/* * Copyright (c) Meta Platforms, Inc. and affiliates. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include namespace apache::thrift::compiler { namespace { class UtilTest : public ::testing::Test {}; TEST_F(UtilTest, is_orderable_set_template) { t_set t(&t_primitive_type::t_double()); t.set_annotation("cpp2.template", "blah"); t_program p("path/to/program.thrift"); t_struct s(&p, "struct_name"); s.append(std::make_unique(&t, "set_field", 1)); EXPECT_FALSE(cpp2::is_orderable(t)); EXPECT_FALSE(cpp2::is_orderable(s)); } TEST_F(UtilTest, is_orderable_struct) { t_program p("path/to/program.thrift"); t_struct s(&p, "struct_name"); s.append(std::make_unique( &t_primitive_type::t_string(), "field_name", 1)); EXPECT_TRUE(cpp2::is_orderable(s)); } TEST_F(UtilTest, is_orderable_struct_self_reference) { t_program p("path/to/program.thrift"); t_set t(&t_primitive_type::t_double()); t.set_annotation("cpp2.template", "blah"); t_struct c(&p, "C"); c.append(std::make_unique(&t, "set_field", 1)); EXPECT_FALSE(cpp2::is_orderable(c)); t_struct b(&p, "B"); t_struct a(&p, "A"); b.append(std::make_unique(&a, "a", 1)); a.append(std::make_unique(&b, "b", 1)); a.append(std::make_unique(&c, "c", 2)); EXPECT_FALSE(cpp2::is_orderable(a)); EXPECT_FALSE(cpp2::is_orderable(b)); std::unordered_map memo; EXPECT_FALSE(cpp2::is_orderable(memo, a)); EXPECT_FALSE(cpp2::is_orderable(memo, b)); EXPECT_FALSE(cpp2::is_orderable(memo, c)); } TEST_F(UtilTest, is_eligible_for_constexpr) { auto is_eligible_for_constexpr = [](const t_type* t) { return cpp2::is_eligible_for_constexpr()(t); }; auto i32 = t_primitive_type::t_i32(); EXPECT_TRUE(is_eligible_for_constexpr(&i32)); EXPECT_TRUE(is_eligible_for_constexpr(&t_primitive_type::t_double())); EXPECT_TRUE(is_eligible_for_constexpr(&t_primitive_type::t_bool())); EXPECT_FALSE(is_eligible_for_constexpr(&t_primitive_type::t_string())); EXPECT_FALSE(is_eligible_for_constexpr(&t_primitive_type::t_binary())); auto list = t_list(&i32); EXPECT_FALSE(is_eligible_for_constexpr(&list)); auto set = t_set(&i32); EXPECT_FALSE(is_eligible_for_constexpr(&set)); auto map = t_map(&i32, &t_primitive_type::t_double()); EXPECT_FALSE(is_eligible_for_constexpr(&map)); for (auto a : {"cpp.indirection"}) { auto ref = t_primitive_type::t_i32(); ref.set_annotation(a, "true"); EXPECT_FALSE(is_eligible_for_constexpr(&ref)); } for (auto a : {"cpp.template", "cpp2.template", "cpp.type", "cpp2.type"}) { auto type = i32; type.set_annotation(a, "custom_int"); EXPECT_TRUE(is_eligible_for_constexpr(&type)) << a; } auto program = t_program("path/to/program.thrift"); { auto s = t_struct(&program, "struct_name"); EXPECT_TRUE(is_eligible_for_constexpr(&s)); } { auto s = t_struct(&program, "struct_name"); s.append(std::make_unique(&i32, "field1", 1)); EXPECT_TRUE(is_eligible_for_constexpr(&s)); } for (auto a : {"cpp.virtual", "cpp2.virtual", "cpp.allocator"}) { auto s = t_struct(&program, "struct_name"); s.set_annotation(a, "true"); EXPECT_FALSE(is_eligible_for_constexpr(&s)) << a; } { auto s = t_struct(&program, "struct_name"); s.append(std::make_unique(&i32, "field1", 1)); s.append(std::make_unique(&set, "field2", 2)); EXPECT_FALSE(is_eligible_for_constexpr(&s)); } for (auto a : {"cpp.ref", "cpp2.ref"}) { auto s = t_struct(&program, "struct_name"); auto field = std::make_unique(&i32, "field1", 1); field->set_annotation(a, "true"); s.append(std::move(field)); EXPECT_FALSE(is_eligible_for_constexpr(&s)) << a; } for (auto a : {"cpp.ref_type", "cpp2.ref_type"}) { auto s = t_struct(&program, "struct_name"); auto field = std::make_unique(&i32, "field1", 1); field->set_annotation(a, "unique"); s.append(std::move(field)); EXPECT_FALSE(is_eligible_for_constexpr(&s)) << a; } auto u = t_union(&program, "union_name"); EXPECT_FALSE(is_eligible_for_constexpr(&u)); auto e = t_exception(&program, "exception_name"); EXPECT_FALSE(is_eligible_for_constexpr(&e)); } TEST_F(UtilTest, for_each_transitive_field) { auto program = t_program("path/to/program.thrift"); auto empty = t_struct(&program, "struct_name"); cpp2::for_each_transitive_field(&empty, [](const t_field*) { ADD_FAILURE(); return true; }); // a // / \ // b c // / \ // d e // \ // f auto i32 = t_primitive_type::t_i32(); auto a = t_struct(&program, "a"); auto b = t_struct(&program, "b"); auto e = t_struct(&program, "e"); a.append(std::make_unique(&b, "b", 1)); a.append(std::make_unique(&i32, "c", 2)); b.append(std::make_unique(&i32, "d", 1)); b.append(std::make_unique(&e, "e", 2)); e.append(std::make_unique(&i32, "f", 1)); auto fields = std::vector(); cpp2::for_each_transitive_field(&a, [&](const t_field* f) { fields.push_back(f->get_name()); return true; }); EXPECT_THAT(fields, testing::ElementsAreArray({"b", "d", "e", "f", "c"})); fields = std::vector(); cpp2::for_each_transitive_field(&a, [&](const t_field* f) { auto name = f->get_name(); fields.push_back(name); return name != "e"; // Stop at e. }); EXPECT_THAT(fields, testing::ElementsAreArray({"b", "d", "e"})); auto depth = 1'000'000; auto structs = std::vector>(); structs.reserve(depth); structs.push_back(std::make_unique(&program)); for (int i = 1; i < depth; ++i) { structs.push_back(std::make_unique(&program)); structs[i - 1]->append( std::make_unique(structs[i].get(), "field", 1)); } auto count = 0; cpp2::for_each_transitive_field(structs.front().get(), [&](const t_field*) { ++count; return true; }); EXPECT_EQ(count, depth - 1); } TEST_F(UtilTest, field_transitively_refers_to_unique) { auto i = t_primitive_type::t_i32(); auto li = t_list(&i); auto lli = t_list(t_list(&i)); auto si = t_set(&i); auto mii = t_map(&i, &i); const t_type* no_uniques[] = {&i, &li, &lli, &si, &mii}; for (const auto* no_unique : no_uniques) { // no_unique f; auto f = t_field(no_unique, "f", 1); EXPECT_FALSE(cpp2::field_transitively_refers_to_unique(&f)); } // typedef binary (cpp.type = "std::unique_ptr") IOBufPtr; auto p = t_primitive_type::t_binary(); p.set_annotation("cpp.type", "std::unique_ptr"); auto lp = t_list(&p); auto llp = t_list(t_list(&p)); auto sp = t_set(&p); auto mip = t_map(&i, &p); const t_type* uniques[] = {&p, &lp, &llp, &sp, &mip}; for (const auto* unique : uniques) { // unique f; auto f = t_field(unique, "f", 1); EXPECT_TRUE(cpp2::field_transitively_refers_to_unique(&f)); } const t_type* types[] = {&i, &li, &si, &mii, &p, &lp, &sp, &mip}; for (const auto* type : types) { // type r (cpp.ref = "true"); auto r = t_field(type, "r", 1); r.set_annotation("cpp.ref", "true"); EXPECT_TRUE(cpp2::field_transitively_refers_to_unique(&r)); // type u (cpp.ref_type = "unique"); auto u = t_field(type, "u", 1); u.set_annotation("cpp.ref_type", "unique"); EXPECT_TRUE(cpp2::field_transitively_refers_to_unique(&u)); // type s (cpp.ref_type = "shared"); auto s = t_field(type, "s", 1); s.set_annotation("cpp.ref_type", "shared"); EXPECT_FALSE(cpp2::field_transitively_refers_to_unique(&s)); } } TEST_F(UtilTest, get_gen_type_class) { // a single example as demo EXPECT_EQ( "::apache::thrift::type_class::string", cpp2::get_gen_type_class(t_primitive_type::t_string())); } TEST_F(UtilTest, is_custom_type) { t_program p("path/to/program.thrift"); { auto cppType = t_primitive_type::t_string(); auto typeDef = t_typedef(&p, "Type", cppType); EXPECT_FALSE(cpp2::is_custom_type(cppType)); EXPECT_FALSE(cpp2::is_custom_type(typeDef)); cppType.set_annotation("cpp.type", "folly::fbstring"); EXPECT_TRUE(cpp2::is_custom_type(cppType)); EXPECT_TRUE(cpp2::is_custom_type(typeDef)); } { auto cpp2Type = t_primitive_type::t_string(); auto typeDef = t_typedef(&p, "Type", cpp2Type); EXPECT_FALSE(cpp2::is_custom_type(cpp2Type)); EXPECT_FALSE(cpp2::is_custom_type(typeDef)); cpp2Type.set_annotation("cpp2.type", "folly::fbstring"); EXPECT_TRUE(cpp2::is_custom_type(cpp2Type)); EXPECT_TRUE(cpp2::is_custom_type(typeDef)); } const auto i32 = t_primitive_type::t_i32(); { auto cppTemplate = t_list(&i32); auto typeDef = t_typedef(&p, "Type", cppTemplate); EXPECT_FALSE(cpp2::is_custom_type(cppTemplate)); EXPECT_FALSE(cpp2::is_custom_type(typeDef)); cppTemplate.set_annotation("cpp.template", "std::deque"); EXPECT_TRUE(cpp2::is_custom_type(cppTemplate)); EXPECT_TRUE(cpp2::is_custom_type(typeDef)); } { auto cpp2Template = t_list(&i32); auto typeDef = t_typedef(&p, "Type", cpp2Template); EXPECT_FALSE(cpp2::is_custom_type(cpp2Template)); EXPECT_FALSE(cpp2::is_custom_type(typeDef)); cpp2Template.set_annotation("cpp2.template", "std::deque"); EXPECT_TRUE(cpp2::is_custom_type(cpp2Template)); EXPECT_TRUE(cpp2::is_custom_type(typeDef)); } { auto cppAdapter = i32; auto typeDef = t_typedef(&p, "Type", cppAdapter); auto typeDef2 = t_typedef(&p, "TypeDef", typeDef); EXPECT_FALSE(cpp2::is_custom_type(cppAdapter)); EXPECT_FALSE(cpp2::is_custom_type(typeDef)); typeDef.set_annotation("cpp.adapter", "Adapter"); auto adapter = gen::adapter_builder(p, "cpp"); typeDef.add_structured_annotation(adapter.make("MyAdapter")); EXPECT_TRUE(cpp2::is_custom_type(typeDef)); EXPECT_TRUE(cpp2::is_custom_type(typeDef2)); } } TEST_F(UtilTest, topological_sort) { std::map> graph{ {"e", {"c", "a"}}, {"d", {"b", "c"}}, {"c", {"d", "b", "a"}}, {"b", {}}, {"a", {"b"}}, }; std::vector vertices; vertices.reserve(graph.size()); for (const auto& kvp : graph) { vertices.push_back(kvp.first); } auto result = cpp2::topological_sort( vertices.begin(), vertices.end(), graph); EXPECT_EQ(std::vector({"b", "a", "d", "c", "e"}), result); } TEST_F(UtilTest, lpt_slit) { const std::vector in{1, 4, 8, 7, 2, 2, 9, 5, 6, 10, 20, 1, 8}; // split 1 auto res1 = cpp2::lpt_split(in, 1, folly::identity); std::vector> res1_expected{ {20, 10, 9, 8, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 2, 2, 1, 1}}; EXPECT_EQ(res1, res1_expected); // split 2 auto res2 = cpp2::lpt_split(in, 2, folly::identity); std::vector> res2_expected = { {10, 9, 8, 7, 5, 2, 1}, {20, 8, 6, 4, 2, 1}}; EXPECT_EQ(res2, res2_expected); // split 3 auto res3 = cpp2::lpt_split(in, 3, folly::identity); std::vector> res3_expected = { {9, 8, 7, 4}, {10, 8, 6, 2, 1}, {20, 5, 2, 1}}; EXPECT_EQ(res3, res3_expected); // split 4 auto res4 = cpp2::lpt_split(in, 4, folly::identity); std::vector> res4_expected = { {8, 8, 5}, {9, 7, 4, 1}, {10, 6, 2, 2}, {20, 1}}; EXPECT_EQ(res4, res4_expected); } TEST_F(UtilTest, get_internal_injected_field_id) { EXPECT_THROW(cpp2::get_internal_injected_field_id(-1), std::runtime_error); EXPECT_EQ(cpp2::get_internal_injected_field_id(0), -1000); EXPECT_EQ(cpp2::get_internal_injected_field_id(999), -1999); EXPECT_THROW(cpp2::get_internal_injected_field_id(1000), std::runtime_error); } TEST_F(UtilTest, gen_adapter_dependency_graph) { t_program p("path/to/program.thrift"); std::mt19937 gen; auto test = [&](std::string name, std::vector expected) { constexpr int kIters = 42; for (int iter = 0; iter < kIters; iter++) { std::vector objects = expected; std::vector typedefs; for (auto type : objects) { if (auto typedf = dynamic_cast(type)) { typedefs.push_back(const_cast(typedf)); } } std::shuffle(objects.begin(), objects.end(), gen); auto deps = cpp2::gen_dependency_graph(&p, objects); auto sorted_objects = cpp2::topological_sort( objects.begin(), objects.end(), deps); ASSERT_EQ(sorted_objects.size(), expected.size()) << name; for (size_t i = 0; i < expected.size(); ++i) { EXPECT_EQ(sorted_objects[i], expected[i]) << name << ": got " << sorted_objects[i]->name() << " instead of " << expected[i]->name(); } } }; auto adapter = gen::adapter_builder(p, "cpp"); t_struct s1(&p, "struct"); t_typedef t1(&p, "typedef_with_adapter", s1); t1.add_structured_annotation(adapter.make("MyAdapter")); test("adapted typedef after struct", {&s1, &t1}); t_struct f2(nullptr, "foreign_struct"); t_typedef t2(&p, "typedef_with_adapter", f2); t2.add_structured_annotation(adapter.make("MyAdapter")); t_struct s2(&p, "dependent_struct"); s2.append_field(std::make_unique(t2, "field")); test("dependent struct after typedef", {&t2, &s2}); t_union u3(&p, "union"); t_typedef t3(&p, "typedef_with_adapter", u3); t3.add_structured_annotation(adapter.make("MyAdapter")); test("adapted typedef after union", {&u3, &t3}); t_typedef t4(&p, "typedef_with_adapter", f2); t4.add_structured_annotation(adapter.make("MyAdapter")); t_exception e4(&p, "exception"); e4.append_field(std::make_unique(t4, "field")); test("dependent exception after typedef", {&t4, &e4}); t_typedef t5(&p, "typedef_of_typedef", t2); test("dependent typedef after typedef", {&t2, &t5}); } TEST_F(UtilTest, simple_struct_dependency_graph) { auto source_mgr = source_manager(); auto program = dedent_and_parse_to_program(source_mgr, R"( struct FirstStruct { 1: string one; 2: MissingType two; } struct SecondStruct { 1: string another; 2: FirstStruct referent; } )"); std::vector objects( program->structured_definitions().begin(), program->structured_definitions().end()); auto edges = cpp2::gen_dependency_graph(program.get(), objects); // We should really define some sort of "EXPECT_GRAPH_ISOMORPHIC" primitive, // but since that's hard we'll just use a simplistic/brute-force approach. EXPECT_EQ(edges.size(), 2); // Technically redundant, but making explicit const t_type* first_node = nullptr; const t_type* second_node = nullptr; for (const auto& vertex_with_destinations : edges) { const std::string& name = vertex_with_destinations.first->name(); if (name == "FirstStruct") { first_node = vertex_with_destinations.first; } else if (name == "SecondStruct") { second_node = vertex_with_destinations.first; } else { throw std::runtime_error("Wrong graph node: " + name); } } EXPECT_TRUE(first_node != nullptr); EXPECT_TRUE(second_node != nullptr); EXPECT_TRUE(edges.at(first_node).empty()); ASSERT_THAT(edges.at(second_node), testing::ElementsAre(first_node)); } // This is the same test as the above, but where one of the structures // has a type that doesn't actually resolve. The same dep graph should // be generated without crashing. TEST_F(UtilTest, struct_dependency_graph_with_bad_type) { auto source_mgr = source_manager(); auto program = dedent_and_parse_to_program(source_mgr, R"( struct FirstStruct { 1: string one; 2: MissingType two; } struct SecondStruct { 1: string another; 2: FirstStruct referent; } )"); std::vector objects( program->structured_definitions().begin(), program->structured_definitions().end()); auto edges = cpp2::gen_dependency_graph(program.get(), objects); // We should really define some sort of "EXPECT_GRAPH_ISOMORPHIC" primitive, // but since that's hard we'll just use a simplistic/brute-force approach. EXPECT_EQ(edges.size(), 2); // Technically redundant, but making explicit const t_type* first_node = nullptr; const t_type* second_node = nullptr; for (const auto& vertex_with_destinations : edges) { const std::string& name = vertex_with_destinations.first->name(); if (name == "FirstStruct") { first_node = vertex_with_destinations.first; } else if (name == "SecondStruct") { second_node = vertex_with_destinations.first; } else { throw std::runtime_error("Wrong graph node: " + name); } } EXPECT_TRUE(first_node != nullptr); EXPECT_TRUE(second_node != nullptr); EXPECT_TRUE(edges.at(first_node).empty()); ASSERT_THAT(edges.at(second_node), testing::ElementsAre(first_node)); } TEST_F(UtilTest, structs_and_typedefs_dependency_graph) { auto source_mgr = source_manager(); auto program = dedent_and_parse_to_program(source_mgr, R"( struct ContainsList { 1: list (cpp.template = "dependent") l; } struct TransitiveContainsDependentList { 1: Dependent l; } struct TransitiveContainsList { 1: Independent l; } struct TransitiveContainsStruct { 1: AlsoS s; } struct TransitiveContainsStructRef { 1: AlsoS s (cpp.ref); } typedef list (cpp.template = "dependent") Dependent typedef list Independent typedef S AlsoS struct S {} )"); std::vector objects( program->structured_definitions().begin(), program->structured_definitions().end()); objects.insert( objects.end(), program->typedefs().begin(), program->typedefs().end()); auto edges = cpp2::gen_dependency_graph(program.get(), objects); EXPECT_EQ(edges.size(), 9); for (const auto& [node, deps] : edges) { const std::string& name = node->name(); if (name == "S") { EXPECT_EQ(deps.size(), 0); } else if (name == "ContainsList") { EXPECT_EQ(deps.size(), 1); EXPECT_EQ(deps.at(0)->name(), "S"); } else if (name == "TransitiveContainsList") { EXPECT_EQ(deps.size(), 1); EXPECT_EQ(deps.at(0)->name(), "Independent"); } else if (name == "TransitiveContainsDependentList") { EXPECT_EQ(deps.size(), 2); EXPECT_EQ(deps.at(0)->name(), "Dependent"); EXPECT_EQ(deps.at(1)->name(), "S"); } else if (name == "TransitiveContainsStruct") { EXPECT_EQ(deps.size(), 2); EXPECT_EQ(deps.at(0)->name(), "AlsoS"); EXPECT_EQ(deps.at(1)->name(), "S"); } else if (name == "TransitiveContainsStructRef") { EXPECT_EQ(deps.size(), 1); EXPECT_EQ(deps.at(0)->name(), "AlsoS"); } else if (name == "Dependent") { EXPECT_EQ(deps.size(), 0); } else if (name == "Independent") { EXPECT_EQ(deps.size(), 0); } else if (name == "AlsoS") { EXPECT_EQ(deps.size(), 0); } else { FAIL() << "Wrong graph node: " << name; } } } } // namespace } // namespace apache::thrift::compiler