# Copyright (c) Meta Platforms, Inc. and affiliates. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. import enum import typing from thrift.python.adapter import Adapter from thrift.python.exceptions import GeneratedError from thrift.python.serializer import Protocol usT = typing.TypeVar("usT", bound=StructOrUnion) sT = typing.TypeVar("sT", bound=Struct) eT = typing.TypeVar("eT", bound=Enum) TChunk = typing.TypeVar("TChunk") class TypeInfo: pass class IntegerTypeInfo: pass class StringTypeInfo: pass class FieldQualifier(enum.Enum): Unqualified: FieldQualifier = ... Optional: FieldQualifier = ... Terse: FieldQualifier = ... typeinfo_bool: TypeInfo typeinfo_byte: IntegerTypeInfo typeinfo_i16: IntegerTypeInfo typeinfo_i32: IntegerTypeInfo typeinfo_i64: IntegerTypeInfo typeinfo_double: TypeInfo typeinfo_float: TypeInfo typeinfo_string: StringTypeInfo typeinfo_binary: TypeInfo StructOrError = typing.Union[Struct, GeneratedError] AnyTypeInfo = typing.Union[ StructTypeInfo, ListTypeInfo, SetTypeInfo, MapTypeInfo, EnumTypeInfo ] class ListTypeInfo: def __init__(self, val_info: AnyTypeInfo) -> None: ... class SetTypeInfo: def __init__(self, val_info: AnyTypeInfo) -> None: ... class MapTypeInfo: def __init__(self, key_info: AnyTypeInfo, val_info: AnyTypeInfo) -> None: ... class StructTypeInfo: def __init__(self, klass: typing.Type[sT]) -> None: ... class EnumTypeInfo: def __init__(self, klass: typing.Type[eT]) -> None: ... TAdapter = typing.TypeVar("TAdapter", bound=Adapter[object, object]) class AdaptedTypeInfo: def __init__( self, orig_type_info: AnyTypeInfo, adapter_class: typing.Type[TAdapter], transitive_annotation: typing.Callable[[], typing.Optional[Struct]], ) -> None: ... # Parent class for structs and unions class StructOrUnion(typing.Hashable): def __eq__(self: usT, other: object) -> bool: ... def __hash__(self) -> int: ... def __lt__(self: usT, other: object) -> bool: ... def __le__(self: usT, other: object) -> bool: ... @staticmethod def __get_thrift_uri__() -> typing.Optional[str]: ... class Struct( StructOrUnion, typing.Iterable[typing.Tuple[str, typing.Any]], metaclass=StructMeta, ): def __copy__(self: sT) -> sT: ... def __dir__(self) -> typing.Sequence[str]: ... class Union( StructOrUnion, metaclass=UnionMeta, ): # pyre-ignore[4]: it can be anything type: typing.Any # pyre-ignore[4]: it can be anything value: typing.Any def __bool__(self) -> bool: ... class StructMeta(type, typing.Iterable[typing.Tuple[str, typing.Any]]): ... class UnionMeta(type): ... class EnumMeta(type): def __iter__(cls: typing.Type[eT]) -> typing.Iterator[eT]: ... def __reversed__(cls: typing.Type[eT]) -> typing.Iterator[eT]: ... def __getitem__(cls: typing.Type[eT], name: str) -> eT: ... def __len__(cls) -> int: ... @property def __members__(self: typing.Type[eT]) -> typing.Mapping[str, eT]: ... class Enum(metaclass=EnumMeta): name: typing.Final[str] value: typing.Final[int] @staticmethod def __get_thrift_name__() -> str: ... @staticmethod def __get_thrift_uri__() -> typing.Optional[str]: ... def __init__(self, val: int) -> None: ... class Flag(Enum): def __contains__(self: eT, other: eT) -> bool: ... # pyre-ignore[15]: This is a pyre bug ignore def __or__(self: eT, other: eT) -> eT: ... def __and__(self: eT, other: eT) -> eT: ... def __xor__(self: eT, other: eT) -> eT: ... def __invert__(self: eT) -> eT: ... class BadEnum(typing.SupportsInt): enum: typing.Type[Enum] name: typing.Final[str] value: typing.Final[int] def __init__(self, the_enum: typing.Type[Enum], value: int) -> None: ... def __int__(self) -> int: ... def __index__(self) -> int: ... class Container: ... class List(Container): ... class Set(Container): ... class Map(Container): ... def fill_specs(*struct_types: StructTypeInfo) -> None: ... def isset(struct: StructOrError) -> typing.Mapping[str, bool]: ... def update_nested_field( obj: sT, path_to_values: typing.Mapping[str, typing.Any] ) -> sT: ... class _fbthrift_ResponseStreamResult(Struct, typing.Generic[TChunk]): success: typing.Final[TChunk] class ServiceInterface: @staticmethod def service_name() -> bytes: ... def getFunctionTable( self, ) -> typing.Mapping[bytes, typing.Callable[..., object]]: ... # pyre-ignore[3]: it can return anything async def __aenter__(self) -> typing.Any: ... async def __aexit__( self, exc_type: typing.Optional[typing.Type[BaseException]], exc_value: typing.Optional[BaseException], traceback: typing.Optional[typing.TracebackType], ) -> typing.Optional[bool]: ... async def onStartServing(self) -> None: ... async def onStopRequested(self) -> None: ...