/* * Copyright (c) Meta Platforms, Inc. and affiliates. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #include #include #include #include #include #include using std::string; static string byte_to_hex(const uint8_t byte) { char buf[3]; if (std::sprintf(buf, "%02x", (int)byte) != 2) { assert(false); } assert(buf[2] == '\0'); return buf; } namespace apache { namespace thrift { namespace protocol { string TDebugProtocol::fieldTypeName(TType type) { switch (type) { case T_STOP: return "stop"; case T_VOID: return "void"; case T_BOOL: return "bool"; case T_BYTE: return "byte"; case T_I16: return "i16"; case T_I32: return "i32"; case T_U64: return "u64"; case T_I64: return "i64"; case T_DOUBLE: return "double"; case T_FLOAT: return "float"; case T_STRING: return "string"; case T_STRUCT: return "struct"; case T_MAP: return "map"; case T_SET: return "set"; case T_LIST: return "list"; case T_UTF8: return "utf8"; case T_UTF16: return "utf16"; default: return "unknown"; } } void TDebugProtocol::indentUp() { indent_str_ += string(indent_inc, ' '); } void TDebugProtocol::indentDown() { if (indent_str_.length() < (string::size_type)indent_inc) { throw TProtocolException(TProtocolException::INVALID_DATA); } indent_str_.erase(indent_str_.length() - indent_inc); } uint32_t TDebugProtocol::writePlain(const string& str) { trans_->write((uint8_t*)str.data(), str.length()); return str.length(); } uint32_t TDebugProtocol::writeIndented(const string& str) { trans_->write((uint8_t*)indent_str_.data(), indent_str_.length()); trans_->write((uint8_t*)str.data(), str.length()); return indent_str_.length() + str.length(); } uint32_t TDebugProtocol::startItem() { uint32_t size; switch (write_state_.back()) { case UNINIT: // XXX figure out what to do here. // throw TProtocolException(TProtocolException::INVALID_DATA); // return writeIndented(str); return 0; case STRUCT: return 0; case SET: return writeIndented(""); case MAP_KEY: return writeIndented(""); case MAP_VALUE: return writePlain(" -> "); case LIST: size = writeIndented( "[" + boost::lexical_cast(list_idx_.back()) + "] = "); list_idx_.back()++; return size; default: throw std::logic_error("Invalid enum value."); } } uint32_t TDebugProtocol::endItem() { // uint32_t size; switch (write_state_.back()) { case UNINIT: // XXX figure out what to do here. // throw TProtocolException(TProtocolException::INVALID_DATA); // return writeIndented(str); return 0; case STRUCT: return writePlain(",\n"); case SET: return writePlain(",\n"); case MAP_KEY: write_state_.back() = MAP_VALUE; return 0; case MAP_VALUE: write_state_.back() = MAP_KEY; return writePlain(",\n"); case LIST: return writePlain(",\n"); default: throw std::logic_error("Invalid enum value."); } } uint32_t TDebugProtocol::writeItem(const std::string& str) { uint32_t size = 0; size += startItem(); size += writePlain(str); size += endItem(); return size; } uint32_t TDebugProtocol::writeMessageBegin( const std::string& name, const TMessageType messageType, const int32_t /*seqid*/) { string mtype; switch (messageType) { case T_CALL: mtype = "call"; break; case T_REPLY: mtype = "reply"; break; case T_EXCEPTION: mtype = "exn"; break; case T_ONEWAY: mtype = "oneway"; break; } uint32_t size = writeIndented("(" + mtype + ") " + name + "("); indentUp(); return size; } uint32_t TDebugProtocol::writeMessageEnd() { indentDown(); return writeIndented(")\n"); } uint32_t TDebugProtocol::writeStructBegin(const char* name) { uint32_t size = 0; size += startItem(); size += writePlain(string(name) + " {\n"); indentUp(); write_state_.push_back(STRUCT); return size; } uint32_t TDebugProtocol::writeStructEnd() { indentDown(); write_state_.pop_back(); uint32_t size = 0; size += writeIndented("}"); size += endItem(); return size; } uint32_t TDebugProtocol::writeFieldBegin( const char* name, const TType fieldType, const int16_t fieldId) { // sprintf(id_str, "%02d", fieldId); string id_str = boost::lexical_cast(fieldId); if (id_str.length() == 1) id_str = '0' + id_str; return writeIndented( id_str + ": " + name + " (" + fieldTypeName(fieldType) + ") = "); } uint32_t TDebugProtocol::writeFieldEnd() { assert(write_state_.back() == STRUCT); return 0; } uint32_t TDebugProtocol::writeFieldStop() { return 0; // writeIndented("***STOP***\n"); } uint32_t TDebugProtocol::writeMapBegin( const TType keyType, const TType valType, const uint32_t size) { // TODO(dreiss): Optimize short maps? uint32_t bsize = 0; bsize += startItem(); bsize += writePlain( "map<" + fieldTypeName(keyType) + "," + fieldTypeName(valType) + ">" "[" + boost::lexical_cast(size) + "] {\n"); indentUp(); write_state_.push_back(MAP_KEY); return bsize; } uint32_t TDebugProtocol::writeMapEnd() { indentDown(); write_state_.pop_back(); uint32_t size = 0; size += writeIndented("}"); size += endItem(); return size; } uint32_t TDebugProtocol::writeListBegin( const TType elemType, const uint32_t size) { // TODO(dreiss): Optimize short arrays. uint32_t bsize = 0; bsize += startItem(); bsize += writePlain( "list<" + fieldTypeName(elemType) + ">" "[" + boost::lexical_cast(size) + "] {\n"); indentUp(); write_state_.push_back(LIST); list_idx_.push_back(0); return bsize; } uint32_t TDebugProtocol::writeListEnd() { indentDown(); write_state_.pop_back(); list_idx_.pop_back(); uint32_t size = 0; size += writeIndented("}"); size += endItem(); return size; } uint32_t TDebugProtocol::writeSetBegin( const TType elemType, const uint32_t size) { // TODO(dreiss): Optimize short sets. uint32_t bsize = 0; bsize += startItem(); bsize += writePlain( "set<" + fieldTypeName(elemType) + ">" "[" + boost::lexical_cast(size) + "] {\n"); indentUp(); write_state_.push_back(SET); return bsize; } uint32_t TDebugProtocol::writeSetEnd() { indentDown(); write_state_.pop_back(); uint32_t size = 0; size += writeIndented("}"); size += endItem(); return size; } uint32_t TDebugProtocol::writeBool(const bool value) { return writeItem(value ? "true" : "false"); } uint32_t TDebugProtocol::writeByte(const int8_t byte) { return writeItem("0x" + byte_to_hex(byte)); } uint32_t TDebugProtocol::writeI16(const int16_t i16) { return writeItem(boost::lexical_cast(i16)); } uint32_t TDebugProtocol::writeI32(const int32_t i32) { return writeItem(boost::lexical_cast(i32)); } uint32_t TDebugProtocol::writeI64(const int64_t i64) { return writeItem(boost::lexical_cast(i64)); } uint32_t TDebugProtocol::writeDouble(const double dub) { return writeItem(boost::lexical_cast(dub)); } uint32_t TDebugProtocol::writeFloat(const float flt) { return writeItem(boost::lexical_cast(flt)); } uint32_t TDebugProtocol::writeString(const string& str) { // XXX Raw/UTF-8? string to_show = str; if (to_show.length() > (string::size_type)string_limit_) { to_show = str.substr(0, string_prefix_size_); to_show += "[...](" + boost::lexical_cast(str.length()) + ")"; } string output = "\""; for (string::const_iterator it = to_show.begin(); it != to_show.end(); ++it) { if (*it == '\\') { output += "\\\\"; } else if (*it == '"') { output += "\\\""; } else if (std::isprint(*it)) { output += *it; } else { switch (*it) { case '\a': output += "\\a"; break; case '\b': output += "\\b"; break; case '\f': output += "\\f"; break; case '\n': output += "\\n"; break; case '\r': output += "\\r"; break; case '\t': output += "\\t"; break; case '\v': output += "\\v"; break; default: output += "\\x"; output += byte_to_hex(*it); } } } output += '\"'; return writeItem(output); } uint32_t TDebugProtocol::writeBinary(const string& str) { // XXX Hex? return TDebugProtocol::writeString(str); } } // namespace protocol } // namespace thrift } // namespace apache