# Copyright (c) Meta Platforms, Inc. and affiliates. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # Some additional configuration options. option(MSVC_ENABLE_ALL_WARNINGS "If enabled, pass /Wall to the compiler." ON) option(MSVC_ENABLE_DEBUG_INLINING "If enabled, enable inlining in the debug configuration. This allows /Zc:inline to be far more effective." OFF) option(MSVC_ENABLE_FAST_LINK "If enabled, pass /DEBUG:FASTLINK to the linker. This makes linking faster, but the gtest integration for Visual Studio can't currently handle the .pdbs generated." OFF) option(MSVC_ENABLE_LEAN_AND_MEAN_WINDOWS "If enabled, define WIN32_LEAN_AND_MEAN to include a smaller subset of Windows.h" ON) option(MSVC_ENABLE_LTCG "If enabled, use Link Time Code Generation for Release builds." OFF) option(MSVC_ENABLE_PARALLEL_BUILD "If enabled, build multiple source files in parallel." ON) option(MSVC_ENABLE_STATIC_ANALYSIS "If enabled, do more complex static analysis and generate warnings appropriately." OFF) option(MSVC_USE_STATIC_RUNTIME "If enabled, build against the static, rather than the dynamic, runtime." OFF) option(MSVC_SUPPRESS_BOOST_CONFIG_OUTDATED "If enabled, suppress Boost's warnings about the config being out of date." ON) # Alas, option() doesn't support string values. set(MSVC_FAVORED_ARCHITECTURE "blend" CACHE STRING "One of 'blend', 'AMD64', 'INTEL64', or 'ATOM'. This tells the compiler to generate code optimized to run best on the specified architecture.") # Add a pretty drop-down selector for these values when using the GUI. set_property( CACHE MSVC_FAVORED_ARCHITECTURE PROPERTY STRINGS blend AMD64 ATOM INTEL64 ) # Validate, and then add the favored architecture. if (NOT MSVC_FAVORED_ARCHITECTURE STREQUAL "blend" AND NOT MSVC_FAVORED_ARCHITECTURE STREQUAL "AMD64" AND NOT MSVC_FAVORED_ARCHITECTURE STREQUAL "INTEL64" AND NOT MSVC_FAVORED_ARCHITECTURE STREQUAL "ATOM") message(FATAL_ERROR "MSVC_FAVORED_ARCHITECTURE must be set to one of exactly, 'blend', 'AMD64', 'INTEL64', or 'ATOM'! Got '${MSVC_FAVORED_ARCHITECTURE}' instead!") endif() set(MSVC_LANGUAGE_VERSION "c++17" CACHE STRING "One of 'c++17', or 'c++latest'. This determines which version of C++ to compile as.") set_property( CACHE MSVC_LANGUAGE_VERSION PROPERTY STRINGS "c++17" "c++latest" ) ############################################################ # We need to adjust a couple of the default option sets. ############################################################ # If the static runtime is requested, we have to # overwrite some of CMake's defaults. if (MSVC_USE_STATIC_RUNTIME) foreach(flag_var CMAKE_C_FLAGS CMAKE_C_FLAGS_DEBUG CMAKE_C_FLAGS_RELEASE CMAKE_C_FLAGS_MINSIZEREL CMAKE_C_FLAGS_RELWITHDEBINFO CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS_DEBUG CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS_RELEASE CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS_MINSIZEREL CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS_RELWITHDEBINFO) if (${flag_var} MATCHES "/MD") string(REGEX REPLACE "/MD" "/MT" ${flag_var} "${${flag_var}}") endif() endforeach() endif() # The Ninja generator doesn't de-dup the exception mode flag, so remove the # default flag so that MSVC doesn't warn about it on every single file. if ("${CMAKE_GENERATOR}" STREQUAL "Ninja") foreach(flag_var CMAKE_C_FLAGS CMAKE_C_FLAGS_DEBUG CMAKE_C_FLAGS_RELEASE CMAKE_C_FLAGS_MINSIZEREL CMAKE_C_FLAGS_RELWITHDEBINFO CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS_DEBUG CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS_RELEASE CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS_MINSIZEREL CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS_RELWITHDEBINFO) if (${flag_var} MATCHES "/EHsc") string(REGEX REPLACE "/EHsc" "" ${flag_var} "${${flag_var}}") endif() endforeach() endif() # In order for /Zc:inline, which speeds up the build significantly, to work # we need to remove the /Ob0 parameter that CMake adds by default, because that # would normally disable all inlining. foreach(flag_var CMAKE_C_FLAGS_DEBUG CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS_DEBUG) if (${flag_var} MATCHES "/Ob0") string(REGEX REPLACE "/Ob0" "" ${flag_var} "${${flag_var}}") endif() endforeach() # When building with Ninja, or with /MP enabled, there is the potential # for multiple processes to need to lock the same pdb file. # The /FS option (which is implicitly enabled by /MP) is widely believed # to be the solution for this, but even with /FS enabled the problem can # still randomly occur. # https://stackoverflow.com/a/58020501/149111 suggests that /Z7 should be # used; rather than placing the debug info into a .pdb file it embeds it # into the object files in a similar way to gcc/clang which should reduce # contention and potentially make the build faster... but at the cost of # larger object files foreach(flag_var CMAKE_C_FLAGS_DEBUG CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS_DEBUG) if (${flag_var} MATCHES "/Zi") string(REGEX REPLACE "/Zi" "/Z7" ${flag_var} "${${flag_var}}") endif() endforeach() # Apply the option set for Folly to the specified target. function(apply_folly_compile_options_to_target THETARGET) # The general options passed: target_compile_options(${THETARGET} PUBLIC /EHs # Don't catch structured exceptions with catch (...) /GF # There are bugs with constexpr StringPiece when string pooling is disabled. /Zc:referenceBinding # Disallow temporaries from binding to non-const lvalue references. /Zc:rvalueCast # Enforce the standard rules for explicit type conversion. /Zc:implicitNoexcept # Enable implicit noexcept specifications where required, such as destructors. /Zc:strictStrings # Don't allow conversion from a string literal to mutable characters. /Zc:threadSafeInit # Enable thread-safe function-local statics initialization. /Zc:throwingNew # Assume operator new throws on failure. /permissive- # Be mean, don't allow bad non-standard stuff (C++/CLI, __declspec, etc. are all left intact). /std:${MSVC_LANGUAGE_VERSION} # Build in the requested version of C++ PRIVATE /bigobj # Support objects with > 65k sections. Needed due to templates. /favor:${MSVC_FAVORED_ARCHITECTURE} # Architecture to prefer when generating code. /Zc:inline # Have the compiler eliminate unreferenced COMDAT functions and data before emitting the object file. $<$:/Wall> # Enable all warnings if requested. $<$:/MP> # Enable multi-processor compilation if requested. $<$:/analyze> # Enable static analysis if requested. # Debug builds $<$: /Gy- # Disable function level linking. $<$:/Ob2> # Add /Ob2 if allowing inlining in debug mode. > # Non-debug builds $<$>: /Gw # Optimize global data. (-fdata-sections) /Gy # Enable function level linking. (-ffunction-sections) /Qpar # Enable parallel code generation. /Oi # Enable intrinsic functions. /Ot # Favor fast code. $<$:/GL> # Enable link time code generation. > ) target_compile_options(${THETARGET} PUBLIC /wd4191 # 'type cast' unsafe conversion of function pointers /wd4291 # no matching operator delete found /wd4309 # '=' truncation of constant value /wd4310 # cast truncates constant value /wd4366 # result of unary '&' operator may be unaligned /wd4587 # behavior change; constructor no longer implicitly called /wd4592 # symbol will be dynamically initialized (implementation limitation) /wd4628 # digraphs not supported with -Ze /wd4723 # potential divide by 0 /wd4724 # potential mod by 0 /wd4868 # compiler may not enforce left-to-right evaluation order /wd4996 # user deprecated # The warnings that are disabled: /wd4068 # Unknown pragma. /wd4091 # 'typedef' ignored on left of '' when no variable is declared. /wd4146 # Unary minus applied to unsigned type, result still unsigned. /wd4800 # Values being forced to bool, this happens many places, and is a "performance warning". # NOTE: glog/logging.h:1116 change to `size_t pcount() const { return size_t(pptr() - pbase()); }` # NOTE: gmock/gmock-spec-builders.h:1177 change to `*static_cast*>(untyped_actions_[size_t(count - 1)]) :` # NOTE: gmock/gmock-spec-builders.h:1749 change to `const size_t count = untyped_expectations_.size();` # NOTE: gmock/gmock-spec-builders.h:1754 change to `for (size_t i = 0; i < count; i++) {` # NOTE: gtest/gtest-printers.h:173 change to `const internal::BiggestInt kBigInt = internal::BiggestInt(value);` # NOTE: gtest/internal/gtest-internal.h:890 add `GTEST_DISABLE_MSC_WARNINGS_PUSH_(4365)` # NOTE: gtest/internal/gtest-internal.h:894 ass `GTEST_DISABLE_MSC_WARNINGS_POP_()` # NOTE: boost/crc.hpp:578 change to `{ return static_cast(x ^ rem); }` # NOTE: boost/regex/v4/match_results.hpp:126 change to `return m_subs[size_type(sub)].length();` # NOTE: boost/regex/v4/match_results.hpp:226 change to `return m_subs[size_type(sub)];` # NOTE: boost/date_time/adjust_functors.hpp:67 change to `origDayOfMonth_ = short(ymd.day);` # NOTE: boost/date_time/adjust_functors.hpp:75 change to `wrap_int2 wi(short(ymd.month));` # NOTE: boost/date_time/adjust_functors.hpp:82 change to `day_type resultingEndOfMonthDay(cal_type::end_of_month_day(static_cast(year), static_cast(wi.as_int())));` # NOTE: boost/date_time/adjust_functors.hpp:85 change to `return date_type(static_cast(year), static_cast(wi.as_int()), resultingEndOfMonthDay) - d;` # NOTE: boost/date_time/adjust_functors.hpp:87 change to `day_type dayOfMonth = static_cast(origDayOfMonth_);` # NOTE: boost/date_time/adjust_functors.hpp:91 change to `return date_type(static_cast(year), static_cast(wi.as_int()), dayOfMonth) - d;` # NOTE: boost/date_time/adjust_functors.hpp:98 change to `origDayOfMonth_ = short(ymd.day);` # NOTE: boost/date_time/adjust_functors.hpp:106 change to `wrap_int2 wi(short(ymd.month));` # NOTE: boost/date_time/adjust_functors.hpp:111 change to `day_type resultingEndOfMonthDay(cal_type::end_of_month_day(static_cast(year), static_cast(wi.as_int())));` # NOTE: boost/date_time/adjust_functors.hpp:114 change to `return date_type(static_cast(year), static_cast(wi.as_int()), resultingEndOfMonthDay) - d;` # NOTE: boost/date_time/adjust_functors.hpp:116 change to `day_type dayOfMonth = static_cast(origDayOfMonth_);` # NOTE: boost/date_time/adjust_functors.hpp:120 change to `return date_type(static_cast(year), static_cast(wi.as_int()), dayOfMonth) - d;` # NOTE: boost/date_time/gregorian_calendar.ipp:81 change to `unsigned long d = static_cast(ymd.day + ((153*m + 2)/5) + 365*y + (y/4) - (y/100) + (y/400) - 32045);` # NOTE: boost/date_time/gregorian/greg_date.hpp:122 change to `unsigned short eom_day = gregorian_calendar::end_of_month_day(ymd.year, ymd.month);` # NOTE: boost/thread/future.hpp:1050 change to `locks[std::ptrdiff_t(i)]=BOOST_THREAD_MAKE_RV_REF(boost::unique_lock(futures[i].future_->mutex));` # NOTE: boost/thread/future.hpp:1063 change to `locks[std::ptrdiff_t(i)].unlock();` # NOTE: boost/thread/win32/basic_recursive_mutex.hpp:47 change to `long const current_thread_id=long(win32::GetCurrentThreadId());` # NOTE: boost/thread/win32/basic_recursive_mutex.hpp:53 change to `long const current_thread_id=long(win32::GetCurrentThreadId());` # NOTE: boost/thread/win32/basic_recursive_mutex.hpp:64 change to `long const current_thread_id=long(win32::GetCurrentThreadId());` # NOTE: boost/thread/win32/basic_recursive_mutex.hpp:78 change to `long const current_thread_id=long(win32::GetCurrentThreadId());` # NOTE: boost/thread/win32/basic_recursive_mutex.hpp:84 change to `long const current_thread_id=long(win32::GetCurrentThreadId());` # NOTE: boost/thread/win32/condition_variable.hpp:79 change to `detail::win32::ReleaseSemaphore(semaphore,long(count_to_release),0);` # NOTE: boost/thread/win32/condition_variable.hpp:84 change to `release(unsigned(detail::interlocked_read_acquire(&waiters)));` # NOTE: boost/algorithm/string/detail/classification.hpp:85 change to `std::size_t Size=std::size_t(::boost::distance(Range));` /wd4018 # Signed/unsigned mismatch. /wd4365 # Signed/unsigned mismatch. /wd4388 # Signed/unsigned mismatch on relative comparison operator. /wd4389 # Signed/unsigned mismatch on equality comparison operator. # TODO: /wd4100 # Unreferenced formal parameter. /wd4459 # Declaration of parameter hides global declaration. /wd4505 # Unreferenced local function has been removed. /wd4701 # Potentially uninitialized local variable used. /wd4702 # Unreachable code. # These warnings are disabled because we've # enabled all warnings. If all warnings are # not enabled, we still need to disable them # for consuming libs. /wd4061 # Enum value not handled by a case in a switch on an enum. This isn't very helpful because it is produced even if a default statement is present. /wd4127 # Conditional expression is constant. /wd4200 # Non-standard extension, zero sized array. /wd4201 # Non-standard extension used: nameless struct/union. /wd4296 # '<' Expression is always false. /wd4316 # Object allocated on the heap may not be aligned to 128. /wd4324 # Structure was padded due to alignment specifier. /wd4355 # 'this' used in base member initializer list. /wd4371 # Layout of class may have changed due to fixes in packing. /wd4435 # Object layout under /vd2 will change due to virtual base. /wd4514 # Unreferenced inline function has been removed. (caused by /Zc:inline) /wd4548 # Expression before comma has no effect. I wouldn't disable this normally, but malloc.h triggers this warning. /wd4571 # Semantics of catch(...) changed in VC 7.1 /wd4574 # ifdef'd macro was defined to 0. /wd4582 # Constructor is not implicitly called. /wd4583 # Destructor is not implicitly called. /wd4619 # Invalid warning number used in #pragma warning. /wd4623 # Default constructor was implicitly defined as deleted. /wd4625 # Copy constructor was implicitly defined as deleted. /wd4626 # Assignment operator was implicitly defined as deleted. /wd4643 # Forward declaring standard library types is not permitted. /wd4647 # Behavior change in __is_pod. /wd4668 # Macro was not defined, replacing with 0. /wd4706 # Assignment within conditional expression. /wd4710 # Function was not inlined. /wd4711 # Function was selected for automated inlining. /wd4714 # Function marked as __forceinline not inlined. /wd4820 # Padding added after data member. /wd5026 # Move constructor was implicitly defined as deleted. /wd5027 # Move assignment operator was implicitly defined as deleted. /wd5031 # #pragma warning(pop): likely mismatch, popping warning state pushed in different file. This is needed because of how boost does things. /wd5045 # Compiler will insert Spectre mitigation for memory load if /Qspectre switch is specified. # Warnings to treat as errors: /we4099 # Mixed use of struct and class on same type names. /we4129 # Unknown escape sequence. This is usually caused by incorrect escaping. /we4566 # Character cannot be represented in current charset. This is remidied by prefixing string with "u8". PRIVATE # Warnings disabled for /analyze $<$: /wd6001 # Using uninitialized memory. This is disabled because it is wrong 99% of the time. /wd6011 # Dereferencing potentially NULL pointer. /wd6031 # Return value ignored. /wd6235 # ( || ) is always a non-zero constant. /wd6237 # ( && ) is always zero. is never evaluated and may have side effects. /wd6239 # ( && ) always evaluates to the result of . /wd6240 # ( && ) always evaluates to the result of . /wd6246 # Local declaration hides declaration of same name in outer scope. /wd6248 # Setting a SECURITY_DESCRIPTOR's DACL to NULL will result in an unprotected object. This is done by one of the boost headers. /wd6255 # _alloca indicates failure by raising a stack overflow exception. /wd6262 # Function uses more than x bytes of stack space. /wd6271 # Extra parameter passed to format function. The analysis pass doesn't recognize %j or %z, even though the runtime does. /wd6285 # ( || ) is always true. /wd6297 # 32-bit value is shifted then cast to 64-bits. The places this occurs never use more than 32 bits. /wd6308 # Realloc might return null pointer: assigning null pointer to '', which is passed as an argument to 'realloc', will cause the original memory to leak. /wd6326 # Potential comparison of a constant with another constant. /wd6330 # Unsigned/signed mismatch when passed as a parameter. /wd6340 # Mismatch on sign when passed as format string value. /wd6387 # '' could be '0': This does not adhere to the specification for a function. /wd28182 # Dereferencing NULL pointer. '' contains the same NULL value as ''. /wd28251 # Inconsistent annotation for function. This is because we only annotate the declaration and not the definition. /wd28278 # Function appears with no prototype in scope. > ) # And the extra defines: target_compile_definitions(${THETARGET} PUBLIC _CRT_NONSTDC_NO_WARNINGS # Don't deprecate posix names of functions. _CRT_SECURE_NO_WARNINGS # Don't deprecate the non _s versions of various standard library functions, because safety is for chumps. _SCL_SECURE_NO_WARNINGS # Don't deprecate the non _s versions of various standard library functions, because safety is for chumps. _ENABLE_EXTENDED_ALIGNED_STORAGE #A type with an extended alignment in VS 15.8 or later _STL_EXTRA_DISABLED_WARNINGS=4774\ 4987 $<$:_HAS_AUTO_PTR_ETC=1> # We're building in C++ 17 or greater mode, but certain dependencies (Boost) still have dependencies on unary_function and binary_function, so we have to make sure not to remove them. $<$:WIN32_LEAN_AND_MEAN> # Don't include most of Windows.h $<$:BOOST_CONFIG_SUPPRESS_OUTDATED_MESSAGE> # MSVC moves faster than boost, so add a quick way to disable the messages. ) # Ignore a warning about an object file not defining any symbols, # these are known, and we don't care. set_property(TARGET ${THETARGET} APPEND_STRING PROPERTY STATIC_LIBRARY_FLAGS " /ignore:4221") # The options to pass to the linker: set_property(TARGET ${THETARGET} APPEND_STRING PROPERTY LINK_FLAGS_DEBUG " /INCREMENTAL") # Do incremental linking. if (NOT $ STREQUAL "STATIC_LIBRARY") set_property(TARGET ${THETARGET} APPEND_STRING PROPERTY LINK_FLAGS_DEBUG " /OPT:NOREF") # No unreferenced data elimination. set_property(TARGET ${THETARGET} APPEND_STRING PROPERTY LINK_FLAGS_DEBUG " /OPT:NOICF") # No Identical COMDAT folding. set_property(TARGET ${THETARGET} APPEND_STRING PROPERTY LINK_FLAGS_RELEASE " /OPT:REF") # Remove unreferenced functions and data. set_property(TARGET ${THETARGET} APPEND_STRING PROPERTY LINK_FLAGS_RELEASE " /OPT:ICF") # Identical COMDAT folding. endif() if (MSVC_ENABLE_FAST_LINK) set_property(TARGET ${THETARGET} APPEND_STRING PROPERTY LINK_FLAGS_DEBUG " /DEBUG:FASTLINK") # Generate a partial PDB file that simply references the original object and library files. endif() # Add /GL to the compiler, and /LTCG to the linker # if link time code generation is enabled. if (MSVC_ENABLE_LTCG) set_property(TARGET ${THETARGET} APPEND_STRING PROPERTY LINK_FLAGS_RELEASE " /LTCG") endif() endfunction() list(APPEND FOLLY_LINK_LIBRARIES Iphlpapi.lib Ws2_32.lib)