.. -*- rst -*- Copyright (c) 2022-2023 Nanook Consulting. All rights reserved. Copyright (c) 2023 Jeffrey M. Squyres. All rights reserved. $COPYRIGHT$ Additional copyrights may follow $HEADER$ .. The following line is included so that Sphinx won't complain about this file not being directly included in some toctree A required argument is passed to the ``--dvm`` directive to specify the location of the DVM controller (e.g., ``--dvm pid:12345``) or by passing the string ``search`` to instead search for an existing controller. Supported options include: * ``search``: directs the tool to search for available DVM controllers it is authorized to use, connecting to the first such candidate it finds. * ``pid:``: provides the PID of the target DVM controller. This can be given as either the PID itself (arg = int) or the path to a file that contains the PID (arg = ``file:``) * ``file:``: provides the path to a PMIx rendezvous file that is output by PMIx servers |mdash| the file contains all the required information for completing the connection * ``uri:``: specifies the URI of the DVM controller, or the name of the file (specified as ``file:filename``) that contains that info * ``ns:``: specifies the namespace of the DVM controller * ``system``: exclusively find and use the system-level DVM controller * ``system-first``: look for a system-level DVM controller, fall back to searching for an available DVM controller the command is authorized to use if a system-level controller is not found Examples: .. code:: prterun --dvm file:dvm_uri.txt --np 4 ./a.out prterun --dvm pid:12345 --np 4 ./a.out prterun --dvm uri:file:dvm_uri.txt --np 4 ./a.out prterun --dvm ns:prte-node1-2095 --np 4 ./a.out prterun --dvm pid:file:prte_pid.txt --np 4 ./a.out prterun --dvm search --np 4 ./a.out