# Easy builds for Facebook projects This directory contains tools designed to simplify continuous-integration (and other builds) of Facebook open source projects. In particular, this helps manage builds for cross-project dependencies. The main entry point is the `getdeps.py` script. This script has several subcommands, but the most notable is the `build` command. This will download and build all dependencies for a project, and then build the project itself. ## Deployment This directory is copied literally into a number of different Facebook open source repositories. Any change made to code in this directory will be automatically be replicated by our open source tooling into all GitHub hosted repositories that use `fbcode_builder`. Typically this directory is copied into the open source repositories as `build/fbcode_builder/`. # Project Configuration Files The `manifests` subdirectory contains configuration files for many different projects, describing how to build each project. These files also list dependencies between projects, enabling `getdeps.py` to build all dependencies for a project before building the project itself. # Shared CMake utilities Since this directory is copied into many Facebook open source repositories, it is also used to help share some CMake utility files across projects. The `CMake/` subdirectory contains a number of `.cmake` files that are shared by the CMake-based build systems across several different projects. # Older Build Scripts This directory also still contains a handful of older build scripts that pre-date the current `getdeps.py` build system. Most of the other `.py` files in this top directory, apart from `getdeps.py` itself, are from this older build system. This older system is only used by a few remaining projects, and new projects should generally use the newer `getdeps.py` script, by adding a new configuration file in the `manifests/` subdirectory.