/* * Copyright (c) Meta Platforms, Inc. and affiliates. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #define __STDC_FORMAT_MACROS #include #include #include #include DEFINE_string(server, "", "Name/IP address of the server to test"); DEFINE_int32(port, 1234, "server port"); DEFINE_bool(framed, true, "use TFramedTransport"); DEFINE_bool(header, false, "use THeaderProtocol"); DEFINE_bool(async, false, "Use async client"); DEFINE_bool(ssl, false, "Use SSL"); DEFINE_bool(single_host, false, "Use Single Hosts option with Service Router"); DEFINE_string(key, "", "client SSL private key file"); DEFINE_string(cert, "", "client SSL certificate file"); DEFINE_string(trusted_ca_list, "", "file pointing to a trusted CA or list"); DEFINE_bool(use_tickets, true, "Use SSL session tickets on the client?"); DEFINE_bool(use_ssl_tfo, true, "Use TFO for SSL connections"); /* * Please refer to the online OpenSSL manual for the format of the string of * ciphers. The default cipher list is "ALL:!aNULL:!eNULL", which means all * ciphers except ones with no authentication (aNULL) or no encryption (eNULL). */ DEFINE_string(ciphers, "", "cipher suites supported by the client"); DEFINE_int32(num_threads, 5, "number of threads"); DEFINE_int64(qps, 0, "desired # of queries per second (0 for infinite)"); DEFINE_int32( ops_per_conn, 1000, "number of operations to issue before opening a new connection"); DEFINE_int32(async_clients, 1, "number of simultaneous connections per thread"); DEFINE_int32(async_ops, 10, "number of oustanding async ops per connection"); DEFINE_bool(zlib, false, "use zlib compression"); // Relative weights for operation frequencies DEFINE_int32(weight_noop, 0, "frequency weight for noop()"); DEFINE_int32(weight_oneway_noop, 0, "frequency weight for onewayNoop()"); DEFINE_int32(weight_async_noop, 0, "frequency weight for asyncNoop()"); DEFINE_int32(weight_sleep, 0, "frequency weight for sleep()"); DEFINE_int32(weight_oneway_sleep, 0, "frequency weight for onewaySleep()"); DEFINE_int32(weight_burn, 0, "frequency weight for burn()"); DEFINE_int32(weight_oneway_burn, 0, "frequency weight for onewayBurn()"); DEFINE_int32(weight_bad_sleep, 0, "frequency weight for badSleep()"); DEFINE_int32(weight_bad_burn, 0, "frequency weight for badBurn()"); DEFINE_int32(weight_throw_error, 0, "frequency weight for throwError()"); DEFINE_int32( weight_throw_unexpected, 0, "frequency weight for throwUnexpected()"); DEFINE_int32(weight_oneway_throw, 0, "frequency weight for onewayThrow()"); DEFINE_int32(weight_send, 0, "frequency weight for send()"); DEFINE_int32(weight_oneway_send, 0, "frequency weight for onewaySend()"); DEFINE_int32(weight_recv, 0, "frequency weight for recv()"); DEFINE_int32(weight_sendrecv, 0, "frequency weight for sendrecv()"); DEFINE_int32(weight_echo, 0, "frequency weight for echo()"); DEFINE_int32(weight_add, 0, "frequency weight for add()"); DEFINE_int32( weight_large_container, 0, "frequency weight for large_container()"); DEFINE_int32( weight_iter_all_fields, 0, "frequency weight for iter_all_fields()"); // Controls for how long sleep and burn operations should take DEFINE_double( sleep_avg, 5000.0, "average # of microseconds for sleep operations"); DEFINE_double( sleep_sigma, -1.0, "log-normal sigma parameter for sleep duration"); DEFINE_double( burn_avg, 5000.0, "average # of microseconds for sleep operations"); DEFINE_double( burn_sigma, -1.0, "log-normal sigma parameter for sleep duration"); DEFINE_double(send_size_avg, 16384.0, "average # of bytes for send operations"); DEFINE_double( send_size_sigma, -1.0, "log-normal sigma parameter for send size"); DEFINE_double( recv_size_avg, 16384.0, "average # of bytes for receive operations"); DEFINE_double( recv_size_sigma, -1.0, "log-normal sigma parameter for receive size"); DEFINE_double( container_size_avg, 100.0, "average # of structs to put in a container"); DEFINE_double( container_size_sigma, -1.0, "log-normal sigma parameter for container size"); DEFINE_double( struct_field_size_avg, 64.0, "average length of field in BigStructs"); DEFINE_double( struct_field_size_sigma, -1.0, "log-normal sigma parameter for struct field size"); namespace apache { namespace thrift { namespace test { ClientLoadConfig::ClientLoadConfig() : WeightedLoadConfig(NUM_OPS) { setOpInfo(OP_NOOP, "noop()", FLAGS_weight_noop); setOpInfo(OP_ONEWAY_NOOP, "onewayNoop()", FLAGS_weight_oneway_noop); setOpInfo(OP_ASYNC_NOOP, "asyncNoop()", FLAGS_weight_async_noop); setOpInfo(OP_SLEEP, "sleep()", FLAGS_weight_sleep); setOpInfo(OP_ONEWAY_SLEEP, "onewaySleep()", FLAGS_weight_oneway_sleep); setOpInfo(OP_BURN, "burn()", FLAGS_weight_burn); setOpInfo(OP_ONEWAY_BURN, "onewayBurn()", FLAGS_weight_oneway_burn); setOpInfo(OP_BAD_SLEEP, "badSleep()", FLAGS_weight_bad_sleep); setOpInfo(OP_BAD_BURN, "badBurn()", FLAGS_weight_bad_burn); setOpInfo(OP_THROW_ERROR, "throwError()", FLAGS_weight_throw_error); setOpInfo( OP_THROW_UNEXPECTED, "throwUnexpected()", FLAGS_weight_throw_unexpected); setOpInfo(OP_ONEWAY_THROW, "onewayThrow()", FLAGS_weight_oneway_throw); setOpInfo(OP_SEND, "send()", FLAGS_weight_send); setOpInfo(OP_ONEWAY_SEND, "onewaySleep()", FLAGS_weight_oneway_send); setOpInfo(OP_RECV, "recv()", FLAGS_weight_recv); setOpInfo(OP_SENDRECV, "sendrecv()", FLAGS_weight_sendrecv); setOpInfo(OP_ECHO, "echo()", FLAGS_weight_echo); setOpInfo(OP_ADD, "add()", FLAGS_weight_add); setOpInfo( OP_LARGE_CONTAINER, "large_container()", FLAGS_weight_large_container); setOpInfo( OP_ITER_ALL_FIELDS, "iter_all_fields()", FLAGS_weight_iter_all_fields); // Look up the hostname, and cache the result so we don't have to perform a // resolution for each connection attempt. address_.setFromHostPort(FLAGS_server.c_str(), FLAGS_port); if (FLAGS_server == "") { char hostname[HOST_NAME_MAX + 1]; PCHECK(!gethostname(hostname, sizeof(hostname))); addressHostname_ = hostname; } else { struct addrinfo hints; struct addrinfo *res, *res0; char hostname[NI_MAXHOST] = {}; memset(&hints, 0, sizeof(hints)); hints.ai_family = PF_UNSPEC; hints.ai_flags = AI_NUMERICHOST; PCHECK( !getaddrinfo(address_.getAddressStr().c_str(), nullptr, &hints, &res0)); for (res = res0; res; res = res->ai_next) { if (0 == getnameinfo( res->ai_addr, res->ai_addrlen, hostname, NI_MAXHOST, nullptr, 0, NI_NAMEREQD)) { break; } } freeaddrinfo(res0); addressHostname_ = hostname; } // TODO: verify that at least one weight is non-zero // TODO: it would be nice to be able to load from a config file } uint32_t ClientLoadConfig::pickOpsPerConnection() { return FLAGS_ops_per_conn; } uint32_t ClientLoadConfig::getAsyncClients() const { return FLAGS_async_clients; } uint32_t ClientLoadConfig::getAsyncOpsPerClient() const { return FLAGS_async_ops; } uint32_t ClientLoadConfig::getNumWorkerThreads() const { return FLAGS_num_threads; } uint64_t ClientLoadConfig::getDesiredQPS() const { if (FLAGS_qps <= 0) { return 0; } else { return FLAGS_qps; } } uint32_t ClientLoadConfig::pickSleepUsec() { return pickLogNormal(FLAGS_sleep_avg, FLAGS_sleep_sigma); } uint32_t ClientLoadConfig::pickBurnUsec() { return pickLogNormal(FLAGS_burn_avg, FLAGS_burn_sigma); } uint32_t ClientLoadConfig::pickSendSize() { return pickLogNormal(FLAGS_send_size_avg, FLAGS_send_size_sigma); } uint32_t ClientLoadConfig::pickRecvSize() { return pickLogNormal(FLAGS_recv_size_avg, FLAGS_recv_size_sigma); } uint32_t ClientLoadConfig::pickContainerSize() { return pickLogNormal(FLAGS_container_size_avg, FLAGS_container_size_sigma); } uint32_t ClientLoadConfig::pickStructFieldSize() { return pickLogNormal( FLAGS_struct_field_size_avg, FLAGS_struct_field_size_sigma); } bool ClientLoadConfig::useFramedTransport() const { return FLAGS_framed; } bool ClientLoadConfig::useHeaderProtocol() const { return FLAGS_header; } bool ClientLoadConfig::useAsync() const { return FLAGS_async; } bool ClientLoadConfig::useSSL() const { return FLAGS_ssl; } bool ClientLoadConfig::useSSLTFO() const { return FLAGS_use_ssl_tfo; } bool ClientLoadConfig::useSingleHost() const { return FLAGS_single_host; } bool ClientLoadConfig::zlib() const { return FLAGS_zlib; } std::string ClientLoadConfig::server() const { return FLAGS_server; } uint32_t ClientLoadConfig::port() const { return FLAGS_port; } std::string ClientLoadConfig::key() const { return FLAGS_key; } std::string ClientLoadConfig::cert() const { return FLAGS_cert; } std::string ClientLoadConfig::trustedCAList() const { return FLAGS_trusted_ca_list; } std::string ClientLoadConfig::ciphers() const { return FLAGS_ciphers; } bool ClientLoadConfig::useTickets() const { return FLAGS_use_tickets; } uint32_t ClientLoadConfig::pickLogNormal(double mean, double sigma) { return static_cast(loadgen::RNG::getLogNormal(mean, sigma)); } } // namespace test } // namespace thrift } // namespace apache