/* * Copyright (c) Meta Platforms, Inc. and affiliates. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include namespace apache { namespace thrift { using apache::thrift::transport::TTransportException; using folly::EventBase; using folly::EventBaseManager; using proxygen::HTTPHeaderCode; using proxygen::HTTPMessage; using proxygen::HTTPMethod; using proxygen::HTTPTransaction; using proxygen::IOBufPrinter; using proxygen::ProxygenError; using std::string; static constexpr folly::StringPiece kThriftContentType = "application/x-thrift"; SingleRpcChannel::SingleRpcChannel( HTTPTransaction* txn, ThriftProcessor* processor, std::shared_ptr worker) : processor_(processor), worker_(std::move(worker)), httpTransaction_(txn), activeRequestsGuard_{worker_->getActiveRequestsGuard()} { evb_ = EventBaseManager::get()->getExistingEventBase(); } SingleRpcChannel::SingleRpcChannel( folly::EventBase& evb, folly::Function transactionFactory) : evb_(&evb), transactionFactory_(std::move(transactionFactory)) {} SingleRpcChannel::~SingleRpcChannel() { if (receivedH2Stream_ && receivedThriftRPC_) { return; } if (!receivedH2Stream_ && !receivedThriftRPC_) { VLOG(2) << "Channel received nothing from Proxygen and Thrift"; } else if (receivedH2Stream_) { VLOG(2) << "Channel received message from Proxygen, but not Thrift"; } else { VLOG(2) << "Channel received message from Thrift, but not Proxygen"; } } namespace { template bool renameHeader( HeaderMap& headers, std::string_view from, std::string_view to) { if (auto headerPtr = folly::get_ptr(headers, from)) { headers.insert({std::string(to), std::move(*headerPtr)}); headers.erase(from); return true; } return false; } void preprocessExceptionHeaders(ResponseRpcMetadata& metadata) { auto otherMetadataRef = metadata.otherMetadata_ref(); if (!otherMetadataRef) { return; } auto& otherMetadata = *otherMetadataRef; const bool isProxied = (bool)metadata.proxiedPayloadMetadata_ref(); auto anyexPtr = folly::get_ptr(otherMetadata, apache::thrift::detail::kHeaderAnyex); auto anyexTypePtr = folly::get_ptr(otherMetadata, apache::thrift::detail::kHeaderAnyexType); if (anyexPtr && anyexTypePtr && *anyexTypePtr == "facebook.com/servicerouter/ServiceRouterError") { otherMetadata.insert( {isProxied ? "servicerouter:sr_error" : "servicerouter:sr_internal_error", std::move(*anyexPtr)}); otherMetadata.erase(apache::thrift::detail::kHeaderAnyex); otherMetadata.erase(apache::thrift::detail::kHeaderAnyexType); } if (!isProxied) { return; } if (renameHeader( otherMetadata, apache::thrift::detail::kHeaderUex, apache::thrift::detail::kHeaderProxiedUex)) { renameHeader( otherMetadata, apache::thrift::detail::kHeaderUexw, apache::thrift::detail::kHeaderProxiedUexw); } renameHeader( otherMetadata, apache::thrift::detail::kHeaderEx, apache::thrift::detail::kHeaderProxiedEx); } } // namespace void SingleRpcChannel::sendThriftResponse( ResponseRpcMetadata&& metadata, std::unique_ptr payload) noexcept { DCHECK(evb_->isInEventBaseThread()); VLOG(4) << "sendThriftResponse:" << std::endl << IOBufPrinter::printHexFolly(payload.get(), true); preprocessExceptionHeaders(metadata); if (httpTransaction_) { HTTPMessage msg; msg.setStatusCode(200); if (auto otherMetadata = metadata.otherMetadata_ref()) { encodeHeaders(std::move(*otherMetadata), msg); } httpTransaction_->sendHeaders(msg); httpTransaction_->sendBody(std::move(payload)); httpTransaction_->sendEOM(); } receivedThriftRPC_ = true; } void SingleRpcChannel::sendThriftRequest( RequestMetadata&& requestMetadata, std::unique_ptr payload, std::unique_ptr callback) noexcept { auto& metadata = requestMetadata.requestRpcMetadata; DCHECK(evb_->isInEventBaseThread()); DCHECK(metadata.kind_ref()); DCHECK( metadata.kind_ref().value_or(0) == RpcKind::SINGLE_REQUEST_SINGLE_RESPONSE || metadata.kind_ref().value_or(0) == RpcKind::SINGLE_REQUEST_NO_RESPONSE); DCHECK(payload); DCHECK(callback); VLOG(4) << "sendThriftRequest:" << std::endl << IOBufPrinter::printHexFolly(payload.get(), true); auto callbackEvb = callback->getEventBase(); try { httpTransaction_ = transactionFactory_(this); } catch (TTransportException& te) { callbackEvb->runInEventBaseThread([evbCallback = std::move(callback), evbTe = std::move(te)]() mutable { evbCallback->onError( folly::make_exception_wrapper(std::move(evbTe))); }); return; } HTTPMessage msg; msg.setMethod(HTTPMethod::POST); msg.setURL(std::move(requestMetadata.url)); auto& msgHeaders = msg.getHeaders(); msgHeaders.set( HTTPHeaderCode::HTTP_HEADER_HOST, std::move(requestMetadata.host)); msgHeaders.set(HTTPHeaderCode::HTTP_HEADER_USER_AGENT, "C++/THttpClient"); msgHeaders.set( HTTPHeaderCode::HTTP_HEADER_CONTENT_TYPE, "application/x-thrift"); if (auto clientTimeoutMs = metadata.clientTimeoutMs_ref()) { DCHECK(*clientTimeoutMs > 0); httpTransaction_->setIdleTimeout( std::chrono::milliseconds(*clientTimeoutMs)); } apache::thrift::transport::THeader::StringToStringMap otherMetadata; if (auto other = metadata.otherMetadata_ref()) { otherMetadata = std::move(*other); } if (!otherMetadata.contains(detail::getFrameworkMetadataHttpKey())) { if (auto tfm_frc = metadata.frameworkMetadata_ref()) { // HTTP headers need to be base64-encoded auto bytes = (**tfm_frc).coalesce(); auto start = bytes.data(); auto asChar = reinterpret_cast(start); std::string_view sv(asChar, bytes.size()); std::string encoded = folly::base64Encode(sv); otherMetadata[detail::getFrameworkMetadataHttpKey()] = std::move(encoded); } } if (auto clientTimeoutMs = metadata.clientTimeoutMs_ref()) { otherMetadata[transport::THeader::CLIENT_TIMEOUT_HEADER] = folly::to(*clientTimeoutMs); } if (auto queueTimeoutMs = metadata.queueTimeoutMs_ref()) { DCHECK(*queueTimeoutMs > 0); otherMetadata[transport::THeader::QUEUE_TIMEOUT_HEADER] = folly::to(*queueTimeoutMs); } if (auto priority = metadata.priority_ref()) { otherMetadata[transport::THeader::PRIORITY_HEADER] = folly::to(*priority); } if (auto kind = metadata.kind_ref()) { otherMetadata[RPC_KIND.str()] = folly::to(*kind); } encodeHeaders(std::move(otherMetadata), msg); httpTransaction_->sendHeaders(msg); httpTransaction_->sendBody(std::move(payload)); httpTransaction_->sendEOM(); // For oneway calls, we move "callback" to "callbackEvb" since we do // not require the callback any more. For twoway calls, we move // "callback" to "callback_" and use a raw pointer to call // "onThriftRequestSent()". This is safe because "callback_" will // be eventually moved to this same thread to call either // "onThriftResponse()" or "onThriftError()". if (metadata.kind_ref().value_or(0) == RpcKind::SINGLE_REQUEST_NO_RESPONSE) { callbackEvb->runInEventBaseThread( [cb = std::move(callback)]() mutable { cb->onThriftRequestSent(); }); } else { callback_ = std::move(callback); } receivedThriftRPC_ = true; } EventBase* SingleRpcChannel::getEventBase() noexcept { return evb_; } void SingleRpcChannel::onH2StreamBegin( std::unique_ptr headers) noexcept { VLOG(4) << "onH2StreamBegin"; VLOG_IF(4, headers->isResponse()) << "onH2StreamBegin: " << headers->getStatusCode() << " " << headers->getStatusMessage(); headers_ = std::move(headers); } void SingleRpcChannel::onH2BodyFrame(std::unique_ptr contents) noexcept { VLOG(4) << "onH2BodyFrame: " << std::endl << IOBufPrinter::printHexFolly(contents.get(), true); if (contents_) { contents_->prependChain(std::move(contents)); } else { contents_ = std::move(contents); } } void SingleRpcChannel::onH2StreamEnd() noexcept { VLOG(4) << "onH2StreamEnd"; receivedH2Stream_ = true; if (processor_) { // Server side onThriftRequest(); } else { // Client side onThriftResponse(); } } void SingleRpcChannel::onH2StreamClosed( proxygen::ProxygenError error, std::string errorDescription) noexcept { VLOG(4) << "onH2StreamClosed"; if (callback_) { std::unique_ptr ex; if (error == ProxygenError::kErrorTimeout) { ex = std::make_unique(TTransportException::TIMED_OUT); } else { // Some unknown error. ex = std::make_unique( TTransportException::NETWORK_ERROR, errorDescription); } // We assume that the connection is still valid. If not, we will // get an error the next time we try to create a new transaction // and can deal with it then. // TODO: We could also try to understand the kind of error be looking // at "error" in more detail. ex->setOptions(TTransportException::CHANNEL_IS_VALID); auto evb = callback_->getEventBase(); evb->runInEventBaseThread([evbCallback = std::move(callback_), evbEx = std::move(ex)]() mutable { evbCallback->onError(folly::make_exception_wrapper( std::move(*evbEx))); }); } httpTransaction_ = nullptr; } void SingleRpcChannel::onMessageFlushed() noexcept { if (callback_) { auto evb = callback_->getEventBase(); // The callbacks are serialized on the EventBase, so it's safe to keep raw // ptr here. evb->runInEventBaseThread([callbackPtr = callback_.get()]() mutable { callbackPtr->onThriftRequestSent(); }); } } void SingleRpcChannel::onThriftRequest() noexcept { if (worker_->isStopping()) { sendThriftErrorResponse("Server shutting down"); return; } if (!contents_) { sendThriftErrorResponse("Proxygen stream has no body"); return; } RequestMetadata requestMetadata; auto& metadata = requestMetadata.requestRpcMetadata; { auto envelopeAndRequest = EnvelopeUtil::stripRequestEnvelope(std::move(contents_)); if (!envelopeAndRequest) { sendThriftErrorResponse("Invalid envelope: see logs for error"); return; } metadata.name_ref() = envelopeAndRequest->first.methodName; switch (envelopeAndRequest->first.protocolId) { case protocol::T_BINARY_PROTOCOL: metadata.protocol_ref() = ProtocolId::BINARY; break; case protocol::T_COMPACT_PROTOCOL: metadata.protocol_ref() = ProtocolId::COMPACT; break; default: std::terminate(); } contents_ = std::move(envelopeAndRequest->second); } // Default Single Request Single Response metadata.kind_ref() = RpcKind::SINGLE_REQUEST_SINGLE_RESPONSE; extractHeaderInfo(&metadata); DCHECK(metadata.protocol_ref()); DCHECK(metadata.name_ref()); DCHECK(metadata.kind_ref()); if (*metadata.kind_ref() == RpcKind::SINGLE_REQUEST_NO_RESPONSE) { // Send a dummy response for the oneway call since we need to do // this with HTTP2. ResponseRpcMetadata responseMetadata; auto payload = IOBuf::createCombined(0); sendThriftResponse(std::move(responseMetadata), std::move(payload)); receivedThriftRPC_ = true; } const folly::AsyncTransport* transport = httpTransaction_ ? httpTransaction_->getTransport().getUnderlyingTransport() : nullptr; DCHECK(worker_); DCHECK(worker_->getEventBase()->inRunningEventBaseThread()); auto connContext = std::make_unique( &headers_->getClientAddress(), transport, nullptr, nullptr, nullptr, worker_.get()); processor_->onThriftRequest( std::move(metadata), std::move(contents_), shared_from_this(), std::move(connContext)); } void SingleRpcChannel::onThriftResponse() noexcept { DCHECK(httpTransaction_); if (!callback_) { return; } const auto statusCode = headers_->getStatusCode(); const auto& retryAfter = headers_->getHeaders().getSingleOrEmpty( proxygen::HTTP_HEADER_RETRY_AFTER); // HTTP 503 (Service Unavailable) + Retry-After if (statusCode == 503 && !retryAfter.empty()) { // A Retry-After header may contain a http-date or a number of seconds. // We do not currently attempt to parse either of these, and assume the // presence of the header implies we should try again due to overload. auto evb = callback_->getEventBase(); ResponseRpcMetadata metadata; transport::THeader::StringToStringMap headers; // send this up the stack to be exposed as a proper app overloaded exception headers["ex"] = kAppOverloadedErrorCode; metadata.otherMetadata_ref() = std::move(headers); evb->runInEventBaseThread([evbCallback = std::move(callback_), evbMetadata = std::move(metadata)]() mutable { evbCallback->onThriftResponse(std::move(evbMetadata), nullptr); }); return; } const auto& contentType = headers_->getHeaders().getSingleOrEmpty( proxygen::HTTP_HEADER_CONTENT_TYPE); if (contentType != kThriftContentType && statusCode != 100 && statusCode != 200) { auto evb = callback_->getEventBase(); auto exWrapper = folly::make_exception_wrapper( TTransportException::UNKNOWN, folly::to( "Bad status: ", statusCode, " ", headers_->getStatusMessage())); evb->runInEventBaseThread([evbCallback = std::move(callback_), exw = std::move(exWrapper)]() mutable { evbCallback->onError(std::move(exw)); }); return; } // TODO: contents_ should never be empty. For some reason, once the number // of queries starts going past 1.5MQPS, this contents_ will not get set. // For now, just drop if contents_ is null. However, this should be // investigated further to figure out why contents_ is not being set. if (!contents_) { VLOG(2) << "Contents has not been set."; auto evb = callback_->getEventBase(); evb->runInEventBaseThread([evbCallback = std::move(callback_)]() mutable { evbCallback->onError(folly::make_exception_wrapper( TTransportException::END_OF_FILE, "No content")); }); return; } auto evb = callback_->getEventBase(); ResponseRpcMetadata metadata; transport::THeader::StringToStringMap headers; decodeHeaders(*headers_, headers, /*requestMetadata=*/nullptr); if (!headers.empty()) { metadata.otherMetadata_ref() = std::move(headers); } // We don't need to set any of the other fields in metadata currently. evb->runInEventBaseThread([evbCallback = std::move(callback_), evbMetadata = std::move(metadata), evbContents = std::move(contents_)]() mutable { evbCallback->onThriftResponse( std::move(evbMetadata), std::move(evbContents)); }); } void SingleRpcChannel::extractHeaderInfo( RequestRpcMetadata* metadata) noexcept { transport::THeader::StringToStringMap headers; decodeHeaders(*headers_, headers, metadata); if (!headers.empty()) { metadata->otherMetadata_ref() = std::move(headers); } } void SingleRpcChannel::sendThriftErrorResponse( const string& message, ProtocolId protoId, const string& name) noexcept { ResponseRpcMetadata responseMetadata; // Not setting the "ex" header since these errors do not fit into any // of the existing error categories. TApplicationException tae(message); std::unique_ptr payload; auto proto = static_cast(protoId); try { payload = serializeError(proto, tae, name, 0); } catch (const TProtocolException& pe) { // Should never happen. Log an error and return an empty // payload. LOG(ERROR) << "serializeError failed. type=" << pe.getType() << " what()=" << pe.what(); payload = IOBuf::createCombined(0); } sendThriftResponse(std::move(responseMetadata), std::move(payload)); receivedThriftRPC_ = true; } } // namespace thrift } // namespace apache