// golang example code for SBE's example-schema.xml package main import ( "baseline" // Car "bytes" "extension" // Car extended with cupholder "fmt" "io" "net" "os" "reflect" "time" ) // String Preallocations which matches what the Java and C++ benchmarks do var vehicleCode [6]byte = [6]byte{'a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e', 'f'} var manufacturerCode [3]byte = [3]byte{'1', '2', '3'} var manufacturer []uint8 = []uint8("Honda") var model []uint8 = []uint8("Civic VTi") var activationCode []uint8 = []uint8("abcdef") // Both Java and C++ benchmarks ignore ignore CarFuelFigures.UsageDescription var urban []uint8 = []uint8("Urban Cycle") var combined []uint8 = []uint8("Combined Cycle") var highway []uint8 = []uint8("Highway Cycle") func main() { fmt.Println("Example encode and decode") ExampleEncodeDecode() fmt.Println("Example of Car->Extension") ExampleCarToExtension() fmt.Println("Example Extension->Car") ExampleExtensionToCar() fmt.Println("Example decode using bytes.buffer") ExampleDecodeBuffer() fmt.Println("Example decode using io.Pipe") ExampleDecodePipe() fmt.Println("Example decode using socket") ExampleDecodeSocket() return } func ExampleEncodeDecode() bool { in := makeCar() min := baseline.NewSbeGoMarshaller() var buf = new(bytes.Buffer) if err := in.Encode(min, buf, true); err != nil { fmt.Println("Encoding Error", err) os.Exit(1) } var out baseline.Car = *new(baseline.Car) if err := out.Decode(min, buf, in.SbeSchemaVersion(), in.SbeBlockLength(), true); err != nil { fmt.Println("Decoding Error", err) os.Exit(1) } if in.SerialNumber != out.SerialNumber { fmt.Println("in.SerialNumber != out.SerialNumber:\n", in.SerialNumber, out.SerialNumber) os.Exit(1) } if in.ModelYear != out.ModelYear { fmt.Println("in.ModelYear != out.ModelYear:\n", in.ModelYear, out.ModelYear) os.Exit(1) } if in.Available != out.Available { fmt.Println("in.Available != out.Available:\n", in.Available, out.Available) os.Exit(1) } if in.Code != out.Code { fmt.Println("in.Code != out.Code:\n", in.Code, out.Code) os.Exit(1) } if in.SomeNumbers != out.SomeNumbers { fmt.Println("in.SomeNumbers != out.SomeNumbers:\n", in.SomeNumbers, out.SomeNumbers) os.Exit(1) } if in.VehicleCode != out.VehicleCode { fmt.Println("in.VehicleCode != out.VehicleCode:\n", in.VehicleCode, out.VehicleCode) os.Exit(1) } if in.Extras != out.Extras { fmt.Println("in.Extras != out.Extras:\n", in.Extras, out.Extras) os.Exit(1) } // DiscountedModel is constant if baseline.Model.C != out.DiscountedModel { fmt.Println("in.DiscountedModel != out.DiscountedModel:\n", in.DiscountedModel, out.DiscountedModel) os.Exit(1) } // Engine has two constant values which should come back filled in if in.Engine == out.Engine { fmt.Println("in.Engine == out.Engine (and they should be different):\n", in.Engine, "\n", out.Engine) os.Exit(1) } // Engine has constant elements so We should have used our the // EngineInit() function to fill those in when we created the // object, and then they will correctly compare baseline.EngineInit(&in.Engine) if in.Engine != out.Engine { fmt.Println("in.Engine != out.Engine:\n", in.Engine, "\n", out.Engine) os.Exit(1) } return true } func ExampleDecodeBuffer() bool { buf := bytes.NewBuffer(data) m := baseline.NewSbeGoMarshaller() var hdr baseline.SbeGoMessageHeader if err := hdr.Decode(m, buf); err != nil { fmt.Println("Failed to decode message header", err) os.Exit(1) } // fmt.Println("\tbuffer is length:", buf.Len()) var c baseline.Car if err := c.Decode(m, buf, hdr.Version, hdr.BlockLength, true); err != nil { fmt.Println("FIXME: Failed to decode car", err) os.Exit(1) } return true } func ExampleDecodePipe() bool { var r, w = io.Pipe() m := baseline.NewSbeGoMarshaller() go func() { defer w.Close() // By way of test, stream the bytes into the pipe a // chunk at a time msg := data[0:] for len(msg) > 0 { min := MinInt(len(msg), 64) // fmt.Println("writing: ", msg[0:min]) n, err := w.Write(msg[0:min]) if err != nil { fmt.Println("write error is", err) os.Exit(1) } if n < 8 { fmt.Println("short write of", n, "bytes") os.Exit(1) } msg = msg[n:] time.Sleep(time.Second) } }() var hdr baseline.SbeGoMessageHeader hdr.Decode(m, r) var c baseline.Car if err := c.Decode(m, r, hdr.Version, hdr.BlockLength, true); err != nil { fmt.Println("Failed to decode car", err) os.Exit(1) } r.Close() return true } func ExampleDecodeSocket() bool { addr := "" writerDone := make(chan bool) readerDone := make(chan bool) // Reader go func() { m := baseline.NewSbeGoMarshaller() // fmt.Println("resolve") tcpAddr, err := net.ResolveTCPAddr("tcp", addr) if err != nil { fmt.Println("Resolve failed", err.Error()) os.Exit(1) } // fmt.Println("create listener") listener, err := net.ListenTCP("tcp", tcpAddr) if err != nil { fmt.Println("Listen failed", err.Error()) os.Exit(1) } defer listener.Close() // fmt.Println("listen") conn, err := listener.Accept() if err != nil { fmt.Println("Accept failed", err.Error()) os.Exit(1) } defer conn.Close() // fmt.Println("reading messageheader") var hdr baseline.SbeGoMessageHeader hdr.Decode(m, conn) // fmt.Println("reading car") var c baseline.Car if err := c.Decode(m, conn, hdr.Version, hdr.BlockLength, true); err != nil { fmt.Println("Failed to decode car", err) os.Exit(1) } // fmt.Printf("%+v\n", c) readerDone <- true }() // Let that get started time.Sleep(time.Second) // Writer go func() { //fmt.Println("dial") conn, err := net.Dial("tcp", addr) if err != nil { fmt.Println("Dial failed", err.Error()) os.Exit(1) } defer conn.Close() // By way of test, stream the bytes into the pipe a // chunk at a time msg := data[0:] for len(msg) > 0 { min := MinInt(len(msg), 64) // fmt.Println("writing: ", msg[0:min]) n, err := conn.Write(msg[0:min]) if err != nil { fmt.Println("write error is", err) os.Exit(1) } if n < 8 { fmt.Println("short write of", n, "bytes") os.Exit(1) } // fmt.Println("wrote", n, "bytes") msg = msg[n:] time.Sleep(time.Second) } <-readerDone writerDone <- true }() <-writerDone return true } func ExampleCarToExtension() bool { in := makeCar() min := baseline.NewSbeGoMarshaller() mout := extension.NewSbeGoMarshaller() var buf = new(bytes.Buffer) if err := in.Encode(min, buf, true); err != nil { fmt.Println("Encoding Error", err) os.Exit(1) } var out extension.Car = *new(extension.Car) if err := out.Decode(mout, buf, in.SbeSchemaVersion(), in.SbeBlockLength(), true); err != nil { fmt.Println("Decoding Error", err) os.Exit(1) } if in.SerialNumber != out.SerialNumber { fmt.Println("in.SerialNumber != out.SerialNumber:\n", in.SerialNumber, out.SerialNumber) os.Exit(1) } if in.ModelYear != out.ModelYear { fmt.Println("in.ModelYear != out.ModelYear:\n", in.ModelYear, out.ModelYear) os.Exit(1) } // Note casts so we can compare if in.Available != baseline.BooleanTypeEnum(out.Available) { fmt.Println("in.Available != out.Available:\n", in.Available, out.Available) os.Exit(1) } if in.Code != baseline.ModelEnum(out.Code) { fmt.Println("in.Code != out.Code:\n", in.Code, out.Code) os.Exit(1) } if in.SomeNumbers != out.SomeNumbers { fmt.Println("in.SomeNumbers != out.SomeNumbers:\n", in.SomeNumbers, out.SomeNumbers) os.Exit(1) } if in.VehicleCode != out.VehicleCode { fmt.Println("in.VehicleCode != out.VehicleCode:\n", in.VehicleCode, out.VehicleCode) os.Exit(1) } if in.Extras != baseline.OptionalExtras(out.Extras) { fmt.Println("in.Extras != out.Extras:\n", in.Extras, out.Extras) os.Exit(1) } // DiscountedModel is constant if baseline.Model.C != baseline.ModelEnum(out.DiscountedModel) { fmt.Println("in.DiscountedModel != out.DiscountedModel:\n", in.DiscountedModel, out.DiscountedModel) os.Exit(1) } // Engine has two constant values which should come back filled in if in.Engine.MaxRpm == out.Engine.MaxRpm { fmt.Println("in.Engine.MaxRpm == out.Engine/MaxRpm (and they should be different):\n", in.Engine.MaxRpm, out.Engine.MaxRpm) os.Exit(1) } // Engine has constant elements so We should have used our the // EngineInit() function to fill those in when we created the // object, and then they will correctly compare baseline.EngineInit(&in.Engine) if in.Engine.MaxRpm != out.Engine.MaxRpm { fmt.Println("in.Engine.MaxRpm != out.Engine.MaxRpm:\n", in.Engine.MaxRpm, out.Engine.MaxRpm) os.Exit(1) } if !reflect.DeepEqual(in.ActivationCode, out.ActivationCode) { fmt.Println("in.ActivationCode != out.ActivationCode:\n", in.ActivationCode, out.ActivationCode) os.Exit(1) } // Cupholder is not in example-schema and was introduced in // extension-schema so it should be NullValue if out.CupHolderCount != out.CupHolderCountNullValue() { fmt.Println("out.cupholderCount not successfully nulled:\n", out.CupHolderCount) os.Exit(1) } return true } func ExampleExtensionToCar() bool { in := makeExtension() min := extension.NewSbeGoMarshaller() mout := baseline.NewSbeGoMarshaller() var buf = new(bytes.Buffer) if err := in.Encode(min, buf, true); err != nil { fmt.Println("Encoding Error", err) os.Exit(1) } var out baseline.Car = *new(baseline.Car) if err := out.Decode(mout, buf, in.SbeSchemaVersion(), in.SbeBlockLength(), true); err != nil { fmt.Println("Decoding Error", err) os.Exit(1) } if in.SerialNumber != out.SerialNumber { fmt.Println("in.SerialNumber != out.SerialNumber:\n", in.SerialNumber, out.SerialNumber) os.Exit(1) } if in.ModelYear != out.ModelYear { fmt.Println("in.ModelYear != out.ModelYear:\n", in.ModelYear, out.ModelYear) os.Exit(1) } // Note casts so we can compare if in.Available != extension.BooleanTypeEnum(out.Available) { fmt.Println("in.Available != out.Available:\n", in.Available, out.Available) os.Exit(1) } if in.Code != extension.ModelEnum(out.Code) { fmt.Println("in.Code != out.Code:\n", in.Code, out.Code) os.Exit(1) } if in.SomeNumbers != out.SomeNumbers { fmt.Println("in.SomeNumbers != out.SomeNumbers:\n", in.SomeNumbers, out.SomeNumbers) os.Exit(1) } if in.VehicleCode != out.VehicleCode { fmt.Println("in.VehicleCode != out.VehicleCode:\n", in.VehicleCode, out.VehicleCode) os.Exit(1) } if in.Extras != extension.OptionalExtras(out.Extras) { fmt.Println("in.Extras != out.Extras:\n", in.Extras, out.Extras) os.Exit(1) } // DiscountedModel is constant if extension.Model.C != extension.ModelEnum(out.DiscountedModel) { fmt.Println("in.DiscountedModel != out.DiscountedModel:\n", in.DiscountedModel, out.DiscountedModel) os.Exit(1) } // Engine has two constant values which in this case should match if in.Engine.MaxRpm != out.Engine.MaxRpm { fmt.Println("in.Engine.MaxRpm != out.Engine/MaxRpm:\n", in.Engine.MaxRpm, out.Engine.MaxRpm) os.Exit(1) } // Engine has constant elements so We should have used our the // EngineInit() function to fill those in when we created the // object, and then they will correctly compare extension.EngineInit(&in.Engine) if in.Engine.MaxRpm != out.Engine.MaxRpm { fmt.Println("in.Engine.MaxRpm != out.Engine.MaxRpm:\n", in.Engine.MaxRpm, out.Engine.MaxRpm) os.Exit(1) } if !reflect.DeepEqual(in.ActivationCode, out.ActivationCode) { fmt.Println("in.ActivationCode != out.ActivationCode:\n", in.ActivationCode, out.ActivationCode) os.Exit(1) } return true } // Helper to make a Car object as per the Java example func makeCar() baseline.Car { return baseline.Car{ 1234, 2013, baseline.BooleanType.T, baseline.Model.A, [4]uint32{0, 1, 2, 3}, vehicleCode, [8]bool{false, true, true, false, false, false, false, false}, baseline.Model.A, baseline.Engine{2000, 4, 9001, // will come back as constant value 9000 manufacturerCode, [6]byte{'P', 'e', 't', 'r', 'o', 'l'}, 35, baseline.BooleanType.T, baseline.EngineBooster{baseline.BoostType.NITROUS, 200}}, []baseline.CarFuelFigures{ baseline.CarFuelFigures{30, 35.9, urban}, baseline.CarFuelFigures{55, 49.0, combined}, baseline.CarFuelFigures{75, 40.0, highway}}, []baseline.CarPerformanceFigures{ baseline.CarPerformanceFigures{95, []baseline.CarPerformanceFiguresAcceleration{ baseline.CarPerformanceFiguresAcceleration{30, 4.0}, baseline.CarPerformanceFiguresAcceleration{60, 7.5}, baseline.CarPerformanceFiguresAcceleration{100, 12.2}}}, baseline.CarPerformanceFigures{99, []baseline.CarPerformanceFiguresAcceleration{ baseline.CarPerformanceFiguresAcceleration{30, 3.8}, baseline.CarPerformanceFiguresAcceleration{60, 7.1}, baseline.CarPerformanceFiguresAcceleration{100, 11.8}}}}, manufacturer, model, activationCode} } // Helper to make an Extension (car with cupholder) object func makeExtension() extension.Car { return extension.Car{ 1234, 2013, extension.BooleanType.T, extension.Model.A, [4]uint32{0, 1, 2, 3}, vehicleCode, [8]bool{false, true, true, false, false, false, false, false}, extension.Model.A, extension.Engine{2000, 4, 9000, manufacturerCode, [6]byte{'P', 'e', 't', 'r', 'o', 'l'}, 35, extension.BooleanType.T, extension.EngineBooster{extension.BoostType.NITROUS, 200}}, [2]int64{119, 120}, // uuid sinceVersion = 1 121, // cupHoldercount, sinceVersion = 1 []extension.CarFuelFigures{ extension.CarFuelFigures{30, 35.9, urban}, extension.CarFuelFigures{55, 49.0, combined}, extension.CarFuelFigures{75, 40.0, highway}}, []extension.CarPerformanceFigures{ extension.CarPerformanceFigures{95, []extension.CarPerformanceFiguresAcceleration{ extension.CarPerformanceFiguresAcceleration{30, 4.0}, extension.CarPerformanceFiguresAcceleration{60, 7.5}, extension.CarPerformanceFiguresAcceleration{100, 12.2}}}, extension.CarPerformanceFigures{99, []extension.CarPerformanceFiguresAcceleration{ extension.CarPerformanceFiguresAcceleration{30, 3.8}, extension.CarPerformanceFiguresAcceleration{60, 7.1}, extension.CarPerformanceFiguresAcceleration{100, 11.8}}}}, manufacturer, model, activationCode} } // MaxInt returns the larger of two ints. func MaxInt(a, b int) int { if a > b { return a } return b } // MinInt returns the larger of two ints. func MinInt(a, b int) int { if a < b { return a } return b } // The byte array can be made at ~rust/car_example/car_example_data.sbe by running gradlew generateCarExampleDataFile // This can then be decoded using od -tu1 var data []byte = []byte{45, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 210, 4, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 221, 7, 1, 65, 1, 0, 0, 0, 2, 0, 0, 0, 3, 0, 0, 0, 4, 0, 0, 0, 97, 98, 99, 100, 101, 102, 6, 208, 7, 4, 49, 50, 51, 35, 1, 78, 200, 6, 0, 3, 0, 30, 0, 154, 153, 15, 66, 11, 0, 0, 0, 85, 114, 98, 97, 110, 32, 67, 121, 99, 108, 101, 55, 0, 0, 0, 68, 66, 14, 0, 0, 0, 67, 111, 109, 98, 105, 110, 101, 100, 32, 67, 121, 99, 108, 101, 75, 0, 0, 0, 32, 66, 13, 0, 0, 0, 72, 105, 103, 104, 119, 97, 121, 32, 67, 121, 99, 108, 101, 1, 0, 2, 0, 95, 6, 0, 3, 0, 30, 0, 0, 0, 128, 64, 60, 0, 0, 0, 240, 64, 100, 0, 51, 51, 67, 65, 99, 6, 0, 3, 0, 30, 0, 51, 51, 115, 64, 60, 0, 51, 51, 227, 64, 100, 0, 205, 204, 60, 65, 5, 0, 0, 0, 72, 111, 110, 100, 97, 9, 0, 0, 0, 67, 105, 118, 105, 99, 32, 86, 84, 105, 6, 0, 0, 0, 97, 98, 99, 100, 101, 102}