.. _mpi_pack_external_size: MPI_Pack_external_size ====================== .. include_body :ref:`MPI_Pack_external_size` |mdash| Calculates upper bound on space needed to write to a portable format SYNTAX ------ C Syntax ^^^^^^^^ .. code-block:: c #include int MPI_Pack_external_size(const char *datarep, int incount, MPI_Datatype datatype, MPI_Aint *size) Fortran Syntax ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. code-block:: fortran USE MPI ! or the older form: INCLUDE 'mpif.h' MPI_PACK_EXTERNAL_SIZE(DATAREP, INCOUNT, DATATYPE, SIZE, IERROR) INTEGER INCOUNT, DATATYPE, IERROR INTEGER(KIND=MPI_ADDRESS_KIND) SIZE CHARACTER*(*) DATAREP Fortran 2008 Syntax ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. code-block:: fortran USE mpi_f08 MPI_Pack_external_size(datarep, incount, datatype, size, ierror) TYPE(MPI_Datatype), INTENT(IN) :: datatype INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: incount CHARACTER(LEN=*), INTENT(IN) :: datarep INTEGER(KIND=MPI_ADDRESS_KIND), INTENT(OUT) :: size INTEGER, OPTIONAL, INTENT(OUT) :: ierror INPUT PARAMETERS ---------------- * ``datarep``: Data representation (string). * ``incount``: Number of input data items (integer). * ``datatype``: Datatype of each input data item (handle). OUTPUT PARAMETERS ----------------- * ``size``: Upper bound on size of packed message, in bytes (integer). * ``ierror``: Fortran only: Error status (integer). DESCRIPTION ----------- :ref:`MPI_Pack_external_size` allows the application to find out how much space is needed to pack a message in the portable format defined by the MPI Forum. It returns in *size* an upper bound on the increment in *position* that would occur in a call to :ref:`MPI_Pack_external` with the same values for *datarep*, *incount*, and *datatype*. The call returns an upper bound, rather than an exact bound, as the exact amount of space needed to pack the message may depend on context and alignment (e.g., the first message packed in a packing unit may take more space). NOTES ----- The *datarep* argument specifies the data format. The only valid value in the current version of MPI is "external32". The argument is provided for future extensibility. ERRORS ------ .. include:: ./ERRORS.rst .. seealso:: * :ref:`MPI_Pack_external` * :ref:`MPI_Unpack_external`