[bogus section] This section is not used by PRTE code. But we have to put a RST section title in this file somewhere, or Sphinx gets unhappy. So we put it in a section that is ignored by PRTE code. Hello, world ============ [not-all-mapped-alloc] At least one of the requested hosts is not included in the current allocation. Missing requested host: %s Please check your allocation or your request. [dash-host:relative-syntax] A relative host was specified, but no prior allocation has been made. Thus, there is no way to determine the proper host to be used. --host: %s Re-run this command with "--help hosts" for further information. [dash-host:relative-node-not-found] A relative host was specified, but was not found. The requested host was specified with "--host" as: Index: %d Syntax given: %s Re-run this command with "--help hosts" for further information. [dash-host:relative-node-out-of-bounds] A relative host was specified, but the index given is beyond the number of hosts in the current allocation: Index: %d #hosts: %d You could obtain a larger allocation or reduce the relative host index. Re-run this command with "--help hosts" for further information. [dash-host:invalid-relative-node-syntax] A relative host was improperly specified — the value provided was. --host: %s You may have forgotten to preface a node with "N" or "n", or used the "e" or "E" to indicate empty nodes. Re-run this command with "--help hosts" for further information. [dash-host:not-enough-empty] The requested number of empty hosts was not available — the system was short by %d hosts. Please recheck your allocation. Re-run this command with "--help hosts" for further information.