/* * Copyright (c) Meta Platforms, Inc. and affiliates. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include using namespace std; namespace apache { namespace thrift { namespace compiler { namespace { const std::string* get_py_adapter(const t_type* type) { if (!type->get_true_type()->is_struct()) { return nullptr; } return t_typedef::get_first_annotation_or_null(type, {"py.adapter"}); } void mark_file_executable(const std::filesystem::path& path) { namespace fs = std::filesystem; fs::permissions( path, fs::perms::owner_exec | fs::perms::group_exec | fs::perms::others_exec, fs::perm_options::add); } string prefix_temporary(const string& name) { return "_fbthrift_" + name; } } // namespace /** * Python code generator. */ class t_py_generator : public t_concat_generator { public: using t_concat_generator::t_concat_generator; void process_options( const std::map& options) override { gen_json_ = options.find("json") != options.end(); gen_slots_ = options.find("slots") != options.end(); gen_asyncio_ = options.find("asyncio") != options.end(); gen_future_ = options.find("future") != options.end(); gen_utf8strings_ = options.find("utf8strings") != options.end(); gen_cpp_transport_ = options.find("cpp_transport") != options.end(); if (gen_cpp_transport_ && gen_asyncio_) { throw std::runtime_error( "compiler error: can't use cpp transport together with asyncio yet"); } sort_keys_ = options.find("sort_keys") != options.end(); auto iter = options.find("thrift_port"); if (iter != options.end()) { default_port_ = iter->second; } else { default_port_ = "9090"; } compare_t_fields_only_ = options.find("compare_t_fields_only") != options.end(); out_dir_base_ = "gen-py"; } /** * Init and close methods */ void init_generator() override; void close_generator() override; /** * Program-level generation functions */ void generate_typedef(const t_typedef* ttypedef) override; void generate_enum(const t_enum* tenum) override; void generate_const(const t_const* tconst) override; void generate_struct(const t_structured* tstruct) override; void generate_forward_declaration(const t_structured* tstruct) override; void generate_xception(const t_structured* txception) override; void generate_service(const t_service* tservice) override; std::string render_const_value( const t_type* type, const t_const_value* value); /** * Struct generation code */ void generate_py_struct(const t_structured* tstruct, bool is_exception); void generate_py_thrift_spec( std::ofstream& out, const t_structured* tstruct, bool is_exception); void generate_py_annotation_dict( std::ofstream& out, const deprecated_annotation_map& fields); void generate_py_annotations(std::ofstream& out, const t_structured* tstruct); void generate_py_union(std::ofstream& out, const t_structured* tstruct); void generate_py_struct_definition( std::ofstream& out, const t_structured* tstruct, bool is_exception = false, bool is_result = false); void generate_py_struct_reader( std::ofstream& out, const t_structured* tstruct); void generate_py_struct_writer( std::ofstream& out, const t_structured* tstruct); void generate_py_function_helpers(const t_function* tfunction); void generate_py_converter_helpers( std::ofstream& out, const t_structured* tstruct); /** * Service-level generation functions */ void generate_service_helpers(const t_service* tservice); void generate_service_interface(const t_service* tservice, bool with_context); void generate_service_client(const t_service* tservice); void generate_service_remote(const t_service* tservice); void generate_service_fuzzer(const t_service* tservice); void generate_service_server(const t_service* tservice, bool with_context); void generate_process_function( const t_service* tservice, const t_function* tfunction, bool with_context, bool future); /** * Serialization constructs */ void generate_deserialize_field( std::ofstream& out, const t_field* tfield, std::string prefix = "", bool inclass = false, std::string actual_type = ""); void generate_deserialize_struct( std::ofstream& out, const t_struct* tstruct, std::string prefix = ""); void generate_deserialize_container( std::ofstream& out, const t_type* ttype, std::string prefix = ""); void generate_deserialize_set_element( std::ofstream& out, const t_set* tset, std::string prefix = ""); void generate_deserialize_map_element( std::ofstream& out, const t_map* tmap, std::string prefix = "", std::string key_actual_type = "", std::string value_actual_type = ""); void generate_deserialize_list_element( std::ofstream& out, const t_list* tlist, std::string prefix = ""); void generate_serialize_field( std::ofstream& out, const t_field* tfield, std::string prefix = ""); void generate_serialize_struct( std::ofstream& out, const t_struct* tstruct, std::string prefix = ""); void generate_serialize_container( std::ofstream& out, const t_type* ttype, std::string prefix = ""); void generate_serialize_map_element( std::ofstream& out, const t_map* tmap, std::string kiter, std::string viter); void generate_serialize_set_element( std::ofstream& out, const t_set* tmap, std::string iter); void generate_serialize_list_element( std::ofstream& out, const t_list* tlist, std::string iter); void generate_json_enum( std::ofstream& out, const t_enum* tenum, const string& prefix_thrift, const string& prefix_json); void generate_json_struct( std::ofstream& out, const t_struct* tstruct, const string& prefix_thrift, const string& prefix_json); void generate_json_field( std::ofstream& out, const t_field* tfield, const string& prefix_thrift = "", const string& suffix_thrift = "", const string& prefix_json = "", bool generate_assignment = true); void generate_json_container( std::ofstream& out, const t_type* ttype, const string& prefix_thrift = "", const string& prefix_json = ""); void generate_json_collection_element( ofstream& out, const t_type* type, const string& collection, const string& elem, const string& action_prefix, const string& action_suffix, const string& prefix_json); void generate_json_map_key( ofstream& out, const t_type* type, const string& parsed_key, const string& string_key); void generate_json_reader(std::ofstream& out, const t_structured* tstruct); void generate_fastproto_read(std::ofstream& out, const t_structured* tstruct); void generate_fastproto_write( std::ofstream& out, const t_structured* tstruct); /** * Helper rendering functions */ std::string py_autogen_comment(); std::string py_par_warning(string service_tool_name); std::string py_imports(); std::string rename_reserved_keywords(const std::string& value); std::string render_includes(); std::string render_fastproto_includes(); std::string declare_argument( const t_structured* tstruct, const t_field* tfield); std::string render_field_default_value(const t_field* tfield); std::string type_name(const t_type* ttype); std::string function_signature( const t_function* tfunction, std::string prefix = ""); std::string function_signature_if( const t_function* tfunction, bool with_context, std::string prefix = ""); std::string argument_list(const t_paramlist& tparamlist); std::string type_to_enum(const t_type* ttype); std::string type_to_spec_args(const t_type* ttype); std::string get_real_py_module(const t_program* program); std::string render_string(const std::string& value); std::string render_ttype_declarations(const char* delimiter); std::string get_priority( const t_named* obj, const std::string& def = "NORMAL"); const std::vector& get_functions(const t_service* tservice); private: /** * True iff we should generate a function parse json to thrift object. */ bool gen_json_; /** * True iff we should generate __slots__ for thrift structs. */ bool gen_slots_; /** * True iff we should generate code for asyncio server in Python 3. */ bool gen_asyncio_; /** * True iff we should generate services supporting concurrent.futures. */ bool gen_future_; /** * True iff strings should be encoded using utf-8. */ bool gen_utf8strings_; /** * True if we should generate new clients using C++ transport. */ bool gen_cpp_transport_; /** * True iff we serialize maps sorted by key and sets by value */ bool sort_keys_; /** * True iff we compare thrift classes using their spec fields only */ bool compare_t_fields_only_; /** * Default port to use. */ std::string default_port_; /** * File streams */ std::ofstream f_types_; std::ofstream f_consts_; std::ofstream f_service_; std::filesystem::path package_dir_; std::map> func_map_; void generate_json_reader_fn_signature(ofstream& out); static int32_t get_thrift_spec_key(const t_structured*, const t_field*); void generate_python_docstring( std::ofstream& out, const t_structured* tstruct); void generate_python_docstring( std::ofstream& out, const t_function* tfunction); void generate_python_docstring( std::ofstream& out, const t_named* named_node, const t_structured* tstruct, const char* subheader); void generate_python_docstring(std::ofstream& out, const t_named* named_node); }; std::string t_py_generator::get_real_py_module(const t_program* program) { if (gen_asyncio_) { std::string asyncio_module = program->get_namespace("py.asyncio"); if (!asyncio_module.empty()) { return asyncio_module; } } std::string real_module = program->get_namespace("py"); if (real_module.empty()) { return program->name(); } return real_module; } void t_py_generator::generate_json_field( ofstream& out, const t_field* tfield, const string& prefix_thrift, const string& suffix_thrift, const string& prefix_json, bool generate_assignment) { const t_type* type = tfield->get_type()->get_true_type(); if (type->is_void()) { throw std::runtime_error( "CANNOT READ JSON FIELD WITH void TYPE: " + prefix_thrift + tfield->get_name()); } string name = prefix_thrift + rename_reserved_keywords(tfield->get_name()) + suffix_thrift; if (type->is_struct() || type->is_exception()) { generate_json_struct(out, (t_struct*)type, name, prefix_json); } else if (type->is_container()) { generate_json_container(out, (t_container*)type, name, prefix_json); } else if (type->is_enum()) { generate_json_enum(out, (t_enum*)type, name, prefix_json); } else if (type->is_primitive_type()) { string conversion_function = ""; t_primitive_type::t_primitive tbase = ((t_primitive_type*)type)->primitive_type(); string number_limit = ""; string number_negative_limit = ""; switch (tbase) { case t_primitive_type::TYPE_VOID: case t_primitive_type::TYPE_STRING: case t_primitive_type::TYPE_BINARY: case t_primitive_type::TYPE_BOOL: break; case t_primitive_type::TYPE_BYTE: number_limit = "0x7f"; number_negative_limit = "-0x80"; break; case t_primitive_type::TYPE_I16: number_limit = "0x7fff"; number_negative_limit = "-0x8000"; break; case t_primitive_type::TYPE_I32: number_limit = "0x7fffffff"; number_negative_limit = "-0x80000000"; break; case t_primitive_type::TYPE_I64: conversion_function = "long"; break; case t_primitive_type::TYPE_DOUBLE: case t_primitive_type::TYPE_FLOAT: conversion_function = "float"; break; default: throw std::runtime_error( "compiler error: no python reader for base type " + t_primitive_type::t_primitive_name(tbase) + name); } string value = prefix_json; if (!conversion_function.empty()) { value = conversion_function + "(" + value + ")"; } if (generate_assignment) { indent(out) << name << " = " << value << endl; } if (!number_limit.empty()) { indent(out) << "if " << name << " > " << number_limit << " or " << name << " < " << number_negative_limit << ":" << endl; indent_up(); indent(out) << "raise TProtocolException(TProtocolException.INVALID_DATA," << " 'number exceeds limit in field')" << endl; indent_down(); } } else { throw std::runtime_error("Compiler did not generate_json_field reader"); } } void t_py_generator::generate_json_struct( ofstream& out, const t_struct* tstruct, const string& prefix_thrift, const string& prefix_json) { indent(out) << prefix_thrift << " = " << type_name(tstruct) << "()" << endl; indent(out) << prefix_thrift << ".readFromJson(" << prefix_json << ", is_text=False, **kwargs)" << endl; } void t_py_generator::generate_json_enum( ofstream& out, const t_enum* tenum, const string& prefix_thrift, const string& prefix_json) { indent(out) << prefix_thrift << " = " << prefix_json << endl; indent(out) << "if not " << prefix_thrift << " in " << type_name(tenum) << "._VALUES_TO_NAMES:" << endl; indent_up(); indent(out) << "msg = 'Integer value ''%s'' is not a recognized value of enum type " << type_name(tenum) << "' % " << prefix_thrift << endl; indent(out) << "if relax_enum_validation:" << endl; indent(out) << " warnings.warn(msg)" << endl; indent(out) << "else:" << endl; indent(out) << " raise TProtocolException(" << "TProtocolException.INVALID_DATA, msg)" << endl; indent_down(); indent(out) << "if wrap_enum_constants:" << endl; indent_up(); indent(out) << prefix_thrift << " = ThriftEnumWrapper(" << type_name(tenum) << ", " << prefix_thrift << ")" << endl; indent_down(); } void t_py_generator::generate_json_container( ofstream& out, const t_type* ttype, const string& prefix_thrift, const string& prefix_json) { if (ttype->is_list()) { string e = tmp("_tmp_e"); indent(out) << prefix_thrift << " = []" << endl; indent(out) << "for " << e << " in " << prefix_json << ":" << endl; indent_up(); generate_json_collection_element( out, ((t_list*)ttype)->get_elem_type(), prefix_thrift, e, ".append(", ")", prefix_json); indent_down(); } else if (ttype->is_set()) { string e = tmp("_tmp_e"); indent(out) << prefix_thrift << " = set_cls()" << endl; indent(out) << "for " << e << " in " << prefix_json << ":" << endl; indent_up(); generate_json_collection_element( out, ((t_set*)ttype)->get_elem_type(), prefix_thrift, e, ".add(", ")", prefix_json); indent_down(); } else if (ttype->is_map()) { string k = tmp("_tmp_k"); string v = tmp("_tmp_v"); string kp = tmp("_tmp_kp"); indent(out) << prefix_thrift << " = dict_cls()" << endl; indent(out) << "for " << k << ", " << v << " in " << prefix_json << ".items():" << endl; indent_up(); generate_json_map_key(out, ((t_map*)ttype)->get_key_type(), kp, k); generate_json_collection_element( out, ((t_map*)ttype)->get_val_type(), prefix_thrift, v, "[" + kp + "] = ", "", prefix_json + "[" + kp + "]"); indent_down(); } } void t_py_generator::generate_json_collection_element( ofstream& out, const t_type* type, const string& collection, const string& elem, const string& action_prefix, const string& action_suffix, const string& prefix_json) { string to_act_on = elem; string to_parse = prefix_json; type = type->get_true_type(); if (type->is_primitive_type()) { t_primitive_type::t_primitive tbase = ((t_primitive_type*)type)->primitive_type(); switch (tbase) { // Explicitly cast into float because there is an asymetry // between serializing and deserializing NaN. case t_primitive_type::TYPE_DOUBLE: case t_primitive_type::TYPE_FLOAT: to_act_on = "float(" + to_act_on + ")"; break; default: break; } } else if (type->is_enum()) { to_parse = elem; to_act_on = tmp("_enum"); } else if (type->is_list()) { to_parse = elem; to_act_on = tmp("_list"); } else if (type->is_map()) { to_parse = elem; to_act_on = tmp("_map"); } else if (type->is_set()) { to_parse = elem; to_act_on = tmp("_set"); } else if (type->is_struct()) { to_parse = elem; to_act_on = tmp("_struct"); } t_field felem(type, to_act_on); generate_json_field(out, &felem, "", "", to_parse, false); indent(out) << collection << action_prefix << to_act_on << action_suffix << endl; } void t_py_generator::generate_json_map_key( ofstream& out, const t_type* type, const string& parsed_key, const string& raw_key) { type = type->get_true_type(); if (type->is_enum()) { indent(out) << parsed_key << " = int(" << raw_key << ")" << endl; } else if (type->is_primitive_type()) { t_primitive_type::t_primitive tbase = ((t_primitive_type*)type)->primitive_type(); string conversion_function = ""; string number_limit = ""; string number_negative_limit = ""; bool generate_assignment = true; switch (tbase) { case t_primitive_type::TYPE_STRING: case t_primitive_type::TYPE_BINARY: break; case t_primitive_type::TYPE_BOOL: indent(out) << "if " << raw_key << " == 'true':" << endl; indent_up(); indent(out) << parsed_key << " = True" << endl; indent_down(); indent(out) << "elif " << raw_key << " == 'false':" << endl; indent_up(); indent(out) << parsed_key << " = False" << endl; indent_down(); indent(out) << "else:" << endl; indent_up(); indent(out) << "raise TProtocolException(TProtocolException." << "INVALID_DATA, 'invalid boolean value' + " << raw_key << ")" << endl; indent_down(); generate_assignment = false; break; case t_primitive_type::TYPE_BYTE: conversion_function = "int"; number_limit = "0x7f"; number_negative_limit = "-0x80"; break; case t_primitive_type::TYPE_I16: conversion_function = "int"; number_limit = "0x7fff"; number_negative_limit = "-0x8000"; break; case t_primitive_type::TYPE_I32: conversion_function = "int"; number_limit = "0x7fffffff"; number_negative_limit = "-0x80000000"; break; case t_primitive_type::TYPE_I64: conversion_function = "long"; break; case t_primitive_type::TYPE_DOUBLE: case t_primitive_type::TYPE_FLOAT: conversion_function = "float"; break; default: throw std::runtime_error( "compiler error: no C++ reader for base type " + t_primitive_type::t_primitive_name(tbase)); } string value = raw_key; if (!conversion_function.empty()) { value = conversion_function + "(" + value + ")"; } if (generate_assignment) { indent(out) << parsed_key << " = " << value << endl; } if (!number_limit.empty()) { indent(out) << "if " << parsed_key << " > " << number_limit << " or " << parsed_key << " < " << number_negative_limit << ":" << endl; indent_up(); indent(out) << "raise TProtocolException(TProtocolException.INVALID_DATA," << " 'number exceeds the limit in key ' + " << raw_key << ")" << endl; indent_down(); } } else { throw string("compiler error: invalid key type"); } } void t_py_generator::generate_json_reader_fn_signature(ofstream& out) { indent(out) << "def readFromJson(self, json, is_text=True, **kwargs):" << endl; indent_up(); indent(out) << "kwargs_copy = dict(kwargs)" << endl; indent(out) << "relax_enum_validation = " "bool(kwargs_copy.pop('relax_enum_validation', False))" << endl; indent(out) << "set_cls = kwargs_copy.pop('custom_set_cls', set)" << endl; indent(out) << "dict_cls = kwargs_copy.pop('custom_dict_cls', dict)" << endl; indent(out) << "wrap_enum_constants = kwargs_copy.pop('wrap_enum_constants', False)" << endl; indent(out) << "if wrap_enum_constants and relax_enum_validation:" << endl; indent(out) << " raise ValueError(" << endl; indent(out) << " 'wrap_enum_constants cannot be used together with relax_enum_validation'" << endl; indent(out) << " )" << endl; indent(out) << "if kwargs_copy:" << endl; indent(out) << " extra_kwargs = ', '.join(kwargs_copy.keys())" << endl; indent(out) << " raise ValueError(" << endl; indent(out) << " 'Unexpected keyword arguments: ' + extra_kwargs" << endl; indent(out) << " )" << endl; } void t_py_generator::generate_json_reader( ofstream& out, const t_structured* tstruct) { if (!gen_json_) { return; } const vector& fields = tstruct->get_members(); vector::const_iterator f_iter; generate_json_reader_fn_signature(out); indent(out) << "json_obj = json" << endl; indent(out) << "if is_text:" << endl; indent_up(); indent(out) << "json_obj = loads(json)" << endl; indent_down(); for (f_iter = fields.begin(); f_iter != fields.end(); ++f_iter) { string field = (*f_iter)->get_name(); indent(out) << "if '" << field << "' in json_obj " << "and json_obj['" << field << "'] is not None:" << endl; indent_up(); generate_json_field( out, *f_iter, "self.", "", "json_obj['" + (*f_iter)->get_name() + "']"); indent_down(); } indent_down(); out << endl; } /** * Prepares for file generation by opening up the necessary file output * streams. * * @param tprogram The program to generate */ void t_py_generator::init_generator() { // Make output directory structure string module = get_real_py_module(program_); package_dir_ = add_gen_dir() ? detail::format_abs_path(get_out_dir()) : get_out_path(); std::filesystem::create_directory(package_dir_); while (true) { std::filesystem::create_directory(package_dir_); std::ofstream init_py(package_dir_ / "__init__.py"); init_py << py_autogen_comment(); init_py.close(); if (module.empty()) { break; } string::size_type pos = module.find('.'); if (pos == string::npos) { package_dir_ /= module; module.clear(); } else { package_dir_ /= module.substr(0, pos); module.erase(0, pos + 1); } } // Make output file auto f_types_path = package_dir_ / "ttypes.py"; f_types_.open(f_types_path); record_genfile(f_types_path); auto f_consts_path = package_dir_ / "constants.py"; f_consts_.open(f_consts_path); record_genfile(f_consts_path); auto f_init_path = package_dir_ / "__init__.py"; std::ofstream f_init; f_init.open(f_init_path); record_genfile(f_init_path); f_init << py_autogen_comment() << "__all__ = ['ttypes', 'constants'"; for (const auto* tservice : program_->services()) { f_init << ", '" << tservice->get_name() << "'"; } f_init << "]" << endl; f_init.close(); // Print header f_types_ << py_autogen_comment() << endl << py_imports() << endl << render_includes() << endl << render_fastproto_includes() << "all_structs = []" << endl << "UTF8STRINGS = bool(" << gen_utf8strings_ << ") or " << "sys.version_info.major >= 3" << endl << endl; // Define __all__ for ttypes f_types_ << "__all__ = [" << render_ttype_declarations("'") << "]" << endl << endl; f_consts_ << py_autogen_comment() << endl << py_imports() << endl << render_includes() << endl << "from .ttypes import " << render_ttype_declarations("") << endl << endl; } string t_py_generator::render_ttype_declarations(const char* delimiter) { std::ostringstream out; out << delimiter << "UTF8STRINGS" << delimiter; for (const auto& en : program_->enums()) { out << ", " << delimiter << rename_reserved_keywords(en->get_name()) << delimiter; } for (const t_structured* object : program_->structured_definitions()) { out << ", " << delimiter << rename_reserved_keywords(object->get_name()) << delimiter; } for (const auto& td : program_->typedefs()) { out << ", " << delimiter << rename_reserved_keywords(td->name()) << delimiter; } return out.str(); } /** * Ensures the string is not a reserved Python keyword. */ string t_py_generator::rename_reserved_keywords(const string& value) { const auto& reserved_keywords = get_python_reserved_names(); if (reserved_keywords.find(value) != reserved_keywords.end()) { return value + "_PY_RESERVED_KEYWORD"; } else { return value; } } /** * Renders all the imports necessary for including another Thrift program */ string t_py_generator::render_includes() { const vector& includes = program_->get_includes_for_codegen(); string result = ""; for (size_t i = 0; i < includes.size(); ++i) { result += "import " + get_real_py_module(includes[i]) + ".ttypes\n"; } if (includes.size() > 0) { result += "\n"; } set modules; for (const auto* strct : program_->structs_and_unions()) { for (const auto* t : collect_types(strct)) { if (const auto* adapter = get_py_adapter(t)) { modules.emplace(adapter->substr(0, adapter->find_last_of('.'))); } } } for (const auto* type : program_->typedefs()) { if (const auto* adapter = get_py_adapter(type)) { modules.emplace(adapter->substr(0, adapter->find_last_of('.'))); } } for (const auto& module : modules) { result += "import " + module + "\n"; } if (modules.size() > 0) { result += "\n"; } return result; } /** * Renders all the imports necessary to use fastproto. */ string t_py_generator::render_fastproto_includes() { return "import pprint\n" "import warnings\n" "from thrift import Thrift\n" "from thrift.transport import TTransport\n" "from thrift.protocol import TBinaryProtocol\n" "from thrift.protocol import TCompactProtocol\n" "from thrift.protocol import THeaderProtocol\n" "fastproto = None\n" "try:\n" " from thrift.protocol import fastproto\n" "except ImportError:\n" " pass\n" "\n" /* Given a sparse thrift_spec generate a full thrift_spec as expected by fastproto. The old form is a tuple where every position is the same as the thrift field id. The new form is just a tuple of the used field ids without all the None padding, but its cheaper bytecode wise. There is a bug in python 3.10 that causes large tuples to use more memory and generate larger .pyc than <=3.9. See: https://github.com/python/cpython/issues/109036 */ "def __EXPAND_THRIFT_SPEC(spec):\n" " next_id = 0\n" " for item in spec:\n" " if next_id >= 0 and item[0] < 0:\n" " next_id = item[0]\n" " if item[0] != next_id:\n" " for _ in range(next_id, item[0]):\n" " yield None\n" " yield item\n" " next_id = item[0] + 1\n\n" "class ThriftEnumWrapper(int):\n" " def __new__(cls, enum_class, value):\n" " return super().__new__(cls, value)\n" " def __init__(self, enum_class, value):" " self.enum_class = enum_class\n" " def __repr__(self):\n" " return self.enum_class.__name__ + '.' + self.enum_class._VALUES_TO_NAMES[self]\n\n"; } /** * Autogen'd comment */ string t_py_generator::py_autogen_comment() { return std::string("#\n") + "# Autogenerated by Thrift\n" + "#\n" + "# DO NOT EDIT UNLESS YOU ARE SURE THAT YOU KNOW WHAT YOU ARE " "DOING\n" + "# @" "generated\n" + "#\n"; } /** * Print out warning message in the case a *.py is running instead of *.par */ string t_py_generator::py_par_warning(string service_tool_name) { return "if (not sys.argv[0].endswith(\"par\") and\n" " not sys.argv[0].endswith(\"xar\") and\n" " os.getenv('PAR_UNPACK_TMP') == None):\n" "\n" " f = open(sys.argv[0], \"r\")\n" "\n" " f.readline() # This will be #!/bin/bash\n" " line = f.readline()\n" " f.close()\n" "\n" " # The par generator tool always has '# This par was made' as " "the\n" " # second line. See fbcode/tools/make_par/make_par.py\n" " if (not line.startswith('# This par was made')):\n" " print(\"\"\"WARNING\n" " You are trying to run *-" + service_tool_name + ".py which is\n" " incorrect as the paths are not set up correctly.\n" " Instead, you should generate your thrift file with\n" " thrift_library and then run the resulting\n" " *-" + service_tool_name + ".par.\n" " For more information, please read\n" " http://fburl.com/python-remotes\"\"\")\n" " exit()\n"; } /** * Prints standard thrift imports */ string t_py_generator::py_imports() { string imports = "from __future__ import absolute_import\n"; imports += "import sys\n"; imports += "from thrift.util.Recursive import fix_spec\n"; imports += "from thrift.Thrift import TType, TMessageType, TPriority"; imports += ", TRequestContext, TProcessorEventHandler, TServerInterface"; imports += ", TProcessor, TException, TApplicationException, UnimplementedTypedef\n"; imports += "from thrift.protocol.TProtocol import TProtocolException\n"; if (compare_t_fields_only_) { imports += "from thrift.util import parse_struct_spec\n\n"; } else { imports += "\n"; } if (gen_json_) { imports += "from json import loads\n"; imports += "import sys\n"; imports += "if sys.version_info[0] >= 3:\n"; imports += " long = int\n"; } return imports; } /** * Closes the type files */ void t_py_generator::close_generator() { // Close types file f_types_ << "fix_spec(all_structs)" << endl << "del all_structs" << endl; f_types_.close(); f_consts_.close(); } /** * Print typedefs of typedefs, enums, exceptions, and structs as "Name = Type". * Unsupported types get `UnimplementedTypedef()` as the l-value. */ void t_py_generator::generate_typedef(const t_typedef* ttypedef) { const auto varname = rename_reserved_keywords(ttypedef->name()); const auto* type = ttypedef->get_type(); // Typedefs of user-defined types are useful as aliases. On the other // hand, base types are implicit, so it is not as helpful to support // creating aliases to their Python analogs. That said, if you need it, // add an `else if` below. if (const auto* adapter = get_py_adapter(type)) { f_types_ << varname << " = " << *adapter << ".Type" << endl; } else if ( type->is_typedef() || type->is_enum() || type->is_struct() || type->is_exception()) { f_types_ << varname << " = " << type_name(type) << endl; } else { // Emit dummy symbols for other type names, because otherwise a typedef // to a typedef to a base type would result in non-importable code. // // The dummy is a proper object instance rather than None because: // - Some questionable files, e.g. PythonReservedKeywords.thrift // shadow a struct with a typedef, and the parser accepts it. // - This generator splits struct-like object creation into two passes, // forward_declaration (reality: class definition), which happens // before typedefs are instantiated, and definition (reality: // mutation of the class object) , which happens after. If the // typedef shadowed a struct, and its value were None, all of the // mutations would fail at import time with mysterious messages. By // substituting an UnimplementedTypedef(), we instead let this blow // up at runtime, as the author of the shadowing file richly deseres. f_types_ << varname << " = UnimplementedTypedef()" << endl; } } /** * Generates code for an enumerated type. Done using a class to scope * the values. * * @param tenum The enumeration */ void t_py_generator::generate_enum(const t_enum* tenum) { std::ostringstream to_string_mapping, from_string_mapping; f_types_ << "class " << rename_reserved_keywords(tenum->get_name()) << ":" << endl; indent_up(); generate_python_docstring(f_types_, tenum); to_string_mapping << indent() << "_VALUES_TO_NAMES = {" << endl; from_string_mapping << indent() << "_NAMES_TO_VALUES = {" << endl; vector constants = tenum->get_enum_values(); vector::iterator c_iter; for (c_iter = constants.begin(); c_iter != constants.end(); ++c_iter) { int32_t value = (*c_iter)->get_value(); f_types_ << indent() << rename_reserved_keywords((*c_iter)->get_name()) << " = " << value << endl; // Dictionaries to/from string names of enums to_string_mapping << indent() << indent() << value << ": \"" << (*c_iter)->get_name() << "\"," << endl; from_string_mapping << indent() << indent() << '"' << (*c_iter)->get_name() << "\": " << value << ',' << endl; } to_string_mapping << indent() << "}" << endl; from_string_mapping << indent() << "}" << endl; indent_down(); f_types_ << endl; f_types_ << to_string_mapping.str() << endl << from_string_mapping.str() << endl; } /** * Generate a constant value */ void t_py_generator::generate_const(const t_const* tconst) { const t_type* type = tconst->type(); string name = rename_reserved_keywords(tconst->get_name()); const t_const_value* value = tconst->value(); indent(f_consts_) << name << " = " << render_const_value(type, value); f_consts_ << endl << endl; } string t_py_generator::render_string(const string& value) { std::string escaped; escaped.reserve(value.size()); for (unsigned char c : value) { if (c == '\n') { escaped.push_back(c); } else if (c < 0x20 || c >= 0xf8) { escaped.append(fmt::format("\\x{:02x}", c)); } else if (c == '"') { escaped.append("\\\""); } else if (c == '\\') { escaped.append("\\\\"); } else { escaped.push_back(c); } } std::ostringstream out; // If string contains multiple lines, then wrap it in triple quotes """ std::string wrap(escaped.find("\n") == std::string::npos ? "\"" : "\"\"\""); out << wrap << escaped << wrap; return out.str(); } /** * Prints the value of a constant with the given type. Note that type checking * is NOT performed in this function as it is always run beforehand using the * validate_types method in main.cc */ string t_py_generator::render_const_value( const t_type* type, const t_const_value* value) { type = type->get_true_type(); std::ostringstream out; if (type->is_primitive_type()) { t_primitive_type::t_primitive tbase = ((t_primitive_type*)type)->primitive_type(); switch (tbase) { case t_primitive_type::TYPE_STRING: case t_primitive_type::TYPE_BINARY: out << render_string(value->get_string()); break; case t_primitive_type::TYPE_BOOL: out << (value->get_integer() > 0 ? "True" : "False"); break; case t_primitive_type::TYPE_BYTE: case t_primitive_type::TYPE_I16: case t_primitive_type::TYPE_I32: case t_primitive_type::TYPE_I64: out << value->get_integer(); break; case t_primitive_type::TYPE_DOUBLE: case t_primitive_type::TYPE_FLOAT: out << std::showpoint; if (value->kind() == t_const_value::CV_INTEGER) { out << value->get_integer(); } else { out << value->get_double(); } break; default: throw std::runtime_error( "compiler error: no const of base type " + t_primitive_type::t_primitive_name(tbase)); } } else if (type->is_enum()) { indent(out) << value->get_integer(); } else if (type->is_struct() || type->is_exception()) { out << rename_reserved_keywords(type_name(type)) << "(**{" << endl; indent_up(); const vector& fields = ((t_struct*)type)->get_members(); vector::const_iterator f_iter; const vector>& val = value->get_map(); vector>::const_iterator v_iter; for (v_iter = val.begin(); v_iter != val.end(); ++v_iter) { const t_type* field_type = nullptr; for (f_iter = fields.begin(); f_iter != fields.end(); ++f_iter) { if ((*f_iter)->get_name() == v_iter->first->get_string()) { field_type = (*f_iter)->get_type(); } } if (field_type == nullptr) { throw std::runtime_error( "type error: " + type->get_name() + " has no field " + v_iter->first->get_string()); } out << indent(); out << render_const_value(&t_primitive_type::t_string(), v_iter->first); out << " : "; out << render_const_value(field_type, v_iter->second); out << "," << endl; } indent_down(); indent(out) << "})"; } else if (type->is_map()) { const t_type* ktype = ((t_map*)type)->get_key_type(); const t_type* vtype = ((t_map*)type)->get_val_type(); out << "{" << endl; indent_up(); if (value->kind() == t_const_value::CV_MAP) { const vector>& val = value->get_map(); vector>::const_iterator v_iter; for (v_iter = val.begin(); v_iter != val.end(); ++v_iter) { out << indent(); out << render_const_value(ktype, v_iter->first); out << " : "; out << render_const_value(vtype, v_iter->second); out << "," << endl; } } indent_down(); indent(out) << "}"; } else if (type->is_list() || type->is_set()) { const t_type* etype; if (type->is_list()) { etype = ((t_list*)type)->get_elem_type(); } else { etype = ((t_set*)type)->get_elem_type(); } if (type->is_set()) { out << "set("; } out << "[" << endl; indent_up(); for (const t_const_value* elem : value->get_list_or_empty_map()) { out << indent(); out << render_const_value(etype, elem); out << "," << endl; } indent_down(); indent(out) << "]"; if (type->is_set()) { out << ")"; } } else { throw std::runtime_error( "CANNOT GENERATE CONSTANT FOR TYPE: " + type->get_name()); } return out.str(); } void t_py_generator::generate_forward_declaration(const t_structured* tstruct) { if (!tstruct->is_union()) { generate_py_struct(tstruct, tstruct->is_exception()); } else { generate_py_union(f_types_, tstruct); } } /** * Generates a python struct */ void t_py_generator::generate_struct(const t_structured* tstruct) { generate_py_thrift_spec(f_types_, tstruct, false /* is_exception */); } /** * Generates a struct definition for a thrift exception. Basically the same * as a struct but extends the Exception class. * * @param txception The struct definition */ void t_py_generator::generate_xception(const t_structured* txception) { generate_py_thrift_spec(f_types_, txception, true /* is_exception */); } /** * Generates a python struct */ void t_py_generator::generate_py_struct( const t_structured* tstruct, bool is_exception) { generate_py_struct_definition(f_types_, tstruct, is_exception); generate_py_converter_helpers(f_types_, tstruct); } /** * Generates a python union definition. We just keep a variable `value` * which holds the current value and to know type we use instanceof. */ void t_py_generator::generate_py_union( ofstream& out, const t_structured* tstruct) { const vector& members = tstruct->get_members(); const vector& sorted_members = tstruct->get_sorted_members(); out << "class " << rename_reserved_keywords(tstruct->get_name()) << "(object):" << endl; indent_up(); generate_python_docstring(out, tstruct); out << endl; indent(out) << "thrift_spec = None" << endl; if (members.size() != 0) { indent(out) << "__init__ = None" << endl << endl; } // Generate some class level identifiers (similar to enum) indent(out) << "__EMPTY__ = 0" << endl; for (auto& member : sorted_members) { indent(out) << uppercase(member->get_name()) << " = " << member->get_key() << endl; } indent(out) << endl; // Generate `isUnion` method indent(out) << "@staticmethod" << endl; indent(out) << "def isUnion():" << endl; indent(out) << " return True" << endl << endl; // Generate `get_` methods for (auto& member : members) { indent(out) << "def get_" << member->get_name() << "(self):" << endl; indent(out) << " assert self.field == " << member->get_key() << endl; indent(out) << " return self.value" << endl << endl; } // Generate `set_` methods for (auto& member : members) { indent(out) << "def set_" << member->get_name() << "(self, value):" << endl; indent(out) << " self.field = " << member->get_key() << endl; indent(out) << " self.value = value" << endl << endl; } // Method to get the stored type indent(out) << "def getType(self):" << endl; indent(out) << " return self.field" << endl << endl; // According to Python doc, __repr__() "should" return a valid expression // such that `object == eval(repr(object))` is true. out << indent() << "def __repr__(self):" << endl << indent() << " value = pprint.pformat(self.value)" << endl << indent() << " member = ''" << endl; for (auto& member : sorted_members) { auto key = rename_reserved_keywords(member->get_name()); out << indent() << " if self.field == " << member->get_key() << ":" << endl << indent() << " padding = ' ' * " << key.size() + 1 << endl << indent() << " value = padding.join(value.splitlines(True))" << endl << indent() << " member = '\\n %s=%s' % ('" << key << "', value)" << endl; } // This will generate // UnionClass() or // UnionClass( // key=value) out << indent() << " return \"%s(%s)\" % (self.__class__.__name__, member)" << endl << endl; // Generate `read` method indent(out) << "def read(self, iprot):" << endl; indent_up(); indent(out) << "self.field = 0" << endl; indent(out) << "self.value = None" << endl; generate_fastproto_read(out, tstruct); indent(out) << "iprot.readStructBegin()" << endl; indent(out) << "while True:" << endl; indent_up(); indent(out) << "(fname, ftype, fid) = iprot.readFieldBegin()" << endl; indent(out) << "if ftype == TType.STOP:" << endl; indent_up(); indent(out) << "break" << endl << endl; indent_down(); bool first = true; for (auto& member : sorted_members) { auto t = type_to_enum(member->get_type()); auto n = member->get_name(); auto k = member->get_key(); indent(out) << (first ? "" : "el") << "if fid == " << k << ":" << endl; indent_up(); indent(out) << "if ftype == " << t << ":" << endl; indent_up(); generate_deserialize_field(out, member, prefix_temporary("")); indent(out) << "assert self.field == 0 and self.value is None" << endl; indent(out) << "self.set_" << n << "(" << prefix_temporary(rename_reserved_keywords(n)) << ")" << endl; indent_down(); indent(out) << "else:" << endl; indent(out) << " iprot.skip(ftype)" << endl; indent_down(); first = false; } indent(out) << "else:" << endl; indent(out) << " iprot.skip(ftype)" << endl; indent(out) << "iprot.readFieldEnd()" << endl; indent_down(); indent(out) << "iprot.readStructEnd()" << endl << endl; indent_down(); // Generate `write` method indent(out) << "def write(self, oprot):" << endl; indent_up(); generate_fastproto_write(out, tstruct); indent(out) << "oprot.writeUnionBegin('" << tstruct->get_name() << "')" << endl; first = true; for (auto& member : sorted_members) { auto t = type_to_enum(member->get_type()); auto n = member->get_name(); auto k = member->get_key(); indent(out) << (first ? "" : "el") << "if self.field == " << k << ":" << endl; indent_up(); indent(out) << "oprot.writeFieldBegin('" << n << "', " << t << ", " << k << ")" << endl; indent(out) << rename_reserved_keywords(n) << " = self.value" << endl; generate_serialize_field(out, member, ""); indent(out) << "oprot.writeFieldEnd()" << endl; indent_down(); } indent(out) << "oprot.writeFieldStop()" << endl; indent(out) << "oprot.writeUnionEnd()" << endl; indent_down(); indent(out) << endl; // Generate json reader if (gen_json_) { generate_json_reader_fn_signature(out); indent(out) << "self.field = 0" << endl; indent(out) << "self.value = None" << endl; indent(out) << "obj = json" << endl; indent(out) << "if is_text:" << endl; indent_up(); indent(out) << "obj = loads(json)" << endl; indent_down(); indent(out) << "if not isinstance(obj, dict) or len(obj) > 1:" << endl; indent(out) << " raise TProtocolException(" << "TProtocolException.INVALID_DATA, 'Can not parse')" << endl; indent(out) << endl; for (auto& member : members) { auto n = member->get_name(); indent(out) << "if '" << n << "' in obj:" << endl; indent_up(); generate_json_field( out, member, prefix_temporary(""), "", "obj['" + n + "']"); indent(out) << "self.set_" << n << "(" << prefix_temporary(rename_reserved_keywords(n)) << ")" << endl; indent_down(); } indent_down(); out << endl; } // Equality and inequality methods that compare by value out << indent() << "def __eq__(self, other):" << endl; indent_up(); out << indent() << "if not isinstance(other, self.__class__):" << endl; indent_up(); out << indent() << "return False" << endl; indent_down(); out << endl; if (compare_t_fields_only_) { out << indent() << "return " << "self.field == other.field and " << "self.value == other.value" << endl; } else { out << indent() << "return " << "self.__dict__ == other.__dict__" << endl; } indent_down(); out << endl; out << indent() << "def __ne__(self, other):" << endl; indent_up(); out << indent() << "return not (self == other)" << endl; indent_down(); out << endl; indent_down(); generate_py_converter_helpers(out, tstruct); } void t_py_generator::generate_py_thrift_spec( ofstream& out, const t_structured* tstruct, bool /*is_exception*/) { const vector& members = tstruct->get_members(); const vector& sorted_members = tstruct->get_sorted_members(); vector::const_iterator m_iter; indent(out) << "all_structs.append(" << rename_reserved_keywords(tstruct->get_name()) << ")" << endl << rename_reserved_keywords(tstruct->get_name()) << ".thrift_spec = tuple(__EXPAND_THRIFT_SPEC((" << endl; indent_up(); for (m_iter = sorted_members.begin(); m_iter != sorted_members.end(); ++m_iter) { indent(out) << "(" << (*m_iter)->get_key() << ", " << type_to_enum((*m_iter)->get_type()) << ", " << "'" << rename_reserved_keywords((*m_iter)->get_name()) << "'" << ", " << type_to_spec_args((*m_iter)->get_type()) << ", " << render_field_default_value(*m_iter) << ", " << static_cast((*m_iter)->get_req()) << ", )," << " # " << (*m_iter)->get_key() << endl; } indent_down(); indent(out) << ")))" << endl << endl; generate_py_annotations(out, tstruct); if (members.size() > 0) { out << indent() << "def " << rename_reserved_keywords(tstruct->get_name()) << "__init__(self,"; if (members.size() > 255) { out << " **kwargs"; } else { for (m_iter = members.begin(); m_iter != members.end(); ++m_iter) { // This fills in default values, as opposed to nulls out << " " << declare_argument(tstruct, *m_iter) << ","; } } out << "):" << endl; indent_up(); if (members.size() > 255) { for (const auto& member : members) { indent(out) << rename_reserved_keywords(member->get_name()) << " = kwargs.pop(\n"; indent(out) << " \"" << rename_reserved_keywords(member->get_name()) << "\",\n"; if (member->get_value() != nullptr) { indent(out) << " " << rename_reserved_keywords(tstruct->get_name()) << ".thrift_spec[" << get_thrift_spec_key(tstruct, member) << "][4],\n"; } else { indent(out) << " None,\n"; } indent(out) << ")\n"; } indent(out) << "if kwargs:\n"; indent(out) << " key, _value = kwargs.popitem()\n"; indent(out) << " raise TypeError(\"{}() got an unexpected keyword " "argument '{}'\".format(\"" << rename_reserved_keywords(tstruct->get_name()) << "__init__\", key))\n"; } if (tstruct->is_union()) { indent(out) << "self.field = 0" << endl; indent(out) << "self.value = None" << endl; for (auto& member : sorted_members) { indent(out) << "if " << rename_reserved_keywords(member->get_name()) << " is not None:" << endl; indent(out) << " assert self.field == 0 and self.value is None" << endl; indent(out) << " self.field = " << member->get_key() << endl; indent(out) << " self.value = " << rename_reserved_keywords(member->get_name()) << endl; } } else { for (m_iter = members.begin(); m_iter != members.end(); ++m_iter) { // Initialize fields const t_type* type = (*m_iter)->get_type(); if (!type->is_primitive_type() && !type->is_enum() && (*m_iter)->get_value() != nullptr) { indent(out) << "if " << rename_reserved_keywords((*m_iter)->get_name()) << " is self.thrift_spec[" << get_thrift_spec_key(tstruct, *m_iter) << "][4]:" << endl; indent(out) << " " << rename_reserved_keywords((*m_iter)->get_name()) << " = " << render_field_default_value(*m_iter) << endl; } indent(out) << "self." << rename_reserved_keywords((*m_iter)->get_name()) << " = " << rename_reserved_keywords((*m_iter)->get_name()) << endl; } } indent_down(); out << endl; out << indent() << rename_reserved_keywords(tstruct->get_name()) << ".__init__ = " << rename_reserved_keywords(tstruct->get_name()) << "__init__" << endl << endl; } // ThriftStruct.__setstate__: Ensure that unpickled objects have all expected // fields. if (members.size() > 0 && !tstruct->is_union() && !gen_slots_) { out << indent() << "def " << rename_reserved_keywords(tstruct->get_name()) << "__setstate__(self, state):" << endl; indent_up(); for (m_iter = members.begin(); m_iter != members.end(); ++m_iter) { indent(out) << "state.setdefault('" << rename_reserved_keywords((*m_iter)->get_name()) << "', " << render_field_default_value(*m_iter) << ")" << endl; } indent(out) << "self.__dict__ = state" << endl; indent_down(); out << endl; out << indent() << rename_reserved_keywords(tstruct->get_name()) << ".__getstate__ = lambda self: self.__dict__.copy()" << endl; out << indent() << rename_reserved_keywords(tstruct->get_name()) << ".__setstate__ = " << rename_reserved_keywords(tstruct->get_name()) << "__setstate__" << endl << endl; } } void t_py_generator::generate_py_annotation_dict( std::ofstream& out, const deprecated_annotation_map& fields) { indent_up(); for (auto a_iter = fields.begin(); a_iter != fields.end(); ++a_iter) { indent(out) << render_string(a_iter->first) << ": " << render_string(a_iter->second.value) << ",\n"; } indent_down(); } void t_py_generator::generate_py_annotations( std::ofstream& out, const t_structured* tstruct) { const vector& sorted_members = tstruct->get_sorted_members(); vector::const_iterator m_iter; indent(out) << rename_reserved_keywords(tstruct->get_name()) << ".thrift_struct_annotations = {" << endl; generate_py_annotation_dict(out, tstruct->annotations()); indent(out) << "}" << endl; indent(out) << rename_reserved_keywords(tstruct->get_name()) << ".thrift_field_annotations = {" << endl; indent_up(); for (m_iter = sorted_members.begin(); m_iter != sorted_members.end(); ++m_iter) { const t_field* field = *m_iter; if (field->annotations().empty()) { continue; } indent(out) << field->get_key() << ": {" << endl; generate_py_annotation_dict(out, field->annotations()); indent(out) << "}," << endl; } indent_down(); indent(out) << "}" << endl << endl; } /** * Generates a struct definition for a thrift data type. * * @param tstruct The struct definition */ void t_py_generator::generate_py_struct_definition( ofstream& out, const t_structured* tstruct, bool is_exception, bool /*is_result*/) { const vector& members = tstruct->get_members(); const vector& sorted_members = tstruct->get_sorted_members(); vector::const_iterator m_iter; out << "class " << rename_reserved_keywords(tstruct->get_name()); if (is_exception) { out << "(TException)"; } out << ":" << endl; indent_up(); generate_python_docstring(out, tstruct); out << endl; /* Here we generate the structure specification for the fastproto codec. These specifications have the following structure: thrift_spec -> tuple of item_spec item_spec -> None | (tag, type_enum, name, spec_args, default) tag -> integer type_enum -> TType.I32 | TType.STRING | TType.STRUCT | ... name -> string_literal default -> None # Handled by __init__ spec_args -> None # For simple types | True/False for Text/Binary Strings | (type_enum, spec_args) # Value type for list/set | (type_enum, spec_args, type_enum, spec_args) # Key and value for map | [class_name, spec_args_ptr, is_union] # For struct/exception | class_name for Enums class_name -> identifier # Basically a pointer to the class spec_args_ptr -> expression # just class_name.spec_args */ if (gen_slots_) { indent(out) << "__slots__ = [ " << endl; indent_up(); for (m_iter = sorted_members.begin(); m_iter != sorted_members.end(); ++m_iter) { indent(out) << "'" << rename_reserved_keywords((*m_iter)->get_name()) << "'," << endl; } indent_down(); indent(out) << " ]" << endl << endl; } // TODO(dreiss): Test encoding of structs where some inner structs // don't have thrift_spec. indent(out) << "thrift_spec = None" << endl; indent(out) << "thrift_field_annotations = None" << endl; indent(out) << "thrift_struct_annotations = None" << endl; if (members.size() != 0) { indent(out) << "__init__ = None" << endl; } // Generate `isUnion` method to distinguish union indent(out) << "@staticmethod" << endl; indent(out) << "def isUnion():" << endl; indent(out) << " return False" << endl << endl; generate_py_struct_reader(out, tstruct); generate_py_struct_writer(out, tstruct); generate_json_reader(out, tstruct); // For exceptions only, generate a __str__ method. Use the message annotation // if available, otherwise default to __repr__ explicitly. See python bug // #5882 if (is_exception) { out << indent() << "def __str__(self):" << endl; if (const auto* message_field = dynamic_cast(*tstruct).get_message_field()) { out << indent() << " if self." << message_field->name() << ":" << endl << indent() << " return self." << message_field->name() << endl << indent() << " else:" << endl << indent() << " return repr(self)" << endl; } else { out << indent() << " return repr(self)" << endl; } out << endl; } if (!gen_slots_) { // According to Python doc, __repr__() "should" return a valid expression // such that `object == eval(repr(object))` is true. out << indent() << "def __repr__(self):" << endl << indent() << " L = []" << endl << indent() << " padding = ' ' * 4" << endl; for (const auto& member : members) { auto key = rename_reserved_keywords(member->get_name()); auto has_double_underscore = key.find("__") == 0; if (has_double_underscore) { out << indent() << " if getattr(self, \"" << key << "\", None) is not None:" << endl; } else { out << indent() << " if self." << key << " is not None:" << endl; } indent_up(); if (has_double_underscore) { out << indent() << " value = pprint.pformat(getattr(self, \"" << key << "\", None), indent=0)" << endl; } else { out << indent() << " value = pprint.pformat(self." << key << ", indent=0)" << endl; } out << indent() << " value = padding.join(value.splitlines(True))" << endl << indent() << " L.append(' " << key << "=%s' % (value))" << endl; indent_down(); } // For exceptions only, force message attribute to be included in // __repr__(). This is because BaseException.message has been deprecated as // of Python 2.6 so python refuses to include the message attribute in // __dict__ of an Exception object which is used for generating return // value of __repr__. if (is_exception) { out << indent() << " if 'message' not in self.__dict__:" << endl << indent() << " message = getattr(self, 'message', None)" << endl << indent() << " if message:" << endl << indent() << " L.append('message=%r' % message)" << endl; } out << indent() << " return \"%s(%s)\" % (self.__class__.__name__, " << "\"\\n\" + \",\\n\".join(L) if L else '')" << endl << endl; // Equality and inequality methods that compare by value out << indent() << "def __eq__(self, other):" << endl; indent_up(); out << indent() << "if not isinstance(other, self.__class__):" << endl; indent_up(); out << indent() << "return False" << endl; indent_down(); out << endl; if (compare_t_fields_only_) { out << indent() << "spec_t_fields = parse_struct_spec(self)" << endl; out << indent() << "return " << "all(getattr(self, field.name, field.default) " << "== getattr(other, field.name, field.default)" << " for field in spec_t_fields)" << endl; } else { out << indent() << "return " << "self.__dict__ == other.__dict__ " << endl; } indent_down(); out << endl; out << indent() << "def __ne__(self, other):" << endl; indent_up(); out << indent() << "return not (self == other)" << endl; indent_down(); out << endl; } else { // Use __slots__ instead of __dict__ for implementing // __eq__, __repr__, __ne__ out << indent() << "def __repr__(self):" << endl << indent() << " L = []" << endl << indent() << " padding = ' ' * 4" << endl << indent() << " for key in self.__slots__:" << endl << indent() << " value = getattr(self, key)" << endl << indent() << " if value is None:" << endl << indent() << " continue" << endl << indent() << " value = pprint.pformat(value)" << endl << indent() << " value = padding.join(value.splitlines(True))" << endl << indent() << " L.append(' %s=%s' % (key, value))" << endl << indent() << " return \"%s(\\n%s)\" % (self.__class__.__name__, " << "\"\\n\" + \",\\n\".join(L) if L else '')" << endl << endl; // Equality method that compares each attribute by value and type, // walking __slots__ out << indent() << "def __eq__(self, other):" << endl << indent() << " if not isinstance(other, self.__class__):" << endl << indent() << " return False" << endl << indent() << " for attr in self.__slots__:" << endl << indent() << " my_val = getattr(self, attr)" << endl << indent() << " other_val = getattr(other, attr)" << endl << indent() << " if my_val != other_val:" << endl << indent() << " return False" << endl << indent() << " return True" << endl << endl; out << indent() << "def __ne__(self, other):" << endl << indent() << " return not (self == other)" << endl << endl; } out << indent() << "def __dir__(self):" << endl; indent_up(); out << indent() << "return (" << endl; indent_up(); for (m_iter = sorted_members.begin(); m_iter != sorted_members.end(); ++m_iter) { indent(out) << "'" << rename_reserved_keywords((*m_iter)->get_name()) << "'," << endl; } indent_down(); indent(out) << ")" << endl << endl; indent_down(); indent_down(); indent_up(); out << indent() << "__hash__ = object.__hash__" << endl; out << endl; indent_down(); } void t_py_generator::generate_fastproto_write( ofstream& out, const t_structured* tstruct) { indent(out) << "if (isinstance(oprot, TBinaryProtocol.TBinaryProtocolAccelerated) " "or (isinstance(oprot, THeaderProtocol.THeaderProtocolAccelerate) and " "oprot.get_protocol_id() == " "THeaderProtocol.THeaderProtocol.T_BINARY_PROTOCOL)) " "and self.thrift_spec is not None " "and fastproto is not None:" << endl; indent_up(); indent(out) << "oprot.trans.write(fastproto.encode(self, " << "[self.__class__, self.thrift_spec, " << (tstruct->is_union() ? "True" : "False") << "], " << "utf8strings=UTF8STRINGS, protoid=0))" << endl; indent(out) << "return" << endl; indent_down(); indent(out) << "if (isinstance(oprot, TCompactProtocol.TCompactProtocolAccelerated) " "or (isinstance(oprot, THeaderProtocol.THeaderProtocolAccelerate) and " "oprot.get_protocol_id() == " "THeaderProtocol.THeaderProtocol.T_COMPACT_PROTOCOL)) " "and self.thrift_spec is not None " "and fastproto is not None:" << endl; indent_up(); indent(out) << "oprot.trans.write(fastproto.encode(self, " << "[self.__class__, self.thrift_spec, " << (tstruct->is_union() ? "True" : "False") << "], " << "utf8strings=UTF8STRINGS, protoid=2))" << endl; indent(out) << "return" << endl; indent_down(); } void t_py_generator::generate_fastproto_read( ofstream& out, const t_structured* tstruct) { indent(out) << "if (isinstance(iprot, TBinaryProtocol.TBinaryProtocolAccelerated) " "or (isinstance(iprot, THeaderProtocol.THeaderProtocolAccelerate) and " "iprot.get_protocol_id() == " "THeaderProtocol.THeaderProtocol.T_BINARY_PROTOCOL)) " "and isinstance(iprot.trans, TTransport.CReadableTransport) " "and self.thrift_spec is not None " "and fastproto is not None:" << endl; indent_up(); indent(out) << "fastproto.decode(self, iprot.trans, " << "[self.__class__, self.thrift_spec, " << (tstruct->is_union() ? "True" : "False") << "], " << "utf8strings=UTF8STRINGS, protoid=0)" << endl; indent(out) << "return" << endl; indent_down(); indent(out) << "if (isinstance(iprot, TCompactProtocol.TCompactProtocolAccelerated) " "or (isinstance(iprot, THeaderProtocol.THeaderProtocolAccelerate) and " "iprot.get_protocol_id() == " "THeaderProtocol.THeaderProtocol.T_COMPACT_PROTOCOL)) " "and isinstance(iprot.trans, TTransport.CReadableTransport) " "and self.thrift_spec is not None " "and fastproto is not None:" << endl; indent_up(); indent(out) << "fastproto.decode(self, iprot.trans, " << "[self.__class__, self.thrift_spec, " << (tstruct->is_union() ? "True" : "False") << "], " << "utf8strings=UTF8STRINGS, protoid=2)" << endl; indent(out) << "return" << endl; indent_down(); } /** * Generates the read method for a struct */ void t_py_generator::generate_py_struct_reader( ofstream& out, const t_structured* tstruct) { const vector& fields = tstruct->get_members(); vector::const_iterator f_iter; indent(out) << "def read(self, iprot):" << endl; indent_up(); generate_fastproto_read(out, tstruct); indent(out) << "iprot.readStructBegin()" << endl; // Loop over reading in fields indent(out) << "while True:" << endl; indent_up(); // Read beginning field marker indent(out) << "(fname, ftype, fid) = iprot.readFieldBegin()" << endl; // Check for field STOP marker and break indent(out) << "if ftype == TType.STOP:" << endl; indent_up(); indent(out) << "break" << endl; indent_down(); // Switch statement on the field we are reading bool first = true; // Generate deserialization code for known cases for (f_iter = fields.begin(); f_iter != fields.end(); ++f_iter) { if (first) { first = false; out << indent() << "if "; } else { out << indent() << "elif "; } out << "fid == " << (*f_iter)->get_key() << ":" << endl; indent_up(); indent(out) << "if ftype == " << type_to_enum((*f_iter)->get_type()) << ":" << endl; indent_up(); generate_deserialize_field(out, *f_iter, "self."); indent_down(); out << indent() << "else:" << endl << indent() << " iprot.skip(ftype)" << endl; indent_down(); } // In the default case we skip the field out << indent() << "else:" << endl << indent() << " iprot.skip(ftype)" << endl; // Read field end marker indent(out) << "iprot.readFieldEnd()" << endl; indent_down(); indent(out) << "iprot.readStructEnd()" << endl; indent_down(); out << endl; } void t_py_generator::generate_py_struct_writer( ofstream& out, const t_structured* tstruct) { string name = tstruct->get_name(); const vector& fields = tstruct->get_sorted_members(); vector::const_iterator f_iter; indent(out) << "def write(self, oprot):" << endl; indent_up(); generate_fastproto_write(out, tstruct); indent(out) << "oprot.writeStructBegin('" << name << "')" << endl; for (f_iter = fields.begin(); f_iter != fields.end(); ++f_iter) { // Write field header indent(out) << "if self." << rename_reserved_keywords((*f_iter)->get_name()) << " != None"; if ((*f_iter)->get_req() == t_field::e_req::optional && (*f_iter)->get_value() != nullptr) { // An optional field with a value set should not be serialized if // the value equals the default value out << " and self." << rename_reserved_keywords((*f_iter)->get_name()) << " != " << "self.thrift_spec[" << get_thrift_spec_key(tstruct, *f_iter) << "][4]"; } out << ":" << endl; indent_up(); indent(out) << "oprot.writeFieldBegin(" << "'" << (*f_iter)->get_name() << "', " << type_to_enum((*f_iter)->get_type()) << ", " << (*f_iter)->get_key() << ")" << endl; // Write field contents generate_serialize_field(out, *f_iter, "self."); // Write field closer indent(out) << "oprot.writeFieldEnd()" << endl; indent_down(); } // Write the struct map out << indent() << "oprot.writeFieldStop()" << endl << indent() << "oprot.writeStructEnd()" << endl; indent_down(); out << endl; } /** * Generates a thrift service. * * @param tservice The service definition */ void t_py_generator::generate_service(const t_service* tservice) { string f_service_filename = rename_reserved_keywords(service_name_) + ".py"; auto f_service_path = package_dir_ / f_service_filename; f_service_.open(f_service_path); record_genfile(f_service_path); f_service_ << py_autogen_comment() << endl << py_imports() << endl; if (tservice->get_extends() != nullptr) { f_service_ << "import " << get_real_py_module(tservice->get_extends()->program()) << "." << rename_reserved_keywords(tservice->get_extends()->get_name()) << endl; } f_service_ << "from .ttypes import " << render_ttype_declarations("") << endl << render_includes() << "from thrift.Thrift import TProcessor" << endl << render_fastproto_includes() << endl << "all_structs = []" << endl << "UTF8STRINGS = bool(" << gen_utf8strings_ << ") or " << "sys.version_info.major >= 3" << endl << endl; if (gen_future_) { f_service_ << "from concurrent.futures import Future, ThreadPoolExecutor" << endl; } if (gen_asyncio_) { f_service_ << "import asyncio" << endl << "from thrift.util.asyncio import call_as_future" << endl; } f_service_ << "from thrift.util.Decorators import (" << endl << " future_process_main," << endl << " future_process_method," << endl << " process_main as thrift_process_main," << endl << " process_method as thrift_process_method," << endl << " should_run_on_thread," << endl << " write_results_after_future," << endl << ")" << endl; f_service_ << endl; // Generate the three main parts of the service (well, two for now in PHP) generate_service_interface(tservice, false); if (!gen_future_) { generate_service_interface(tservice, true); } generate_service_helpers(tservice); generate_service_client(tservice); generate_service_server(tservice, false); if (!gen_future_) { generate_service_server(tservice, true); } generate_service_remote(tservice); generate_service_fuzzer(tservice); // Close service file f_service_ << "fix_spec(all_structs)" << endl << "del all_structs" << endl << endl; f_service_.close(); } /** * Generates helper functions for a service. * * @param tservice The service to generate a header definition for */ void t_py_generator::generate_service_helpers(const t_service* tservice) { const auto& functions = get_functions(tservice); f_service_ << "# HELPER FUNCTIONS AND STRUCTURES" << endl << endl; for (auto f_iter = functions.begin(); f_iter != functions.end(); ++f_iter) { const t_paramlist& ts = (*f_iter)->params(); generate_py_struct_definition(f_service_, &ts, false); generate_py_thrift_spec(f_service_, &ts, false); generate_py_function_helpers(*f_iter); } } /** * Generates a struct and helpers for a function. * * @param tfunction The function */ void t_py_generator::generate_py_function_helpers(const t_function* tfunction) { if (tfunction->qualifier() != t_function_qualifier::oneway) { t_struct result( program_, rename_reserved_keywords(tfunction->get_name()) + "_result"); auto success = std::make_unique(tfunction->return_type(), "success", 0); if (!tfunction->return_type()->is_void()) { result.append(std::move(success)); } for (const t_field& x : get_elems(tfunction->exceptions())) { result.append(x.clone_DO_NOT_USE()); } generate_py_struct_definition(f_service_, &result, false, true); generate_py_thrift_spec(f_service_, &result, false); } } void t_py_generator::generate_py_converter_helpers( std::ofstream& out, const t_structured* tstruct) { indent_up(); // TODO: accommodate root_module_prefix auto python_namespace = get_py3_namespace_with_name_and_prefix(program_, ""); out << indent() << "def _to_python(self):" << endl; indent_up(); out << indent() << "import importlib" << endl << indent() << "import thrift.python.converter" << endl << indent() << "python_types = importlib.import_module(\"" << python_namespace << ".thrift_types\")" << endl << indent() << "return thrift.python.converter.to_python_struct(python_types." << rename_reserved_keywords(tstruct->get_name()) << ", self" << ")" << endl << endl; indent_down(); auto py3_namespace = get_py3_namespace_with_name_and_prefix(program_, ""); out << indent() << "def _to_py3(self):" << endl; indent_up(); out << indent() << "import importlib" << endl << indent() << "import thrift.py3.converter" << endl << indent() << "py3_types = importlib.import_module(\"" << py3_namespace << ".types\")" << endl << indent() << "return thrift.py3.converter.to_py3_struct(py3_types." << rename_reserved_keywords(tstruct->get_name()) << ", self" << ")" << endl << endl; indent_down(); out << indent() << "def _to_py_deprecated(self):" << endl << indent() << " return self" << endl << endl; indent_down(); } /** * Generates a service interface definition. * * @param tservice The service to generate a header definition for */ void t_py_generator::generate_service_interface( const t_service* tservice, bool with_context) { string iface_prefix = with_context ? "Context" : ""; string extends = ""; string extends_if = ""; if (tservice->get_extends() != nullptr) { extends = type_name(tservice->get_extends()); extends_if = "(" + extends + "." + iface_prefix + "Iface)"; } f_service_ << "class " << iface_prefix << "Iface" << extends_if << ":" << endl; indent_up(); generate_python_docstring(f_service_, tservice); if (!tservice->annotations().empty()) { f_service_ << indent() << "annotations = {" << endl; generate_py_annotation_dict(f_service_, tservice->annotations()); f_service_ << indent() << "}" << endl << endl; } std::string service_priority = get_priority(tservice); const std::vector& functions = get_functions(tservice); if (functions.empty()) { f_service_ << indent() << "pass" << endl; } else { for (auto f_iter = functions.begin(); f_iter != functions.end(); ++f_iter) { f_service_ << indent() << "def " << function_signature_if(*f_iter, with_context) << ":" << endl; indent_up(); generate_python_docstring(f_service_, (*f_iter)); f_service_ << indent() << "pass" << endl << endl; indent_down(); if (gen_future_) { f_service_ << indent() << "def future_" << function_signature_if(*f_iter, false) << ":" << endl; indent_up(); generate_python_docstring(f_service_, (*f_iter)); f_service_ << indent() << "fut = Future()" << endl << indent() << "try:" << endl; indent_up(); f_service_ << indent() << "fut.set_result(self." << (*f_iter)->get_name() << "("; const vector& fields = (*f_iter)->params().get_members(); for (auto it = fields.begin(); it != fields.end(); ++it) { f_service_ << rename_reserved_keywords((*it)->get_name()) << ","; } f_service_ << "))" << endl; indent_down(); f_service_ << indent() << "except:" << endl; indent_up(); f_service_ << indent() << "fut.set_exception(sys.exc_info()[1])" << endl; indent_down(); f_service_ << indent() << "return fut" << endl << endl; indent_down(); } } } indent_down(); f_service_ << endl; } /** * Generates a service client definition. * * @param tservice The service to generate a server for. */ void t_py_generator::generate_service_client(const t_service* tservice) { string extends = ""; string extends_client = ""; if (tservice->get_extends() != nullptr) { extends = type_name(tservice->get_extends()); extends_client = extends + ".Client, "; } f_service_ << "class Client(" << extends_client << "Iface):" << endl; indent_up(); generate_python_docstring(f_service_, tservice); f_service_ << indent() << "_fbthrift_force_cpp_transport = " << (gen_cpp_transport_ ? "True" : "False") << endl << endl; // Context Handlers if (!gen_asyncio_) { f_service_ << indent() << "def __enter__(self):" << endl << indent() << " if self._fbthrift_cpp_transport:" << endl << indent() << " self._fbthrift_cpp_transport.__enter__()" << endl << indent() << " return self" << endl << endl; f_service_ << indent() << "def __exit__(self, type, value, tb):" << endl << indent() << " if self._fbthrift_cpp_transport:" << endl << indent() << " self._fbthrift_cpp_transport.__exit__(type, value, tb)" << endl << indent() << " if self._iprot:" << endl << indent() << " self._iprot.trans.close()" << endl << indent() << " if self._oprot and self._iprot is not self._oprot:" << endl << indent() << " self._oprot.trans.close()" << endl << endl; } // Constructor function if (gen_asyncio_) { f_service_ << indent() << "def __init__(self, oprot=None, loop=None, cpp_transport=None):" << endl; } else { f_service_ << indent() << "def __init__(self, iprot=None, oprot=None, cpp_transport=None):" << endl; } if (extends.empty()) { if (gen_asyncio_) { f_service_ << indent() << " self._oprot = oprot" << endl << indent() << " self._loop = loop or asyncio.get_event_loop()" << endl << indent() << " self._seqid = 0" << endl << indent() << " self._futures = {}" << endl << indent() << " self._fbthrift_cpp_transport = None" << endl << endl; } else { f_service_ << indent() << " self._iprot = self._oprot = iprot" << endl << indent() << " if oprot != None:" << endl << indent() << " self._oprot = oprot" << endl << indent() << " self._seqid = 0" << endl << indent() << " self._fbthrift_cpp_transport = cpp_transport" << endl << endl; } } else { if (gen_asyncio_) { f_service_ << indent() << " " << extends << ".Client.__init__(self, oprot, loop)" << endl << endl; } else { f_service_ << indent() << " " << extends << ".Client.__init__(self, iprot, oprot, cpp_transport)" << endl << endl; } } // Helpers f_service_ << indent() << "def set_persistent_header(self, key, value):" << endl << indent() << " if self._fbthrift_cpp_transport:" << endl << indent() << " self._fbthrift_cpp_transport.set_persistent_header(key, value)" << endl << indent() << " else:" << endl << indent() << " try:" << endl << indent() << " self._oprot.trans.set_persistent_header(key, value)" << endl << indent() << " except AttributeError:" << endl << indent() << " pass" << endl << endl; f_service_ << indent() << "def get_persistent_headers(self):" << endl << indent() << " if self._fbthrift_cpp_transport:" << endl << indent() << " return self._fbthrift_cpp_transport.get_persistent_headers()" << endl << indent() << " try:" << endl << indent() << " return self._oprot.trans.get_write_persistent_headers()" << endl << indent() << " except AttributeError:" << endl << indent() << " return {}" << endl << endl; f_service_ << indent() << "def clear_persistent_headers(self):" << endl << indent() << " if self._fbthrift_cpp_transport:" << endl << indent() << " self._fbthrift_cpp_transport.clear_persistent_headers()" << endl << indent() << " else:" << endl << indent() << " try:" << endl << indent() << " self._oprot.trans.clear_persistent_headers()" << endl << indent() << " except AttributeError:" << endl << indent() << " pass" << endl << endl; f_service_ << indent() << "def set_onetime_header(self, key, value):" << endl << indent() << " if self._fbthrift_cpp_transport:" << endl << indent() << " self._fbthrift_cpp_transport.set_onetime_header(key, value)" << endl << indent() << " else:" << endl << indent() << " try:" << endl << indent() << " self._oprot.trans.set_header(key, value)" << endl << indent() << " except AttributeError:" << endl << indent() << " pass" << endl << endl; f_service_ << indent() << "def get_last_response_headers(self):" << endl << indent() << " if self._fbthrift_cpp_transport:" << endl << indent() << " return self._fbthrift_cpp_transport.get_last_response_headers()" << endl << indent() << " try:" << endl << indent() << " return self._iprot.trans.get_headers()" << endl << indent() << " except AttributeError:" << endl << indent() << " return {}" << endl << endl; f_service_ << indent() << "def set_max_frame_size(self, size):" << endl << indent() << " if self._fbthrift_cpp_transport:" << endl << indent() << " pass" << endl << indent() << " else:" << endl << indent() << " try:" << endl << indent() << " self._oprot.trans.set_max_frame_size(size)" << endl << indent() << " except AttributeError:" << endl << indent() << " pass" << endl << endl; // Generate client method implementations const auto& functions = get_functions(tservice); vector::const_iterator f_iter; for (f_iter = functions.begin(); f_iter != functions.end(); ++f_iter) { const t_paramlist& arg_struct = (*f_iter)->params(); const vector& fields = arg_struct.get_members(); vector::const_iterator fld_iter; string funname = rename_reserved_keywords((*f_iter)->get_name()); string argsname = (*f_iter)->get_name() + "_args"; // Open function indent(f_service_) << "def " << function_signature(*f_iter) << ":" << endl; indent_up(); generate_python_docstring(f_service_, (*f_iter)); // CPP transport if (!gen_asyncio_) { indent(f_service_) << "if (self._fbthrift_cpp_transport):" << endl; indent_up(); f_service_ << indent() << "args = " << argsname << "()" << endl; for (fld_iter = fields.begin(); fld_iter != fields.end(); ++fld_iter) { f_service_ << indent() << "args." << rename_reserved_keywords((*fld_iter)->get_name()) << " = " << rename_reserved_keywords((*fld_iter)->get_name()) << endl; } f_service_ << indent() << "result = self._fbthrift_cpp_transport._send_request(\"" << tservice->get_name() << "\", \"" << (*f_iter)->get_name() << "\", args, " << (*f_iter)->get_name() << "_result)" << endl; if (!(*f_iter)->return_type()->is_void()) { f_service_ << indent() << "if result.success is not None:" << endl << indent() << " return result.success" << endl; } for (const t_field& ex : get_elems((*f_iter)->exceptions())) { auto name = rename_reserved_keywords(ex.get_name()); f_service_ << indent() << "if result." << name << " is not None:" << endl << indent() << " raise result." << name << endl; } if ((*f_iter)->return_type()->is_void()) { f_service_ << indent() << "return None" << endl; } else { f_service_ << indent() << "raise " "TApplicationException(TApplicationException.MISSING_RESULT)" << endl; } indent_down(); } if (gen_asyncio_) { indent(f_service_) << "self._seqid += 1" << endl; indent(f_service_) << "fut = self._futures[self._seqid] = " "asyncio.Future(loop=self._loop)" << endl; } indent(f_service_) << "self.send_" << funname << "("; bool first = true; for (fld_iter = fields.begin(); fld_iter != fields.end(); ++fld_iter) { if (first) { first = false; } else { f_service_ << ", "; } f_service_ << rename_reserved_keywords((*fld_iter)->get_name()); } f_service_ << ")" << endl; if ((*f_iter)->qualifier() != t_function_qualifier::oneway) { f_service_ << indent(); if (gen_asyncio_) { f_service_ << "return fut" << endl; } else { if (!(*f_iter)->return_type()->is_void()) { f_service_ << "return "; } f_service_ << "self.recv_" << funname << "()" << endl; } } else { if (gen_asyncio_) { f_service_ << indent() << "fut.set_result(None)" << endl << indent() << "return fut" << endl; } } indent_down(); f_service_ << endl; indent(f_service_) << "def send_" << function_signature(*f_iter) << ":" << endl; indent_up(); // Serialize the request header f_service_ << indent() << "self._oprot.writeMessageBegin('" << (*f_iter)->get_name() << "', TMessageType.CALL, self._seqid)" << endl; f_service_ << indent() << "args = " << argsname << "()" << endl; for (fld_iter = fields.begin(); fld_iter != fields.end(); ++fld_iter) { f_service_ << indent() << "args." << rename_reserved_keywords((*fld_iter)->get_name()) << " = " << rename_reserved_keywords((*fld_iter)->get_name()) << endl; } std::string flush = (*f_iter)->qualifier() == t_function_qualifier::oneway ? "onewayFlush" : "flush"; // Write to the stream f_service_ << indent() << "args.write(self._oprot)" << endl << indent() << "self._oprot.writeMessageEnd()" << endl << indent() << "self._oprot.trans." << flush << "()" << endl; indent_down(); if ((*f_iter)->qualifier() != t_function_qualifier::oneway) { std::string resultname = (*f_iter)->get_name() + "_result"; // Open function f_service_ << endl; if (gen_asyncio_) { f_service_ << indent() << "def recv_" << (*f_iter)->get_name() << "(self, iprot, mtype, rseqid):" << endl; } else { t_function recv_function( program_, (*f_iter)->return_type(), string("recv_") + (*f_iter)->get_name()); f_service_ << indent() << "def " << function_signature(&recv_function) << ":" << endl; } indent_up(); // TODO(mcslee): Validate message reply here, seq ids etc. if (gen_asyncio_) { f_service_ << indent() << "try:" << endl; f_service_ << indent() << indent() << "fut = self._futures.pop(rseqid)" << endl; f_service_ << indent() << "except KeyError:" << endl; f_service_ << indent() << indent() << "return # request timed out" << endl; } else { f_service_ << indent() << "(fname, mtype, rseqid) = " << "self._iprot.readMessageBegin()" << endl; } f_service_ << indent() << "if mtype == TMessageType.EXCEPTION:" << endl << indent() << " x = TApplicationException()" << endl; if (gen_asyncio_) { f_service_ << indent() << " x.read(iprot)" << endl << indent() << " iprot.readMessageEnd()" << endl << indent() << " fut.set_exception(x)" << endl << indent() << " return" << endl << indent() << "result = " << resultname << "()" << endl << indent() << "try:" << endl << indent() << " result.read(iprot)" << endl << indent() << "except Exception as e:" << endl << indent() << " fut.set_exception(e)" << endl << indent() << " return" << endl << indent() << "iprot.readMessageEnd()" << endl; } else { f_service_ << indent() << " x.read(self._iprot)" << endl << indent() << " self._iprot.readMessageEnd()" << endl << indent() << " raise x" << endl << indent() << "result = " << resultname << "()" << endl << indent() << "result.read(self._iprot)" << endl << indent() << "self._iprot.readMessageEnd()" << endl; } // Careful, only return _result if not a void function if (!(*f_iter)->return_type()->is_void()) { f_service_ << indent() << "if result.success != None:" << endl; if (gen_asyncio_) { f_service_ << indent() << " fut.set_result(result.success)" << endl << indent() << " return" << endl; } else { f_service_ << indent() << " return result.success" << endl; } } for (const t_field& x : get_elems((*f_iter)->exceptions())) { f_service_ << indent() << "if result." << rename_reserved_keywords(x.get_name()) << " != None:" << endl; if (gen_asyncio_) { f_service_ << indent() << " fut.set_exception(result." << rename_reserved_keywords(x.get_name()) << ")" << endl << indent() << " return" << endl; } else { f_service_ << indent() << " raise result." << rename_reserved_keywords(x.get_name()) << endl; } } // Careful, only return _result if not a void function if ((*f_iter)->return_type()->is_void()) { if (gen_asyncio_) { f_service_ << indent() << "fut.set_result(None)" << endl << indent() << "return" << endl; } else { indent(f_service_) << "return" << endl; } } else { if (gen_asyncio_) { f_service_ << indent() << "fut.set_exception(TApplicationException(" << "TApplicationException.MISSING_RESULT, \"" << (*f_iter)->get_name() << " failed: unknown result\"))" << endl << indent() << "return" << endl; } else { f_service_ << indent() << "raise TApplicationException(" << "TApplicationException.MISSING_RESULT, \"" << (*f_iter)->get_name() << " failed: unknown result\");" << endl; } } // Close function indent_down(); f_service_ << endl; } } indent_down(); f_service_ << endl; } /** * Generates a command line tool for making remote requests * * @param tservice The service to generate a remote for. */ void t_py_generator::generate_service_remote(const t_service* tservice) { string f_remote_filename = service_name_ + "-remote"; auto f_remote_path = package_dir_ / f_remote_filename; std::ofstream f_remote; f_remote.open(f_remote_path); record_genfile(f_remote_path); f_remote << "#!/usr/bin/env python\n" << py_autogen_comment() << "\n" "from __future__ import print_function\n" "from __future__ import absolute_import\n" "\n" "import os\n" "import sys\n" "\n" << // This has to be before thrift definitions // in case the environment is not correct. py_par_warning("remote") << // Import the service module and types "\n" << "from . import " << rename_reserved_keywords(service_name_) << "\n" << "from . import ttypes\n" "\n" "from thrift.util.remote import Function\n" "from thrift.remote import Remote\n" << "\n"; // Emit a list of objects describing the service functions. // The library code will use this to print the usage message and // perform function argument processing f_remote << "FUNCTIONS = {\n"; set processed_fns; for (const t_service* cur_service = tservice; cur_service != nullptr; cur_service = cur_service->get_extends()) { const string& svc_name = cur_service->get_name(); const auto& functions = get_functions(cur_service); for (vector::const_iterator it = functions.begin(); it != functions.end(); ++it) { const t_function* fn = *it; const string& fn_name = fn->get_name(); pair::iterator, bool> ret = processed_fns.insert(fn_name); if (!ret.second) { // A child class has overridden this function, so we've listed it // already. continue; } f_remote << " '" << fn_name << "': Function('" << fn_name << "', '" << svc_name << "', "; if (fn->qualifier() == t_function_qualifier::oneway) { f_remote << "None, "; } else { f_remote << "'" << thrift_type_name(fn->return_type().get_type()) << "', "; } f_remote << "["; const vector& args = fn->params().get_members(); bool first = true; for (vector::const_iterator it_2 = args.begin(); it_2 != args.end(); ++it_2) { if (first) { first = false; } else { f_remote << ", "; } f_remote << "('" << thrift_type_name((*it_2)->get_type()) << "', '" << (*it_2)->get_name() << "', '" << thrift_type_name((*it_2)->get_type()->get_true_type()) << "')"; } f_remote << "]),\n"; } } f_remote << "}\n\n"; // Similar, but for service names f_remote << "SERVICE_NAMES = ["; for (const t_service* cur_service = tservice; cur_service != nullptr; cur_service = cur_service->get_extends()) { f_remote << "'" << cur_service->get_name() << "', "; } f_remote << "]\n\n"; f_remote << "if __name__ == '__main__':\n" " Remote.run(FUNCTIONS, SERVICE_NAMES, " << rename_reserved_keywords(service_name_) << ", ttypes, sys.argv, default_port=" << default_port_ << ")\n"; // Close the remote file f_remote.close(); // Make file executable mark_file_executable(f_remote_path); } /** * Generates a commandline tool for fuzz testing * * @param tservice The service to generate a fuzzer for. */ void t_py_generator::generate_service_fuzzer(const t_service* /*tservice*/) { string f_fuzzer_filename = service_name_ + "-fuzzer"; auto f_fuzzer_path = package_dir_ / f_fuzzer_filename; std::ofstream f_fuzzer; f_fuzzer.open(f_fuzzer_path); record_genfile(f_fuzzer_path); f_fuzzer << "#!/usr/bin/env python\n" << py_autogen_comment() << "\n" "from __future__ import absolute_import\n" "from __future__ import division\n" "from __future__ import print_function\n" "from __future__ import unicode_literals\n" "\n" "import os\n" "import sys\n" "\n" << py_par_warning("fuzzer") << "\n" << "from . import " << rename_reserved_keywords(service_name_) << "\n" << "from . import ttypes\n" << "from . import constants\n" << "\n" "import thrift.util.fuzzer" "\n" "thrift.util.fuzzer.fuzz_service(" << rename_reserved_keywords(service_name_) << ", ttypes, constants)\n"; f_fuzzer.close(); mark_file_executable(f_fuzzer_path); } /** * Generates a service server definition. * * @param tservice The service to generate a server for. */ void t_py_generator::generate_service_server( const t_service* tservice, bool with_context) { string class_prefix = with_context ? "Context" : ""; // Generate the dispatch methods const auto& functions = get_functions(tservice); string extends = ""; string extends_processor = ""; if (tservice->get_extends() != nullptr) { extends = type_name(tservice->get_extends()); extends_processor = extends + "." + class_prefix + "Processor, "; } // Generate the header portion f_service_ << "class " << class_prefix << "Processor(" << extends_processor << class_prefix << "Iface, TProcessor):" << endl; indent_up(); f_service_ << indent() << "_onewayMethods = ("; for (auto f_iter = functions.begin(); f_iter != functions.end(); ++f_iter) { if ((*f_iter)->qualifier() == t_function_qualifier::oneway) { f_service_ << "\"" << (*f_iter)->get_name() << "\","; } } f_service_ << ")" << endl << endl; if (gen_future_) { indent(f_service_) << "def __init__(self, handler, executor=None):" << endl; } else if (gen_asyncio_) { indent(f_service_) << "def __init__(self, handler, loop=None):" << endl; } else { indent(f_service_) << "def __init__(self, handler):" << endl; } indent_up(); if (extends.empty()) { f_service_ << indent() << "TProcessor.__init__(self)" << endl; f_service_ << indent() << "self._handler = handler" << endl; if (gen_future_) { f_service_ << indent() << "self._executor = executor or " << "ThreadPoolExecutor(max_workers=32)" << endl; } if (gen_asyncio_) { f_service_ << indent() << "self._loop = loop or asyncio.get_event_loop()" << endl; } f_service_ << indent() << "self._processMap = {}" << endl << indent() << "self._priorityMap = {}" << endl; } else { if (gen_asyncio_) { f_service_ << indent() << extends << "." << class_prefix << "Processor.__init__(self, handler, loop)" << endl; } else { f_service_ << indent() << extends << "." << class_prefix << "Processor.__init__(self, handler)" << endl; } } auto service_priority = get_priority(tservice); for (auto f_iter = functions.begin(); f_iter != functions.end(); ++f_iter) { auto function_prio = get_priority(*f_iter, service_priority); f_service_ << indent() << "self._processMap[" << render_string((*f_iter)->get_name()) << "] = " << class_prefix << "Processor." << (gen_future_ ? "future_process_" : "process_") << (*f_iter)->get_name() << endl << indent() << "self._priorityMap[" << render_string((*f_iter)->get_name()) << "] = " << "TPriority." << function_prio << endl; } indent_down(); f_service_ << endl; f_service_ << indent() << "def onewayMethods(self):" << endl; indent_up(); f_service_ << indent() << "l = []" << endl; if (!extends.empty()) { f_service_ << indent() << "l.extend(" << extends << "." << class_prefix << "Processor.onewayMethods(self))" << endl; } f_service_ << indent() << "l.extend(" << class_prefix << "Processor._onewayMethods)" << endl << indent() << "return tuple(l)" << endl << endl; indent_down(); // Generate the server implementation if (gen_asyncio_) { indent(f_service_) << "@thrift_process_main(asyncio=True)" << endl; } else if (gen_future_) { indent(f_service_) << "@future_process_main()" << endl; } else { indent(f_service_) << "@thrift_process_main()" << endl; } indent(f_service_) << "def process(self,): pass" << endl << endl; // Generate the process subfunctions for (auto f_iter = functions.begin(); f_iter != functions.end(); ++f_iter) { if (gen_future_) { generate_process_function(tservice, *f_iter, false, true); } else { generate_process_function(tservice, *f_iter, with_context, false); } } indent_down(); f_service_ << indent() << class_prefix << "Iface._processor_type = " << class_prefix << "Processor" << endl; f_service_ << endl; } /** * Generates a process function definition. * * @param tfunction The function to write a dispatcher for */ void t_py_generator::generate_process_function( const t_service* /*tservice*/, const t_function* tfunction, bool with_context, bool future) { const string& fn_name = tfunction->get_name(); // Open function if (future) { indent(f_service_) << "def then_" << fn_name << "(self, args, handler_ctx):" << endl; } else { indent(f_service_) << "@thrift_process_method(" << fn_name << "_args, " << "oneway=" << (tfunction->qualifier() == t_function_qualifier::oneway ? "True" : "False") << (gen_asyncio_ ? ", asyncio=True" : "") << ")" << endl; f_service_ << indent() << "def process_" << fn_name << "(self, args, handler_ctx" << (gen_asyncio_ ? ", seqid, oprot, fn_name):" : "):") << endl; } indent_up(); // Declare result for non oneway function if (tfunction->qualifier() != t_function_qualifier::oneway) { f_service_ << indent() << "result = " << fn_name + "_result()" << endl; } if (gen_asyncio_) { const t_paramlist& arg_struct = tfunction->params(); const std::vector& fields = arg_struct.get_members(); vector::const_iterator f_iter; string handler = "self._handler." + rename_reserved_keywords(tfunction->get_name()); string args_list = ""; bool first = true; if (with_context) { args_list += "handler_ctx"; first = false; } for (f_iter = fields.begin(); f_iter != fields.end(); ++f_iter) { if (first) { first = false; } else { args_list += ", "; } args_list += "args."; args_list += rename_reserved_keywords((*f_iter)->get_name()); } f_service_ << indent() << "if should_run_on_thread(" << handler << "):" << endl << indent() << " fut = self._loop.run_in_executor(None, " << handler << ", " << args_list << ")" << endl << indent() << "else:" << endl << indent() << " fut = call_as_future(" << handler << ", self._loop, " << args_list << ")" << endl; if (tfunction->qualifier() != t_function_qualifier::oneway) { string known_exceptions = "{"; int exc_num = 0; for (const t_field& x : get_elems(tfunction->exceptions())) { if (exc_num++ > 0) { known_exceptions += ", "; } known_exceptions += "'"; known_exceptions += rename_reserved_keywords(x.get_name()); known_exceptions += "': "; known_exceptions += type_name(x.get_type()); } known_exceptions += "}"; f_service_ << indent() << "fut.add_done_callback(" << "lambda f: write_results_after_future(" << "result, self._event_handler, handler_ctx, seqid, oprot, fn_name, " << known_exceptions + ", f))" << endl; } f_service_ << indent() << "return fut" << endl; indent_down(); f_service_ << endl; } else { // Try block to wrap call to handler f_service_ << indent() << "try:" << endl; indent_up(); // Generate the function call const t_paramlist& arg_struct = tfunction->params(); const std::vector& fields = arg_struct.get_members(); vector::const_iterator f_iter; string handler = (future ? "self._handler.future_" : "self._handler.") + rename_reserved_keywords(tfunction->get_name()); f_service_ << indent(); if (tfunction->qualifier() != t_function_qualifier::oneway && !tfunction->return_type()->is_void()) { f_service_ << "result.success = "; } f_service_ << handler << "("; bool first = true; if (with_context) { f_service_ << "handler_ctx"; first = false; } for (f_iter = fields.begin(); f_iter != fields.end(); ++f_iter) { if (first) { first = false; } else { f_service_ << ", "; } f_service_ << "args." << rename_reserved_keywords((*f_iter)->get_name()); } f_service_ << ")" << (future ? ".result()" : "") << endl; indent_down(); int exc_num = 0; for (const t_field& x : get_elems(tfunction->exceptions())) { f_service_ << indent() << "except " << type_name(x.get_type()) << " as exc" << exc_num << ":" << endl; if (tfunction->qualifier() != t_function_qualifier::oneway) { indent_up(); f_service_ << indent() << "self._event_handler.handlerException(handler_ctx, '" << fn_name << "', exc" << exc_num << ")" << endl << indent() << "result." << rename_reserved_keywords(x.get_name()) << " = exc" << exc_num << endl; indent_down(); } else { f_service_ << indent() << "pass" << endl; } ++exc_num; } f_service_ << indent() << "except:" << endl << indent() << " ex = sys.exc_info()[1]" << endl << indent() << " self._event_handler.handlerError(handler_ctx, '" << fn_name << "', ex)" << endl << indent() << " result = Thrift.TApplicationException(message=" << "repr(ex))" << endl; if (tfunction->qualifier() != t_function_qualifier::oneway) { f_service_ << indent() << "return result" << endl; } // Close function indent_down(); if (future) { f_service_ << endl; f_service_ << indent() << "@future_process_method(" << fn_name << "_args, oneway=" << (tfunction->qualifier() == t_function_qualifier::oneway ? "True" : "False") << ")" << endl; f_service_ << indent() << "def future_process_" << fn_name << "(self, args, handler_ctx):" << endl; indent_up(); f_service_ << indent() << "return self._executor.submit(self.then_" << fn_name << ", args, handler_ctx)" << endl; indent_down(); } f_service_ << endl; } } /** * Deserializes a field of any type. */ void t_py_generator::generate_deserialize_field( ofstream& out, const t_field* tfield, string prefix, bool /*inclass*/, string /* actual_type */) { const t_type* type = tfield->get_type()->get_true_type(); if (type->is_void()) { throw std::runtime_error( "CANNOT GENERATE DESERIALIZE CODE FOR void TYPE: " + prefix + tfield->get_name()); } string name = prefix + rename_reserved_keywords(tfield->get_name()); if (type->is_struct() || type->is_exception()) { generate_deserialize_struct(out, (t_struct*)type, name); } else if (type->is_container()) { generate_deserialize_container(out, type, name); } else if (type->is_primitive_type() || type->is_enum()) { indent(out) << name << " = iprot."; if (type->is_primitive_type()) { t_primitive_type::t_primitive tbase = ((t_primitive_type*)type)->primitive_type(); switch (tbase) { case t_primitive_type::TYPE_VOID: throw std::runtime_error( "compiler error: cannot serialize void field in a struct: " + name); case t_primitive_type::TYPE_STRING: out << "readString().decode('utf-8') " << "if UTF8STRINGS else iprot.readString()"; break; case t_primitive_type::TYPE_BINARY: out << "readString()"; break; case t_primitive_type::TYPE_BOOL: out << "readBool()"; break; case t_primitive_type::TYPE_BYTE: out << "readByte()"; break; case t_primitive_type::TYPE_I16: out << "readI16()"; break; case t_primitive_type::TYPE_I32: out << "readI32()"; break; case t_primitive_type::TYPE_I64: out << "readI64()"; break; case t_primitive_type::TYPE_DOUBLE: out << "readDouble()"; break; case t_primitive_type::TYPE_FLOAT: out << "readFloat()"; break; default: throw std::runtime_error( "compiler error: no Python name for base type " + t_primitive_type::t_primitive_name(tbase)); } } else if (type->is_enum()) { out << "readI32()"; } out << endl; } else { printf( "DO NOT KNOW HOW TO DESERIALIZE FIELD '%s' TYPE '%s'\n", tfield->get_name().c_str(), type->get_name().c_str()); } if (const auto* adapter = get_py_adapter(tfield->get_type())) { indent(out) << name << " = " << *adapter << ".from_thrift(" << name << ")" << endl; } } /** * Generates an unserializer for a struct, calling read() */ void t_py_generator::generate_deserialize_struct( ofstream& out, const t_struct* tstruct, string prefix) { out << indent() << prefix << " = " << type_name(tstruct) << "()" << endl << indent() << prefix << ".read(iprot)" << endl; } /** * Serialize a container by writing out the header followed by * data and then a footer. */ void t_py_generator::generate_deserialize_container( ofstream& out, const t_type* ttype, string prefix) { string size = tmp("_size"); string ktype = tmp("_ktype"); string vtype = tmp("_vtype"); string etype = tmp("_etype"); t_field fsize(&t_primitive_type::t_i32(), size); t_field fktype(&t_primitive_type::t_byte(), ktype); t_field fvtype(&t_primitive_type::t_byte(), vtype); t_field fetype(&t_primitive_type::t_byte(), etype); // Declare variables, read header if (ttype->is_map()) { out << indent() << prefix << " = {}" << endl << indent() << "(" << ktype << ", " << vtype << ", " << size << " ) = iprot.readMapBegin() " << endl; } else if (ttype->is_set()) { out << indent() << prefix << " = set()" << endl << indent() << "(" << etype << ", " << size << ") = iprot.readSetBegin()" << endl; } else if (ttype->is_list()) { out << indent() << prefix << " = []" << endl << indent() << "(" << etype << ", " << size << ") = iprot.readListBegin()" << endl; } // For loop iterates over elements string i = tmp("_i"); indent(out) << "if " << size << " >= 0:" << endl << indent() << " for " << i << " in range(" << size << "):" << endl; indent_up(); indent_up(); if (ttype->is_map()) { generate_deserialize_map_element(out, (t_map*)ttype, prefix, ktype, vtype); } else if (ttype->is_set()) { generate_deserialize_set_element(out, (t_set*)ttype, prefix); } else if (ttype->is_list()) { generate_deserialize_list_element(out, (t_list*)ttype, prefix); } indent_down(); indent_down(); indent(out) << "else: " << endl; if (ttype->is_map()) { out << indent() << " while iprot.peekMap():" << endl; } else if (ttype->is_set()) { out << indent() << " while iprot.peekSet():" << endl; } else if (ttype->is_list()) { out << indent() << " while iprot.peekList():" << endl; } indent_up(); indent_up(); if (ttype->is_map()) { generate_deserialize_map_element(out, (t_map*)ttype, prefix, ktype, vtype); } else if (ttype->is_set()) { generate_deserialize_set_element(out, (t_set*)ttype, prefix); } else if (ttype->is_list()) { generate_deserialize_list_element(out, (t_list*)ttype, prefix); } indent_down(); indent_down(); // Read container end if (ttype->is_map()) { indent(out) << "iprot.readMapEnd()" << endl; } else if (ttype->is_set()) { indent(out) << "iprot.readSetEnd()" << endl; } else if (ttype->is_list()) { indent(out) << "iprot.readListEnd()" << endl; } } /** * Generates code to deserialize a map */ void t_py_generator::generate_deserialize_map_element( ofstream& out, const t_map* tmap, string prefix, string key_actual_type, string value_actual_type) { string key = tmp("_key"); string val = tmp("_val"); t_field fkey(tmap->get_key_type(), key); t_field fval(tmap->get_val_type(), val); generate_deserialize_field(out, &fkey, "", false, key_actual_type); generate_deserialize_field(out, &fval, "", false, value_actual_type); indent(out) << prefix << "[" << key << "] = " << val << endl; } /** * Write a set element */ void t_py_generator::generate_deserialize_set_element( ofstream& out, const t_set* tset, string prefix) { string elem = tmp("_elem"); t_field felem(tset->get_elem_type(), elem); generate_deserialize_field(out, &felem); indent(out) << prefix << ".add(" << elem << ")" << endl; } /** * Write a list element */ void t_py_generator::generate_deserialize_list_element( ofstream& out, const t_list* tlist, string prefix) { string elem = tmp("_elem"); t_field felem(tlist->get_elem_type(), elem); generate_deserialize_field(out, &felem); indent(out) << prefix << ".append(" << elem << ")" << endl; } /** * Serializes a field of any type. * * @param tfield The field to serialize * @param prefix Name to prepend to field name */ void t_py_generator::generate_serialize_field( ofstream& out, const t_field* tfield, string prefix) { const t_type* type = tfield->get_type()->get_true_type(); // Do nothing for void types if (type->is_void()) { throw std::runtime_error( "CANNOT GENERATE SERIALIZE CODE FOR void TYPE: " + prefix + tfield->get_name()); } string name = prefix + rename_reserved_keywords(tfield->get_name()); if (const auto* adapter = get_py_adapter(tfield->get_type())) { string real_name = std::move(name); name = tmp("adpt"); indent(out) << name << " = " << *adapter << ".to_thrift(" << real_name << ")" << endl; } if (type->is_struct() || type->is_exception()) { generate_serialize_struct(out, (t_struct*)type, name); } else if (type->is_container()) { generate_serialize_container(out, type, name); } else if (type->is_primitive_type() || type->is_enum()) { indent(out) << "oprot."; if (type->is_primitive_type()) { t_primitive_type::t_primitive tbase = ((t_primitive_type*)type)->primitive_type(); switch (tbase) { case t_primitive_type::TYPE_VOID: throw std::runtime_error( "compiler error: cannot serialize void field in a struct: " + name); case t_primitive_type::TYPE_STRING: out << "writeString(" << name << ".encode('utf-8')) " << "if UTF8STRINGS and not isinstance(" << name << ", bytes) " << "else oprot.writeString(" << name << ")"; break; case t_primitive_type::TYPE_BINARY: out << "writeString(" << name << ")"; break; case t_primitive_type::TYPE_BOOL: out << "writeBool(" << name << ")"; break; case t_primitive_type::TYPE_BYTE: out << "writeByte(" << name << ")"; break; case t_primitive_type::TYPE_I16: out << "writeI16(" << name << ")"; break; case t_primitive_type::TYPE_I32: out << "writeI32(" << name << ")"; break; case t_primitive_type::TYPE_I64: out << "writeI64(" << name << ")"; break; case t_primitive_type::TYPE_DOUBLE: out << "writeDouble(" << name << ")"; break; case t_primitive_type::TYPE_FLOAT: out << "writeFloat(" << name << ")"; break; default: throw std::runtime_error( "compiler error: no Python name for base type " + t_primitive_type::t_primitive_name(tbase)); } } else if (type->is_enum()) { out << "writeI32(" << name << ")"; } out << endl; } else { printf( "DO NOT KNOW HOW TO SERIALIZE FIELD '%s%s' TYPE '%s'\n", prefix.c_str(), tfield->get_name().c_str(), type->get_name().c_str()); } } /** * Serializes all the members of a struct. * * @param tstruct The struct to serialize * @param prefix String prefix to attach to all fields */ void t_py_generator::generate_serialize_struct( ofstream& out, const t_struct* /*tstruct*/, string prefix) { indent(out) << prefix << ".write(oprot)" << endl; } void t_py_generator::generate_serialize_container( ofstream& out, const t_type* ttype, string prefix) { if (ttype->is_map()) { indent(out) << "oprot.writeMapBegin(" << type_to_enum(((t_map*)ttype)->get_key_type()) << ", " << type_to_enum(((t_map*)ttype)->get_val_type()) << ", " << "len(" << prefix << "))" << endl; } else if (ttype->is_set()) { indent(out) << "oprot.writeSetBegin(" << type_to_enum(((t_set*)ttype)->get_elem_type()) << ", " << "len(" << prefix << "))" << endl; } else if (ttype->is_list()) { indent(out) << "oprot.writeListBegin(" << type_to_enum(((t_list*)ttype)->get_elem_type()) << ", " << "len(" << prefix << "))" << endl; } if (ttype->is_map()) { string kiter = tmp("kiter"); string viter = tmp("viter"); if (sort_keys_) { string sorted = tmp("sorted"); indent(out) << sorted << " = " << prefix << ".items()" << endl; string tuple = tmp("tuple"); indent(out) << sorted << " = sorted(" << sorted << ", key=lambda " << tuple << ": " << tuple << "[0])" << endl; indent(out) << "for " << kiter << "," << viter << " in " << sorted << ":" << endl; } else { indent(out) << "for " << kiter << "," << viter << " in " << prefix << ".items():" << endl; } indent_up(); generate_serialize_map_element(out, (t_map*)ttype, kiter, viter); indent_down(); } else if (ttype->is_set()) { string iter = tmp("iter"); if (sort_keys_) { indent(out) << "for " << iter << " in sorted(" << prefix << "):" << endl; } else { indent(out) << "for " << iter << " in " << prefix << ":" << endl; } indent_up(); generate_serialize_set_element(out, (t_set*)ttype, iter); indent_down(); } else if (ttype->is_list()) { string iter = tmp("iter"); indent(out) << "for " << iter << " in " << prefix << ":" << endl; indent_up(); generate_serialize_list_element(out, (t_list*)ttype, iter); indent_down(); } if (ttype->is_map()) { indent(out) << "oprot.writeMapEnd()" << endl; } else if (ttype->is_set()) { indent(out) << "oprot.writeSetEnd()" << endl; } else if (ttype->is_list()) { indent(out) << "oprot.writeListEnd()" << endl; } } /** * Serializes the members of a map. * */ void t_py_generator::generate_serialize_map_element( ofstream& out, const t_map* tmap, string kiter, string viter) { t_field kfield(tmap->get_key_type(), kiter); generate_serialize_field(out, &kfield, ""); t_field vfield(tmap->get_val_type(), viter); generate_serialize_field(out, &vfield, ""); } /** * Serializes the members of a set. */ void t_py_generator::generate_serialize_set_element( ofstream& out, const t_set* tset, string iter) { t_field efield(tset->get_elem_type(), iter); generate_serialize_field(out, &efield, ""); } /** * Serializes the members of a list. */ void t_py_generator::generate_serialize_list_element( ofstream& out, const t_list* tlist, string iter) { t_field efield(tlist->get_elem_type(), iter); generate_serialize_field(out, &efield, ""); } /** * Generates the docstring for a given struct. */ void t_py_generator::generate_python_docstring( ofstream& out, const t_structured* tstruct) { generate_python_docstring(out, tstruct, tstruct, "Attributes"); } /** * Generates the docstring for a given function. */ void t_py_generator::generate_python_docstring( ofstream& out, const t_function* tfunction) { generate_python_docstring(out, tfunction, &tfunction->params(), "Parameters"); } /** * Generates the docstring for a struct or function. */ void t_py_generator::generate_python_docstring( ofstream& out, const t_named* named_node, const t_structured* tstruct, const char* subheader) { bool has_doc = false; stringstream ss; if (named_node->has_doc()) { has_doc = true; ss << named_node->doc(); } const vector& fields = tstruct->get_members(); if (fields.size() > 0) { if (has_doc) { ss << endl; } has_doc = true; ss << subheader << ":\n"; vector::const_iterator p_iter; for (p_iter = fields.begin(); p_iter != fields.end(); ++p_iter) { const t_field* p = *p_iter; ss << " - " << rename_reserved_keywords(p->get_name()); if (p->has_doc()) { ss << ": " << p->doc(); } else { ss << endl; } } } if (has_doc) { generate_docstring_comment(out, "r\"\"\"\n", "", ss.str(), "\"\"\"\n"); } } /** * Generates the docstring for a generic object. */ void t_py_generator::generate_python_docstring( ofstream& out, const t_named* named_node) { if (named_node->has_doc()) { generate_docstring_comment( out, "r\"\"\"\n", "", named_node->doc(), "\"\"\"\n"); } } /** * Declares an argument, which may include initialization as necessary. * * @param tfield The field */ string t_py_generator::declare_argument( const t_structured* tstruct, const t_field* tfield) { std::ostringstream result; result << rename_reserved_keywords(tfield->get_name()) << "="; if (tfield->get_value() != nullptr) { result << rename_reserved_keywords(tstruct->get_name()) << ".thrift_spec[" << get_thrift_spec_key(tstruct, tfield) << "][4]"; } else { result << "None"; } return result.str(); } /** * Renders a field default value, returns None otherwise. * * @param tfield The field */ string t_py_generator::render_field_default_value(const t_field* tfield) { const t_type* type = tfield->get_type()->get_true_type(); if (tfield->get_value() != nullptr) { return render_const_value(type, tfield->get_value()); } else { return "None"; } } /** * Renders a function signature of the form 'type name(args)' * * @param tfunction Function definition * @return String of rendered function definition */ string t_py_generator::function_signature( const t_function* tfunction, string prefix) { // TODO(mcslee): Nitpicky, no ',' if argument_list is empty return prefix + rename_reserved_keywords(tfunction->get_name()) + "(self, " + argument_list(tfunction->params()) + ")"; } /** * Renders an interface function signature of the form 'type name(args)' * * @param tfunction Function definition * @return String of rendered function definition */ string t_py_generator::function_signature_if( const t_function* tfunction, bool with_context, string prefix) { // TODO(mcslee): Nitpicky, no ',' if argument_list is empty string signature = prefix + rename_reserved_keywords(tfunction->get_name()) + "("; signature += "self, "; if (with_context) { signature += "handler_ctx, "; } signature += argument_list(tfunction->params()) + ")"; return signature; } /** * Renders a field list */ string t_py_generator::argument_list(const t_paramlist& tparamlist) { string result = ""; const vector& fields = tparamlist.get_members(); vector::const_iterator f_iter; bool first = true; for (f_iter = fields.begin(); f_iter != fields.end(); ++f_iter) { if (first) { first = false; } else { result += ", "; } result += rename_reserved_keywords((*f_iter)->get_name()); result += "=" + render_field_default_value(*f_iter); } return result; } string t_py_generator::type_name(const t_type* ttype) { const t_program* program = ttype->program(); if (ttype->is_service()) { return get_real_py_module(program) + "." + rename_reserved_keywords(ttype->get_name()); } if (program != nullptr && program != program_ && !program_->includes().empty()) { return get_real_py_module(program) + ".ttypes." + rename_reserved_keywords(ttype->get_name()); } return rename_reserved_keywords(ttype->get_name()); } /** * Converts the parse type to a Python type */ string t_py_generator::type_to_enum(const t_type* type) { type = type->get_true_type(); if (type->is_primitive_type()) { t_primitive_type::t_primitive tbase = ((t_primitive_type*)type)->primitive_type(); switch (tbase) { case t_primitive_type::TYPE_VOID: throw std::runtime_error("NO T_VOID CONSTRUCT"); case t_primitive_type::TYPE_STRING: case t_primitive_type::TYPE_BINARY: return "TType.STRING"; case t_primitive_type::TYPE_BOOL: return "TType.BOOL"; case t_primitive_type::TYPE_BYTE: return "TType.BYTE"; case t_primitive_type::TYPE_I16: return "TType.I16"; case t_primitive_type::TYPE_I32: return "TType.I32"; case t_primitive_type::TYPE_I64: return "TType.I64"; case t_primitive_type::TYPE_DOUBLE: return "TType.DOUBLE"; case t_primitive_type::TYPE_FLOAT: return "TType.FLOAT"; } } else if (type->is_enum()) { return "TType.I32"; } else if (type->is_struct() || type->is_exception()) { return "TType.STRUCT"; } else if (type->is_map()) { return "TType.MAP"; } else if (type->is_set()) { return "TType.SET"; } else if (type->is_list()) { return "TType.LIST"; } throw std::runtime_error("INVALID TYPE IN type_to_enum: " + type->get_name()); } /** See the comment inside generate_py_struct_definition for what this is. */ string t_py_generator::type_to_spec_args(const t_type* ttype) { const auto* adapter = get_py_adapter(ttype); // Do this before get_true_type. ttype = ttype->get_true_type(); if (ttype->is_primitive_type()) { t_primitive_type::t_primitive tbase = ((t_primitive_type*)ttype)->primitive_type(); if (tbase == t_primitive_type::TYPE_STRING) { return "True"; } else if (tbase == t_primitive_type::TYPE_BINARY) { return "False"; } return "None"; } else if (ttype->is_enum()) { return type_name(ttype); } else if (ttype->is_struct()) { string ret = "[" + type_name(ttype) + ", " + type_name(ttype) + ".thrift_spec, " + (((t_struct*)ttype)->is_union() ? "True" : "False"); if (adapter) { ret += ", " + *adapter; } return ret + "]"; } else if (ttype->is_exception()) { return "[" + type_name(ttype) + ", " + type_name(ttype) + ".thrift_spec, False]"; } else if (ttype->is_map()) { auto tmap = (t_map*)ttype; return std::string("(") + type_to_enum(tmap->get_key_type()) + "," + type_to_spec_args(tmap->get_key_type()) + "," + type_to_enum(tmap->get_val_type()) + "," + type_to_spec_args(tmap->get_val_type()) + ")"; } else if (ttype->is_set()) { return "(" + type_to_enum(((t_set*)ttype)->get_elem_type()) + "," + type_to_spec_args(((t_set*)ttype)->get_elem_type()) + ")"; } else if (ttype->is_list()) { return "(" + type_to_enum(((t_list*)ttype)->get_elem_type()) + "," + type_to_spec_args(((t_list*)ttype)->get_elem_type()) + ")"; } throw std::runtime_error( "INVALID TYPE IN type_to_spec_args: " + ttype->get_name()); } /** * Gets the priority annotation of an object (service / function) */ std::string t_py_generator::get_priority( const t_named* obj, const std::string& def) { if (obj) { if (auto* val = obj->find_structured_annotation_or_null(kPriorityUri)) { return val->get_value_from_structured_annotation("level") .get_enum_value() ->name(); } return obj->get_annotation("priority", &def); } return def; } /** * Returns the functions that are supported, leaving unsupported functions * (e.g. stream and sink functions). */ const std::vector& t_py_generator::get_functions( const t_service* tservice) { auto name = tservice->get_full_name(); auto found = func_map_.find(name); if (found != func_map_.end()) { return found->second; } std::vector funcs; for (auto func : tservice->get_functions()) { if (!func->sink_or_stream() && !func->is_interaction_constructor()) { funcs.push_back(func); } } auto inserted = func_map_.emplace(name, std::move(funcs)); return inserted.first->second; } int32_t t_py_generator::get_thrift_spec_key( const t_structured* s, const t_field* f) { // If struct contains negative ids, e.g. for following struct // // struct NegativeId { // -2: i32 field1 = 1; // 2: i32 field2 = 2; // } // // The generated thrift_sepc looks like this // // NegativeId.thrift_spec = ( // (-2, TType.I32, 'field2', None, 2, 2, ), # -2 // None, # -1, // None, # 0 // None, # 1, // (2, TType.I32, 'field3', None, 3, 2, ), # 2 // ) // // In this case, to get thrift_spec of corresponding field, we need to add // offset to field id: `thrift_spec[id + offset]` const int32_t smallest_id = s->get_sorted_members()[0]->get_key(); const int32_t offset = -std::min(smallest_id, 0); return f->get_key() + offset; } THRIFT_REGISTER_GENERATOR( py, "Python", " json: Generate function to parse entity from json\n" " slots: Generate code using slots for instance members.\n" " sort_keys: Serialize maps sorted by key and sets by value.\n" " thrift_port=NNN: Default port to use in remote client (default " "9090).\n" " asyncio: Generate asyncio-friendly RPC services.\n" " utf8strings: Encode/decode strings using utf8 in the generated " "code.\n"); } // namespace compiler } // namespace thrift } // namespace apache