/* * Copyright (c) Meta Platforms, Inc. and affiliates. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #ifndef T_CONCAT_GENERATOR_H #define T_CONCAT_GENERATOR_H #include #include namespace apache { namespace thrift { namespace compiler { /** * String concatenation based generator. * This is the older way of generating code, new generators should use * a template-based approach. See t_mstch_generator.h. */ class t_concat_generator : public t_generator { public: using t_generator::t_generator; /** * Framework generator method that iterates over all the parts of a program * and performs general actions. This is implemented by the base class and * should not normally be overwritten in the subclasses. */ void generate_program() override; void generate_docstring_comment( std::ofstream& out, const std::string& comment_start, const std::string& line_prefix, const std::string& contents, const std::string& comment_end); /** * Escape string to use one in generated sources. */ std::string escape_string(const std::string& in) const; std::string get_escaped_string(const t_const_value* constval) { return escape_string(constval->get_string()); } protected: /** * Optional methods that may be imlemented by subclasses to take necessary * steps at the beginning or end of code generation. */ virtual void init_generator() {} virtual void close_generator() {} virtual void generate_consts(std::vector consts); /** * Pure virtual methods implemented by the generator subclasses. */ virtual void generate_typedef(const t_typedef* ttypedef) = 0; virtual void generate_enum(const t_enum* tenum) = 0; virtual void generate_const(const t_const* /*tconst*/) {} // TODO(aristidis): (2023-09-13) Change t_struct to t_structured virtual void generate_forward_declaration(const t_structured* /*tstruct*/) {} virtual void generate_struct(const t_structured* tstruct) = 0; virtual void generate_service(const t_service* tservice) = 0; virtual void generate_xception(const t_structured* txception) { // By default exceptions are the same as structs generate_struct(txception); } /** * Method to get the service name, may be overridden */ virtual std::string get_service_name(const t_service* tservice) { return tservice->get_name(); } /* * Get the full thrift typename of a (possibly complex) type. */ virtual std::string thrift_type_name(const t_type* ttype) { if (ttype->is_primitive_type()) { t_primitive_type* tbase = (t_primitive_type*)ttype; return t_primitive_type::t_primitive_name(tbase->primitive_type()); } if (ttype->is_container()) { if (ttype->is_map()) { const auto* tmap = static_cast(ttype); return "map<" + thrift_type_name(tmap->get_key_type()) + ", " + thrift_type_name(tmap->get_val_type()) + ">"; } else if (ttype->is_set()) { const auto* tset = static_cast(ttype); return "set<" + thrift_type_name(tset->get_elem_type()) + ">"; } else if (ttype->is_list()) { const auto* tlist = static_cast(ttype); return "list<" + thrift_type_name(tlist->get_elem_type()) + ">"; } } // A complex type like struct, typedef, exception. std::string full_name = ttype->get_name(); // Qualify the name with the program name, if the type isn't from this // program. const t_program* program = ttype->program(); if (program != nullptr && program != program_) { full_name = program->name() + "." + full_name; } return full_name; } /** * Generates the structural ID. * * The structural ID reflects the fields properties (key, name, type, * required or not). It is supposedly unique for a given thrift structure. * * To generate this ID, a hash is created consisting of the following * properties: key, name, type, field required or not). The structural ID * can be used when deserializing thrift instances in PHP to know if the * thrift definition has changed while the object was in the cache. In that * case, some properties might not be properly initialized (sets may be * null instead of being an empty set) and the object should be carefully * handled or deleted. * * The structural ID is *NOT* unique across different structures. Example: * two structures having same fields properties will have the same * structural ID. */ std::string generate_structural_id(const t_structured* t_struct); /** * Creates a unique temporary variable name, which is just "name" with a * number appended to it (i.e. name35) */ std::string tmp(std::string name) { std::ostringstream out; out << name << tmp_++; return out.str(); } /** * Get current tmp variable counter value */ int get_tmp_counter() const { return tmp_; } /** * Set tmp variable counter value */ void set_tmp_counter(int tmp) { tmp_ = tmp; } /** * Get current indentation level. */ int get_indent() const { return indent_; } /** * Set current indentation level. */ void set_indent(int indent) { indent_ = indent; } /** * Indentation level modifiers */ void indent_up() { ++indent_; } void indent_down() { --indent_; } /** * Get number of spaces to use for each indentation level. */ virtual int get_indent_size() const { return 2; } /** * Get line length. */ virtual int get_line_length() const { return 80; } /** * Indent by these many levels. */ std::string indent(int levels) { return std::string(levels * get_indent_size(), ' '); } /** * Indentation print function */ std::string indent() { return indent(get_indent()); } /** * Indentation utility wrapper */ std::ostream& indent(std::ostream& os) { return os << indent(); } /** * Scoping, using curly braces! */ void scope_up(std::ostream& out) { indent(out) << "{\n"; indent_up(); } void scope_down(std::ostream& out) { indent_down(); indent(out) << "}\n"; } /** * Capitalization helpers */ std::string capitalize(std::string in) { in[0] = toupper(in[0]); return in; } std::string decapitalize(std::string in) { in[0] = tolower(in[0]); return in; } static std::string lowercase(std::string in) { for (size_t i = 0; i < in.size(); ++i) { in[i] = tolower(in[i]); } return in; } std::string uppercase(std::string in) { for (size_t i = 0; i < in.size(); ++i) { in[i] = toupper(in[i]); } return in; } /** * Transforms a camel case string to an equivalent one separated by * underscores * e.g. aMultiWord -> a_multi_word * someName -> some_name * CamelCase -> camel_case * name -> name * Name -> name */ std::string underscore(std::string in) { in[0] = tolower(in[0]); for (size_t i = 1; i < in.size(); ++i) { if (isupper(in[i])) { in[i] = tolower(in[i]); in.insert(i, "_"); } } return in; } /** * Transforms a string with words separated by underscores to a camel case * equivalent. By default, the first letter of the input string is not * capitlized. * e.g. a_multi_word -> aMultiWord * some_name -> someName * name -> name */ std::string camelcase(std::string in, bool capitalize_first = false) { std::ostringstream out; bool underscore = false; if (capitalize_first) in = capitalize(in); for (size_t i = 0; i < in.size(); i++) { if (in[i] == '_') { underscore = true; continue; } if (underscore) { out << (char)toupper(in[i]); underscore = false; continue; } out << in[i]; } return out.str(); } bool option_is_specified( const std::map& options, const std::string& name) { return options.find(name) != options.end(); } bool get_option_value( const std::map& options, const std::string& name, std::string& value) { std::map::const_iterator it = options.find(name); if (it == options.end()) { return false; } value = it->second; return true; } bool option_is_set( const std::map& options, const std::string& name, bool default_value) { std::string value; if (get_option_value(options, name, value)) { return value == "1" || value == "true"; } return default_value; } /** * Generates a comment about this code being autogenerated, using C++ style * comments, which are also fair game in Java / PHP, yay! * * @return C-style comment mentioning that this file is autogenerated. */ static std::string autogen_comment() { return std::string("/**\n") + " * Autogenerated by Thrift\n" + " *\n" + " * DO NOT EDIT UNLESS YOU ARE SURE THAT YOU KNOW WHAT YOU ARE " "DOING\n" + " * @" "generated\n" + " */\n"; } protected: /** * Quick accessor for formatted service name that is currently being * generated. */ std::string service_name_; /** * Map of characters to escape in string literals. */ std::map escape_ = { {'\n', "\\n"}, {'\r', "\\r"}, {'\t', "\\t"}, {'"', "\\\""}, {'\\', "\\\\"}}; private: /** * Current code indentation level */ int indent_ = 0; /** * Temporary variable counter, for making unique variable names */ int tmp_ = 0; }; } // namespace compiler } // namespace thrift } // namespace apache #endif // T_CONCAT_GENERATOR_H