#!/usr/bin/env python3 # Copyright (c) Meta Platforms, Inc. and affiliates. # # This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the # LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree. # pyre-unsafe import os import re import shutil import typing from .builder import BuilderBase if typing.TYPE_CHECKING: from .buildopts import BuildOptions class CargoBuilder(BuilderBase): def __init__( self, build_opts: "BuildOptions", ctx, manifest, src_dir, build_dir, inst_dir, build_doc, workspace_dir, manifests_to_build, loader, cargo_config_file, ) -> None: super(CargoBuilder, self).__init__( build_opts, ctx, manifest, src_dir, build_dir, inst_dir ) self.build_doc = build_doc self.ws_dir = workspace_dir self.manifests_to_build = manifests_to_build and manifests_to_build.split(",") self.loader = loader self.cargo_config_file_subdir = cargo_config_file def run_cargo(self, install_dirs, operation, args=None) -> None: args = args or [] env = self._compute_env(install_dirs) # Enable using nightly features with stable compiler env["RUSTC_BOOTSTRAP"] = "1" env["LIBZ_SYS_STATIC"] = "1" cmd = [ "cargo", operation, "--workspace", "-j%s" % self.num_jobs, ] + args self._run_cmd(cmd, cwd=self.workspace_dir(), env=env) def build_source_dir(self): return os.path.join(self.build_dir, "source") def workspace_dir(self): return os.path.join(self.build_source_dir(), self.ws_dir or "") def manifest_dir(self, manifest): return os.path.join(self.build_source_dir(), manifest) def recreate_dir(self, src, dst) -> None: if os.path.isdir(dst): if os.path.islink(dst): os.remove(dst) else: shutil.rmtree(dst) shutil.copytree(src, dst) def cargo_config_file(self): build_source_dir = self.build_dir if self.cargo_config_file_subdir: return os.path.join(build_source_dir, self.cargo_config_file_subdir) else: return os.path.join(build_source_dir, ".cargo", "config") def _create_cargo_config(self): cargo_config_file = self.cargo_config_file() cargo_config_dir = os.path.dirname(cargo_config_file) if not os.path.isdir(cargo_config_dir): os.mkdir(cargo_config_dir) dep_to_git = self._resolve_dep_to_git() if os.path.isfile(cargo_config_file): with open(cargo_config_file, "r") as f: print(f"Reading {cargo_config_file}") cargo_content = f.read() else: cargo_content = "" new_content = cargo_content if "# Generated by getdeps.py" not in cargo_content: new_content += """\ # Generated by getdeps.py [build] target-dir = '''{}''' [profile.dev] debug = false incremental = false """.format( self.build_dir.replace("\\", "\\\\") ) # Point to vendored sources from getdeps manifests for _dep, git_conf in dep_to_git.items(): if "cargo_vendored_sources" in git_conf: vendored_dir = git_conf["cargo_vendored_sources"].replace("\\", "\\\\") override = ( f'[source."{git_conf["repo_url"]}"]\ndirectory = "{vendored_dir}"\n' ) if override not in cargo_content: new_content += override if new_content != cargo_content: with open(cargo_config_file, "w") as f: print( f"Writing cargo config for {self.manifest.name} to {cargo_config_file}" ) f.write(new_content) if self.build_opts.fbsource_dir: # Point to vendored crates.io if possible try: from .facebook.rust import vendored_crates vendored_crates(self.build_opts.fbsource_dir, cargo_config_file) except ImportError: # This FB internal module isn't shippped to github, # so just rely on cargo downloading crates on it's own pass return dep_to_git def _prepare(self, install_dirs, reconfigure) -> None: build_source_dir = self.build_source_dir() self.recreate_dir(self.src_dir, build_source_dir) dep_to_git = self._create_cargo_config() if self.ws_dir is not None: self._patchup_workspace(dep_to_git) def _build(self, install_dirs, reconfigure) -> None: # _prepare has been run already. Actually do the build build_source_dir = self.build_source_dir() build_args = [ "--out-dir", os.path.join(self.inst_dir, "bin"), "-Zunstable-options", ] if self.build_opts.build_type != "Debug": build_args.append("--release") if self.manifests_to_build is None: self.run_cargo( install_dirs, "build", build_args, ) else: for manifest in self.manifests_to_build: self.run_cargo( install_dirs, "build", build_args + [ "--manifest-path", self.manifest_dir(manifest), ], ) self.recreate_dir(build_source_dir, os.path.join(self.inst_dir, "source")) def run_tests( self, install_dirs, schedule_type, owner, test_filter, retry, no_testpilot ) -> None: if test_filter: args = ["--", test_filter] else: args = [] if self.manifests_to_build is None: self.run_cargo(install_dirs, "test", args) if self.build_doc: self.run_cargo(install_dirs, "doc", ["--no-deps"]) else: for manifest in self.manifests_to_build: margs = ["--manifest-path", self.manifest_dir(manifest)] self.run_cargo(install_dirs, "test", args + margs) if self.build_doc: self.run_cargo(install_dirs, "doc", ["--no-deps"] + margs) def _patchup_workspace(self, dep_to_git) -> None: """ This method makes some assumptions about the state of the project and its cargo dependendies: 1. Crates from cargo dependencies can be extracted from Cargo.toml files using _extract_crates function. It is using a heuristic so check its code to understand how it is done. 2. The extracted cargo dependencies crates can be found in the dependency's install dir using _resolve_crate_to_path function which again is using a heuristic. Notice that many things might go wrong here. E.g. if someone depends on another getdeps crate by writing in their Cargo.toml file: my-rename-of-crate = { package = "crate", git = "..." } they can count themselves lucky because the code will raise an Exception. There might be more cases where the code will silently pass producing bad results. """ workspace_dir = self.workspace_dir() git_url_to_crates_and_paths = self._resolve_config(dep_to_git) if git_url_to_crates_and_paths: patch_cargo = os.path.join(workspace_dir, "Cargo.toml") if os.path.isfile(patch_cargo): with open(patch_cargo, "r") as f: manifest_content = f.read() else: manifest_content = "" new_content = manifest_content if "[package]" not in manifest_content: # A fake manifest has to be crated to change the virtual # manifest into a non-virtual. The virtual manifests are limited # in many ways and the inability to define patches on them is # one. Check https://github.com/rust-lang/cargo/issues/4934 to # see if it is resolved. null_file = "/dev/null" if self.build_opts.is_windows(): null_file = "nul" new_content += f""" [package] name = "fake_manifest_of_{self.manifest.name}" version = "0.0.0" [lib] path = "{null_file}" """ config = [] for git_url, crates_to_patch_path in git_url_to_crates_and_paths.items(): crates_patches = [ '{} = {{ path = "{}" }}'.format( crate, crates_to_patch_path[crate].replace("\\", "\\\\"), ) for crate in sorted(crates_to_patch_path.keys()) ] patch_key = f'[patch."{git_url}"]' if patch_key not in manifest_content: config.append(f"\n{patch_key}\n" + "\n".join(crates_patches)) new_content += "\n".join(config) if new_content != manifest_content: with open(patch_cargo, "w") as f: print(f"writing patch to {patch_cargo}") f.write(new_content) def _resolve_config(self, dep_to_git) -> typing.Dict[str, typing.Dict[str, str]]: """ Returns a configuration to be put inside root Cargo.toml file which patches the dependencies git code with local getdeps versions. See https://doc.rust-lang.org/cargo/reference/manifest.html#the-patch-section """ dep_to_crates = self._resolve_dep_to_crates(self.build_source_dir(), dep_to_git) git_url_to_crates_and_paths = {} for dep_name in sorted(dep_to_git.keys()): git_conf = dep_to_git[dep_name] req_crates = sorted(dep_to_crates.get(dep_name, [])) if not req_crates: continue # nothing to patch, move along git_url = git_conf.get("repo_url", None) crate_source_map = git_conf["crate_source_map"] if git_url and crate_source_map: crates_to_patch_path = git_url_to_crates_and_paths.get(git_url, {}) for c in req_crates: if c in crate_source_map and c not in crates_to_patch_path: crates_to_patch_path[c] = crate_source_map[c] print( f"{self.manifest.name}: Patching crate {c} via virtual manifest in {self.workspace_dir()}" ) if crates_to_patch_path: git_url_to_crates_and_paths[git_url] = crates_to_patch_path return git_url_to_crates_and_paths def _resolve_dep_to_git(self): """ For each direct dependency of the currently build manifest check if it is also cargo-builded and if yes then extract it's git configs and install dir """ dependencies = self.manifest.get_dependencies(self.ctx) if not dependencies: return [] dep_to_git = {} for dep in dependencies: dep_manifest = self.loader.load_manifest(dep) dep_builder = dep_manifest.get("build", "builder", ctx=self.ctx) dep_cargo_conf = dep_manifest.get_section_as_dict("cargo", self.ctx) dep_crate_map = dep_manifest.get_section_as_dict("crate.pathmap", self.ctx) if ( not (dep_crate_map or dep_cargo_conf) and dep_builder not in ["cargo"] or dep == "rust" ): # This dependency has no cargo rust content so ignore it. # The "rust" dependency is an exception since it contains the # toolchain. continue git_conf = dep_manifest.get_section_as_dict("git", self.ctx) if dep != "rust" and "repo_url" not in git_conf: raise Exception( f"{dep}: A cargo dependency requires git.repo_url to be defined." ) if dep_builder == "cargo": dep_source_dir = self.loader.get_project_install_dir(dep_manifest) dep_source_dir = os.path.join(dep_source_dir, "source") else: fetcher = self.loader.create_fetcher(dep_manifest) dep_source_dir = fetcher.get_src_dir() crate_source_map = {} if dep_crate_map: for crate, subpath in dep_crate_map.items(): if crate not in crate_source_map: if self.build_opts.is_windows(): subpath = subpath.replace("/", "\\") crate_path = os.path.join(dep_source_dir, subpath) print( f"{self.manifest.name}: Mapped crate {crate} to dep {dep} dir {crate_path}" ) crate_source_map[crate] = crate_path elif dep_cargo_conf: # We don't know what crates are defined buy the dep, look for them search_pattern = re.compile('\\[package\\]\nname = "(.*)"') for crate_root, _, files in os.walk(dep_source_dir): if "Cargo.toml" in files: with open(os.path.join(crate_root, "Cargo.toml"), "r") as f: content = f.read() match = search_pattern.search(content) if match: crate = match.group(1) if crate: print( f"{self.manifest.name}: Discovered crate {crate} in dep {dep} dir {crate_root}" ) crate_source_map[crate] = crate_root git_conf["crate_source_map"] = crate_source_map if not dep_crate_map and dep_cargo_conf: dep_cargo_dir = self.loader.get_project_build_dir(dep_manifest) dep_cargo_dir = os.path.join(dep_cargo_dir, "source") dep_ws_dir = dep_cargo_conf.get("workspace_dir", None) if dep_ws_dir: dep_cargo_dir = os.path.join(dep_cargo_dir, dep_ws_dir) git_conf["cargo_vendored_sources"] = dep_cargo_dir dep_to_git[dep] = git_conf return dep_to_git def _resolve_dep_to_crates(self, build_source_dir, dep_to_git): """ This function traverse the build_source_dir in search of Cargo.toml files, extracts the crate names from them using _extract_crates function and returns a merged result containing crate names per dependency name from all Cargo.toml files in the project. """ if not dep_to_git: return {} # no deps, so don't waste time traversing files dep_to_crates = {} # First populate explicit crate paths from dependencies for name, git_conf in dep_to_git.items(): crates = git_conf["crate_source_map"].keys() if crates: dep_to_crates.setdefault(name, set()).update(crates) # Now find from Cargo.tomls for root, _, files in os.walk(build_source_dir): for f in files: if f == "Cargo.toml": more_dep_to_crates = CargoBuilder._extract_crates_used( os.path.join(root, f), dep_to_git ) for dep_name, crates in more_dep_to_crates.items(): existing_crates = dep_to_crates.get(dep_name, set()) for c in crates: if c not in existing_crates: print( f"Patch {self.manifest.name} uses {dep_name} crate {crates}" ) existing_crates.add(c) dep_to_crates.setdefault(name, set()).update(existing_crates) return dep_to_crates @staticmethod def _extract_crates_used(cargo_toml_file, dep_to_git): """ This functions reads content of provided cargo toml file and extracts crate names per each dependency. The extraction is done by a heuristic so it might be incorrect. """ deps_to_crates = {} with open(cargo_toml_file, "r") as f: for line in f.readlines(): if line.startswith("#") or "git = " not in line: continue # filter out commented lines and ones without git deps for dep_name, conf in dep_to_git.items(): # Only redirect deps that point to git URLS if 'git = "{}"'.format(conf["repo_url"]) in line: pkg_template = ' package = "' if pkg_template in line: crate_name, _, _ = line.partition(pkg_template)[ 2 ].partition('"') else: crate_name, _, _ = line.partition("=") deps_to_crates.setdefault(dep_name, set()).add( crate_name.strip() ) return deps_to_crates def _resolve_crate_to_path(self, crate, crate_source_map): """ Tries to find in source_dir by searching a [package] keyword followed by name = "". """ search_pattern = '[package]\nname = "{}"'.format(crate) for _crate, crate_source_dir in crate_source_map.items(): for crate_root, _, files in os.walk(crate_source_dir): if "Cargo.toml" in files: with open(os.path.join(crate_root, "Cargo.toml"), "r") as f: content = f.read() if search_pattern in content: return crate_root raise Exception( f"{self.manifest.name}: Failed to find dep crate {crate} in paths {crate_source_map}" )