load("@fbsource//xplat/executorch/build:runtime_wrapper.bzl", "runtime") load("@fbsource//xplat/executorch/build:selects.bzl", "selects") load( "@fbsource//xplat/executorch/kernels/optimized:lib_defs.bzl", "get_vec_android_preprocessor_flags", ) def op_target(name, deps = []): """Registers an optimized implementation for an operator overload group. An operator overload group is a set of operator overloads with a common operator name. That common operator name should be the base name of this target. E.g., the "add" operator overload group, named "op_add" in this target, might implement: - add.Tensor - add_.Tensor - add.out - add.Scalar If an op target would like to share a header/sources with a different op target (e.g., helpers/utilities), it should declare a separate cxx_library and add it as a dep. Args: name: The name of the operator overload group; e.g., "op_add". This directory must contain a source file named ".cpp"; e.g., "op_add.cpp". deps: Optional extra deps to add to the cxx_library(). Note: - op targets may not depend on other op targets, to keep the dependencies manageable. If two op targets would like to share code, define a separate runtime.cxx_library that they both depend on. """ # Note that this doesn't actually define the target, but helps register # it in a table that's used to define the target. return { "deps": deps, "name": name, } def _enforce_deps(deps, name): """Fails if any of the deps are not allowed. Args: deps: A list of build target strings. name: The name of the target; e.g., "op_add" """ for dep in deps: if dep.startswith(":op_"): # op targets may not depend on other op targets, to keep the # dependencies manageable. If two op targets would like to share # code, define a separate runtime.cxx_library that they both depend # on. fail("op_target {} may not depend on other op_target {}".format( name, dep, )) def define_op_library(name, deps): """Defines a cxx_library target for the named operator overload group. Args: name: The name of the target; e.g., "op_add" deps: List of deps for the target. """ selects.apply(obj = deps, function = native.partial(_enforce_deps, name = name)) augmented_deps = deps + [ "//executorch/kernels/optimized:libvec", "//executorch/kernels/optimized:libutils", ] runtime.cxx_library( name = "{}".format(name), srcs = [ "{}.cpp".format(name), ], visibility = [ "//executorch/kernels/portable/test/...", "//executorch/kernels/quantized/test/...", "//executorch/kernels/optimized/test/...", "//executorch/kernels/test/...", "@EXECUTORCH_CLIENTS", ], # kernels often have helpers with no prototypes just disabling the warning here as the headers # are codegend and linked in later compiler_flags = ["-Wno-missing-prototypes"], deps = [ "//executorch/runtime/kernel:kernel_includes", ] + augmented_deps, fbandroid_platform_preprocessor_flags = get_vec_android_preprocessor_flags(), # sleef needs to be added as a direct dependency of the operator target when building for Android, # or a linker error may occur. Not sure why this happens; it seems that fbandroid_platform_deps of # dependencies are not transitive fbandroid_platform_deps = [ ( "^android-arm64.*$", [ "fbsource//third-party/sleef:sleef_arm", ], ), ], # link_whole is necessary because the operators register themselves # via static initializers that run at program startup. # @lint-ignore BUCKLINT link_whole link_whole = True, ) def define_op_target(name, deps): """Possibly defines cxx_library targets for the named operator group. Args: name: The base name of the target; e.g., "op_add" deps: List of deps for the targets. """ # When building in ATen mode, ATen-compatible (non-custom) operators will # use the implementations provided by ATen, so we should not build the # versions defined here. define_op_library( name = name, deps = deps, ) def is_op_disabled(name): # TODO (gjcomer) Enable ops with sleef dependency in OSS disabled_ops = ["op_gelu", "op_log_softmax"] return name in disabled_ops