'facebook.com/thrift/test/AdapterService'))>> interface AdapterServiceAsyncIf extends \IThriftAsyncIf { /** * Original thrift definition:- * CountingStruct * count(); */ public function count(): Awaitable<\facebook\thrift\test\CountingStruct>; /** * Original thrift definition:- * HeapAllocated * adaptedTypes(1: HeapAllocated arg); */ public function adaptedTypes(?\facebook\thrift\test\HeapAllocated $arg): Awaitable<\facebook\thrift\test\HeapAllocated>; } /** * Original thrift service:- * AdapterService */ <<\ThriftTypeInfo(shape('uri' => 'facebook.com/thrift/test/AdapterService'))>> interface AdapterServiceIf extends \IThriftSyncIf { /** * Original thrift definition:- * CountingStruct * count(); */ public function count(): \facebook\thrift\test\CountingStruct; /** * Original thrift definition:- * HeapAllocated * adaptedTypes(1: HeapAllocated arg); */ public function adaptedTypes(?\facebook\thrift\test\HeapAllocated $arg): \facebook\thrift\test\HeapAllocated; } /** * Original thrift service:- * AdapterService */ <<\ThriftTypeInfo(shape('uri' => 'facebook.com/thrift/test/AdapterService'))>> interface AdapterServiceAsyncClientIf extends AdapterServiceAsyncIf { } /** * Original thrift service:- * AdapterService */ <<\ThriftTypeInfo(shape('uri' => 'facebook.com/thrift/test/AdapterService'))>> interface AdapterServiceClientIf extends \IThriftSyncIf { /** * Original thrift definition:- * CountingStruct * count(); */ public function count(): Awaitable<\facebook\thrift\test\CountingStruct>; /** * Original thrift definition:- * HeapAllocated * adaptedTypes(1: HeapAllocated arg); */ public function adaptedTypes(?\facebook\thrift\test\HeapAllocated $arg): Awaitable<\facebook\thrift\test\HeapAllocated>; } /** * Original thrift service:- * AdapterService */ trait AdapterServiceClientBase { require extends \ThriftClientBase; } class AdapterServiceAsyncClient extends \ThriftClientBase implements AdapterServiceAsyncClientIf { use AdapterServiceClientBase; /** * Original thrift definition:- * CountingStruct * count(); */ public async function count(): Awaitable<\facebook\thrift\test\CountingStruct> { $hh_frame_metadata = $this->getHHFrameMetadata(); if ($hh_frame_metadata !== null) { \HH\set_frame_metadata($hh_frame_metadata); } $rpc_options = $this->getAndResetOptions() ?? \ThriftClientBase::defaultOptions(); $args = \facebook\thrift\test\AdapterService_count_args::withDefaultValues(); await $this->asyncHandler_->genBefore("AdapterService", "count", $args); $currentseqid = $this->sendImplHelper($args, "count", false); return await $this->genAwaitResponse(\facebook\thrift\test\AdapterService_count_result::class, "count", false, $currentseqid, $rpc_options); } /** * Original thrift definition:- * HeapAllocated * adaptedTypes(1: HeapAllocated arg); */ public async function adaptedTypes(?\facebook\thrift\test\HeapAllocated $arg): Awaitable<\facebook\thrift\test\HeapAllocated> { $hh_frame_metadata = $this->getHHFrameMetadata(); if ($hh_frame_metadata !== null) { \HH\set_frame_metadata($hh_frame_metadata); } $rpc_options = $this->getAndResetOptions() ?? \ThriftClientBase::defaultOptions(); $args = \facebook\thrift\test\AdapterService_adaptedTypes_args::fromShape(shape( 'arg' => $arg, )); await $this->asyncHandler_->genBefore("AdapterService", "adaptedTypes", $args); $currentseqid = $this->sendImplHelper($args, "adaptedTypes", false); return await $this->genAwaitResponse(\facebook\thrift\test\AdapterService_adaptedTypes_result::class, "adaptedTypes", false, $currentseqid, $rpc_options); } } class AdapterServiceClient extends \ThriftClientBase implements AdapterServiceClientIf { use AdapterServiceClientBase; /** * Original thrift definition:- * CountingStruct * count(); */ public async function count(): Awaitable<\facebook\thrift\test\CountingStruct> { $hh_frame_metadata = $this->getHHFrameMetadata(); if ($hh_frame_metadata !== null) { \HH\set_frame_metadata($hh_frame_metadata); } $rpc_options = $this->getAndResetOptions() ?? \ThriftClientBase::defaultOptions(); $args = \facebook\thrift\test\AdapterService_count_args::withDefaultValues(); await $this->asyncHandler_->genBefore("AdapterService", "count", $args); $currentseqid = $this->sendImplHelper($args, "count", false); return await $this->genAwaitResponse(\facebook\thrift\test\AdapterService_count_result::class, "count", false, $currentseqid, $rpc_options); } /** * Original thrift definition:- * HeapAllocated * adaptedTypes(1: HeapAllocated arg); */ public async function adaptedTypes(?\facebook\thrift\test\HeapAllocated $arg): Awaitable<\facebook\thrift\test\HeapAllocated> { $hh_frame_metadata = $this->getHHFrameMetadata(); if ($hh_frame_metadata !== null) { \HH\set_frame_metadata($hh_frame_metadata); } $rpc_options = $this->getAndResetOptions() ?? \ThriftClientBase::defaultOptions(); $args = \facebook\thrift\test\AdapterService_adaptedTypes_args::fromShape(shape( 'arg' => $arg, )); await $this->asyncHandler_->genBefore("AdapterService", "adaptedTypes", $args); $currentseqid = $this->sendImplHelper($args, "adaptedTypes", false); return await $this->genAwaitResponse(\facebook\thrift\test\AdapterService_adaptedTypes_result::class, "adaptedTypes", false, $currentseqid, $rpc_options); } /* send and recv functions */ public function send_count(): int { $args = \facebook\thrift\test\AdapterService_count_args::withDefaultValues(); return $this->sendImplHelper($args, "count", false); } public function recv_count(?int $expectedsequenceid = null): \facebook\thrift\test\CountingStruct { return $this->recvImplHelper(\facebook\thrift\test\AdapterService_count_result::class, "count", false, $expectedsequenceid); } public function send_adaptedTypes(?\facebook\thrift\test\HeapAllocated $arg): int { $args = \facebook\thrift\test\AdapterService_adaptedTypes_args::fromShape(shape( 'arg' => $arg, )); return $this->sendImplHelper($args, "adaptedTypes", false); } public function recv_adaptedTypes(?int $expectedsequenceid = null): \facebook\thrift\test\HeapAllocated { return $this->recvImplHelper(\facebook\thrift\test\AdapterService_adaptedTypes_result::class, "adaptedTypes", false, $expectedsequenceid); } } // HELPER FUNCTIONS AND STRUCTURES class AdapterService_count_args implements \IThriftSyncStruct, \IThriftStructMetadata, \IThriftShapishSyncStruct { use \ThriftSerializationTrait; const \ThriftStructTypes::TSpec SPEC = dict[ ]; const dict FIELDMAP = dict[ ]; const type TConstructorShape = shape( ); const type TShape = shape( ); const int STRUCTURAL_ID = 957977401221134810; public function __construct()[] { } public static function withDefaultValues()[]: this { return new static(); } public static function fromShape(self::TConstructorShape $shape)[]: this { return new static( ); } public function getName()[]: string { return 'AdapterService_count_args'; } public static function getStructMetadata()[]: \tmeta_ThriftStruct { return \tmeta_ThriftStruct::fromShape( shape( "name" => "module.count_args", "is_union" => false, ) ); } public static function getAllStructuredAnnotations()[write_props]: \TStructAnnotations { return shape( 'struct' => dict[], 'fields' => dict[ ], ); } public static function __fromShape(self::TShape $shape)[]: this { return new static( ); } public function __toShape()[]: self::TShape { return shape( ); } public function getInstanceKey()[write_props]: string { return \TCompactSerializer::serialize($this); } public function readFromJson(string $jsonText): void { $parsed = json_decode($jsonText, true); if ($parsed === null || !($parsed is KeyedContainer<_, _>)) { throw new \TProtocolException("Cannot parse the given json string."); } } } class AdapterService_count_result extends \ThriftSyncStructWithResult implements \IThriftStructMetadata { use \ThriftSerializationTrait; const type TResult = \facebook\thrift\test\CountingStruct; const \ThriftStructTypes::TSpec SPEC = dict[ 0 => shape( 'var' => 'success', 'type' => \TType::STRUCT, 'class' => \facebook\thrift\test\CountingStruct::class, ), ]; const dict FIELDMAP = dict[ 'success' => 0, ]; const type TConstructorShape = shape( ?'success' => ?this::TResult, ); const int STRUCTURAL_ID = 361061362707289990; public ?this::TResult $success; public function __construct(?this::TResult $success = null)[] { $this->success = $success; } public static function withDefaultValues()[]: this { return new static(); } public static function fromShape(self::TConstructorShape $shape)[]: this { return new static( Shapes::idx($shape, 'success'), ); } public function getName()[]: string { return 'AdapterService_count_result'; } public static function getStructMetadata()[]: \tmeta_ThriftStruct { return \tmeta_ThriftStruct::fromShape( shape( "name" => "module.AdapterService_count_result", "fields" => vec[ \tmeta_ThriftField::fromShape( shape( "id" => 0, "type" => \tmeta_ThriftType::fromShape( shape( "t_struct" => \tmeta_ThriftStructType::fromShape( shape( "name" => "module.CountingStruct", ) ), ) ), "name" => "success", ) ), ], "is_union" => false, ) ); } public static function getAllStructuredAnnotations()[write_props]: \TStructAnnotations { return shape( 'struct' => dict[], 'fields' => dict[ ], ); } public function getInstanceKey()[write_props]: string { return \TCompactSerializer::serialize($this); } public function readFromJson(string $jsonText): void { $parsed = json_decode($jsonText, true); if ($parsed === null || !($parsed is KeyedContainer<_, _>)) { throw new \TProtocolException("Cannot parse the given json string."); } if (idx($parsed, 'success') !== null) { $_tmp0 = \json_encode(HH\FIXME\UNSAFE_CAST($parsed['success'])); $_tmp1 = \facebook\thrift\test\CountingStruct::withDefaultValues(); $_tmp1->readFromJson($_tmp0); $this->success = $_tmp1; } } } class AdapterService_adaptedTypes_args implements \IThriftSyncStruct, \IThriftStructMetadata, \IThriftShapishSyncStruct { use \ThriftSerializationTrait; const \ThriftStructTypes::TSpec SPEC = dict[ 1 => shape( 'var' => 'arg', 'type' => \TType::STRUCT, 'class' => \facebook\thrift\test\HeapAllocated::class, ), ]; const dict FIELDMAP = dict[ 'arg' => 1, ]; const type TConstructorShape = shape( ?'arg' => ?\facebook\thrift\test\HeapAllocated, ); const type TShape = shape( ?'arg' => ?\facebook\thrift\test\HeapAllocated::TShape, ); const int STRUCTURAL_ID = 270071957836224163; public ?\facebook\thrift\test\HeapAllocated $arg; public function __construct(?\facebook\thrift\test\HeapAllocated $arg = null)[] { $this->arg = $arg; } public static function withDefaultValues()[]: this { return new static(); } public static function fromShape(self::TConstructorShape $shape)[]: this { return new static( Shapes::idx($shape, 'arg'), ); } public function getName()[]: string { return 'AdapterService_adaptedTypes_args'; } public static function getStructMetadata()[]: \tmeta_ThriftStruct { return \tmeta_ThriftStruct::fromShape( shape( "name" => "module.adaptedTypes_args", "fields" => vec[ \tmeta_ThriftField::fromShape( shape( "id" => 1, "type" => \tmeta_ThriftType::fromShape( shape( "t_struct" => \tmeta_ThriftStructType::fromShape( shape( "name" => "module.HeapAllocated", ) ), ) ), "name" => "arg", ) ), ], "is_union" => false, ) ); } public static function getAllStructuredAnnotations()[write_props]: \TStructAnnotations { return shape( 'struct' => dict[], 'fields' => dict[ 'arg' => shape( 'field' => dict[], 'type' => dict[ '\facebook\thrift\annotation\cpp\Adapter' => \facebook\thrift\annotation\cpp\Adapter::fromShape( shape( "name" => "::apache::thrift::test::MoveOnlyAdapter", "moveOnly" => true, ) ), ], ), ], ); } public static function __fromShape(self::TShape $shape)[]: this { return new static( Shapes::idx($shape, 'arg') === null ? null : (\facebook\thrift\test\HeapAllocated::__fromShape($shape['arg'])), ); } public function __toShape()[]: self::TShape { return shape( 'arg' => $this->arg?->__toShape(), ); } public function getInstanceKey()[write_props]: string { return \TCompactSerializer::serialize($this); } public function readFromJson(string $jsonText): void { $parsed = json_decode($jsonText, true); if ($parsed === null || !($parsed is KeyedContainer<_, _>)) { throw new \TProtocolException("Cannot parse the given json string."); } if (idx($parsed, 'arg') !== null) { $_tmp0 = \json_encode(HH\FIXME\UNSAFE_CAST($parsed['arg'])); $_tmp1 = \facebook\thrift\test\HeapAllocated::withDefaultValues(); $_tmp1->readFromJson($_tmp0); $this->arg = $_tmp1; } } } class AdapterService_adaptedTypes_result extends \ThriftSyncStructWithResult implements \IThriftStructMetadata { use \ThriftSerializationTrait; const type TResult = \facebook\thrift\test\HeapAllocated; const \ThriftStructTypes::TSpec SPEC = dict[ 0 => shape( 'var' => 'success', 'type' => \TType::STRUCT, 'class' => \facebook\thrift\test\HeapAllocated::class, ), ]; const dict FIELDMAP = dict[ 'success' => 0, ]; const type TConstructorShape = shape( ?'success' => ?this::TResult, ); const int STRUCTURAL_ID = 8969067960420042186; public ?this::TResult $success; public function __construct(?this::TResult $success = null)[] { $this->success = $success; } public static function withDefaultValues()[]: this { return new static(); } public static function fromShape(self::TConstructorShape $shape)[]: this { return new static( Shapes::idx($shape, 'success'), ); } public function getName()[]: string { return 'AdapterService_adaptedTypes_result'; } public static function getStructMetadata()[]: \tmeta_ThriftStruct { return \tmeta_ThriftStruct::fromShape( shape( "name" => "module.AdapterService_adaptedTypes_result", "fields" => vec[ \tmeta_ThriftField::fromShape( shape( "id" => 0, "type" => \tmeta_ThriftType::fromShape( shape( "t_struct" => \tmeta_ThriftStructType::fromShape( shape( "name" => "module.HeapAllocated", ) ), ) ), "name" => "success", ) ), ], "is_union" => false, ) ); } public static function getAllStructuredAnnotations()[write_props]: \TStructAnnotations { return shape( 'struct' => dict[], 'fields' => dict[ 'success' => shape( 'field' => dict[], 'type' => dict[ '\facebook\thrift\annotation\cpp\Adapter' => \facebook\thrift\annotation\cpp\Adapter::fromShape( shape( "name" => "::apache::thrift::test::MoveOnlyAdapter", "moveOnly" => true, ) ), ], ), ], ); } public function getInstanceKey()[write_props]: string { return \TCompactSerializer::serialize($this); } public function readFromJson(string $jsonText): void { $parsed = json_decode($jsonText, true); if ($parsed === null || !($parsed is KeyedContainer<_, _>)) { throw new \TProtocolException("Cannot parse the given json string."); } if (idx($parsed, 'success') !== null) { $_tmp0 = \json_encode(HH\FIXME\UNSAFE_CAST($parsed['success'])); $_tmp1 = \facebook\thrift\test\HeapAllocated::withDefaultValues(); $_tmp1->readFromJson($_tmp0); $this->success = $_tmp1; } } } class AdapterServiceStaticMetadata implements \IThriftServiceStaticMetadata { public static function getServiceMetadata()[]: \tmeta_ThriftService { return \tmeta_ThriftService::fromShape( shape( "name" => "module.AdapterService", "functions" => vec[ \tmeta_ThriftFunction::fromShape( shape( "name" => "count", "return_type" => \tmeta_ThriftType::fromShape( shape( "t_struct" => \tmeta_ThriftStructType::fromShape( shape( "name" => "module.CountingStruct", ) ), ) ), ) ), \tmeta_ThriftFunction::fromShape( shape( "name" => "adaptedTypes", "return_type" => \tmeta_ThriftType::fromShape( shape( "t_struct" => \tmeta_ThriftStructType::fromShape( shape( "name" => "module.HeapAllocated", ) ), ) ), "arguments" => vec[ \tmeta_ThriftField::fromShape( shape( "id" => 1, "type" => \tmeta_ThriftType::fromShape( shape( "t_struct" => \tmeta_ThriftStructType::fromShape( shape( "name" => "module.HeapAllocated", ) ), ) ), "name" => "arg", ) ), ], ) ), ], ) ); } public static function getServiceMetadataResponse()[]: \tmeta_ThriftServiceMetadataResponse { return \tmeta_ThriftServiceMetadataResponse::fromShape( shape( 'context' => \tmeta_ThriftServiceContext::fromShape( shape( 'service_info' => self::getServiceMetadata(), 'module' => \tmeta_ThriftModuleContext::fromShape( shape( 'name' => 'module', ) ), ) ), 'metadata' => \tmeta_ThriftMetadata::fromShape( shape( 'enums' => dict[ ], 'structs' => dict[ 'module.CountingStruct' => \facebook\thrift\test\CountingStruct::getStructMetadata(), 'module.HeapAllocated' => \facebook\thrift\test\HeapAllocated::getStructMetadata(), ], 'exceptions' => dict[ ], 'services' => dict[ ], ) ), ) ); } public static function getAllStructuredAnnotations()[write_props]: \TServiceAnnotations { return shape( 'service' => dict[], 'functions' => dict[ ], ); } }