#!/usr/bin/env python3 # Copyright (c) Meta Platforms, Inc. and affiliates. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. import os import re import shlex import sys import typing from dataclasses import dataclass from pathlib import Path, PurePosixPath import pkg_resources @dataclass class FixtureCmd: unique_name: str build_command_args: typing.List[str] def _ascend_find_exe(path: Path, target: str) -> typing.Optional[Path]: """ Returns path to an executable file with the `target` name, in `path` or any of its parent directories. If no such executable is found, returns None. """ if not path.is_dir(): path = path.parent while True: candidate_path = path / target if os.access(candidate_path, os.X_OK): return candidate_path parent_path = path.parent if parent_path.samefile(path): return None path = parent_path def read_lines(path: Path) -> list[str]: with path.open() as f: return f.readlines() def _add_option_to_generator_spec( generator_spec: str, option_key: str, option_value: typing.Optional[str] = None ) -> str: """ Returns a new generator spec obtained by adding the given option to `generator_spec`. Args: generator_spec: The original generator spec string, on which to add the given option. Should be in the form expected by the thrift compiler `--gen` flag, i.e.: `language[:key1=val1[,key2,[key3=val3]]]` """ option_string = option_key if option_value: option_string += f"={option_value}" if ":" in generator_spec: # generator_spec already has an option return f"{generator_spec},{option_string}" # this is the first option of generator_spec return f"{generator_spec}:{option_string}" def _should_build_included_files_recursively(generator_spec: str) -> bool: """ Returns whether the thrift compiler should build all included thrift files recursively, for the given generator spec string. """ # TODO: (yuhanhao) T41937765 When using generators that use # `mstch_objects` in recursive mode, if included thrift file # contains const structs or const union, generator will attempt to # de-reference a nullptr in `mstch_const_value::const_struct()`. # This is a hack before this is resolved. return not ( "cpp2" in generator_spec or "schema" in generator_spec or "mstch_java" in generator_spec or "mstch_python" in generator_spec ) def parse_fixture_cmds( repo_root_dir_abspath: Path, fixture_name: str, fixture_dir_abspath: Path, fixture_output_root_dir_abspath: Path, thrift_bin_path: Path, ) -> list[FixtureCmd]: assert repo_root_dir_abspath.is_absolute() assert fixture_dir_abspath.is_absolute() assert fixture_output_root_dir_abspath.is_absolute() assert fixture_output_root_dir_abspath.is_dir() fixture_cmds = {} cmds = read_lines(fixture_dir_abspath / "cmd") for cmd in cmds: fixture_cmd = _parse_fixture_cmd( cmd, repo_root_dir_abspath, fixture_name, fixture_dir_abspath, fixture_output_root_dir_abspath, thrift_bin_path, ) if fixture_cmd is None: continue if fixture_cmd.unique_name in fixture_cmds: raise ValueError( f"Duplicate cmd name for fixture '{fixture_name}': '{fixture_cmd.unique_name}'." ) fixture_cmds[fixture_cmd.unique_name] = fixture_cmd return list(fixture_cmds.values()) # A letter followed by 0 or more letters, digits or underscores, ending with # a colon. All lowercase. The part preceding the colon is meant to be the # unique (within a fixture) name for this cmd line. It is captured in group 1. _FIXTURE_CMD_NAME_PREFIX_PATTERN = re.compile(r"^([a-z][a-z0-9_]*):$") def _parse_fixture_cmd( cmd: str, repo_root_dir_abspath: Path, fixture_name: str, fixture_dir_abspath: Path, fixture_output_root_dir_abspath: Path, thrift_bin_path: Path, ) -> typing.Optional[FixtureCmd]: """ Parses the given line from a `cmd` file and returns the command arguments to run (or None if n/a). Args: cmd: a single line from the `cmd` file of a thrift compiler fixture. It is expected to have the following format: ``` UNIQUE_NAME: GENERATOR_SPEC INPUT_FILE ``` where: `UNIQUE_NAME` is a unique (within this folder) identifier for this command. It is primarily used to separate the output of each command (to avoid clobbering of generated content). `GENERATOR_SPEC` is a "generator spec" string suitable for the `--gen` option of the thrift compiler (see `_add_option_to_generator_spec()`). INPUT_FILE is the relative path to the Thrift IDL file that will be passed to the thrift compiler. Example: ``` hack: hack:json,typedef,shapes=1 src/module.thrift ``` """ # Skip commented lines if re.match(r"^\s*#", cmd): return None try: (cmd_name_prefix, generator_spec, target_file_name) = shlex.split(cmd.strip()) cmd_name_matcher = _FIXTURE_CMD_NAME_PREFIX_PATTERN.match(cmd_name_prefix) if not cmd_name_matcher: raise RuntimeError( f"Invalid cmd name (must match regex '{_FIXTURE_CMD_NAME_PREFIX_PATTERN.pattern}'): '{cmd_name_prefix}'." ) cmd_name = cmd_name_matcher.group(1) # target_file_name: "src/module.thrift" -> # target_file_relpath: "thrift/compiler/test/fixtures/foobar/src/module.thrift" target_file_relpath = (fixture_dir_abspath / target_file_name).relative_to( repo_root_dir_abspath ) base_args = [ thrift_bin_path, "-I", fixture_dir_abspath, "-I", repo_root_dir_abspath, ] if _should_build_included_files_recursively(generator_spec): base_args.append("-r") base_args += [ "-o", fixture_output_root_dir_abspath / cmd_name, "--gen", ] # Add include_prefix for mstch_cpp* generators if ( "mstch_cpp" in generator_spec or "mstch_py3" in generator_spec or "mstch_python_capi" in generator_spec ): generator_spec = _add_option_to_generator_spec( generator_spec, "include_prefix", PurePosixPath("thrift/compiler/test/fixtures") / fixture_name, ) return FixtureCmd( unique_name=cmd_name, build_command_args=base_args + [generator_spec, target_file_relpath], ) except Exception as err: raise RuntimeError( f"Error parsing command for fixture '{fixture_name}': '{cmd}'." ) from err def get_thrift_binary_path( thrift_bin_arg: typing.Optional[str], ) -> typing.Optional[Path]: """ Returns path to the Thrift compiler binary, or None if not be found. Args: thrift_bin_arg: Name of Thrift compiler binary provided by user on the command line, if any. If this is not None, will try to find an executable with this name in the current working directory or any of its parents. """ if thrift_bin_arg is None: return Path(pkg_resources.resource_filename(__name__, "thrift")) return _ascend_find_exe(Path.cwd(), thrift_bin_arg) def get_all_fixture_names(fixtures_root_dir_path: Path) -> list[str]: """ " Returns the (simple) names of all the fixture directories in the given directory (which should typically correspond to the `thrift/compiler/test/fixtures/` directory in a given repository). The returned list contains the sorted "base names" of the fixture directories, without any parent path, eg: ``` [ 'any', 'basic', ...] ``` """ assert fixtures_root_dir_path.is_dir() fixture_dirs = ( fixture_dir for fixture_dir in fixtures_root_dir_path.iterdir() if (fixture_dir / "cmd").is_file() ) return sorted((fixture_dir.name for fixture_dir in fixture_dirs))