.. This file is included by building-open-mpi.rst Run-time system support ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ The following are command line options for various runtime systems that can be used with ``configure``: * ``--enable-mpirun-prefix-by-default``: This option forces the ``mpirun`` command to always behave as if ``--prefix $prefix`` was present on the command line (where ``$prefix`` is the value given to the ``--prefix`` option to configure). This prevents most ``rsh``/``ssh``-based users from needing to modify their shell startup files to set the ``PATH`` and/or ``LD_LIBRARY_PATH`` for Open MPI on remote nodes. Note, however, that such users may still desire to set ``PATH`` |mdash| perhaps even in their shell startup files |mdash| so that executables such as ``mpicc`` and ``mpirun`` can be found without needing to type long path names. * ``--with-alps``: Force the building of for the Cray Alps run-time environment. If Alps support cannot be found, configure will abort. * ``--with-lsf=DIR``: Specify the directory where the LSF libraries and header files are located. This option is generally only necessary if the LSF headers and libraries are not in default compiler/linker search paths. LSF is a resource manager system, frequently used as a batch scheduler in HPC systems. * ``--with-lsf-libdir=DIR``: Look in directory for the LSF libraries. By default, Open MPI will look in ``DIR/lib`` and ``DIR/lib64``, which covers most cases. This option is only needed for special configurations. * ``--with-slurm``: Force the building of Slurm scheduler support. * ``--with-sge``: Specify to build support for the Oracle Grid Engine (OGE) resource manager and/or the Open Grid Engine. OGE support is disabled by default; this option must be specified to build OMPI's OGE support. The Oracle Grid Engine (OGE) and open Grid Engine packages are resource manager systems, frequently used as a batch scheduler in HPC systems. It used to be called the "Sun Grid Engine", which is why the option is still named ``--with-sge``. * ``--with-tm=DIR``: Specify the directory where the TM libraries and header files are located. This option is generally only necessary if the TM headers and libraries are not in default compiler/linker search paths. TM is the support library for the Torque and PBS Pro resource manager systems, both of which are frequently used as a batch scheduler in HPC systems.