#ifndef MICROTEX_FONT_STYLE_H #define MICROTEX_FONT_STYLE_H #include "microtexexport.h" #include "utils/types.h" namespace microtex { /** Enum represents all supported font style */ enum class FontStyle : u16 { none = 0, // unspecified, choose an appropriate style depends on context rm = 0b1, // roman bf = 0b10, // bold it = 0b100, // italic cal = 0b1000, // calligraphic frak = 0b10000, // fraktur bb = 0b100000, // double-struck sf = 0b1000000, // sans-serif tt = 0b10000000, // type-writer (monospaced) // composed styles bfit = bf | it, bfcal = bf | cal, bffrak = bf | frak, sfbf = bf | sf, sfit = it | sf, sfbfit = bf | it | sf, // invalid invalid = 0xffff }; /** * Get the most similar font style from the given source font style. * *
* The similarity is measured by the number of set bits of the result * that generated by the bitwise operation '&' between source font style * and the composed font styles. */ FontStyle MICROTEX_EXPORT findClosestStyle(FontStyle src); /** Test if the given font style is unspecified*/ bool MICROTEX_EXPORT isUnspecified(FontStyle style); /** Test if the given font style is roman */ bool MICROTEX_EXPORT isRoman(FontStyle style); /** Test if the given font style is bold */ bool MICROTEX_EXPORT isBold(FontStyle style); /** Test if the given font style is italic */ bool MICROTEX_EXPORT isItalic(FontStyle style); /** Test if the given font style is sans-serif */ bool MICROTEX_EXPORT isSansSerif(FontStyle style); /** Test if the given font style is mono-spaced */ bool MICROTEX_EXPORT isMono(FontStyle style); } // namespace microtex #endif // MICROTEX_FONT_STYLE_H