/* * Copyright (c) Meta Platforms, Inc. and affiliates. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #include #include "thrift/compiler/ast/t_program.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include namespace apache { namespace thrift { namespace compiler { namespace cpp2 { namespace { bool contains(std::string_view s, std::string_view what) { return std::search(s.begin(), s.end(), what.begin(), what.end()) != s.end(); } std::string_view value_or_empty(const std::string* value) { return value ? *value : std::string_view(""); } } // namespace bool is_custom_type(const t_type& type) { return t_typedef::get_first_annotation_or_null( &type, { "cpp.template", "cpp2.template", "cpp.type", "cpp2.type", }) || t_typedef::get_first_structured_annotation_or_null(&type, kCppAdapterUri); } bool is_custom_type(const t_field& field) { return gen::cpp::type_resolver::find_first_adapter(field) || is_custom_type(*field.get_type()); } bool container_supports_incomplete_params(const t_type& type) { if (t_typedef::get_first_structured_annotation_or_null( &type, "facebook.com/thrift/annotation/cpp/Frozen2RequiresCompleteContainerParams")) { return false; } if (t_typedef::get_first_annotation_or_null( &type, { "cpp.container_supports_incomplete_params", }) || !is_custom_type(type)) { return true; } static const std::unordered_set template_exceptions = [] { std::unordered_set types; for (auto& type : { "folly::F14NodeMap", "folly::F14VectorMap", "folly::small_vector_map", "folly::sorted_vector_map", "folly::F14NodeSet", "folly::F14VectorSet", "folly::small_vector_set", "folly::sorted_vector_set", "std::forward_list", "std::list", }) { types.insert(type); types.insert(fmt::format("::{}", type)); } return types; }(); { auto cpp_template = t_typedef::get_first_annotation_or_null( &type, { "cpp.template", "cpp2.template", }); if (cpp_template && template_exceptions.count(*cpp_template)) { return true; } } { auto cpp_type = t_typedef::get_first_annotation_or_null( &type, { "cpp.type", "cpp2.type", }); if (cpp_type) { auto cpp_template = cpp_type->substr(0, cpp_type->find('<')); if (template_exceptions.count(cpp_template)) { return true; } } } return false; } namespace { bool has_dependent_adapter(const t_type& node) { if (auto annotation = t_typedef::get_first_structured_annotation_or_null( &node, kCppAdapterUri)) { return !annotation->get_value_from_structured_annotation_or_null( "adaptedType"); } return false; } } // namespace std::unordered_map> gen_dependency_graph( const t_program* program, const std::vector& types) { std::unordered_map> edges( types.size()); for (const auto* obj : types) { auto& deps = edges[obj]; std::function add_dependency = [&](const t_type* type, bool include_structs) { if (auto typedf = dynamic_cast(type)) { // Resolve unnamed typedefs if (typedf->typedef_kind() != t_typedef::kind::defined) { type = typedf->get_type(); } } if (auto map = dynamic_cast(type)) { add_dependency( map->get_key_type(), include_structs && !container_supports_incomplete_params(*map)); return add_dependency( map->get_val_type(), include_structs && !container_supports_incomplete_params(*map)); } else if (auto set = dynamic_cast(type)) { return add_dependency( set->get_elem_type(), include_structs && !container_supports_incomplete_params(*set)); } else if (auto list = dynamic_cast(type)) { return add_dependency( list->get_elem_type(), include_structs && !container_supports_incomplete_params(*list)); } else if (auto typedf = dynamic_cast(type)) { // Transitively depend on true type if necessary, since typedefs // generally don't depend on their underlying types. add_dependency(typedf->get_true_type(), include_structs); } else if (!(dynamic_cast(type) && (include_structs || has_dependent_adapter(*type)))) { return; } // We're only interested in types defined in the current program. if (type->program() != program) { return; } deps.emplace_back(type); }; if (auto* typedf = dynamic_cast(obj)) { // The adjacency list of a typedef is the list of structs and typedefs // named in its underlying type, but we only care about structs if the // typedef or struct has an adapter annotation without adaptedType // specified. const auto* type = &*typedf->type(); add_dependency(type, has_dependent_adapter(*typedf)); } else if (auto* strct = dynamic_cast(obj)) { // The adjacency list of a struct is the structs and typedefs named in its // fields. for (const auto& field : strct->fields()) { auto ftype = field.type(); ftype.resolve(); if (!ftype.resolved()) { continue; } const auto* type = &*ftype; add_dependency(type, !cpp2::is_explicit_ref(&field)); } } else { assert(false); } // Order all deps in the order they are defined in. std::sort(deps.begin(), deps.end(), [](const t_type* a, const t_type* b) { return a->src_range().begin.offset() < b->src_range().begin.offset(); }); } return edges; } namespace { struct is_orderable_walk_context { std::unordered_set pending_back_propagation; std::unordered_set seen; std::unordered_map> inv_graph; }; bool is_orderable_walk( std::unordered_map& memo, t_type const& type, t_type const* prev, is_orderable_walk_context& context, bool enabledReflection) { const bool has_disqualifying_annotation = is_custom_type(type) && !enabledReflection; auto memo_it = memo.find(&type); if (memo_it != memo.end()) { return memo_it->second; } if (prev != nullptr) { context.inv_graph[&type].insert(prev); } if (!context.seen.insert(&type).second) { return true; // Recursive type, speculate success. } auto make_scope_guard = [](auto f) { auto deleter = [=](void*) { f(); }; return std::unique_ptr(&f, deleter); }; auto g = make_scope_guard([&] { context.seen.erase(&type); }); if (type.is_primitive_type() || type.is_enum()) { return true; } bool result = false; auto g2 = make_scope_guard([&] { memo[&type] = result; if (!result) { context.pending_back_propagation.insert(&type); } }); if (type.is_typedef()) { auto const& real = [&]() -> auto&& { return *type.get_true_type(); }; auto const& next = *(dynamic_cast(type).get_type()); return result = is_orderable_walk( memo, next, &type, context, enabledReflection) && (!(real().is_set() || real().is_map()) || !has_disqualifying_annotation); } else if (type.is_struct() || type.is_exception()) { const auto& as_struct = static_cast(type); return result = std::all_of( as_struct.fields().begin(), as_struct.fields().end(), [&](const auto& f) { return is_orderable_walk( memo, f.type().deref(), &type, context, !as_struct.uri().empty()); }); } else if (type.is_list()) { return result = is_orderable_walk( memo, *(dynamic_cast(type).get_elem_type()), &type, context, enabledReflection); } else if (type.is_set()) { return result = !has_disqualifying_annotation && is_orderable_walk( memo, *(dynamic_cast(type).get_elem_type()), &type, context, enabledReflection); } else if (type.is_map()) { return result = !has_disqualifying_annotation && is_orderable_walk( memo, *(dynamic_cast(type).get_key_type()), &type, context, enabledReflection) && is_orderable_walk( memo, *(dynamic_cast(type).get_val_type()), &type, context, enabledReflection); } return false; } void is_orderable_back_propagate( std::unordered_map& memo, is_orderable_walk_context& context) { while (!context.pending_back_propagation.empty()) { auto type = *context.pending_back_propagation.begin(); context.pending_back_propagation.erase( context.pending_back_propagation.begin()); auto edges = context.inv_graph.find(type); if (edges == context.inv_graph.end()) { continue; } for (t_type const* prev : edges->second) { if (std::exchange(memo[prev], false)) { context.pending_back_propagation.insert(prev); } } context.inv_graph.erase(edges); } } } // namespace bool is_orderable( std::unordered_map& memo, t_type const& type) { // Thrift struct could self-reference, so have to perform a two-stage walk: // first all self-references are speculated, then negative classification is // back-propagated through the traversed dependencies. is_orderable_walk_context context; is_orderable_walk(memo, type, nullptr, context, false); is_orderable_back_propagate(memo, context); auto it = memo.find(&type); return it == memo.end() || it->second; } bool is_orderable(t_type const& type) { std::unordered_map memo; return is_orderable(memo, type); } std::string_view get_type(const t_type* type) { return value_or_empty(gen::cpp::type_resolver::find_type(*type)); } bool is_implicit_ref(const t_type* type) { auto const* resolved_typedef = type->get_true_type(); return resolved_typedef != nullptr && resolved_typedef->is_binary() && contains(get_type(resolved_typedef), "std::unique_ptr") && contains(get_type(resolved_typedef), "folly::IOBuf"); } bool field_transitively_refers_to_unique(const t_field* field) { switch (gen::cpp::find_ref_type(*field)) { case gen::cpp::reference_type::none: break; case gen::cpp::reference_type::unique: { return true; } case gen::cpp::reference_type::boxed: case gen::cpp::reference_type::boxed_intern: case gen::cpp::reference_type::shared_const: case gen::cpp::reference_type::shared_mutable: { return false; } } std::queue queue; queue.push(field->get_type()); while (!queue.empty()) { auto type = queue.front()->get_true_type(); queue.pop(); if (cpp2::is_implicit_ref(type)) { return true; } switch (type->get_type_value()) { case t_type::type::t_list: { queue.push(static_cast(type)->get_elem_type()); break; } case t_type::type::t_set: { queue.push(static_cast(type)->get_elem_type()); break; } case t_type::type::t_map: { queue.push(static_cast(type)->get_key_type()); queue.push(static_cast(type)->get_val_type()); break; } default: { break; } } } return false; } bool is_eligible_for_constexpr::operator()(const t_type* type) { enum class eligible { unknown, yes, no }; auto check = [this](const t_type* t) { auto it = cache_.find(t); if (it != cache_.end()) { return it->second ? eligible::yes : eligible::no; } bool result = false; if (t->has_annotation("cpp.indirection")) { // Custom types may not have constexpr constructors. result = false; } else if ( t->is_any_int() || t->is_floating_point() || t->is_bool() || t->is_enum()) { result = true; } else if (t->is_union() || t->is_exception()) { // Union and exception constructors are not defaulted. result = false; } else if (t->has_annotation( {"cpp.virtual", "cpp2.virtual", "cpp.allocator"})) { result = false; } else { return eligible::unknown; } cache_[t] = result; return result ? eligible::yes : eligible::no; }; auto result = check(type); if (result != eligible::unknown) { return result == eligible::yes; } if (const auto* s = dynamic_cast(type)) { result = eligible::yes; for_each_transitive_field(s, [&](const t_field* field) { result = check(field->get_type()); if (result == eligible::no) { return false; } else if (is_explicit_ref(field) || is_lazy(field)) { result = eligible::no; return false; } else if (result == eligible::unknown) { if (!field->get_type()->is_struct()) { return false; } // Structs are eligible if all their fields are. result = eligible::yes; } return true; }); return result == eligible::yes; } return false; } bool is_stack_arguments( std::map const& options, t_function const& function) { if (function.has_annotation("cpp.stack_arguments")) { return function.get_annotation("cpp.stack_arguments") != "0"; } return options.count("stack_arguments"); } bool is_mixin(const t_field& field) { return field.has_annotation("cpp.mixin") || field.find_structured_annotation_or_null(kMixinUri) != nullptr; } bool has_ref_annotation(const t_field& field) { switch (gen::cpp::find_ref_type(field)) { case gen::cpp::reference_type::unique: case gen::cpp::reference_type::shared_const: case gen::cpp::reference_type::shared_mutable: return true; case gen::cpp::reference_type::none: case gen::cpp::reference_type::boxed_intern: case gen::cpp::reference_type::boxed: return false; } throw std::logic_error("Unhandled ref_type"); } static void get_mixins_and_members_impl( const t_structured& strct, const t_field* top_level_mixin, std::vector& out) { for (const auto& member : strct.fields()) { if (is_mixin(member)) { assert(member.type()->get_true_type()->is_struct()); auto mixin_struct = static_cast(member.type()->get_true_type()); const auto& mixin = top_level_mixin != nullptr ? *top_level_mixin : member; // import members from mixin field for (const auto& member_from_mixin : mixin_struct->fields()) { out.push_back({&mixin, &member_from_mixin}); } // import members from nested mixin field get_mixins_and_members_impl(*mixin_struct, &mixin, out); } } } std::vector get_mixins_and_members(const t_structured& strct) { std::vector ret; get_mixins_and_members_impl(strct, nullptr, ret); return ret; } namespace { struct get_gen_type_class_options { bool gen_indirection = false; bool gen_indirection_inner_ = false; }; std::string get_gen_type_class_( t_type const& type_, get_gen_type_class_options opts) { std::string const ns = "::apache::thrift::"; std::string const tc = ns + "type_class::"; auto const& type = *type_.get_true_type(); bool const ind = type.has_annotation("cpp.indirection"); if (ind && opts.gen_indirection && !opts.gen_indirection_inner_) { opts.gen_indirection_inner_ = true; auto const inner = get_gen_type_class_(type_, opts); auto const tag = ns + "detail::indirection_tag"; auto const fun = ns + "detail::apply_indirection_fn"; return tag + "<" + inner + ", " + fun + ">"; } opts.gen_indirection_inner_ = false; if (type.is_void()) { return tc + "nothing"; } else if (type.is_bool() || type.is_byte() || type.is_any_int()) { return tc + "integral"; } else if (type.is_floating_point()) { return tc + "floating_point"; } else if (type.is_enum()) { return tc + "enumeration"; } else if (type.is_string()) { return tc + "string"; } else if (type.is_binary()) { return tc + "binary"; } else if (type.is_list()) { auto& list = dynamic_cast(type); auto& elem = *list.get_elem_type(); auto elem_tc = get_gen_type_class_(elem, opts); return tc + "list<" + elem_tc + ">"; } else if (type.is_set()) { auto& set = dynamic_cast(type); auto& elem = *set.get_elem_type(); auto elem_tc = get_gen_type_class_(elem, opts); return tc + "set<" + elem_tc + ">"; } else if (type.is_map()) { auto& map = dynamic_cast(type); auto& key = *map.get_key_type(); auto& val = *map.get_val_type(); auto key_tc = get_gen_type_class_(key, opts); auto val_tc = get_gen_type_class_(val, opts); return tc + "map<" + key_tc + ", " + val_tc + ">"; } else if (type.is_union()) { return tc + "variant"; } else if (type.is_struct() || type.is_exception()) { return tc + "structure"; } else { throw std::runtime_error("unknown type class for: " + type.get_full_name()); } } } // namespace std::string get_gen_type_class(t_type const& type) { get_gen_type_class_options opts; return get_gen_type_class_(type, opts); } std::string get_gen_type_class_with_indirection(t_type const& type) { get_gen_type_class_options opts; opts.gen_indirection = true; return get_gen_type_class_(type, opts); } std::string sha256_hex(std::string const& in) { std::uint8_t mid[SHA256_DIGEST_LENGTH]; SHA256_CTX hasher; SHA256_Init(&hasher); SHA256_Update(&hasher, in.data(), in.size()); SHA256_Final(mid, &hasher); constexpr auto alpha = "0123456789abcdef"; std::string out; for (size_t i = 0; i < SHA256_DIGEST_LENGTH; ++i) { constexpr auto mask = std::uint8_t(std::uint8_t(~std::uint8_t(0)) >> 4); auto hi = (mid[i] >> 4) & mask; auto lo = (mid[i] >> 0) & mask; out.push_back(alpha[hi]); out.push_back(alpha[lo]); } return out; } bool is_cpp_ref_unique_either(const t_field* f) { return cpp2::is_unique_ref(f) || cpp2::is_implicit_ref(f->get_type()); } bool deprecated_terse_writes(const t_field* field) { // Add terse writes for unqualified fields when comparison is cheap: // (e.g. i32/i64, empty strings/list/map) auto t = field->get_type()->get_true_type(); return field->get_req() == t_field::e_req::opt_in_req_out && (is_cpp_ref_unique_either(field) || (!t->is_struct() && !t->is_exception())); } t_field_id get_internal_injected_field_id(t_field_id id) { t_field_id internal_id = kInjectMetadataFieldsStartId - id; if (internal_id > kInjectMetadataFieldsStartId || internal_id <= kInjectMetadataFieldsLastId) { throw std::runtime_error( fmt::format("Field id `{}` does not mapped to valid internal id.", id)); } return internal_id; } const t_const* get_transitive_annotation_of_adapter_or_null( const t_named& node) { for (const auto& annotation : node.structured_annotations()) { const t_type& annotation_type = *annotation.type(); if (is_transitive_annotation(annotation_type)) { if (annotation_type.find_structured_annotation_or_null(kCppAdapterUri)) { return &annotation; } } } return nullptr; } } // namespace cpp2 } // namespace compiler } // namespace thrift } // namespace apache