/* * Copyright (c) Meta Platforms, Inc. and affiliates. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include namespace apache { namespace thrift { namespace compiler { namespace { const t_structured* get_mixin_type(const t_field& field) { if (cpp2::is_mixin(field)) { return dynamic_cast(field.type()->get_true_type()); } return nullptr; } bool has_experimental_annotation(diagnostic_context& ctx, const t_named& node) { if (node.find_structured_annotation_or_null(kExperimentalUri)) { return true; } for (int pos = ctx.nodes().size() - 1; pos >= 0; --pos) { const auto* parent = dynamic_cast(ctx.nodes().at(pos)); if (parent != nullptr && parent->find_structured_annotation_or_null(kExperimentalUri)) { return true; } } return false; } bool has_lazy_field(const t_structured& node) { for (const auto& field : node.fields()) { if (cpp2::is_lazy(&field)) { return true; } } return false; } // Reports an existing name was redefined within the given parent node. void report_redef_error( diagnostics_engine& diags, const char* kind, std::string_view name, const t_named& parent, const t_node& child, const t_node& /*existing*/) { // TODO(afuller): Use `existing` to provide more detail in the // diagnostic. diags.error( child, "{} `{}` is already defined for `{}`.", kind, name, parent.name()); } // Helper for checking for the redefinition of a name in the context of a node. class redef_checker { public: redef_checker( diagnostics_engine& diags, const char* kind, const t_named& parent) : diags_(diags), kind_(kind), parent_(parent) {} // Checks if the given `name`, derived from `node` via `child`, has already // been defined. // // For example, a mixin field causes all fields of the mixin type to be // inherited. In this case 'node' wold be the mixin type, from which `name` // was derived, while `child` is the mixin field that caused the name to be // inherited. void check(std::string_view name, const t_named& node, const t_node& child) { const t_named* existing = insert(name, node); if (!existing) { return; } if (&node == &parent_ && existing == &parent_) { // The degenerate case where parent_ is conflicting with itself. report_redef_error(diags_, kind_, name, parent_, child, *existing); } else { diags_.error( child, "{} `{}.{}` and `{}.{}` can not have same name in `{}`.", kind_, node.name(), name, existing->name(), name, parent_.name()); } } // Helpers for the common case where the names are from child t_nameds of // the parent. // // For example, all functions in an interface. void check(const t_named& child) { if (const t_named* existing = insert(child.name(), child)) { report_redef_error( diags_, kind_, child.name(), parent_, child, *existing); } } template void check_all(const Cs& children) { for (const t_named& child : children) { check(child); } } private: const t_named* insert(std::string_view name, const t_named& node) { auto [it, success] = seen_.emplace(name, &node); if (success) { return nullptr; } const t_named* existing = it->second; seen_[name] = &node; return existing; } diagnostics_engine& diags_; const char* kind_; const t_named& parent_; std::unordered_map seen_; }; // Helper for validating the adapters class adapter_or_wrapper_checker { public: explicit adapter_or_wrapper_checker(diagnostic_context& ctx) : ctx_(ctx) {} // Checks if adapter name is provided // Do not allow composing two structured annotations on typedef void check( const t_named& node, const char* structured_adapter_annotation, const char* structured_adapter_annotation_error_name, const char* name) { const t_const* adapter_annotation = node.find_structured_annotation_or_null(structured_adapter_annotation); if (!adapter_annotation) { return; } try { adapter_annotation->get_value_from_structured_annotation(name); } catch (const std::exception& e) { ctx_.error("{}", e.what()); return; } if (const auto* typedf = dynamic_cast(&node)) { if (t_typedef::get_first_structured_annotation_or_null( &*typedf->type(), structured_adapter_annotation)) { ctx_.error( "The `{}` annotation cannot be annotated more than once in all " "typedef levels in `{}`.", structured_adapter_annotation_error_name, node.name()); } } } // Do not allow composing structured annotation on field/typedef void check( const t_field& field, const char* structured_adapter_annotation, const char* structured_adapter_annotation_error_name, bool disallow_structured_annotations_on_both_field_and_typedef) { if (!field.type().resolved()) { return; } auto type = field.type().get_type(); bool structured_annotation_on_field = field.find_structured_annotation_or_null(structured_adapter_annotation); bool structured_annotation_on_typedef = t_typedef::get_first_structured_annotation_or_null( type, structured_adapter_annotation) != nullptr; if (disallow_structured_annotations_on_both_field_and_typedef && structured_annotation_on_field && structured_annotation_on_typedef) { ctx_.error( "`{}` cannot be applied on both field and typedef in `{}`.", structured_adapter_annotation_error_name, field.name()); } } // If a type is wrapped itself or is a container of wrapped types, then it // cannot be adapted void check( const t_named& node, const char* structured_adapter_annotation, const char* structured_wrapper_annotation, const char* structured_adapter_annotation_error_name, const char* structured_wrapper_annotation_error_name) { bool has_adapter_annotation = node.find_structured_annotation_or_null(structured_adapter_annotation); if (!has_adapter_annotation) { return; } const t_type* type; if (const auto* field = dynamic_cast(&node)) { if (!field->type().resolved()) { return; } type = field->type().get_type(); } else if (const auto* typdef = dynamic_cast(&node)) { type = typdef->get_type(); } else { return; } auto has_wrapper = type->find_structured_annotation_or_null(structured_wrapper_annotation); std::string typedef_name = type->name(); while (!has_wrapper) { if (const auto* inner_typedf = dynamic_cast(type)) { has_wrapper = inner_typedf->find_structured_annotation_or_null( structured_wrapper_annotation); typedef_name = inner_typedf->name(); type = inner_typedf->get_type(); } else if (type->is_container()) { if (const auto* map = dynamic_cast(type)) { type = map->get_val_type(); } else if (const auto* list = dynamic_cast(type)) { type = list->get_elem_type(); } else { break; } } else if (type->is_struct()) { has_wrapper = type->find_structured_annotation_or_null( structured_wrapper_annotation); typedef_name = type->name(); break; } else { break; } } if (has_wrapper) { ctx_.error( "`{}` on `{}` cannot be combined with `{}` on `{}`.", structured_adapter_annotation_error_name, node.name(), structured_wrapper_annotation_error_name, typedef_name); } } private: diagnostic_context& ctx_; }; struct service_metadata { std::unordered_map function_name_to_service; service_metadata(node_metadata_cache& cache, const t_service& node) { if (node.extends() != nullptr) { // Add all the inherited functions. function_name_to_service = cache.get(*node.extends()).function_name_to_service; } // Add all the directly defined functions. for (const auto& function : node.functions()) { function_name_to_service[function.name()] = &node; } } }; struct structured_metadata { std::unordered_map field_name_to_parent; structured_metadata(node_metadata_cache& cache, const t_structured& node) { for (const auto& field : node.fields()) { if (const auto* mixin = get_mixin_type(field)) { // Add all the inherited mixin fields from field. auto mixin_metadata = cache.get(*mixin); for (auto [key, value] : mixin_metadata.field_name_to_parent) { field_name_to_parent[key] = value; } } // Add the directly defined field. field_name_to_parent[field.name()] = &node; } } }; void validate_interface_function_name_uniqueness( diagnostic_context& ctx, const t_interface& node) { // Check for a redefinition of a function in the same interface. redef_checker(ctx, "Function", node).check_all(node.functions()); } // Checks for a redefinition of an inherited function. void validate_extends_service_function_name_uniqueness( diagnostic_context& ctx, const t_service& node) { if (node.extends() == nullptr) { return; } const auto& extends_metadata = ctx.cache().get(*node.extends()); for (const auto& function : node.functions()) { auto service = extends_metadata.function_name_to_service.find(function.name()); if (service != extends_metadata.function_name_to_service.end()) { ctx.error( function, "Function `{0}.{2}` redefines `{1}.{2}`.", node.name(), service->second->get_full_name(), function.name()); } } } void validate_throws_exceptions(diagnostic_context& ctx, const t_throws& node) { for (const auto& except : node.fields()) { auto except_type = except.type()->get_true_type(); ctx.check( dynamic_cast(except_type), except, "Non-exception type, `{}`, in throws.", except_type->name()); } } // Checks for a redefinition of a field in the same t_structured, including // those inherited via mixin fields. void validate_field_names_uniqueness( diagnostic_context& ctx, const t_structured& node) { redef_checker checker(ctx, "Field", node); for (const auto& field : node.fields()) { // Check the directly defined field. checker.check(field.name(), node, field); // Check any transtively defined fields via a mixin annotation. if (const auto* mixin = get_mixin_type(field)) { const auto& mixin_metadata = ctx.cache().get(*mixin); for (auto [name, parent] : mixin_metadata.field_name_to_parent) { checker.check(name, *parent, field); } } } } // Checks the attributes of fields in a union. void validate_union_field_attributes( diagnostic_context& ctx, const t_union& node) { for (const auto& field : node.fields()) { if (field.qualifier() == t_field_qualifier::optional || field.qualifier() == t_field_qualifier::required) { ctx.error( field, "Unions cannot contain qualified fields. Remove `{}` qualifier from " "field `{}`.", field.qualifier() == t_field_qualifier::required ? "required" : "optional", field.name()); } else if (field.find_structured_annotation_or_null(kTerseWriteUri)) { ctx.error( field, "`@thrift.TerseWrite` cannot be applied to union fields (in `{}`).", node.name()); } } } void validate_boxed_field_attributes( diagnostic_context& ctx, const t_field& node) { if (gen::cpp::find_ref_type(node) == gen::cpp::reference_type::none) { return; } bool ref = node.has_annotation({ "cpp.ref", "cpp2.ref", "cpp.ref_type", "cpp2.ref_type", }) || node.find_structured_annotation_or_null(kCppRefUri); bool box = node.has_annotation({ "cpp.box", "thrift.box", }) || node.find_structured_annotation_or_null(kBoxUri); bool intern_box = node.find_structured_annotation_or_null(kInternBoxUri); if (ref + box + intern_box > 1) { ctx.error( node, "The {} annotation cannot be combined with the other reference annotations. " "Only annotate a single reference annotations from `{}`.", intern_box ? "`@thrift.InternBox`" : box ? "`@thrift.Box`" : "`@cpp.Ref`", node.name()); } if (box) { ctx.check( dynamic_cast(ctx.parent()) || node.qualifier() == t_field_qualifier::optional, "The `thrift.box` annotation can only be used with optional fields. " "Make sure `{}` is optional.", node.name()); } if (intern_box) { ctx.check( node.type()->get_true_type()->is_struct(), "The `@thrift.InternBox` annotation can only be used with a struct field."); // TODO(dokwon): Add support for custom defaults and remove this check. ctx.check( !node.get_value(), "The `@thrift.InternBox` annotation currently does not support a field with custom default."); ctx.check( node.qualifier() == t_field_qualifier::none || node.qualifier() == t_field_qualifier::terse, "The `@thrift.InternBox` annotation can only be used with unqualified or terse fields." " Make sure `{}` is unqualified or annotated with `@thrift.TerseWrite`.", node.name()); } } // Checks the attributes of a mixin field. void validate_mixin_field_attributes( diagnostic_context& ctx, const t_field& node) { if (!cpp2::is_mixin(node)) { return; } auto* ttype = node.type()->get_true_type(); ctx.check( typeid(*ttype) == typeid(t_struct) || typeid(*ttype) == typeid(t_union), "Mixin field `{}` type must be a struct or union. Found `{}`.", node.name(), ttype->get_name()); if (const auto* parent = dynamic_cast(ctx.parent())) { ctx.error( "Union `{}` cannot contain mixin field `{}`.", parent->name(), node.name()); } else if (node.qualifier() == t_field_qualifier::optional) { // Nothing technically stops us from marking optional field mixin. // However, this will bring surprising behavior. e.g. `foo.bar_ref()` // might throw `bad_field_access` if `bar` is inside optional mixin // field. ctx.error("Mixin field `{}` cannot be optional.", node.name()); } } void validate_required_field(diagnostic_context& ctx, const t_field& field) { if (field.qualifier() == t_field_qualifier::required) { ctx.warning( field, "The 'required' qualifier is deprecated and ignored by most language implementations." " Leave the field unqualified instead."); } } void validate_enum_value_name_uniqueness( diagnostic_context& ctx, const t_enum& node) { redef_checker(ctx, "Enum value", node).check_all(node.values()); } void validate_enum_value_uniqueness( diagnostic_context& ctx, const t_enum& node) { std::unordered_map values; for (const auto& value : node.values()) { auto prev = values.emplace(value.get_value(), &value); ctx.check( prev.second, value, "Duplicate value `{}={}` with value `{}` in enum `{}`.", value.name(), value.get_value(), prev.first->second->name(), node.name()); } } void validate_enum_value(diagnostic_context& ctx, const t_enum_value& node) { if (!node.has_value()) { ctx.error( "The enum value, `{}`, must have an explicitly assigned value.", node.name()); } } void validate_const_type_and_value( diagnostic_context& ctx, const t_const& node) { check_const_rec(ctx, node, node.type(), node.value()); ctx.check( !node.find_structured_annotation_or_null(kCppAdapterUri) || has_experimental_annotation(ctx, node), "Using adapters on const `{}` is only allowed in the experimental mode.", node.name()); } void validate_field_default_value( diagnostic_context& ctx, const t_field& field) { if (field.get_default_value() != nullptr) { check_const_rec(ctx, field, &field.type().deref(), field.default_value()); } } void validate_field_name(diagnostic_context& ctx, const t_field& field) { const auto* strct = dynamic_cast(ctx.parent()); if (field.get_name() == strct->get_name()) { std::string parent_structure; if (strct->is_union()) { parent_structure = "union"; } else if (strct->is_exception()) { parent_structure = "exception"; } else { parent_structure = "struct"; } ctx.warning( "Field '{}' has the same name as the containing {}.", field.get_name(), parent_structure); } } void validate_structured_annotation( diagnostic_context& ctx, const t_named& node) { std::unordered_map seen; for (const t_const& annot : node.structured_annotations()) { auto [it, inserted] = seen.emplace(annot.type(), &annot); if (!inserted) { report_redef_error( ctx, "Structured annotation", it->first->name(), node, annot, *it->second); } validate_const_type_and_value(ctx, annot); } } void validate_uri_uniqueness(diagnostic_context& ctx, const t_program& prog) { // TODO: use string_view as map key std::unordered_map uri_to_node; basic_ast_visitor visit; visit.add_definition_visitor([&](const t_named& node) { const auto& uri = node.uri(); if (uri.empty() || uri == kTransitiveUri) { return; } auto result = uri_to_node.emplace(uri, &node); if (!result.second) { report_redef_error( ctx, "Thrift URI", uri, node, node, *result.first->second); } }); for (const auto* p : prog.get_included_programs()) { visit(*p); } visit(prog); } void limit_terse_write_on_experimental_mode( diagnostic_context& ctx, const t_named& node) { ctx.check( !node.find_structured_annotation_or_null(kTerseWriteUri) || has_experimental_annotation(ctx, node), "Using @thrift.TerseWrite on field `{}` is only allowed in the experimental mode.", node.name()); } void validate_field_id(diagnostic_context& ctx, const t_field& node) { if (node.explicit_id() != node.id()) { ctx.warning( node, "No field id specified for `{}`, resulting protocol may have conflicts " "or not be backwards compatible!", node.name()); } ctx.check( node.id() != 0 || node.has_annotation("cpp.deprecated_allow_zero_as_field_id"), "Zero value (0) not allowed as a field id for `{}`", node.get_name()); ctx.check( node.id() >= t_field::min_id || node.is_injected(), "Reserved field id ({}) cannot be used for `{}`.", node.id(), node.name()); } void validate_compatibility_with_lazy_field( diagnostic_context& ctx, const t_structured& node) { if (has_lazy_field(node) && node.has_annotation("cpp.methods")) { ctx.error( "cpp.methods is incompatible with lazy deserialization in struct `{}`", node.get_name()); } } void validate_ref_annotation(diagnostic_context& ctx, const t_field& node) { if (node.find_structured_annotation_or_null(kCppRefUri) && node.has_annotation( {"cpp.ref", "cpp2.ref", "cpp.ref_type", "cpp2.ref_type"})) { ctx.error( "The @cpp.Ref annotation cannot be combined with the `cpp.ref` or " "`cpp.ref_type` annotations. Remove one of the annotations from `{}`.", node.name()); } } void validate_cpp_adapter_annotation( diagnostic_context& ctx, const t_named& node) { adapter_or_wrapper_checker(ctx).check( node, kCppAdapterUri, "@cpp.Adapter", "name"); } void validate_hack_adapter_annotation( diagnostic_context& ctx, const t_named& node) { adapter_or_wrapper_checker(ctx).check( node, kHackAdapterUri, "@hack.Adapter", "name"); } void validate_hack_wrapper_annotation( diagnostic_context& ctx, const t_named& node) { adapter_or_wrapper_checker(ctx).check( node, kHackWrapperUri, "@hack.Wrapper", "name"); } // Do not adapt a wrapped type void validate_hack_wrapper_and_adapter_annotation( diagnostic_context& ctx, const t_named& node) { adapter_or_wrapper_checker(ctx).check( node, kHackAdapterUri, kHackWrapperUri, "@hack.Adapter", "@hack.Wrapper"); } void validate_java_adapter_annotation( diagnostic_context& ctx, const t_named& node) { adapter_or_wrapper_checker(ctx).check( node, kJavaAdapterUri, "@java.Adapter", "adapterClassName"); } void validate_java_wrapper_annotation( diagnostic_context& ctx, const t_named& node) { adapter_or_wrapper_checker(ctx).check( node, kJavaWrapperUri, "@java.Wrapper", "wrapperClassName"); } void validate_java_wrapper_and_adapter_annotation( diagnostic_context& ctx, const t_named& node) { adapter_or_wrapper_checker(ctx).check( node, kJavaAdapterUri, kJavaWrapperUri, "@java.Adapter", "@java.Wrapper"); } void validate_ref_unique_and_box_annotation( diagnostic_context& ctx, const t_field& node) { const t_const* adapter_annotation = node.find_structured_annotation_or_null(kCppAdapterUri); if (cpp2::is_unique_ref(&node)) { if (node.has_annotation({"cpp.ref", "cpp2.ref"})) { if (adapter_annotation) { ctx.error( "cpp.ref, cpp2.ref are deprecated. Please use @thrift.Box " "annotation instead in `{}` with @cpp.Adapter.", node.name()); } else if (node.qualifier() == t_field_qualifier::optional) { ctx.warning( "cpp.ref, cpp2.ref are deprecated. Please use @thrift.Box " "annotation instead in `{}`.", node.name()); } } if (node.has_annotation({"cpp.ref_type", "cpp2.ref_type"})) { if (adapter_annotation) { ctx.error( "cpp.ref_type = `unique`, cpp2.ref_type = `unique` are deprecated. " "Please use @thrift.Box annotation instead in `{}` with " "@cpp.Adapter.", node.name()); } else if (node.qualifier() == t_field_qualifier::optional) { ctx.warning( "cpp.ref_type = `unique`, cpp2.ref_type = `unique` are deprecated. " "Please use @thrift.Box annotation instead in `{}`.", node.name()); } } if (node.find_structured_annotation_or_null(kCppRefUri) != nullptr) { if (adapter_annotation) { ctx.error( "@cpp.Ref{{type = cpp.RefType.Unique}} is deprecated. Please use " "@thrift.Box annotation instead in `{}` with @cpp.Adapter.", node.name()); } else if (node.qualifier() == t_field_qualifier::optional) { ctx.warning( "@cpp.Ref{{type = cpp.RefType.Unique}} is deprecated. Please use " "@thrift.Box annotation instead in `{}`.", node.name()); } } } } void validate_function_priority_annotation( diagnostic_context& ctx, const t_node& node) { if (auto* priority = node.find_annotation_or_null("priority")) { const std::string choices[] = { "HIGH_IMPORTANT", "HIGH", "IMPORTANT", "NORMAL", "BEST_EFFORT"}; auto* end = choices + sizeof(choices) / sizeof(choices[0]); ctx.check( std::find(choices, end, *priority) != end, "Bad priority '{}'. Choose one of {}.", *priority, choices); } } void validate_exception_message_annotation( diagnostic_context& ctx, const t_exception& node) { // Check that value of "message" annotation is // - a valid member of struct // - of type STRING const t_field* field = nullptr; for (const auto& f : node.fields()) { if (f.find_structured_annotation_or_null(kExceptionMessageUri)) { ctx.check(!field, f, "Duplicate message annotation."); field = &f; } } if (node.has_annotation("message")) { ctx.check(!field, "Duplicate message annotation."); const std::string& v = node.get_annotation("message"); field = node.get_field_by_name(v); ctx.check( field, "member specified as exception 'message' should be a valid " "struct member, '{}' in '{}' is not", v, node.name()); } if (field) { ctx.check( field->get_type()->is_string_or_binary(), "member specified as exception 'message' should be of type " "STRING, '{}' in '{}' is not", field->name(), node.name()); if (field->name() != "message" && node.get_field_by_name("message")) { ctx.warning( "Some generators (e.g. PHP) will ignore annotation 'message' as it is " "also used as field"); } } } void validate_interaction_nesting( diagnostic_context& ctx, const t_interaction& node) { for (auto* func : node.get_functions()) { if (func->interaction()) { ctx.error(*func, "Nested interactions are forbidden: {}", func->name()); } } } void validate_interaction_annotations( diagnostic_context& ctx, const t_interaction& node) { for (auto* func : node.get_functions()) { ctx.check( !func->has_annotation("thread") && !func->find_structured_annotation_or_null(kCppProcessInEbThreadUri), "Interaction methods cannot be individually annotated with " "thread='eb'. Use process_in_event_base on the interaction instead."); } if (node.has_annotation("process_in_event_base") || node.find_structured_annotation_or_null(kCppProcessInEbThreadUri)) { ctx.check( !node.has_annotation("serial") && !node.find_structured_annotation_or_null(kSerialUri), "EB interactions are already serial"); } } void validate_cpp_field_interceptor_annotation( diagnostic_context& ctx, const t_field& field) { if (const t_const* annot = field.find_structured_annotation_or_null(kCppFieldInterceptorUri)) { try { annot->get_value_from_structured_annotation("name"); } catch (const std::exception&) { ctx.error( "`@cpp.FieldInterceptor` cannot be used without `name` specified in `{}`.", field.name()); return; } } } void validate_cpp_enum_type(diagnostic_context& ctx, const t_enum& e) { if (const t_const* annot = e.find_structured_annotation_or_null(kCppEnumTypeUri)) { try { annot->get_value_from_structured_annotation("type"); } catch (const std::exception&) { ctx.error( "`@cpp.EnumType` cannot be used without `type` specified in `{}`.", e.name()); return; } } } void validate_cpp_field_adapter_annotation( diagnostic_context& ctx, const t_field& field) { adapter_or_wrapper_checker(ctx).check( field, kCppAdapterUri, "@cpp.Adapter", false /* disallow_structured_annotations_on_both_field_and_typedef */); } void validate_hack_field_adapter_annotation( diagnostic_context& ctx, const t_field& field) { adapter_or_wrapper_checker(ctx).check( field, kHackAdapterUri, "@hack.Adapter", true /* disallow_structured_annotations_on_both_field_and_typedef */); } void validate_java_field_adapter_annotation( diagnostic_context& ctx, const t_field& field) { adapter_or_wrapper_checker(ctx).check( field, kJavaAdapterUri, "@java.Adapter", false /* disallow_structured_annotations_on_both_field_and_typedef */); } class reserved_ids_checker { public: explicit reserved_ids_checker(diagnostic_context& ctx) : ctx_(ctx) {} void check(const t_structured& node) { auto reserved_ids = get_reserved_ids(node); check_out_of_range_ids(node, reserved_ids); for (const auto& field : node.fields()) { ctx_.check( reserved_ids.count(field.id()) == 0, "Fields in {} cannot use reserved ids: {}", node.name(), field.id()); } } void check(const t_enum& node) { auto reserved_ids = get_reserved_ids(node); for (const auto& enum_value : node.values()) { ctx_.check( reserved_ids.count(enum_value.get_value()) == 0, "Enum values in {} cannot use reserved ids: {}", node.name(), enum_value.get_value()); } } private: diagnostic_context& ctx_; // Gets all the reserved ids annotated on this node. Returns // empty set if the annotation is not present. std::unordered_set get_reserved_ids(const t_type& node) { std::unordered_set reserved_ids; auto* annotation = node.find_structured_annotation_or_null(kReserveIdsUri); if (annotation == nullptr) { return reserved_ids; } // Take the union of the list of tag values in `ids` and the range of // of values from `id_ranges` if (auto ids = annotation->get_value_from_structured_annotation_or_null("ids"); ids != nullptr) { ctx_.check( ids->kind() == t_const_value::t_const_value_kind::CV_LIST, "Field ids must be a list of integers, annotated on {}", node.name()); for (const auto* id : ids->get_list_or_empty_map()) { ctx_.check( id->kind() == t_const_value::t_const_value_kind::CV_INTEGER, "Field ids must be a list of integers, annotated on {}", node.name()); reserved_ids.insert(id->get_integer()); } } if (auto id_ranges = annotation->get_value_from_structured_annotation_or_null( "id_ranges"); id_ranges != nullptr) { ctx_.check( id_ranges->kind() == t_const_value::t_const_value_kind::CV_MAP, "Field id_ranges must be a map of integer to integer, annotated on {}", node.name()); for (const auto& [id_range_begin, id_range_end] : id_ranges->get_map()) { ctx_.check( id_range_begin->kind() == t_const_value::t_const_value_kind::CV_INTEGER && id_range_begin->kind() == t_const_value::t_const_value_kind::CV_INTEGER, "Field id_ranges must be a map of integer to integer, annotated on {}", node.name()); ctx_.check( id_range_begin->get_integer() < id_range_end->get_integer(), "For each (start: end) in id_ranges, we must have start < end. Got ({}: {}), annotated on {}", id_range_begin->get_integer(), id_range_end->get_integer(), node.name()); for (int i = id_range_begin->get_integer(); i < id_range_end->get_integer(); ++i) { reserved_ids.insert(i); } } } return reserved_ids; } void check_out_of_range_ids( const t_structured& node, const std::unordered_set& reserved_ids) { // Insert into std::set to make sure error message is deterministic std::set out_of_range_ids; for (auto id : reserved_ids) { if (id < std::numeric_limits::min() || std::numeric_limits::max() < id) { out_of_range_ids.insert(id); } } for (auto id : out_of_range_ids) { ctx_.error( "Struct `{}` cannot have reserved id that is out of range: {}", node.name(), id); } } }; void validate_reserved_ids_structured( diagnostic_context& ctx, const t_structured& node) { reserved_ids_checker(ctx).check(node); } void validate_reserved_ids_enum(diagnostic_context& ctx, const t_enum& node) { reserved_ids_checker(ctx).check(node); } bool owns_annotations(const t_type* type) { if (type->annotations().empty()) { return false; } if (dynamic_cast(type)) { return true; } if (dynamic_cast(type)) { return true; } if (auto t = dynamic_cast(type)) { return t->typedef_kind() != t_typedef::kind::defined; } return false; } bool owns_annotations(t_type_ref type) { return owns_annotations(type.get_type()); } void validate_custom_cpp_type_annotations( diagnostic_context& ctx, const t_named& node) { const bool hasAdapter = node.find_structured_annotation_or_null(kCppAdapterUri); bool hasCppType = node.has_annotation( {"cpp.type", "cpp2.type", "cpp.template", "cpp2.template"}); const bool hasStructuredCppType = node.find_structured_annotation_or_null(kCppTypeUri); ctx.check( !(hasCppType && hasAdapter), "Definition `{}` cannot have both cpp.type/cpp.template and @cpp.Adapter annotations", node.name()); // Excludes annotations that result from annotation lowering. auto has_real_annotation = [](const auto& node) { if (!owns_annotations(node.type())) { return false; } std::set names{ "cpp.type", "cpp2.type", "cpp.template", "cpp2.template"}; for (const auto& [k, v] : node.type().get_type()->annotations()) { if (names.count(k) && v.src_range.begin != source_location{}) { return true; } } return false; }; bool hasUnnamedCppType = false; if (auto f = dynamic_cast(&node)) { if (has_real_annotation(*f)) { hasUnnamedCppType = true; } } else if (auto t = dynamic_cast(&node)) { if (t->typedef_kind() == t_typedef::kind::defined && has_real_annotation(*t)) { hasUnnamedCppType = true; } } if (hasUnnamedCppType) { ctx.warning( "The cpp.type/cpp.template annotations are deprecated, use @cpp.Type instead"); } if (hasAdapter && (hasUnnamedCppType || hasStructuredCppType)) { // TODO (T169470476): make this an error ctx.warning( "At most one of @cpp.Type/@cpp.Adapter/cpp.type/cpp.template can be specified on a definition."); } ctx.check( hasCppType + hasStructuredCppType + hasUnnamedCppType <= 1, "Duplicate cpp.Type annotation"); } template void validate_cpp_type_annotation(diagnostic_context& ctx, const Node& node) { if (const t_const* annot = node.find_structured_annotation_or_null(kCppTypeUri)) { auto type = annot->get_value_from_structured_annotation_or_null("name"); auto tmplate = annot->get_value_from_structured_annotation_or_null("template"); if (!type == !tmplate) { ctx.error( "Exactly one of `name` and `template` must be specified for `@cpp.Type` on `{}`.", node.name()); } if (tmplate) { if (!node.type()->get_true_type()->is_container()) { ctx.error( "`@cpp.Type{{template=...}}` can only be used on containers, not on `{}`.", node.name()); } } } } struct ValidateAnnotationPositions { void operator()(diagnostic_context& ctx, const t_const& node) { if (owns_annotations(node.type())) { err(ctx); } } void operator()(diagnostic_context& ctx, const t_function& node) { if (owns_annotations(node.return_type())) { err(ctx); } if (const auto* s = node.sink()) { if (owns_annotations(s->elem_type()) || owns_annotations(s->final_response_type())) { err(ctx); } } if (const auto* s = node.stream()) { if (owns_annotations(s->elem_type())) { err(ctx); } } for (auto& field : node.params().fields()) { auto type = field.type(); if (owns_annotations(type)) { err(ctx); } } } void operator()(diagnostic_context& ctx, const t_container& type) { switch (type.get_type_value()) { case t_type::type::t_list: if (owns_annotations(static_cast(type).elem_type())) { err(ctx); } break; case t_type::type::t_set: if (owns_annotations(static_cast(type).elem_type())) { err(ctx); } break; case t_type::type::t_map: { const auto& t = static_cast(type); if (owns_annotations(t.key_type()) || owns_annotations(t.val_type())) { err(ctx); } break; } default: assert(false && "Unknown container type"); } } private: static void err(diagnostic_context& ctx) { ctx.error( "Annotations are not allowed in this position. Extract the type into a named typedef instead."); } }; void deprecate_annotations(diagnostic_context& ctx, const t_named& node) { auto erlang = [](std::string_view name) { return fmt::format("facebook.com/thrift/annotation/erlang/{}", name); }; // cpp[2].ref[_type] are handled in dedicated validators. static std::map deprecations = { {"cpp.type", kCppTypeUri}, {"cpp2.type", kCppTypeUri}, {"cpp.template", kCppTypeUri}, {"cpp2.template", kCppTypeUri}, {"cpp.box", kBoxUri}, {"thrift.box", kBoxUri}, {"hack.attributes", kHackAttributeUri}, {"py3.hidden", kPythonPy3HiddenUri}, {"py3.name", kPythonNameUri}, {"py3.flags", kPythonFlagsUri}, {"java.switch.mutable", kJavaMutableUri}, {"java.swift.annotations", kJavaAnnotationUri}, {"go.name", kGoNameUri}, {"go.tag", kGoTagUri}, {"cpp.coroutine", "Nothing, it's on by default"}, {"cpp.name", kCppNameUri}, {"code", "Nothing, it is a no-op"}, {"message", kExceptionMessageUri}, {"cpp.minimize_padding", kCppMinimizePaddingUri}, {"cpp.enum_type", kCppEnumTypeUri}, {"cpp2.enum_type", kCppEnumTypeUri}, {"cpp.experimental.lazy", kCppLazyUri}, {"cpp.mixin", kMixinUri}, {"bitmask", kBitmaskEnumUri}, {"cpp.declare_bitwise_ops", kBitmaskEnumUri}, {"cpp2.declare_bitwise_ops", kBitmaskEnumUri}, {"thread", kCppProcessInEbThreadUri}, {"process_in_event_base", kCppProcessInEbThreadUri}, {"hack.name", kHackNameUri}, {"thrift.uri", kUriUri}, {"serial", kSerialUri}, {"priority", kPriorityUri}, {"erl.name", erlang("NameOverride")}, {"erl.struct_repr", erlang("StructRepr")}, {"erl.default_value", erlang("DefaultValue")}, {"iq.node_type", erlang("Iq")}, }; for (const auto& [k, v] : node.annotations()) { if (deprecations.count(k)) { std::vector parts; boost::split(parts, deprecations.at(k), [](char c) { return c == '/'; }); std::string replacement; if (parts.size() == 1) { replacement = parts[0]; } else if (parts.size() == 4) { replacement = fmt::format("@thrift.{}", parts[3]); } else { assert(parts.size() == 5); replacement = fmt::format("@{}.{}", parts[3], parts[4]); } if (node.find_structured_annotation_or_null(deprecations.at(k).c_str())) { ctx.error("Duplicate annotations {} and {}.", k, replacement); } else { ctx.warning( "The annotation {} is deprecated. Please use {} instead.", k, replacement); } } } } } // namespace ast_validator standard_validator() { ast_validator validator; validator.add_interface_visitor(&validate_interface_function_name_uniqueness); validator.add_interface_visitor(&validate_function_priority_annotation); validator.add_service_visitor( &validate_extends_service_function_name_uniqueness); validator.add_interaction_visitor(&validate_interaction_nesting); validator.add_interaction_visitor(&validate_interaction_annotations); validator.add_throws_visitor(&validate_throws_exceptions); validator.add_function_visitor(&validate_function_priority_annotation); validator.add_function_visitor(ValidateAnnotationPositions{}); validator.add_structured_definition_visitor(&validate_field_names_uniqueness); validator.add_structured_definition_visitor( &validate_compatibility_with_lazy_field); validator.add_structured_definition_visitor( &validate_reserved_ids_structured); validator.add_union_visitor(&validate_union_field_attributes); validator.add_exception_visitor(&validate_exception_message_annotation); validator.add_field_visitor(&validate_field_id); validator.add_field_visitor(&validate_mixin_field_attributes); validator.add_field_visitor(&validate_boxed_field_attributes); validator.add_field_visitor(&validate_field_default_value); validator.add_field_visitor(&validate_ref_annotation); validator.add_field_visitor(&validate_ref_unique_and_box_annotation); validator.add_field_visitor(&validate_cpp_field_adapter_annotation); validator.add_field_visitor(&validate_hack_field_adapter_annotation); validator.add_field_visitor(&validate_java_field_adapter_annotation); validator.add_field_visitor(&validate_cpp_field_interceptor_annotation); validator.add_field_visitor(&validate_required_field); validator.add_field_visitor(&validate_cpp_type_annotation); validator.add_field_visitor(&validate_field_name); validator.add_enum_visitor(&validate_enum_value_name_uniqueness); validator.add_enum_visitor(&validate_enum_value_uniqueness); validator.add_enum_visitor(&validate_reserved_ids_enum); validator.add_enum_value_visitor(&validate_enum_value); validator.add_definition_visitor(&validate_structured_annotation); validator.add_definition_visitor(&validate_annotation_scopes); validator.add_definition_visitor(&validate_cpp_adapter_annotation); validator.add_definition_visitor(&validate_hack_adapter_annotation); validator.add_definition_visitor(&validate_hack_wrapper_annotation); validator.add_definition_visitor( &validate_hack_wrapper_and_adapter_annotation); validator.add_definition_visitor(&validate_java_adapter_annotation); validator.add_definition_visitor(&validate_java_wrapper_annotation); validator.add_definition_visitor( &validate_java_wrapper_and_adapter_annotation); validator.add_definition_visitor(&limit_terse_write_on_experimental_mode); validator.add_definition_visitor(&validate_custom_cpp_type_annotations); validator.add_definition_visitor(&deprecate_annotations); validator.add_typedef_visitor(&validate_cpp_type_annotation); validator.add_container_visitor(ValidateAnnotationPositions()); validator.add_enum_visitor(&validate_cpp_enum_type); validator.add_const_visitor(&validate_const_type_and_value); validator.add_const_visitor(ValidateAnnotationPositions()); validator.add_program_visitor(&validate_uri_uniqueness); add_explicit_include_validators(validator); return validator; } } // namespace compiler } // namespace thrift } // namespace apache