/* * Copyright (c) Meta Platforms, Inc. and affiliates. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #include #include #include #include namespace apache { namespace thrift { namespace compiler { namespace go { // Name of the field of the response helper struct where // the return value is stored (if function call is not void). const std::string DEFAULT_RETVAL_FIELD_NAME = "success"; // keywords // https://go.dev/ref/spec#Keywords static const std::set go_keywords = { "break", "case", "chan", "const", "continue", "default", "defer", "else", "error", "fallthrough", "for", "func", "go", "goto", "if", "import", "interface", "map", "package", "range", "return", "select", "struct", "switch", "type", "var", }; // types // https://go.dev/ref/spec#Types static const std::set go_types = { "complex128", "complex64", "float32", "float64", "int", "int16", "int32", "int64", "int8", "rune", "uint", "uint16", "uint32", "uint64", "uintptr", "uint8", }; // predelcared identifiers // https://go.dev/ref/spec#Predeclared_identifiers static const std::set go_predeclared = { "any", "append", "cap", "close", "complex", "copy", "delete", "false", "imag", "iota", "len", "make", "new", "nil", "panic", "print", "println", "real", "recover", "true", }; static const std::set go_reserved_words = []() { std::set set; set.insert(go_keywords.cbegin(), go_keywords.cend()); set.insert(go_types.cbegin(), go_types.cend()); set.insert(go_predeclared.cbegin(), go_predeclared.cend()); return set; }(); // common_initialisms from https://github.com/golang/lint/blob/master/lint.go static const std::set common_initialisms = { "ACL", "API", "ASCII", "CPU", "CSS", "DNS", "EOF", "GUID", "HTML", "HTTP", "HTTPS", "ID", "IP", "JSON", "LHS", "QPS", "RAM", "RHS", "RPC", "SLA", "SMTP", "SQL", "SSH", "TCP", "TLS", "TTL", "UDP", "UI", "UID", "URI", "URL", "UTF8", "UUID", "VM", "XML", "XMPP", "XSRF", "XSS", }; // To avoid conflict with methods (e.g. Error(), String()) static const std::set reserved_field_names = { "Error", "String", }; void codegen_data::set_current_program(const t_program* program) { current_program_ = program; // Prevent collisions with *this* program's package name auto pkg_name = go::get_go_package_base_name(program, package_override); go_package_name_collisions_[pkg_name] = 0; } std::string codegen_data::make_go_package_name_unique(const std::string& name) { // Uses go_package_name_collisions_ map to keep track of name collisions in // order to uniquify package names. When a collision is detected, i.e. package // or program with the same name - an incrementing numeric suffix is added. auto unique_name = name; if (is_go_reserved_word(name)) { // Emplaces only if not already in map. go_package_name_collisions_.try_emplace(name, 0); } auto iter = go_package_name_collisions_.find(name); if (iter == go_package_name_collisions_.end()) { go_package_name_collisions_[name] = 0; } else { auto numSuffix = iter->second; unique_name = name + std::to_string(numSuffix); go_package_name_collisions_[name] = numSuffix + 1; } return unique_name; } void codegen_data::compute_go_package_aliases() { for (auto include : current_program_->get_includes_for_codegen()) { auto package = go::get_go_package_name(include); auto package_base_name = go::get_go_package_base_name(include); auto unique_package_name = make_go_package_name_unique( go::munge_ident(package_base_name, /*exported*/ false)); go_package_map_.emplace(package, unique_package_name); } } void codegen_data::compute_struct_to_field_names() { for (t_structured* struct_ : current_program_->structs_and_unions()) { struct_to_field_names[struct_->name()] = go::get_struct_go_field_names(struct_); } } void codegen_data::compute_service_to_req_resp_structs() { for (auto service : current_program_->services()) { std::vector req_resp_structs = go::get_service_req_resp_structs(service); service_to_req_resp_structs[service->name()] = req_resp_structs; for (auto struct_ : req_resp_structs) { req_resp_struct_names.insert(struct_->name()); struct_to_field_names[struct_->name()] = go::get_struct_go_field_names(struct_); } } } void codegen_data::add_to_thrift_metadata_types( const t_type* type, std::set& visited_type_names) { // skip over typedefs that are not "defined" auto type_name = type->get_full_name(); if (visited_type_names.count(type_name) > 0) { return; // Already visited } // skip over a chain of non-defined typedefs if (type->is_typedef()) { auto typedef_ = dynamic_cast(type); if (typedef_->typedef_kind() != t_typedef::kind::defined) { auto underlying_type = typedef_->get_type(); add_to_thrift_metadata_types(underlying_type, visited_type_names); return; } } visited_type_names.insert(type_name); // The recursion below is equivalent to post-order tree traversal. // It ensures that the types are recorded in the dependency order. if (type->is_typedef()) { auto typedef_ = dynamic_cast(type); auto underlying_type = typedef_->get_type(); add_to_thrift_metadata_types(underlying_type, visited_type_names); } else if (type->is_list()) { auto list_type = dynamic_cast(type); auto elem_type = list_type->elem_type().get_type(); add_to_thrift_metadata_types(elem_type, visited_type_names); } else if (type->is_set()) { auto set_type = dynamic_cast(type); auto elem_type = set_type->elem_type().get_type(); add_to_thrift_metadata_types(elem_type, visited_type_names); } else if (type->is_map()) { auto map_type = dynamic_cast(type); auto key_type = map_type->key_type().get_type(); auto val_type = map_type->val_type().get_type(); add_to_thrift_metadata_types(key_type, visited_type_names); add_to_thrift_metadata_types(val_type, visited_type_names); } thrift_metadata_types.push_back(type); } void codegen_data::compute_thrift_metadata_types() { // The following items need metadata generated for them: // * Struct/union/exception field types // * Typedef underlying types // * Function return types // * Function argument types // * Function exception types std::set visited_type_names; for (auto const& struct_ : current_program_->structs_and_unions()) { for (auto const& field : struct_->fields()) { auto type = field.type().get_type(); add_to_thrift_metadata_types(type, visited_type_names); } } for (auto const& exception : current_program_->exceptions()) { for (auto const& field : exception->get_members()) { auto type = field->get_type(); add_to_thrift_metadata_types(type, visited_type_names); } } for (auto const& typedef_ : current_program_->typedefs()) { auto type = typedef_->get_type(); add_to_thrift_metadata_types(type, visited_type_names); } for (auto const& service : current_program_->services()) { for (const auto& func : service->functions()) { if (!is_func_go_supported(&func)) { continue; // Skip unsupported functions } auto return_type = func.return_type().get_type(); add_to_thrift_metadata_types(return_type, visited_type_names); for (const auto& parameter : func.params().get_members()) { auto type = parameter->get_type(); add_to_thrift_metadata_types(type, visited_type_names); } if (func.exceptions() != nullptr) { for (const auto& exception : func.exceptions()->get_members()) { auto type = exception->get_type(); add_to_thrift_metadata_types(type, visited_type_names); } } } } } bool codegen_data::is_current_program(const t_program* program) { return (program == current_program_); } std::string_view codegen_data::maybe_munge_ident_and_cache( const t_named* named, bool exported, bool compact) { assert(named); if (auto name = get_go_name_annotation(named)) { return *name; } go_munged_names_cache_key_ key{named->name(), exported, compact}; auto& item = go_munged_names_cache_[key]; if (item.view.data() != nullptr) { return item.view; } return item.view = item.ownership = munge_ident(named->name(), exported, compact); } std::string codegen_data::get_go_package_alias(const t_program* program) { if (is_current_program(program)) { return ""; } auto package = go::get_go_package_name(program, package_override); auto iter = go_package_map_.find(package); if (iter != go_package_map_.end()) { return iter->second; } throw std::runtime_error( fmt::format("unable to determine Go package alias '{}'", package)); } std::string codegen_data::go_package_alias_prefix(const t_program* program) { auto alias = get_go_package_alias(program); if (alias == "") { return ""; } else { return alias + "."; } } std::string get_go_package_name( const t_program* program, std::string name_override) { if (!name_override.empty()) { return name_override; } std::string real_package = program->get_namespace("go"); if (!real_package.empty()) { return real_package; } return boost::algorithm::to_lower_copy(program->name()); } std::string get_go_package_dir( const t_program* program, std::string name_override) { auto go_package = get_go_package_name(program, name_override); return boost::replace_all_copy(go_package, ".", "/"); } std::string get_go_package_base_name( const t_program* program, std::string name_override) { auto go_package = get_go_package_name(program, name_override); std::vector parts; boost::split(parts, go_package, boost::is_any_of(".")); auto base_name = go_package; if (parts.size() > 0) { base_name = parts.back(); } // Avoid package base name collisions with reserved words if (is_go_reserved_word(base_name)) { base_name += "_"; } return base_name; } // Convert snake_case to UpperCamelCase and captialize common initialisms. std::string munge_ident(const std::string& ident, bool exported, bool compat) { assert(!ident.empty()); std::ostringstream out; size_t word_start = 0; for (size_t i = 0; i < ident.size(); i++) { char cur_char = ident.at(i); bool eow = false; if (i + 1 == ident.size()) { eow = true; } else { char next_char = ident.at(i + 1); if ((next_char == '_') || (islower(cur_char) && isupper(next_char) && !compat)) { eow = true; } else if (cur_char == '_') { word_start = i + 1; if (!islower(next_char)) { // Keep underscores, unless followed by a lowercase word. out << cur_char; } } } if (!eow) { continue; } size_t word_len = i - word_start + 1; std::string word = ident.substr(word_start, word_len); std::string upper = boost::algorithm::to_upper_copy(word); bool is_initialism = (common_initialisms.count(upper) > 0); bool is_first_word = (word_start == 0); size_t next_underscore_pos = ident.find('_', word_start); bool is_legacy_substr_bug = (next_underscore_pos != std::string::npos && next_underscore_pos > word_len); if (is_initialism) { // Compat: legacy generator does not change whole-string // initialisms to uppercase. // Compat: legacy generator does not change initialisms // at the beginning of the string to uppercase. // Compat: legacy generator does not change initialisms // to uppercase if it hits a substring bug. if (!(compat && word_len == ident.size()) && !(compat && is_first_word) && !(compat && is_legacy_substr_bug)) { boost::algorithm::to_upper(word); } } if (is_first_word) { if (exported) { word.at(0) = toupper(word.at(0)); } else { if (is_initialism) { // Make the entire initialism lowercase boost::algorithm::to_lower(word); } else { word.at(0) = tolower(word.at(0)); } } } else { word.at(0) = toupper(word.at(0)); } out << word; // reset the word word_start = i + 1; } auto result = out.str(); // Compat: legacy generator adds underscores to names ending with // Args/Result. Compat: legacy generator adds underscores to names startng // with New. (to avoid name collisions with constructors and helper // arg/result structs) bool starts_with_new = boost::algorithm::starts_with(result, "New"); if (compat && starts_with_new) { result += '_'; } if (is_go_reserved_word(result)) { result += '_'; } return result; } std::string quote(const std::string& data) { std::ostringstream quoted; quoted << '"'; for (auto ch : data) { if (ch == '\t') { quoted << '\\' << 't'; } else if (ch == '\r') { quoted << '\\' << 'r'; } else if (ch == '\n') { quoted << '\\' << 'n'; } else if (ch == '\\' || ch == '"') { quoted << '\\' << ch; } else if (ch < '\x7f') { quoted << ch; } else { throw std::runtime_error("Non-ASCII string literal not implemented"); } } quoted << '"'; return quoted.str(); } // Convert CamelCase to snake_case. std::string snakecase(const std::string& name) { std::ostringstream snake; char last = '_'; for (auto ch : name) { if (isupper(ch)) { if (last != '_') { // Don't insert '_' after an existing one, such as in `Sample_CalcRs`. // Also don't put a '_' right at the front. snake << '_'; } last = (char)tolower(ch); } else { last = ch; } snake << last; } return snake.str(); } bool is_func_go_supported(const t_function* func) { return !func->sink_or_stream() && !func->return_type()->is_service() && !func->interaction(); } bool is_go_reserved_word(const std::string& value) { return go_reserved_words.count(value) > 0; } bool is_type_go_struct(const t_type* type) { // Whether the given Thrift type is represented by a Go struct: // * Thrift struct - represented by Go struct pointer // * Thrift union - represented by Go struct pointer // * Thrift exception - represented by Go struct pointer return type->is_struct() || type->is_union() || type->is_exception(); } bool is_type_go_nilable(const t_type* type) { // Whether the underlying Go type can be set to 'nil': // * Thrift list - represented by Go slice - nilable // * Thrift set - represented by Go slice - nilable // * Thrift binary - represented by Go slice - nilable // * Thrift map - represented by Go map - nilable // Go struct backed types (see is_type_go_struct above): // * Thrift struct - represented by Go struct pointer - nilable // * Thrift union - represented by Go struct pointer - nilable // * Thrift exception - represented by Go struct pointer - nilable return type->is_list() || type->is_set() || type->is_map() || type->is_binary() || is_type_go_struct(type); } bool is_type_go_comparable( const t_type* type, std::map visited_type_names) { // Whether the underlying Go type is comparable. // As per: https://go.dev/ref/spec#Comparison_operators // > Slice, map, and function types are not comparable. // (By extension - structs with slice of map fields are incomparable.) // Struct hierarchy can sometime be recursive. // Check if we have already visited this type. auto type_name = type->get_full_name(); auto iter = visited_type_names.find(type_name); if (iter != visited_type_names.end() && iter->second > 1) { return true; } // All of the types below are represented by either slice or a map. auto real_type = type->get_true_type(); if (real_type->is_list() || real_type->is_map() || real_type->is_set() || real_type->is_binary()) { return false; } if (real_type->is_struct()) { auto as_struct = dynamic_cast(real_type); if (as_struct != nullptr) { for (auto member : as_struct->get_members()) { auto member_type = member->type().get_type(); auto member_name = member_type->get_full_name(); // Insert 0 if member_name is not yet in the map. auto emplace_pair = visited_type_names.emplace(member_name, 0); emplace_pair.first->second += 1; if (!is_type_go_comparable(member_type, visited_type_names)) { return false; } } } } return true; } bool is_type_metadata_primitive(const t_type* type) { // Whether this type is primitive from metadata.thrift perspective. // i.e. see ThriftPrimitiveType enum in metadata.thrift return type->is_bool() || type->is_byte() || type->is_i16() || type->is_i32() || type->is_i64() || type->is_float() || type->is_double() || type->is_binary() || type->is_string() || type->is_void(); } std::string get_go_func_name(const t_function* func) { auto name_override = get_go_name_annotation(func); if (name_override != nullptr) { return *name_override; } return munge_ident(func->name()); } std::string get_go_field_name(const t_field* field) { auto name_override = get_go_name_annotation(field); if (name_override != nullptr) { return *name_override; } auto name = munge_ident(field->name()); if (reserved_field_names.count(name) > 0) { name += "_"; } return name; } std::set get_struct_go_field_names(const t_structured* tstruct) { // Returns a set of Go field names from the given struct. std::set field_names; for (const t_field& field : tstruct->fields()) { field_names.insert(go::get_go_field_name(&field)); } return field_names; } std::vector get_service_req_resp_structs(const t_service* service) { std::vector req_resp_structs; auto svcGoName = go::munge_ident(service->name()); for (auto func : service->get_functions()) { if (!go::is_func_go_supported(func)) { continue; } auto funcGoName = go::get_go_func_name(func); auto req_struct_name = go::munge_ident("req" + svcGoName + funcGoName, false); auto req_struct = new t_struct(service->program(), req_struct_name); for (auto member : func->params().get_members()) { req_struct->append_field(std::unique_ptr(member)); } req_resp_structs.push_back(req_struct); auto resp_struct_name = go::munge_ident("resp" + svcGoName + funcGoName, false); auto resp_struct = new t_struct(service->program(), resp_struct_name); if (!func->return_type()->is_void()) { auto resp_field = std::make_unique( func->return_type(), DEFAULT_RETVAL_FIELD_NAME, 0); resp_field->set_qualifier(t_field_qualifier::optional); resp_struct->append_field(std::move(resp_field)); } if (func->exceptions() != nullptr) { for (const auto& xs : func->exceptions()->get_members()) { auto xc_ptr = std::unique_ptr(xs); xc_ptr->set_qualifier(t_field_qualifier::optional); resp_struct->append_field(std::move(xc_ptr)); } } req_resp_structs.push_back(resp_struct); } return req_resp_structs; } const std::string* get_go_name_annotation(const t_named* node) { auto name_annotation = node->find_structured_annotation_or_null(kGoNameUri); if (name_annotation != nullptr) { return &(name_annotation->get_value_from_structured_annotation("name") .get_string()); } return nullptr; } const std::string* get_go_tag_annotation(const t_named* node) { auto tag_annotation = node->find_structured_annotation_or_null(kGoTagUri); if (tag_annotation != nullptr) { return &(tag_annotation->get_value_from_structured_annotation("tag") .get_string()); } return nullptr; } } // namespace go } // namespace compiler } // namespace thrift } // namespace apache