[manifest] name = libcurl [rpms] libcurl-devel libcurl [debs] libcurl4-openssl-dev [download] url = https://curl.haxx.se/download/curl-7.65.1.tar.gz sha256 = 821aeb78421375f70e55381c9ad2474bf279fc454b791b7e95fc83562951c690 [dependencies] nghttp2 # We use system OpenSSL on Linux (see folly's manifest for details) [dependencies.not(os=linux)] openssl [build.not(os=windows)] builder = autoconf subdir = curl-7.65.1 [autoconf.args] # fboss (which added the libcurl dep) doesn't need ldap so it is disabled here. # if someone in the future wants to add ldap for something else, it won't hurt # fboss. However, that would require adding an ldap manifest. # # For the same reason, we disable libssh2 and libidn2 which aren't really used # but would require adding manifests if we don't disable them. --disable-ldap --without-libssh2 --without-libidn2 [build.os=windows] builder = cmake subdir = curl-7.65.1