.. _shmem_pe_accessible: shmem_pe_accessible =================== .. include_body :ref:`shmem_pe_accessible` - Determines whether a processing element (PE) is accessible via SHMEM data transfer operations. SYNOPSIS -------- C: .. code-block:: c #include int shmem_pe_accessible(int pe) Fortran: .. code-block:: fortran INCLUDE "mpp/shmem.fh" LOGICAL LOG, SHMEM_PE_ACCESSIBLE INTEGER pe LOG = SHMEM_PE_ACCESSIBLE(pe) DESCRIPTION ----------- :ref:`shmem_pe_accessible` returns a value that indicates whether the calling PE is able to perform OpenSHMEM communication operations with the remote PE. RETURN VALUES ------------- C/C++ The return value is 1 if the specified PE is a valid remote PE for SHMEM functions; otherwise,it is 0. Fortran The return value is .TRUE. if the specified PE is a valid remote PE for SHMEM functions; otherwise, it is .FALSE.. .. seealso:: *intro_shmem*\ (3) *shmem_addr_accessible*\ (3)