respGetEntityGetOutCollision { var objCopy respGetEntityGetOutCollision = *x.obj return &objCopy } func (x *respGetEntityGetOutCollision) Exception() thrift.WritableException { return nil } func (x *respGetEntityGetOutCollision) Write(p thrift.Format) error { if err := p.WriteStructBegin("respGetEntityGetOutCollision"); err != nil { return thrift.PrependError(fmt.Sprintf("%T write struct begin error: ", x), err) } if err := x.writeField0(p); err != nil { return err } if err := p.WriteFieldStop(); err != nil { return thrift.PrependError(fmt.Sprintf("%T write field stop error: ", x), err) } if err := p.WriteStructEnd(); err != nil { return thrift.PrependError(fmt.Sprintf("%T write struct end error: ", x), err) } return nil } func (x *respGetEntityGetOutCollision) Read(p thrift.Format) error { if _, err := p.ReadStructBegin(); err != nil { return thrift.PrependError(fmt.Sprintf("%T read error: ", x), err) } for { _, wireType, id, err := p.ReadFieldBegin() if err != nil { return thrift.PrependError(fmt.Sprintf("%T field %d read error: ", x, id), err) } if wireType == thrift.STOP { break; } switch { case (id == 0 && wireType == thrift.Type(thrift.I32)): // success if err := x.readField0(p); err != nil { return err } default: if err := p.Skip(wireType); err != nil { return err } } if err := p.ReadFieldEnd(); err != nil { return err } } if err := p.ReadStructEnd(); err != nil { return thrift.PrependError(fmt.Sprintf("%T read struct end error: ", x), err) } return nil } func (x *respGetEntityGetOutCollision) String() string { if x == nil { return "" } var sb strings.Builder sb.WriteString("respGetEntityGetOutCollision({") sb.WriteString(fmt.Sprintf("Success:%s", x.toString0())) sb.WriteString("})") return sb.String() } type reqGetEntityGetOut1Collision struct { Out int64 `thrift:"out,1" json:"out" db:"out"` Out1 int64 `thrift:"out1,2" json:"out1" db:"out1"` } // Compile time interface enforcer var _ thrift.Struct = &reqGetEntityGetOut1Collision{} // Deprecated: GetEntityGetOut1CollisionArgsDeprecated is deprecated, since it is supposed to be internal. type GetEntityGetOut1CollisionArgsDeprecated = reqGetEntityGetOut1Collision func newReqGetEntityGetOut1Collision() *reqGetEntityGetOut1Collision { return (&reqGetEntityGetOut1Collision{}). SetOutNonCompat(0). SetOut1NonCompat(0) } func (x *reqGetEntityGetOut1Collision) GetOutNonCompat() int64 { return x.Out } func (x *reqGetEntityGetOut1Collision) GetOut() int64 { return x.Out } func (x *reqGetEntityGetOut1Collision) GetOut1NonCompat() int64 { return x.Out1 } func (x *reqGetEntityGetOut1Collision) GetOut1() int64 { return x.Out1 } func (x *reqGetEntityGetOut1Collision) SetOutNonCompat(value int64) *reqGetEntityGetOut1Collision { x.Out = value return x } func (x *reqGetEntityGetOut1Collision) SetOut(value int64) *reqGetEntityGetOut1Collision { x.Out = value return x } func (x *reqGetEntityGetOut1Collision) SetOut1NonCompat(value int64) *reqGetEntityGetOut1Collision { x.Out1 = value return x } func (x *reqGetEntityGetOut1Collision) SetOut1(value int64) *reqGetEntityGetOut1Collision { x.Out1 = value return x } func (x *reqGetEntityGetOut1Collision) writeField1(p thrift.Format) error { // Out if err := p.WriteFieldBegin("out", thrift.I64, 1); err != nil { return thrift.PrependError(fmt.Sprintf("%T write field begin error: ", x), err) } item := x.GetOutNonCompat() if err := p.WriteI64(item); err != nil { return err } if err := p.WriteFieldEnd(); err != nil { return thrift.PrependError(fmt.Sprintf("%T write field end error: ", x), err) } return nil } func (x *reqGetEntityGetOut1Collision) writeField2(p thrift.Format) error { // Out1 if err := p.WriteFieldBegin("out1", thrift.I64, 2); err != nil { return thrift.PrependError(fmt.Sprintf("%T write field begin error: ", x), err) } item := x.GetOut1NonCompat() if err := p.WriteI64(item); err != nil { return err } if err := p.WriteFieldEnd(); err != nil { return thrift.PrependError(fmt.Sprintf("%T write field end error: ", x), err) } return nil } func (x *reqGetEntityGetOut1Collision) readField1(p thrift.Format) error { // Out result, err := p.ReadI64() if err != nil { return err } x.SetOutNonCompat(result) return nil } func (x *reqGetEntityGetOut1Collision) readField2(p thrift.Format) error { // Out1 result, err := p.ReadI64() if err != nil { return err } x.SetOut1NonCompat(result) return nil } func (x *reqGetEntityGetOut1Collision) toString1() string { // Out return fmt.Sprintf("%v", x.GetOutNonCompat()) } func (x *reqGetEntityGetOut1Collision) toString2() string { // Out1 return fmt.Sprintf("%v", x.GetOut1NonCompat()) } // Deprecated: Use "New" constructor and setters to build your structs. // e.g newReqGetEntityGetOut1Collision().Set().Set() type reqGetEntityGetOut1CollisionBuilder struct { obj *reqGetEntityGetOut1Collision } // Deprecated: Use "New" constructor and setters to build your structs. // e.g newReqGetEntityGetOut1Collision().Set().Set() func newReqGetEntityGetOut1CollisionBuilder() *reqGetEntityGetOut1CollisionBuilder { return &reqGetEntityGetOut1CollisionBuilder{ obj: newReqGetEntityGetOut1Collision(), } } // Deprecated: Use "New" constructor and setters to build your structs. // e.g newReqGetEntityGetOut1Collision().Set().Set() func (x *reqGetEntityGetOut1CollisionBuilder) Out(value int64) *reqGetEntityGetOut1CollisionBuilder { x.obj.Out = value return x } // Deprecated: Use "New" constructor and setters to build your structs. // e.g newReqGetEntityGetOut1Collision().Set().Set() func (x *reqGetEntityGetOut1CollisionBuilder) Out1(value int64) *reqGetEntityGetOut1CollisionBuilder { x.obj.Out1 = value return x } // Deprecated: Use "New" constructor and setters to build your structs. // e.g newReqGetEntityGetOut1Collision().Set().Set() func (x *reqGetEntityGetOut1CollisionBuilder) Emit() *reqGetEntityGetOut1Collision { var objCopy reqGetEntityGetOut1Collision = *x.obj return &objCopy } func (x *reqGetEntityGetOut1Collision) Write(p thrift.Format) error { if err := p.WriteStructBegin("reqGetEntityGetOut1Collision"); err != nil { return thrift.PrependError(fmt.Sprintf("%T write struct begin error: ", x), err) } if err := x.writeField1(p); err != nil { return err } if err := x.writeField2(p); err != nil { return err } if err := p.WriteFieldStop(); err != nil { return thrift.PrependError(fmt.Sprintf("%T write field stop error: ", x), err) } if err := p.WriteStructEnd(); err != nil { return thrift.PrependError(fmt.Sprintf("%T write struct end error: ", x), err) } return nil } func (x *reqGetEntityGetOut1Collision) Read(p thrift.Format) error { if _, err := p.ReadStructBegin(); err != nil { return thrift.PrependError(fmt.Sprintf("%T read error: ", x), err) } for { _, wireType, id, err := p.ReadFieldBegin() if err != nil { return thrift.PrependError(fmt.Sprintf("%T field %d read error: ", x, id), err) } if wireType == thrift.STOP { break; } switch { case (id == 1 && wireType == thrift.Type(thrift.I64)): // out if err := x.readField1(p); err != nil { return err } case (id == 2 && wireType == thrift.Type(thrift.I64)): // out1 if err := x.readField2(p); err != nil { return err } default: if err := p.Skip(wireType); err != nil { return err } } if err := p.ReadFieldEnd(); err != nil { return err } } if err := p.ReadStructEnd(); err != nil { return thrift.PrependError(fmt.Sprintf("%T read struct end error: ", x), err) } return nil } func (x *reqGetEntityGetOut1Collision) String() string { if x == nil { return "" } var sb strings.Builder sb.WriteString("reqGetEntityGetOut1Collision({") sb.WriteString(fmt.Sprintf("Out:%s ", x.toString1())) sb.WriteString(fmt.Sprintf("Out1:%s", x.toString2())) sb.WriteString("})") return sb.String() } type respGetEntityGetOut1Collision struct { Success *int32 `thrift:"success,0,optional" json:"success,omitempty" db:"success"` } // Compile time interface enforcer var _ thrift.Struct = &respGetEntityGetOut1Collision{} var _ thrift.WritableResult = &respGetEntityGetOut1Collision{} // Deprecated: GetEntityGetOut1CollisionResultDeprecated is deprecated, since it is supposed to be internal. type GetEntityGetOut1CollisionResultDeprecated = respGetEntityGetOut1Collision func newRespGetEntityGetOut1Collision() *respGetEntityGetOut1Collision { return (&respGetEntityGetOut1Collision{}) } func (x *respGetEntityGetOut1Collision) GetSuccessNonCompat() *int32 { return x.Success } func (x *respGetEntityGetOut1Collision) GetSuccess() int32 { if !x.IsSetSuccess() { return 0 } return *x.Success } func (x *respGetEntityGetOut1Collision) SetSuccessNonCompat(value int32) *respGetEntityGetOut1Collision { x.Success = &value return x } func (x *respGetEntityGetOut1Collision) SetSuccess(value *int32) *respGetEntityGetOut1Collision { x.Success = value return x } func (x *respGetEntityGetOut1Collision) IsSetSuccess() bool { return x != nil && x.Success != nil } func (x *respGetEntityGetOut1Collision) writeField0(p thrift.Format) error { // Success if !x.IsSetSuccess() { return nil } if err := p.WriteFieldBegin("success", thrift.I32, 0); err != nil { return thrift.PrependError(fmt.Sprintf("%T write field begin error: ", x), err) } item := *x.GetSuccessNonCompat() if err := p.WriteI32(item); err != nil { return err } if err := p.WriteFieldEnd(); err != nil { return thrift.PrependError(fmt.Sprintf("%T write field end error: ", x), err) } return nil } func (x *respGetEntityGetOut1Collision) readField0(p thrift.Format) error { // Success result, err := p.ReadI32() if err != nil { return err } x.SetSuccessNonCompat(result) return nil } func (x *respGetEntityGetOut1Collision) toString0() string { // Success if x.IsSetSuccess() { return fmt.Sprintf("%v", *x.GetSuccessNonCompat()) } return fmt.Sprintf("%v", x.GetSuccessNonCompat()) } // Deprecated: Use "New" constructor and setters to build your structs. // e.g newRespGetEntityGetOut1Collision().Set().Set() type respGetEntityGetOut1CollisionBuilder struct { obj *respGetEntityGetOut1Collision } // Deprecated: Use "New" constructor and setters to build your structs. // e.g newRespGetEntityGetOut1Collision().Set().Set() func newRespGetEntityGetOut1CollisionBuilder() *respGetEntityGetOut1CollisionBuilder { return &respGetEntityGetOut1CollisionBuilder{ obj: newRespGetEntityGetOut1Collision(), } } // Deprecated: Use "New" constructor and setters to build your structs. // e.g newRespGetEntityGetOut1Collision().Set().Set() func (x *respGetEntityGetOut1CollisionBuilder) Success(value *int32) *respGetEntityGetOut1CollisionBuilder { x.obj.Success = value return x } // Deprecated: Use "New" constructor and setters to build your structs. // e.g newRespGetEntityGetOut1Collision().Set().Set() func (x *respGetEntityGetOut1CollisionBuilder) Emit() *respGetEntityGetOut1Collision { var objCopy respGetEntityGetOut1Collision = *x.obj return &objCopy } func (x *respGetEntityGetOut1Collision) Exception() thrift.WritableException { return nil } func (x *respGetEntityGetOut1Collision) Write(p thrift.Format) error { if err := p.WriteStructBegin("respGetEntityGetOut1Collision"); err != nil { return thrift.PrependError(fmt.Sprintf("%T write struct begin error: ", x), err) } if err := x.writeField0(p); err != nil { return err } if err := p.WriteFieldStop(); err != nil { return thrift.PrependError(fmt.Sprintf("%T write field stop error: ", x), err) } if err := p.WriteStructEnd(); err != nil { return thrift.PrependError(fmt.Sprintf("%T write struct end error: ", x), err) } return nil } func (x *respGetEntityGetOut1Collision) Read(p thrift.Format) error { if _, err := p.ReadStructBegin(); err != nil { return thrift.PrependError(fmt.Sprintf("%T read error: ", x), err) } for { _, wireType, id, err := p.ReadFieldBegin() if err != nil { return thrift.PrependError(fmt.Sprintf("%T field %d read error: ", x, id), err) } if wireType == thrift.STOP { break; } switch { case (id == 0 && wireType == thrift.Type(thrift.I32)): // success if err := x.readField0(p); err != nil { return err } default: if err := p.Skip(wireType); err != nil { return err } } if err := p.ReadFieldEnd(); err != nil { return err } } if err := p.ReadStructEnd(); err != nil { return thrift.PrependError(fmt.Sprintf("%T read struct end error: ", x), err) } return nil } func (x *respGetEntityGetOut1Collision) String() string { if x == nil { return "" } var sb strings.Builder sb.WriteString("respGetEntityGetOut1Collision({") sb.WriteString(fmt.Sprintf("Success:%s", x.toString0())) sb.WriteString("})") return sb.String() } type reqGetEntityGetInCollision struct { In int64 `thrift:"in,1" json:"in" db:"in"` } // Compile time interface enforcer var _ thrift.Struct = &reqGetEntityGetInCollision{} // Deprecated: GetEntityGetInCollisionArgsDeprecated is deprecated, since it is supposed to be internal. type GetEntityGetInCollisionArgsDeprecated = reqGetEntityGetInCollision func newReqGetEntityGetInCollision() *reqGetEntityGetInCollision { return (&reqGetEntityGetInCollision{}). SetInNonCompat(0) } func (x *reqGetEntityGetInCollision) GetInNonCompat() int64 { return x.In } func (x *reqGetEntityGetInCollision) GetIn() int64 { return x.In } func (x *reqGetEntityGetInCollision) SetInNonCompat(value int64) *reqGetEntityGetInCollision { x.In = value return x } func (x *reqGetEntityGetInCollision) SetIn(value int64) *reqGetEntityGetInCollision { x.In = value return x } func (x *reqGetEntityGetInCollision) writeField1(p thrift.Format) error { // In if err := p.WriteFieldBegin("in", thrift.I64, 1); err != nil { return thrift.PrependError(fmt.Sprintf("%T write field begin error: ", x), err) } item := x.GetInNonCompat() if err := p.WriteI64(item); err != nil { return err } if err := p.WriteFieldEnd(); err != nil { return thrift.PrependError(fmt.Sprintf("%T write field end error: ", x), err) } return nil } func (x *reqGetEntityGetInCollision) readField1(p thrift.Format) error { // In result, err := p.ReadI64() if err != nil { return err } x.SetInNonCompat(result) return nil } func (x *reqGetEntityGetInCollision) toString1() string { // In return fmt.Sprintf("%v", x.GetInNonCompat()) } // Deprecated: Use "New" constructor and setters to build your structs. // e.g newReqGetEntityGetInCollision().Set().Set() type reqGetEntityGetInCollisionBuilder struct { obj *reqGetEntityGetInCollision } // Deprecated: Use "New" constructor and setters to build your structs. // e.g newReqGetEntityGetInCollision().Set().Set() func newReqGetEntityGetInCollisionBuilder() *reqGetEntityGetInCollisionBuilder { return &reqGetEntityGetInCollisionBuilder{ obj: newReqGetEntityGetInCollision(), } } // Deprecated: Use "New" constructor and setters to build your structs. // e.g newReqGetEntityGetInCollision().Set().Set() func (x *reqGetEntityGetInCollisionBuilder) In(value int64) *reqGetEntityGetInCollisionBuilder { x.obj.In = value return x } // Deprecated: Use "New" constructor and setters to build your structs. // e.g newReqGetEntityGetInCollision().Set().Set() func (x *reqGetEntityGetInCollisionBuilder) Emit() *reqGetEntityGetInCollision { var objCopy reqGetEntityGetInCollision = *x.obj return &objCopy } func (x *reqGetEntityGetInCollision) Write(p thrift.Format) error { if err := p.WriteStructBegin("reqGetEntityGetInCollision"); err != nil { return thrift.PrependError(fmt.Sprintf("%T write struct begin error: ", x), err) } if err := x.writeField1(p); err != nil { return err } if err := p.WriteFieldStop(); err != nil { return thrift.PrependError(fmt.Sprintf("%T write field stop error: ", x), err) } if err := p.WriteStructEnd(); err != nil { return thrift.PrependError(fmt.Sprintf("%T write struct end error: ", x), err) } return nil } func (x *reqGetEntityGetInCollision) Read(p thrift.Format) error { if _, err := p.ReadStructBegin(); err != nil { return thrift.PrependError(fmt.Sprintf("%T read error: ", x), err) } for { _, wireType, id, err := p.ReadFieldBegin() if err != nil { return thrift.PrependError(fmt.Sprintf("%T field %d read error: ", x, id), err) } if wireType == thrift.STOP { break; } switch { case (id == 1 && wireType == thrift.Type(thrift.I64)): // in if err := x.readField1(p); err != nil { return err } default: if err := p.Skip(wireType); err != nil { return err } } if err := p.ReadFieldEnd(); err != nil { return err } } if err := p.ReadStructEnd(); err != nil { return thrift.PrependError(fmt.Sprintf("%T read struct end error: ", x), err) } return nil } func (x *reqGetEntityGetInCollision) String() string { if x == nil { return "" } var sb strings.Builder sb.WriteString("reqGetEntityGetInCollision({") sb.WriteString(fmt.Sprintf("In:%s", x.toString1())) sb.WriteString("})") return sb.String() } type respGetEntityGetInCollision struct { Success *int32 `thrift:"success,0,optional" json:"success,omitempty" db:"success"` } // Compile time interface enforcer var _ thrift.Struct = &respGetEntityGetInCollision{} var _ thrift.WritableResult = &respGetEntityGetInCollision{} // Deprecated: GetEntityGetInCollisionResultDeprecated is deprecated, since it is supposed to be internal. type GetEntityGetInCollisionResultDeprecated = respGetEntityGetInCollision func newRespGetEntityGetInCollision() *respGetEntityGetInCollision { return (&respGetEntityGetInCollision{}) } func (x *respGetEntityGetInCollision) GetSuccessNonCompat() *int32 { return x.Success } func (x *respGetEntityGetInCollision) GetSuccess() int32 { if !x.IsSetSuccess() { return 0 } return *x.Success } func (x *respGetEntityGetInCollision) SetSuccessNonCompat(value int32) *respGetEntityGetInCollision { x.Success = &value return x } func (x *respGetEntityGetInCollision) SetSuccess(value *int32) *respGetEntityGetInCollision { x.Success = value return x } func (x *respGetEntityGetInCollision) IsSetSuccess() bool { return x != nil && x.Success != nil } func (x *respGetEntityGetInCollision) writeField0(p thrift.Format) error { // Success if !x.IsSetSuccess() { return nil } if err := p.WriteFieldBegin("success", thrift.I32, 0); err != nil { return thrift.PrependError(fmt.Sprintf("%T write field begin error: ", x), err) } item := *x.GetSuccessNonCompat() if err := p.WriteI32(item); err != nil { return err } if err := p.WriteFieldEnd(); err != nil { return thrift.PrependError(fmt.Sprintf("%T write field end error: ", x), err) } return nil } func (x *respGetEntityGetInCollision) readField0(p thrift.Format) error { // Success result, err := p.ReadI32() if err != nil { return err } x.SetSuccessNonCompat(result) return nil } func (x *respGetEntityGetInCollision) toString0() string { // Success if x.IsSetSuccess() { return fmt.Sprintf("%v", *x.GetSuccessNonCompat()) } return fmt.Sprintf("%v", x.GetSuccessNonCompat()) } // Deprecated: Use "New" constructor and setters to build your structs. // e.g newRespGetEntityGetInCollision().Set().Set() type respGetEntityGetInCollisionBuilder struct { obj *respGetEntityGetInCollision } // Deprecated: Use "New" constructor and setters to build your structs. // e.g newRespGetEntityGetInCollision().Set().Set() func newRespGetEntityGetInCollisionBuilder() *respGetEntityGetInCollisionBuilder { return &respGetEntityGetInCollisionBuilder{ obj: newRespGetEntityGetInCollision(), } } // Deprecated: Use "New" constructor and setters to build your structs. // e.g newRespGetEntityGetInCollision().Set().Set() func (x *respGetEntityGetInCollisionBuilder) Success(value *int32) *respGetEntityGetInCollisionBuilder { x.obj.Success = value return x } // Deprecated: Use "New" constructor and setters to build your structs. // e.g newRespGetEntityGetInCollision().Set().Set() func (x *respGetEntityGetInCollisionBuilder) Emit() *respGetEntityGetInCollision { var objCopy respGetEntityGetInCollision = *x.obj return &objCopy } func (x *respGetEntityGetInCollision) Exception() thrift.WritableException { return nil } func (x *respGetEntityGetInCollision) Write(p thrift.Format) error { if err := p.WriteStructBegin("respGetEntityGetInCollision"); err != nil { return thrift.PrependError(fmt.Sprintf("%T write struct begin error: ", x), err) } if err := x.writeField0(p); err != nil { return err } if err := p.WriteFieldStop(); err != nil { return thrift.PrependError(fmt.Sprintf("%T write field stop error: ", x), err) } if err := p.WriteStructEnd(); err != nil { return thrift.PrependError(fmt.Sprintf("%T write struct end error: ", x), err) } return nil } func (x *respGetEntityGetInCollision) Read(p thrift.Format) error { if _, err := p.ReadStructBegin(); err != nil { return thrift.PrependError(fmt.Sprintf("%T read error: ", x), err) } for { _, wireType, id, err := p.ReadFieldBegin() if err != nil { return thrift.PrependError(fmt.Sprintf("%T field %d read error: ", x, id), err) } if wireType == thrift.STOP { break; } switch { case (id == 0 && wireType == thrift.Type(thrift.I32)): // success if err := x.readField0(p); err != nil { return err } default: if err := p.Skip(wireType); err != nil { return err } } if err := p.ReadFieldEnd(); err != nil { return err } } if err := p.ReadStructEnd(); err != nil { return thrift.PrependError(fmt.Sprintf("%T read struct end error: ", x), err) } return nil } func (x *respGetEntityGetInCollision) String() string { if x == nil { return "" } var sb strings.Builder sb.WriteString("respGetEntityGetInCollision({") sb.WriteString(fmt.Sprintf("Success:%s", x.toString0())) sb.WriteString("})") return sb.String() } type reqGetEntityGetIn1Collision struct { In int64 `thrift:"in,1" json:"in" db:"in"` In1 int64 `thrift:"in1,2" json:"in1" db:"in1"` } // Compile time interface enforcer var _ thrift.Struct = &reqGetEntityGetIn1Collision{} // Deprecated: GetEntityGetIn1CollisionArgsDeprecated is deprecated, since it is supposed to be internal. type GetEntityGetIn1CollisionArgsDeprecated = reqGetEntityGetIn1Collision func newReqGetEntityGetIn1Collision() *reqGetEntityGetIn1Collision { return (&reqGetEntityGetIn1Collision{}). SetInNonCompat(0). SetIn1NonCompat(0) } func (x *reqGetEntityGetIn1Collision) GetInNonCompat() int64 { return x.In } func (x *reqGetEntityGetIn1Collision) GetIn() int64 { return x.In } func (x *reqGetEntityGetIn1Collision) GetIn1NonCompat() int64 { return x.In1 } func (x *reqGetEntityGetIn1Collision) GetIn1() int64 { return x.In1 } func (x *reqGetEntityGetIn1Collision) SetInNonCompat(value int64) *reqGetEntityGetIn1Collision { x.In = value return x } func (x *reqGetEntityGetIn1Collision) SetIn(value int64) *reqGetEntityGetIn1Collision { x.In = value return x } func (x *reqGetEntityGetIn1Collision) SetIn1NonCompat(value int64) *reqGetEntityGetIn1Collision { x.In1 = value return x } func (x *reqGetEntityGetIn1Collision) SetIn1(value int64) *reqGetEntityGetIn1Collision { x.In1 = value return x } func (x *reqGetEntityGetIn1Collision) writeField1(p thrift.Format) error { // In if err := p.WriteFieldBegin("in", thrift.I64, 1); err != nil { return thrift.PrependError(fmt.Sprintf("%T write field begin error: ", x), err) } item := x.GetInNonCompat() if err := p.WriteI64(item); err != nil { return err } if err := p.WriteFieldEnd(); err != nil { return thrift.PrependError(fmt.Sprintf("%T write field end error: ", x), err) } return nil } func (x *reqGetEntityGetIn1Collision) writeField2(p thrift.Format) error { // In1 if err := p.WriteFieldBegin("in1", thrift.I64, 2); err != nil { return thrift.PrependError(fmt.Sprintf("%T write field begin error: ", x), err) } item := x.GetIn1NonCompat() if err := p.WriteI64(item); err != nil { return err } if err := p.WriteFieldEnd(); err != nil { return thrift.PrependError(fmt.Sprintf("%T write field end error: ", x), err) } return nil } func (x *reqGetEntityGetIn1Collision) readField1(p thrift.Format) error { // In result, err := p.ReadI64() if err != nil { return err } x.SetInNonCompat(result) return nil } func (x *reqGetEntityGetIn1Collision) readField2(p thrift.Format) error { // In1 result, err := p.ReadI64() if err != nil { return err } x.SetIn1NonCompat(result) return nil } func (x *reqGetEntityGetIn1Collision) toString1() string { // In return fmt.Sprintf("%v", x.GetInNonCompat()) } func (x *reqGetEntityGetIn1Collision) toString2() string { // In1 return fmt.Sprintf("%v", x.GetIn1NonCompat()) } // Deprecated: Use "New" constructor and setters to build your structs. // e.g newReqGetEntityGetIn1Collision().Set().Set() type reqGetEntityGetIn1CollisionBuilder struct { obj *reqGetEntityGetIn1Collision } // Deprecated: Use "New" constructor and setters to build your structs. // e.g newReqGetEntityGetIn1Collision().Set().Set() func newReqGetEntityGetIn1CollisionBuilder() *reqGetEntityGetIn1CollisionBuilder { return &reqGetEntityGetIn1CollisionBuilder{ obj: newReqGetEntityGetIn1Collision(), } } // Deprecated: Use "New" constructor and setters to build your structs. // e.g newReqGetEntityGetIn1Collision().Set().Set() func (x *reqGetEntityGetIn1CollisionBuilder) In(value int64) *reqGetEntityGetIn1CollisionBuilder { x.obj.In = value return x } // Deprecated: Use "New" constructor and setters to build your structs. // e.g newReqGetEntityGetIn1Collision().Set().Set() func (x *reqGetEntityGetIn1CollisionBuilder) In1(value int64) *reqGetEntityGetIn1CollisionBuilder { x.obj.In1 = value return x } // Deprecated: Use "New" constructor and setters to build your structs. // e.g newReqGetEntityGetIn1Collision().Set().Set() func (x *reqGetEntityGetIn1CollisionBuilder) Emit() *reqGetEntityGetIn1Collision { var objCopy reqGetEntityGetIn1Collision = *x.obj return &objCopy } func (x *reqGetEntityGetIn1Collision) Write(p thrift.Format) error { if err := p.WriteStructBegin("reqGetEntityGetIn1Collision"); err != nil { return thrift.PrependError(fmt.Sprintf("%T write struct begin error: ", x), err) } if err := x.writeField1(p); err != nil { return err } if err := x.writeField2(p); err != nil { return err } if err := p.WriteFieldStop(); err != nil { return thrift.PrependError(fmt.Sprintf("%T write field stop error: ", x), err) } if err := p.WriteStructEnd(); err != nil { return thrift.PrependError(fmt.Sprintf("%T write struct end error: ", x), err) } return nil } func (x *reqGetEntityGetIn1Collision) Read(p thrift.Format) error { if _, err := p.ReadStructBegin(); err != nil { return thrift.PrependError(fmt.Sprintf("%T read error: ", x), err) } for { _, wireType, id, err := p.ReadFieldBegin() if err != nil { return thrift.PrependError(fmt.Sprintf("%T field %d read error: ", x, id), err) } if wireType == thrift.STOP { break; } switch { case (id == 1 && wireType == thrift.Type(thrift.I64)): // in if err := x.readField1(p); err != nil { return err } case (id == 2 && wireType == thrift.Type(thrift.I64)): // in1 if err := x.readField2(p); err != nil { return err } default: if err := p.Skip(wireType); err != nil { return err } } if err := p.ReadFieldEnd(); err != nil { return err } } if err := p.ReadStructEnd(); err != nil { return thrift.PrependError(fmt.Sprintf("%T read struct end error: ", x), err) } return nil } func (x *reqGetEntityGetIn1Collision) String() string { if x == nil { return "" } var sb strings.Builder sb.WriteString("reqGetEntityGetIn1Collision({") sb.WriteString(fmt.Sprintf("In:%s ", x.toString1())) sb.WriteString(fmt.Sprintf("In1:%s", x.toString2())) sb.WriteString("})") return sb.String() } type respGetEntityGetIn1Collision struct { Success *int32 `thrift:"success,0,optional" json:"success,omitempty" db:"success"` } // Compile time interface enforcer var _ thrift.Struct = &respGetEntityGetIn1Collision{} var _ thrift.WritableResult = &respGetEntityGetIn1Collision{} // Deprecated: GetEntityGetIn1CollisionResultDeprecated is deprecated, since it is supposed to be internal. type GetEntityGetIn1CollisionResultDeprecated = respGetEntityGetIn1Collision func newRespGetEntityGetIn1Collision() *respGetEntityGetIn1Collision { return (&respGetEntityGetIn1Collision{}) } func (x *respGetEntityGetIn1Collision) GetSuccessNonCompat() *int32 { return x.Success } func (x *respGetEntityGetIn1Collision) GetSuccess() int32 { if !x.IsSetSuccess() { return 0 } return *x.Success } func (x *respGetEntityGetIn1Collision) SetSuccessNonCompat(value int32) *respGetEntityGetIn1Collision { x.Success = &value return x } func (x *respGetEntityGetIn1Collision) SetSuccess(value *int32) *respGetEntityGetIn1Collision { x.Success = value return x } func (x *respGetEntityGetIn1Collision) IsSetSuccess() bool { return x != nil && x.Success != nil } func (x *respGetEntityGetIn1Collision) writeField0(p thrift.Format) error { // Success if !x.IsSetSuccess() { return nil } if err := p.WriteFieldBegin("success", thrift.I32, 0); err != nil { return thrift.PrependError(fmt.Sprintf("%T write field begin error: ", x), err) } item := *x.GetSuccessNonCompat() if err := p.WriteI32(item); err != nil { return err } if err := p.WriteFieldEnd(); err != nil { return thrift.PrependError(fmt.Sprintf("%T write field end error: ", x), err) } return nil } func (x *respGetEntityGetIn1Collision) readField0(p thrift.Format) error { // Success result, err := p.ReadI32() if err != nil { return err } x.SetSuccessNonCompat(result) return nil } func (x *respGetEntityGetIn1Collision) toString0() string { // Success if x.IsSetSuccess() { return fmt.Sprintf("%v", *x.GetSuccessNonCompat()) } return fmt.Sprintf("%v", x.GetSuccessNonCompat()) } // Deprecated: Use "New" constructor and setters to build your structs. // e.g newRespGetEntityGetIn1Collision().Set().Set() type respGetEntityGetIn1CollisionBuilder struct { obj *respGetEntityGetIn1Collision } // Deprecated: Use "New" constructor and setters to build your structs. // e.g newRespGetEntityGetIn1Collision().Set().Set() func newRespGetEntityGetIn1CollisionBuilder() *respGetEntityGetIn1CollisionBuilder { return &respGetEntityGetIn1CollisionBuilder{ obj: newRespGetEntityGetIn1Collision(), } } // Deprecated: Use "New" constructor and setters to build your structs. // e.g newRespGetEntityGetIn1Collision().Set().Set() func (x *respGetEntityGetIn1CollisionBuilder) Success(value *int32) *respGetEntityGetIn1CollisionBuilder { x.obj.Success = value return x } // Deprecated: Use "New" constructor and setters to build your structs. // e.g newRespGetEntityGetIn1Collision().Set().Set() func (x *respGetEntityGetIn1CollisionBuilder) Emit() *respGetEntityGetIn1Collision { var objCopy respGetEntityGetIn1Collision = *x.obj return &objCopy } func (x *respGetEntityGetIn1Collision) Exception() thrift.WritableException { return nil } func (x *respGetEntityGetIn1Collision) Write(p thrift.Format) error { if err := p.WriteStructBegin("respGetEntityGetIn1Collision"); err != nil { return thrift.PrependError(fmt.Sprintf("%T write struct begin error: ", x), err) } if err := x.writeField0(p); err != nil { return err } if err := p.WriteFieldStop(); err != nil { return thrift.PrependError(fmt.Sprintf("%T write field stop error: ", x), err) } if err := p.WriteStructEnd(); err != nil { return thrift.PrependError(fmt.Sprintf("%T write struct end error: ", x), err) } return nil } func (x *respGetEntityGetIn1Collision) Read(p thrift.Format) error { if _, err := p.ReadStructBegin(); err != nil { return thrift.PrependError(fmt.Sprintf("%T read error: ", x), err) } for { _, wireType, id, err := p.ReadFieldBegin() if err != nil { return thrift.PrependError(fmt.Sprintf("%T field %d read error: ", x, id), err) } if wireType == thrift.STOP { break; } switch { case (id == 0 && wireType == thrift.Type(thrift.I32)): // success if err := x.readField0(p); err != nil { return err } default: if err := p.Skip(wireType); err != nil { return err } } if err := p.ReadFieldEnd(); err != nil { return err } } if err := p.ReadStructEnd(); err != nil { return thrift.PrependError(fmt.Sprintf("%T read struct end error: ", x), err) } return nil } func (x *respGetEntityGetIn1Collision) String() string { if x == nil { return "" } var sb strings.Builder sb.WriteString("respGetEntityGetIn1Collision({") sb.WriteString(fmt.Sprintf("Success:%s", x.toString0())) sb.WriteString("})") return sb.String() } type reqGetEntityGetErrCollision struct { Err int64 `thrift:"err,1" json:"err" db:"err"` } // Compile time interface enforcer var _ thrift.Struct = &reqGetEntityGetErrCollision{} // Deprecated: GetEntityGetErrCollisionArgsDeprecated is deprecated, since it is supposed to be internal. type GetEntityGetErrCollisionArgsDeprecated = reqGetEntityGetErrCollision func newReqGetEntityGetErrCollision() *reqGetEntityGetErrCollision { return (&reqGetEntityGetErrCollision{}). SetErrNonCompat(0) } func (x *reqGetEntityGetErrCollision) GetErrNonCompat() int64 { return x.Err } func (x *reqGetEntityGetErrCollision) GetErr() int64 { return x.Err } func (x *reqGetEntityGetErrCollision) SetErrNonCompat(value int64) *reqGetEntityGetErrCollision { x.Err = value return x } func (x *reqGetEntityGetErrCollision) SetErr(value int64) *reqGetEntityGetErrCollision { x.Err = value return x } func (x *reqGetEntityGetErrCollision) writeField1(p thrift.Format) error { // Err if err := p.WriteFieldBegin("err", thrift.I64, 1); err != nil { return thrift.PrependError(fmt.Sprintf("%T write field begin error: ", x), err) } item := x.GetErrNonCompat() if err := p.WriteI64(item); err != nil { return err } if err := p.WriteFieldEnd(); err != nil { return thrift.PrependError(fmt.Sprintf("%T write field end error: ", x), err) } return nil } func (x *reqGetEntityGetErrCollision) readField1(p thrift.Format) error { // Err result, err := p.ReadI64() if err != nil { return err } x.SetErrNonCompat(result) return nil } func (x *reqGetEntityGetErrCollision) toString1() string { // Err return fmt.Sprintf("%v", x.GetErrNonCompat()) } // Deprecated: Use "New" constructor and setters to build your structs. // e.g newReqGetEntityGetErrCollision().Set().Set() type reqGetEntityGetErrCollisionBuilder struct { obj *reqGetEntityGetErrCollision } // Deprecated: Use "New" constructor and setters to build your structs. // e.g newReqGetEntityGetErrCollision().Set().Set() func newReqGetEntityGetErrCollisionBuilder() *reqGetEntityGetErrCollisionBuilder { return &reqGetEntityGetErrCollisionBuilder{ obj: newReqGetEntityGetErrCollision(), } } // Deprecated: Use "New" constructor and setters to build your structs. // e.g newReqGetEntityGetErrCollision().Set().Set() func (x *reqGetEntityGetErrCollisionBuilder) Err(value int64) *reqGetEntityGetErrCollisionBuilder { x.obj.Err = value return x } // Deprecated: Use "New" constructor and setters to build your structs. // e.g newReqGetEntityGetErrCollision().Set().Set() func (x *reqGetEntityGetErrCollisionBuilder) Emit() *reqGetEntityGetErrCollision { var objCopy reqGetEntityGetErrCollision = *x.obj return &objCopy } func (x *reqGetEntityGetErrCollision) Write(p thrift.Format) error { if err := p.WriteStructBegin("reqGetEntityGetErrCollision"); err != nil { return thrift.PrependError(fmt.Sprintf("%T write struct begin error: ", x), err) } if err := x.writeField1(p); err != nil { return err } if err := p.WriteFieldStop(); err != nil { return thrift.PrependError(fmt.Sprintf("%T write field stop error: ", x), err) } if err := p.WriteStructEnd(); err != nil { return thrift.PrependError(fmt.Sprintf("%T write struct end error: ", x), err) } return nil } func (x *reqGetEntityGetErrCollision) Read(p thrift.Format) error { if _, err := p.ReadStructBegin(); err != nil { return thrift.PrependError(fmt.Sprintf("%T read error: ", x), err) } for { _, wireType, id, err := p.ReadFieldBegin() if err != nil { return thrift.PrependError(fmt.Sprintf("%T field %d read error: ", x, id), err) } if wireType == thrift.STOP { break; } switch { case (id == 1 && wireType == thrift.Type(thrift.I64)): // err if err := x.readField1(p); err != nil { return err } default: if err := p.Skip(wireType); err != nil { return err } } if err := p.ReadFieldEnd(); err != nil { return err } } if err := p.ReadStructEnd(); err != nil { return thrift.PrependError(fmt.Sprintf("%T read struct end error: ", x), err) } return nil } func (x *reqGetEntityGetErrCollision) String() string { if x == nil { return "" } var sb strings.Builder sb.WriteString("reqGetEntityGetErrCollision({") sb.WriteString(fmt.Sprintf("Err:%s", x.toString1())) sb.WriteString("})") return sb.String() } type respGetEntityGetErrCollision struct { Success *int32 `thrift:"success,0,optional" json:"success,omitempty" db:"success"` } // Compile time interface enforcer var _ thrift.Struct = &respGetEntityGetErrCollision{} var _ thrift.WritableResult = &respGetEntityGetErrCollision{} // Deprecated: GetEntityGetErrCollisionResultDeprecated is deprecated, since it is supposed to be internal. type GetEntityGetErrCollisionResultDeprecated = respGetEntityGetErrCollision func newRespGetEntityGetErrCollision() *respGetEntityGetErrCollision { return (&respGetEntityGetErrCollision{}) } func (x *respGetEntityGetErrCollision) GetSuccessNonCompat() *int32 { return x.Success } func (x *respGetEntityGetErrCollision) GetSuccess() int32 { if !x.IsSetSuccess() { return 0 } return *x.Success } func (x *respGetEntityGetErrCollision) SetSuccessNonCompat(value int32) *respGetEntityGetErrCollision { x.Success = &value return x } func (x *respGetEntityGetErrCollision) SetSuccess(value *int32) *respGetEntityGetErrCollision { x.Success = value return x } func (x *respGetEntityGetErrCollision) IsSetSuccess() bool { return x != nil && x.Success != nil } func (x *respGetEntityGetErrCollision) writeField0(p thrift.Format) error { // Success if !x.IsSetSuccess() { return nil } if err := p.WriteFieldBegin("success", thrift.I32, 0); err != nil { return thrift.PrependError(fmt.Sprintf("%T write field begin error: ", x), err) } item := *x.GetSuccessNonCompat() if err := p.WriteI32(item); err != nil { return err } if err := p.WriteFieldEnd(); err != nil { return thrift.PrependError(fmt.Sprintf("%T write field end error: ", x), err) } return nil } func (x *respGetEntityGetErrCollision) readField0(p thrift.Format) error { // Success result, err := p.ReadI32() if err != nil { return err } x.SetSuccessNonCompat(result) return nil } func (x *respGetEntityGetErrCollision) toString0() string { // Success if x.IsSetSuccess() { return fmt.Sprintf("%v", *x.GetSuccessNonCompat()) } return fmt.Sprintf("%v", x.GetSuccessNonCompat()) } // Deprecated: Use "New" constructor and setters to build your structs. // e.g newRespGetEntityGetErrCollision().Set().Set() type respGetEntityGetErrCollisionBuilder struct { obj *respGetEntityGetErrCollision } // Deprecated: Use "New" constructor and setters to build your structs. // e.g newRespGetEntityGetErrCollision().Set().Set() func newRespGetEntityGetErrCollisionBuilder() *respGetEntityGetErrCollisionBuilder { return &respGetEntityGetErrCollisionBuilder{ obj: newRespGetEntityGetErrCollision(), } } // Deprecated: Use "New" constructor and setters to build your structs. // e.g newRespGetEntityGetErrCollision().Set().Set() func (x *respGetEntityGetErrCollisionBuilder) Success(value *int32) *respGetEntityGetErrCollisionBuilder { x.obj.Success = value return x } // Deprecated: Use "New" constructor and setters to build your structs. // e.g newRespGetEntityGetErrCollision().Set().Set() func (x *respGetEntityGetErrCollisionBuilder) Emit() *respGetEntityGetErrCollision { var objCopy respGetEntityGetErrCollision = *x.obj return &objCopy } func (x *respGetEntityGetErrCollision) Exception() thrift.WritableException { return nil } func (x *respGetEntityGetErrCollision) Write(p thrift.Format) error { if err := p.WriteStructBegin("respGetEntityGetErrCollision"); err != nil { return thrift.PrependError(fmt.Sprintf("%T write struct begin error: ", x), err) } if err := x.writeField0(p); err != nil { return err } if err := p.WriteFieldStop(); err != nil { return thrift.PrependError(fmt.Sprintf("%T write field stop error: ", x), err) } if err := p.WriteStructEnd(); err != nil { return thrift.PrependError(fmt.Sprintf("%T write struct end error: ", x), err) } return nil } func (x *respGetEntityGetErrCollision) Read(p thrift.Format) error { if _, err := p.ReadStructBegin(); err != nil { return thrift.PrependError(fmt.Sprintf("%T read error: ", x), err) } for { _, wireType, id, err := p.ReadFieldBegin() if err != nil { return thrift.PrependError(fmt.Sprintf("%T field %d read error: ", x, id), err) } if wireType == thrift.STOP { break; } switch { case (id == 0 && wireType == thrift.Type(thrift.I32)): // success if err := x.readField0(p); err != nil { return err } default: if err := p.Skip(wireType); err != nil { return err } } if err := p.ReadFieldEnd(); err != nil { return err } } if err := p.ReadStructEnd(); err != nil { return thrift.PrependError(fmt.Sprintf("%T read struct end error: ", x), err) } return nil } func (x *respGetEntityGetErrCollision) String() string { if x == nil { return "" } var sb strings.Builder sb.WriteString("respGetEntityGetErrCollision({") sb.WriteString(fmt.Sprintf("Success:%s", x.toString0())) sb.WriteString("})") return sb.String() } type reqGetEntityGetErr1Collision struct { Err int64 `thrift:"err,1" json:"err" db:"err"` Err1 int64 `thrift:"err1,2" json:"err1" db:"err1"` } // Compile time interface enforcer var _ thrift.Struct = &reqGetEntityGetErr1Collision{} // Deprecated: GetEntityGetErr1CollisionArgsDeprecated is deprecated, since it is supposed to be internal. type GetEntityGetErr1CollisionArgsDeprecated = reqGetEntityGetErr1Collision func newReqGetEntityGetErr1Collision() *reqGetEntityGetErr1Collision { return (&reqGetEntityGetErr1Collision{}). SetErrNonCompat(0). SetErr1NonCompat(0) } func (x *reqGetEntityGetErr1Collision) GetErrNonCompat() int64 { return x.Err } func (x *reqGetEntityGetErr1Collision) GetErr() int64 { return x.Err } func (x *reqGetEntityGetErr1Collision) GetErr1NonCompat() int64 { return x.Err1 } func (x *reqGetEntityGetErr1Collision) GetErr1() int64 { return x.Err1 } func (x *reqGetEntityGetErr1Collision) SetErrNonCompat(value int64) *reqGetEntityGetErr1Collision { x.Err = value return x } func (x *reqGetEntityGetErr1Collision) SetErr(value int64) *reqGetEntityGetErr1Collision { x.Err = value return x } func (x *reqGetEntityGetErr1Collision) SetErr1NonCompat(value int64) *reqGetEntityGetErr1Collision { x.Err1 = value return x } func (x *reqGetEntityGetErr1Collision) SetErr1(value int64) *reqGetEntityGetErr1Collision { x.Err1 = value return x } func (x *reqGetEntityGetErr1Collision) writeField1(p thrift.Format) error { // Err if err := p.WriteFieldBegin("err", thrift.I64, 1); err != nil { return thrift.PrependError(fmt.Sprintf("%T write field begin error: ", x), err) } item := x.GetErrNonCompat() if err := p.WriteI64(item); err != nil { return err } if err := p.WriteFieldEnd(); err != nil { return thrift.PrependError(fmt.Sprintf("%T write field end error: ", x), err) } return nil } func (x *reqGetEntityGetErr1Collision) writeField2(p thrift.Format) error { // Err1 if err := p.WriteFieldBegin("err1", thrift.I64, 2); err != nil { return thrift.PrependError(fmt.Sprintf("%T write field begin error: ", x), err) } item := x.GetErr1NonCompat() if err := p.WriteI64(item); err != nil { return err } if err := p.WriteFieldEnd(); err != nil { return thrift.PrependError(fmt.Sprintf("%T write field end error: ", x), err) } return nil } func (x *reqGetEntityGetErr1Collision) readField1(p thrift.Format) error { // Err result, err := p.ReadI64() if err != nil { return err } x.SetErrNonCompat(result) return nil } func (x *reqGetEntityGetErr1Collision) readField2(p thrift.Format) error { // Err1 result, err := p.ReadI64() if err != nil { return err } x.SetErr1NonCompat(result) return nil } func (x *reqGetEntityGetErr1Collision) toString1() string { // Err return fmt.Sprintf("%v", x.GetErrNonCompat()) } func (x *reqGetEntityGetErr1Collision) toString2() string { // Err1 return fmt.Sprintf("%v", x.GetErr1NonCompat()) } // Deprecated: Use "New" constructor and setters to build your structs. // e.g newReqGetEntityGetErr1Collision().Set().Set() type reqGetEntityGetErr1CollisionBuilder struct { obj *reqGetEntityGetErr1Collision } // Deprecated: Use "New" constructor and setters to build your structs. // e.g newReqGetEntityGetErr1Collision().Set().Set() func newReqGetEntityGetErr1CollisionBuilder() *reqGetEntityGetErr1CollisionBuilder { return &reqGetEntityGetErr1CollisionBuilder{ obj: newReqGetEntityGetErr1Collision(), } } // Deprecated: Use "New" constructor and setters to build your structs. // e.g newReqGetEntityGetErr1Collision().Set().Set() func (x *reqGetEntityGetErr1CollisionBuilder) Err(value int64) *reqGetEntityGetErr1CollisionBuilder { x.obj.Err = value return x } // Deprecated: Use "New" constructor and setters to build your structs. // e.g newReqGetEntityGetErr1Collision().Set().Set() func (x *reqGetEntityGetErr1CollisionBuilder) Err1(value int64) *reqGetEntityGetErr1CollisionBuilder { x.obj.Err1 = value return x } // Deprecated: Use "New" constructor and setters to build your structs. // e.g newReqGetEntityGetErr1Collision().Set().Set() func (x *reqGetEntityGetErr1CollisionBuilder) Emit() *reqGetEntityGetErr1Collision { var objCopy reqGetEntityGetErr1Collision = *x.obj return &objCopy } func (x *reqGetEntityGetErr1Collision) Write(p thrift.Format) error { if err := p.WriteStructBegin("reqGetEntityGetErr1Collision"); err != nil { return thrift.PrependError(fmt.Sprintf("%T write struct begin error: ", x), err) } if err := x.writeField1(p); err != nil { return err } if err := x.writeField2(p); err != nil { return err } if err := p.WriteFieldStop(); err != nil { return thrift.PrependError(fmt.Sprintf("%T write field stop error: ", x), err) } if err := p.WriteStructEnd(); err != nil { return thrift.PrependError(fmt.Sprintf("%T write struct end error: ", x), err) } return nil } func (x *reqGetEntityGetErr1Collision) Read(p thrift.Format) error { if _, err := p.ReadStructBegin(); err != nil { return thrift.PrependError(fmt.Sprintf("%T read error: ", x), err) } for { _, wireType, id, err := p.ReadFieldBegin() if err != nil { return thrift.PrependError(fmt.Sprintf("%T field %d read error: ", x, id), err) } if wireType == thrift.STOP { break; } switch { case (id == 1 && wireType == thrift.Type(thrift.I64)): // err if err := x.readField1(p); err != nil { return err } case (id == 2 && wireType == thrift.Type(thrift.I64)): // err1 if err := x.readField2(p); err != nil { return err } default: if err := p.Skip(wireType); err != nil { return err } } if err := p.ReadFieldEnd(); err != nil { return err } } if err := p.ReadStructEnd(); err != nil { return thrift.PrependError(fmt.Sprintf("%T read struct end error: ", x), err) } return nil } func (x *reqGetEntityGetErr1Collision) String() string { if x == nil { return "" } var sb strings.Builder sb.WriteString("reqGetEntityGetErr1Collision({") sb.WriteString(fmt.Sprintf("Err:%s ", x.toString1())) sb.WriteString(fmt.Sprintf("Err1:%s", x.toString2())) sb.WriteString("})") return sb.String() } type respGetEntityGetErr1Collision struct { Success *int32 `thrift:"success,0,optional" json:"success,omitempty" db:"success"` } // Compile time interface enforcer var _ thrift.Struct = &respGetEntityGetErr1Collision{} var _ thrift.WritableResult = &respGetEntityGetErr1Collision{} // Deprecated: GetEntityGetErr1CollisionResultDeprecated is deprecated, since it is supposed to be internal. type GetEntityGetErr1CollisionResultDeprecated = respGetEntityGetErr1Collision func newRespGetEntityGetErr1Collision() *respGetEntityGetErr1Collision { return (&respGetEntityGetErr1Collision{}) } func (x *respGetEntityGetErr1Collision) GetSuccessNonCompat() *int32 { return x.Success } func (x *respGetEntityGetErr1Collision) GetSuccess() int32 { if !x.IsSetSuccess() { return 0 } return *x.Success } func (x *respGetEntityGetErr1Collision) SetSuccessNonCompat(value int32) *respGetEntityGetErr1Collision { x.Success = &value return x } func (x *respGetEntityGetErr1Collision) SetSuccess(value *int32) *respGetEntityGetErr1Collision { x.Success = value return x } func (x *respGetEntityGetErr1Collision) IsSetSuccess() bool { return x != nil && x.Success != nil } func (x *respGetEntityGetErr1Collision) writeField0(p thrift.Format) error { // Success if !x.IsSetSuccess() { return nil } if err := p.WriteFieldBegin("success", thrift.I32, 0); err != nil { return thrift.PrependError(fmt.Sprintf("%T write field begin error: ", x), err) } item := *x.GetSuccessNonCompat() if err := p.WriteI32(item); err != nil { return err } if err := p.WriteFieldEnd(); err != nil { return thrift.PrependError(fmt.Sprintf("%T write field end error: ", x), err) } return nil } func (x *respGetEntityGetErr1Collision) readField0(p thrift.Format) error { // Success result, err := p.ReadI32() if err != nil { return err } x.SetSuccessNonCompat(result) return nil } func (x *respGetEntityGetErr1Collision) toString0() string { // Success if x.IsSetSuccess() { return fmt.Sprintf("%v", *x.GetSuccessNonCompat()) } return fmt.Sprintf("%v", x.GetSuccessNonCompat()) } // Deprecated: Use "New" constructor and setters to build your structs. // e.g newRespGetEntityGetErr1Collision().Set().Set() type respGetEntityGetErr1CollisionBuilder struct { obj *respGetEntityGetErr1Collision } // Deprecated: Use "New" constructor and setters to build your structs. // e.g newRespGetEntityGetErr1Collision().Set().Set() func newRespGetEntityGetErr1CollisionBuilder() *respGetEntityGetErr1CollisionBuilder { return &respGetEntityGetErr1CollisionBuilder{ obj: newRespGetEntityGetErr1Collision(), } } // Deprecated: Use "New" constructor and setters to build your structs. // e.g newRespGetEntityGetErr1Collision().Set().Set() func (x *respGetEntityGetErr1CollisionBuilder) Success(value *int32) *respGetEntityGetErr1CollisionBuilder { x.obj.Success = value return x } // Deprecated: Use "New" constructor and setters to build your structs. // e.g newRespGetEntityGetErr1Collision().Set().Set() func (x *respGetEntityGetErr1CollisionBuilder) Emit() *respGetEntityGetErr1Collision { var objCopy respGetEntityGetErr1Collision = *x.obj return &objCopy } func (x *respGetEntityGetErr1Collision) Exception() thrift.WritableException { return nil } func (x *respGetEntityGetErr1Collision) Write(p thrift.Format) error { if err := p.WriteStructBegin("respGetEntityGetErr1Collision"); err != nil { return thrift.PrependError(fmt.Sprintf("%T write struct begin error: ", x), err) } if err := x.writeField0(p); err != nil { return err } if err := p.WriteFieldStop(); err != nil { return thrift.PrependError(fmt.Sprintf("%T write field stop error: ", x), err) } if err := p.WriteStructEnd(); err != nil { return thrift.PrependError(fmt.Sprintf("%T write struct end error: ", x), err) } return nil } func (x *respGetEntityGetErr1Collision) Read(p thrift.Format) error { if _, err := p.ReadStructBegin(); err != nil { return thrift.PrependError(fmt.Sprintf("%T read error: ", x), err) } for { _, wireType, id, err := p.ReadFieldBegin() if err != nil { return thrift.PrependError(fmt.Sprintf("%T field %d read error: ", x, id), err) } if wireType == thrift.STOP { break; } switch { case (id == 0 && wireType == thrift.Type(thrift.I32)): // success if err := x.readField0(p); err != nil { return err } default: if err := p.Skip(wireType); err != nil { return err } } if err := p.ReadFieldEnd(); err != nil { return err } } if err := p.ReadStructEnd(); err != nil { return thrift.PrependError(fmt.Sprintf("%T read struct end error: ", x), err) } return nil } func (x *respGetEntityGetErr1Collision) String() string { if x == nil { return "" } var sb strings.Builder sb.WriteString("respGetEntityGetErr1Collision({") sb.WriteString(fmt.Sprintf("Success:%s", x.toString0())) sb.WriteString("})") return sb.String() } type GetEntityProcessor struct { processorMap map[string]thrift.ProcessorFunctionContext functionServiceMap map[string]string handler GetEntity } // Compile time interface enforcer var _ thrift.ProcessorContext = &GetEntityProcessor{} func NewGetEntityProcessor(handler GetEntity) *GetEntityProcessor { p := &GetEntityProcessor{ handler: handler, processorMap: make(map[string]thrift.ProcessorFunctionContext), functionServiceMap: make(map[string]string), } p.AddToProcessorMap("getEntity", &procFuncGetEntityGetEntity{handler: handler}) p.AddToProcessorMap("getBool", &procFuncGetEntityGetBool{handler: handler}) p.AddToProcessorMap("getByte", &procFuncGetEntityGetByte{handler: handler}) p.AddToProcessorMap("getI16", &procFuncGetEntityGetI16{handler: handler}) p.AddToProcessorMap("getI32", &procFuncGetEntityGetI32{handler: handler}) p.AddToProcessorMap("getI64", &procFuncGetEntityGetI64{handler: handler}) p.AddToProcessorMap("getDouble", &procFuncGetEntityGetDouble{handler: handler}) p.AddToProcessorMap("getString", &procFuncGetEntityGetString{handler: handler}) p.AddToProcessorMap("getBinary", &procFuncGetEntityGetBinary{handler: handler}) p.AddToProcessorMap("getMap", &procFuncGetEntityGetMap{handler: handler}) p.AddToProcessorMap("getSet", &procFuncGetEntityGetSet{handler: handler}) p.AddToProcessorMap("getList", &procFuncGetEntityGetList{handler: handler}) p.AddToProcessorMap("getLegacyStuff", &procFuncGetEntityGetLegacyStuff{handler: handler}) p.AddToProcessorMap("getCtxCollision", &procFuncGetEntityGetCtxCollision{handler: handler}) p.AddToProcessorMap("getCtx1Collision", &procFuncGetEntityGetCtx1Collision{handler: handler}) p.AddToProcessorMap("getContextCollision", &procFuncGetEntityGetContextCollision{handler: handler}) p.AddToProcessorMap("getOutCollision", &procFuncGetEntityGetOutCollision{handler: handler}) p.AddToProcessorMap("getOut1Collision", &procFuncGetEntityGetOut1Collision{handler: handler}) p.AddToProcessorMap("getInCollision", &procFuncGetEntityGetInCollision{handler: handler}) p.AddToProcessorMap("getIn1Collision", &procFuncGetEntityGetIn1Collision{handler: handler}) p.AddToProcessorMap("getErrCollision", &procFuncGetEntityGetErrCollision{handler: handler}) p.AddToProcessorMap("getErr1Collision", &procFuncGetEntityGetErr1Collision{handler: handler}) p.AddToFunctionServiceMap("getEntity", "GetEntity") p.AddToFunctionServiceMap("getBool", "GetEntity") p.AddToFunctionServiceMap("getByte", "GetEntity") p.AddToFunctionServiceMap("getI16", "GetEntity") p.AddToFunctionServiceMap("getI32", "GetEntity") p.AddToFunctionServiceMap("getI64", "GetEntity") p.AddToFunctionServiceMap("getDouble", "GetEntity") p.AddToFunctionServiceMap("getString", "GetEntity") p.AddToFunctionServiceMap("getBinary", "GetEntity") p.AddToFunctionServiceMap("getMap", "GetEntity") p.AddToFunctionServiceMap("getSet", "GetEntity") p.AddToFunctionServiceMap("getList", "GetEntity") p.AddToFunctionServiceMap("getLegacyStuff", "GetEntity") p.AddToFunctionServiceMap("getCtxCollision", "GetEntity") p.AddToFunctionServiceMap("getCtx1Collision", "GetEntity") p.AddToFunctionServiceMap("getContextCollision", "GetEntity") p.AddToFunctionServiceMap("getOutCollision", "GetEntity") p.AddToFunctionServiceMap("getOut1Collision", "GetEntity") p.AddToFunctionServiceMap("getInCollision", "GetEntity") p.AddToFunctionServiceMap("getIn1Collision", "GetEntity") p.AddToFunctionServiceMap("getErrCollision", "GetEntity") p.AddToFunctionServiceMap("getErr1Collision", "GetEntity") return p } func (p *GetEntityProcessor) AddToProcessorMap(key string, processor thrift.ProcessorFunctionContext) { p.processorMap[key] = processor } func (p *GetEntityProcessor) AddToFunctionServiceMap(key, service string) { p.functionServiceMap[key] = service } func (p *GetEntityProcessor) GetProcessorFunctionContext(key string) (processor thrift.ProcessorFunctionContext, err error) { if processor, ok := p.processorMap[key]; ok { return processor, nil } return nil, nil } func (p *GetEntityProcessor) ProcessorMap() map[string]thrift.ProcessorFunctionContext { return p.processorMap } func (p *GetEntityProcessor) FunctionServiceMap() map[string]string { return p.functionServiceMap } func (p *GetEntityProcessor) GetThriftMetadata() *metadata.ThriftMetadata { return GetThriftMetadataForService("module.GetEntity") } type procFuncGetEntityGetEntity struct { handler GetEntity } // Compile time interface enforcer var _ thrift.ProcessorFunctionContext = &procFuncGetEntityGetEntity{} func (p *procFuncGetEntityGetEntity) Read(iprot thrift.Format) (thrift.Struct, thrift.Exception) { args := newReqGetEntityGetEntity() if err := args.Read(iprot); err != nil { return nil, err } iprot.ReadMessageEnd() return args, nil } func (p *procFuncGetEntityGetEntity) Write(seqId int32, result thrift.WritableStruct, oprot thrift.Format) (err thrift.Exception) { var err2 error messageType := thrift.REPLY switch result.(type) { case thrift.ApplicationException: messageType = thrift.EXCEPTION } if err2 = oprot.WriteMessageBegin("getEntity", messageType, seqId); err2 != nil { err = err2 } if err2 = result.Write(oprot); err == nil && err2 != nil { err = err2 } if err2 = oprot.WriteMessageEnd(); err == nil && err2 != nil { err = err2 } if err2 = oprot.Flush(); err == nil && err2 != nil { err = err2 } return err } func (p *procFuncGetEntityGetEntity) RunContext(ctx context.Context, reqStruct thrift.Struct) (thrift.WritableStruct, thrift.ApplicationException) { args := reqStruct.(*reqGetEntityGetEntity) result := newRespGetEntityGetEntity() retval, err := p.handler.GetEntity(ctx, args.R) if err != nil { x := thrift.NewApplicationExceptionCause(thrift.INTERNAL_ERROR, "Internal error processing GetEntity: " + err.Error(), err) return x, x } result.Success = retval return result, nil } type procFuncGetEntityGetBool struct { handler GetEntity } // Compile time interface enforcer var _ thrift.ProcessorFunctionContext = &procFuncGetEntityGetBool{} func (p *procFuncGetEntityGetBool) Read(iprot thrift.Format) (thrift.Struct, thrift.Exception) { args := newReqGetEntityGetBool() if err := args.Read(iprot); err != nil { return nil, err } iprot.ReadMessageEnd() return args, nil } func (p *procFuncGetEntityGetBool) Write(seqId int32, result thrift.WritableStruct, oprot thrift.Format) (err thrift.Exception) { var err2 error messageType := thrift.REPLY switch result.(type) { case thrift.ApplicationException: messageType = thrift.EXCEPTION } if err2 = oprot.WriteMessageBegin("getBool", messageType, seqId); err2 != nil { err = err2 } if err2 = result.Write(oprot); err == nil && err2 != nil { err = err2 } if err2 = oprot.WriteMessageEnd(); err == nil && err2 != nil { err = err2 } if err2 = oprot.Flush(); err == nil && err2 != nil { err = err2 } return err } func (p *procFuncGetEntityGetBool) RunContext(ctx context.Context, reqStruct thrift.Struct) (thrift.WritableStruct, thrift.ApplicationException) { result := newRespGetEntityGetBool() retval, err := p.handler.GetBool(ctx) if err != nil { x := thrift.NewApplicationExceptionCause(thrift.INTERNAL_ERROR, "Internal error processing GetBool: " + err.Error(), err) return x, x } result.Success = &retval return result, nil } type procFuncGetEntityGetByte struct { handler GetEntity } // Compile time interface enforcer var _ thrift.ProcessorFunctionContext = &procFuncGetEntityGetByte{} func (p *procFuncGetEntityGetByte) Read(iprot thrift.Format) (thrift.Struct, thrift.Exception) { args := newReqGetEntityGetByte() if err := args.Read(iprot); err != nil { return nil, err } iprot.ReadMessageEnd() return args, nil } func (p *procFuncGetEntityGetByte) Write(seqId int32, result thrift.WritableStruct, oprot thrift.Format) (err thrift.Exception) { var err2 error messageType := thrift.REPLY switch result.(type) { case thrift.ApplicationException: messageType = thrift.EXCEPTION } if err2 = oprot.WriteMessageBegin("getByte", messageType, seqId); err2 != nil { err = err2 } if err2 = result.Write(oprot); err == nil && err2 != nil { err = err2 } if err2 = oprot.WriteMessageEnd(); err == nil && err2 != nil { err = err2 } if err2 = oprot.Flush(); err == nil && err2 != nil { err = err2 } return err } func (p *procFuncGetEntityGetByte) RunContext(ctx context.Context, reqStruct thrift.Struct) (thrift.WritableStruct, thrift.ApplicationException) { result := newRespGetEntityGetByte() retval, err := p.handler.GetByte(ctx) if err != nil { x := thrift.NewApplicationExceptionCause(thrift.INTERNAL_ERROR, "Internal error processing GetByte: " + err.Error(), err) return x, x } result.Success = &retval return result, nil } type procFuncGetEntityGetI16 struct { handler GetEntity } // Compile time interface enforcer var _ thrift.ProcessorFunctionContext = &procFuncGetEntityGetI16{} func (p *procFuncGetEntityGetI16) Read(iprot thrift.Format) (thrift.Struct, thrift.Exception) { args := newReqGetEntityGetI16() if err := args.Read(iprot); err != nil { return nil, err } iprot.ReadMessageEnd() return args, nil } func (p *procFuncGetEntityGetI16) Write(seqId int32, result thrift.WritableStruct, oprot thrift.Format) (err thrift.Exception) { var err2 error messageType := thrift.REPLY switch result.(type) { case thrift.ApplicationException: messageType = thrift.EXCEPTION } if err2 = oprot.WriteMessageBegin("getI16", messageType, seqId); err2 != nil { err = err2 } if err2 = result.Write(oprot); err == nil && err2 != nil { err = err2 } if err2 = oprot.WriteMessageEnd(); err == nil && err2 != nil { err = err2 } if err2 = oprot.Flush(); err == nil && err2 != nil { err = err2 } return err } func (p *procFuncGetEntityGetI16) RunContext(ctx context.Context, reqStruct thrift.Struct) (thrift.WritableStruct, thrift.ApplicationException) { result := newRespGetEntityGetI16() retval, err := p.handler.GetI16(ctx) if err != nil { x := thrift.NewApplicationExceptionCause(thrift.INTERNAL_ERROR, "Internal error processing GetI16: " + err.Error(), err) return x, x } result.Success = &retval return result, nil } type procFuncGetEntityGetI32 struct { handler GetEntity } // Compile time interface enforcer var _ thrift.ProcessorFunctionContext = &procFuncGetEntityGetI32{} func (p *procFuncGetEntityGetI32) Read(iprot thrift.Format) (thrift.Struct, thrift.Exception) { args := newReqGetEntityGetI32() if err := args.Read(iprot); err != nil { return nil, err } iprot.ReadMessageEnd() return args, nil } func (p *procFuncGetEntityGetI32) Write(seqId int32, result thrift.WritableStruct, oprot thrift.Format) (err thrift.Exception) { var err2 error messageType := thrift.REPLY switch result.(type) { case thrift.ApplicationException: messageType = thrift.EXCEPTION } if err2 = oprot.WriteMessageBegin("getI32", messageType, seqId); err2 != nil { err = err2 } if err2 = result.Write(oprot); err == nil && err2 != nil { err = err2 } if err2 = oprot.WriteMessageEnd(); err == nil && err2 != nil { err = err2 } if err2 = oprot.Flush(); err == nil && err2 != nil { err = err2 } return err } func (p *procFuncGetEntityGetI32) RunContext(ctx context.Context, reqStruct thrift.Struct) (thrift.WritableStruct, thrift.ApplicationException) { result := newRespGetEntityGetI32() retval, err := p.handler.GetI32(ctx) if err != nil { x := thrift.NewApplicationExceptionCause(thrift.INTERNAL_ERROR, "Internal error processing GetI32: " + err.Error(), err) return x, x } result.Success = &retval return result, nil } type procFuncGetEntityGetI64 struct { handler GetEntity } // Compile time interface enforcer var _ thrift.ProcessorFunctionContext = &procFuncGetEntityGetI64{} func (p *procFuncGetEntityGetI64) Read(iprot thrift.Format) (thrift.Struct, thrift.Exception) { args := newReqGetEntityGetI64() if err := args.Read(iprot); err != nil { return nil, err } iprot.ReadMessageEnd() return args, nil } func (p *procFuncGetEntityGetI64) Write(seqId int32, result thrift.WritableStruct, oprot thrift.Format) (err thrift.Exception) { var err2 error messageType := thrift.REPLY switch result.(type) { case thrift.ApplicationException: messageType = thrift.EXCEPTION } if err2 = oprot.WriteMessageBegin("getI64", messageType, seqId); err2 != nil { err = err2 } if err2 = result.Write(oprot); err == nil && err2 != nil { err = err2 } if err2 = oprot.WriteMessageEnd(); err == nil && err2 != nil { err = err2 } if err2 = oprot.Flush(); err == nil && err2 != nil { err = err2 } return err } func (p *procFuncGetEntityGetI64) RunContext(ctx context.Context, reqStruct thrift.Struct) (thrift.WritableStruct, thrift.ApplicationException) { result := newRespGetEntityGetI64() retval, err := p.handler.GetI64(ctx) if err != nil { x := thrift.NewApplicationExceptionCause(thrift.INTERNAL_ERROR, "Internal error processing GetI64: " + err.Error(), err) return x, x } result.Success = &retval return result, nil } type procFuncGetEntityGetDouble struct { handler GetEntity } // Compile time interface enforcer var _ thrift.ProcessorFunctionContext = &procFuncGetEntityGetDouble{} func (p *procFuncGetEntityGetDouble) Read(iprot thrift.Format) (thrift.Struct, thrift.Exception) { args := newReqGetEntityGetDouble() if err := args.Read(iprot); err != nil { return nil, err } iprot.ReadMessageEnd() return args, nil } func (p *procFuncGetEntityGetDouble) Write(seqId int32, result thrift.WritableStruct, oprot thrift.Format) (err thrift.Exception) { var err2 error messageType := thrift.REPLY switch result.(type) { case thrift.ApplicationException: messageType = thrift.EXCEPTION } if err2 = oprot.WriteMessageBegin("getDouble", messageType, seqId); err2 != nil { err = err2 } if err2 = result.Write(oprot); err == nil && err2 != nil { err = err2 } if err2 = oprot.WriteMessageEnd(); err == nil && err2 != nil { err = err2 } if err2 = oprot.Flush(); err == nil && err2 != nil { err = err2 } return err } func (p *procFuncGetEntityGetDouble) RunContext(ctx context.Context, reqStruct thrift.Struct) (thrift.WritableStruct, thrift.ApplicationException) { result := newRespGetEntityGetDouble() retval, err := p.handler.GetDouble(ctx) if err != nil { x := thrift.NewApplicationExceptionCause(thrift.INTERNAL_ERROR, "Internal error processing GetDouble: " + err.Error(), err) return x, x } result.Success = &retval return result, nil } type procFuncGetEntityGetString struct { handler GetEntity } // Compile time interface enforcer var _ thrift.ProcessorFunctionContext = &procFuncGetEntityGetString{} func (p *procFuncGetEntityGetString) Read(iprot thrift.Format) (thrift.Struct, thrift.Exception) { args := newReqGetEntityGetString() if err := args.Read(iprot); err != nil { return nil, err } iprot.ReadMessageEnd() return args, nil } func (p *procFuncGetEntityGetString) Write(seqId int32, result thrift.WritableStruct, oprot thrift.Format) (err thrift.Exception) { var err2 error messageType := thrift.REPLY switch result.(type) { case thrift.ApplicationException: messageType = thrift.EXCEPTION } if err2 = oprot.WriteMessageBegin("getString", messageType, seqId); err2 != nil { err = err2 } if err2 = result.Write(oprot); err == nil && err2 != nil { err = err2 } if err2 = oprot.WriteMessageEnd(); err == nil && err2 != nil { err = err2 } if err2 = oprot.Flush(); err == nil && err2 != nil { err = err2 } return err } func (p *procFuncGetEntityGetString) RunContext(ctx context.Context, reqStruct thrift.Struct) (thrift.WritableStruct, thrift.ApplicationException) { result := newRespGetEntityGetString() retval, err := p.handler.GetString(ctx) if err != nil { x := thrift.NewApplicationExceptionCause(thrift.INTERNAL_ERROR, "Internal error processing GetString: " + err.Error(), err) return x, x } result.Success = &retval return result, nil } type procFuncGetEntityGetBinary struct { handler GetEntity } // Compile time interface enforcer var _ thrift.ProcessorFunctionContext = &procFuncGetEntityGetBinary{} func (p *procFuncGetEntityGetBinary) Read(iprot thrift.Format) (thrift.Struct, thrift.Exception) { args := newReqGetEntityGetBinary() if err := args.Read(iprot); err != nil { return nil, err } iprot.ReadMessageEnd() return args, nil } func (p *procFuncGetEntityGetBinary) Write(seqId int32, result thrift.WritableStruct, oprot thrift.Format) (err thrift.Exception) { var err2 error messageType := thrift.REPLY switch result.(type) { case thrift.ApplicationException: messageType = thrift.EXCEPTION } if err2 = oprot.WriteMessageBegin("getBinary", messageType, seqId); err2 != nil { err = err2 } if err2 = result.Write(oprot); err == nil && err2 != nil { err = err2 } if err2 = oprot.WriteMessageEnd(); err == nil && err2 != nil { err = err2 } if err2 = oprot.Flush(); err == nil && err2 != nil { err = err2 } return err } func (p *procFuncGetEntityGetBinary) RunContext(ctx context.Context, reqStruct thrift.Struct) (thrift.WritableStruct, thrift.ApplicationException) { result := newRespGetEntityGetBinary() retval, err := p.handler.GetBinary(ctx) if err != nil { x := thrift.NewApplicationExceptionCause(thrift.INTERNAL_ERROR, "Internal error processing GetBinary: " + err.Error(), err) return x, x } result.Success = retval return result, nil } type procFuncGetEntityGetMap struct { handler GetEntity } // Compile time interface enforcer var _ thrift.ProcessorFunctionContext = &procFuncGetEntityGetMap{} func (p *procFuncGetEntityGetMap) Read(iprot thrift.Format) (thrift.Struct, thrift.Exception) { args := newReqGetEntityGetMap() if err := args.Read(iprot); err != nil { return nil, err } iprot.ReadMessageEnd() return args, nil } func (p *procFuncGetEntityGetMap) Write(seqId int32, result thrift.WritableStruct, oprot thrift.Format) (err thrift.Exception) { var err2 error messageType := thrift.REPLY switch result.(type) { case thrift.ApplicationException: messageType = thrift.EXCEPTION } if err2 = oprot.WriteMessageBegin("getMap", messageType, seqId); err2 != nil { err = err2 } if err2 = result.Write(oprot); err == nil && err2 != nil { err = err2 } if err2 = oprot.WriteMessageEnd(); err == nil && err2 != nil { err = err2 } if err2 = oprot.Flush(); err == nil && err2 != nil { err = err2 } return err } func (p *procFuncGetEntityGetMap) RunContext(ctx context.Context, reqStruct thrift.Struct) (thrift.WritableStruct, thrift.ApplicationException) { result := newRespGetEntityGetMap() retval, err := p.handler.GetMap(ctx) if err != nil { x := thrift.NewApplicationExceptionCause(thrift.INTERNAL_ERROR, "Internal error processing GetMap: " + err.Error(), err) return x, x } result.Success = retval return result, nil } type procFuncGetEntityGetSet struct { handler GetEntity } // Compile time interface enforcer var _ thrift.ProcessorFunctionContext = &procFuncGetEntityGetSet{} func (p *procFuncGetEntityGetSet) Read(iprot thrift.Format) (thrift.Struct, thrift.Exception) { args := newReqGetEntityGetSet() if err := args.Read(iprot); err != nil { return nil, err } iprot.ReadMessageEnd() return args, nil } func (p *procFuncGetEntityGetSet) Write(seqId int32, result thrift.WritableStruct, oprot thrift.Format) (err thrift.Exception) { var err2 error messageType := thrift.REPLY switch result.(type) { case thrift.ApplicationException: messageType = thrift.EXCEPTION } if err2 = oprot.WriteMessageBegin("getSet", messageType, seqId); err2 != nil { err = err2 } if err2 = result.Write(oprot); err == nil && err2 != nil { err = err2 } if err2 = oprot.WriteMessageEnd(); err == nil && err2 != nil { err = err2 } if err2 = oprot.Flush(); err == nil && err2 != nil { err = err2 } return err } func (p *procFuncGetEntityGetSet) RunContext(ctx context.Context, reqStruct thrift.Struct) (thrift.WritableStruct, thrift.ApplicationException) { result := newRespGetEntityGetSet() retval, err := p.handler.GetSet(ctx) if err != nil { x := thrift.NewApplicationExceptionCause(thrift.INTERNAL_ERROR, "Internal error processing GetSet: " + err.Error(), err) return x, x } result.Success = retval return result, nil } type procFuncGetEntityGetList struct { handler GetEntity } // Compile time interface enforcer var _ thrift.ProcessorFunctionContext = &procFuncGetEntityGetList{} func (p *procFuncGetEntityGetList) Read(iprot thrift.Format) (thrift.Struct, thrift.Exception) { args := newReqGetEntityGetList() if err := args.Read(iprot); err != nil { return nil, err } iprot.ReadMessageEnd() return args, nil } func (p *procFuncGetEntityGetList) Write(seqId int32, result thrift.WritableStruct, oprot thrift.Format) (err thrift.Exception) { var err2 error messageType := thrift.REPLY switch result.(type) { case thrift.ApplicationException: messageType = thrift.EXCEPTION } if err2 = oprot.WriteMessageBegin("getList", messageType, seqId); err2 != nil { err = err2 } if err2 = result.Write(oprot); err == nil && err2 != nil { err = err2 } if err2 = oprot.WriteMessageEnd(); err == nil && err2 != nil { err = err2 } if err2 = oprot.Flush(); err == nil && err2 != nil { err = err2 } return err } func (p *procFuncGetEntityGetList) RunContext(ctx context.Context, reqStruct thrift.Struct) (thrift.WritableStruct, thrift.ApplicationException) { result := newRespGetEntityGetList() retval, err := p.handler.GetList(ctx) if err != nil { x := thrift.NewApplicationExceptionCause(thrift.INTERNAL_ERROR, "Internal error processing GetList: " + err.Error(), err) return x, x } result.Success = retval return result, nil } type procFuncGetEntityGetLegacyStuff struct { handler GetEntity } // Compile time interface enforcer var _ thrift.ProcessorFunctionContext = &procFuncGetEntityGetLegacyStuff{} func (p *procFuncGetEntityGetLegacyStuff) Read(iprot thrift.Format) (thrift.Struct, thrift.Exception) { args := newReqGetEntityGetLegacyStuff() if err := args.Read(iprot); err != nil { return nil, err } iprot.ReadMessageEnd() return args, nil } func (p *procFuncGetEntityGetLegacyStuff) Write(seqId int32, result thrift.WritableStruct, oprot thrift.Format) (err thrift.Exception) { var err2 error messageType := thrift.REPLY switch result.(type) { case thrift.ApplicationException: messageType = thrift.EXCEPTION } if err2 = oprot.WriteMessageBegin("getLegacyStuff", messageType, seqId); err2 != nil { err = err2 } if err2 = result.Write(oprot); err == nil && err2 != nil { err = err2 } if err2 = oprot.WriteMessageEnd(); err == nil && err2 != nil { err = err2 } if err2 = oprot.Flush(); err == nil && err2 != nil { err = err2 } return err } func (p *procFuncGetEntityGetLegacyStuff) RunContext(ctx context.Context, reqStruct thrift.Struct) (thrift.WritableStruct, thrift.ApplicationException) { args := reqStruct.(*reqGetEntityGetLegacyStuff) result := newRespGetEntityGetLegacyStuff() retval, err := p.handler.GetLegacyStuff(ctx, args.NumPos, args.NumNeg1, args.NumNeg2) if err != nil { x := thrift.NewApplicationExceptionCause(thrift.INTERNAL_ERROR, "Internal error processing GetLegacyStuff: " + err.Error(), err) return x, x } result.Success = &retval return result, nil } type procFuncGetEntityGetCtxCollision struct { handler GetEntity } // Compile time interface enforcer var _ thrift.ProcessorFunctionContext = &procFuncGetEntityGetCtxCollision{} func (p *procFuncGetEntityGetCtxCollision) Read(iprot thrift.Format) (thrift.Struct, thrift.Exception) { args := newReqGetEntityGetCtxCollision() if err := args.Read(iprot); err != nil { return nil, err } iprot.ReadMessageEnd() return args, nil } func (p *procFuncGetEntityGetCtxCollision) Write(seqId int32, result thrift.WritableStruct, oprot thrift.Format) (err thrift.Exception) { var err2 error messageType := thrift.REPLY switch result.(type) { case thrift.ApplicationException: messageType = thrift.EXCEPTION } if err2 = oprot.WriteMessageBegin("getCtxCollision", messageType, seqId); err2 != nil { err = err2 } if err2 = result.Write(oprot); err == nil && err2 != nil { err = err2 } if err2 = oprot.WriteMessageEnd(); err == nil && err2 != nil { err = err2 } if err2 = oprot.Flush(); err == nil && err2 != nil { err = err2 } return err } func (p *procFuncGetEntityGetCtxCollision) RunContext(ctx context.Context, reqStruct thrift.Struct) (thrift.WritableStruct, thrift.ApplicationException) { args := reqStruct.(*reqGetEntityGetCtxCollision) result := newRespGetEntityGetCtxCollision() retval, err := p.handler.GetCtxCollision(ctx, args.Ctx) if err != nil { x := thrift.NewApplicationExceptionCause(thrift.INTERNAL_ERROR, "Internal error processing GetCtxCollision: " + err.Error(), err) return x, x } result.Success = &retval return result, nil } type procFuncGetEntityGetCtx1Collision struct { handler GetEntity } // Compile time interface enforcer var _ thrift.ProcessorFunctionContext = &procFuncGetEntityGetCtx1Collision{} func (p *procFuncGetEntityGetCtx1Collision) Read(iprot thrift.Format) (thrift.Struct, thrift.Exception) { args := newReqGetEntityGetCtx1Collision() if err := args.Read(iprot); err != nil { return nil, err } iprot.ReadMessageEnd() return args, nil } func (p *procFuncGetEntityGetCtx1Collision) Write(seqId int32, result thrift.WritableStruct, oprot thrift.Format) (err thrift.Exception) { var err2 error messageType := thrift.REPLY switch result.(type) { case thrift.ApplicationException: messageType = thrift.EXCEPTION } if err2 = oprot.WriteMessageBegin("getCtx1Collision", messageType, seqId); err2 != nil { err = err2 } if err2 = result.Write(oprot); err == nil && err2 != nil { err = err2 } if err2 = oprot.WriteMessageEnd(); err == nil && err2 != nil { err = err2 } if err2 = oprot.Flush(); err == nil && err2 != nil { err = err2 } return err } func (p *procFuncGetEntityGetCtx1Collision) RunContext(ctx context.Context, reqStruct thrift.Struct) (thrift.WritableStruct, thrift.ApplicationException) { args := reqStruct.(*reqGetEntityGetCtx1Collision) result := newRespGetEntityGetCtx1Collision() retval, err := p.handler.GetCtx1Collision(ctx, args.Ctx, args.Ctx1) if err != nil { x := thrift.NewApplicationExceptionCause(thrift.INTERNAL_ERROR, "Internal error processing GetCtx1Collision: " + err.Error(), err) return x, x } result.Success = &retval return result, nil } type procFuncGetEntityGetContextCollision struct { handler GetEntity } // Compile time interface enforcer var _ thrift.ProcessorFunctionContext = &procFuncGetEntityGetContextCollision{} func (p *procFuncGetEntityGetContextCollision) Read(iprot thrift.Format) (thrift.Struct, thrift.Exception) { args := newReqGetEntityGetContextCollision() if err := args.Read(iprot); err != nil { return nil, err } iprot.ReadMessageEnd() return args, nil } func (p *procFuncGetEntityGetContextCollision) Write(seqId int32, result thrift.WritableStruct, oprot thrift.Format) (err thrift.Exception) { var err2 error messageType := thrift.REPLY switch result.(type) { case thrift.ApplicationException: messageType = thrift.EXCEPTION } if err2 = oprot.WriteMessageBegin("getContextCollision", messageType, seqId); err2 != nil { err = err2 } if err2 = result.Write(oprot); err == nil && err2 != nil { err = err2 } if err2 = oprot.WriteMessageEnd(); err == nil && err2 != nil { err = err2 } if err2 = oprot.Flush(); err == nil && err2 != nil { err = err2 } return err } func (p *procFuncGetEntityGetContextCollision) RunContext(ctx context.Context, reqStruct thrift.Struct) (thrift.WritableStruct, thrift.ApplicationException) { args := reqStruct.(*reqGetEntityGetContextCollision) result := newRespGetEntityGetContextCollision() retval, err := p.handler.GetContextCollision(ctx, args.Context) if err != nil { x := thrift.NewApplicationExceptionCause(thrift.INTERNAL_ERROR, "Internal error processing GetContextCollision: " + err.Error(), err) return x, x } result.Success = &retval return result, nil } type procFuncGetEntityGetOutCollision struct { handler GetEntity } // Compile time interface enforcer var _ thrift.ProcessorFunctionContext = &procFuncGetEntityGetOutCollision{} func (p *procFuncGetEntityGetOutCollision) Read(iprot thrift.Format) (thrift.Struct, thrift.Exception) { args := newReqGetEntityGetOutCollision() if err := args.Read(iprot); err != nil { return nil, err } iprot.ReadMessageEnd() return args, nil } func (p *procFuncGetEntityGetOutCollision) Write(seqId int32, result thrift.WritableStruct, oprot thrift.Format) (err thrift.Exception) { var err2 error messageType := thrift.REPLY switch result.(type) { case thrift.ApplicationException: messageType = thrift.EXCEPTION } if err2 = oprot.WriteMessageBegin("getOutCollision", messageType, seqId); err2 != nil { err = err2 } if err2 = result.Write(oprot); err == nil && err2 != nil { err = err2 } if err2 = oprot.WriteMessageEnd(); err == nil && err2 != nil { err = err2 } if err2 = oprot.Flush(); err == nil && err2 != nil { err = err2 } return err } func (p *procFuncGetEntityGetOutCollision) RunContext(ctx context.Context, reqStruct thrift.Struct) (thrift.WritableStruct, thrift.ApplicationException) { args := reqStruct.(*reqGetEntityGetOutCollision) result := newRespGetEntityGetOutCollision() retval, err := p.handler.GetOutCollision(ctx, args.Out) if err != nil { x := thrift.NewApplicationExceptionCause(thrift.INTERNAL_ERROR, "Internal error processing GetOutCollision: " + err.Error(), err) return x, x } result.Success = &retval return result, nil } type procFuncGetEntityGetOut1Collision struct { handler GetEntity } // Compile time interface enforcer var _ thrift.ProcessorFunctionContext = &procFuncGetEntityGetOut1Collision{} func (p *procFuncGetEntityGetOut1Collision) Read(iprot thrift.Format) (thrift.Struct, thrift.Exception) { args := newReqGetEntityGetOut1Collision() if err := args.Read(iprot); err != nil { return nil, err } iprot.ReadMessageEnd() return args, nil } func (p *procFuncGetEntityGetOut1Collision) Write(seqId int32, result thrift.WritableStruct, oprot thrift.Format) (err thrift.Exception) { var err2 error messageType := thrift.REPLY switch result.(type) { case thrift.ApplicationException: messageType = thrift.EXCEPTION } if err2 = oprot.WriteMessageBegin("getOut1Collision", messageType, seqId); err2 != nil { err = err2 } if err2 = result.Write(oprot); err == nil && err2 != nil { err = err2 } if err2 = oprot.WriteMessageEnd(); err == nil && err2 != nil { err = err2 } if err2 = oprot.Flush(); err == nil && err2 != nil { err = err2 } return err } func (p *procFuncGetEntityGetOut1Collision) RunContext(ctx context.Context, reqStruct thrift.Struct) (thrift.WritableStruct, thrift.ApplicationException) { args := reqStruct.(*reqGetEntityGetOut1Collision) result := newRespGetEntityGetOut1Collision() retval, err := p.handler.GetOut1Collision(ctx, args.Out, args.Out1) if err != nil { x := thrift.NewApplicationExceptionCause(thrift.INTERNAL_ERROR, "Internal error processing GetOut1Collision: " + err.Error(), err) return x, x } result.Success = &retval return result, nil } type procFuncGetEntityGetInCollision struct { handler GetEntity } // Compile time interface enforcer var _ thrift.ProcessorFunctionContext = &procFuncGetEntityGetInCollision{} func (p *procFuncGetEntityGetInCollision) Read(iprot thrift.Format) (thrift.Struct, thrift.Exception) { args := newReqGetEntityGetInCollision() if err := args.Read(iprot); err != nil { return nil, err } iprot.ReadMessageEnd() return args, nil } func (p *procFuncGetEntityGetInCollision) Write(seqId int32, result thrift.WritableStruct, oprot thrift.Format) (err thrift.Exception) { var err2 error messageType := thrift.REPLY switch result.(type) { case thrift.ApplicationException: messageType = thrift.EXCEPTION } if err2 = oprot.WriteMessageBegin("getInCollision", messageType, seqId); err2 != nil { err = err2 } if err2 = result.Write(oprot); err == nil && err2 != nil { err = err2 } if err2 = oprot.WriteMessageEnd(); err == nil && err2 != nil { err = err2 } if err2 = oprot.Flush(); err == nil && err2 != nil { err = err2 } return err } func (p *procFuncGetEntityGetInCollision) RunContext(ctx context.Context, reqStruct thrift.Struct) (thrift.WritableStruct, thrift.ApplicationException) { args := reqStruct.(*reqGetEntityGetInCollision) result := newRespGetEntityGetInCollision() retval, err := p.handler.GetInCollision(ctx, args.In) if err != nil { x := thrift.NewApplicationExceptionCause(thrift.INTERNAL_ERROR, "Internal error processing GetInCollision: " + err.Error(), err) return x, x } result.Success = &retval return result, nil } type procFuncGetEntityGetIn1Collision struct { handler GetEntity } // Compile time interface enforcer var _ thrift.ProcessorFunctionContext = &procFuncGetEntityGetIn1Collision{} func (p *procFuncGetEntityGetIn1Collision) Read(iprot thrift.Format) (thrift.Struct, thrift.Exception) { args := newReqGetEntityGetIn1Collision() if err := args.Read(iprot); err != nil { return nil, err } iprot.ReadMessageEnd() return args, nil } func (p *procFuncGetEntityGetIn1Collision) Write(seqId int32, result thrift.WritableStruct, oprot thrift.Format) (err thrift.Exception) { var err2 error messageType := thrift.REPLY switch result.(type) { case thrift.ApplicationException: messageType = thrift.EXCEPTION } if err2 = oprot.WriteMessageBegin("getIn1Collision", messageType, seqId); err2 != nil { err = err2 } if err2 = result.Write(oprot); err == nil && err2 != nil { err = err2 } if err2 = oprot.WriteMessageEnd(); err == nil && err2 != nil { err = err2 } if err2 = oprot.Flush(); err == nil && err2 != nil { err = err2 } return err } func (p *procFuncGetEntityGetIn1Collision) RunContext(ctx context.Context, reqStruct thrift.Struct) (thrift.WritableStruct, thrift.ApplicationException) { args := reqStruct.(*reqGetEntityGetIn1Collision) result := newRespGetEntityGetIn1Collision() retval, err := p.handler.GetIn1Collision(ctx, args.In, args.In1) if err != nil { x := thrift.NewApplicationExceptionCause(thrift.INTERNAL_ERROR, "Internal error processing GetIn1Collision: " + err.Error(), err) return x, x } result.Success = &retval return result, nil } type procFuncGetEntityGetErrCollision struct { handler GetEntity } // Compile time interface enforcer var _ thrift.ProcessorFunctionContext = &procFuncGetEntityGetErrCollision{} func (p *procFuncGetEntityGetErrCollision) Read(iprot thrift.Format) (thrift.Struct, thrift.Exception) { args := newReqGetEntityGetErrCollision() if err := args.Read(iprot); err != nil { return nil, err } iprot.ReadMessageEnd() return args, nil } func (p *procFuncGetEntityGetErrCollision) Write(seqId int32, result thrift.WritableStruct, oprot thrift.Format) (err thrift.Exception) { var err2 error messageType := thrift.REPLY switch result.(type) { case thrift.ApplicationException: messageType = thrift.EXCEPTION } if err2 = oprot.WriteMessageBegin("getErrCollision", messageType, seqId); err2 != nil { err = err2 } if err2 = result.Write(oprot); err == nil && err2 != nil { err = err2 } if err2 = oprot.WriteMessageEnd(); err == nil && err2 != nil { err = err2 } if err2 = oprot.Flush(); err == nil && err2 != nil { err = err2 } return err } func (p *procFuncGetEntityGetErrCollision) RunContext(ctx context.Context, reqStruct thrift.Struct) (thrift.WritableStruct, thrift.ApplicationException) { args := reqStruct.(*reqGetEntityGetErrCollision) result := newRespGetEntityGetErrCollision() retval, err := p.handler.GetErrCollision(ctx, args.Err) if err != nil { x := thrift.NewApplicationExceptionCause(thrift.INTERNAL_ERROR, "Internal error processing GetErrCollision: " + err.Error(), err) return x, x } result.Success = &retval return result, nil } type procFuncGetEntityGetErr1Collision struct { handler GetEntity } // Compile time interface enforcer var _ thrift.ProcessorFunctionContext = &procFuncGetEntityGetErr1Collision{} func (p *procFuncGetEntityGetErr1Collision) Read(iprot thrift.Format) (thrift.Struct, thrift.Exception) { args := newReqGetEntityGetErr1Collision() if err := args.Read(iprot); err != nil { return nil, err } iprot.ReadMessageEnd() return args, nil } func (p *procFuncGetEntityGetErr1Collision) Write(seqId int32, result thrift.WritableStruct, oprot thrift.Format) (err thrift.Exception) { var err2 error messageType := thrift.REPLY switch result.(type) { case thrift.ApplicationException: messageType = thrift.EXCEPTION } if err2 = oprot.WriteMessageBegin("getErr1Collision", messageType, seqId); err2 != nil { err = err2 } if err2 = result.Write(oprot); err == nil && err2 != nil { err = err2 } if err2 = oprot.WriteMessageEnd(); err == nil && err2 != nil { err = err2 } if err2 = oprot.Flush(); err == nil && err2 != nil { err = err2 } return err } func (p *procFuncGetEntityGetErr1Collision) RunContext(ctx context.Context, reqStruct thrift.Struct) (thrift.WritableStruct, thrift.ApplicationException) { args := reqStruct.(*reqGetEntityGetErr1Collision) result := newRespGetEntityGetErr1Collision() retval, err := p.handler.GetErr1Collision(ctx, args.Err, args.Err1) if err != nil { x := thrift.NewApplicationExceptionCause(thrift.INTERNAL_ERROR, "Internal error processing GetErr1Collision: " + err.Error(), err) return x, x } result.Success = &retval return result, nil }