/* * Copyright (c) Meta Platforms, Inc. and affiliates. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include using namespace apache::thrift::compiler; namespace { bool is_container(const t_type& type) { auto true_type = type.get_true_type(); return true_type && true_type->is_container(); } class structure_annotations { public: structure_annotations(source_manager& sm, t_program& program) : fm_(sm, program), sm_(sm), prog_(program) {} std::set visit_type(t_type_ref typeRef, const t_named& node) { std::set to_add; if (!typeRef.resolve() || typeRef->is_primitive_type() || typeRef->is_container() || (typeRef->is_typedef() && static_cast(*typeRef).typedef_kind() != t_typedef::kind::defined)) { auto type = typeRef.get_type(); std::vector to_remove; bool has_cpp_type = node.find_structured_annotation_or_null(kCppTypeUri); for (const auto& [name, data] : type->annotations()) { // cpp type if (name == "cpp.template" || name == "cpp2.template") { to_remove.emplace_back(name, data); if (is_container(*type) && !std::exchange(has_cpp_type, true)) { to_add.insert( fmt::format("@cpp.Type{{template = \"{}\"}}", data.value)); fm_.add_include("thrift/annotation/cpp.thrift"); } } if (name == "cpp.type" || name == "cpp2.type") { to_remove.emplace_back(name, data); if (!std::exchange(has_cpp_type, true)) { to_add.insert( fmt::format("@cpp.Type{{name = \"{}\"}}", data.value)); fm_.add_include("thrift/annotation/cpp.thrift"); } } if (name == "cpp.ref" || name == "cpp2.ref" || name == "cpp.ref_type" || name == "cpp2.ref_type") { to_remove.emplace_back(name, data); } } if (!to_remove.empty() && to_remove.size() == type->annotations().size()) { fm_.remove_all_annotations(*type); } else { for (const auto& annot : to_remove) { fm_.remove(annot); } } } return to_add; } void visit_def(const t_named& node) { std::set to_add; if (auto typedf = dynamic_cast(&node)) { to_add = visit_type(typedf->type(), node); } else if (auto field = dynamic_cast(&node)) { to_add = visit_type(field->type(), node); } std::vector to_remove; bool has_cpp_type = node.find_structured_annotation_or_null(kCppTypeUri); bool has_cpp_ref = node.find_structured_annotation_or_null(kBoxUri) || node.find_structured_annotation_or_null(kInternBoxUri) || node.find_structured_annotation_or_null(kCppRefUri); for (const auto& [name, data] : node.annotations()) { // cpp type bool is_typedef = dynamic_cast(&node); if (name == "cpp.template" || name == "cpp2.template") { to_remove.emplace_back(name, data); if (is_typedef && is_container( *static_cast(node).type().get_type()) && !std::exchange(has_cpp_type, true)) { to_add.insert( fmt::format("@cpp.Type{{template = \"{}\"}}", data.value)); fm_.add_include("thrift/annotation/cpp.thrift"); } } if (name == "cpp.type" || name == "cpp2.type") { to_remove.emplace_back(name, data); if (is_typedef && !std::exchange(has_cpp_type, true)) { to_add.insert(fmt::format("@cpp.Type{{name = \"{}\"}}", data.value)); fm_.add_include("thrift/annotation/cpp.thrift"); } } // cpp ref bool is_field = dynamic_cast(&node); if (name == "thrift.box") { to_remove.emplace_back(name, data); if (is_field && !std::exchange(has_cpp_ref, true)) { to_add.insert("@thrift.Box"); fm_.add_include("thrift/annotation/thrift.thrift"); } } if (name == "cpp.name") { to_remove.emplace_back(name, data); if (!node.find_structured_annotation_or_null(kCppNameUri)) { to_add.insert(fmt::format("@cpp.Name{{value = \"{}\"}}", data.value)); fm_.add_include("thrift/annotation/cpp.thrift"); } } if (name == "cpp.ref_type" || name == "cpp2.ref_type") { to_remove.emplace_back(name, data); if (is_field && !node.find_annotation_or_null({"cpp.box", "thrift.box"}) && !std::exchange(has_cpp_ref, true)) { if (data.value == "unique") { to_add.insert("@cpp.Ref{type = cpp.RefType.Unique}"); } else if (data.value == "shared" || data.value == "shared_mutable") { to_add.insert("@cpp.Ref{type = cpp.RefType.SharedMutable}"); } else if (data.value == "shared_const") { to_add.insert("@cpp.Ref{type = cpp.RefType.Shared}"); } fm_.add_include("thrift/annotation/cpp.thrift"); } } if (name == "cpp.ref" || name == "cpp2.ref") { to_remove.emplace_back(name, data); if (is_field && !node.find_annotation_or_null( {"cpp.box", "thrift.box", "cpp.ref_type", "cpp2.ref_type"}) && !std::exchange(has_cpp_ref, true)) { to_add.insert("@cpp.Ref{type = cpp.RefType.Unique}"); fm_.add_include("thrift/annotation/cpp.thrift"); } } // thrift if (name == "priority") { if (!dynamic_cast(&node)) { // pydeprecated consumes this annotation on services as well continue; } to_remove.emplace_back(name, data); if (!node.find_structured_annotation_or_null(kPriorityUri) && std::set({"HIGH_IMPORTANT", "HIGH", "IMPORTANT", "NORMAL", "BEST_EFFORT"}) .contains(data.value)) { to_add.insert(fmt::format( "@thrift.Priority{{level = thrift.RpcPriority.{}}}", data.value)); fm_.add_include("thrift/annotation/thrift.thrift"); } } if (name == "serial") { to_remove.emplace_back(name, data); if (!node.find_structured_annotation_or_null(kSerialUri)) { to_add.insert("@thrift.Serial"); fm_.add_include("thrift/annotation/thrift.thrift"); } } // cpp if (name == "cpp.coroutine") { to_remove.emplace_back(name, data); } if (name == "cpp.minimize_padding") { to_remove.emplace_back(name, data); if (!node.find_structured_annotation_or_null(kCppMinimizePaddingUri)) { to_add.insert("@cpp.MinimizePadding"); fm_.add_include("thrift/annotation/cpp.thrift"); } } if (name == "cpp.enum_type" || name == "cpp2.enum_type") { to_remove.emplace_back(name, data); if (!node.find_structured_annotation_or_null(kCppEnumTypeUri)) { std::string_view value = data.value; if (value.substr(0, 2) == "::") { value = value.substr(2); } if (value.substr(0, 5) == "std::") { value = value.substr(5); } std::string type; if (value == "int8_t" || value == "char") { type = "I8"; } else if (value == "uint8_t" || value == "unsigned char") { type = "U8"; } else if (value == "int16_t" || value == "short") { type = "I16"; } else if (value == "uint16_t" || value == "unsigned short") { type = "U16"; } else if ( value == "uint32_t" || value == "unsigned long" || value == "unsigned" || value == "uint") { type = "U32"; } else { continue; } to_add.insert(fmt::format( "@cpp.EnumType{{type = cpp.EnumUnderlyingType.{}}}", type)); fm_.add_include("thrift/annotation/cpp.thrift"); } } if (name == "cpp.declare_bitwise_ops" || name == "cpp2.declare_bitwise_ops") { // This annotation is a subset of @thrift.BitmaskEnum, which carries // additional restrictions. We can't turn this into that but we can use // it if already present to remove this. if (node.find_structured_annotation_or_null(kBitmaskEnumUri) || node.has_annotation("bitmask")) { to_remove.emplace_back(name, data); } } if (name == "cpp.mixin") { to_remove.emplace_back(name, data); if (!node.find_structured_annotation_or_null(kMixinUri)) { to_add.insert("@thrift.Mixin"); fm_.add_include("thrift/annotation/thrift.thrift"); } } if (name == "cpp.experimental.lazy") { to_remove.emplace_back(name, data); if (!node.find_structured_annotation_or_null(kCppLazyUri)) { to_add.insert("@cpp.Lazy"); fm_.add_include("thrift/annotation/cpp.thrift"); } } if (name == "thread" || name == "process_in_event_base") { to_remove.emplace_back(name, data); if (!node.find_structured_annotation_or_null( kCppProcessInEbThreadUri) && (name != "thread" || data.value == "eb")) { to_add.insert("@cpp.ProcessInEbThreadUnsafe"); fm_.add_include("thrift/annotation/cpp.thrift"); } } // hack if (name == "hack.attributes") { const char* pos = sm_.get_text(data.src_range.begin); const char* end = sm_.get_text(data.src_range.end); for (; pos != end && *pos != '"' && *pos != '\''; ++pos) { } assert(pos != end); char delim = *pos; ++pos; for (; pos != end && isspace(*pos); ++pos) { } int depth = 0; std::vector attrs; const char* start = pos; for (; pos != end; ++pos) { if (*pos == '(') { ++depth; } else if (*pos == ')') { --depth; } else if ( (*pos == ',' && depth == 0) || (*pos == delim && pos == end - 1)) { int trailing_spaces = 0; for (; pos - trailing_spaces - 1 > start && isspace(*(pos - trailing_spaces - 1)); ++trailing_spaces) { } attrs.push_back(fmt::format( "{}{}{}", delim, fmt::string_view(start, pos - start - trailing_spaces), delim)); start = pos + 1; for (; start != end && isspace(*start); ++start) { } } } to_remove.emplace_back(name, data); if (!node.find_structured_annotation_or_null(kHackAttributeUri)) { to_add.insert(fmt::format( "@hack.Attributes{{attributes = [{}]}}", fmt::join(attrs, ", "))); fm_.add_include("thrift/annotation/hack.thrift"); } } if (name == "hack.name") { to_remove.emplace_back(name, data); to_add.insert(fmt::format("@hack.Name{{name = \"{}\"}}", data.value)); fm_.add_include("thrift/annotation/hack.thrift"); } if (name == "code") { to_remove.emplace_back(name, data); } if (name == "message") { to_remove.emplace_back(name, data); if (auto field = dynamic_cast(node).get_field_by_name( data.value); field && !node.find_structured_annotation_or_null(kExceptionMessageUri)) { fm_.add( {field->src_range().begin.offset(), field->src_range().begin.offset(), "@thrift.ExceptionMessage\n"}); fm_.add_include("thrift/annotation/thrift.thrift"); } } if (name == "bitmask") { to_remove.emplace_back(name, data); if (!node.find_structured_annotation_or_null(kBitmaskEnumUri)) { to_add.insert("@thrift.BitmaskEnum"); fm_.add_include("thrift/annotation/thrift.thrift"); } } // python if (name == "py3.hidden") { to_remove.emplace_back(name, data); if (!node.find_structured_annotation_or_null(kPythonPy3HiddenUri)) { to_add.insert("@python.Py3Hidden"); fm_.add_include("thrift/annotation/python.thrift"); } } if (name == "py3.name") { to_remove.emplace_back(name, data); if (!node.find_structured_annotation_or_null(kPythonNameUri)) { to_add.insert( fmt::format("@python.Name{{name = \"{}\"}}", data.value)); fm_.add_include("thrift/annotation/python.thrift"); } } if (name == "py3.flags") { to_remove.emplace_back(name, data); if (dynamic_cast(&node) && !node.find_structured_annotation_or_null(kPythonFlagsUri)) { to_add.insert("@python.Flags"); fm_.add_include("thrift/annotation/python.thrift"); } } // java if (name == "java.swift.mutable") { to_remove.emplace_back(name, data); if (data.value == "true" && (dynamic_cast(&node) && !dynamic_cast(&node))) { to_add.insert("@java.Mutable"); fm_.add_include("thrift/annotation/java.thrift"); } } if (name == "java.swift.annotations") { to_remove.emplace_back(name, data); to_add.insert(fmt::format( "@java.Annotation{{java_annotation = \"{}\"}}", data.value)); fm_.add_include("thrift/annotation/java.thrift"); } // go if (name == "go.name") { to_remove.emplace_back(name, data); to_add.insert(fmt::format("@go.Name{{name = \"{}\"}}", data.value)); fm_.add_include("thrift/annotation/go.thrift"); } if (name == "go.tag") { to_remove.emplace_back(name, data); to_add.insert(fmt::format("@go.Tag{{tag = '{}'}}", data.value)); fm_.add_include("thrift/annotation/go.thrift"); } // erlang if (name == "erl.name") { to_remove.emplace_back(name, data); to_add.insert(fmt::format( "@annotation.NameOverride{{name = \"{}\"}}", data.value)); fm_.add_include("thrift/facebook/erlang/annotation.thrift"); } if (name == "erl.struct_repr") { to_remove.emplace_back(name, data); to_add.insert(fmt::format( "@annotation.StructRepr{{repr = {}}}", data.value == "record" ? "annotation.StructReprType.RECORD" : "annotation.StructReprType.MAP")); fm_.add_include("thrift/facebook/erlang/annotation.thrift"); } if (name == "erl.default_value") { to_remove.emplace_back(name, data); to_add.insert(fmt::format( "@annotation.DefaultValue{{value = \"{}\"}}", data.value)); fm_.add_include("thrift/facebook/erlang/annotation.thrift"); } if (name == "iq.node_type") { to_remove.emplace_back(name, data); to_add.insert(fmt::format( "@annotation.Iq{{node_type = {}}}", data.value == "xmlcdata" ? "annotation.IqNodeType.XMLCDATA" : data.value == "xmlnode" ? "annotation.IqNodeType.XMLNODE" : "annotation.IqNodeType.XMLATTRIBUTE")); fm_.add_include("thrift/facebook/erlang/annotation.thrift"); } } if (!to_remove.empty() && to_remove.size() == node.annotations().size()) { fm_.remove_all_annotations(node); } else { for (const auto& annot : to_remove) { fm_.remove(annot); } } if (!to_add.empty()) { fm_.add( {node.src_range().begin.offset(), node.src_range().begin.offset(), fmt::format("{}\n", fmt::join(to_add, "\n"))}); } } void run() { const_ast_visitor visitor; visitor.add_definition_visitor([=](const auto& node) { visit_def(node); }); visitor(prog_); fm_.apply_replacements(); } private: codemod::file_manager fm_; source_manager sm_; t_program& prog_; }; } // namespace int main(int argc, char** argv) { auto source_mgr = source_manager(); auto program_bundle = parse_and_get_program( source_mgr, std::vector(argv, argv + argc)); if (!program_bundle) { return 1; } auto program = program_bundle->root_program(); structure_annotations(source_mgr, *program).run(); return 0; }