/** * Autogenerated by Thrift * * DO NOT EDIT UNLESS YOU ARE SURE THAT YOU KNOW WHAT YOU ARE DOING * @generated */ import java.util.List; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Map; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Set; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.BitSet; import java.util.Arrays; import com.facebook.thrift.*; import com.facebook.thrift.annotations.*; import com.facebook.thrift.async.*; import com.facebook.thrift.meta_data.*; import com.facebook.thrift.server.*; import com.facebook.thrift.transport.*; import com.facebook.thrift.protocol.*; @SuppressWarnings({ "unused", "serial" }) public class defaultStruct implements TBase, java.io.Serializable, Cloneable { private static final TStruct STRUCT_DESC = new TStruct("defaultStruct"); private static final TField MY_LONG_DFSET_FIELD_DESC = new TField("myLongDFset", TType.I64, (short)1); private static final TField MY_LONG_DF_FIELD_DESC = new TField("myLongDF", TType.I64, (short)2); private static final TField PORT_DFSET_FIELD_DESC = new TField("portDFset", TType.I32, (short)3); private static final TField PORT_NUM_FIELD_DESC = new TField("portNum", TType.I32, (short)4); private static final TField MY_BINARY_DFSET_FIELD_DESC = new TField("myBinaryDFset", TType.STRING, (short)5); private static final TField MY_BINARY_FIELD_DESC = new TField("myBinary", TType.STRING, (short)6); private static final TField MY_BYTE_DFSET_FIELD_DESC = new TField("myByteDFSet", TType.BYTE, (short)7); private static final TField MY_BYTE_FIELD_DESC = new TField("myByte", TType.BYTE, (short)8); private static final TField MY_DOUBLE_DFSET_FIELD_DESC = new TField("myDoubleDFset", TType.DOUBLE, (short)9); private static final TField MY_DOUBLE_DFZERO_FIELD_DESC = new TField("myDoubleDFZero", TType.DOUBLE, (short)10); private static final TField MY_DOUBLE_FIELD_DESC = new TField("myDouble", TType.DOUBLE, (short)12); private static final TField FIELD3_FIELD_DESC = new TField("field3", TType.MAP, (short)13); private static final TField MY_LIST_FIELD_DESC = new TField("myList", TType.LIST, (short)14); private static final TField MY_SET_FIELD_DESC = new TField("mySet", TType.SET, (short)15); private static final TField SIMPLE_STRUCT_FIELD_DESC = new TField("simpleStruct", TType.STRUCT, (short)16); private static final TField LIST_STRUCT_DFSET_FIELD_DESC = new TField("listStructDFset", TType.LIST, (short)17); private static final TField MY_UNION_FIELD_DESC = new TField("myUnion", TType.STRUCT, (short)18); private static final TField LIST_UNION_DFSET_FIELD_DESC = new TField("listUnionDFset", TType.LIST, (short)19); private static final TField MAP_NESTLIST_STRUCT_DF_SET_FIELD_DESC = new TField("mapNestlistStructDfSet", TType.MAP, (short)20); private static final TField MAP_JAVA_TYPE_DFSET_FIELD_DESC = new TField("mapJavaTypeDFset", TType.MAP, (short)21); private static final TField EMPTY_MAP_FIELD_DESC = new TField("emptyMap", TType.MAP, (short)22); private static final TField ENUM_MAP_DFSET_FIELD_DESC = new TField("enumMapDFset", TType.MAP, (short)23); public long myLongDFset; public long myLongDF; public int portDFset; public int portNum; public byte[] myBinaryDFset; public byte[] myBinary; public byte myByteDFSet; public byte myByte; public double myDoubleDFset; public double myDoubleDFZero; public double myDouble; public Map field3; public List myList; public Set mySet; public SimpleStruct simpleStruct; public List listStructDFset; public MyUnion myUnion; public List listUnionDFset; public Map> mapNestlistStructDfSet; public Map mapJavaTypeDFset; public Map emptyMap; public Map> enumMapDFset; public static final int MYLONGDFSET = 1; public static final int MYLONGDF = 2; public static final int PORTDFSET = 3; public static final int PORTNUM = 4; public static final int MYBINARYDFSET = 5; public static final int MYBINARY = 6; public static final int MYBYTEDFSET = 7; public static final int MYBYTE = 8; public static final int MYDOUBLEDFSET = 9; public static final int MYDOUBLEDFZERO = 10; public static final int MYDOUBLE = 12; public static final int FIELD3 = 13; public static final int MYLIST = 14; public static final int MYSET = 15; public static final int SIMPLESTRUCT = 16; public static final int LISTSTRUCTDFSET = 17; public static final int MYUNION = 18; public static final int LISTUNIONDFSET = 19; public static final int MAPNESTLISTSTRUCTDFSET = 20; public static final int MAPJAVATYPEDFSET = 21; public static final int EMPTYMAP = 22; public static final int ENUMMAPDFSET = 23; // isset id assignments private static final int __MYLONGDFSET_ISSET_ID = 0; private static final int __MYLONGDF_ISSET_ID = 1; private static final int __PORTDFSET_ISSET_ID = 2; private static final int __PORTNUM_ISSET_ID = 3; private static final int __MYBYTEDFSET_ISSET_ID = 4; private static final int __MYBYTE_ISSET_ID = 5; private static final int __MYDOUBLEDFSET_ISSET_ID = 6; private static final int __MYDOUBLEDFZERO_ISSET_ID = 7; private static final int __MYDOUBLE_ISSET_ID = 8; private BitSet __isset_bit_vector = new BitSet(9); public static final Map metaDataMap; static { Map tmpMetaDataMap = new HashMap(); tmpMetaDataMap.put(MYLONGDFSET, new FieldMetaData("myLongDFset", TFieldRequirementType.DEFAULT, new FieldValueMetaData(TType.I64))); tmpMetaDataMap.put(MYLONGDF, new FieldMetaData("myLongDF", TFieldRequirementType.DEFAULT, new FieldValueMetaData(TType.I64))); tmpMetaDataMap.put(PORTDFSET, new FieldMetaData("portDFset", TFieldRequirementType.DEFAULT, new FieldValueMetaData(TType.I32))); tmpMetaDataMap.put(PORTNUM, new FieldMetaData("portNum", TFieldRequirementType.DEFAULT, new FieldValueMetaData(TType.I32))); tmpMetaDataMap.put(MYBINARYDFSET, new FieldMetaData("myBinaryDFset", TFieldRequirementType.DEFAULT, new FieldValueMetaData(TType.STRING))); tmpMetaDataMap.put(MYBINARY, new FieldMetaData("myBinary", TFieldRequirementType.DEFAULT, new FieldValueMetaData(TType.STRING))); tmpMetaDataMap.put(MYBYTEDFSET, new FieldMetaData("myByteDFSet", TFieldRequirementType.DEFAULT, new FieldValueMetaData(TType.BYTE))); tmpMetaDataMap.put(MYBYTE, new FieldMetaData("myByte", TFieldRequirementType.DEFAULT, new FieldValueMetaData(TType.BYTE))); tmpMetaDataMap.put(MYDOUBLEDFSET, new FieldMetaData("myDoubleDFset", TFieldRequirementType.DEFAULT, new FieldValueMetaData(TType.DOUBLE))); tmpMetaDataMap.put(MYDOUBLEDFZERO, new FieldMetaData("myDoubleDFZero", TFieldRequirementType.DEFAULT, new FieldValueMetaData(TType.DOUBLE))); tmpMetaDataMap.put(MYDOUBLE, new FieldMetaData("myDouble", TFieldRequirementType.DEFAULT, new FieldValueMetaData(TType.DOUBLE))); tmpMetaDataMap.put(FIELD3, new FieldMetaData("field3", TFieldRequirementType.DEFAULT, new MapMetaData(TType.MAP, new FieldValueMetaData(TType.I32), new FieldValueMetaData(TType.STRING)))); tmpMetaDataMap.put(MYLIST, new FieldMetaData("myList", TFieldRequirementType.DEFAULT, new ListMetaData(TType.LIST, new FieldValueMetaData(TType.I32)))); tmpMetaDataMap.put(MYSET, new FieldMetaData("mySet", TFieldRequirementType.DEFAULT, new SetMetaData(TType.SET, new FieldValueMetaData(TType.STRING)))); tmpMetaDataMap.put(SIMPLESTRUCT, new FieldMetaData("simpleStruct", TFieldRequirementType.DEFAULT, new StructMetaData(TType.STRUCT, SimpleStruct.class))); tmpMetaDataMap.put(LISTSTRUCTDFSET, new FieldMetaData("listStructDFset", TFieldRequirementType.DEFAULT, new ListMetaData(TType.LIST, new StructMetaData(TType.STRUCT, SimpleStruct.class)))); tmpMetaDataMap.put(MYUNION, new FieldMetaData("myUnion", TFieldRequirementType.DEFAULT, new StructMetaData(TType.STRUCT, MyUnion.class))); tmpMetaDataMap.put(LISTUNIONDFSET, new FieldMetaData("listUnionDFset", TFieldRequirementType.DEFAULT, new ListMetaData(TType.LIST, new StructMetaData(TType.STRUCT, MyUnion.class)))); tmpMetaDataMap.put(MAPNESTLISTSTRUCTDFSET, new FieldMetaData("mapNestlistStructDfSet", TFieldRequirementType.DEFAULT, new MapMetaData(TType.MAP, new FieldValueMetaData(TType.I32), new ListMetaData(TType.LIST, new StructMetaData(TType.STRUCT, SimpleStruct.class))))); tmpMetaDataMap.put(MAPJAVATYPEDFSET, new FieldMetaData("mapJavaTypeDFset", TFieldRequirementType.DEFAULT, new MapMetaData(TType.MAP, new FieldValueMetaData(TType.I64), new FieldValueMetaData(TType.STRING)))); tmpMetaDataMap.put(EMPTYMAP, new FieldMetaData("emptyMap", TFieldRequirementType.DEFAULT, new MapMetaData(TType.MAP, new FieldValueMetaData(TType.I64), new FieldValueMetaData(TType.I32)))); tmpMetaDataMap.put(ENUMMAPDFSET, new FieldMetaData("enumMapDFset", TFieldRequirementType.DEFAULT, new MapMetaData(TType.MAP, new FieldValueMetaData(TType.STRING), new MapMetaData(TType.MAP, new FieldValueMetaData(TType.I32), new FieldValueMetaData(TType.I32))))); metaDataMap = Collections.unmodifiableMap(tmpMetaDataMap); } static { FieldMetaData.addStructMetaDataMap(defaultStruct.class, metaDataMap); } public defaultStruct() { this.myLongDFset = 10L; this.portDFset = 3456; this.myBinaryDFset = "abc".getBytes(); this.myByteDFSet = (byte)17; this.myDoubleDFset = 99.7678; this.myDoubleDFZero = 0; this.field3 = new HashMap(); this.field3.put(15, "a_value"); this.field3.put(2, "b_value"); this.myList = new ArrayList(); this.myList.add(MyEnum.MyValue1); this.myList.add(MyEnum.MyValue1); this.myList.add(MyEnum.MyValue2); this.mySet = new HashSet(); this.mySet.add("house"); this.mySet.add("car"); this.mySet.add("dog"); this.simpleStruct = new SimpleStruct(); this.simpleStruct.setAge(40L); this.simpleStruct.setName("John"); this.listStructDFset = new ArrayList(); SimpleStruct tmp104 = new SimpleStruct(); tmp104.setAge(40L); tmp104.setName("IronMan"); this.listStructDFset.add(tmp104); SimpleStruct tmp105 = new SimpleStruct(); tmp105.setAge(999L); tmp105.setName("Thanos"); this.listStructDFset.add(tmp105); this.myUnion = new MyUnion(); this.myUnion.setMyEnum(MyEnum.MyValue2); this.listUnionDFset = new ArrayList(); MyUnion tmp106 = new MyUnion(); tmp106.setMyEnum(MyEnum.MyValue2); this.listUnionDFset.add(tmp106); MyUnion tmp107 = new MyUnion(); tmp107.setIntValue(123); this.listUnionDFset.add(tmp107); this.mapNestlistStructDfSet = new HashMap>(); List tmp108 = new ArrayList(); SimpleStruct tmp109 = new SimpleStruct(); tmp109.setAge(40L); tmp109.setName("IronMan"); tmp108.add(tmp109); SimpleStruct tmp110 = new SimpleStruct(); tmp110.setAge(999L); tmp110.setName("Thanos"); tmp108.add(tmp110); this.mapNestlistStructDfSet.put(1, tmp108); List tmp111 = new ArrayList(); SimpleStruct tmp112 = new SimpleStruct(); tmp112.setAge(28L); tmp112.setName("BatMan"); tmp111.add(tmp112); SimpleStruct tmp113 = new SimpleStruct(); tmp113.setAge(12L); tmp113.setName("Robin"); tmp111.add(tmp113); this.mapNestlistStructDfSet.put(2, tmp111); List tmp114 = new ArrayList(); SimpleStruct tmp115 = new SimpleStruct(); tmp115.setAge(12L); tmp115.setName("RatMan"); tmp114.add(tmp115); SimpleStruct tmp116 = new SimpleStruct(); tmp116.setAge(6L); tmp116.setName("Catman"); tmp114.add(tmp116); this.mapNestlistStructDfSet.put(5, tmp114); this.mapJavaTypeDFset = new HashMap(); this.mapJavaTypeDFset.put(15L, "a_value"); this.mapJavaTypeDFset.put(2L, "b_value"); this.emptyMap = new HashMap(); this.enumMapDFset = new HashMap>(); Map tmp117 = new HashMap(); tmp117.put(16, MyEnum.MyValue1); tmp117.put(144, MyEnum.MyValue1); this.enumMapDFset.put("SANDY BRIDGE", tmp117); Map tmp118 = new HashMap(); tmp118.put(32, MyEnum.MyValue2); tmp118.put(144, MyEnum.MyValue2); this.enumMapDFset.put("IVY BRIDGE", tmp118); Map tmp119 = new HashMap(); tmp119.put(32, MyEnum.MyValue3); tmp119.put(128, MyEnum.MyValue3); tmp119.put(256, MyEnum.MyValue3); this.enumMapDFset.put("HASWELL", tmp119); } public defaultStruct( long myLongDFset, long myLongDF, int portDFset, int portNum, byte[] myBinaryDFset, byte[] myBinary, byte myByteDFSet, byte myByte, double myDoubleDFset, double myDoubleDFZero, double myDouble, Map field3, List myList, Set mySet, SimpleStruct simpleStruct, List listStructDFset, MyUnion myUnion, List listUnionDFset, Map> mapNestlistStructDfSet, Map mapJavaTypeDFset, Map emptyMap, Map> enumMapDFset) { this(); this.myLongDFset = myLongDFset; setMyLongDFsetIsSet(true); this.myLongDF = myLongDF; setMyLongDFIsSet(true); this.portDFset = portDFset; setPortDFsetIsSet(true); this.portNum = portNum; setPortNumIsSet(true); this.myBinaryDFset = myBinaryDFset; this.myBinary = myBinary; this.myByteDFSet = myByteDFSet; setMyByteDFSetIsSet(true); this.myByte = myByte; setMyByteIsSet(true); this.myDoubleDFset = myDoubleDFset; setMyDoubleDFsetIsSet(true); this.myDoubleDFZero = myDoubleDFZero; setMyDoubleDFZeroIsSet(true); this.myDouble = myDouble; setMyDoubleIsSet(true); this.field3 = field3; this.myList = myList; this.mySet = mySet; this.simpleStruct = simpleStruct; this.listStructDFset = listStructDFset; this.myUnion = myUnion; this.listUnionDFset = listUnionDFset; this.mapNestlistStructDfSet = mapNestlistStructDfSet; this.mapJavaTypeDFset = mapJavaTypeDFset; this.emptyMap = emptyMap; this.enumMapDFset = enumMapDFset; } public static class Builder { private long myLongDFset; private long myLongDF; private int portDFset; private int portNum; private byte[] myBinaryDFset; private byte[] myBinary; private byte myByteDFSet; private byte myByte; private double myDoubleDFset; private double myDoubleDFZero; private double myDouble; private Map field3; private List myList; private Set mySet; private SimpleStruct simpleStruct; private List listStructDFset; private MyUnion myUnion; private List listUnionDFset; private Map> mapNestlistStructDfSet; private Map mapJavaTypeDFset; private Map emptyMap; private Map> enumMapDFset; BitSet __optional_isset = new BitSet(9); public Builder() { } public Builder setMyLongDFset(final long myLongDFset) { this.myLongDFset = myLongDFset; __optional_isset.set(__MYLONGDFSET_ISSET_ID, true); return this; } public Builder setMyLongDF(final long myLongDF) { this.myLongDF = myLongDF; __optional_isset.set(__MYLONGDF_ISSET_ID, true); return this; } public Builder setPortDFset(final int portDFset) { this.portDFset = portDFset; __optional_isset.set(__PORTDFSET_ISSET_ID, true); return this; } public Builder setPortNum(final int portNum) { this.portNum = portNum; __optional_isset.set(__PORTNUM_ISSET_ID, true); return this; } public Builder setMyBinaryDFset(final byte[] myBinaryDFset) { this.myBinaryDFset = myBinaryDFset; return this; } public Builder setMyBinary(final byte[] myBinary) { this.myBinary = myBinary; return this; } public Builder setMyByteDFSet(final byte myByteDFSet) { this.myByteDFSet = myByteDFSet; __optional_isset.set(__MYBYTEDFSET_ISSET_ID, true); return this; } public Builder setMyByte(final byte myByte) { this.myByte = myByte; __optional_isset.set(__MYBYTE_ISSET_ID, true); return this; } public Builder setMyDoubleDFset(final double myDoubleDFset) { this.myDoubleDFset = myDoubleDFset; __optional_isset.set(__MYDOUBLEDFSET_ISSET_ID, true); return this; } public Builder setMyDoubleDFZero(final double myDoubleDFZero) { this.myDoubleDFZero = myDoubleDFZero; __optional_isset.set(__MYDOUBLEDFZERO_ISSET_ID, true); return this; } public Builder setMyDouble(final double myDouble) { this.myDouble = myDouble; __optional_isset.set(__MYDOUBLE_ISSET_ID, true); return this; } public Builder setField3(final Map field3) { this.field3 = field3; return this; } public Builder setMyList(final List myList) { this.myList = myList; return this; } public Builder setMySet(final Set mySet) { this.mySet = mySet; return this; } public Builder setSimpleStruct(final SimpleStruct simpleStruct) { this.simpleStruct = simpleStruct; return this; } public Builder setListStructDFset(final List listStructDFset) { this.listStructDFset = listStructDFset; return this; } public Builder setMyUnion(final MyUnion myUnion) { this.myUnion = myUnion; return this; } public Builder setListUnionDFset(final List listUnionDFset) { this.listUnionDFset = listUnionDFset; return this; } public Builder setMapNestlistStructDfSet(final Map> mapNestlistStructDfSet) { this.mapNestlistStructDfSet = mapNestlistStructDfSet; return this; } public Builder setMapJavaTypeDFset(final Map mapJavaTypeDFset) { this.mapJavaTypeDFset = mapJavaTypeDFset; return this; } public Builder setEmptyMap(final Map emptyMap) { this.emptyMap = emptyMap; return this; } public Builder setEnumMapDFset(final Map> enumMapDFset) { this.enumMapDFset = enumMapDFset; return this; } public defaultStruct build() { defaultStruct result = new defaultStruct(); if (__optional_isset.get(__MYLONGDFSET_ISSET_ID)) { result.setMyLongDFset(this.myLongDFset); } if (__optional_isset.get(__MYLONGDF_ISSET_ID)) { result.setMyLongDF(this.myLongDF); } if (__optional_isset.get(__PORTDFSET_ISSET_ID)) { result.setPortDFset(this.portDFset); } if (__optional_isset.get(__PORTNUM_ISSET_ID)) { result.setPortNum(this.portNum); } result.setMyBinaryDFset(this.myBinaryDFset); result.setMyBinary(this.myBinary); if (__optional_isset.get(__MYBYTEDFSET_ISSET_ID)) { result.setMyByteDFSet(this.myByteDFSet); } if (__optional_isset.get(__MYBYTE_ISSET_ID)) { result.setMyByte(this.myByte); } if (__optional_isset.get(__MYDOUBLEDFSET_ISSET_ID)) { result.setMyDoubleDFset(this.myDoubleDFset); } if (__optional_isset.get(__MYDOUBLEDFZERO_ISSET_ID)) { result.setMyDoubleDFZero(this.myDoubleDFZero); } if (__optional_isset.get(__MYDOUBLE_ISSET_ID)) { result.setMyDouble(this.myDouble); } result.setField3(this.field3); result.setMyList(this.myList); result.setMySet(this.mySet); result.setSimpleStruct(this.simpleStruct); result.setListStructDFset(this.listStructDFset); result.setMyUnion(this.myUnion); result.setListUnionDFset(this.listUnionDFset); result.setMapNestlistStructDfSet(this.mapNestlistStructDfSet); result.setMapJavaTypeDFset(this.mapJavaTypeDFset); result.setEmptyMap(this.emptyMap); result.setEnumMapDFset(this.enumMapDFset); return result; } } public static Builder builder() { return new Builder(); } /** * Performs a deep copy on other. */ public defaultStruct(defaultStruct other) { __isset_bit_vector.clear(); __isset_bit_vector.or(other.__isset_bit_vector); this.myLongDFset = TBaseHelper.deepCopy(other.myLongDFset); this.myLongDF = TBaseHelper.deepCopy(other.myLongDF); this.portDFset = TBaseHelper.deepCopy(other.portDFset); this.portNum = TBaseHelper.deepCopy(other.portNum); if (other.isSetMyBinaryDFset()) { this.myBinaryDFset = TBaseHelper.deepCopy(other.myBinaryDFset); } if (other.isSetMyBinary()) { this.myBinary = TBaseHelper.deepCopy(other.myBinary); } this.myByteDFSet = TBaseHelper.deepCopy(other.myByteDFSet); this.myByte = TBaseHelper.deepCopy(other.myByte); this.myDoubleDFset = TBaseHelper.deepCopy(other.myDoubleDFset); this.myDoubleDFZero = TBaseHelper.deepCopy(other.myDoubleDFZero); this.myDouble = TBaseHelper.deepCopy(other.myDouble); if (other.isSetField3()) { this.field3 = TBaseHelper.deepCopy(other.field3); } if (other.isSetMyList()) { this.myList = TBaseHelper.deepCopy(other.myList); } if (other.isSetMySet()) { this.mySet = TBaseHelper.deepCopy(other.mySet); } if (other.isSetSimpleStruct()) { this.simpleStruct = TBaseHelper.deepCopy(other.simpleStruct); } if (other.isSetListStructDFset()) { this.listStructDFset = TBaseHelper.deepCopy(other.listStructDFset); } if (other.isSetMyUnion()) { this.myUnion = TBaseHelper.deepCopy(other.myUnion); } if (other.isSetListUnionDFset()) { this.listUnionDFset = TBaseHelper.deepCopy(other.listUnionDFset); } if (other.isSetMapNestlistStructDfSet()) { this.mapNestlistStructDfSet = TBaseHelper.deepCopy(other.mapNestlistStructDfSet); } if (other.isSetMapJavaTypeDFset()) { this.mapJavaTypeDFset = TBaseHelper.deepCopy(other.mapJavaTypeDFset); } if (other.isSetEmptyMap()) { this.emptyMap = TBaseHelper.deepCopy(other.emptyMap); } if (other.isSetEnumMapDFset()) { this.enumMapDFset = TBaseHelper.deepCopy(other.enumMapDFset); } } public defaultStruct deepCopy() { return new defaultStruct(this); } public long getMyLongDFset() { return this.myLongDFset; } public defaultStruct setMyLongDFset(long myLongDFset) { this.myLongDFset = myLongDFset; setMyLongDFsetIsSet(true); return this; } public void unsetMyLongDFset() { __isset_bit_vector.clear(__MYLONGDFSET_ISSET_ID); } // Returns true if field myLongDFset is set (has been assigned a value) and false otherwise public boolean isSetMyLongDFset() { return __isset_bit_vector.get(__MYLONGDFSET_ISSET_ID); } public void setMyLongDFsetIsSet(boolean __value) { __isset_bit_vector.set(__MYLONGDFSET_ISSET_ID, __value); } public long getMyLongDF() { return this.myLongDF; } public defaultStruct setMyLongDF(long myLongDF) { this.myLongDF = myLongDF; setMyLongDFIsSet(true); return this; } public void unsetMyLongDF() { __isset_bit_vector.clear(__MYLONGDF_ISSET_ID); } // Returns true if field myLongDF is set (has been assigned a value) and false otherwise public boolean isSetMyLongDF() { return __isset_bit_vector.get(__MYLONGDF_ISSET_ID); } public void setMyLongDFIsSet(boolean __value) { __isset_bit_vector.set(__MYLONGDF_ISSET_ID, __value); } public int getPortDFset() { return this.portDFset; } public defaultStruct setPortDFset(int portDFset) { this.portDFset = portDFset; setPortDFsetIsSet(true); return this; } public void unsetPortDFset() { __isset_bit_vector.clear(__PORTDFSET_ISSET_ID); } // Returns true if field portDFset is set (has been assigned a value) and false otherwise public boolean isSetPortDFset() { return __isset_bit_vector.get(__PORTDFSET_ISSET_ID); } public void setPortDFsetIsSet(boolean __value) { __isset_bit_vector.set(__PORTDFSET_ISSET_ID, __value); } public int getPortNum() { return this.portNum; } public defaultStruct setPortNum(int portNum) { this.portNum = portNum; setPortNumIsSet(true); return this; } public void unsetPortNum() { __isset_bit_vector.clear(__PORTNUM_ISSET_ID); } // Returns true if field portNum is set (has been assigned a value) and false otherwise public boolean isSetPortNum() { return __isset_bit_vector.get(__PORTNUM_ISSET_ID); } public void setPortNumIsSet(boolean __value) { __isset_bit_vector.set(__PORTNUM_ISSET_ID, __value); } public byte[] getMyBinaryDFset() { return this.myBinaryDFset; } public defaultStruct setMyBinaryDFset(byte[] myBinaryDFset) { this.myBinaryDFset = myBinaryDFset; return this; } public void unsetMyBinaryDFset() { this.myBinaryDFset = null; } // Returns true if field myBinaryDFset is set (has been assigned a value) and false otherwise public boolean isSetMyBinaryDFset() { return this.myBinaryDFset != null; } public void setMyBinaryDFsetIsSet(boolean __value) { if (!__value) { this.myBinaryDFset = null; } } public byte[] getMyBinary() { return this.myBinary; } public defaultStruct setMyBinary(byte[] myBinary) { this.myBinary = myBinary; return this; } public void unsetMyBinary() { this.myBinary = null; } // Returns true if field myBinary is set (has been assigned a value) and false otherwise public boolean isSetMyBinary() { return this.myBinary != null; } public void setMyBinaryIsSet(boolean __value) { if (!__value) { this.myBinary = null; } } public byte getMyByteDFSet() { return this.myByteDFSet; } public defaultStruct setMyByteDFSet(byte myByteDFSet) { this.myByteDFSet = myByteDFSet; setMyByteDFSetIsSet(true); return this; } public void unsetMyByteDFSet() { __isset_bit_vector.clear(__MYBYTEDFSET_ISSET_ID); } // Returns true if field myByteDFSet is set (has been assigned a value) and false otherwise public boolean isSetMyByteDFSet() { return __isset_bit_vector.get(__MYBYTEDFSET_ISSET_ID); } public void setMyByteDFSetIsSet(boolean __value) { __isset_bit_vector.set(__MYBYTEDFSET_ISSET_ID, __value); } public byte getMyByte() { return this.myByte; } public defaultStruct setMyByte(byte myByte) { this.myByte = myByte; setMyByteIsSet(true); return this; } public void unsetMyByte() { __isset_bit_vector.clear(__MYBYTE_ISSET_ID); } // Returns true if field myByte is set (has been assigned a value) and false otherwise public boolean isSetMyByte() { return __isset_bit_vector.get(__MYBYTE_ISSET_ID); } public void setMyByteIsSet(boolean __value) { __isset_bit_vector.set(__MYBYTE_ISSET_ID, __value); } public double getMyDoubleDFset() { return this.myDoubleDFset; } public defaultStruct setMyDoubleDFset(double myDoubleDFset) { this.myDoubleDFset = myDoubleDFset; setMyDoubleDFsetIsSet(true); return this; } public void unsetMyDoubleDFset() { __isset_bit_vector.clear(__MYDOUBLEDFSET_ISSET_ID); } // Returns true if field myDoubleDFset is set (has been assigned a value) and false otherwise public boolean isSetMyDoubleDFset() { return __isset_bit_vector.get(__MYDOUBLEDFSET_ISSET_ID); } public void setMyDoubleDFsetIsSet(boolean __value) { __isset_bit_vector.set(__MYDOUBLEDFSET_ISSET_ID, __value); } public double getMyDoubleDFZero() { return this.myDoubleDFZero; } public defaultStruct setMyDoubleDFZero(double myDoubleDFZero) { this.myDoubleDFZero = myDoubleDFZero; setMyDoubleDFZeroIsSet(true); return this; } public void unsetMyDoubleDFZero() { __isset_bit_vector.clear(__MYDOUBLEDFZERO_ISSET_ID); } // Returns true if field myDoubleDFZero is set (has been assigned a value) and false otherwise public boolean isSetMyDoubleDFZero() { return __isset_bit_vector.get(__MYDOUBLEDFZERO_ISSET_ID); } public void setMyDoubleDFZeroIsSet(boolean __value) { __isset_bit_vector.set(__MYDOUBLEDFZERO_ISSET_ID, __value); } public double getMyDouble() { return this.myDouble; } public defaultStruct setMyDouble(double myDouble) { this.myDouble = myDouble; setMyDoubleIsSet(true); return this; } public void unsetMyDouble() { __isset_bit_vector.clear(__MYDOUBLE_ISSET_ID); } // Returns true if field myDouble is set (has been assigned a value) and false otherwise public boolean isSetMyDouble() { return __isset_bit_vector.get(__MYDOUBLE_ISSET_ID); } public void setMyDoubleIsSet(boolean __value) { __isset_bit_vector.set(__MYDOUBLE_ISSET_ID, __value); } public Map getField3() { return this.field3; } public defaultStruct setField3(Map field3) { this.field3 = field3; return this; } public void unsetField3() { this.field3 = null; } // Returns true if field field3 is set (has been assigned a value) and false otherwise public boolean isSetField3() { return this.field3 != null; } public void setField3IsSet(boolean __value) { if (!__value) { this.field3 = null; } } public List getMyList() { return this.myList; } public defaultStruct setMyList(List myList) { this.myList = myList; return this; } public void unsetMyList() { this.myList = null; } // Returns true if field myList is set (has been assigned a value) and false otherwise public boolean isSetMyList() { return this.myList != null; } public void setMyListIsSet(boolean __value) { if (!__value) { this.myList = null; } } public Set getMySet() { return this.mySet; } public defaultStruct setMySet(Set mySet) { this.mySet = mySet; return this; } public void unsetMySet() { this.mySet = null; } // Returns true if field mySet is set (has been assigned a value) and false otherwise public boolean isSetMySet() { return this.mySet != null; } public void setMySetIsSet(boolean __value) { if (!__value) { this.mySet = null; } } public SimpleStruct getSimpleStruct() { return this.simpleStruct; } public defaultStruct setSimpleStruct(SimpleStruct simpleStruct) { this.simpleStruct = simpleStruct; return this; } public void unsetSimpleStruct() { this.simpleStruct = null; } // Returns true if field simpleStruct is set (has been assigned a value) and false otherwise public boolean isSetSimpleStruct() { return this.simpleStruct != null; } public void setSimpleStructIsSet(boolean __value) { if (!__value) { this.simpleStruct = null; } } public List getListStructDFset() { return this.listStructDFset; } public defaultStruct setListStructDFset(List listStructDFset) { this.listStructDFset = listStructDFset; return this; } public void unsetListStructDFset() { this.listStructDFset = null; } // Returns true if field listStructDFset is set (has been assigned a value) and false otherwise public boolean isSetListStructDFset() { return this.listStructDFset != null; } public void setListStructDFsetIsSet(boolean __value) { if (!__value) { this.listStructDFset = null; } } public MyUnion getMyUnion() { return this.myUnion; } public defaultStruct setMyUnion(MyUnion myUnion) { this.myUnion = myUnion; return this; } public void unsetMyUnion() { this.myUnion = null; } // Returns true if field myUnion is set (has been assigned a value) and false otherwise public boolean isSetMyUnion() { return this.myUnion != null; } public void setMyUnionIsSet(boolean __value) { if (!__value) { this.myUnion = null; } } public List getListUnionDFset() { return this.listUnionDFset; } public defaultStruct setListUnionDFset(List listUnionDFset) { this.listUnionDFset = listUnionDFset; return this; } public void unsetListUnionDFset() { this.listUnionDFset = null; } // Returns true if field listUnionDFset is set (has been assigned a value) and false otherwise public boolean isSetListUnionDFset() { return this.listUnionDFset != null; } public void setListUnionDFsetIsSet(boolean __value) { if (!__value) { this.listUnionDFset = null; } } public Map> getMapNestlistStructDfSet() { return this.mapNestlistStructDfSet; } public defaultStruct setMapNestlistStructDfSet(Map> mapNestlistStructDfSet) { this.mapNestlistStructDfSet = mapNestlistStructDfSet; return this; } public void unsetMapNestlistStructDfSet() { this.mapNestlistStructDfSet = null; } // Returns true if field mapNestlistStructDfSet is set (has been assigned a value) and false otherwise public boolean isSetMapNestlistStructDfSet() { return this.mapNestlistStructDfSet != null; } public void setMapNestlistStructDfSetIsSet(boolean __value) { if (!__value) { this.mapNestlistStructDfSet = null; } } public Map getMapJavaTypeDFset() { return this.mapJavaTypeDFset; } public defaultStruct setMapJavaTypeDFset(Map mapJavaTypeDFset) { this.mapJavaTypeDFset = mapJavaTypeDFset; return this; } public void unsetMapJavaTypeDFset() { this.mapJavaTypeDFset = null; } // Returns true if field mapJavaTypeDFset is set (has been assigned a value) and false otherwise public boolean isSetMapJavaTypeDFset() { return this.mapJavaTypeDFset != null; } public void setMapJavaTypeDFsetIsSet(boolean __value) { if (!__value) { this.mapJavaTypeDFset = null; } } public Map getEmptyMap() { return this.emptyMap; } public defaultStruct setEmptyMap(Map emptyMap) { this.emptyMap = emptyMap; return this; } public void unsetEmptyMap() { this.emptyMap = null; } // Returns true if field emptyMap is set (has been assigned a value) and false otherwise public boolean isSetEmptyMap() { return this.emptyMap != null; } public void setEmptyMapIsSet(boolean __value) { if (!__value) { this.emptyMap = null; } } public Map> getEnumMapDFset() { return this.enumMapDFset; } public defaultStruct setEnumMapDFset(Map> enumMapDFset) { this.enumMapDFset = enumMapDFset; return this; } public void unsetEnumMapDFset() { this.enumMapDFset = null; } // Returns true if field enumMapDFset is set (has been assigned a value) and false otherwise public boolean isSetEnumMapDFset() { return this.enumMapDFset != null; } public void setEnumMapDFsetIsSet(boolean __value) { if (!__value) { this.enumMapDFset = null; } } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public void setFieldValue(int fieldID, Object __value) { switch (fieldID) { case MYLONGDFSET: if (__value == null) { unsetMyLongDFset(); } else { setMyLongDFset((Long)__value); } break; case MYLONGDF: if (__value == null) { unsetMyLongDF(); } else { setMyLongDF((Long)__value); } break; case PORTDFSET: if (__value == null) { unsetPortDFset(); } else { setPortDFset((Integer)__value); } break; case PORTNUM: if (__value == null) { unsetPortNum(); } else { setPortNum((Integer)__value); } break; case MYBINARYDFSET: if (__value == null) { unsetMyBinaryDFset(); } else { setMyBinaryDFset((byte[])__value); } break; case MYBINARY: if (__value == null) { unsetMyBinary(); } else { setMyBinary((byte[])__value); } break; case MYBYTEDFSET: if (__value == null) { unsetMyByteDFSet(); } else { setMyByteDFSet((Byte)__value); } break; case MYBYTE: if (__value == null) { unsetMyByte(); } else { setMyByte((Byte)__value); } break; case MYDOUBLEDFSET: if (__value == null) { unsetMyDoubleDFset(); } else { setMyDoubleDFset((Double)__value); } break; case MYDOUBLEDFZERO: if (__value == null) { unsetMyDoubleDFZero(); } else { setMyDoubleDFZero((Double)__value); } break; case MYDOUBLE: if (__value == null) { unsetMyDouble(); } else { setMyDouble((Double)__value); } break; case FIELD3: if (__value == null) { unsetField3(); } else { setField3((Map)__value); } break; case MYLIST: if (__value == null) { unsetMyList(); } else { setMyList((List)__value); } break; case MYSET: if (__value == null) { unsetMySet(); } else { setMySet((Set)__value); } break; case SIMPLESTRUCT: if (__value == null) { unsetSimpleStruct(); } else { setSimpleStruct((SimpleStruct)__value); } break; case LISTSTRUCTDFSET: if (__value == null) { unsetListStructDFset(); } else { setListStructDFset((List)__value); } break; case MYUNION: if (__value == null) { unsetMyUnion(); } else { setMyUnion((MyUnion)__value); } break; case LISTUNIONDFSET: if (__value == null) { unsetListUnionDFset(); } else { setListUnionDFset((List)__value); } break; case MAPNESTLISTSTRUCTDFSET: if (__value == null) { unsetMapNestlistStructDfSet(); } else { setMapNestlistStructDfSet((Map>)__value); } break; case MAPJAVATYPEDFSET: if (__value == null) { unsetMapJavaTypeDFset(); } else { setMapJavaTypeDFset((Map)__value); } break; case EMPTYMAP: if (__value == null) { unsetEmptyMap(); } else { setEmptyMap((Map)__value); } break; case ENUMMAPDFSET: if (__value == null) { unsetEnumMapDFset(); } else { setEnumMapDFset((Map>)__value); } break; default: throw new IllegalArgumentException("Field " + fieldID + " doesn't exist!"); } } public Object getFieldValue(int fieldID) { switch (fieldID) { case MYLONGDFSET: return new Long(getMyLongDFset()); case MYLONGDF: return new Long(getMyLongDF()); case PORTDFSET: return new Integer(getPortDFset()); case PORTNUM: return new Integer(getPortNum()); case MYBINARYDFSET: return getMyBinaryDFset(); case MYBINARY: return getMyBinary(); case MYBYTEDFSET: return new Byte(getMyByteDFSet()); case MYBYTE: return new Byte(getMyByte()); case MYDOUBLEDFSET: return new Double(getMyDoubleDFset()); case MYDOUBLEDFZERO: return new Double(getMyDoubleDFZero()); case MYDOUBLE: return new Double(getMyDouble()); case FIELD3: return getField3(); case MYLIST: return getMyList(); case MYSET: return getMySet(); case SIMPLESTRUCT: return getSimpleStruct(); case LISTSTRUCTDFSET: return getListStructDFset(); case MYUNION: return getMyUnion(); case LISTUNIONDFSET: return getListUnionDFset(); case MAPNESTLISTSTRUCTDFSET: return getMapNestlistStructDfSet(); case MAPJAVATYPEDFSET: return getMapJavaTypeDFset(); case EMPTYMAP: return getEmptyMap(); case ENUMMAPDFSET: return getEnumMapDFset(); default: throw new IllegalArgumentException("Field " + fieldID + " doesn't exist!"); } } @Override public boolean equals(Object _that) { if (_that == null) return false; if (this == _that) return true; if (!(_that instanceof defaultStruct)) return false; defaultStruct that = (defaultStruct)_that; if (!TBaseHelper.equalsNobinary(this.myLongDFset, that.myLongDFset)) { return false; } if (!TBaseHelper.equalsNobinary(this.myLongDF, that.myLongDF)) { return false; } if (!TBaseHelper.equalsNobinary(this.portDFset, that.portDFset)) { return false; } if (!TBaseHelper.equalsNobinary(this.portNum, that.portNum)) { return false; } if (!TBaseHelper.equalsSlow(this.isSetMyBinaryDFset(), that.isSetMyBinaryDFset(), this.myBinaryDFset, that.myBinaryDFset)) { return false; } if (!TBaseHelper.equalsSlow(this.isSetMyBinary(), that.isSetMyBinary(), this.myBinary, that.myBinary)) { return false; } if (!TBaseHelper.equalsNobinary(this.myByteDFSet, that.myByteDFSet)) { return false; } if (!TBaseHelper.equalsNobinary(this.myByte, that.myByte)) { return false; } if (!TBaseHelper.equalsNobinary(this.myDoubleDFset, that.myDoubleDFset)) { return false; } if (!TBaseHelper.equalsNobinary(this.myDoubleDFZero, that.myDoubleDFZero)) { return false; } if (!TBaseHelper.equalsNobinary(this.myDouble, that.myDouble)) { return false; } if (!TBaseHelper.equalsNobinary(this.isSetField3(), that.isSetField3(), this.field3, that.field3)) { return false; } if (!TBaseHelper.equalsNobinary(this.isSetMyList(), that.isSetMyList(), this.myList, that.myList)) { return false; } if (!TBaseHelper.equalsNobinary(this.isSetMySet(), that.isSetMySet(), this.mySet, that.mySet)) { return false; } if (!TBaseHelper.equalsNobinary(this.isSetSimpleStruct(), that.isSetSimpleStruct(), this.simpleStruct, that.simpleStruct)) { return false; } if (!TBaseHelper.equalsNobinary(this.isSetListStructDFset(), that.isSetListStructDFset(), this.listStructDFset, that.listStructDFset)) { return false; } if (!TBaseHelper.equalsNobinary(this.isSetMyUnion(), that.isSetMyUnion(), this.myUnion, that.myUnion)) { return false; } if (!TBaseHelper.equalsNobinary(this.isSetListUnionDFset(), that.isSetListUnionDFset(), this.listUnionDFset, that.listUnionDFset)) { return false; } if (!TBaseHelper.equalsNobinary(this.isSetMapNestlistStructDfSet(), that.isSetMapNestlistStructDfSet(), this.mapNestlistStructDfSet, that.mapNestlistStructDfSet)) { return false; } if (!TBaseHelper.equalsNobinary(this.isSetMapJavaTypeDFset(), that.isSetMapJavaTypeDFset(), this.mapJavaTypeDFset, that.mapJavaTypeDFset)) { return false; } if (!TBaseHelper.equalsNobinary(this.isSetEmptyMap(), that.isSetEmptyMap(), this.emptyMap, that.emptyMap)) { return false; } if (!TBaseHelper.equalsNobinary(this.isSetEnumMapDFset(), that.isSetEnumMapDFset(), this.enumMapDFset, that.enumMapDFset)) { return false; } return true; } @Override public int hashCode() { return Arrays.deepHashCode(new Object[] {myLongDFset, myLongDF, portDFset, portNum, myBinaryDFset, myBinary, myByteDFSet, myByte, myDoubleDFset, myDoubleDFZero, myDouble, field3, myList, mySet, simpleStruct, listStructDFset, myUnion, listUnionDFset, mapNestlistStructDfSet, mapJavaTypeDFset, emptyMap, enumMapDFset}); } public void read(TProtocol iprot) throws TException { TField __field; iprot.readStructBegin(metaDataMap); while (true) { __field = iprot.readFieldBegin(); if (__field.type == TType.STOP) { break; } switch (__field.id) { case MYLONGDFSET: if (__field.type == TType.I64) { this.myLongDFset = iprot.readI64(); setMyLongDFsetIsSet(true); } else { TProtocolUtil.skip(iprot, __field.type); } break; case MYLONGDF: if (__field.type == TType.I64) { this.myLongDF = iprot.readI64(); setMyLongDFIsSet(true); } else { TProtocolUtil.skip(iprot, __field.type); } break; case PORTDFSET: if (__field.type == TType.I32) { this.portDFset = iprot.readI32(); setPortDFsetIsSet(true); } else { TProtocolUtil.skip(iprot, __field.type); } break; case PORTNUM: if (__field.type == TType.I32) { this.portNum = iprot.readI32(); setPortNumIsSet(true); } else { TProtocolUtil.skip(iprot, __field.type); } break; case MYBINARYDFSET: if (__field.type == TType.STRING) { this.myBinaryDFset = iprot.readBinary(); } else { TProtocolUtil.skip(iprot, __field.type); } break; case MYBINARY: if (__field.type == TType.STRING) { this.myBinary = iprot.readBinary(); } else { TProtocolUtil.skip(iprot, __field.type); } break; case MYBYTEDFSET: if (__field.type == TType.BYTE) { this.myByteDFSet = iprot.readByte(); setMyByteDFSetIsSet(true); } else { TProtocolUtil.skip(iprot, __field.type); } break; case MYBYTE: if (__field.type == TType.BYTE) { this.myByte = iprot.readByte(); setMyByteIsSet(true); } else { TProtocolUtil.skip(iprot, __field.type); } break; case MYDOUBLEDFSET: if (__field.type == TType.DOUBLE) { this.myDoubleDFset = iprot.readDouble(); setMyDoubleDFsetIsSet(true); } else { TProtocolUtil.skip(iprot, __field.type); } break; case MYDOUBLEDFZERO: if (__field.type == TType.DOUBLE) { this.myDoubleDFZero = iprot.readDouble(); setMyDoubleDFZeroIsSet(true); } else { TProtocolUtil.skip(iprot, __field.type); } break; case MYDOUBLE: if (__field.type == TType.DOUBLE) { this.myDouble = iprot.readDouble(); setMyDoubleIsSet(true); } else { TProtocolUtil.skip(iprot, __field.type); } break; case FIELD3: if (__field.type == TType.MAP) { { TMap _map120 = iprot.readMapBegin(); this.field3 = new HashMap(Math.max(0, 2*_map120.size)); for (int _i121 = 0; (_map120.size < 0) ? iprot.peekMap() : (_i121 < _map120.size); ++_i121) { int _key122; String _val123; _key122 = iprot.readI32(); _val123 = iprot.readString(); this.field3.put(_key122, _val123); } iprot.readMapEnd(); } } else { TProtocolUtil.skip(iprot, __field.type); } break; case MYLIST: if (__field.type == TType.LIST) { { TList _list124 = iprot.readListBegin(); this.myList = new ArrayList(Math.max(0, _list124.size)); for (int _i125 = 0; (_list124.size < 0) ? iprot.peekList() : (_i125 < _list124.size); ++_i125) { MyEnum _elem126; _elem126 = MyEnum.findByValue(iprot.readI32()); this.myList.add(_elem126); } iprot.readListEnd(); } } else { TProtocolUtil.skip(iprot, __field.type); } break; case MYSET: if (__field.type == TType.SET) { { TSet _set127 = iprot.readSetBegin(); this.mySet = new HashSet(Math.max(0, 2*_set127.size)); for (int _i128 = 0; (_set127.size < 0) ? iprot.peekSet() : (_i128 < _set127.size); ++_i128) { String _elem129; _elem129 = iprot.readString(); this.mySet.add(_elem129); } iprot.readSetEnd(); } } else { TProtocolUtil.skip(iprot, __field.type); } break; case SIMPLESTRUCT: if (__field.type == TType.STRUCT) { this.simpleStruct = new SimpleStruct(); this.simpleStruct.read(iprot); } else { TProtocolUtil.skip(iprot, __field.type); } break; case LISTSTRUCTDFSET: if (__field.type == TType.LIST) { { TList _list130 = iprot.readListBegin(); this.listStructDFset = new ArrayList(Math.max(0, _list130.size)); for (int _i131 = 0; (_list130.size < 0) ? iprot.peekList() : (_i131 < _list130.size); ++_i131) { SimpleStruct _elem132; _elem132 = new SimpleStruct(); _elem132.read(iprot); this.listStructDFset.add(_elem132); } iprot.readListEnd(); } } else { TProtocolUtil.skip(iprot, __field.type); } break; case MYUNION: if (__field.type == TType.STRUCT) { this.myUnion = new MyUnion(); this.myUnion.read(iprot); } else { TProtocolUtil.skip(iprot, __field.type); } break; case LISTUNIONDFSET: if (__field.type == TType.LIST) { { TList _list133 = iprot.readListBegin(); this.listUnionDFset = new ArrayList(Math.max(0, _list133.size)); for (int _i134 = 0; (_list133.size < 0) ? iprot.peekList() : (_i134 < _list133.size); ++_i134) { MyUnion _elem135; _elem135 = new MyUnion(); _elem135.read(iprot); this.listUnionDFset.add(_elem135); } iprot.readListEnd(); } } else { TProtocolUtil.skip(iprot, __field.type); } break; case MAPNESTLISTSTRUCTDFSET: if (__field.type == TType.MAP) { { TMap _map136 = iprot.readMapBegin(); this.mapNestlistStructDfSet = new HashMap>(Math.max(0, 2*_map136.size)); for (int _i137 = 0; (_map136.size < 0) ? iprot.peekMap() : (_i137 < _map136.size); ++_i137) { int _key138; List _val139; _key138 = iprot.readI32(); { TList _list140 = iprot.readListBegin(); _val139 = new ArrayList(Math.max(0, _list140.size)); for (int _i141 = 0; (_list140.size < 0) ? iprot.peekList() : (_i141 < _list140.size); ++_i141) { SimpleStruct _elem142; _elem142 = new SimpleStruct(); _elem142.read(iprot); _val139.add(_elem142); } iprot.readListEnd(); } this.mapNestlistStructDfSet.put(_key138, _val139); } iprot.readMapEnd(); } } else { TProtocolUtil.skip(iprot, __field.type); } break; case MAPJAVATYPEDFSET: if (__field.type == TType.MAP) { { TMap _map143 = iprot.readMapBegin(); this.mapJavaTypeDFset = new HashMap(Math.max(0, 2*_map143.size)); for (int _i144 = 0; (_map143.size < 0) ? iprot.peekMap() : (_i144 < _map143.size); ++_i144) { long _key145; String _val146; _key145 = iprot.readI64(); _val146 = iprot.readString(); this.mapJavaTypeDFset.put(_key145, _val146); } iprot.readMapEnd(); } } else { TProtocolUtil.skip(iprot, __field.type); } break; case EMPTYMAP: if (__field.type == TType.MAP) { { TMap _map147 = iprot.readMapBegin(); this.emptyMap = new HashMap(Math.max(0, 2*_map147.size)); for (int _i148 = 0; (_map147.size < 0) ? iprot.peekMap() : (_i148 < _map147.size); ++_i148) { long _key149; int _val150; _key149 = iprot.readI64(); _val150 = iprot.readI32(); this.emptyMap.put(_key149, _val150); } iprot.readMapEnd(); } } else { TProtocolUtil.skip(iprot, __field.type); } break; case ENUMMAPDFSET: if (__field.type == TType.MAP) { { TMap _map151 = iprot.readMapBegin(); this.enumMapDFset = new HashMap>(Math.max(0, 2*_map151.size)); for (int _i152 = 0; (_map151.size < 0) ? iprot.peekMap() : (_i152 < _map151.size); ++_i152) { String _key153; Map _val154; _key153 = iprot.readString(); { TMap _map155 = iprot.readMapBegin(); _val154 = new HashMap(Math.max(0, 2*_map155.size)); for (int _i156 = 0; (_map155.size < 0) ? iprot.peekMap() : (_i156 < _map155.size); ++_i156) { int _key157; MyEnum _val158; _key157 = iprot.readI32(); _val158 = MyEnum.findByValue(iprot.readI32()); _val154.put(_key157, _val158); } iprot.readMapEnd(); } this.enumMapDFset.put(_key153, _val154); } iprot.readMapEnd(); } } else { TProtocolUtil.skip(iprot, __field.type); } break; default: TProtocolUtil.skip(iprot, __field.type); break; } iprot.readFieldEnd(); } iprot.readStructEnd(); // check for required fields of primitive type, which can't be checked in the validate method validate(); } public void write(TProtocol oprot) throws TException { validate(); oprot.writeStructBegin(STRUCT_DESC); oprot.writeFieldBegin(MY_LONG_DFSET_FIELD_DESC); oprot.writeI64(this.myLongDFset); oprot.writeFieldEnd(); oprot.writeFieldBegin(MY_LONG_DF_FIELD_DESC); oprot.writeI64(this.myLongDF); oprot.writeFieldEnd(); oprot.writeFieldBegin(PORT_DFSET_FIELD_DESC); oprot.writeI32(this.portDFset); oprot.writeFieldEnd(); oprot.writeFieldBegin(PORT_NUM_FIELD_DESC); oprot.writeI32(this.portNum); oprot.writeFieldEnd(); if (this.myBinaryDFset != null) { oprot.writeFieldBegin(MY_BINARY_DFSET_FIELD_DESC); oprot.writeBinary(this.myBinaryDFset); oprot.writeFieldEnd(); } if (this.myBinary != null) { oprot.writeFieldBegin(MY_BINARY_FIELD_DESC); oprot.writeBinary(this.myBinary); oprot.writeFieldEnd(); } oprot.writeFieldBegin(MY_BYTE_DFSET_FIELD_DESC); oprot.writeByte(this.myByteDFSet); oprot.writeFieldEnd(); oprot.writeFieldBegin(MY_BYTE_FIELD_DESC); oprot.writeByte(this.myByte); oprot.writeFieldEnd(); oprot.writeFieldBegin(MY_DOUBLE_DFSET_FIELD_DESC); oprot.writeDouble(this.myDoubleDFset); oprot.writeFieldEnd(); oprot.writeFieldBegin(MY_DOUBLE_DFZERO_FIELD_DESC); oprot.writeDouble(this.myDoubleDFZero); oprot.writeFieldEnd(); oprot.writeFieldBegin(MY_DOUBLE_FIELD_DESC); oprot.writeDouble(this.myDouble); oprot.writeFieldEnd(); if (this.field3 != null) { oprot.writeFieldBegin(FIELD3_FIELD_DESC); { oprot.writeMapBegin(new TMap(TType.I32, TType.STRING, this.field3.size())); for (Map.Entry _iter159 : this.field3.entrySet()) { oprot.writeI32(_iter159.getKey()); oprot.writeString(_iter159.getValue()); } oprot.writeMapEnd(); } oprot.writeFieldEnd(); } if (this.myList != null) { oprot.writeFieldBegin(MY_LIST_FIELD_DESC); { oprot.writeListBegin(new TList(TType.I32, this.myList.size())); for (MyEnum _iter160 : this.myList) { oprot.writeI32(_iter160 == null ? 0 : _iter160.getValue()); } oprot.writeListEnd(); } oprot.writeFieldEnd(); } if (this.mySet != null) { oprot.writeFieldBegin(MY_SET_FIELD_DESC); { oprot.writeSetBegin(new TSet(TType.STRING, this.mySet.size())); for (String _iter161 : this.mySet) { oprot.writeString(_iter161); } oprot.writeSetEnd(); } oprot.writeFieldEnd(); } if (this.simpleStruct != null) { oprot.writeFieldBegin(SIMPLE_STRUCT_FIELD_DESC); this.simpleStruct.write(oprot); oprot.writeFieldEnd(); } if (this.listStructDFset != null) { oprot.writeFieldBegin(LIST_STRUCT_DFSET_FIELD_DESC); { oprot.writeListBegin(new TList(TType.STRUCT, this.listStructDFset.size())); for (SimpleStruct _iter162 : this.listStructDFset) { _iter162.write(oprot); } oprot.writeListEnd(); } oprot.writeFieldEnd(); } if (this.myUnion != null) { oprot.writeFieldBegin(MY_UNION_FIELD_DESC); this.myUnion.write(oprot); oprot.writeFieldEnd(); } if (this.listUnionDFset != null) { oprot.writeFieldBegin(LIST_UNION_DFSET_FIELD_DESC); { oprot.writeListBegin(new TList(TType.STRUCT, this.listUnionDFset.size())); for (MyUnion _iter163 : this.listUnionDFset) { _iter163.write(oprot); } oprot.writeListEnd(); } oprot.writeFieldEnd(); } if (this.mapNestlistStructDfSet != null) { oprot.writeFieldBegin(MAP_NESTLIST_STRUCT_DF_SET_FIELD_DESC); { oprot.writeMapBegin(new TMap(TType.I32, TType.LIST, this.mapNestlistStructDfSet.size())); for (Map.Entry> _iter164 : this.mapNestlistStructDfSet.entrySet()) { oprot.writeI32(_iter164.getKey()); { oprot.writeListBegin(new TList(TType.STRUCT, _iter164.getValue().size())); for (SimpleStruct _iter165 : _iter164.getValue()) { _iter165.write(oprot); } oprot.writeListEnd(); } } oprot.writeMapEnd(); } oprot.writeFieldEnd(); } if (this.mapJavaTypeDFset != null) { oprot.writeFieldBegin(MAP_JAVA_TYPE_DFSET_FIELD_DESC); { oprot.writeMapBegin(new TMap(TType.I64, TType.STRING, this.mapJavaTypeDFset.size())); for (Map.Entry _iter166 : this.mapJavaTypeDFset.entrySet()) { oprot.writeI64(_iter166.getKey()); oprot.writeString(_iter166.getValue()); } oprot.writeMapEnd(); } oprot.writeFieldEnd(); } if (this.emptyMap != null) { oprot.writeFieldBegin(EMPTY_MAP_FIELD_DESC); { oprot.writeMapBegin(new TMap(TType.I64, TType.I32, this.emptyMap.size())); for (Map.Entry _iter167 : this.emptyMap.entrySet()) { oprot.writeI64(_iter167.getKey()); oprot.writeI32(_iter167.getValue()); } oprot.writeMapEnd(); } oprot.writeFieldEnd(); } if (this.enumMapDFset != null) { oprot.writeFieldBegin(ENUM_MAP_DFSET_FIELD_DESC); { oprot.writeMapBegin(new TMap(TType.STRING, TType.MAP, this.enumMapDFset.size())); for (Map.Entry> _iter168 : this.enumMapDFset.entrySet()) { oprot.writeString(_iter168.getKey()); { oprot.writeMapBegin(new TMap(TType.I32, TType.I32, _iter168.getValue().size())); for (Map.Entry _iter169 : _iter168.getValue().entrySet()) { oprot.writeI32(_iter169.getKey()); oprot.writeI32(_iter169.getValue() == null ? 0 : _iter169.getValue().getValue()); } oprot.writeMapEnd(); } } oprot.writeMapEnd(); } oprot.writeFieldEnd(); } oprot.writeFieldStop(); oprot.writeStructEnd(); } @Override public String toString() { return toString(1, true); } @Override public String toString(int indent, boolean prettyPrint) { String indentStr = prettyPrint ? TBaseHelper.getIndentedString(indent) : ""; String newLine = prettyPrint ? "\n" : ""; String space = prettyPrint ? " " : ""; StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder("defaultStruct"); sb.append(space); sb.append("("); sb.append(newLine); boolean first = true; sb.append(indentStr); sb.append("myLongDFset"); sb.append(space); sb.append(":").append(space); sb.append(TBaseHelper.toString(this.getMyLongDFset(), indent + 1, prettyPrint)); first = false; if (!first) sb.append("," + newLine); sb.append(indentStr); sb.append("myLongDF"); sb.append(space); sb.append(":").append(space); sb.append(TBaseHelper.toString(this.getMyLongDF(), indent + 1, prettyPrint)); first = false; if (!first) sb.append("," + newLine); sb.append(indentStr); sb.append("portDFset"); sb.append(space); sb.append(":").append(space); sb.append(TBaseHelper.toString(this.getPortDFset(), indent + 1, prettyPrint)); first = false; if (!first) sb.append("," + newLine); sb.append(indentStr); sb.append("portNum"); sb.append(space); sb.append(":").append(space); sb.append(TBaseHelper.toString(this.getPortNum(), indent + 1, prettyPrint)); first = false; if (!first) sb.append("," + newLine); sb.append(indentStr); sb.append("myBinaryDFset"); sb.append(space); sb.append(":").append(space); if (this.getMyBinaryDFset() == null) { sb.append("null"); } else { int __myBinaryDFset_size = Math.min(this.getMyBinaryDFset().length, 128); for (int i = 0; i < __myBinaryDFset_size; i++) { if (i != 0) sb.append(" "); sb.append(Integer.toHexString(this.getMyBinaryDFset()[i]).length() > 1 ? Integer.toHexString(this.getMyBinaryDFset()[i]).substring(Integer.toHexString(this.getMyBinaryDFset()[i]).length() - 2).toUpperCase() : "0" + Integer.toHexString(this.getMyBinaryDFset()[i]).toUpperCase()); } if (this.getMyBinaryDFset().length > 128) sb.append(" ..."); } first = false; if (!first) sb.append("," + newLine); sb.append(indentStr); sb.append("myBinary"); sb.append(space); sb.append(":").append(space); if (this.getMyBinary() == null) { sb.append("null"); } else { int __myBinary_size = Math.min(this.getMyBinary().length, 128); for (int i = 0; i < __myBinary_size; i++) { if (i != 0) sb.append(" "); sb.append(Integer.toHexString(this.getMyBinary()[i]).length() > 1 ? Integer.toHexString(this.getMyBinary()[i]).substring(Integer.toHexString(this.getMyBinary()[i]).length() - 2).toUpperCase() : "0" + Integer.toHexString(this.getMyBinary()[i]).toUpperCase()); } if (this.getMyBinary().length > 128) sb.append(" ..."); } first = false; if (!first) sb.append("," + newLine); sb.append(indentStr); sb.append("myByteDFSet"); sb.append(space); sb.append(":").append(space); sb.append(TBaseHelper.toString(this.getMyByteDFSet(), indent + 1, prettyPrint)); first = false; if (!first) sb.append("," + newLine); sb.append(indentStr); sb.append("myByte"); sb.append(space); sb.append(":").append(space); sb.append(TBaseHelper.toString(this.getMyByte(), indent + 1, prettyPrint)); first = false; if (!first) sb.append("," + newLine); sb.append(indentStr); sb.append("myDoubleDFset"); sb.append(space); sb.append(":").append(space); sb.append(TBaseHelper.toString(this.getMyDoubleDFset(), indent + 1, prettyPrint)); first = false; if (!first) sb.append("," + newLine); sb.append(indentStr); sb.append("myDoubleDFZero"); sb.append(space); sb.append(":").append(space); sb.append(TBaseHelper.toString(this.getMyDoubleDFZero(), indent + 1, prettyPrint)); first = false; if (!first) sb.append("," + newLine); sb.append(indentStr); sb.append("myDouble"); sb.append(space); sb.append(":").append(space); sb.append(TBaseHelper.toString(this.getMyDouble(), indent + 1, prettyPrint)); first = false; if (!first) sb.append("," + newLine); sb.append(indentStr); sb.append("field3"); sb.append(space); sb.append(":").append(space); if (this.getField3() == null) { sb.append("null"); } else { sb.append(TBaseHelper.toString(this.getField3(), indent + 1, prettyPrint)); } first = false; if (!first) sb.append("," + newLine); sb.append(indentStr); sb.append("myList"); sb.append(space); sb.append(":").append(space); if (this.getMyList() == null) { sb.append("null"); } else { sb.append(TBaseHelper.toString(this.getMyList(), indent + 1, prettyPrint)); } first = false; if (!first) sb.append("," + newLine); sb.append(indentStr); sb.append("mySet"); sb.append(space); sb.append(":").append(space); if (this.getMySet() == null) { sb.append("null"); } else { sb.append(TBaseHelper.toString(this.getMySet(), indent + 1, prettyPrint)); } first = false; if (!first) sb.append("," + newLine); sb.append(indentStr); sb.append("simpleStruct"); sb.append(space); sb.append(":").append(space); if (this.getSimpleStruct() == null) { sb.append("null"); } else { sb.append(TBaseHelper.toString(this.getSimpleStruct(), indent + 1, prettyPrint)); } first = false; if (!first) sb.append("," + newLine); sb.append(indentStr); sb.append("listStructDFset"); sb.append(space); sb.append(":").append(space); if (this.getListStructDFset() == null) { sb.append("null"); } else { sb.append(TBaseHelper.toString(this.getListStructDFset(), indent + 1, prettyPrint)); } first = false; if (!first) sb.append("," + newLine); sb.append(indentStr); sb.append("myUnion"); sb.append(space); sb.append(":").append(space); if (this.getMyUnion() == null) { sb.append("null"); } else { sb.append(TBaseHelper.toString(this.getMyUnion(), indent + 1, prettyPrint)); } first = false; if (!first) sb.append("," + newLine); sb.append(indentStr); sb.append("listUnionDFset"); sb.append(space); sb.append(":").append(space); if (this.getListUnionDFset() == null) { sb.append("null"); } else { sb.append(TBaseHelper.toString(this.getListUnionDFset(), indent + 1, prettyPrint)); } first = false; if (!first) sb.append("," + newLine); sb.append(indentStr); sb.append("mapNestlistStructDfSet"); sb.append(space); sb.append(":").append(space); if (this.getMapNestlistStructDfSet() == null) { sb.append("null"); } else { sb.append(TBaseHelper.toString(this.getMapNestlistStructDfSet(), indent + 1, prettyPrint)); } first = false; if (!first) sb.append("," + newLine); sb.append(indentStr); sb.append("mapJavaTypeDFset"); sb.append(space); sb.append(":").append(space); if (this.getMapJavaTypeDFset() == null) { sb.append("null"); } else { sb.append(TBaseHelper.toString(this.getMapJavaTypeDFset(), indent + 1, prettyPrint)); } first = false; if (!first) sb.append("," + newLine); sb.append(indentStr); sb.append("emptyMap"); sb.append(space); sb.append(":").append(space); if (this.getEmptyMap() == null) { sb.append("null"); } else { sb.append(TBaseHelper.toString(this.getEmptyMap(), indent + 1, prettyPrint)); } first = false; if (!first) sb.append("," + newLine); sb.append(indentStr); sb.append("enumMapDFset"); sb.append(space); sb.append(":").append(space); if (this.getEnumMapDFset() == null) { sb.append("null"); } else { sb.append(TBaseHelper.toString(this.getEnumMapDFset(), indent + 1, prettyPrint)); } first = false; sb.append(newLine + TBaseHelper.reduceIndent(indentStr)); sb.append(")"); return sb.toString(); } public void validate() throws TException { // check for required fields } }