/** * Autogenerated by Thrift * * DO NOT EDIT UNLESS YOU ARE SURE THAT YOU KNOW WHAT YOU ARE DOING * @generated */ import java.util.List; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Map; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Set; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.BitSet; import java.util.Arrays; import com.facebook.thrift.*; import com.facebook.thrift.annotations.*; import com.facebook.thrift.async.*; import com.facebook.thrift.meta_data.*; import com.facebook.thrift.server.*; import com.facebook.thrift.transport.*; import com.facebook.thrift.protocol.*; @SuppressWarnings({ "unused", "serial" }) public class ComplexNestedStruct implements TBase, java.io.Serializable, Cloneable { private static final TStruct STRUCT_DESC = new TStruct("ComplexNestedStruct"); private static final TField SET_OF_SET_OF_INT_FIELD_DESC = new TField("setOfSetOfInt", TType.SET, (short)1); private static final TField LISTOF_LIST_OF_LIST_OF_LIST_OF_ENUM_FIELD_DESC = new TField("listofListOfListOfListOfEnum", TType.LIST, (short)2); private static final TField LIST_OF_LIST_OF_MY_STRUCT_FIELD_DESC = new TField("listOfListOfMyStruct", TType.LIST, (short)3); private static final TField SET_OF_LIST_OF_LIST_OF_LONG_FIELD_DESC = new TField("setOfListOfListOfLong", TType.SET, (short)4); private static final TField SET_OF_SET_OFSET_OF_LONG_FIELD_DESC = new TField("setOfSetOfsetOfLong", TType.SET, (short)5); private static final TField MAP_STRUCT_LIST_OF_LIST_OF_LONG_FIELD_DESC = new TField("mapStructListOfListOfLong", TType.MAP, (short)6); private static final TField M_KEY_STRUCT_VAL_INT_FIELD_DESC = new TField("mKeyStructValInt", TType.MAP, (short)7); private static final TField LIST_OF_MAP_KEY_INT_VAL_INT_FIELD_DESC = new TField("listOfMapKeyIntValInt", TType.LIST, (short)8); private static final TField LIST_OF_MAP_KEY_STR_VAL_LIST_FIELD_DESC = new TField("listOfMapKeyStrValList", TType.LIST, (short)9); private static final TField MAP_KEY_SET_VAL_LONG_FIELD_DESC = new TField("mapKeySetValLong", TType.MAP, (short)10); private static final TField MAP_KEY_LIST_VAL_LONG_FIELD_DESC = new TField("mapKeyListValLong", TType.MAP, (short)11); private static final TField MAP_KEY_MAP_VAL_MAP_FIELD_DESC = new TField("mapKeyMapValMap", TType.MAP, (short)12); private static final TField MAP_KEY_SET_VAL_MAP_FIELD_DESC = new TField("mapKeySetValMap", TType.MAP, (short)13); private static final TField NESTED_MAPS_FIELD_DESC = new TField("NestedMaps", TType.MAP, (short)14); private static final TField MAP_KEY_INT_VAL_LIST_FIELD_DESC = new TField("mapKeyIntValList", TType.MAP, (short)15); private static final TField MAP_KEY_INT_VAL_SET_FIELD_DESC = new TField("mapKeyIntValSet", TType.MAP, (short)16); private static final TField MAP_KEY_SET_VAL_INT_FIELD_DESC = new TField("mapKeySetValInt", TType.MAP, (short)17); private static final TField MAP_KEY_LIST_VAL_SET_FIELD_DESC = new TField("mapKeyListValSet", TType.MAP, (short)18); public Set> setOfSetOfInt; public List>>> listofListOfListOfListOfEnum; public List> listOfListOfMyStruct; public Set>> setOfListOfListOfLong; public Set>> setOfSetOfsetOfLong; public Map>> mapStructListOfListOfLong; public Map mKeyStructValInt; public List> listOfMapKeyIntValInt; public List>> listOfMapKeyStrValList; public Map,Long> mapKeySetValLong; public Map,Integer> mapKeyListValLong; public Map,Map> mapKeyMapValMap; public Map>,Map>,String>> mapKeySetValMap; public Map,String>,Map> NestedMaps; public Map> mapKeyIntValList; public Map> mapKeyIntValSet; public Map,MyEnum> mapKeySetValInt; public Map,Set>> mapKeyListValSet; public static final int SETOFSETOFINT = 1; public static final int LISTOFLISTOFLISTOFLISTOFENUM = 2; public static final int LISTOFLISTOFMYSTRUCT = 3; public static final int SETOFLISTOFLISTOFLONG = 4; public static final int SETOFSETOFSETOFLONG = 5; public static final int MAPSTRUCTLISTOFLISTOFLONG = 6; public static final int MKEYSTRUCTVALINT = 7; public static final int LISTOFMAPKEYINTVALINT = 8; public static final int LISTOFMAPKEYSTRVALLIST = 9; public static final int MAPKEYSETVALLONG = 10; public static final int MAPKEYLISTVALLONG = 11; public static final int MAPKEYMAPVALMAP = 12; public static final int MAPKEYSETVALMAP = 13; public static final int NESTEDMAPS = 14; public static final int MAPKEYINTVALLIST = 15; public static final int MAPKEYINTVALSET = 16; public static final int MAPKEYSETVALINT = 17; public static final int MAPKEYLISTVALSET = 18; // isset id assignments public static final Map metaDataMap; static { Map tmpMetaDataMap = new HashMap(); tmpMetaDataMap.put(SETOFSETOFINT, new FieldMetaData("setOfSetOfInt", TFieldRequirementType.DEFAULT, new SetMetaData(TType.SET, new SetMetaData(TType.SET, new FieldValueMetaData(TType.I32))))); tmpMetaDataMap.put(LISTOFLISTOFLISTOFLISTOFENUM, new FieldMetaData("listofListOfListOfListOfEnum", TFieldRequirementType.DEFAULT, new ListMetaData(TType.LIST, new ListMetaData(TType.LIST, new ListMetaData(TType.LIST, new ListMetaData(TType.LIST, new FieldValueMetaData(TType.I32))))))); tmpMetaDataMap.put(LISTOFLISTOFMYSTRUCT, new FieldMetaData("listOfListOfMyStruct", TFieldRequirementType.DEFAULT, new ListMetaData(TType.LIST, new ListMetaData(TType.LIST, new StructMetaData(TType.STRUCT, MyStruct.class))))); tmpMetaDataMap.put(SETOFLISTOFLISTOFLONG, new FieldMetaData("setOfListOfListOfLong", TFieldRequirementType.DEFAULT, new SetMetaData(TType.SET, new ListMetaData(TType.LIST, new ListMetaData(TType.LIST, new FieldValueMetaData(TType.I64)))))); tmpMetaDataMap.put(SETOFSETOFSETOFLONG, new FieldMetaData("setOfSetOfsetOfLong", TFieldRequirementType.DEFAULT, new SetMetaData(TType.SET, new SetMetaData(TType.SET, new SetMetaData(TType.SET, new FieldValueMetaData(TType.I64)))))); tmpMetaDataMap.put(MAPSTRUCTLISTOFLISTOFLONG, new FieldMetaData("mapStructListOfListOfLong", TFieldRequirementType.DEFAULT, new MapMetaData(TType.MAP, new FieldValueMetaData(TType.I32), new ListMetaData(TType.LIST, new ListMetaData(TType.LIST, new StructMetaData(TType.STRUCT, MyStruct.class)))))); tmpMetaDataMap.put(MKEYSTRUCTVALINT, new FieldMetaData("mKeyStructValInt", TFieldRequirementType.DEFAULT, new MapMetaData(TType.MAP, new StructMetaData(TType.STRUCT, MyStruct.class), new FieldValueMetaData(TType.I32)))); tmpMetaDataMap.put(LISTOFMAPKEYINTVALINT, new FieldMetaData("listOfMapKeyIntValInt", TFieldRequirementType.DEFAULT, new ListMetaData(TType.LIST, new MapMetaData(TType.MAP, new FieldValueMetaData(TType.I32), new FieldValueMetaData(TType.I32))))); tmpMetaDataMap.put(LISTOFMAPKEYSTRVALLIST, new FieldMetaData("listOfMapKeyStrValList", TFieldRequirementType.DEFAULT, new ListMetaData(TType.LIST, new MapMetaData(TType.MAP, new FieldValueMetaData(TType.STRING), new ListMetaData(TType.LIST, new StructMetaData(TType.STRUCT, MyStruct.class)))))); tmpMetaDataMap.put(MAPKEYSETVALLONG, new FieldMetaData("mapKeySetValLong", TFieldRequirementType.DEFAULT, new MapMetaData(TType.MAP, new SetMetaData(TType.SET, new FieldValueMetaData(TType.I32)), new FieldValueMetaData(TType.I64)))); tmpMetaDataMap.put(MAPKEYLISTVALLONG, new FieldMetaData("mapKeyListValLong", TFieldRequirementType.DEFAULT, new MapMetaData(TType.MAP, new ListMetaData(TType.LIST, new FieldValueMetaData(TType.STRING)), new FieldValueMetaData(TType.I32)))); tmpMetaDataMap.put(MAPKEYMAPVALMAP, new FieldMetaData("mapKeyMapValMap", TFieldRequirementType.DEFAULT, new MapMetaData(TType.MAP, new MapMetaData(TType.MAP, new FieldValueMetaData(TType.I32), new FieldValueMetaData(TType.STRING)), new MapMetaData(TType.MAP, new FieldValueMetaData(TType.I32), new FieldValueMetaData(TType.STRING))))); tmpMetaDataMap.put(MAPKEYSETVALMAP, new FieldMetaData("mapKeySetValMap", TFieldRequirementType.DEFAULT, new MapMetaData(TType.MAP, new SetMetaData(TType.SET, new ListMetaData(TType.LIST, new FieldValueMetaData(TType.I32))), new MapMetaData(TType.MAP, new ListMetaData(TType.LIST, new SetMetaData(TType.SET, new FieldValueMetaData(TType.STRING))), new FieldValueMetaData(TType.STRING))))); tmpMetaDataMap.put(NESTEDMAPS, new FieldMetaData("NestedMaps", TFieldRequirementType.DEFAULT, new MapMetaData(TType.MAP, new MapMetaData(TType.MAP, new MapMetaData(TType.MAP, new FieldValueMetaData(TType.I32), new FieldValueMetaData(TType.STRING)), new FieldValueMetaData(TType.STRING)), new MapMetaData(TType.MAP, new FieldValueMetaData(TType.I32), new FieldValueMetaData(TType.STRING))))); tmpMetaDataMap.put(MAPKEYINTVALLIST, new FieldMetaData("mapKeyIntValList", TFieldRequirementType.DEFAULT, new MapMetaData(TType.MAP, new FieldValueMetaData(TType.I32), new ListMetaData(TType.LIST, new StructMetaData(TType.STRUCT, MyStruct.class))))); tmpMetaDataMap.put(MAPKEYINTVALSET, new FieldMetaData("mapKeyIntValSet", TFieldRequirementType.DEFAULT, new MapMetaData(TType.MAP, new FieldValueMetaData(TType.I32), new SetMetaData(TType.SET, new FieldValueMetaData(TType.BOOL))))); tmpMetaDataMap.put(MAPKEYSETVALINT, new FieldMetaData("mapKeySetValInt", TFieldRequirementType.DEFAULT, new MapMetaData(TType.MAP, new SetMetaData(TType.SET, new FieldValueMetaData(TType.BOOL)), new FieldValueMetaData(TType.I32)))); tmpMetaDataMap.put(MAPKEYLISTVALSET, new FieldMetaData("mapKeyListValSet", TFieldRequirementType.DEFAULT, new MapMetaData(TType.MAP, new ListMetaData(TType.LIST, new FieldValueMetaData(TType.I32)), new SetMetaData(TType.SET, new MapMetaData(TType.MAP, new FieldValueMetaData(TType.DOUBLE), new FieldValueMetaData(TType.STRING)))))); metaDataMap = Collections.unmodifiableMap(tmpMetaDataMap); } static { FieldMetaData.addStructMetaDataMap(ComplexNestedStruct.class, metaDataMap); } public ComplexNestedStruct() { } public ComplexNestedStruct( Set> setOfSetOfInt, List>>> listofListOfListOfListOfEnum, List> listOfListOfMyStruct, Set>> setOfListOfListOfLong, Set>> setOfSetOfsetOfLong, Map>> mapStructListOfListOfLong, Map mKeyStructValInt, List> listOfMapKeyIntValInt, List>> listOfMapKeyStrValList, Map,Long> mapKeySetValLong, Map,Integer> mapKeyListValLong, Map,Map> mapKeyMapValMap, Map>,Map>,String>> mapKeySetValMap, Map,String>,Map> NestedMaps, Map> mapKeyIntValList, Map> mapKeyIntValSet, Map,MyEnum> mapKeySetValInt, Map,Set>> mapKeyListValSet) { this(); this.setOfSetOfInt = setOfSetOfInt; this.listofListOfListOfListOfEnum = listofListOfListOfListOfEnum; this.listOfListOfMyStruct = listOfListOfMyStruct; this.setOfListOfListOfLong = setOfListOfListOfLong; this.setOfSetOfsetOfLong = setOfSetOfsetOfLong; this.mapStructListOfListOfLong = mapStructListOfListOfLong; this.mKeyStructValInt = mKeyStructValInt; this.listOfMapKeyIntValInt = listOfMapKeyIntValInt; this.listOfMapKeyStrValList = listOfMapKeyStrValList; this.mapKeySetValLong = mapKeySetValLong; this.mapKeyListValLong = mapKeyListValLong; this.mapKeyMapValMap = mapKeyMapValMap; this.mapKeySetValMap = mapKeySetValMap; this.NestedMaps = NestedMaps; this.mapKeyIntValList = mapKeyIntValList; this.mapKeyIntValSet = mapKeyIntValSet; this.mapKeySetValInt = mapKeySetValInt; this.mapKeyListValSet = mapKeyListValSet; } public static class Builder { private Set> setOfSetOfInt; private List>>> listofListOfListOfListOfEnum; private List> listOfListOfMyStruct; private Set>> setOfListOfListOfLong; private Set>> setOfSetOfsetOfLong; private Map>> mapStructListOfListOfLong; private Map mKeyStructValInt; private List> listOfMapKeyIntValInt; private List>> listOfMapKeyStrValList; private Map,Long> mapKeySetValLong; private Map,Integer> mapKeyListValLong; private Map,Map> mapKeyMapValMap; private Map>,Map>,String>> mapKeySetValMap; private Map,String>,Map> NestedMaps; private Map> mapKeyIntValList; private Map> mapKeyIntValSet; private Map,MyEnum> mapKeySetValInt; private Map,Set>> mapKeyListValSet; public Builder() { } public Builder setSetOfSetOfInt(final Set> setOfSetOfInt) { this.setOfSetOfInt = setOfSetOfInt; return this; } public Builder setListofListOfListOfListOfEnum(final List>>> listofListOfListOfListOfEnum) { this.listofListOfListOfListOfEnum = listofListOfListOfListOfEnum; return this; } public Builder setListOfListOfMyStruct(final List> listOfListOfMyStruct) { this.listOfListOfMyStruct = listOfListOfMyStruct; return this; } public Builder setSetOfListOfListOfLong(final Set>> setOfListOfListOfLong) { this.setOfListOfListOfLong = setOfListOfListOfLong; return this; } public Builder setSetOfSetOfsetOfLong(final Set>> setOfSetOfsetOfLong) { this.setOfSetOfsetOfLong = setOfSetOfsetOfLong; return this; } public Builder setMapStructListOfListOfLong(final Map>> mapStructListOfListOfLong) { this.mapStructListOfListOfLong = mapStructListOfListOfLong; return this; } public Builder setMKeyStructValInt(final Map mKeyStructValInt) { this.mKeyStructValInt = mKeyStructValInt; return this; } public Builder setListOfMapKeyIntValInt(final List> listOfMapKeyIntValInt) { this.listOfMapKeyIntValInt = listOfMapKeyIntValInt; return this; } public Builder setListOfMapKeyStrValList(final List>> listOfMapKeyStrValList) { this.listOfMapKeyStrValList = listOfMapKeyStrValList; return this; } public Builder setMapKeySetValLong(final Map,Long> mapKeySetValLong) { this.mapKeySetValLong = mapKeySetValLong; return this; } public Builder setMapKeyListValLong(final Map,Integer> mapKeyListValLong) { this.mapKeyListValLong = mapKeyListValLong; return this; } public Builder setMapKeyMapValMap(final Map,Map> mapKeyMapValMap) { this.mapKeyMapValMap = mapKeyMapValMap; return this; } public Builder setMapKeySetValMap(final Map>,Map>,String>> mapKeySetValMap) { this.mapKeySetValMap = mapKeySetValMap; return this; } public Builder setNestedMaps(final Map,String>,Map> NestedMaps) { this.NestedMaps = NestedMaps; return this; } public Builder setMapKeyIntValList(final Map> mapKeyIntValList) { this.mapKeyIntValList = mapKeyIntValList; return this; } public Builder setMapKeyIntValSet(final Map> mapKeyIntValSet) { this.mapKeyIntValSet = mapKeyIntValSet; return this; } public Builder setMapKeySetValInt(final Map,MyEnum> mapKeySetValInt) { this.mapKeySetValInt = mapKeySetValInt; return this; } public Builder setMapKeyListValSet(final Map,Set>> mapKeyListValSet) { this.mapKeyListValSet = mapKeyListValSet; return this; } public ComplexNestedStruct build() { ComplexNestedStruct result = new ComplexNestedStruct(); result.setSetOfSetOfInt(this.setOfSetOfInt); result.setListofListOfListOfListOfEnum(this.listofListOfListOfListOfEnum); result.setListOfListOfMyStruct(this.listOfListOfMyStruct); result.setSetOfListOfListOfLong(this.setOfListOfListOfLong); result.setSetOfSetOfsetOfLong(this.setOfSetOfsetOfLong); result.setMapStructListOfListOfLong(this.mapStructListOfListOfLong); result.setMKeyStructValInt(this.mKeyStructValInt); result.setListOfMapKeyIntValInt(this.listOfMapKeyIntValInt); result.setListOfMapKeyStrValList(this.listOfMapKeyStrValList); result.setMapKeySetValLong(this.mapKeySetValLong); result.setMapKeyListValLong(this.mapKeyListValLong); result.setMapKeyMapValMap(this.mapKeyMapValMap); result.setMapKeySetValMap(this.mapKeySetValMap); result.setNestedMaps(this.NestedMaps); result.setMapKeyIntValList(this.mapKeyIntValList); result.setMapKeyIntValSet(this.mapKeyIntValSet); result.setMapKeySetValInt(this.mapKeySetValInt); result.setMapKeyListValSet(this.mapKeyListValSet); return result; } } public static Builder builder() { return new Builder(); } /** * Performs a deep copy on other. */ public ComplexNestedStruct(ComplexNestedStruct other) { if (other.isSetSetOfSetOfInt()) { this.setOfSetOfInt = TBaseHelper.deepCopy(other.setOfSetOfInt); } if (other.isSetListofListOfListOfListOfEnum()) { this.listofListOfListOfListOfEnum = TBaseHelper.deepCopy(other.listofListOfListOfListOfEnum); } if (other.isSetListOfListOfMyStruct()) { this.listOfListOfMyStruct = TBaseHelper.deepCopy(other.listOfListOfMyStruct); } if (other.isSetSetOfListOfListOfLong()) { this.setOfListOfListOfLong = TBaseHelper.deepCopy(other.setOfListOfListOfLong); } if (other.isSetSetOfSetOfsetOfLong()) { this.setOfSetOfsetOfLong = TBaseHelper.deepCopy(other.setOfSetOfsetOfLong); } if (other.isSetMapStructListOfListOfLong()) { this.mapStructListOfListOfLong = TBaseHelper.deepCopy(other.mapStructListOfListOfLong); } if (other.isSetMKeyStructValInt()) { this.mKeyStructValInt = TBaseHelper.deepCopy(other.mKeyStructValInt); } if (other.isSetListOfMapKeyIntValInt()) { this.listOfMapKeyIntValInt = TBaseHelper.deepCopy(other.listOfMapKeyIntValInt); } if (other.isSetListOfMapKeyStrValList()) { this.listOfMapKeyStrValList = TBaseHelper.deepCopy(other.listOfMapKeyStrValList); } if (other.isSetMapKeySetValLong()) { this.mapKeySetValLong = TBaseHelper.deepCopy(other.mapKeySetValLong); } if (other.isSetMapKeyListValLong()) { this.mapKeyListValLong = TBaseHelper.deepCopy(other.mapKeyListValLong); } if (other.isSetMapKeyMapValMap()) { this.mapKeyMapValMap = TBaseHelper.deepCopy(other.mapKeyMapValMap); } if (other.isSetMapKeySetValMap()) { this.mapKeySetValMap = TBaseHelper.deepCopy(other.mapKeySetValMap); } if (other.isSetNestedMaps()) { this.NestedMaps = TBaseHelper.deepCopy(other.NestedMaps); } if (other.isSetMapKeyIntValList()) { this.mapKeyIntValList = TBaseHelper.deepCopy(other.mapKeyIntValList); } if (other.isSetMapKeyIntValSet()) { this.mapKeyIntValSet = TBaseHelper.deepCopy(other.mapKeyIntValSet); } if (other.isSetMapKeySetValInt()) { this.mapKeySetValInt = TBaseHelper.deepCopy(other.mapKeySetValInt); } if (other.isSetMapKeyListValSet()) { this.mapKeyListValSet = TBaseHelper.deepCopy(other.mapKeyListValSet); } } public ComplexNestedStruct deepCopy() { return new ComplexNestedStruct(this); } public Set> getSetOfSetOfInt() { return this.setOfSetOfInt; } public ComplexNestedStruct setSetOfSetOfInt(Set> setOfSetOfInt) { this.setOfSetOfInt = setOfSetOfInt; return this; } public void unsetSetOfSetOfInt() { this.setOfSetOfInt = null; } // Returns true if field setOfSetOfInt is set (has been assigned a value) and false otherwise public boolean isSetSetOfSetOfInt() { return this.setOfSetOfInt != null; } public void setSetOfSetOfIntIsSet(boolean __value) { if (!__value) { this.setOfSetOfInt = null; } } public List>>> getListofListOfListOfListOfEnum() { return this.listofListOfListOfListOfEnum; } public ComplexNestedStruct setListofListOfListOfListOfEnum(List>>> listofListOfListOfListOfEnum) { this.listofListOfListOfListOfEnum = listofListOfListOfListOfEnum; return this; } public void unsetListofListOfListOfListOfEnum() { this.listofListOfListOfListOfEnum = null; } // Returns true if field listofListOfListOfListOfEnum is set (has been assigned a value) and false otherwise public boolean isSetListofListOfListOfListOfEnum() { return this.listofListOfListOfListOfEnum != null; } public void setListofListOfListOfListOfEnumIsSet(boolean __value) { if (!__value) { this.listofListOfListOfListOfEnum = null; } } public List> getListOfListOfMyStruct() { return this.listOfListOfMyStruct; } public ComplexNestedStruct setListOfListOfMyStruct(List> listOfListOfMyStruct) { this.listOfListOfMyStruct = listOfListOfMyStruct; return this; } public void unsetListOfListOfMyStruct() { this.listOfListOfMyStruct = null; } // Returns true if field listOfListOfMyStruct is set (has been assigned a value) and false otherwise public boolean isSetListOfListOfMyStruct() { return this.listOfListOfMyStruct != null; } public void setListOfListOfMyStructIsSet(boolean __value) { if (!__value) { this.listOfListOfMyStruct = null; } } public Set>> getSetOfListOfListOfLong() { return this.setOfListOfListOfLong; } public ComplexNestedStruct setSetOfListOfListOfLong(Set>> setOfListOfListOfLong) { this.setOfListOfListOfLong = setOfListOfListOfLong; return this; } public void unsetSetOfListOfListOfLong() { this.setOfListOfListOfLong = null; } // Returns true if field setOfListOfListOfLong is set (has been assigned a value) and false otherwise public boolean isSetSetOfListOfListOfLong() { return this.setOfListOfListOfLong != null; } public void setSetOfListOfListOfLongIsSet(boolean __value) { if (!__value) { this.setOfListOfListOfLong = null; } } public Set>> getSetOfSetOfsetOfLong() { return this.setOfSetOfsetOfLong; } public ComplexNestedStruct setSetOfSetOfsetOfLong(Set>> setOfSetOfsetOfLong) { this.setOfSetOfsetOfLong = setOfSetOfsetOfLong; return this; } public void unsetSetOfSetOfsetOfLong() { this.setOfSetOfsetOfLong = null; } // Returns true if field setOfSetOfsetOfLong is set (has been assigned a value) and false otherwise public boolean isSetSetOfSetOfsetOfLong() { return this.setOfSetOfsetOfLong != null; } public void setSetOfSetOfsetOfLongIsSet(boolean __value) { if (!__value) { this.setOfSetOfsetOfLong = null; } } public Map>> getMapStructListOfListOfLong() { return this.mapStructListOfListOfLong; } public ComplexNestedStruct setMapStructListOfListOfLong(Map>> mapStructListOfListOfLong) { this.mapStructListOfListOfLong = mapStructListOfListOfLong; return this; } public void unsetMapStructListOfListOfLong() { this.mapStructListOfListOfLong = null; } // Returns true if field mapStructListOfListOfLong is set (has been assigned a value) and false otherwise public boolean isSetMapStructListOfListOfLong() { return this.mapStructListOfListOfLong != null; } public void setMapStructListOfListOfLongIsSet(boolean __value) { if (!__value) { this.mapStructListOfListOfLong = null; } } public Map getMKeyStructValInt() { return this.mKeyStructValInt; } public ComplexNestedStruct setMKeyStructValInt(Map mKeyStructValInt) { this.mKeyStructValInt = mKeyStructValInt; return this; } public void unsetMKeyStructValInt() { this.mKeyStructValInt = null; } // Returns true if field mKeyStructValInt is set (has been assigned a value) and false otherwise public boolean isSetMKeyStructValInt() { return this.mKeyStructValInt != null; } public void setMKeyStructValIntIsSet(boolean __value) { if (!__value) { this.mKeyStructValInt = null; } } public List> getListOfMapKeyIntValInt() { return this.listOfMapKeyIntValInt; } public ComplexNestedStruct setListOfMapKeyIntValInt(List> listOfMapKeyIntValInt) { this.listOfMapKeyIntValInt = listOfMapKeyIntValInt; return this; } public void unsetListOfMapKeyIntValInt() { this.listOfMapKeyIntValInt = null; } // Returns true if field listOfMapKeyIntValInt is set (has been assigned a value) and false otherwise public boolean isSetListOfMapKeyIntValInt() { return this.listOfMapKeyIntValInt != null; } public void setListOfMapKeyIntValIntIsSet(boolean __value) { if (!__value) { this.listOfMapKeyIntValInt = null; } } public List>> getListOfMapKeyStrValList() { return this.listOfMapKeyStrValList; } public ComplexNestedStruct setListOfMapKeyStrValList(List>> listOfMapKeyStrValList) { this.listOfMapKeyStrValList = listOfMapKeyStrValList; return this; } public void unsetListOfMapKeyStrValList() { this.listOfMapKeyStrValList = null; } // Returns true if field listOfMapKeyStrValList is set (has been assigned a value) and false otherwise public boolean isSetListOfMapKeyStrValList() { return this.listOfMapKeyStrValList != null; } public void setListOfMapKeyStrValListIsSet(boolean __value) { if (!__value) { this.listOfMapKeyStrValList = null; } } public Map,Long> getMapKeySetValLong() { return this.mapKeySetValLong; } public ComplexNestedStruct setMapKeySetValLong(Map,Long> mapKeySetValLong) { this.mapKeySetValLong = mapKeySetValLong; return this; } public void unsetMapKeySetValLong() { this.mapKeySetValLong = null; } // Returns true if field mapKeySetValLong is set (has been assigned a value) and false otherwise public boolean isSetMapKeySetValLong() { return this.mapKeySetValLong != null; } public void setMapKeySetValLongIsSet(boolean __value) { if (!__value) { this.mapKeySetValLong = null; } } public Map,Integer> getMapKeyListValLong() { return this.mapKeyListValLong; } public ComplexNestedStruct setMapKeyListValLong(Map,Integer> mapKeyListValLong) { this.mapKeyListValLong = mapKeyListValLong; return this; } public void unsetMapKeyListValLong() { this.mapKeyListValLong = null; } // Returns true if field mapKeyListValLong is set (has been assigned a value) and false otherwise public boolean isSetMapKeyListValLong() { return this.mapKeyListValLong != null; } public void setMapKeyListValLongIsSet(boolean __value) { if (!__value) { this.mapKeyListValLong = null; } } public Map,Map> getMapKeyMapValMap() { return this.mapKeyMapValMap; } public ComplexNestedStruct setMapKeyMapValMap(Map,Map> mapKeyMapValMap) { this.mapKeyMapValMap = mapKeyMapValMap; return this; } public void unsetMapKeyMapValMap() { this.mapKeyMapValMap = null; } // Returns true if field mapKeyMapValMap is set (has been assigned a value) and false otherwise public boolean isSetMapKeyMapValMap() { return this.mapKeyMapValMap != null; } public void setMapKeyMapValMapIsSet(boolean __value) { if (!__value) { this.mapKeyMapValMap = null; } } public Map>,Map>,String>> getMapKeySetValMap() { return this.mapKeySetValMap; } public ComplexNestedStruct setMapKeySetValMap(Map>,Map>,String>> mapKeySetValMap) { this.mapKeySetValMap = mapKeySetValMap; return this; } public void unsetMapKeySetValMap() { this.mapKeySetValMap = null; } // Returns true if field mapKeySetValMap is set (has been assigned a value) and false otherwise public boolean isSetMapKeySetValMap() { return this.mapKeySetValMap != null; } public void setMapKeySetValMapIsSet(boolean __value) { if (!__value) { this.mapKeySetValMap = null; } } public Map,String>,Map> getNestedMaps() { return this.NestedMaps; } public ComplexNestedStruct setNestedMaps(Map,String>,Map> NestedMaps) { this.NestedMaps = NestedMaps; return this; } public void unsetNestedMaps() { this.NestedMaps = null; } // Returns true if field NestedMaps is set (has been assigned a value) and false otherwise public boolean isSetNestedMaps() { return this.NestedMaps != null; } public void setNestedMapsIsSet(boolean __value) { if (!__value) { this.NestedMaps = null; } } public Map> getMapKeyIntValList() { return this.mapKeyIntValList; } public ComplexNestedStruct setMapKeyIntValList(Map> mapKeyIntValList) { this.mapKeyIntValList = mapKeyIntValList; return this; } public void unsetMapKeyIntValList() { this.mapKeyIntValList = null; } // Returns true if field mapKeyIntValList is set (has been assigned a value) and false otherwise public boolean isSetMapKeyIntValList() { return this.mapKeyIntValList != null; } public void setMapKeyIntValListIsSet(boolean __value) { if (!__value) { this.mapKeyIntValList = null; } } public Map> getMapKeyIntValSet() { return this.mapKeyIntValSet; } public ComplexNestedStruct setMapKeyIntValSet(Map> mapKeyIntValSet) { this.mapKeyIntValSet = mapKeyIntValSet; return this; } public void unsetMapKeyIntValSet() { this.mapKeyIntValSet = null; } // Returns true if field mapKeyIntValSet is set (has been assigned a value) and false otherwise public boolean isSetMapKeyIntValSet() { return this.mapKeyIntValSet != null; } public void setMapKeyIntValSetIsSet(boolean __value) { if (!__value) { this.mapKeyIntValSet = null; } } public Map,MyEnum> getMapKeySetValInt() { return this.mapKeySetValInt; } public ComplexNestedStruct setMapKeySetValInt(Map,MyEnum> mapKeySetValInt) { this.mapKeySetValInt = mapKeySetValInt; return this; } public void unsetMapKeySetValInt() { this.mapKeySetValInt = null; } // Returns true if field mapKeySetValInt is set (has been assigned a value) and false otherwise public boolean isSetMapKeySetValInt() { return this.mapKeySetValInt != null; } public void setMapKeySetValIntIsSet(boolean __value) { if (!__value) { this.mapKeySetValInt = null; } } public Map,Set>> getMapKeyListValSet() { return this.mapKeyListValSet; } public ComplexNestedStruct setMapKeyListValSet(Map,Set>> mapKeyListValSet) { this.mapKeyListValSet = mapKeyListValSet; return this; } public void unsetMapKeyListValSet() { this.mapKeyListValSet = null; } // Returns true if field mapKeyListValSet is set (has been assigned a value) and false otherwise public boolean isSetMapKeyListValSet() { return this.mapKeyListValSet != null; } public void setMapKeyListValSetIsSet(boolean __value) { if (!__value) { this.mapKeyListValSet = null; } } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public void setFieldValue(int fieldID, Object __value) { switch (fieldID) { case SETOFSETOFINT: if (__value == null) { unsetSetOfSetOfInt(); } else { setSetOfSetOfInt((Set>)__value); } break; case LISTOFLISTOFLISTOFLISTOFENUM: if (__value == null) { unsetListofListOfListOfListOfEnum(); } else { setListofListOfListOfListOfEnum((List>>>)__value); } break; case LISTOFLISTOFMYSTRUCT: if (__value == null) { unsetListOfListOfMyStruct(); } else { setListOfListOfMyStruct((List>)__value); } break; case SETOFLISTOFLISTOFLONG: if (__value == null) { unsetSetOfListOfListOfLong(); } else { setSetOfListOfListOfLong((Set>>)__value); } break; case SETOFSETOFSETOFLONG: if (__value == null) { unsetSetOfSetOfsetOfLong(); } else { setSetOfSetOfsetOfLong((Set>>)__value); } break; case MAPSTRUCTLISTOFLISTOFLONG: if (__value == null) { unsetMapStructListOfListOfLong(); } else { setMapStructListOfListOfLong((Map>>)__value); } break; case MKEYSTRUCTVALINT: if (__value == null) { unsetMKeyStructValInt(); } else { setMKeyStructValInt((Map)__value); } break; case LISTOFMAPKEYINTVALINT: if (__value == null) { unsetListOfMapKeyIntValInt(); } else { setListOfMapKeyIntValInt((List>)__value); } break; case LISTOFMAPKEYSTRVALLIST: if (__value == null) { unsetListOfMapKeyStrValList(); } else { setListOfMapKeyStrValList((List>>)__value); } break; case MAPKEYSETVALLONG: if (__value == null) { unsetMapKeySetValLong(); } else { setMapKeySetValLong((Map,Long>)__value); } break; case MAPKEYLISTVALLONG: if (__value == null) { unsetMapKeyListValLong(); } else { setMapKeyListValLong((Map,Integer>)__value); } break; case MAPKEYMAPVALMAP: if (__value == null) { unsetMapKeyMapValMap(); } else { setMapKeyMapValMap((Map,Map>)__value); } break; case MAPKEYSETVALMAP: if (__value == null) { unsetMapKeySetValMap(); } else { setMapKeySetValMap((Map>,Map>,String>>)__value); } break; case NESTEDMAPS: if (__value == null) { unsetNestedMaps(); } else { setNestedMaps((Map,String>,Map>)__value); } break; case MAPKEYINTVALLIST: if (__value == null) { unsetMapKeyIntValList(); } else { setMapKeyIntValList((Map>)__value); } break; case MAPKEYINTVALSET: if (__value == null) { unsetMapKeyIntValSet(); } else { setMapKeyIntValSet((Map>)__value); } break; case MAPKEYSETVALINT: if (__value == null) { unsetMapKeySetValInt(); } else { setMapKeySetValInt((Map,MyEnum>)__value); } break; case MAPKEYLISTVALSET: if (__value == null) { unsetMapKeyListValSet(); } else { setMapKeyListValSet((Map,Set>>)__value); } break; default: throw new IllegalArgumentException("Field " + fieldID + " doesn't exist!"); } } public Object getFieldValue(int fieldID) { switch (fieldID) { case SETOFSETOFINT: return getSetOfSetOfInt(); case LISTOFLISTOFLISTOFLISTOFENUM: return getListofListOfListOfListOfEnum(); case LISTOFLISTOFMYSTRUCT: return getListOfListOfMyStruct(); case SETOFLISTOFLISTOFLONG: return getSetOfListOfListOfLong(); case SETOFSETOFSETOFLONG: return getSetOfSetOfsetOfLong(); case MAPSTRUCTLISTOFLISTOFLONG: return getMapStructListOfListOfLong(); case MKEYSTRUCTVALINT: return getMKeyStructValInt(); case LISTOFMAPKEYINTVALINT: return getListOfMapKeyIntValInt(); case LISTOFMAPKEYSTRVALLIST: return getListOfMapKeyStrValList(); case MAPKEYSETVALLONG: return getMapKeySetValLong(); case MAPKEYLISTVALLONG: return getMapKeyListValLong(); case MAPKEYMAPVALMAP: return getMapKeyMapValMap(); case MAPKEYSETVALMAP: return getMapKeySetValMap(); case NESTEDMAPS: return getNestedMaps(); case MAPKEYINTVALLIST: return getMapKeyIntValList(); case MAPKEYINTVALSET: return getMapKeyIntValSet(); case MAPKEYSETVALINT: return getMapKeySetValInt(); case MAPKEYLISTVALSET: return getMapKeyListValSet(); default: throw new IllegalArgumentException("Field " + fieldID + " doesn't exist!"); } } @Override public boolean equals(Object _that) { if (_that == null) return false; if (this == _that) return true; if (!(_that instanceof ComplexNestedStruct)) return false; ComplexNestedStruct that = (ComplexNestedStruct)_that; if (!TBaseHelper.equalsNobinary(this.isSetSetOfSetOfInt(), that.isSetSetOfSetOfInt(), this.setOfSetOfInt, that.setOfSetOfInt)) { return false; } if (!TBaseHelper.equalsNobinary(this.isSetListofListOfListOfListOfEnum(), that.isSetListofListOfListOfListOfEnum(), this.listofListOfListOfListOfEnum, that.listofListOfListOfListOfEnum)) { return false; } if (!TBaseHelper.equalsNobinary(this.isSetListOfListOfMyStruct(), that.isSetListOfListOfMyStruct(), this.listOfListOfMyStruct, that.listOfListOfMyStruct)) { return false; } if (!TBaseHelper.equalsNobinary(this.isSetSetOfListOfListOfLong(), that.isSetSetOfListOfListOfLong(), this.setOfListOfListOfLong, that.setOfListOfListOfLong)) { return false; } if (!TBaseHelper.equalsNobinary(this.isSetSetOfSetOfsetOfLong(), that.isSetSetOfSetOfsetOfLong(), this.setOfSetOfsetOfLong, that.setOfSetOfsetOfLong)) { return false; } if (!TBaseHelper.equalsNobinary(this.isSetMapStructListOfListOfLong(), that.isSetMapStructListOfListOfLong(), this.mapStructListOfListOfLong, that.mapStructListOfListOfLong)) { return false; } if (!TBaseHelper.equalsNobinary(this.isSetMKeyStructValInt(), that.isSetMKeyStructValInt(), this.mKeyStructValInt, that.mKeyStructValInt)) { return false; } if (!TBaseHelper.equalsNobinary(this.isSetListOfMapKeyIntValInt(), that.isSetListOfMapKeyIntValInt(), this.listOfMapKeyIntValInt, that.listOfMapKeyIntValInt)) { return false; } if (!TBaseHelper.equalsNobinary(this.isSetListOfMapKeyStrValList(), that.isSetListOfMapKeyStrValList(), this.listOfMapKeyStrValList, that.listOfMapKeyStrValList)) { return false; } if (!TBaseHelper.equalsNobinary(this.isSetMapKeySetValLong(), that.isSetMapKeySetValLong(), this.mapKeySetValLong, that.mapKeySetValLong)) { return false; } if (!TBaseHelper.equalsNobinary(this.isSetMapKeyListValLong(), that.isSetMapKeyListValLong(), this.mapKeyListValLong, that.mapKeyListValLong)) { return false; } if (!TBaseHelper.equalsNobinary(this.isSetMapKeyMapValMap(), that.isSetMapKeyMapValMap(), this.mapKeyMapValMap, that.mapKeyMapValMap)) { return false; } if (!TBaseHelper.equalsNobinary(this.isSetMapKeySetValMap(), that.isSetMapKeySetValMap(), this.mapKeySetValMap, that.mapKeySetValMap)) { return false; } if (!TBaseHelper.equalsNobinary(this.isSetNestedMaps(), that.isSetNestedMaps(), this.NestedMaps, that.NestedMaps)) { return false; } if (!TBaseHelper.equalsNobinary(this.isSetMapKeyIntValList(), that.isSetMapKeyIntValList(), this.mapKeyIntValList, that.mapKeyIntValList)) { return false; } if (!TBaseHelper.equalsNobinary(this.isSetMapKeyIntValSet(), that.isSetMapKeyIntValSet(), this.mapKeyIntValSet, that.mapKeyIntValSet)) { return false; } if (!TBaseHelper.equalsNobinary(this.isSetMapKeySetValInt(), that.isSetMapKeySetValInt(), this.mapKeySetValInt, that.mapKeySetValInt)) { return false; } if (!TBaseHelper.equalsNobinary(this.isSetMapKeyListValSet(), that.isSetMapKeyListValSet(), this.mapKeyListValSet, that.mapKeyListValSet)) { return false; } return true; } @Override public int hashCode() { return Arrays.deepHashCode(new Object[] {setOfSetOfInt, listofListOfListOfListOfEnum, listOfListOfMyStruct, setOfListOfListOfLong, setOfSetOfsetOfLong, mapStructListOfListOfLong, mKeyStructValInt, listOfMapKeyIntValInt, listOfMapKeyStrValList, mapKeySetValLong, mapKeyListValLong, mapKeyMapValMap, mapKeySetValMap, NestedMaps, mapKeyIntValList, mapKeyIntValSet, mapKeySetValInt, mapKeyListValSet}); } public void read(TProtocol iprot) throws TException { TField __field; iprot.readStructBegin(metaDataMap); while (true) { __field = iprot.readFieldBegin(); if (__field.type == TType.STOP) { break; } switch (__field.id) { case SETOFSETOFINT: if (__field.type == TType.SET) { { TSet _set209 = iprot.readSetBegin(); this.setOfSetOfInt = new HashSet>(Math.max(0, 2*_set209.size)); for (int _i210 = 0; (_set209.size < 0) ? iprot.peekSet() : (_i210 < _set209.size); ++_i210) { Set _elem211; { TSet _set212 = iprot.readSetBegin(); _elem211 = new HashSet(Math.max(0, 2*_set212.size)); for (int _i213 = 0; (_set212.size < 0) ? iprot.peekSet() : (_i213 < _set212.size); ++_i213) { int _elem214; _elem214 = iprot.readI32(); _elem211.add(_elem214); } iprot.readSetEnd(); } this.setOfSetOfInt.add(_elem211); } iprot.readSetEnd(); } } else { TProtocolUtil.skip(iprot, __field.type); } break; case LISTOFLISTOFLISTOFLISTOFENUM: if (__field.type == TType.LIST) { { TList _list215 = iprot.readListBegin(); this.listofListOfListOfListOfEnum = new ArrayList>>>(Math.max(0, _list215.size)); for (int _i216 = 0; (_list215.size < 0) ? iprot.peekList() : (_i216 < _list215.size); ++_i216) { List>> _elem217; { TList _list218 = iprot.readListBegin(); _elem217 = new ArrayList>>(Math.max(0, _list218.size)); for (int _i219 = 0; (_list218.size < 0) ? iprot.peekList() : (_i219 < _list218.size); ++_i219) { List> _elem220; { TList _list221 = iprot.readListBegin(); _elem220 = new ArrayList>(Math.max(0, _list221.size)); for (int _i222 = 0; (_list221.size < 0) ? iprot.peekList() : (_i222 < _list221.size); ++_i222) { List _elem223; { TList _list224 = iprot.readListBegin(); _elem223 = new ArrayList(Math.max(0, _list224.size)); for (int _i225 = 0; (_list224.size < 0) ? iprot.peekList() : (_i225 < _list224.size); ++_i225) { MyEnum _elem226; _elem226 = MyEnum.findByValue(iprot.readI32()); _elem223.add(_elem226); } iprot.readListEnd(); } _elem220.add(_elem223); } iprot.readListEnd(); } _elem217.add(_elem220); } iprot.readListEnd(); } this.listofListOfListOfListOfEnum.add(_elem217); } iprot.readListEnd(); } } else { TProtocolUtil.skip(iprot, __field.type); } break; case LISTOFLISTOFMYSTRUCT: if (__field.type == TType.LIST) { { TList _list227 = iprot.readListBegin(); this.listOfListOfMyStruct = new ArrayList>(Math.max(0, _list227.size)); for (int _i228 = 0; (_list227.size < 0) ? iprot.peekList() : (_i228 < _list227.size); ++_i228) { List _elem229; { TList _list230 = iprot.readListBegin(); _elem229 = new ArrayList(Math.max(0, _list230.size)); for (int _i231 = 0; (_list230.size < 0) ? iprot.peekList() : (_i231 < _list230.size); ++_i231) { MyStruct _elem232; _elem232 = new MyStruct(); _elem232.read(iprot); _elem229.add(_elem232); } iprot.readListEnd(); } this.listOfListOfMyStruct.add(_elem229); } iprot.readListEnd(); } } else { TProtocolUtil.skip(iprot, __field.type); } break; case SETOFLISTOFLISTOFLONG: if (__field.type == TType.SET) { { TSet _set233 = iprot.readSetBegin(); this.setOfListOfListOfLong = new HashSet>>(Math.max(0, 2*_set233.size)); for (int _i234 = 0; (_set233.size < 0) ? iprot.peekSet() : (_i234 < _set233.size); ++_i234) { List> _elem235; { TList _list236 = iprot.readListBegin(); _elem235 = new ArrayList>(Math.max(0, _list236.size)); for (int _i237 = 0; (_list236.size < 0) ? iprot.peekList() : (_i237 < _list236.size); ++_i237) { List _elem238; { TList _list239 = iprot.readListBegin(); _elem238 = new ArrayList(Math.max(0, _list239.size)); for (int _i240 = 0; (_list239.size < 0) ? iprot.peekList() : (_i240 < _list239.size); ++_i240) { long _elem241; _elem241 = iprot.readI64(); _elem238.add(_elem241); } iprot.readListEnd(); } _elem235.add(_elem238); } iprot.readListEnd(); } this.setOfListOfListOfLong.add(_elem235); } iprot.readSetEnd(); } } else { TProtocolUtil.skip(iprot, __field.type); } break; case SETOFSETOFSETOFLONG: if (__field.type == TType.SET) { { TSet _set242 = iprot.readSetBegin(); this.setOfSetOfsetOfLong = new HashSet>>(Math.max(0, 2*_set242.size)); for (int _i243 = 0; (_set242.size < 0) ? iprot.peekSet() : (_i243 < _set242.size); ++_i243) { Set> _elem244; { TSet _set245 = iprot.readSetBegin(); _elem244 = new HashSet>(Math.max(0, 2*_set245.size)); for (int _i246 = 0; (_set245.size < 0) ? iprot.peekSet() : (_i246 < _set245.size); ++_i246) { Set _elem247; { TSet _set248 = iprot.readSetBegin(); _elem247 = new HashSet(Math.max(0, 2*_set248.size)); for (int _i249 = 0; (_set248.size < 0) ? iprot.peekSet() : (_i249 < _set248.size); ++_i249) { long _elem250; _elem250 = iprot.readI64(); _elem247.add(_elem250); } iprot.readSetEnd(); } _elem244.add(_elem247); } iprot.readSetEnd(); } this.setOfSetOfsetOfLong.add(_elem244); } iprot.readSetEnd(); } } else { TProtocolUtil.skip(iprot, __field.type); } break; case MAPSTRUCTLISTOFLISTOFLONG: if (__field.type == TType.MAP) { { TMap _map251 = iprot.readMapBegin(); this.mapStructListOfListOfLong = new HashMap>>(Math.max(0, 2*_map251.size)); for (int _i252 = 0; (_map251.size < 0) ? iprot.peekMap() : (_i252 < _map251.size); ++_i252) { int _key253; List> _val254; _key253 = iprot.readI32(); { TList _list255 = iprot.readListBegin(); _val254 = new ArrayList>(Math.max(0, _list255.size)); for (int _i256 = 0; (_list255.size < 0) ? iprot.peekList() : (_i256 < _list255.size); ++_i256) { List _elem257; { TList _list258 = iprot.readListBegin(); _elem257 = new ArrayList(Math.max(0, _list258.size)); for (int _i259 = 0; (_list258.size < 0) ? iprot.peekList() : (_i259 < _list258.size); ++_i259) { MyStruct _elem260; _elem260 = new MyStruct(); _elem260.read(iprot); _elem257.add(_elem260); } iprot.readListEnd(); } _val254.add(_elem257); } iprot.readListEnd(); } this.mapStructListOfListOfLong.put(_key253, _val254); } iprot.readMapEnd(); } } else { TProtocolUtil.skip(iprot, __field.type); } break; case MKEYSTRUCTVALINT: if (__field.type == TType.MAP) { { TMap _map261 = iprot.readMapBegin(); this.mKeyStructValInt = new HashMap(Math.max(0, 2*_map261.size)); for (int _i262 = 0; (_map261.size < 0) ? iprot.peekMap() : (_i262 < _map261.size); ++_i262) { MyStruct _key263; int _val264; _key263 = new MyStruct(); _key263.read(iprot); _val264 = iprot.readI32(); this.mKeyStructValInt.put(_key263, _val264); } iprot.readMapEnd(); } } else { TProtocolUtil.skip(iprot, __field.type); } break; case LISTOFMAPKEYINTVALINT: if (__field.type == TType.LIST) { { TList _list265 = iprot.readListBegin(); this.listOfMapKeyIntValInt = new ArrayList>(Math.max(0, _list265.size)); for (int _i266 = 0; (_list265.size < 0) ? iprot.peekList() : (_i266 < _list265.size); ++_i266) { Map _elem267; { TMap _map268 = iprot.readMapBegin(); _elem267 = new HashMap(Math.max(0, 2*_map268.size)); for (int _i269 = 0; (_map268.size < 0) ? iprot.peekMap() : (_i269 < _map268.size); ++_i269) { int _key270; int _val271; _key270 = iprot.readI32(); _val271 = iprot.readI32(); _elem267.put(_key270, _val271); } iprot.readMapEnd(); } this.listOfMapKeyIntValInt.add(_elem267); } iprot.readListEnd(); } } else { TProtocolUtil.skip(iprot, __field.type); } break; case LISTOFMAPKEYSTRVALLIST: if (__field.type == TType.LIST) { { TList _list272 = iprot.readListBegin(); this.listOfMapKeyStrValList = new ArrayList>>(Math.max(0, _list272.size)); for (int _i273 = 0; (_list272.size < 0) ? iprot.peekList() : (_i273 < _list272.size); ++_i273) { Map> _elem274; { TMap _map275 = iprot.readMapBegin(); _elem274 = new HashMap>(Math.max(0, 2*_map275.size)); for (int _i276 = 0; (_map275.size < 0) ? iprot.peekMap() : (_i276 < _map275.size); ++_i276) { String _key277; List _val278; _key277 = iprot.readString(); { TList _list279 = iprot.readListBegin(); _val278 = new ArrayList(Math.max(0, _list279.size)); for (int _i280 = 0; (_list279.size < 0) ? iprot.peekList() : (_i280 < _list279.size); ++_i280) { MyStruct _elem281; _elem281 = new MyStruct(); _elem281.read(iprot); _val278.add(_elem281); } iprot.readListEnd(); } _elem274.put(_key277, _val278); } iprot.readMapEnd(); } this.listOfMapKeyStrValList.add(_elem274); } iprot.readListEnd(); } } else { TProtocolUtil.skip(iprot, __field.type); } break; case MAPKEYSETVALLONG: if (__field.type == TType.MAP) { { TMap _map282 = iprot.readMapBegin(); this.mapKeySetValLong = new HashMap,Long>(Math.max(0, 2*_map282.size)); for (int _i283 = 0; (_map282.size < 0) ? iprot.peekMap() : (_i283 < _map282.size); ++_i283) { Set _key284; long _val285; { TSet _set286 = iprot.readSetBegin(); _key284 = new HashSet(Math.max(0, 2*_set286.size)); for (int _i287 = 0; (_set286.size < 0) ? iprot.peekSet() : (_i287 < _set286.size); ++_i287) { int _elem288; _elem288 = iprot.readI32(); _key284.add(_elem288); } iprot.readSetEnd(); } _val285 = iprot.readI64(); this.mapKeySetValLong.put(_key284, _val285); } iprot.readMapEnd(); } } else { TProtocolUtil.skip(iprot, __field.type); } break; case MAPKEYLISTVALLONG: if (__field.type == TType.MAP) { { TMap _map289 = iprot.readMapBegin(); this.mapKeyListValLong = new HashMap,Integer>(Math.max(0, 2*_map289.size)); for (int _i290 = 0; (_map289.size < 0) ? iprot.peekMap() : (_i290 < _map289.size); ++_i290) { List _key291; int _val292; { TList _list293 = iprot.readListBegin(); _key291 = new ArrayList(Math.max(0, _list293.size)); for (int _i294 = 0; (_list293.size < 0) ? iprot.peekList() : (_i294 < _list293.size); ++_i294) { String _elem295; _elem295 = iprot.readString(); _key291.add(_elem295); } iprot.readListEnd(); } _val292 = iprot.readI32(); this.mapKeyListValLong.put(_key291, _val292); } iprot.readMapEnd(); } } else { TProtocolUtil.skip(iprot, __field.type); } break; case MAPKEYMAPVALMAP: if (__field.type == TType.MAP) { { TMap _map296 = iprot.readMapBegin(); this.mapKeyMapValMap = new HashMap,Map>(Math.max(0, 2*_map296.size)); for (int _i297 = 0; (_map296.size < 0) ? iprot.peekMap() : (_i297 < _map296.size); ++_i297) { Map _key298; Map _val299; { TMap _map300 = iprot.readMapBegin(); _key298 = new HashMap(Math.max(0, 2*_map300.size)); for (int _i301 = 0; (_map300.size < 0) ? iprot.peekMap() : (_i301 < _map300.size); ++_i301) { int _key302; String _val303; _key302 = iprot.readI32(); _val303 = iprot.readString(); _key298.put(_key302, _val303); } iprot.readMapEnd(); } { TMap _map304 = iprot.readMapBegin(); _val299 = new HashMap(Math.max(0, 2*_map304.size)); for (int _i305 = 0; (_map304.size < 0) ? iprot.peekMap() : (_i305 < _map304.size); ++_i305) { int _key306; String _val307; _key306 = iprot.readI32(); _val307 = iprot.readString(); _val299.put(_key306, _val307); } iprot.readMapEnd(); } this.mapKeyMapValMap.put(_key298, _val299); } iprot.readMapEnd(); } } else { TProtocolUtil.skip(iprot, __field.type); } break; case MAPKEYSETVALMAP: if (__field.type == TType.MAP) { { TMap _map308 = iprot.readMapBegin(); this.mapKeySetValMap = new HashMap>,Map>,String>>(Math.max(0, 2*_map308.size)); for (int _i309 = 0; (_map308.size < 0) ? iprot.peekMap() : (_i309 < _map308.size); ++_i309) { Set> _key310; Map>,String> _val311; { TSet _set312 = iprot.readSetBegin(); _key310 = new HashSet>(Math.max(0, 2*_set312.size)); for (int _i313 = 0; (_set312.size < 0) ? iprot.peekSet() : (_i313 < _set312.size); ++_i313) { List _elem314; { TList _list315 = iprot.readListBegin(); _elem314 = new ArrayList(Math.max(0, _list315.size)); for (int _i316 = 0; (_list315.size < 0) ? iprot.peekList() : (_i316 < _list315.size); ++_i316) { int _elem317; _elem317 = iprot.readI32(); _elem314.add(_elem317); } iprot.readListEnd(); } _key310.add(_elem314); } iprot.readSetEnd(); } { TMap _map318 = iprot.readMapBegin(); _val311 = new HashMap>,String>(Math.max(0, 2*_map318.size)); for (int _i319 = 0; (_map318.size < 0) ? iprot.peekMap() : (_i319 < _map318.size); ++_i319) { List> _key320; String _val321; { TList _list322 = iprot.readListBegin(); _key320 = new ArrayList>(Math.max(0, _list322.size)); for (int _i323 = 0; (_list322.size < 0) ? iprot.peekList() : (_i323 < _list322.size); ++_i323) { Set _elem324; { TSet _set325 = iprot.readSetBegin(); _elem324 = new HashSet(Math.max(0, 2*_set325.size)); for (int _i326 = 0; (_set325.size < 0) ? iprot.peekSet() : (_i326 < _set325.size); ++_i326) { String _elem327; _elem327 = iprot.readString(); _elem324.add(_elem327); } iprot.readSetEnd(); } _key320.add(_elem324); } iprot.readListEnd(); } _val321 = iprot.readString(); _val311.put(_key320, _val321); } iprot.readMapEnd(); } this.mapKeySetValMap.put(_key310, _val311); } iprot.readMapEnd(); } } else { TProtocolUtil.skip(iprot, __field.type); } break; case NESTEDMAPS: if (__field.type == TType.MAP) { { TMap _map328 = iprot.readMapBegin(); this.NestedMaps = new HashMap,String>,Map>(Math.max(0, 2*_map328.size)); for (int _i329 = 0; (_map328.size < 0) ? iprot.peekMap() : (_i329 < _map328.size); ++_i329) { Map,String> _key330; Map _val331; { TMap _map332 = iprot.readMapBegin(); _key330 = new HashMap,String>(Math.max(0, 2*_map332.size)); for (int _i333 = 0; (_map332.size < 0) ? iprot.peekMap() : (_i333 < _map332.size); ++_i333) { Map _key334; String _val335; { TMap _map336 = iprot.readMapBegin(); _key334 = new HashMap(Math.max(0, 2*_map336.size)); for (int _i337 = 0; (_map336.size < 0) ? iprot.peekMap() : (_i337 < _map336.size); ++_i337) { int _key338; String _val339; _key338 = iprot.readI32(); _val339 = iprot.readString(); _key334.put(_key338, _val339); } iprot.readMapEnd(); } _val335 = iprot.readString(); _key330.put(_key334, _val335); } iprot.readMapEnd(); } { TMap _map340 = iprot.readMapBegin(); _val331 = new HashMap(Math.max(0, 2*_map340.size)); for (int _i341 = 0; (_map340.size < 0) ? iprot.peekMap() : (_i341 < _map340.size); ++_i341) { int _key342; String _val343; _key342 = iprot.readI32(); _val343 = iprot.readString(); _val331.put(_key342, _val343); } iprot.readMapEnd(); } this.NestedMaps.put(_key330, _val331); } iprot.readMapEnd(); } } else { TProtocolUtil.skip(iprot, __field.type); } break; case MAPKEYINTVALLIST: if (__field.type == TType.MAP) { { TMap _map344 = iprot.readMapBegin(); this.mapKeyIntValList = new HashMap>(Math.max(0, 2*_map344.size)); for (int _i345 = 0; (_map344.size < 0) ? iprot.peekMap() : (_i345 < _map344.size); ++_i345) { int _key346; List _val347; _key346 = iprot.readI32(); { TList _list348 = iprot.readListBegin(); _val347 = new ArrayList(Math.max(0, _list348.size)); for (int _i349 = 0; (_list348.size < 0) ? iprot.peekList() : (_i349 < _list348.size); ++_i349) { MyStruct _elem350; _elem350 = new MyStruct(); _elem350.read(iprot); _val347.add(_elem350); } iprot.readListEnd(); } this.mapKeyIntValList.put(_key346, _val347); } iprot.readMapEnd(); } } else { TProtocolUtil.skip(iprot, __field.type); } break; case MAPKEYINTVALSET: if (__field.type == TType.MAP) { { TMap _map351 = iprot.readMapBegin(); this.mapKeyIntValSet = new HashMap>(Math.max(0, 2*_map351.size)); for (int _i352 = 0; (_map351.size < 0) ? iprot.peekMap() : (_i352 < _map351.size); ++_i352) { int _key353; Set _val354; _key353 = iprot.readI32(); { TSet _set355 = iprot.readSetBegin(); _val354 = new HashSet(Math.max(0, 2*_set355.size)); for (int _i356 = 0; (_set355.size < 0) ? iprot.peekSet() : (_i356 < _set355.size); ++_i356) { boolean _elem357; _elem357 = iprot.readBool(); _val354.add(_elem357); } iprot.readSetEnd(); } this.mapKeyIntValSet.put(_key353, _val354); } iprot.readMapEnd(); } } else { TProtocolUtil.skip(iprot, __field.type); } break; case MAPKEYSETVALINT: if (__field.type == TType.MAP) { { TMap _map358 = iprot.readMapBegin(); this.mapKeySetValInt = new HashMap,MyEnum>(Math.max(0, 2*_map358.size)); for (int _i359 = 0; (_map358.size < 0) ? iprot.peekMap() : (_i359 < _map358.size); ++_i359) { Set _key360; MyEnum _val361; { TSet _set362 = iprot.readSetBegin(); _key360 = new HashSet(Math.max(0, 2*_set362.size)); for (int _i363 = 0; (_set362.size < 0) ? iprot.peekSet() : (_i363 < _set362.size); ++_i363) { boolean _elem364; _elem364 = iprot.readBool(); _key360.add(_elem364); } iprot.readSetEnd(); } _val361 = MyEnum.findByValue(iprot.readI32()); this.mapKeySetValInt.put(_key360, _val361); } iprot.readMapEnd(); } } else { TProtocolUtil.skip(iprot, __field.type); } break; case MAPKEYLISTVALSET: if (__field.type == TType.MAP) { { TMap _map365 = iprot.readMapBegin(); this.mapKeyListValSet = new HashMap,Set>>(Math.max(0, 2*_map365.size)); for (int _i366 = 0; (_map365.size < 0) ? iprot.peekMap() : (_i366 < _map365.size); ++_i366) { List _key367; Set> _val368; { TList _list369 = iprot.readListBegin(); _key367 = new ArrayList(Math.max(0, _list369.size)); for (int _i370 = 0; (_list369.size < 0) ? iprot.peekList() : (_i370 < _list369.size); ++_i370) { int _elem371; _elem371 = iprot.readI32(); _key367.add(_elem371); } iprot.readListEnd(); } { TSet _set372 = iprot.readSetBegin(); _val368 = new HashSet>(Math.max(0, 2*_set372.size)); for (int _i373 = 0; (_set372.size < 0) ? iprot.peekSet() : (_i373 < _set372.size); ++_i373) { Map _elem374; { TMap _map375 = iprot.readMapBegin(); _elem374 = new HashMap(Math.max(0, 2*_map375.size)); for (int _i376 = 0; (_map375.size < 0) ? iprot.peekMap() : (_i376 < _map375.size); ++_i376) { double _key377; String _val378; _key377 = iprot.readDouble(); _val378 = iprot.readString(); _elem374.put(_key377, _val378); } iprot.readMapEnd(); } _val368.add(_elem374); } iprot.readSetEnd(); } this.mapKeyListValSet.put(_key367, _val368); } iprot.readMapEnd(); } } else { TProtocolUtil.skip(iprot, __field.type); } break; default: TProtocolUtil.skip(iprot, __field.type); break; } iprot.readFieldEnd(); } iprot.readStructEnd(); // check for required fields of primitive type, which can't be checked in the validate method validate(); } public void write(TProtocol oprot) throws TException { validate(); oprot.writeStructBegin(STRUCT_DESC); if (this.setOfSetOfInt != null) { oprot.writeFieldBegin(SET_OF_SET_OF_INT_FIELD_DESC); { oprot.writeSetBegin(new TSet(TType.SET, this.setOfSetOfInt.size())); for (Set _iter379 : this.setOfSetOfInt) { { oprot.writeSetBegin(new TSet(TType.I32, _iter379.size())); for (int _iter380 : _iter379) { oprot.writeI32(_iter380); } oprot.writeSetEnd(); } } oprot.writeSetEnd(); } oprot.writeFieldEnd(); } if (this.listofListOfListOfListOfEnum != null) { oprot.writeFieldBegin(LISTOF_LIST_OF_LIST_OF_LIST_OF_ENUM_FIELD_DESC); { oprot.writeListBegin(new TList(TType.LIST, this.listofListOfListOfListOfEnum.size())); for (List>> _iter381 : this.listofListOfListOfListOfEnum) { { oprot.writeListBegin(new TList(TType.LIST, _iter381.size())); for (List> _iter382 : _iter381) { { oprot.writeListBegin(new TList(TType.LIST, _iter382.size())); for (List _iter383 : _iter382) { { oprot.writeListBegin(new TList(TType.I32, _iter383.size())); for (MyEnum _iter384 : _iter383) { oprot.writeI32(_iter384 == null ? 0 : _iter384.getValue()); } oprot.writeListEnd(); } } oprot.writeListEnd(); } } oprot.writeListEnd(); } } oprot.writeListEnd(); } oprot.writeFieldEnd(); } if (this.listOfListOfMyStruct != null) { oprot.writeFieldBegin(LIST_OF_LIST_OF_MY_STRUCT_FIELD_DESC); { oprot.writeListBegin(new TList(TType.LIST, this.listOfListOfMyStruct.size())); for (List _iter385 : this.listOfListOfMyStruct) { { oprot.writeListBegin(new TList(TType.STRUCT, _iter385.size())); for (MyStruct _iter386 : _iter385) { _iter386.write(oprot); } oprot.writeListEnd(); } } oprot.writeListEnd(); } oprot.writeFieldEnd(); } if (this.setOfListOfListOfLong != null) { oprot.writeFieldBegin(SET_OF_LIST_OF_LIST_OF_LONG_FIELD_DESC); { oprot.writeSetBegin(new TSet(TType.LIST, this.setOfListOfListOfLong.size())); for (List> _iter387 : this.setOfListOfListOfLong) { { oprot.writeListBegin(new TList(TType.LIST, _iter387.size())); for (List _iter388 : _iter387) { { oprot.writeListBegin(new TList(TType.I64, _iter388.size())); for (long _iter389 : _iter388) { oprot.writeI64(_iter389); } oprot.writeListEnd(); } } oprot.writeListEnd(); } } oprot.writeSetEnd(); } oprot.writeFieldEnd(); } if (this.setOfSetOfsetOfLong != null) { oprot.writeFieldBegin(SET_OF_SET_OFSET_OF_LONG_FIELD_DESC); { oprot.writeSetBegin(new TSet(TType.SET, this.setOfSetOfsetOfLong.size())); for (Set> _iter390 : this.setOfSetOfsetOfLong) { { oprot.writeSetBegin(new TSet(TType.SET, _iter390.size())); for (Set _iter391 : _iter390) { { oprot.writeSetBegin(new TSet(TType.I64, _iter391.size())); for (long _iter392 : _iter391) { oprot.writeI64(_iter392); } oprot.writeSetEnd(); } } oprot.writeSetEnd(); } } oprot.writeSetEnd(); } oprot.writeFieldEnd(); } if (this.mapStructListOfListOfLong != null) { oprot.writeFieldBegin(MAP_STRUCT_LIST_OF_LIST_OF_LONG_FIELD_DESC); { oprot.writeMapBegin(new TMap(TType.I32, TType.LIST, this.mapStructListOfListOfLong.size())); for (Map.Entry>> _iter393 : this.mapStructListOfListOfLong.entrySet()) { oprot.writeI32(_iter393.getKey()); { oprot.writeListBegin(new TList(TType.LIST, _iter393.getValue().size())); for (List _iter394 : _iter393.getValue()) { { oprot.writeListBegin(new TList(TType.STRUCT, _iter394.size())); for (MyStruct _iter395 : _iter394) { _iter395.write(oprot); } oprot.writeListEnd(); } } oprot.writeListEnd(); } } oprot.writeMapEnd(); } oprot.writeFieldEnd(); } if (this.mKeyStructValInt != null) { oprot.writeFieldBegin(M_KEY_STRUCT_VAL_INT_FIELD_DESC); { oprot.writeMapBegin(new TMap(TType.STRUCT, TType.I32, this.mKeyStructValInt.size())); for (Map.Entry _iter396 : this.mKeyStructValInt.entrySet()) { _iter396.getKey().write(oprot); oprot.writeI32(_iter396.getValue()); } oprot.writeMapEnd(); } oprot.writeFieldEnd(); } if (this.listOfMapKeyIntValInt != null) { oprot.writeFieldBegin(LIST_OF_MAP_KEY_INT_VAL_INT_FIELD_DESC); { oprot.writeListBegin(new TList(TType.MAP, this.listOfMapKeyIntValInt.size())); for (Map _iter397 : this.listOfMapKeyIntValInt) { { oprot.writeMapBegin(new TMap(TType.I32, TType.I32, _iter397.size())); for (Map.Entry _iter398 : _iter397.entrySet()) { oprot.writeI32(_iter398.getKey()); oprot.writeI32(_iter398.getValue()); } oprot.writeMapEnd(); } } oprot.writeListEnd(); } oprot.writeFieldEnd(); } if (this.listOfMapKeyStrValList != null) { oprot.writeFieldBegin(LIST_OF_MAP_KEY_STR_VAL_LIST_FIELD_DESC); { oprot.writeListBegin(new TList(TType.MAP, this.listOfMapKeyStrValList.size())); for (Map> _iter399 : this.listOfMapKeyStrValList) { { oprot.writeMapBegin(new TMap(TType.STRING, TType.LIST, _iter399.size())); for (Map.Entry> _iter400 : _iter399.entrySet()) { oprot.writeString(_iter400.getKey()); { oprot.writeListBegin(new TList(TType.STRUCT, _iter400.getValue().size())); for (MyStruct _iter401 : _iter400.getValue()) { _iter401.write(oprot); } oprot.writeListEnd(); } } oprot.writeMapEnd(); } } oprot.writeListEnd(); } oprot.writeFieldEnd(); } if (this.mapKeySetValLong != null) { oprot.writeFieldBegin(MAP_KEY_SET_VAL_LONG_FIELD_DESC); { oprot.writeMapBegin(new TMap(TType.SET, TType.I64, this.mapKeySetValLong.size())); for (Map.Entry, Long> _iter402 : this.mapKeySetValLong.entrySet()) { { oprot.writeSetBegin(new TSet(TType.I32, _iter402.getKey().size())); for (int _iter403 : _iter402.getKey()) { oprot.writeI32(_iter403); } oprot.writeSetEnd(); } oprot.writeI64(_iter402.getValue()); } oprot.writeMapEnd(); } oprot.writeFieldEnd(); } if (this.mapKeyListValLong != null) { oprot.writeFieldBegin(MAP_KEY_LIST_VAL_LONG_FIELD_DESC); { oprot.writeMapBegin(new TMap(TType.LIST, TType.I32, this.mapKeyListValLong.size())); for (Map.Entry, Integer> _iter404 : this.mapKeyListValLong.entrySet()) { { oprot.writeListBegin(new TList(TType.STRING, _iter404.getKey().size())); for (String _iter405 : _iter404.getKey()) { oprot.writeString(_iter405); } oprot.writeListEnd(); } oprot.writeI32(_iter404.getValue()); } oprot.writeMapEnd(); } oprot.writeFieldEnd(); } if (this.mapKeyMapValMap != null) { oprot.writeFieldBegin(MAP_KEY_MAP_VAL_MAP_FIELD_DESC); { oprot.writeMapBegin(new TMap(TType.MAP, TType.MAP, this.mapKeyMapValMap.size())); for (Map.Entry, Map> _iter406 : this.mapKeyMapValMap.entrySet()) { { oprot.writeMapBegin(new TMap(TType.I32, TType.STRING, _iter406.getKey().size())); for (Map.Entry _iter407 : _iter406.getKey().entrySet()) { oprot.writeI32(_iter407.getKey()); oprot.writeString(_iter407.getValue()); } oprot.writeMapEnd(); } { oprot.writeMapBegin(new TMap(TType.I32, TType.STRING, _iter406.getValue().size())); for (Map.Entry _iter408 : _iter406.getValue().entrySet()) { oprot.writeI32(_iter408.getKey()); oprot.writeString(_iter408.getValue()); } oprot.writeMapEnd(); } } oprot.writeMapEnd(); } oprot.writeFieldEnd(); } if (this.mapKeySetValMap != null) { oprot.writeFieldBegin(MAP_KEY_SET_VAL_MAP_FIELD_DESC); { oprot.writeMapBegin(new TMap(TType.SET, TType.MAP, this.mapKeySetValMap.size())); for (Map.Entry>, Map>,String>> _iter409 : this.mapKeySetValMap.entrySet()) { { oprot.writeSetBegin(new TSet(TType.LIST, _iter409.getKey().size())); for (List _iter410 : _iter409.getKey()) { { oprot.writeListBegin(new TList(TType.I32, _iter410.size())); for (int _iter411 : _iter410) { oprot.writeI32(_iter411); } oprot.writeListEnd(); } } oprot.writeSetEnd(); } { oprot.writeMapBegin(new TMap(TType.LIST, TType.STRING, _iter409.getValue().size())); for (Map.Entry>, String> _iter412 : _iter409.getValue().entrySet()) { { oprot.writeListBegin(new TList(TType.SET, _iter412.getKey().size())); for (Set _iter413 : _iter412.getKey()) { { oprot.writeSetBegin(new TSet(TType.STRING, _iter413.size())); for (String _iter414 : _iter413) { oprot.writeString(_iter414); } oprot.writeSetEnd(); } } oprot.writeListEnd(); } oprot.writeString(_iter412.getValue()); } oprot.writeMapEnd(); } } oprot.writeMapEnd(); } oprot.writeFieldEnd(); } if (this.NestedMaps != null) { oprot.writeFieldBegin(NESTED_MAPS_FIELD_DESC); { oprot.writeMapBegin(new TMap(TType.MAP, TType.MAP, this.NestedMaps.size())); for (Map.Entry,String>, Map> _iter415 : this.NestedMaps.entrySet()) { { oprot.writeMapBegin(new TMap(TType.MAP, TType.STRING, _iter415.getKey().size())); for (Map.Entry, String> _iter416 : _iter415.getKey().entrySet()) { { oprot.writeMapBegin(new TMap(TType.I32, TType.STRING, _iter416.getKey().size())); for (Map.Entry _iter417 : _iter416.getKey().entrySet()) { oprot.writeI32(_iter417.getKey()); oprot.writeString(_iter417.getValue()); } oprot.writeMapEnd(); } oprot.writeString(_iter416.getValue()); } oprot.writeMapEnd(); } { oprot.writeMapBegin(new TMap(TType.I32, TType.STRING, _iter415.getValue().size())); for (Map.Entry _iter418 : _iter415.getValue().entrySet()) { oprot.writeI32(_iter418.getKey()); oprot.writeString(_iter418.getValue()); } oprot.writeMapEnd(); } } oprot.writeMapEnd(); } oprot.writeFieldEnd(); } if (this.mapKeyIntValList != null) { oprot.writeFieldBegin(MAP_KEY_INT_VAL_LIST_FIELD_DESC); { oprot.writeMapBegin(new TMap(TType.I32, TType.LIST, this.mapKeyIntValList.size())); for (Map.Entry> _iter419 : this.mapKeyIntValList.entrySet()) { oprot.writeI32(_iter419.getKey()); { oprot.writeListBegin(new TList(TType.STRUCT, _iter419.getValue().size())); for (MyStruct _iter420 : _iter419.getValue()) { _iter420.write(oprot); } oprot.writeListEnd(); } } oprot.writeMapEnd(); } oprot.writeFieldEnd(); } if (this.mapKeyIntValSet != null) { oprot.writeFieldBegin(MAP_KEY_INT_VAL_SET_FIELD_DESC); { oprot.writeMapBegin(new TMap(TType.I32, TType.SET, this.mapKeyIntValSet.size())); for (Map.Entry> _iter421 : this.mapKeyIntValSet.entrySet()) { oprot.writeI32(_iter421.getKey()); { oprot.writeSetBegin(new TSet(TType.BOOL, _iter421.getValue().size())); for (boolean _iter422 : _iter421.getValue()) { oprot.writeBool(_iter422); } oprot.writeSetEnd(); } } oprot.writeMapEnd(); } oprot.writeFieldEnd(); } if (this.mapKeySetValInt != null) { oprot.writeFieldBegin(MAP_KEY_SET_VAL_INT_FIELD_DESC); { oprot.writeMapBegin(new TMap(TType.SET, TType.I32, this.mapKeySetValInt.size())); for (Map.Entry, MyEnum> _iter423 : this.mapKeySetValInt.entrySet()) { { oprot.writeSetBegin(new TSet(TType.BOOL, _iter423.getKey().size())); for (boolean _iter424 : _iter423.getKey()) { oprot.writeBool(_iter424); } oprot.writeSetEnd(); } oprot.writeI32(_iter423.getValue() == null ? 0 : _iter423.getValue().getValue()); } oprot.writeMapEnd(); } oprot.writeFieldEnd(); } if (this.mapKeyListValSet != null) { oprot.writeFieldBegin(MAP_KEY_LIST_VAL_SET_FIELD_DESC); { oprot.writeMapBegin(new TMap(TType.LIST, TType.SET, this.mapKeyListValSet.size())); for (Map.Entry, Set>> _iter425 : this.mapKeyListValSet.entrySet()) { { oprot.writeListBegin(new TList(TType.I32, _iter425.getKey().size())); for (int _iter426 : _iter425.getKey()) { oprot.writeI32(_iter426); } oprot.writeListEnd(); } { oprot.writeSetBegin(new TSet(TType.MAP, _iter425.getValue().size())); for (Map _iter427 : _iter425.getValue()) { { oprot.writeMapBegin(new TMap(TType.DOUBLE, TType.STRING, _iter427.size())); for (Map.Entry _iter428 : _iter427.entrySet()) { oprot.writeDouble(_iter428.getKey()); oprot.writeString(_iter428.getValue()); } oprot.writeMapEnd(); } } oprot.writeSetEnd(); } } oprot.writeMapEnd(); } oprot.writeFieldEnd(); } oprot.writeFieldStop(); oprot.writeStructEnd(); } @Override public String toString() { return toString(1, true); } @Override public String toString(int indent, boolean prettyPrint) { String indentStr = prettyPrint ? TBaseHelper.getIndentedString(indent) : ""; String newLine = prettyPrint ? "\n" : ""; String space = prettyPrint ? " " : ""; StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder("ComplexNestedStruct"); sb.append(space); sb.append("("); sb.append(newLine); boolean first = true; sb.append(indentStr); sb.append("setOfSetOfInt"); sb.append(space); sb.append(":").append(space); if (this.getSetOfSetOfInt() == null) { sb.append("null"); } else { sb.append(TBaseHelper.toString(this.getSetOfSetOfInt(), indent + 1, prettyPrint)); } first = false; if (!first) sb.append("," + newLine); sb.append(indentStr); sb.append("listofListOfListOfListOfEnum"); sb.append(space); sb.append(":").append(space); if (this.getListofListOfListOfListOfEnum() == null) { sb.append("null"); } else { sb.append(TBaseHelper.toString(this.getListofListOfListOfListOfEnum(), indent + 1, prettyPrint)); } first = false; if (!first) sb.append("," + newLine); sb.append(indentStr); sb.append("listOfListOfMyStruct"); sb.append(space); sb.append(":").append(space); if (this.getListOfListOfMyStruct() == null) { sb.append("null"); } else { sb.append(TBaseHelper.toString(this.getListOfListOfMyStruct(), indent + 1, prettyPrint)); } first = false; if (!first) sb.append("," + newLine); sb.append(indentStr); sb.append("setOfListOfListOfLong"); sb.append(space); sb.append(":").append(space); if (this.getSetOfListOfListOfLong() == null) { sb.append("null"); } else { sb.append(TBaseHelper.toString(this.getSetOfListOfListOfLong(), indent + 1, prettyPrint)); } first = false; if (!first) sb.append("," + newLine); sb.append(indentStr); sb.append("setOfSetOfsetOfLong"); sb.append(space); sb.append(":").append(space); if (this.getSetOfSetOfsetOfLong() == null) { sb.append("null"); } else { sb.append(TBaseHelper.toString(this.getSetOfSetOfsetOfLong(), indent + 1, prettyPrint)); } first = false; if (!first) sb.append("," + newLine); sb.append(indentStr); sb.append("mapStructListOfListOfLong"); sb.append(space); sb.append(":").append(space); if (this.getMapStructListOfListOfLong() == null) { sb.append("null"); } else { sb.append(TBaseHelper.toString(this.getMapStructListOfListOfLong(), indent + 1, prettyPrint)); } first = false; if (!first) sb.append("," + newLine); sb.append(indentStr); sb.append("mKeyStructValInt"); sb.append(space); sb.append(":").append(space); if (this.getMKeyStructValInt() == null) { sb.append("null"); } else { sb.append(TBaseHelper.toString(this.getMKeyStructValInt(), indent + 1, prettyPrint)); } first = false; if (!first) sb.append("," + newLine); sb.append(indentStr); sb.append("listOfMapKeyIntValInt"); sb.append(space); sb.append(":").append(space); if (this.getListOfMapKeyIntValInt() == null) { sb.append("null"); } else { sb.append(TBaseHelper.toString(this.getListOfMapKeyIntValInt(), indent + 1, prettyPrint)); } first = false; if (!first) sb.append("," + newLine); sb.append(indentStr); sb.append("listOfMapKeyStrValList"); sb.append(space); sb.append(":").append(space); if (this.getListOfMapKeyStrValList() == null) { sb.append("null"); } else { sb.append(TBaseHelper.toString(this.getListOfMapKeyStrValList(), indent + 1, prettyPrint)); } first = false; if (!first) sb.append("," + newLine); sb.append(indentStr); sb.append("mapKeySetValLong"); sb.append(space); sb.append(":").append(space); if (this.getMapKeySetValLong() == null) { sb.append("null"); } else { sb.append(TBaseHelper.toString(this.getMapKeySetValLong(), indent + 1, prettyPrint)); } first = false; if (!first) sb.append("," + newLine); sb.append(indentStr); sb.append("mapKeyListValLong"); sb.append(space); sb.append(":").append(space); if (this.getMapKeyListValLong() == null) { sb.append("null"); } else { sb.append(TBaseHelper.toString(this.getMapKeyListValLong(), indent + 1, prettyPrint)); } first = false; if (!first) sb.append("," + newLine); sb.append(indentStr); sb.append("mapKeyMapValMap"); sb.append(space); sb.append(":").append(space); if (this.getMapKeyMapValMap() == null) { sb.append("null"); } else { sb.append(TBaseHelper.toString(this.getMapKeyMapValMap(), indent + 1, prettyPrint)); } first = false; if (!first) sb.append("," + newLine); sb.append(indentStr); sb.append("mapKeySetValMap"); sb.append(space); sb.append(":").append(space); if (this.getMapKeySetValMap() == null) { sb.append("null"); } else { sb.append(TBaseHelper.toString(this.getMapKeySetValMap(), indent + 1, prettyPrint)); } first = false; if (!first) sb.append("," + newLine); sb.append(indentStr); sb.append("NestedMaps"); sb.append(space); sb.append(":").append(space); if (this.getNestedMaps() == null) { sb.append("null"); } else { sb.append(TBaseHelper.toString(this.getNestedMaps(), indent + 1, prettyPrint)); } first = false; if (!first) sb.append("," + newLine); sb.append(indentStr); sb.append("mapKeyIntValList"); sb.append(space); sb.append(":").append(space); if (this.getMapKeyIntValList() == null) { sb.append("null"); } else { sb.append(TBaseHelper.toString(this.getMapKeyIntValList(), indent + 1, prettyPrint)); } first = false; if (!first) sb.append("," + newLine); sb.append(indentStr); sb.append("mapKeyIntValSet"); sb.append(space); sb.append(":").append(space); if (this.getMapKeyIntValSet() == null) { sb.append("null"); } else { sb.append(TBaseHelper.toString(this.getMapKeyIntValSet(), indent + 1, prettyPrint)); } first = false; if (!first) sb.append("," + newLine); sb.append(indentStr); sb.append("mapKeySetValInt"); sb.append(space); sb.append(":").append(space); if (this.getMapKeySetValInt() == null) { sb.append("null"); } else { sb.append(TBaseHelper.toString(this.getMapKeySetValInt(), indent + 1, prettyPrint)); } first = false; if (!first) sb.append("," + newLine); sb.append(indentStr); sb.append("mapKeyListValSet"); sb.append(space); sb.append(":").append(space); if (this.getMapKeyListValSet() == null) { sb.append("null"); } else { sb.append(TBaseHelper.toString(this.getMapKeyListValSet(), indent + 1, prettyPrint)); } first = false; sb.append(newLine + TBaseHelper.reduceIndent(indentStr)); sb.append(")"); return sb.toString(); } public void validate() throws TException { // check for required fields } }