/* * Copyright (c) Meta Platforms, Inc. and affiliates. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include namespace apache { namespace thrift { namespace compiler { namespace { bool is_type_iobuf(std::string_view name) { return name == "folly::IOBuf" || name == "std::unique_ptr"; } // t_node must be t_type or t_field const t_const* find_structured_annotation(const t_node& node, const char* uri) { if (auto field = dynamic_cast(&node)) { const t_const* annotation = field->find_structured_annotation_or_null(uri); return annotation ? annotation : t_typedef::get_first_structured_annotation_or_null( field->get_type(), uri); } else if (auto type = dynamic_cast(&node)) { return t_typedef::get_first_structured_annotation_or_null(type, uri); } return nullptr; } const t_const_value* structured_type_override( const t_node& node, const char* key = "name") { if (auto annotation = find_structured_annotation(node, kCppTypeUri)) { return annotation->get_value_from_structured_annotation_or_null(key); } return nullptr; } const t_type* type_of_node(const t_node& node) { if (auto* field = dynamic_cast(&node)) { return field->get_type(); } else if (auto* type = dynamic_cast(&node)) { return type; } return nullptr; } std::string_view cpp_type_override(const t_node& node) { if (auto typedef_override = structured_type_override(node)) { return typedef_override->get_string(); } if (auto type = type_of_node(node)) { // finds unstructured annotation type, if present return cpp2::get_type(type->get_true_type()); } return ""; } std::string_view get_cpp_template(const t_node& node) { if (auto template_override = structured_type_override(node, "template")) { return template_override->get_string(); } if (auto type = type_of_node(node)) { // finds unstructured annotation template, if present if (const auto* _template = type->get_true_type()->find_annotation_or_null( {"cpp.template", "cpp2.template"})) { return *_template; } } return ""; } std::string_view get_annotation_property( const t_const* annotation, const std::string& key) { if (annotation) { for (const auto& item : annotation->value()->get_map()) { if (item.first->get_string() == key) { return item.second->get_string(); } } } return ""; } inline std::string get_capi_include( const t_program* prog, const t_program* this_prog) { const std::string& prefix = prog->include_prefix(); return fmt::format( "{}gen-python-capi/{}/thrift_types_capi.h", prefix.empty() ? this_prog->include_prefix() : prefix, prog->name()); } // Formats a field's type, or a sub-type // of a compound type (e.g., a container) // Hence, assumes t_node is a t_field or t_type std::string format_marshal_type( const t_node& node, std::string_view type_override = ""); // Assumes t_node is a t_field or t_type std::string format_unary_type( const t_node& node, const t_type* elem_type, const char* container, std::string_view type_override) { if (type_override.empty()) { type_override = cpp_type_override(node); } if (!type_override.empty()) { std::string elem_thrift_type = format_marshal_type( *elem_type, fmt::format("{}::value_type", type_override)); return fmt::format( "{}<{}, {}>", container, elem_thrift_type, type_override); } auto template_override = get_cpp_template(node); std::string elem_thrift_type = format_marshal_type(*elem_type); if (!template_override.empty()) { return fmt::format( "{}<{}, {}>>", container, elem_thrift_type, template_override, elem_thrift_type); } return fmt::format("{}<{}>", container, elem_thrift_type); } // Assumes t_node is a t_field or t_type std::string format_map_type( const t_node& node, const t_type* key_type, const t_type* val_type, std::string_view type_override) { if (type_override.empty()) { type_override = cpp_type_override(node); } if (!type_override.empty()) { std::string key_thrift_type = format_marshal_type( *key_type, fmt::format("{}::key_type", type_override)); std::string val_thrift_type = format_marshal_type( *val_type, fmt::format("{}::mapped_type", type_override)); return fmt::format( "map<{}, {}, {}>", key_thrift_type, val_thrift_type, type_override); } auto template_override = get_cpp_template(node); std::string key_thrift_type = format_marshal_type(*key_type); std::string val_thrift_type = format_marshal_type(*val_type); if (!template_override.empty()) { return fmt::format( "map<{}, {}, {}, native_t<{}>>>", key_thrift_type, val_thrift_type, template_override, key_thrift_type, val_thrift_type); } return fmt::format("map<{}, {}>", key_thrift_type, val_thrift_type); } // Assumes t_node is a t_field or t_type std::string format_marshal_type_unadapted( const t_node& node, std::string_view type_override); std::string format_adapted(const t_const* adapter, const t_type* type) { auto adaptedType = get_annotation_property(adapter, "adaptedType"); if (adaptedType.empty()) { return fmt::format( "::apache::thrift::python::capi::AdaptedThrift<{}, {}>", get_annotation_property(adapter, "name"), format_marshal_type_unadapted(*type, "")); } return fmt::format( "::apache::thrift::python::capi::CircularlyAdaptedThrift<{}, {}>", get_annotation_property(adapter, "name"), adaptedType); } std::string format_marshal_type( const t_node& node, std::string_view type_override) { if (auto adapter = find_structured_annotation(node, kCppAdapterUri)) { return format_adapted(adapter, type_of_node(node)); } return format_marshal_type_unadapted(node, type_override); } std::string format_marshal_type_unadapted( const t_node& node, std::string_view type_override) { const t_type* true_type = type_of_node(node)->get_true_type(); std::string_view t_override = cpp_type_override(node); auto override_or = [&](const char* default_) { return t_override.empty() ? std::string(default_) : std::string(t_override); }; if (true_type->is_bool()) { return override_or("bool"); } else if (true_type->is_byte()) { return override_or("int8_t"); } else if (true_type->is_i16()) { return override_or("int16_t"); } else if (true_type->is_i32()) { return override_or("int32_t"); } else if (true_type->is_i64()) { return override_or("int64_t"); } else if (true_type->is_float()) { return override_or("float"); } else if (true_type->is_double()) { return override_or("double"); } else if (true_type->is_binary() && is_type_iobuf(t_override)) { return std::string(t_override); } else if (true_type->is_string_or_binary()) { // unicode's internal_data representation is binary return "Bytes"; } else if (true_type->is_enum()) { return fmt::format( "::apache::thrift::python::capi::ComposedEnum<{}::{}>", cpp2::get_gen_namespace(*true_type->program()), cpp2::get_name(true_type)); } else if (true_type->is_struct() || true_type->is_exception()) { return fmt::format( "::apache::thrift::python::capi::ComposedStruct<{}::{}>", cpp2::get_gen_namespace(*true_type->program()), cpp2::get_name(true_type)); } else if (true_type->is_list()) { const auto* elem_type = dynamic_cast(true_type)->get_elem_type(); return format_unary_type(node, elem_type, "list", type_override); } else if (true_type->is_set()) { const auto* elem_type = dynamic_cast(true_type)->get_elem_type(); return format_unary_type(node, elem_type, "set", type_override); } else if (true_type->is_map()) { const auto* map = dynamic_cast(true_type); return format_map_type( node, map->get_key_type(), map->get_val_type(), type_override); } // if not supported, empty string to cause compile error return ""; } class python_capi_mstch_program : public mstch_program { public: python_capi_mstch_program( const t_program* p, mstch_context& ctx, mstch_element_position pos) : mstch_program(p, ctx, pos) { register_methods( this, { {"program:capi_includes", &python_capi_mstch_program::capi_includes}, {"program:capi_module_prefix", &python_capi_mstch_program::capi_module_prefix}, {"program:cpp_namespaces", &python_capi_mstch_program::get_cpp2_namespace}, {"program:generate_capi?", &python_capi_mstch_program::has_types_node}, {"program:module_path", &python_capi_mstch_program::module_path}, }); has_marshal_types_ = check_has_marshal_types(); if (has_marshal_types_) { gather_capi_includes(); } visit_types_for_objects(); visit_types_for_typedefs(); } mstch::node has_types_node() { return has_types(); } mstch::node capi_includes() { std::vector namespaces; for (const auto& it : capi_includes_) { namespaces.push_back(&it.second); } std::sort( namespaces.begin(), namespaces.end(), [](const auto* m, const auto* n) { return m->include_prefix < n->include_prefix; }); mstch::array a; for (const auto& it : namespaces) { a.push_back(mstch::map{{"header_include", it->include_prefix}}); } return a; } mstch::node capi_module_prefix() { std::string prefix = get_py3_namespace_with_name_and_prefix( program_, get_option("root_module_prefix"), "__"); // kebab is not kosher in cpp fn names std::replace(prefix.begin(), prefix.end(), '-', '_'); return prefix; } mstch::node module_path() { return get_py3_namespace_with_name_and_prefix( program_, get_option("root_module_prefix")); } mstch::node get_cpp2_namespace() { return cpp2::get_gen_namespace(*program_); } protected: struct CapiInclude { std::string include_prefix; }; bool has_types() const { return !program_->structured_definitions().empty() || !program_->enums().empty(); } bool check_has_marshal_types() { return has_types() && !has_option("serialize_python_capi"); } void gather_capi_includes() { for (const t_program* included_program : program_->get_includes_for_codegen()) { if (included_program->structured_definitions().empty() && included_program->enums().empty() && included_program->typedefs().empty()) { continue; } capi_includes_[included_program->path()] = CapiInclude{ get_capi_include(included_program, program_), }; } } void add_typedef_namespace(const t_type* type) { auto prog = type->program(); if (prog && prog != program_) { const auto& path = prog->path(); if (capi_includes_.find(path) != capi_includes_.end()) { return; } if (has_marshal_types_) { capi_includes_[prog->path()] = CapiInclude{get_capi_include(prog, program_)}; } } } // visit structs and exceptions void visit_types_for_objects() { for (const t_structured* object : program_->structured_definitions()) { for (auto&& field : object->fields()) { visit_type(field.get_type()); } } } void visit_types_for_typedefs() { for (const auto typedef_def : program_->typedefs()) { visit_type(typedef_def->get_type()); } } enum TypeDef { NoTypedef, HasTypedef }; void visit_type(const t_type* orig_type) { return visit_type_with_typedef(orig_type, TypeDef::NoTypedef); } void visit_type_with_typedef(const t_type* orig_type, TypeDef is_typedef) { if (!seen_types_.insert(orig_type).second) { return; } auto true_type = orig_type->get_true_type(); is_typedef = is_typedef == TypeDef::HasTypedef || orig_type->is_typedef() ? TypeDef::HasTypedef : TypeDef::NoTypedef; if (is_typedef == TypeDef::HasTypedef) { add_typedef_namespace(true_type); } if (true_type->is_list()) { visit_type_with_typedef( dynamic_cast(*true_type).get_elem_type(), is_typedef); } else if (true_type->is_set()) { visit_type_with_typedef( dynamic_cast(*true_type).get_elem_type(), is_typedef); } else if (true_type->is_map()) { const auto* map = dynamic_cast(true_type); visit_type_with_typedef(map->get_key_type(), is_typedef); visit_type_with_typedef(map->get_val_type(), is_typedef); } } std::unordered_map capi_includes_; std::unordered_set seen_types_; bool has_marshal_types_ = false; }; class python_capi_mstch_struct : public mstch_struct { public: python_capi_mstch_struct( const t_structured* s, mstch_context& ctx, mstch_element_position pos) : mstch_struct(s, ctx, pos) { register_methods( this, { {"struct:marshal_capi?", &python_capi_mstch_struct::marshal_capi}, {"struct:cpp_name", &python_capi_mstch_struct::cpp_name}, {"struct:cpp_adapter?", &python_capi_mstch_struct::cpp_adapter}, {"struct:fields_size", &python_capi_mstch_struct::fields_size}, {"struct:tuple_positions", &python_capi_mstch_struct::tuple_positions}, }); } mstch::node tuple_positions() { std::vector> index_keys; size_t cpp_index = 0; for (const auto& f : struct_->fields()) { index_keys.emplace_back(f.get_key(), cpp_index++); } // sort by key to match thrift-python tuple ordering std::sort(index_keys.begin(), index_keys.end()); // replace key with python tuple index for (size_t i = 0; i < index_keys.size(); ++i) { // offset by 1 because tuple position 0 is isset indicator index_keys[i].first = i + 1; } // now sort by cpp index std::sort( index_keys.begin(), index_keys.end(), [](const auto& tup_cpp1, const auto& tup_cpp2) { return tup_cpp1.second < tup_cpp2.second; }); mstch::array a; for (size_t i = 0; i < index_keys.size(); ++i) { a.push_back(mstch::map{ {"tuple:index", index_keys[i].first}, {"tuple:comma", std::string_view(i == 0 ? "" : ", ")}}); } return a; } bool type_or_adapter_override(const t_type* type) { return t_typedef::get_first_structured_annotation_or_null( type, kCppTypeUri) || t_typedef::get_first_structured_annotation_or_null( type, kCppAdapterUri) || t_typedef::get_first_annotation_or_null( type, {"cpp.type", "cpp2.type", "cpp.template", "cpp2.template"}); } mstch::node marshal_capi() { const auto marshal_override = struct_->find_structured_annotation_or_null(kUseCAPIUri); auto force_serialize = [marshal_override]() { const auto serialize_field = marshal_override ? marshal_override->get_value_from_structured_annotation_or_null( "serialize") : nullptr; return serialize_field && serialize_field->get_bool(); }; if (struct_->generated() || has_option("serialize_python_capi") || force_serialize()) { return false; } if (has_option("marshal_python_capi") || marshal_override) { return true; } for (const auto& f : struct_->fields()) { if (f.find_structured_annotation_or_null(kCppTypeUri) || f.find_structured_annotation_or_null(kCppAdapterUri)) { return false; } const auto* type_ = f.get_type(); if (type_or_adapter_override(type_)) { return false; } if (type_->is_list() && type_or_adapter_override( dynamic_cast(type_)->get_elem_type())) { return false; } if (type_->is_set() && type_or_adapter_override( dynamic_cast(type_)->get_elem_type())) { return false; } if (type_->is_map() && (type_or_adapter_override( dynamic_cast(type_)->get_key_type()) || type_or_adapter_override( dynamic_cast(type_)->get_val_type()))) { return false; } } return true; } mstch::node cpp_adapter() { if (auto adapter_annotation = struct_->find_structured_annotation_or_null(kCppAdapterUri)) { return mstch::map{ {"cpp_adapter:name", get_annotation_property(adapter_annotation, "name")}, }; } return false; } mstch::node cpp_name() { return cpp_resolver_.get_underlying_namespaced_name(*struct_); } mstch::node fields_size() { return std::to_string(struct_->fields().size()); } private: gen::cpp::type_resolver cpp_resolver_; }; class python_capi_mstch_field : public mstch_field { public: python_capi_mstch_field( const t_field* field, mstch_context& ctx, mstch_element_position pos, const field_generator_context* field_context) : mstch_field(field, ctx, pos, field_context), py_name_(py3::get_py3_name(*field)) { register_methods( this, { {"field:cpp_name", &python_capi_mstch_field::cpp_name}, {"field:marshal_type", &python_capi_mstch_field::marshal_type}, }); } mstch::node cpp_name() { return cpp2::get_name(field_); } mstch::node marshal_type() { return format_marshal_type(*field_); } private: const std::string py_name_; }; class python_capi_mstch_enum : public mstch_enum { public: python_capi_mstch_enum( const t_enum* e, mstch_context& ctx, mstch_element_position pos) : mstch_enum(e, ctx, pos) { register_methods( this, { {"enum:cpp_name", &python_capi_mstch_enum::cpp_name}, }); } mstch::node cpp_name() { return cpp2::get_name(enum_); } }; class t_mstch_python_capi_generator : public t_mstch_generator { public: using t_mstch_generator::t_mstch_generator; std::string template_prefix() const override { return "python_capi"; } void generate_program() override { generate_root_path_ = package_to_path(); out_dir_base_ = "gen-python-capi"; auto include_prefix = get_option("include_prefix").value_or(""); if (!include_prefix.empty()) { program_->set_include_prefix(std::move(include_prefix)); } set_mstch_factories(); generate_types(); } void fill_validator_visitors(ast_validator& validator) const override { validator.add_field_visitor([](diagnostic_context& ctx, const t_field& f) { if (f.is_injected()) { return; } validate_explicit_include(ctx, f, *f.get_type(), diagnostic_level::error); }); validator.add_typedef_visitor( [](diagnostic_context& ctx, const t_typedef& td) { validate_explicit_include( ctx, td, *td.get_type(), diagnostic_level::error); }); } protected: bool should_resolve_typedefs() const override { return true; } void set_mstch_factories(); void generate_file( const std::string& file, const std::filesystem::path& base); void generate_types(); std::filesystem::path package_to_path(); std::filesystem::path generate_root_path_; }; void t_mstch_python_capi_generator::set_mstch_factories() { mstch_context_.add(); mstch_context_.add(); mstch_context_.add(); mstch_context_.add(); } std::filesystem::path t_mstch_python_capi_generator::package_to_path() { auto package = get_py3_namespace(get_program()); return fmt::format("{}", fmt::join(package, "/")); } void t_mstch_python_capi_generator::generate_file( const std::string& file, const std::filesystem::path& base = {}) { auto program = get_program(); const auto& name = program->name(); auto mstch_program = make_mstch_program_cached(program, mstch_context_); render_to_file(mstch_program, file, base / name / file); } void t_mstch_python_capi_generator::generate_types() { generate_file("thrift_types_capi.pxd", generate_root_path_); generate_file("thrift_types_capi.pyx", generate_root_path_); generate_file("thrift_types_capi.h", ""); generate_file("thrift_types_capi.cpp", ""); } } // namespace THRIFT_REGISTER_GENERATOR( mstch_python_capi, "Python Capi", " include_prefix: Use full include paths in generated files.\n"); } // namespace compiler } // namespace thrift } // namespace apache