# Copyright (c) Meta Platforms, Inc. and affiliates. # # This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the # LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree. # pyre-unsafe import configparser import io import os from typing import List from .builder import ( AutoconfBuilder, Boost, CMakeBootStrapBuilder, CMakeBuilder, Iproute2Builder, MakeBuilder, NinjaBootstrap, NopBuilder, OpenSSLBuilder, SqliteBuilder, ) from .cargo import CargoBuilder from .expr import parse_expr from .fetcher import ( ArchiveFetcher, GitFetcher, PreinstalledNopFetcher, ShipitTransformerFetcher, SimpleShipitTransformerFetcher, SystemPackageFetcher, ) from .py_wheel_builder import PythonWheelBuilder REQUIRED = "REQUIRED" OPTIONAL = "OPTIONAL" SCHEMA = { "manifest": { "optional_section": False, "fields": { "name": REQUIRED, "fbsource_path": OPTIONAL, "shipit_project": OPTIONAL, "shipit_fbcode_builder": OPTIONAL, }, }, "dependencies": {"optional_section": True, "allow_values": False}, "depends.environment": {"optional_section": True}, "git": { "optional_section": True, "fields": {"repo_url": REQUIRED, "rev": OPTIONAL, "depth": OPTIONAL}, }, "download": { "optional_section": True, "fields": {"url": REQUIRED, "sha256": REQUIRED}, }, "build": { "optional_section": True, "fields": { "builder": REQUIRED, "subdir": OPTIONAL, "make_binary": OPTIONAL, "build_in_src_dir": OPTIONAL, "job_weight_mib": OPTIONAL, "patchfile": OPTIONAL, "patchfile_opts": OPTIONAL, }, }, "msbuild": {"optional_section": True, "fields": {"project": REQUIRED}}, "cargo": { "optional_section": True, "fields": { "build_doc": OPTIONAL, "workspace_dir": OPTIONAL, "manifests_to_build": OPTIONAL, # Where to write cargo config (defaults to build_dir/.cargo/config.toml) "cargo_config_file": OPTIONAL, }, }, "github.actions": { "optional_section": True, "fields": { "run_tests": OPTIONAL, }, }, "crate.pathmap": {"optional_section": True}, "cmake.defines": {"optional_section": True}, "autoconf.args": {"optional_section": True}, "autoconf.envcmd.LDFLAGS": {"optional_section": True}, "rpms": {"optional_section": True}, "debs": {"optional_section": True}, "homebrew": {"optional_section": True}, "preinstalled.env": {"optional_section": True}, "bootstrap.args": {"optional_section": True}, "b2.args": {"optional_section": True}, "make.build_args": {"optional_section": True}, "make.install_args": {"optional_section": True}, "make.test_args": {"optional_section": True}, "header-only": {"optional_section": True, "fields": {"includedir": REQUIRED}}, "shipit.pathmap": {"optional_section": True}, "shipit.strip": {"optional_section": True}, "install.files": {"optional_section": True}, # fb-only "sandcastle": {"optional_section": True, "fields": {"run_tests": OPTIONAL}}, } # These sections are allowed to vary for different platforms # using the expression syntax to enable/disable sections ALLOWED_EXPR_SECTIONS = [ "autoconf.args", "autoconf.envcmd.LDFLAGS", "build", "cmake.defines", "dependencies", "make.build_args", "make.install_args", "bootstrap.args", "b2.args", "download", "git", "install.files", "rpms", "debs", "shipit.pathmap", "shipit.strip", "homebrew", "github.actions", ] def parse_conditional_section_name(name, section_def): expr = name[len(section_def) + 1 :] return parse_expr(expr, ManifestContext.ALLOWED_VARIABLES) def validate_allowed_fields(file_name, section, config, allowed_fields): for field in config.options(section): if not allowed_fields.get(field): raise Exception( ("manifest file %s section '%s' contains " "unknown field '%s'") % (file_name, section, field) ) for field in allowed_fields: if allowed_fields[field] == REQUIRED and not config.has_option(section, field): raise Exception( ("manifest file %s section '%s' is missing " "required field '%s'") % (file_name, section, field) ) def validate_allow_values(file_name, section, config): for field in config.options(section): value = config.get(section, field) if value is not None: raise Exception( ( "manifest file %s section '%s' has '%s = %s' but " "this section doesn't allow specifying values " "for its entries" ) % (file_name, section, field, value) ) def validate_section(file_name, section, config): section_def = SCHEMA.get(section) if not section_def: for name in ALLOWED_EXPR_SECTIONS: if section.startswith(name + "."): # Verify that the conditional parses, but discard it try: parse_conditional_section_name(section, name) except Exception as exc: raise Exception( ("manifest file %s section '%s' has invalid " "conditional: %s") % (file_name, section, str(exc)) ) section_def = SCHEMA.get(name) canonical_section_name = name break if not section_def: raise Exception( "manifest file %s contains unknown section '%s'" % (file_name, section) ) else: canonical_section_name = section allowed_fields = section_def.get("fields") if allowed_fields: validate_allowed_fields(file_name, section, config, allowed_fields) elif not section_def.get("allow_values", True): validate_allow_values(file_name, section, config) return canonical_section_name class ManifestParser(object): def __init__(self, file_name, fp=None): # allow_no_value enables listing parameters in the # autoconf.args section one per line config = configparser.RawConfigParser(allow_no_value=True) config.optionxform = str # make it case sensitive if fp is None: with open(file_name, "r") as fp: config.read_file(fp) elif isinstance(fp, type("")): # For testing purposes, parse from a string (str # or unicode) config.read_file(io.StringIO(fp)) else: config.read_file(fp) # validate against the schema seen_sections = set() for section in config.sections(): seen_sections.add(validate_section(file_name, section, config)) for section in SCHEMA.keys(): section_def = SCHEMA[section] if ( not section_def.get("optional_section", False) and section not in seen_sections ): raise Exception( "manifest file %s is missing required section %s" % (file_name, section) ) self._config = config self.name = config.get("manifest", "name") self.fbsource_path = self.get("manifest", "fbsource_path") self.shipit_project = self.get("manifest", "shipit_project") self.shipit_fbcode_builder = self.get("manifest", "shipit_fbcode_builder") self.resolved_system_packages = {} if self.name != os.path.basename(file_name): raise Exception( "filename of the manifest '%s' does not match the manifest name '%s'" % (file_name, self.name) ) def get(self, section, key, defval=None, ctx=None): ctx = ctx or {} for s in self._config.sections(): if s == section: if self._config.has_option(s, key): return self._config.get(s, key) return defval if s.startswith(section + "."): expr = parse_conditional_section_name(s, section) if not expr.eval(ctx): continue if self._config.has_option(s, key): return self._config.get(s, key) return defval def get_dependencies(self, ctx): dep_list = list(self.get_section_as_dict("dependencies", ctx).keys()) dep_list.sort() builder = self.get("build", "builder", ctx=ctx) if builder in ("cmake", "python-wheel"): dep_list.insert(0, "cmake") elif builder == "autoconf" and self.name not in ( "autoconf", "libtool", "automake", ): # they need libtool and its deps (automake, autoconf) so add # those as deps (but obviously not if we're building those # projects themselves) dep_list.insert(0, "libtool") return dep_list def get_section_as_args(self, section, ctx=None) -> List[str]: """Intended for use with the make.[build_args/install_args] and autoconf.args sections, this method collects the entries and returns an array of strings. If the manifest contains conditional sections, ctx is used to evaluate the condition and merge in the values. """ args = [] ctx = ctx or {} for s in self._config.sections(): if s != section: if not s.startswith(section + "."): continue expr = parse_conditional_section_name(s, section) if not expr.eval(ctx): continue for field in self._config.options(s): value = self._config.get(s, field) if value is None: args.append(field) else: args.append("%s=%s" % (field, value)) return args def get_section_as_ordered_pairs(self, section, ctx=None): """Used for eg: shipit.pathmap which has strong ordering requirements""" res = [] ctx = ctx or {} for s in self._config.sections(): if s != section: if not s.startswith(section + "."): continue expr = parse_conditional_section_name(s, section) if not expr.eval(ctx): continue for key in self._config.options(s): value = self._config.get(s, key) res.append((key, value)) return res def get_section_as_dict(self, section, ctx): d = {} for s in self._config.sections(): if s != section: if not s.startswith(section + "."): continue expr = parse_conditional_section_name(s, section) if not expr.eval(ctx): continue for field in self._config.options(s): value = self._config.get(s, field) d[field] = value return d def update_hash(self, hasher, ctx): """Compute a hash over the configuration for the given context. The goal is for the hash to change if the config for that context changes, but not if a change is made to the config only for a different platform than that expressed by ctx. The hash is intended to be used to help invalidate a future cache for the third party build products. The hasher argument is a hash object returned from hashlib.""" for section in sorted(SCHEMA.keys()): hasher.update(section.encode("utf-8")) # Note: at the time of writing, nothing in the implementation # relies on keys in any config section being ordered. # In theory we could have conflicting flags in different # config sections and later flags override earlier flags. # For the purposes of computing a hash we're not super # concerned about this: manifest changes should be rare # enough and we'd rather that this trigger an invalidation # than strive for a cache hit at this time. pairs = self.get_section_as_ordered_pairs(section, ctx) pairs.sort(key=lambda pair: pair[0]) for key, value in pairs: hasher.update(key.encode("utf-8")) if value is not None: hasher.update(value.encode("utf-8")) def is_first_party_project(self): """returns true if this is an FB first-party project""" return self.shipit_project is not None def get_required_system_packages(self, ctx): """Returns dictionary of packager system -> list of packages""" return { "rpm": self.get_section_as_args("rpms", ctx), "deb": self.get_section_as_args("debs", ctx), "homebrew": self.get_section_as_args("homebrew", ctx), } def _is_satisfied_by_preinstalled_environment(self, ctx): envs = self.get_section_as_args("preinstalled.env", ctx) if not envs: return False for key in envs: val = os.environ.get(key, None) print(f"Testing ENV[{key}]: {repr(val)}") if val is None: return False if len(val) == 0: return False return True def get_repo_url(self, ctx): return self.get("git", "repo_url", ctx=ctx) def create_fetcher(self, build_options, ctx): use_real_shipit = ( ShipitTransformerFetcher.available() and build_options.use_shipit ) if ( not use_real_shipit and self.fbsource_path and build_options.fbsource_dir and self.shipit_project ): return SimpleShipitTransformerFetcher(build_options, self, ctx) if ( self.fbsource_path and build_options.fbsource_dir and self.shipit_project and ShipitTransformerFetcher.available() ): # We can use the code from fbsource return ShipitTransformerFetcher(build_options, self.shipit_project) # Can we satisfy this dep with system packages? if build_options.allow_system_packages: if self._is_satisfied_by_preinstalled_environment(ctx): return PreinstalledNopFetcher() packages = self.get_required_system_packages(ctx) package_fetcher = SystemPackageFetcher(build_options, packages) if package_fetcher.packages_are_installed(): return package_fetcher repo_url = self.get_repo_url(ctx) if repo_url: rev = self.get("git", "rev") depth = self.get("git", "depth") return GitFetcher(build_options, self, repo_url, rev, depth) url = self.get("download", "url", ctx=ctx) if url: # We need to defer this import until now to avoid triggering # a cycle when the facebook/__init__.py is loaded. try: from .facebook.lfs import LFSCachingArchiveFetcher return LFSCachingArchiveFetcher( build_options, self, url, self.get("download", "sha256", ctx=ctx) ) except ImportError: # This FB internal module isn't shippped to github, # so just use its base class return ArchiveFetcher( build_options, self, url, self.get("download", "sha256", ctx=ctx) ) raise KeyError( "project %s has no fetcher configuration matching %s" % (self.name, ctx) ) def get_builder_name(self, ctx): builder = self.get("build", "builder", ctx=ctx) if not builder: raise Exception("project %s has no builder for %r" % (self.name, ctx)) return builder def create_builder( # noqa:C901 self, build_options, src_dir, build_dir, inst_dir, ctx, loader, final_install_prefix=None, extra_cmake_defines=None, cmake_target=None, extra_b2_args=None, ): builder = self.get_builder_name(ctx) build_in_src_dir = self.get("build", "build_in_src_dir", "false", ctx=ctx) if build_in_src_dir == "true": # Some scripts don't work when they are configured and build in # a different directory than source (or when the build directory # is not a subdir of source). build_dir = src_dir subdir = self.get("build", "subdir", None, ctx=ctx) if subdir is not None: build_dir = os.path.join(build_dir, subdir) print("build_dir is %s" % build_dir) # just to quiet lint if builder == "make" or builder == "cmakebootstrap": build_args = self.get_section_as_args("make.build_args", ctx) install_args = self.get_section_as_args("make.install_args", ctx) test_args = self.get_section_as_args("make.test_args", ctx) if builder == "cmakebootstrap": return CMakeBootStrapBuilder( build_options, ctx, self, src_dir, None, inst_dir, build_args, install_args, test_args, ) else: return MakeBuilder( build_options, ctx, self, src_dir, None, inst_dir, build_args, install_args, test_args, ) if builder == "autoconf": args = self.get_section_as_args("autoconf.args", ctx) conf_env_args = {} ldflags_cmd = self.get_section_as_args("autoconf.envcmd.LDFLAGS", ctx) if ldflags_cmd: conf_env_args["LDFLAGS"] = ldflags_cmd return AutoconfBuilder( build_options, ctx, self, src_dir, build_dir, inst_dir, args, conf_env_args, ) if builder == "boost": args = self.get_section_as_args("b2.args", ctx) if extra_b2_args is not None: args += extra_b2_args return Boost(build_options, ctx, self, src_dir, build_dir, inst_dir, args) if builder == "cmake": defines = self.get_section_as_dict("cmake.defines", ctx) return CMakeBuilder( build_options, ctx, self, src_dir, build_dir, inst_dir, defines, loader, final_install_prefix, extra_cmake_defines, cmake_target, ) if builder == "python-wheel": return PythonWheelBuilder( build_options, ctx, self, src_dir, build_dir, inst_dir ) if builder == "sqlite": return SqliteBuilder(build_options, ctx, self, src_dir, build_dir, inst_dir) if builder == "ninja_bootstrap": return NinjaBootstrap( build_options, ctx, self, build_dir, src_dir, inst_dir ) if builder == "nop": return NopBuilder(build_options, ctx, self, src_dir, inst_dir) if builder == "openssl": return OpenSSLBuilder( build_options, ctx, self, build_dir, src_dir, inst_dir ) if builder == "iproute2": return Iproute2Builder( build_options, ctx, self, src_dir, build_dir, inst_dir ) if builder == "cargo": return self.create_cargo_builder( build_options, ctx, src_dir, build_dir, inst_dir, loader ) raise KeyError("project %s has no known builder" % (self.name)) def create_prepare_builders( self, build_options, ctx, src_dir, build_dir, inst_dir, loader ): """Create builders that have a prepare step run, e.g. to write config files""" prepare_builders = [] builder = self.get_builder_name(ctx) cargo = self.get_section_as_dict("cargo", ctx) if not builder == "cargo" and cargo: cargo_builder = self.create_cargo_builder( build_options, ctx, src_dir, build_dir, inst_dir, loader ) prepare_builders.append(cargo_builder) return prepare_builders def create_cargo_builder( self, build_options, ctx, src_dir, build_dir, inst_dir, loader ): build_doc = self.get("cargo", "build_doc", False, ctx) workspace_dir = self.get("cargo", "workspace_dir", None, ctx) manifests_to_build = self.get("cargo", "manifests_to_build", None, ctx) cargo_config_file = self.get("cargo", "cargo_config_file", None, ctx) return CargoBuilder( build_options, ctx, self, src_dir, build_dir, inst_dir, build_doc, workspace_dir, manifests_to_build, loader, cargo_config_file, ) class ManifestContext(object): """ProjectContext contains a dictionary of values to use when evaluating boolean expressions in a project manifest. This object should be passed as the `ctx` parameter in ManifestParser.get() calls. """ ALLOWED_VARIABLES = { "os", "distro", "distro_vers", "fb", "fbsource", "test", "shared_libs", } def __init__(self, ctx_dict): assert set(ctx_dict.keys()) == self.ALLOWED_VARIABLES self.ctx_dict = ctx_dict def get(self, key): return self.ctx_dict[key] def set(self, key, value): assert key in self.ALLOWED_VARIABLES self.ctx_dict[key] = value def copy(self): return ManifestContext(dict(self.ctx_dict)) def __str__(self): s = ", ".join( "%s=%s" % (key, value) for key, value in sorted(self.ctx_dict.items()) ) return "{" + s + "}" class ContextGenerator(object): """ContextGenerator allows creating ManifestContext objects on a per-project basis. This allows us to evaluate different projects with slightly different contexts. For instance, this can be used to only enable tests for some projects.""" def __init__(self, default_ctx): self.default_ctx = ManifestContext(default_ctx) self.ctx_by_project = {} def set_value_for_project(self, project_name, key, value): project_ctx = self.ctx_by_project.get(project_name) if project_ctx is None: project_ctx = self.default_ctx.copy() self.ctx_by_project[project_name] = project_ctx project_ctx.set(key, value) def set_value_for_all_projects(self, key, value): self.default_ctx.set(key, value) for ctx in self.ctx_by_project.values(): ctx.set(key, value) def get_context(self, project_name): return self.ctx_by_project.get(project_name, self.default_ctx)