/* * Copyright (c) Meta Platforms, Inc. and affiliates. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include namespace apache { namespace thrift { namespace compiler { parser_actions::~parser_actions() = default; namespace { // A Thrift parser. class parser { private: lexer& lexer_; parser_actions& actions_; diagnostics_engine& diags_; struct parse_error : std::exception {}; token token_ = token(tok::eof, {}); // The current unconsumed token. // End of the last consumed token. source_location end_; class range_tracker { private: source_location begin_; const source_location& end_; public: explicit range_tracker(source_location begin, const source_location& end) : begin_(begin), end_(end) {} operator source_location() const { return begin_; } operator source_range() const { return {begin_, end_}; } }; // Tracks the source range of a syntactic construct. // Usage: // auto range = track_range(); // // Parse . // actions_.on_(range, ...); range_tracker track_range() const { return range_tracker(token_.range.begin, end_); } token consume_token() { token t = token_; end_ = token_.range.end; token_ = lexer_.get_next_token(); if (token_.kind == tok::error) { actions_.on_error(); } return t; } bool try_consume_token(token_kind kind) { if (token_.kind != kind) { return false; } consume_token(); return true; } std::string lex_string_literal(token literal) { auto str = lexer_.lex_string_literal(literal); if (!str) { actions_.on_error(); } return *str; } [[noreturn]] void report_expected(std::string_view expected) { diags_.error(token_.range.begin, "expected {}", expected); throw parse_error(); } // Reports a recoverable error without aborting the parse process. template void report_error(fmt::format_string msg, T&&... args) { diags_.error(token_.range.begin, msg, std::forward(args)...); } source_range expect_and_consume(token_kind expected) { auto range = token_.range; if (token_.kind != expected) { report_expected(to_string(expected.value)); } consume_token(); return range; } // The parse methods are ordered top down from the most general to concrete. // program: [[program_doctext] (include | package | namespace)+] definition* bool parse_program() { consume_token(); try { if (auto attrs = parse_package_and_directives()) { auto loc = attrs->loc; parse_definition(loc, std::move(attrs)); } while (token_.kind != tok::eof) { auto begin = token_.range.begin; auto attrs = parse_attributes(); parse_definition(begin, std::move(attrs)); } actions_.on_program(); } catch (const parse_error&) { return false; // The error has already been reported. } return true; } std::unique_ptr parse_package_and_directives() { while (token_.kind != tok::eof) { auto begin = token_.range.begin; switch (token_.kind) { case tok::kw_include: case tok::kw_cpp_include: case tok::kw_hs_include: actions_.on_program_doctext(); parse_include(); break; case tok::kw_namespace: actions_.on_program_doctext(); parse_namespace(); break; default: { auto attrs = parse_attributes(); if (token_.kind != tok::kw_package) { return attrs; } actions_.on_program_doctext(); parse_package(begin, std::move(attrs)); break; } } } return {}; } // include: ("include" | "cpp_include" | "hs_include") string_literal [";"] void parse_include() { auto range = track_range(); auto kind = token_.kind; consume_token(); if (token_.kind != tok::string_literal) { report_expected("string literal"); } auto str = lex_string_literal(token_); auto str_range = token_.range; consume_token(); switch (kind) { case tok::kw_include: actions_.on_include(range, str, str_range); break; case tok::kw_cpp_include: actions_.on_cpp_include(range, str); break; case tok::kw_hs_include: actions_.on_hs_include(range, str); break; default: assert(false); } try_consume_token(';'); } // package: attributes "package" string_literal [";"] void parse_package(source_location loc, std::unique_ptr attrs) { assert(token_.kind == tok::kw_package); auto range = range_tracker(loc, end_); consume_token(); if (token_.kind != tok::string_literal) { report_expected("string literal"); } auto name = lex_string_literal(token_); consume_token(); try_consume_token(';'); actions_.on_package(range, std::move(attrs), name); } // namespace: "namespace" identifier (identifier | string_literal) [";"] void parse_namespace() { assert(token_.kind == tok::kw_namespace); consume_token(); auto language = parse_identifier(); auto ns = token_.kind == tok::string_literal ? lex_string_literal(consume_token()) : fmt::to_string(parse_identifier().str); try_consume_token(';'); return actions_.on_namespace(language, ns); } // definition: // service // | interaction // | typedef // | struct // | union // | exception // | enum // | const void parse_definition( source_location loc, std::unique_ptr attrs) { switch (token_.kind) { case tok::kw_service: parse_service(loc, std::move(attrs)); break; case tok::kw_interaction: parse_interaction(loc, std::move(attrs)); break; case tok::kw_typedef: parse_typedef(loc, std::move(attrs)); break; case tok::kw_struct: parse_struct(loc, std::move(attrs)); break; case tok::kw_union: parse_union(loc, std::move(attrs)); break; case tok::kw_safe: case tok::kw_transient: case tok::kw_stateful: case tok::kw_permanent: case tok::kw_client: case tok::kw_server: case tok::kw_exception: parse_exception(loc, std::move(attrs)); break; case tok::kw_enum: parse_enum(loc, std::move(attrs)); break; case tok::kw_const: parse_const(loc, std::move(attrs)); break; default: report_expected("definition"); break; } } // attributes: [doctext] structured_annotation* std::unique_ptr parse_attributes() { auto loc = token_.range.begin; auto doc = actions_.on_doctext(); auto annotations = node_list(); while (token_.kind == '@') { annotations.emplace_back(parse_structured_annotation()); } return doc || !annotations.empty() ? std::make_unique( attributes{loc, std::move(doc), std::move(annotations), {}}) : nullptr; } std::optional try_parse_inline_doc() { return token_.kind == tok::inline_doc ? actions_.on_inline_doc(token_.range, consume_token().string_value()) : std::optional(); } // structured_annotation: "@" (identifier | struct_initializer) std::unique_ptr parse_structured_annotation() { assert(token_.kind == '@'); auto range = track_range(); consume_token(); auto name = parse_identifier(); if (token_.kind != '{') { return actions_.on_structured_annotation(range, name.str); } auto value = parse_struct_initializer_body(name); return actions_.on_structured_annotation(range, std::move(value)); } // deprecated_annotations: "(" deprecated_annotation_list? ")" // // deprecated_annotation_list: // (deprecated_annotation comma_or_semicolon)* // deprecated_annotation comma_or_semicolon? // // deprecated_annotation: // identifier ["=" (bool_literal | integer | string_literal)] std::unique_ptr try_parse_deprecated_annotations() { auto loc = token_.range.begin; if (!try_consume_token('(')) { return {}; } auto annotations = std::unique_ptr(); while (token_.kind != ')') { if (!annotations) { annotations = std::make_unique(); annotations->loc = loc; } auto range = track_range(); auto key = parse_identifier(); auto value = std::string("1"); if (try_consume_token('=')) { if (token_.kind == tok::string_literal) { value = lex_string_literal(consume_token()); } else if (token_.kind == tok::bool_literal) { value = fmt::to_string(consume_token().bool_value() ? 1 : 0); } else if (auto integer = try_parse_integer()) { value = fmt::to_string(*integer); } else { report_expected("integer, bool or string"); } } annotations->strings[fmt::to_string(key.str)] = {range, std::move(value)}; if (!try_parse_comma_or_semicolon()) { break; } } expect_and_consume(')'); return annotations; } void try_parse_deprecated_annotations(std::unique_ptr& attrs) { if (auto deprecated_annotations = try_parse_deprecated_annotations()) { if (!attrs) { attrs = std::make_unique(); } attrs->deprecated_annotations = std::move(deprecated_annotations); } } // service: // attributes // "service" identifier ["extends" identifier] "{" // (function | performs)* // "}" // [deprecated_annotations] // // performs: "performs" identifier ";" void parse_service(source_location loc, std::unique_ptr attrs) { auto range = range_tracker(loc, end_); expect_and_consume(tok::kw_service); auto name = parse_identifier(); auto base = identifier(); if (try_consume_token(tok::kw_extends)) { base = parse_identifier(); } auto functions = parse_interface_body(); try_parse_deprecated_annotations(attrs); actions_.on_service( range, std::move(attrs), name, base, std::move(functions)); } // interaction: // attributes // "interaction" identifier "{" function* "}" // [deprecated_annotations] void parse_interaction( source_location loc, std::unique_ptr attrs) { auto range = range_tracker(loc, end_); expect_and_consume(tok::kw_interaction); auto name = parse_identifier(); auto functions = parse_interface_body(false); try_parse_deprecated_annotations(attrs); actions_.on_interaction( range, std::move(attrs), name, std::move(functions)); } node_list parse_interface_body(bool allow_performs = true) { expect_and_consume('{'); auto functions = node_list(); while (token_.kind != '}') { if (token_.kind != tok::kw_performs) { functions.emplace_back(parse_function()); continue; } // Parse performs. auto range = track_range(); consume_token(); auto interaction_name = parse_identifier(); expect_and_consume(';'); if (allow_performs) { functions.emplace_back(actions_.on_performs(range, interaction_name)); } else { diags_.error( source_location(range), "cannot use 'performs' in an interaction"); } } expect_and_consume('}'); return functions; } // function: // attributes [function_qualifier] // return_clause identifier "(" (parameter [","])* ")" [throws] // [deprecated_annotations] [";"] // // function_qualifier: "oneway" | "idempotent" | "readonly" std::unique_ptr parse_function() { auto range = track_range(); auto attrs = parse_attributes(); // Parse a function qualifier. auto qual = t_function_qualifier(); switch (token_.kind) { case tok::kw_oneway: qual = t_function_qualifier::oneway; consume_token(); break; case tok::kw_idempotent: qual = t_function_qualifier::idempotent; consume_token(); break; case tok::kw_readonly: qual = t_function_qualifier::readonly; consume_token(); break; default: break; } auto ret = parse_return_clause(); auto name = parse_identifier(); auto params = parse_param_list(); auto throws = try_parse_throws(); try_parse_deprecated_annotations(attrs); if (token_.kind == ';') { consume_token(); } if (token_.kind == ',') { diags_.warning(token_.range.begin, "unexpected ','"); consume_token(); } return actions_.on_function( range, std::move(attrs), qual, std::move(ret), name, std::move(params), std::move(throws)); } // return_clause: // return_type ["," (sink | stream)] // interaction_name ["," return_type] ["," (sink | stream)] // // interaction_name: maybe_qualified_id // // return_type: type | "void" return_clause parse_return_clause() { auto ret = return_clause(); if (token_.kind == tok::identifier) { // Parse an interaction or type name. ret.name = identifier{token_.string_value(), token_.range.begin}; consume_token(); if (!try_consume_token(',')) { return ret; } } bool is_void = false; switch (token_.kind) { case tok::kw_void: is_void = true; ret.type = &t_primitive_type::t_void(); consume_token(); break; case tok::kw_sink: ret.sink_or_stream = parse_sink(); return ret; case tok::kw_stream: ret.sink_or_stream = parse_stream(); return ret; default: ret.type = parse_type().get_type(); break; } if (!try_consume_token(',')) { return ret; } if (is_void) { report_error("cannot use 'void' as an initial response type"); } switch (token_.kind) { case tok::kw_sink: ret.sink_or_stream = parse_sink(); break; case tok::kw_stream: ret.sink_or_stream = parse_stream(); break; default: report_expected("'sink' or 'stream' after the initial response type"); } return ret; } // sink: "sink" "<" type [throws], type [throws] ">" std::unique_ptr parse_sink() { auto range = track_range(); consume_token(); expect_and_consume('<'); auto sink = parse_type_throws(); expect_and_consume(','); auto final_response = parse_type_throws(); expect_and_consume('>'); return actions_.on_sink(range, std::move(sink), std::move(final_response)); } // stream: "stream" "<" type [throws] ">" std::unique_ptr parse_stream() { auto range = track_range(); consume_token(); expect_and_consume('<'); auto response = parse_type_throws(); expect_and_consume('>'); return actions_.on_stream(range, std::move(response)); } type_throws_spec parse_type_throws() { auto type = parse_type(); auto throws = try_parse_throws(); return {std::move(type), std::move(throws)}; } // throws: "throws" "(" field* ")" std::unique_ptr try_parse_throws() { if (!try_consume_token(tok::kw_throws)) { return {}; } return actions_.on_throws(parse_param_list()); } // typedef: // attributes "typedef" type identifier [deprecated_annotations] [";"] void parse_typedef(source_location loc, std::unique_ptr attrs) { auto range = range_tracker(loc, end_); expect_and_consume(tok::kw_typedef); auto type = parse_type(); auto name = parse_identifier(); try_parse_deprecated_annotations(attrs); try_consume_token(';'); actions_.on_typedef(range, std::move(attrs), std::move(type), name); } // struct: // attributes "struct" identifier "{" field* "}" [deprecated_annotations] void parse_struct(source_location loc, std::unique_ptr attrs) { auto range = range_tracker(loc, end_); expect_and_consume(tok::kw_struct); auto name = parse_identifier(); auto fields = parse_field_list(); try_parse_deprecated_annotations(attrs); actions_.on_struct(range, std::move(attrs), name, std::move(fields)); } // union: // attributes "union" identifier "{" field* "}" [deprecated_annotations] void parse_union(source_location loc, std::unique_ptr attrs) { auto range = range_tracker(loc, end_); expect_and_consume(tok::kw_union); auto name = parse_identifier(); auto fields = parse_field_list(); try_parse_deprecated_annotations(attrs); actions_.on_union(range, std::move(attrs), name, std::move(fields)); } // exception: // attributes error_safety? error_kind? error_blame? // "exception" identifier "{" field* "}" [deprecated_annotations] // // error_safety: "safe" // error_kind: "transient" | "stateful" | "permanent" // error_blame: "client" | "server" void parse_exception(source_location loc, std::unique_ptr attrs) { auto range = range_tracker(loc, end_); auto safety = try_consume_token(tok::kw_safe) ? t_error_safety::safe : t_error_safety::unspecified; auto kind = t_error_kind::unspecified; switch (token_.kind) { case tok::kw_transient: kind = t_error_kind::transient; consume_token(); break; case tok::kw_stateful: kind = t_error_kind::stateful; consume_token(); break; case tok::kw_permanent: kind = t_error_kind::permanent; consume_token(); break; default: break; } auto blame = t_error_blame::unspecified; if (try_consume_token(tok::kw_client)) { blame = t_error_blame::client; } else if (try_consume_token(tok::kw_server)) { blame = t_error_blame::server; } expect_and_consume(tok::kw_exception); auto name = parse_identifier(); auto fields = parse_field_list(); try_parse_deprecated_annotations(attrs); actions_.on_exception( range, std::move(attrs), safety, kind, blame, name, std::move(fields)); } t_field_list parse_field_list() { expect_and_consume('{'); auto fields = t_field_list(); while (token_.kind != '}') { fields.emplace_back(parse_field(field_kind::field)); } expect_and_consume('}'); return fields; } t_field_list parse_param_list() { expect_and_consume('('); auto params = t_field_list(); while (token_.kind != ')') { params.emplace_back(parse_field(field_kind::param)); } expect_and_consume(')'); return params; } enum class field_kind { field, param }; // Parses a field or a parameter. // // field: // attributes // field_id ":" [field_qualifier] type identifier // [default_value] annotations [';'] [inline_doc] // // parameter ::= // attributes // field_id ":" type identifier [default_value] // annotations [','] [inline_doc] // // field_id: integer // field_qualifier: "required" | "optional" // default_value: "=" initializer std::unique_ptr parse_field(field_kind kind) { auto range = track_range(); auto attrs = parse_attributes(); // Parse the field id. auto field_id = std::optional(); if (auto integer = try_parse_integer()) { field_id = *integer; expect_and_consume(':'); } // Parse the field qualifier. auto qual = t_field_qualifier::none; auto qual_tok = token_; if (try_consume_token(tok::kw_optional)) { qual = t_field_qualifier::optional; } else if (try_consume_token(tok::kw_required)) { qual = t_field_qualifier::required; } if (qual != t_field_qualifier::none && kind == field_kind::param) { diags_.warning( qual_tok.range.begin, "'{}' is not permitted on a parameter", to_string(qual_tok.kind)); qual = t_field_qualifier::none; } auto type = parse_type(); auto name = parse_identifier(); // Parse the default value. auto value = std::unique_ptr(); if (try_consume_token('=')) { value = parse_initializer(); } try_parse_deprecated_annotations(attrs); if (token_.kind == ',' || token_.kind == ';') { // Use to_tok instead of a token_kind ctor to work around an MSVC bug // (https://godbolt.org/z/8f6GE9545). token_kind delimiter = kind == field_kind::field ? to_tok(';') : to_tok(','); if (token_.kind != delimiter) { diags_.warning( token_.range.begin, "unexpected '{}'", to_string(token_.kind)); } consume_token(); } auto doc = try_parse_inline_doc(); return actions_.on_field( range, std::move(attrs), field_id, qual, std::move(type), name, std::move(value), std::move(doc)); } // type: (tok::identifier | base_type | container_type) annotations // // container_type: list_type | set_type | map_type // // list_type: "list" "<" type ">" // set_type: "set" "<" type ">" // map_type: "map" "<" type "," type ">" // // We disallow context-sensitive keywords as field type identifiers. // This avoids an ambiguity in the resolution of the function_qualifier // return_clause part of the function rule, when one of the "oneway", // "idempotent" or "readonly" is encountered. It could either resolve // the token as function_qualifier or resolve "" as function_qualifier and // the token as return_clause. t_type_ref parse_type() { auto range = track_range(); if (const t_primitive_type* type = try_parse_base_type()) { return actions_.on_type(range, *type, try_parse_deprecated_annotations()); } switch (token_.kind) { case tok::identifier: { auto name = consume_token().string_value(); auto annotations = try_parse_deprecated_annotations(); return actions_.on_type(range, name, std::move(annotations)); } case tok::kw_list: { consume_token(); expect_and_consume('<'); auto element_type = parse_type(); expect_and_consume('>'); return actions_.on_list_type( range, std::move(element_type), try_parse_deprecated_annotations()); } case tok::kw_set: { consume_token(); expect_and_consume('<'); auto key_type = parse_type(); expect_and_consume('>'); return actions_.on_set_type( range, std::move(key_type), try_parse_deprecated_annotations()); } case tok::kw_map: { consume_token(); expect_and_consume('<'); auto key_type = parse_type(); expect_and_consume(','); auto value_type = parse_type(); expect_and_consume('>'); return actions_.on_map_type( range, std::move(key_type), std::move(value_type), try_parse_deprecated_annotations()); } default: report_expected("type"); } } // base_type: "bool" | "byte" | "i16" | "i32" | "i64" | "float" | "double" | // "string" | "binary" const t_primitive_type* try_parse_base_type() { auto get_base_type = [this]() -> const t_primitive_type* { switch (token_.kind) { case tok::kw_bool: return &t_primitive_type::t_bool(); case tok::kw_byte: return &t_primitive_type::t_byte(); case tok::kw_i16: return &t_primitive_type::t_i16(); case tok::kw_i32: return &t_primitive_type::t_i32(); case tok::kw_i64: return &t_primitive_type::t_i64(); case tok::kw_float: return &t_primitive_type::t_float(); case tok::kw_double: return &t_primitive_type::t_double(); case tok::kw_string: return &t_primitive_type::t_string(); case tok::kw_binary: return &t_primitive_type::t_binary(); default: return nullptr; } }; auto base_type = get_base_type(); if (base_type) { consume_token(); } return base_type; } // enum: // attributes "enum" identifier "{" enum_value* "}" [deprecated_annotations] void parse_enum(source_location loc, std::unique_ptr attrs) { auto range = range_tracker(loc, end_); expect_and_consume(tok::kw_enum); auto name = parse_identifier(); expect_and_consume('{'); auto values = t_enum_value_list(); while (token_.kind != '}') { values.emplace_back(parse_enum_value()); } expect_and_consume('}'); try_parse_deprecated_annotations(attrs); actions_.on_enum(range, std::move(attrs), name, std::move(values)); } // enum_value: // attributes // identifier ["=" integer] [deprecated_annotations] [","] [inline_doc] std::unique_ptr parse_enum_value() { auto range = track_range(); auto attrs = parse_attributes(); auto name = parse_identifier(); auto value = try_consume_token('=') ? std::optional(parse_integer()) : std::nullopt; try_parse_deprecated_annotations(attrs); if (token_.kind == ',') { consume_token(); } else if (token_.kind == ';') { diags_.warning(token_.range.begin, "unexpected ';'"); consume_token(); } auto doc = try_parse_inline_doc(); return actions_.on_enum_value( range, std::move(attrs), name, value, std::move(doc)); } // const: // attributes "const" type identifier "=" initializer // [deprecated_annotations] [";"] void parse_const(source_location loc, std::unique_ptr attrs) { auto range = range_tracker(loc, end_); expect_and_consume(tok::kw_const); auto type = parse_type(); auto name = parse_identifier(); expect_and_consume('='); auto value = parse_initializer(); try_parse_deprecated_annotations(attrs); try_consume_token(';'); actions_.on_const(range, std::move(attrs), type, name, std::move(value)); } // initializer: // integer | float | string_literal | bool_literal | identifier | // list_initializer | map_initializer | struct_initializer std::unique_ptr parse_initializer() { auto range = track_range(); auto s = sign::plus; switch (token_.kind) { case tok::bool_literal: return actions_.on_bool_literal(consume_token().bool_value()); case to_tok('-'): s = sign::minus; FMT_FALLTHROUGH; case to_tok('+'): consume_token(); if (token_.kind == tok::int_literal) { return actions_.on_integer(range, parse_integer(s)); } else if (token_.kind == tok::float_literal) { return actions_.on_float(parse_float(s)); } report_expected("number"); break; case tok::int_literal: return actions_.on_integer(range, parse_integer()); case tok::float_literal: return actions_.on_float(parse_float()); case tok::string_literal: return actions_.on_string_literal(lex_string_literal(consume_token())); case to_tok('['): return parse_list_initializer(); case to_tok('{'): return parse_map_initializer(); default: if (auto id = try_parse_identifier()) { return token_.kind == '{' ? parse_struct_initializer_body(*id) : actions_.on_const_ref(*id); } break; } report_expected("constant"); } // list_initializer: "[" list_initializer_contents? "]" // // list_initializer_contents: // (initializer comma_or_semicolon)* initializer comma_or_semicolon? std::unique_ptr parse_list_initializer() { expect_and_consume('['); auto list = actions_.on_list_initializer(); while (token_.kind != ']') { list->add_list(parse_initializer()); if (!try_parse_comma_or_semicolon()) { break; } } expect_and_consume(']'); return list; } // map_initializer: "{" [(map_entry ",")* map_entry [","]] "}" // map_entry: initializer ":" initializer std::unique_ptr parse_map_initializer() { expect_and_consume('{'); auto map = actions_.on_map_initializer(); while (token_.kind != '}') { auto key = parse_initializer(); expect_and_consume(':'); auto value = parse_initializer(); map->add_map(std::move(key), std::move(value)); if (!try_consume_token(',')) { break; } } expect_and_consume('}'); return map; } // struct_initializer: identifier "{" struct_initializer_contents? "}" // // struct_initializer_contents: // (identifier "=" initializer comma_or_semicolon)* // identifier "=" initializer comma_or_semicolon? std::unique_ptr parse_struct_initializer_body(identifier id) { auto id_end = end_; expect_and_consume('{'); auto map = actions_.on_struct_initializer({id.loc, id_end}, id.str); while (token_.kind != '}') { auto key = actions_.on_string_literal(fmt::to_string(parse_identifier().str)); expect_and_consume('='); auto value = parse_initializer(); map->add_map(std::move(key), std::move(value)); if (!try_parse_comma_or_semicolon()) { break; } } expect_and_consume('}'); return map; } // integer: ["+" | "-"] int_literal std::optional try_parse_integer(sign s = sign::plus) { auto range = track_range(); switch (token_.kind) { case to_tok('-'): s = sign::minus; FMT_FALLTHROUGH; case to_tok('+'): consume_token(); if (token_.kind != tok::int_literal) { report_expected("integer"); } FMT_FALLTHROUGH; case tok::int_literal: { auto token = consume_token(); return actions_.on_integer(range, s, token.int_value()); } default: return {}; } } int64_t parse_integer(sign s = sign::plus) { if (auto result = try_parse_integer(s)) { return *result; } report_expected("integer"); } // float: ["+" | "-"] float_literal double parse_float(sign s = sign::plus) { switch (token_.kind) { case to_tok('-'): s = sign::minus; FMT_FALLTHROUGH; case to_tok('+'): consume_token(); if (token_.kind != tok::float_literal) { break; } FMT_FALLTHROUGH; case tok::float_literal: { double value = consume_token().float_value(); return s == sign::plus ? value : -value; } default: break; } report_expected("floating-point number"); } // identifier: // tok::identifier // | "package" // | "sink" // | "oneway" // | "readonly" // | "idempotent" // | "safe" // | "transient" // | "stateful" // | "permanent" // | "server" // | "client" std::optional try_parse_identifier() { auto range = track_range(); switch (token_.kind) { case tok::identifier: return identifier{consume_token().string_value(), range}; // Context-sensitive keywords allowed in identifiers: case tok::kw_package: case tok::kw_sink: case tok::kw_oneway: case tok::kw_readonly: case tok::kw_idempotent: case tok::kw_safe: case tok::kw_transient: case tok::kw_stateful: case tok::kw_permanent: case tok::kw_server: case tok::kw_client: return identifier{to_string(consume_token().kind), range}; default: return {}; } } identifier parse_identifier() { if (auto id = try_parse_identifier()) { return *id; } report_expected("identifier"); } // comma_or_semicolon: "," | ";" bool try_parse_comma_or_semicolon() { return try_consume_token(',') || try_consume_token(';'); } public: parser(lexer& lex, parser_actions& actions, diagnostics_engine& diags) : lexer_(lex), actions_(actions), diags_(diags) {} bool parse() { return parse_program(); } }; } // namespace bool parse(lexer& lex, parser_actions& actions, diagnostics_engine& diags) { return parser(lex, actions, diags).parse(); } } // namespace compiler } // namespace thrift } // namespace apache