""" keywords scraped from cadabra.science/man.html """
properties = [
import re
import string
class CodeCompleter:
def __init__(self, kernel):
self._kernel = kernel
self.code = ""
def triggers(self):
return string.ascii_letters + ":;."
def get_last_word(self):
return re.compile(r"[\W\s]").split(self.code)[-1]
def cursor_on_property(self, last):
search_query = re.compile(".*::{}$".format(last), re.MULTILINE)
return re.search(search_query, self.code)
def match(self, last, options):
opts = list(filter(lambda i: re.match("^{}.*".format(last), i), options))
# return options and length of the last matched word
return opts, len(last)
def match_member(self, last, klass):
""" matches last word in the namespace of the currently selected class """
instance = self._kernel._sandbox_context._sandbox[klass]
# filter out hidden namespace, unless typing hidden namespace
return self.match(last, (i for i in dir(instance) if "__" not in i))
def get_class(self):
""" get class currently behind cursor """
return re.findall(r"(\w+)\.\w*$", self.code)
def __call__(self, code, cursor_pos, namespace):
# only choose up until current cursor position
self.code = code[:cursor_pos]
last = self.get_last_word()
matched_klass = self.get_class()
if self.cursor_on_property(last):
# cursor on cadabra property
if last:
return self.match(last, properties)
return properties, 0
elif matched_klass and matched_klass[-1] in namespace:
# cursor on member function
return self.match_member(last, matched_klass[-1])
return self.match(last, namespace)