#include #include namespace dwarfs::tool::manpage { namespace { #if 0 Heading(1, dwarfsck(1) -- check DwarFS image, None) #endif constexpr uint32_t const line0_indent_first{0}; constexpr uint32_t const line0_indent_next{0}; constexpr std::array const line0_elements{{ {fmt::fg(fmt::terminal_color::bright_green) | fmt::emphasis::bold /* {'h1', 'head'} */, R"(dwarfsck(1) -- check DwarFS image)"} /* raw text */, }}; constexpr uint32_t const line1_indent_first{0}; constexpr uint32_t const line1_indent_next{0}; constexpr std::array const line1_elements{{ }}; #if 0 Heading(2, SYNOPSIS, None) #endif constexpr uint32_t const line2_indent_first{0}; constexpr uint32_t const line2_indent_next{0}; constexpr std::array const line2_elements{{ {fmt::fg(fmt::terminal_color::bright_green) | fmt::emphasis::bold /* {'h2', 'head'} */, R"(SYNOPSIS)"} /* raw text */, }}; #if 0 <__main__.Paragraph object at 0x7fef3158dcd0> #endif // paragraph constexpr uint32_t const line3_indent_first{8}; constexpr uint32_t const line3_indent_next{8}; constexpr std::array const line3_elements{{ {fmt::fg(fmt::terminal_color::bright_blue) | fmt::emphasis::bold /* {'code'} */, R"(dwarfsck)"} /* inline code */, {{} /* set() */, R"( [)"} /* raw text */, {fmt::fg(fmt::terminal_color::bright_blue) | fmt::emphasis::bold /* {'code'} */, R"(-i)"} /* inline code */, {{} /* set() */, R"(] )"} /* raw text */, {fmt::emphasis::italic /* {'i'} */, R"(image)"} /* raw text */, {{} /* set() */, R"( [)"} /* raw text */, {fmt::emphasis::italic /* {'i'} */, R"(options)"} /* raw text */, {{} /* set() */, R"(...])"} /* raw text */, }}; constexpr uint32_t const line4_indent_first{0}; constexpr uint32_t const line4_indent_next{0}; constexpr std::array const line4_elements{{ }}; #if 0 Heading(2, DESCRIPTION, None) #endif constexpr uint32_t const line5_indent_first{0}; constexpr uint32_t const line5_indent_next{0}; constexpr std::array const line5_elements{{ {fmt::fg(fmt::terminal_color::bright_green) | fmt::emphasis::bold /* {'h2', 'head'} */, R"(DESCRIPTION)"} /* raw text */, }}; #if 0 <__main__.Paragraph object at 0x7fef3158dcd0> #endif // paragraph constexpr uint32_t const line6_indent_first{8}; constexpr uint32_t const line6_indent_next{8}; constexpr std::array const line6_elements{{ {fmt::emphasis::bold /* {'b'} */, R"(dwarfsck)"} /* raw text */, {{} /* set() */, R"( will perform a check of a DwarFS filesystem image.)"} /* raw text */, }}; constexpr uint32_t const line7_indent_first{0}; constexpr uint32_t const line7_indent_next{0}; constexpr std::array const line7_elements{{ }}; #if 0 <__main__.Paragraph object at 0x7fef3162e8a0> #endif // paragraph constexpr uint32_t const line8_indent_first{8}; constexpr uint32_t const line8_indent_next{8}; constexpr std::array const line8_elements{{ {{} /* set() */, R"(If successful, it will show details about the filesystem depending)"} /* raw text */, {{} /* set() */, R"( )"} /* whitespace */, {{} /* set() */, R"(on the detail level specified. If an error is found, it will exit)"} /* raw text */, {{} /* set() */, R"( )"} /* whitespace */, {{} /* set() */, R"(with a non-zero exit code.)"} /* raw text */, }}; constexpr uint32_t const line9_indent_first{0}; constexpr uint32_t const line9_indent_next{0}; constexpr std::array const line9_elements{{ }}; #if 0 Heading(2, OPTIONS, None) #endif constexpr uint32_t const line10_indent_first{0}; constexpr uint32_t const line10_indent_next{0}; constexpr std::array const line10_elements{{ {fmt::fg(fmt::terminal_color::bright_green) | fmt::emphasis::bold /* {'h2', 'head'} */, R"(OPTIONS)"} /* raw text */, }}; #if 0 [ListItem([<__main__.Paragraph object at 0x7fef3158da60>], list item), ListItem([<__main__.Paragraph object at 0x7fef315abc20>], list item), ListItem([<__main__.Paragraph object at 0x7fef315b40e0>], list item), ListItem([<__main__.Paragraph object at 0x7fef315b4380>], list item), ListItem([<__main__.Paragraph object at 0x7fef315b4620>], list item), ListItem([<__main__.Paragraph object at 0x7fef315b4ce0>], list item), ListItem([<__main__.Paragraph object at 0x7fef315b5100>], list item), ListItem([<__main__.Paragraph object at 0x7fef315b55e0>], list item)] #endif // paragraph constexpr uint32_t const line11_indent_first{8}; constexpr uint32_t const line11_indent_next{8}; constexpr std::array const line11_elements{{ {fmt::fg(fmt::terminal_color::bright_blue) | fmt::emphasis::bold /* {'code'} */, R"(-i)"} /* inline code */, {{} /* set() */, R"(, )"} /* raw text */, {fmt::fg(fmt::terminal_color::bright_blue) | fmt::emphasis::bold /* {'code'} */, R"(--input=)"} /* inline code */, {fmt::emphasis::italic /* {'i'} */, R"(file)"} /* raw text */, {{} /* set() */, R"()"} /* raw text */, }}; // paragraph constexpr uint32_t const line12_indent_first{16}; constexpr uint32_t const line12_indent_next{16}; constexpr std::array const line12_elements{{ {{} /* set() */, R"(Path to the filesystem image.)"} /* raw text */, }}; constexpr uint32_t const line13_indent_first{0}; constexpr uint32_t const line13_indent_next{0}; constexpr std::array const line13_elements{{ }}; // paragraph constexpr uint32_t const line14_indent_first{8}; constexpr uint32_t const line14_indent_next{8}; constexpr std::array const line14_elements{{ {fmt::fg(fmt::terminal_color::bright_blue) | fmt::emphasis::bold /* {'code'} */, R"(-d)"} /* inline code */, {{} /* set() */, R"(, )"} /* raw text */, {fmt::fg(fmt::terminal_color::bright_blue) | fmt::emphasis::bold /* {'code'} */, R"(--detail=)"} /* inline code */, {fmt::emphasis::italic /* {'i'} */, R"(value)"} /* raw text */, {{} /* set() */, R"()"} /* raw text */, }}; // paragraph constexpr uint32_t const line15_indent_first{16}; constexpr uint32_t const line15_indent_next{16}; constexpr std::array const line15_elements{{ {{} /* set() */, R"(Level of filesystem information detail. This can be a numeric level)"} /* raw text */, {{} /* set() */, R"( )"} /* whitespace */, {{} /* set() */, R"(between 0 and 6, or a comma-separated list of feature names. The)"} /* raw text */, {{} /* set() */, R"( )"} /* whitespace */, {{} /* set() */, R"(default corresponds to a level of 2.)"} /* raw text */, }}; constexpr uint32_t const line16_indent_first{0}; constexpr uint32_t const line16_indent_next{0}; constexpr std::array const line16_elements{{ }}; // paragraph constexpr uint32_t const line17_indent_first{8}; constexpr uint32_t const line17_indent_next{8}; constexpr std::array const line17_elements{{ {fmt::fg(fmt::terminal_color::bright_blue) | fmt::emphasis::bold /* {'code'} */, R"(-q)"} /* inline code */, {{} /* set() */, R"(, )"} /* raw text */, {fmt::fg(fmt::terminal_color::bright_blue) | fmt::emphasis::bold /* {'code'} */, R"(--quiet)"} /* inline code */, {{} /* set() */, R"()"} /* raw text */, }}; // paragraph constexpr uint32_t const line18_indent_first{16}; constexpr uint32_t const line18_indent_next{16}; constexpr std::array const line18_elements{{ {{} /* set() */, R"(Don't produce any output unless there is an error.)"} /* raw text */, }}; constexpr uint32_t const line19_indent_first{0}; constexpr uint32_t const line19_indent_next{0}; constexpr std::array const line19_elements{{ }}; // paragraph constexpr uint32_t const line20_indent_first{8}; constexpr uint32_t const line20_indent_next{8}; constexpr std::array const line20_elements{{ {fmt::fg(fmt::terminal_color::bright_blue) | fmt::emphasis::bold /* {'code'} */, R"(-v)"} /* inline code */, {{} /* set() */, R"(, )"} /* raw text */, {fmt::fg(fmt::terminal_color::bright_blue) | fmt::emphasis::bold /* {'code'} */, R"(--verbose)"} /* inline code */, {{} /* set() */, R"()"} /* raw text */, }}; // paragraph constexpr uint32_t const line21_indent_first{16}; constexpr uint32_t const line21_indent_next{16}; constexpr std::array const line21_elements{{ {{} /* set() */, R"(Produce verbose output, where applicable.)"} /* raw text */, }}; constexpr uint32_t const line22_indent_first{0}; constexpr uint32_t const line22_indent_next{0}; constexpr std::array const line22_elements{{ }}; // paragraph constexpr uint32_t const line23_indent_first{8}; constexpr uint32_t const line23_indent_next{8}; constexpr std::array const line23_elements{{ {fmt::fg(fmt::terminal_color::bright_blue) | fmt::emphasis::bold /* {'code'} */, R"(-O)"} /* inline code */, {{} /* set() */, R"(, )"} /* raw text */, {fmt::fg(fmt::terminal_color::bright_blue) | fmt::emphasis::bold /* {'code'} */, R"(--image-offset=)"} /* inline code */, {fmt::emphasis::italic /* {'i'} */, R"(value)"} /* raw text */, {{} /* set() */, R"(|)"} /* raw text */, {fmt::fg(fmt::terminal_color::bright_blue) | fmt::emphasis::bold /* {'code'} */, R"(auto)"} /* inline code */, {{} /* set() */, R"()"} /* raw text */, }}; // paragraph constexpr uint32_t const line24_indent_first{16}; constexpr uint32_t const line24_indent_next{16}; constexpr std::array const line24_elements{{ {{} /* set() */, R"(Specify the byte offset at which the filesystem is located in the image.)"} /* raw text */, {{} /* set() */, R"( )"} /* whitespace */, {{} /* set() */, R"(Use )"} /* raw text */, {fmt::fg(fmt::terminal_color::bright_blue) | fmt::emphasis::bold /* {'code'} */, R"(auto)"} /* inline code */, {{} /* set() */, R"( to detect the offset automatically. This is also the default.)"} /* raw text */, {{} /* set() */, R"( )"} /* whitespace */, {{} /* set() */, R"(This is only useful for images that have some header located before the)"} /* raw text */, {{} /* set() */, R"( )"} /* whitespace */, {{} /* set() */, R"(actual filesystem data.)"} /* raw text */, }}; constexpr uint32_t const line25_indent_first{0}; constexpr uint32_t const line25_indent_next{0}; constexpr std::array const line25_elements{{ }}; // paragraph constexpr uint32_t const line26_indent_first{8}; constexpr uint32_t const line26_indent_next{8}; constexpr std::array const line26_elements{{ {fmt::fg(fmt::terminal_color::bright_blue) | fmt::emphasis::bold /* {'code'} */, R"(-H)"} /* inline code */, {{} /* set() */, R"(, )"} /* raw text */, {fmt::fg(fmt::terminal_color::bright_blue) | fmt::emphasis::bold /* {'code'} */, R"(--print-header)"} /* inline code */, {{} /* set() */, R"()"} /* raw text */, }}; // paragraph constexpr uint32_t const line27_indent_first{16}; constexpr uint32_t const line27_indent_next{16}; constexpr std::array const line27_elements{{ {{} /* set() */, R"(Print the header located before the filesystem image to stdout. If no)"} /* raw text */, {{} /* set() */, R"( )"} /* whitespace */, {{} /* set() */, R"(header is present, the program will exit with exit code 2 and emit a)"} /* raw text */, {{} /* set() */, R"( )"} /* whitespace */, {{} /* set() */, R"(warning.)"} /* raw text */, }}; constexpr uint32_t const line28_indent_first{0}; constexpr uint32_t const line28_indent_next{0}; constexpr std::array const line28_elements{{ }}; // paragraph constexpr uint32_t const line29_indent_first{8}; constexpr uint32_t const line29_indent_next{8}; constexpr std::array const line29_elements{{ {fmt::fg(fmt::terminal_color::bright_blue) | fmt::emphasis::bold /* {'code'} */, R"(-l)"} /* inline code */, {{} /* set() */, R"(, )"} /* raw text */, {fmt::fg(fmt::terminal_color::bright_blue) | fmt::emphasis::bold /* {'code'} */, R"(--list)"} /* inline code */, {{} /* set() */, R"()"} /* raw text */, }}; // paragraph constexpr uint32_t const line30_indent_first{16}; constexpr uint32_t const line30_indent_next{16}; constexpr std::array const line30_elements{{ {{} /* set() */, R"(List all entries in the file system image. Uses output similar to )"} /* raw text */, {fmt::fg(fmt::terminal_color::bright_blue) | fmt::emphasis::bold /* {'code'} */, R"(tar -t)"} /* inline code */, {{} /* set() */, R"(.)"} /* raw text */, {{} /* set() */, R"( )"} /* whitespace */, {{} /* set() */, R"(With )"} /* raw text */, {fmt::fg(fmt::terminal_color::bright_blue) | fmt::emphasis::bold /* {'code'} */, R"(--verbose)"} /* inline code */, {{} /* set() */, R"(, also print details about each entry.)"} /* raw text */, }}; constexpr uint32_t const line31_indent_first{0}; constexpr uint32_t const line31_indent_next{0}; constexpr std::array const line31_elements{{ }}; // paragraph constexpr uint32_t const line32_indent_first{8}; constexpr uint32_t const line32_indent_next{8}; constexpr std::array const line32_elements{{ {fmt::fg(fmt::terminal_color::bright_blue) | fmt::emphasis::bold /* {'code'} */, R"(--checksum=)"} /* inline code */, {fmt::emphasis::italic /* {'i'} */, R"(name)"} /* raw text */, {{} /* set() */, R"()"} /* raw text */, }}; // paragraph constexpr uint32_t const line33_indent_first{16}; constexpr uint32_t const line33_indent_next{16}; constexpr std::array const line33_elements{{ {{} /* set() */, R"(Produce a checksum using the specified algorithm for each regular file in)"} /* raw text */, {{} /* set() */, R"( )"} /* whitespace */, {{} /* set() */, R"(the file system image. This can be used to easily verify the file system)"} /* raw text */, {{} /* set() */, R"( )"} /* whitespace */, {{} /* set() */, R"(image against local files, e.g.:)"} /* raw text */, }}; constexpr uint32_t const line34_indent_first{0}; constexpr uint32_t const line34_indent_next{0}; constexpr std::array const line34_elements{{ }}; #if 0 <__main__.BlockCode object at 0x7fef3162e8a0> #endif // raw text constexpr uint32_t const line35_indent_first{12}; constexpr uint32_t const line35_indent_next{12}; constexpr std::array const line35_elements{{ {fmt::emphasis::faint /* {'block'} */, R"(dwarfsck --checksum=sha512 /tmp/fs.dwarfs | sha512sum --check)"} /* None */, }}; // raw text constexpr uint32_t const line36_indent_first{12}; constexpr uint32_t const line36_indent_next{12}; constexpr std::array const line36_elements{{ {fmt::emphasis::faint /* {'block'} */, R"()"} /* None */, }}; #if 0 [ListItem([<__main__.Paragraph object at 0x7fef315abbf0>], list item), ListItem([<__main__.Paragraph object at 0x7fef315abc50>], list item), ListItem([<__main__.Paragraph object at 0x7fef315abad0>], list item), ListItem([<__main__.Paragraph object at 0x7fef315b4a10>], list item)] #endif // paragraph constexpr uint32_t const line37_indent_first{8}; constexpr uint32_t const line37_indent_next{8}; constexpr std::array const line37_elements{{ {fmt::fg(fmt::terminal_color::bright_blue) | fmt::emphasis::bold /* {'code'} */, R"(-n)"} /* inline code */, {{} /* set() */, R"(, )"} /* raw text */, {fmt::fg(fmt::terminal_color::bright_blue) | fmt::emphasis::bold /* {'code'} */, R"(--num-workers=)"} /* inline code */, {fmt::emphasis::italic /* {'i'} */, R"(value)"} /* raw text */, {{} /* set() */, R"()"} /* raw text */, }}; // paragraph constexpr uint32_t const line38_indent_first{16}; constexpr uint32_t const line38_indent_next{16}; constexpr std::array const line38_elements{{ {{} /* set() */, R"(Number of worker threads used for integrity checking.)"} /* raw text */, }}; constexpr uint32_t const line39_indent_first{0}; constexpr uint32_t const line39_indent_next{0}; constexpr std::array const line39_elements{{ }}; // paragraph constexpr uint32_t const line40_indent_first{8}; constexpr uint32_t const line40_indent_next{8}; constexpr std::array const line40_elements{{ {fmt::fg(fmt::terminal_color::bright_blue) | fmt::emphasis::bold /* {'code'} */, R"(--check-integrity)"} /* inline code */, {{} /* set() */, R"()"} /* raw text */, }}; // paragraph constexpr uint32_t const line41_indent_first{16}; constexpr uint32_t const line41_indent_next{16}; constexpr std::array const line41_elements{{ {{} /* set() */, R"(Instead of performing a fast checksum check, perform a (much slower))"} /* raw text */, {{} /* set() */, R"( )"} /* whitespace */, {{} /* set() */, R"(integrity check using the embedded SHA-512/256 hashes.)"} /* raw text */, }}; constexpr uint32_t const line42_indent_first{0}; constexpr uint32_t const line42_indent_next{0}; constexpr std::array const line42_elements{{ }}; // paragraph constexpr uint32_t const line43_indent_first{8}; constexpr uint32_t const line43_indent_next{8}; constexpr std::array const line43_elements{{ {fmt::fg(fmt::terminal_color::bright_blue) | fmt::emphasis::bold /* {'code'} */, R"(--no-check)"} /* inline code */, {{} /* set() */, R"()"} /* raw text */, }}; // paragraph constexpr uint32_t const line44_indent_first{16}; constexpr uint32_t const line44_indent_next{16}; constexpr std::array const line44_elements{{ {{} /* set() */, R"(Don't even perform a fast checksum check on the file system blocks.)"} /* raw text */, {{} /* set() */, R"( )"} /* whitespace */, {{} /* set() */, R"(The metadata will still be checked to make sure it can safely be read.)"} /* raw text */, {{} /* set() */, R"( )"} /* whitespace */, {{} /* set() */, R"(Use this if you want to quickly query file system information rather)"} /* raw text */, {{} /* set() */, R"( )"} /* whitespace */, {{} /* set() */, R"(than performing an actual file system check.)"} /* raw text */, }}; constexpr uint32_t const line45_indent_first{0}; constexpr uint32_t const line45_indent_next{0}; constexpr std::array const line45_elements{{ }}; // paragraph constexpr uint32_t const line46_indent_first{8}; constexpr uint32_t const line46_indent_next{8}; constexpr std::array const line46_elements{{ {fmt::fg(fmt::terminal_color::bright_blue) | fmt::emphasis::bold /* {'code'} */, R"(-j)"} /* inline code */, {{} /* set() */, R"(, )"} /* raw text */, {fmt::fg(fmt::terminal_color::bright_blue) | fmt::emphasis::bold /* {'code'} */, R"(--json)"} /* inline code */, {{} /* set() */, R"()"} /* raw text */, }}; // paragraph constexpr uint32_t const line47_indent_first{16}; constexpr uint32_t const line47_indent_next{16}; constexpr std::array const line47_elements{{ {{} /* set() */, R"(Print a simple JSON representation of the filesystem metadata. Please)"} /* raw text */, {{} /* set() */, R"( )"} /* whitespace */, {{} /* set() */, R"(note that the format is )"} /* raw text */, {fmt::emphasis::italic /* {'i'} */, R"(not)"} /* raw text */, {{} /* set() */, R"( stable. The level of detail also depends)"} /* raw text */, {{} /* set() */, R"( )"} /* whitespace */, {{} /* set() */, R"(on the )"} /* raw text */, {fmt::fg(fmt::terminal_color::bright_blue) | fmt::emphasis::bold /* {'code'} */, R"(--detail)"} /* inline code */, {{} /* set() */, R"( switch. This can be useful in conjunction with the)"} /* raw text */, {{} /* set() */, R"( )"} /* whitespace */, {fmt::fg(fmt::terminal_color::bright_blue) | fmt::emphasis::bold /* {'code'} */, R"(jq)"} /* inline code */, {{} /* set() */, R"( tool to extract file system information, for example generate a)"} /* raw text */, {{} /* set() */, R"( )"} /* whitespace */, {{} /* set() */, R"(list of all categories in a file system image:)"} /* raw text */, }}; constexpr uint32_t const line48_indent_first{0}; constexpr uint32_t const line48_indent_next{0}; constexpr std::array const line48_elements{{ }}; #if 0 <__main__.BlockCode object at 0x7fef3162e8a0> #endif // raw text constexpr uint32_t const line49_indent_first{12}; constexpr uint32_t const line49_indent_next{12}; constexpr std::array const line49_elements{{ {fmt::emphasis::faint /* {'block'} */, R"($ dwarfsck image.dwarfs --no-check -j | jq -r '.categories | keys .[]')"} /* None */, }}; // raw text constexpr uint32_t const line50_indent_first{12}; constexpr uint32_t const line50_indent_next{12}; constexpr std::array const line50_elements{{ {fmt::emphasis::faint /* {'block'} */, R"()"} /* None */, }}; // raw text constexpr uint32_t const line51_indent_first{12}; constexpr uint32_t const line51_indent_next{12}; constexpr std::array const line51_elements{{ {fmt::emphasis::faint /* {'block'} */, R"(incompressible)"} /* None */, }}; // raw text constexpr uint32_t const line52_indent_first{12}; constexpr uint32_t const line52_indent_next{12}; constexpr std::array const line52_elements{{ {fmt::emphasis::faint /* {'block'} */, R"(pcmaudio/metadata)"} /* None */, }}; // raw text constexpr uint32_t const line53_indent_first{12}; constexpr uint32_t const line53_indent_next{12}; constexpr std::array const line53_elements{{ {fmt::emphasis::faint /* {'block'} */, R"(pcmaudio/waveform)"} /* None */, }}; // raw text constexpr uint32_t const line54_indent_first{12}; constexpr uint32_t const line54_indent_next{12}; constexpr std::array const line54_elements{{ {fmt::emphasis::faint /* {'block'} */, R"()"} /* None */, }}; #if 0 [ListItem([<__main__.Paragraph object at 0x7fef3158da60>], list item), ListItem([<__main__.Paragraph object at 0x7fef315aba40>], list item), ListItem([<__main__.Paragraph object at 0x7fef315abf20>], list item), ListItem([<__main__.Paragraph object at 0x7fef315b49b0>], list item), ListItem([<__main__.Paragraph object at 0x7fef315b5790>], list item)] #endif // paragraph constexpr uint32_t const line55_indent_first{8}; constexpr uint32_t const line55_indent_next{8}; constexpr std::array const line55_elements{{ {fmt::fg(fmt::terminal_color::bright_blue) | fmt::emphasis::bold /* {'code'} */, R"(--export-metadata=)"} /* inline code */, {fmt::emphasis::italic /* {'i'} */, R"(file)"} /* raw text */, {{} /* set() */, R"()"} /* raw text */, }}; // paragraph constexpr uint32_t const line56_indent_first{16}; constexpr uint32_t const line56_indent_next{16}; constexpr std::array const line56_elements{{ {{} /* set() */, R"(Export all filesystem metadata in JSON format.)"} /* raw text */, }}; constexpr uint32_t const line57_indent_first{0}; constexpr uint32_t const line57_indent_next{0}; constexpr std::array const line57_elements{{ }}; // paragraph constexpr uint32_t const line58_indent_first{8}; constexpr uint32_t const line58_indent_next{8}; constexpr std::array const line58_elements{{ {fmt::fg(fmt::terminal_color::bright_blue) | fmt::emphasis::bold /* {'code'} */, R"(--log-level=)"} /* inline code */, {fmt::emphasis::italic /* {'i'} */, R"(name)"} /* raw text */, {{} /* set() */, R"()"} /* raw text */, }}; // paragraph constexpr uint32_t const line59_indent_first{16}; constexpr uint32_t const line59_indent_next{16}; constexpr std::array const line59_elements{{ {{} /* set() */, R"(Specify a logging level.)"} /* raw text */, }}; constexpr uint32_t const line60_indent_first{0}; constexpr uint32_t const line60_indent_next{0}; constexpr std::array const line60_elements{{ }}; // paragraph constexpr uint32_t const line61_indent_first{8}; constexpr uint32_t const line61_indent_next{8}; constexpr std::array const line61_elements{{ {fmt::fg(fmt::terminal_color::bright_blue) | fmt::emphasis::bold /* {'code'} */, R"(--log-with-context)"} /* inline code */, {{} /* set() */, R"()"} /* raw text */, }}; // paragraph constexpr uint32_t const line62_indent_first{16}; constexpr uint32_t const line62_indent_next{16}; constexpr std::array const line62_elements{{ {{} /* set() */, R"(Enable logging context regardless of level. By default, context is enabled)"} /* raw text */, {{} /* set() */, R"( )"} /* whitespace */, {{} /* set() */, R"(if the level is )"} /* raw text */, {fmt::fg(fmt::terminal_color::bright_blue) | fmt::emphasis::bold /* {'code'} */, R"(verbose)"} /* inline code */, {{} /* set() */, R"(, )"} /* raw text */, {fmt::fg(fmt::terminal_color::bright_blue) | fmt::emphasis::bold /* {'code'} */, R"(debug)"} /* inline code */, {{} /* set() */, R"( or )"} /* raw text */, {fmt::fg(fmt::terminal_color::bright_blue) | fmt::emphasis::bold /* {'code'} */, R"(trace)"} /* inline code */, {{} /* set() */, R"(.)"} /* raw text */, }}; constexpr uint32_t const line63_indent_first{0}; constexpr uint32_t const line63_indent_next{0}; constexpr std::array const line63_elements{{ }}; // paragraph constexpr uint32_t const line64_indent_first{8}; constexpr uint32_t const line64_indent_next{8}; constexpr std::array const line64_elements{{ {fmt::fg(fmt::terminal_color::bright_blue) | fmt::emphasis::bold /* {'code'} */, R"(-h)"} /* inline code */, {{} /* set() */, R"(, )"} /* raw text */, {fmt::fg(fmt::terminal_color::bright_blue) | fmt::emphasis::bold /* {'code'} */, R"(--help)"} /* inline code */, {{} /* set() */, R"()"} /* raw text */, }}; // paragraph constexpr uint32_t const line65_indent_first{16}; constexpr uint32_t const line65_indent_next{16}; constexpr std::array const line65_elements{{ {{} /* set() */, R"(Show program help, including option defaults.)"} /* raw text */, }}; constexpr uint32_t const line66_indent_first{0}; constexpr uint32_t const line66_indent_next{0}; constexpr std::array const line66_elements{{ }}; // paragraph constexpr uint32_t const line67_indent_first{8}; constexpr uint32_t const line67_indent_next{16}; constexpr std::array const line67_elements{{ {fmt::fg(fmt::terminal_color::bright_blue) | fmt::emphasis::bold /* {'code'} */, R"(--man)"} /* inline code */, {{} /* set() */, R"( )"} /* raw text */, {{} /* set() */, R"(If the project was built with support for built-in manual pages, this)"} /* raw text */, {{} /* set() */, R"( )"} /* whitespace */, {{} /* set() */, R"(option will show the manual page. If supported by the terminal and a)"} /* raw text */, {{} /* set() */, R"( )"} /* whitespace */, {{} /* set() */, R"(suitable pager (e.g. )"} /* raw text */, {fmt::fg(fmt::terminal_color::bright_blue) | fmt::emphasis::bold /* {'code'} */, R"(less)"} /* inline code */, {{} /* set() */, R"() is found, the manual page is displayed)"} /* raw text */, {{} /* set() */, R"( )"} /* whitespace */, {{} /* set() */, R"(in the pager.)"} /* raw text */, }}; constexpr uint32_t const line68_indent_first{0}; constexpr uint32_t const line68_indent_next{0}; constexpr std::array const line68_elements{{ }}; #if 0 Heading(2, AUTHOR, None) #endif constexpr uint32_t const line69_indent_first{0}; constexpr uint32_t const line69_indent_next{0}; constexpr std::array const line69_elements{{ {fmt::fg(fmt::terminal_color::bright_green) | fmt::emphasis::bold /* {'h2', 'head'} */, R"(AUTHOR)"} /* raw text */, }}; #if 0 <__main__.Paragraph object at 0x7fef315abb00> #endif // paragraph constexpr uint32_t const line70_indent_first{8}; constexpr uint32_t const line70_indent_next{8}; constexpr std::array const line70_elements{{ {{} /* set() */, R"(Written by Marcus Holland-Moritz.)"} /* raw text */, }}; constexpr uint32_t const line71_indent_first{0}; constexpr uint32_t const line71_indent_next{0}; constexpr std::array const line71_elements{{ }}; #if 0 Heading(2, COPYRIGHT, None) #endif constexpr uint32_t const line72_indent_first{0}; constexpr uint32_t const line72_indent_next{0}; constexpr std::array const line72_elements{{ {fmt::fg(fmt::terminal_color::bright_green) | fmt::emphasis::bold /* {'h2', 'head'} */, R"(COPYRIGHT)"} /* raw text */, }}; #if 0 <__main__.Paragraph object at 0x7fef315abb00> #endif // paragraph constexpr uint32_t const line73_indent_first{8}; constexpr uint32_t const line73_indent_next{8}; constexpr std::array const line73_elements{{ {{} /* set() */, R"(Copyright (C) Marcus Holland-Moritz.)"} /* raw text */, }}; constexpr uint32_t const line74_indent_first{0}; constexpr uint32_t const line74_indent_next{0}; constexpr std::array const line74_elements{{ }}; #if 0 Heading(2, SEE ALSO, None) #endif constexpr uint32_t const line75_indent_first{0}; constexpr uint32_t const line75_indent_next{0}; constexpr std::array const line75_elements{{ {fmt::fg(fmt::terminal_color::bright_green) | fmt::emphasis::bold /* {'h2', 'head'} */, R"(SEE ALSO)"} /* raw text */, }}; #if 0 <__main__.Paragraph object at 0x7fef315abb00> #endif // paragraph constexpr uint32_t const line76_indent_first{8}; constexpr uint32_t const line76_indent_next{8}; constexpr std::array const line76_elements{{ {{} /* set() */, R"(mkdwarfs(1), dwarfs(1), dwarfsextract(1), dwarfs-format(5))"} /* raw text */, }}; constexpr uint32_t const line77_indent_first{0}; constexpr uint32_t const line77_indent_next{0}; constexpr std::array const line77_elements{{ }}; constexpr std::array const document_array{{ {line0_indent_first, line0_indent_next, line0_elements}, {line1_indent_first, line1_indent_next, 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