/* * Copyright (c) Meta Platforms, Inc. and affiliates. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ /** * This Thrift file can be included by other Thrift files that want to share * these definitions. */ namespace cpp2 simple.example namespace py simple.example namespace py.asyncio simple.example_asyncio namespace py3 simple.example include 'dependent.thrift' enum AnEnum { ONE = 1, TWO = 2, THREE = 3, FOUR = 4, } exception SimpleException { 1: i16 err_code; } exception MessageException { 1: string message; 2: i16 err_code; } (message = 'message') typedef list ListOfSimpleStructs struct SimpleStruct { 1: required bool is_on; 2: required byte tiny_int = 5; 3: optional i16 small_int = 10; 4: optional i32 nice_sized_int; 5: i64 big_int; 6: float coarse_real = 0.0; 7: double precise_real; 8: string a_str (yo_dawg = "I herd u like annotations"); 8000: optional binary a_bytes (so_I_put = "some Thrift annotations here"); } ( so_you_can = "Thrift annotate", while_you = "type annotate", empty, some_int = 1, ) struct ComplexStruct { 1: required SimpleStruct structOne; 2: optional SimpleStruct structTwo; 3: i32 an_integer; 4: string name; 5: AnEnum an_enum; 6: list values; 7: ListOfSimpleStructs structs; 8: map amap; 9: set aset; 10: dependent.Item item; 11: i32 from; // reserved word } union UnionStruct { 1: bool is_a_bool; 2: string some_string_goes_here; 3: i64 perhaps_a_big_int; } const bool A_BOOL = true; const byte A_BYTE = 8; const i16 THE_ANSWER = 42; const i32 A_NUMBER = 84; const i64 A_BIG_NUMBER = 102; const double A_REAL_NUMBER = 3.14; const double A_FAKE_NUMBER = 3; const string A_WORD = "Good word"; const SimpleStruct A_STRUCT = { "is_on": true, "tiny_int": 5, "small_int": 6, "nice_sized_int": 7, "big_int": 8, "coarse_real": 8.9, "precise_real": 9.9, }; const AnEnum AN_ENUM_VALUE = AnEnum.FOUR; const list WORD_LIST = [ "the", "quick", "brown", "fox", "jumps", "over", "the", "lazy", "dog", ]; const set DIGITS = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]; const map A_CONST_MAP = { "simple": { "is_on": false, "tiny_int": 50, "small_int": 61, "nice_sized_int": 72, "big_int": 83, "coarse_real": 93.9, "precise_real": 99.9, }, }; service SharedService { i32 get_five(); i32 add_five(1: i32 num); void do_nothing(); string concat(1: string first, 2: string second); i32 get_value(1: SimpleStruct simple_struct); bool negate(1: bool input); byte tiny(1: byte input); i16 small(1: i16 input); i64 big(1: i64 input); double two(1: double input); void expected_exception() throws (1: SimpleException se); i32 unexpected_exception(); i32 sum_i16_list(1: list numbers); i32 sum_i32_list(1: list numbers); i32 sum_i64_list(1: list numbers); string concat_many(1: list words); i32 count_structs(1: ListOfSimpleStructs items); i32 sum_set(1: set numbers); bool contains_word(1: set words, 2: string word); string get_map_value(1: map words, 2: string key); i16 map_length(1: map items); i16 sum_map_values(1: map items); i32 complex_sum_i32(1: ComplexStruct counter); string repeat_name(1: ComplexStruct counter); SimpleStruct get_struct(); list fib(1: i16 n); set unique_words(1: list words); map words_count(1: list words); AnEnum set_enum(1: AnEnum in_enum); i16 get_the_answer(); list all_letters(); i32 nested_map_argument(1: map struct_map); string make_sentence(1: list> word_chars); set get_union(1: list> sets); set get_keys(1: list> string_map); void get_union_value(1: UnionStruct input); } service EmptyService { }