/* * Copyright (c) Meta Platforms, Inc. and affiliates. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include using namespace std; namespace apache { namespace thrift { namespace compiler { /** * JSON code generator. */ class t_json_generator : public t_concat_generator { public: using t_concat_generator::t_concat_generator; void process_options( const std::map& options) override { out_dir_base_ = "gen-json"; annotate_ = options.find("annotate") != options.end(); } void generate_program() override; /** * Program-level generation functions */ void generate_include(const t_program* included_program); void generate_typedef(const t_typedef* ttypedef) override; void generate_enum(const t_enum* tenum) override; void generate_const(const t_const* tconst) override; void generate_consts(vector consts) override; void generate_struct(const t_structured* tstruct) override; void generate_service(const t_service* tservice) override; void generate_xception(const t_structured* txception) override; void print_type(const t_type* ttype); void print_name(const string& name); void print_const_value(const t_const_value* tvalue); void print_const_key(t_const_value* tvalue); void print_lineno(const t_node& node); string type_to_string(const t_type* type); string type_to_spec_args(const t_type* ttype); string type_name(const t_type* ttype); bool should_resolve_to_true_type(const t_type* ttype); std::ofstream f_out_; private: void print_annotations(const deprecated_annotation_map& annotations); void print_structured_annotations(node_list_view annotations); void print_node_annotations( const t_named& node, bool add_heading_comma, bool add_trailing_comma); void print_source_range(const source_range& range); // True if we should generate annotations in json representation. bool annotate_; }; /** * Prepares for file generation by opening up the necessary file output * stream. */ void t_json_generator::generate_program() { // Make output directory std::filesystem::create_directory(get_out_dir()); string module_name = program_->get_namespace("json"); string fname = get_out_dir(); if (module_name.empty()) { module_name = program_->name(); } string mangled_module_name = module_name; std::filesystem::create_directory(fname); for (string::size_type pos = mangled_module_name.find('.'); pos != string::npos; pos = mangled_module_name.find('.')) { fname += '/'; fname += mangled_module_name.substr(0, pos); mangled_module_name.erase(0, pos + 1); std::filesystem::create_directory(fname); } fname += '/'; fname += mangled_module_name; fname += ".json"; f_out_.open(fname.c_str()); indent(f_out_) << "{" << endl; indent_up(); indent(f_out_) << "\"__fbthrift\": {\"@" << "generated\": 0}," << endl; indent(f_out_) << "\"thrift_module\" : \"" << module_name << "\""; if (!program_->consts().empty()) { f_out_ << "," << endl << indent() << "\"constants\" : {" << endl; indent_up(); auto consts = program_->consts(); generate_consts(consts); f_out_ << endl; indent_down(); indent(f_out_) << "}"; } if (!program_->includes().empty()) { f_out_ << "," << endl << indent() << "\"includes\": {" << endl; indent_up(); // Generate includes auto includes = program_->get_included_programs(); for (auto in_iter = includes.begin(); in_iter != includes.end(); ++in_iter) { if (in_iter != includes.begin()) { f_out_ << "," << endl; } generate_include(*in_iter); } f_out_ << endl; indent_down(); indent(f_out_) << "}"; } if (!program_->enums().empty()) { f_out_ << "," << endl << indent() << "\"enumerations\" : {" << endl; indent_up(); // Generate enums auto enums = program_->enums(); for (auto en_iter = enums.begin(); en_iter != enums.end(); ++en_iter) { if (en_iter != enums.begin()) { f_out_ << "," << endl; } generate_enum(*en_iter); } f_out_ << endl; indent_down(); indent(f_out_) << "}"; } if (!program_->typedefs().empty()) { f_out_ << "," << endl << indent() << "\"typedefs\" : {" << endl; indent_up(); // Generate typedefs auto typedefs = program_->typedefs(); for (auto td_iter = typedefs.begin(); td_iter != typedefs.end(); ++td_iter) { if (td_iter != typedefs.begin()) { f_out_ << "," << endl; } generate_typedef(*td_iter); } f_out_ << endl; indent_down(); indent(f_out_) << "}"; } if (!program_->structured_definitions().empty()) { f_out_ << "," << endl << indent() << "\"structs\" : {" << endl; indent_up(); // Generate structs and exceptions in declared order auto objects = program_->structured_definitions(); for (auto o_iter = objects.begin(); o_iter != objects.end(); ++o_iter) { if (o_iter != objects.begin()) { f_out_ << "," << endl; } if ((*o_iter)->is_exception()) { generate_xception(*o_iter); } else { generate_struct(*o_iter); } } f_out_ << endl; indent_down(); indent(f_out_) << "}"; } if (!program_->services().empty()) { f_out_ << "," << endl << indent() << "\"services\" : {" << endl; indent_up(); // Generate services auto services = program_->services(); for (auto sv_iter = services.begin(); sv_iter != services.end(); ++sv_iter) { service_name_ = get_service_name(*sv_iter); if (sv_iter != services.begin()) { f_out_ << "," << endl; } generate_service(*sv_iter); } f_out_ << endl; indent_down(); indent(f_out_) << "}"; } f_out_ << endl; indent_down(); indent(f_out_) << "}" << endl; f_out_.close(); } /** * Converts the parse type to a string */ string t_json_generator::type_to_string(const t_type* type) { if (should_resolve_to_true_type(type)) { type = type->get_true_type(); } if (type->is_primitive_type()) { t_primitive_type::t_primitive tbase = ((t_primitive_type*)type)->primitive_type(); switch (tbase) { case t_primitive_type::TYPE_VOID: return "VOID"; case t_primitive_type::TYPE_STRING: case t_primitive_type::TYPE_BINARY: return "STRING"; case t_primitive_type::TYPE_BOOL: return "BOOL"; case t_primitive_type::TYPE_BYTE: return "BYTE"; case t_primitive_type::TYPE_I16: return "I16"; case t_primitive_type::TYPE_I32: return "I32"; case t_primitive_type::TYPE_I64: return "I64"; case t_primitive_type::TYPE_DOUBLE: return "DOUBLE"; case t_primitive_type::TYPE_FLOAT: return "FLOAT"; } } else if (type->is_enum()) { return "ENUM"; } else if (type->is_struct() || type->is_exception()) { return "STRUCT"; } else if (type->is_map()) { return "MAP"; } else if (type->is_set()) { return "SET"; } else if (type->is_list()) { return "LIST"; } else if (type->is_service()) { return "SERVICE"; } else if (type->is_typedef()) { return "TYPEDEF"; } throw std::runtime_error( "INVALID TYPE IN type_to_string: " + type->get_name()); } /** * Returns a string containing a type spec for the provided type. * The specification has the following structure: * type_enum -> STRING | BOOL | BYTE | ... * tuple_spec -> { "type_enum" : type_enum, "spec_args" : spec_args } * spec_args -> null // (for base types) * | tuple_spec // (for lists and sets) * | { "key_type" : tuple_spec, "val_type" : tuple_spec} // (maps) */ string t_json_generator::type_to_spec_args(const t_type* ttype) { if (should_resolve_to_true_type(ttype)) { ttype = ttype->get_true_type(); } if (ttype->is_primitive_type()) { return "null"; } else if ( ttype->is_struct() || ttype->is_exception() || ttype->is_service() || ttype->is_enum() || ttype->is_typedef()) { string module = ""; if (ttype->program() != program_) { module = ttype->program()->name() + "."; } return "\"" + module + ttype->get_name() + "\""; } else if (ttype->is_map()) { return "{ \"key_type\" : { \"type_enum\" : \"" + type_to_string(((t_map*)ttype)->get_key_type()) + "\", \"spec_args\" : " + type_to_spec_args(((t_map*)ttype)->get_key_type()) + " }, \"val_type\" : { \"type_enum\" : \"" + type_to_string(((t_map*)ttype)->get_val_type()) + "\", \"spec_args\" : " + type_to_spec_args(((t_map*)ttype)->get_val_type()) + "} } "; } else if (ttype->is_set()) { return "{ \"type_enum\" : \"" + type_to_string(((t_set*)ttype)->get_elem_type()) + "\", \"spec_args\" : " + type_to_spec_args(((t_set*)ttype)->get_elem_type()) + "} "; } else if (ttype->is_list()) { return "{ \"type_enum\" : \"" + type_to_string(((t_list*)ttype)->get_elem_type()) + "\", \"spec_args\" : " + type_to_spec_args(((t_list*)ttype)->get_elem_type()) + "} "; } throw std::runtime_error( "INVALID TYPE IN type_to_spec_args: " + ttype->get_name()); } /** * Return the type name, based on the namespace and the module (when * applicable). */ string t_json_generator::type_name(const t_type* ttype) { const t_program* program = ttype->program(); if (program != nullptr && program != program_) { const string& json_namespace = program->get_namespace("json"); return (!json_namespace.empty() ? json_namespace : program->name()) + "." + ttype->get_name(); } return ttype->get_name(); } /** * Prints out the provided type spec */ void t_json_generator::print_type(const t_type* ttype) { indent(f_out_) << "\"type_enum\" : \"" << type_to_string(ttype) << "\"," << endl; indent(f_out_) << "\"spec_args\" : " << type_to_spec_args(ttype); } void t_json_generator::print_name(const string& name) { f_out_ << indent() << "\"name\" : " << "\"" << name << "\"," << endl; } /** * Prints out a JSON representation of the provided constant map key. * The JSON spec allows for strings, and nothing else. * TODO - support serialization of complex keys... */ void t_json_generator::print_const_key(t_const_value* tvalue) { switch (tvalue->kind()) { case t_const_value::CV_INTEGER: f_out_ << "\"" << tvalue->get_integer() << "\""; break; case t_const_value::CV_DOUBLE: f_out_ << "\"" << tvalue->get_double() << "\""; break; case t_const_value::CV_STRING: json_quote_ascii(f_out_, tvalue->get_string()); break; case t_const_value::CV_MAP: case t_const_value::CV_LIST: default: { std::ostringstream msg; msg << "INVALID TYPE IN print_const_key: " << tvalue->kind(); throw msg.str(); } } } /** * Prints out a JSON representation of the provided constant value */ void t_json_generator::print_const_value(const t_const_value* tvalue) { bool first = true; switch (tvalue->kind()) { case t_const_value::CV_INTEGER: f_out_ << tvalue->get_integer(); break; case t_const_value::CV_DOUBLE: f_out_ << tvalue->get_double(); break; case t_const_value::CV_STRING: json_quote_ascii(f_out_, tvalue->get_string()); break; case t_const_value::CV_BOOL: f_out_ << (tvalue->get_bool() ? "true" : "false"); break; case t_const_value::CV_MAP: { f_out_ << "{ "; const vector>& map_elems = tvalue->get_map(); vector>::const_iterator map_iter; for (map_iter = map_elems.begin(); map_iter != map_elems.end(); map_iter++) { if (!first) { f_out_ << ", "; } first = false; print_const_key(map_iter->first); f_out_ << " : "; print_const_value(map_iter->second); } f_out_ << " }"; } break; case t_const_value::CV_LIST: { f_out_ << "[ "; vector list_elems = tvalue->get_list(); vector::iterator list_iter; for (list_iter = list_elems.begin(); list_iter != list_elems.end(); list_iter++) { if (!first) { f_out_ << ", "; } first = false; print_const_value(*list_iter); } f_out_ << " ]"; } break; default: f_out_ << "UNKNOWN"; break; } } void t_json_generator::print_lineno(const t_node& node) { auto loc = node.src_range().begin; unsigned line = loc != source_location() ? resolved_location(loc, source_mgr_).line() : 0; indent(f_out_) << "\"lineno\" : " << line << ",\n"; } void t_json_generator::print_annotations( const deprecated_annotation_map& annotations) { indent(f_out_) << "\"annotations\" : {"; indent_up(); bool first = true; deprecated_annotation_map::const_iterator iter; for (iter = annotations.begin(); iter != annotations.end(); ++iter) { if (!first) { f_out_ << ","; } f_out_ << endl; first = false; indent(f_out_) << "\"" << iter->first << "\" : {" << endl; indent_up(); indent(f_out_) << "\"value\" : "; json_quote_ascii(f_out_, iter->second.value); f_out_ << "," << endl; print_source_range(iter->second.src_range); indent_down(); indent(f_out_) << "}" << endl; } indent_down(); indent(f_out_) << "}"; } void t_json_generator::print_structured_annotations( node_list_view annotations) { indent(f_out_) << "\"structured_annotations\" : {"; indent_up(); bool first = true; for (const auto& annotation : annotations) { if (!std::exchange(first, false)) { f_out_ << ","; } f_out_ << endl; indent(f_out_) << "\"" << type_name(annotation.type()) << "\" : "; print_const_value(annotation.value()); } f_out_ << endl; indent_down(); indent(f_out_) << "}"; } void t_json_generator::print_node_annotations( const t_named& node, bool add_heading_comma, bool add_trailing_comma) { if (annotate_) { if (add_heading_comma && (!node.annotations().empty() || !node.structured_annotations().empty())) { f_out_ << "," << endl; } if (!node.annotations().empty()) { print_annotations(node.annotations()); } if (!node.structured_annotations().empty()) { if (!node.annotations().empty()) { f_out_ << "," << endl; } print_structured_annotations(node.structured_annotations()); } if (add_trailing_comma && (!node.annotations().empty() || !node.structured_annotations().empty())) { f_out_ << "," << endl; } } } /** * Generates an include. * * @param tinclude The include statement */ void t_json_generator::generate_include(const t_program* included_program) { indent(f_out_) << "\"" << included_program->get_name() << "\" : {" << endl; indent_up(); indent(f_out_) << "\"path\" : \"" << included_program->include_prefix() + included_program->name() + ".thrift" << "\"" << endl; indent_down(); indent(f_out_) << "}"; } /** * Generates a typedef. * * @param ttypedef The type definition */ void t_json_generator::generate_typedef(const t_typedef* ttypedef) { indent(f_out_) << "\"" << ttypedef->get_name() << "\" : {" << endl; indent_up(); print_lineno(*ttypedef); print_type(ttypedef->get_type()); print_node_annotations( *ttypedef, /*add_heading_comma=*/true, /*add_trailing_comma=*/false); f_out_ << "," << endl; print_source_range(ttypedef->src_range()); indent_down(); indent(f_out_) << "}"; } /** * Generates code for an enumerated type. * * @param tenum The enumeration */ void t_json_generator::generate_enum(const t_enum* tenum) { indent(f_out_) << "\"" << tenum->get_name() << "\" : {" << endl; indent_up(); print_lineno(*tenum); print_node_annotations( *tenum, /*add_heading_comma=*/false, /*add_trailing_comma=*/true); indent(f_out_) << "\"constants\" : {" << endl; indent_up(); vector values = tenum->get_enum_values(); vector::iterator val_iter; for (val_iter = values.begin(); val_iter != values.end(); ++val_iter) { if (val_iter != values.begin()) { f_out_ << "," << endl; } // TODO (partisan): Find a good way to expose enumerator annotations. // Modifying a value from a scalar to the JSON would fit the general // approach of compartmentalization, but may be backwards-incompatible. // Adding annotations as a separate top-level enum list/map would go // against this general approach. indent(f_out_) << "\"" << (*val_iter)->get_name() << "\"" << " : " << (*val_iter)->get_value(); } f_out_ << endl; indent_down(); indent(f_out_) << "}," << endl; print_source_range(tenum->src_range()); indent_down(); indent(f_out_) << "}"; } /** * Generate constants */ void t_json_generator::generate_consts(vector consts) { for (auto c_iter = consts.begin(); c_iter != consts.end(); ++c_iter) { if (c_iter != consts.begin()) { f_out_ << "," << endl; } generate_const(*c_iter); } } /** * Generates a constant value */ void t_json_generator::generate_const(const t_const* tconst) { string name = tconst->get_name(); indent(f_out_) << "\"" << name << "\" : {" << endl; indent_up(); print_lineno(*tconst); indent(f_out_) << "\"value\" : "; print_const_value(tconst->value()); f_out_ << "," << endl; print_type(tconst->type()); print_node_annotations( *tconst, /*add_heading_comma=*/true, /*add_trailing_comma=*/false); f_out_ << "," << endl; print_source_range(tconst->src_range()); indent_down(); indent(f_out_) << "}"; } /** * Generates a struct definition for a thrift data type. * * @param tstruct The struct definition */ void t_json_generator::generate_struct(const t_structured* tstruct) { const string& name = tstruct->get_name(); indent(f_out_) << "\"" << name << "\" : {" << endl; indent_up(); print_lineno(*tstruct); indent(f_out_) << "\"is_exception\" : " << (tstruct->is_exception() ? "true" : "false") << "," << endl; indent(f_out_) << "\"is_union\" : " << (tstruct->is_union() ? "true" : "false") << "," << endl; print_node_annotations( *tstruct, /*add_heading_comma=*/false, /*add_trailing_comma=*/true); vector members = tstruct->get_members(); vector::iterator mem_iter = members.begin(); indent(f_out_) << "\"fields\" : {" << endl; indent_up(); for (; mem_iter != members.end(); mem_iter++) { if (mem_iter != members.begin()) { f_out_ << "," << endl; } indent(f_out_) << "\"" << (*mem_iter)->get_name() << "\" : {" << endl; indent_up(); print_type((*mem_iter)->get_type()); f_out_ << "," << endl << indent() << "\"required\" : " << ((*mem_iter)->get_req() != t_field::e_req::optional ? "true" : "false"); const t_const_value* default_val = (*mem_iter)->get_value(); if (default_val != nullptr) { f_out_ << "," << endl << indent() << "\"default_value\" : "; print_const_value(default_val); } print_node_annotations( **mem_iter, /*add_heading_comma=*/true, /*add_trailing_comma=*/false); f_out_ << "," << endl; print_source_range((*mem_iter)->src_range()); indent_down(); indent(f_out_) << "}"; } f_out_ << endl; indent_down(); indent(f_out_) << "}," << endl; print_source_range(tstruct->src_range()); indent_down(); indent(f_out_) << "}"; } /** * Exceptions are special structs * * @param exception The struct definition */ void t_json_generator::generate_xception(const t_structured* exception) { generate_struct(exception); } /** * Generates the JSON object for a Thrift service. * * @param tservice The service definition */ void t_json_generator::generate_service(const t_service* tservice) { indent(f_out_) << "\"" << service_name_ << "\" : {" << endl; indent_up(); bool first = true; if (tservice->get_extends()) { indent(f_out_) << "\"extends\" : {" << endl; indent_up(); print_type(tservice->get_extends()); f_out_ << endl; indent_down(); indent(f_out_) << "}"; first = false; } if (!first) { f_out_ << "," << endl; } print_lineno(*tservice); print_node_annotations( *tservice, /*add_heading_comma=*/false, /*add_trailing_comma=*/true); vector functions = tservice->get_functions(); vector::iterator fn_iter = functions.begin(); f_out_ << indent() << "\"functions\" : {" << endl; indent_up(); for (; fn_iter != functions.end(); fn_iter++) { if (fn_iter != functions.begin()) { f_out_ << "," << endl; } string fn_name = (*fn_iter)->get_name(); indent(f_out_) << "\"" << service_name_ << "." << fn_name << "\" : {" << endl; indent_up(); indent(f_out_) << "\"return_type\" : {" << endl; indent_up(); const t_function* fun = *fn_iter; const auto& ret = fun->is_interaction_constructor() ? fun->interaction() : fun->return_type(); print_type(ret.get_type()); f_out_ << endl; indent_down(); indent(f_out_) << "}," << endl; indent(f_out_) << "\"args\" : ["; vector args = (*fn_iter)->params().get_members(); vector::iterator arg_iter = args.begin(); if (arg_iter != args.end()) { f_out_ << endl; indent_up(); for (; arg_iter != args.end(); arg_iter++) { if (arg_iter != args.begin()) { f_out_ << "," << endl; } indent(f_out_) << "{" << endl; indent_up(); print_name((*arg_iter)->get_name()); print_type((*arg_iter)->get_type()); if ((*arg_iter)->get_value() != nullptr) { f_out_ << "," << endl << indent() << "\"value\" : "; print_const_value((*arg_iter)->get_value()); } print_node_annotations( **arg_iter, /*add_heading_comma=*/true, /*add_trailing_comma=*/false); f_out_ << endl; indent_down(); indent(f_out_) << "}"; } f_out_ << endl; indent_down(); indent(f_out_); } f_out_ << "]," << endl; indent(f_out_) << "\"throws\" : ["; auto exceptions = get_elems((*fn_iter)->exceptions()); if (!exceptions.empty()) { f_out_ << endl; indent_up(); auto ex_iter = exceptions.begin(); for (; ex_iter != exceptions.end(); ++ex_iter) { if (ex_iter != exceptions.begin()) { f_out_ << "," << endl; } indent(f_out_) << type_to_spec_args((*ex_iter).get_type()); } f_out_ << endl; indent_down(); indent(f_out_); } f_out_ << "]"; print_node_annotations( **fn_iter, /*add_heading_comma=*/true, /*add_trailing_comma=*/false); f_out_ << "," << endl; print_source_range((*fn_iter)->src_range()); indent_down(); indent(f_out_) << "}"; } f_out_ << endl; indent_down(); indent(f_out_) << "}," << endl; print_source_range(tservice->src_range()); f_out_ << endl; indent_down(); indent(f_out_) << "}"; } bool t_json_generator::should_resolve_to_true_type(const t_type* ttype) { // Only resolve undefined typedefs as they were used for undeclared types return dynamic_cast(ttype) != nullptr; } /** * Prints source range information of a given source_range class. * * @param range The source range. */ void t_json_generator::print_source_range(const source_range& range) { indent(f_out_) << "\"source_range\" : {" << endl; indent_up(); struct line_column { unsigned line = 0; unsigned column = 0; line_column(source_location loc, const source_manager& sm) { if (loc != source_location()) { auto resolved_loc = resolved_location(loc, sm); line = resolved_loc.line(); column = resolved_loc.column(); } } }; auto begin_loc = line_column(range.begin, source_mgr_); indent(f_out_) << "\"begin\" : {" << endl; indent_up(); indent(f_out_) << "\"line\" : " << begin_loc.line << "," << endl; indent(f_out_) << "\"column\" : " << begin_loc.column << endl; indent_down(); indent(f_out_) << "}," << endl; auto end_loc = line_column(range.end, source_mgr_); indent(f_out_) << "\"end\" : {" << endl; indent_up(); indent(f_out_) << "\"line\" : " << end_loc.line << "," << endl; indent(f_out_) << "\"column\" : " << end_loc.column << endl; indent_down(); indent(f_out_) << "}" << endl; indent_down(); indent(f_out_) << "}" << endl; } THRIFT_REGISTER_GENERATOR( json, "JSON", " annotate: Generate annotations in json representation\n"); } // namespace compiler } // namespace thrift } // namespace apache