#!/usr/bin/env python3 # Copyright (c) Meta Platforms, Inc. and affiliates. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # pyre-strict from __future__ import annotations import asyncio import unittest from typing import Any from binary.thrift_clients import BinaryService from binary.thrift_services import BinaryServiceInterface from binary.thrift_types import Binaries, BinaryUnion from folly.iobuf import IOBuf from thrift.py3.server import SocketAddress from thrift.python.client import get_client from thrift.python.server import ServiceInterface, ThriftServer class BinaryTests(unittest.TestCase): def test_various_binary_types(self) -> None: val = Binaries( no_special_type=b"abcdef", iobuf_val=IOBuf(b"mnopqr"), iobuf_ptr=IOBuf(b"ghijkl"), fbstring=b"stuvwx", nonstandard_type=b"yzabcd", ) self.assertEqual(val.no_special_type, b"abcdef") self.assertEqual(bytes(val.iobuf_val), b"mnopqr") assert val.iobuf_ptr is not None self.assertEqual(bytes(val.iobuf_ptr), b"ghijkl") self.assertEqual(val.fbstring, b"stuvwx") self.assertEqual(val.nonstandard_type, b"yzabcd") def test_binary_union(self) -> None: val = BinaryUnion(iobuf_val=IOBuf(b"mnopqr")) self.assertEqual(bytes(val.iobuf_val), b"mnopqr") class BinaryHandler(BinaryServiceInterface): # pyre-fixme[2]: Parameter must be annotated. def __init__(self, unit_test) -> None: # pyre-fixme[4]: Attribute must be annotated. self.unit_test = unit_test async def sendRecvBinaries(self, val: Binaries) -> Binaries: self.unit_test.assertEqual(val.no_special_type, b"c1") self.unit_test.assertEqual(bytes(val.iobuf_val), b"c2") assert val.iobuf_ptr is not None self.unit_test.assertEqual(bytes(val.iobuf_ptr), b"c3") self.unit_test.assertEqual(val.fbstring, b"c4") self.unit_test.assertEqual(val.nonstandard_type, b"c5") return Binaries( no_special_type=b"s1", iobuf_val=IOBuf(b"s2"), iobuf_ptr=IOBuf(b"s3"), fbstring=b"s4", nonstandard_type=b"s5", ) async def sendRecvBinary(self, val: bytes) -> bytes: self.unit_test.assertEqual(val, b"cv1") return b"sv1" async def sendRecvIOBuf(self, val: IOBuf) -> IOBuf: self.unit_test.assertEqual(bytes(val), b"cv2") return IOBuf(b"sv2") async def sendRecvIOBufPtr(self, val: IOBuf) -> IOBuf: self.unit_test.assertEqual(bytes(val), b"cv3") return IOBuf(b"sv3") async def sendRecvFbstring(self, val: bytes) -> bytes: self.unit_test.assertEqual(val, b"cv4") return b"sv4" async def sendRecvBuffer(self, val: bytes) -> bytes: self.unit_test.assertEqual(val, b"cv5") return b"sv5" async def sendRecBinaryUnion(self, val: BinaryUnion) -> BinaryUnion: self.unit_test.assertEqual(bytes(val.iobuf_val), b"cv6") return BinaryUnion(iobuf_val=IOBuf(b"sv6")) # pyre-fixme[13]: Attribute `serve_task` is never initialized. class TestServer: server: ThriftServer serve_task: asyncio.Task def __init__(self, *, ip: str, handler: ServiceInterface) -> None: self.server = ThriftServer(handler, ip=ip, path=None) async def __aenter__(self) -> SocketAddress: self.serve_task = asyncio.get_event_loop().create_task(self.server.serve()) return await self.server.get_address() # pyre-fixme[2]: Parameter must be annotated. async def __aexit__(self, *exc_info) -> None: self.server.stop() await self.serve_task class ClientBinaryServerTests(unittest.IsolatedAsyncioTestCase): async def test_send_recv(self) -> None: async with TestServer(handler=BinaryHandler(self), ip="::1") as sa: ip, port = sa.ip, sa.port assert ip and port async with get_client(BinaryService, host=ip, port=port) as client: # pyre-fixme[33]: Given annotation cannot be `Any`. val: Any val = await client.sendRecvBinaries( Binaries( no_special_type=b"c1", iobuf_val=IOBuf(b"c2"), iobuf_ptr=IOBuf(b"c3"), fbstring=b"c4", nonstandard_type=b"c5", ) ) self.assertEqual(val.no_special_type, b"s1") self.assertEqual(bytes(val.iobuf_val), b"s2") assert val.iobuf_ptr is not None self.assertEqual(bytes(val.iobuf_ptr), b"s3") self.assertEqual(val.fbstring, b"s4") self.assertEqual(val.nonstandard_type, b"s5") val = await client.sendRecvBinary(b"cv1") self.assertEqual(val, b"sv1") val = await client.sendRecvIOBuf(IOBuf(b"cv2")) self.assertEqual(bytes(val), b"sv2") val = await client.sendRecvIOBufPtr(IOBuf(b"cv3")) self.assertEqual(bytes(val), b"sv3") val = await client.sendRecvFbstring(b"cv4") self.assertEqual(val, b"sv4") val = await client.sendRecvBuffer(b"cv5") self.assertEqual(val, b"sv5") bu = BinaryUnion(iobuf_val=IOBuf(b"cv6")) val = await client.sendRecBinaryUnion(bu) self.assertEqual(bytes(val.iobuf_val), b"sv6")