# # CMake package configuration file for fbthrift # # Defines the target "FBThrift::thriftcpp2" # Add this to your target_link_libraries() call to depend on thrift. # # Note that fbthrift depends on the wangle::wangle target. This should # be found by calling find_package(wangle CONFIG) before finding fbthrift. # # This also defines the following variables # FBTHRIFT_COMPILER - The path to the thrift compiler # @PACKAGE_INIT@ include(CMakeFindDependencyMacro) # Save the PACKAGE_PREFIX_DIR in a separate variable. find_dependency() calls # below can replace PACKAGE_PREFIX_DIR with the prefix of the dependency that # was searched for. set(FBTHRIFT_PREFIX_DIR "${PACKAGE_PREFIX_DIR}") set_and_check(FBTHRIFT_CMAKE_DIR "@PACKAGE_CMAKE_INSTALL_DIR@") set_and_check(FBTHRIFT_INCLUDE_DIR "@PACKAGE_INCLUDE_INSTALL_DIR@") if (WIN32) set_and_check(FBTHRIFT_COMPILER "@PACKAGE_BIN_INSTALL_DIR@/thrift1.exe") else() set_and_check(FBTHRIFT_COMPILER "@PACKAGE_BIN_INSTALL_DIR@/thrift1") endif() find_dependency(ZLIB REQUIRED) find_package(mvfst CONFIG REQUIRED) if (NOT TARGET FBThrift::thriftcpp2) include("${FBTHRIFT_CMAKE_DIR}/FBThriftTargets.cmake") endif() # # Component definitions # The FBThrift_XXX_FOUND variables below define package components that # can be checked by callers using "find_package(FBThrift COMPONENTS XXX)" # e.g., "find_package(FBThrift COMPONENTS py)" # # We always build the cpp2 generator and its libraries set(FBThrift_cpp2_FOUND True) # Set FBThrift_py_FOUND if we built the thrift/lib/py library that supports # the output from the thrift compiler's "py" generator. # (Note that this generator is deprecated in favor of the "py3" generator,) set(FBThrift_py_FOUND @thriftpy@) if(FBThrift_py_FOUND) find_dependency(python-six) endif() set(FBThrift_FOUND True) check_required_components(FBThrift) if (FBThrift_FOUND AND NOT FBThrift_FIND_QUIETLY) message(STATUS "Found FBThrift: ${FBTHRIFT_PREFIX_DIR}") endif()