#!/usr/bin/env python3 # Copyright (c) Meta Platforms, Inc. and affiliates. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. import asyncio import functools import logging import time import unittest from thrift.server.TAsyncioServer import ( ThriftAsyncServerFactory, ThriftClientProtocolFactory, ) from ThriftTest import ThriftTest from ThriftTest.ttypes import Xception, Xtruct loop = asyncio.get_event_loop() loop.set_debug(True) logging.getLogger("asyncio").setLevel(logging.DEBUG) class TestHandler(ThriftTest.Iface): def __init__(self): self.onewaysQueue = asyncio.Queue() async def testVoid(self): pass async def testString(self, s): await asyncio.sleep(0) return s async def testByte(self, b): return b async def testI16(self, i16): return i16 async def testI32(self, i32): return i32 async def testI64(self, i64): return i64 async def testDouble(self, dub): return dub async def testStruct(self, thing): return thing async def testException(self, s): if s == "Xception": x = Xception() x.errorCode = 1001 x.message = s raise x elif s == "throw_undeclared": raise ValueError("foo") async def testOneway(self, seconds): t = time.time() await asyncio.sleep(seconds) await self.onewaysQueue.put((t, time.time(), seconds)) async def testNest(self, thing): return thing async def testMap(self, thing): return thing async def testSet(self, thing): return thing async def testList(self, thing): return thing async def testEnum(self, thing): return thing async def testTypedef(self, thing): return thing def async_test(f): @functools.wraps(f) def wrapper(*args, **kwargs): loop.run_until_complete(f(*args, **kwargs)) return wrapper class ThriftAsyncTestCase(unittest.TestCase): CLIENT_TYPE = None @async_test async def setUp(self): global loop self.host = "" self.handler = TestHandler() self.server = await ThriftAsyncServerFactory( self.handler, interface=self.host, port=0, loop=loop, ) self.port = self.server.sockets[0].getsockname()[1] self.transport, self.protocol = await loop.create_connection( ThriftClientProtocolFactory( ThriftTest.Client, client_type=self.CLIENT_TYPE ), host=self.host, port=self.port, ) self.client = self.protocol.client @async_test async def tearDown(self): self.protocol.close() self.transport.close() self.server.close() @async_test async def testVoid(self): result = await self.client.testVoid() self.assertEqual(result, None) @async_test async def testString(self): result = await self.client.testString("Python") self.assertEqual(result, "Python") @async_test async def testByte(self): result = await self.client.testByte(63) self.assertEqual(result, 63) @async_test async def testI32(self): result = await self.client.testI32(-1) self.assertEqual(result, -1) result = await self.client.testI32(0) self.assertEqual(result, 0) @async_test async def testI64(self): result = await self.client.testI64(-34359738368) self.assertEqual(result, -34359738368) @async_test async def testDouble(self): result = await self.client.testDouble(-5.235098235) self.assertAlmostEqual(result, -5.235098235) @async_test async def testStruct(self): x = Xtruct() x.string_thing = "Zero" x.byte_thing = 1 x.i32_thing = -3 x.i64_thing = -5 y = await self.client.testStruct(x) self.assertEqual(y.string_thing, "Zero") self.assertEqual(y.byte_thing, 1) self.assertEqual(y.i32_thing, -3) self.assertEqual(y.i64_thing, -5) @async_test async def testException(self): await self.client.testException("Safe") try: await self.client.testException("Xception") self.fail("Xception not raised") except Xception as x: self.assertEqual(x.errorCode, 1001) self.assertEqual(x.message, "Xception") # noqa try: await self.client.testException("throw_undeclared") self.fail("exception not raised") except Exception: # type is undefined pass @async_test async def testOneway(self): await self.client.testOneway(2) start, end, seconds = await self.handler.onewaysQueue.get() self.assertAlmostEqual(seconds, (end - start), places=1)