#!/usr/bin/env python # Copyright (c) Meta Platforms, Inc. and affiliates. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function, unicode_literals import glob import os.path import sys import time from optparse import OptionParser from thrift import TMultiplexedProcessor from thrift.protocol import TBinaryProtocol, THeaderProtocol from thrift.server import TCppServer, TServer from thrift.Thrift import TProcessorEventHandler from thrift.transport import TSocket, TSSLSocket, TTransport from thrift.transport.THeaderTransport import CLIENT_TYPE from ThriftTest import SecondService, ThriftTest from ThriftTest.ttypes import * sys.path.insert(0, "./gen-py") sys.path.insert(0, os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(__file__))) lib_path = glob.glob("../../lib/py/build/lib.*") if lib_path: sys.path.insert(0, lib_path[0]) class SecondHandler(SecondService.Iface): def blahBlah(self): print("blahBlah()") class SecondContextHandler(SecondService.ContextIface): def __init__(self): self.th = SecondHandler() def blahBlah(self, handler_ctx): self.th.blahBlah() class TestHandler(ThriftTest.Iface): def testVoid(self): print("testVoid()") def testString(self, str): print("testString(%s)" % str) return str def testByte(self, byte): print("testByte(%d)" % byte) return byte def testI16(self, i16): print("testI16(%d)" % i16) return i16 def testI32(self, i32): print("testI32(%d)" % i32) return i32 def testI64(self, i64): print("testI64(%d)" % i64) return i64 def testDouble(self, dub): print("testDouble(%f)" % dub) return dub def testFloat(self, flt): print("testFloat(%f)" % flt) return flt def testStruct(self, thing): print( "testStruct({%s, %d, %d, %d})" % (thing.string_thing, thing.byte_thing, thing.i32_thing, thing.i64_thing) ) return thing def testException(self, str): print("testException(%s)" % str) if str == "Xception": x = Xception() x.errorCode = 1001 x.message = str raise x elif str == "throw_undeclared": raise ValueError("foo") def testOneway(self, seconds): print("testOneway(%d) => sleeping..." % seconds) time.sleep(seconds) print("done sleeping") def testNest(self, thing): return thing def testMap(self, thing): return thing def testSet(self, thing): return thing def testList(self, thing): return thing def testEnum(self, thing): return thing def testTypedef(self, thing): return thing class TestContextHandler(ThriftTest.ContextIface): def __init__(self, server_port): self.th = TestHandler() self._server_port = server_port def testVoid(self, handler_ctx): self.th.testVoid() # This is here so we can check that handler_ctx is getting set, # without modifying the service definition which would require # modifying all the languages. if ( not (handler_ctx[0].endswith("") or handler_ctx[0].endswith("::1")) or handler_ctx[1] == self._server_port ): raise ValueError("handler_ctx not set properly " + str(handler_ctx)) def testString(self, handler_ctx, str): return self.th.testString(str) def testByte(self, handler_ctx, byte): return self.th.testByte(byte) def testI16(self, handler_ctx, i16): return self.th.testI16(i16) def testI32(self, handler_ctx, i32): return self.th.testI32(i32) def testI64(self, handler_ctx, i64): return self.th.testI64(i64) def testDouble(self, handler_ctx, dub): return self.th.testDouble(dub) def testFloat(self, handler_ctx, flt): return self.th.testFloat(flt) def testStruct(self, handler_ctx, thing): return self.th.testStruct(thing) def testException(self, handler_ctx, str): return self.th.testException(str) def testOneway(self, handler_ctx, seconds): return self.th.testOneway(seconds) def testNest(self, handler_ctx, thing): return self.th.testNest(thing) def testMap(self, handler_ctx, thing): return self.th.testMap(thing) def testSet(self, handler_ctx, thing): return self.th.testSet(thing) def testList(self, handler_ctx, thing): return self.th.testList(thing) def testEnum(self, handler_ctx, thing): return self.th.testEnum(thing) def testTypedef(self, handler_ctx, thing): return self.th.testTypedef(thing) class ContextEventHandler(TProcessorEventHandler): def getHandlerContext(self, fn_name, server_context): # this is a tuple ("hostname", port) return server_context.getPeerName() class HeaderEventHandler(ContextEventHandler): def getHandlerContext(self, fn_name, server_context): self.htrans = server_context.iprot.trans return ContextEventHandler.getHandlerContext(self, fn_name, server_context) def preWrite(self, handler_context, fn_name, result): for str_key, str_value in self.htrans.get_headers().items(): # Just spit them back for testing. self.htrans.set_header(str_key, str_value) class TestServerEventHandler(TServer.TServerEventHandler): def __init__(self): self.num_pre_serve = 0 self.request_count = 0 self.num_new_conns = 0 self.num_conns_destroyed = 0 def newConnection(self, context): self.num_new_conns += 1 def preServe(self, address): self.num_pre_serve += 1 def clientBegin(self, iprot, oprot): self.request_count += 1 def connectionDestroyed(self, context): self.num_conns_destroyed += 1 def main() -> None: parser = OptionParser() parser.add_option( "--ssl", action="store_true", dest="ssl", default=False, help="use SSL for encrypted transport", ) parser.add_option( "--multiple", action="store_true", dest="multiple", default=False, help="use multiple service", ) parser.add_option( "--header", action="store_true", dest="header", default=False, help="use the Header protocol", ) parser.add_option( "--context", action="store_true", dest="context", default=False, help="Use the context-passing Handler", ) parser.add_option("--port", action="store", type="int", dest="port", default=9090) parser.add_option( "--timeout", action="store", type="int", dest="timeout", default=60 ) options, args = parser.parse_args() event_handler = TestServerEventHandler() if options.header: pfactory = THeaderProtocol.THeaderProtocolFactory( True, [ CLIENT_TYPE.HEADER, CLIENT_TYPE.FRAMED_DEPRECATED, CLIENT_TYPE.UNFRAMED_DEPRECATED, CLIENT_TYPE.HTTP_SERVER, ], ) else: pfactory = TBinaryProtocol.TBinaryProtocolFactory() if options.context: processor = ThriftTest.ContextProcessor(TestContextHandler(options.port)) else: processor = ThriftTest.Processor(TestHandler()) if options.multiple: processor = TMultiplexedProcessor.TMultiplexedProcessor() if options.context: processor.registerProcessor( "ThriftTest", ThriftTest.ContextProcessor(TestContextHandler(options.port)), ) processor.registerProcessor( "SecondService", SecondService.ContextProcessor(SecondContextHandler()) ) else: processor.registerProcessor( "ThriftTest", ThriftTest.Processor(TestHandler()) ) processor.registerProcessor( "SecondService", SecondService.Processor(SecondHandler()) ) server = TCppServer.TCppServer(processor) server.setPort(options.port) if options.header: server.processor.setEventHandler(HeaderEventHandler()) elif options.context: server.processor.setEventHandler(ContextEventHandler()) server.setServerEventHandler(event_handler) server.serve() if __name__ == "__main__": main() # pragma: no cover