#include "CodeInput.hh" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "Keywords.hh" using namespace cadabra; // General tool to strip spaces from both ends std::string trim(const std::string& s) { if(s.length() == 0) return s; int b = s.find_first_not_of(" \t\n"); int e = s.find_last_not_of(" \t\n"); if(b == -1) // No non-spaces return ""; return std::string(s, b, e - b + 1); } CodeInput::exp_input_tv::exp_input_tv(DTree::iterator it, Glib::RefPtr tb, double scale) : Gtk::TextView(tb), scale_(scale), datacell(it) { set_events(Gdk::STRUCTURE_MASK); // get_buffer()->signal_insert().connect(sigc::mem_fun(this, &exp_input_tv::on_my_insert), false); // get_buffer()->signal_erase().connect(sigc::mem_fun(this, &exp_input_tv::on_my_erase), false); get_buffer()->signal_changed().connect(sigc::mem_fun(this, &exp_input_tv::on_textbuf_change), false); set_name("CodeInput"); // to be able to style it with CSS } //CodeInput::CodeInput() // : buffer(Gtk::TextBuffer::create()), edit(buffer) // { // init(); // } CodeInput::CodeInput(DTree::iterator it, Glib::RefPtr tb, double s, const Prefs& prefs) : buffer(tb), edit(it, tb, s) { init(prefs); } CodeInput::CodeInput(DTree::iterator it, const std::string& txt, double s, const Prefs& prefs) : buffer(Gtk::TextBuffer::create()), edit(it, buffer, s) { buffer->set_text(txt); init(prefs); } void CodeInput::init(const Prefs& prefs) { // scroll_.set_size_request(-1,200); // scroll_.set_border_width(1); // scroll_.set_policy(Gtk::POLICY_NEVER, Gtk::POLICY_ALWAYS); edit.set_wrap_mode(Gtk::WRAP_NONE); // WRAP_WORD_CHAR); wrapping leads to weird effects edit.set_pixels_above_lines(1); edit.set_pixels_below_lines(1); edit.set_pixels_inside_wrap(1); // The following two are margins around the vbox which contains the // text input and the LaTeX output(s). set_margin_top(10); set_margin_bottom(0); // edit.set_pixels_below_lines(Gtk::LINE_SPACING); // edit.set_pixels_inside_wrap(2*Gtk::LINE_SPACING); // Padding using CSS does not work on earlier Gtk versions, so we use set_left_margin there. edit.set_left_margin(20); // if(gtk_get_minor_version()<11 || gtk_get_minor_version()>=14) edit.set_accepts_tab(true); Pango::TabArray tabs(10); // FIXME: use character width measured, instead of '8', or at least // understand how Pango units are supposed to work. for(int i=0; i<10; ++i) tabs.set_tab(i, Pango::TAB_LEFT, 4*8*i); edit.set_tabs(tabs); edit.signal_button_press_event().connect(sigc::mem_fun(this, &CodeInput::handle_button_press), false); edit.get_buffer()->signal_insert().connect(sigc::mem_fun(this, &CodeInput::handle_insert), true); edit.get_buffer()->signal_erase().connect(sigc::mem_fun(this, &CodeInput::handle_erase), false); if (prefs.highlight) { using namespace std::string_literals; switch (edit.datacell->cell_type) { // Fallthrough case DataCell::CellType::python: case DataCell::CellType::latex: enable_highlighting(edit.datacell->cell_type, prefs); break; default: break; } } edit.set_can_focus(true); add(edit); // set_border_width(3); show_all(); } gunichar deref(Gtk::TextBuffer::iterator it, size_t n) { it.forward_chars(n); return it.is_end() ? '\0' : *it; } void CodeInput::highlight_python() { auto buf = edit.get_buffer(); // Remove all tags that are currently set buf->remove_all_tags(buf->begin(), buf->end()); // 0 = not set // 1 = number // 2 = comment // 3 = name // 4 = single-quoted string // 5 = double-quoted string // 6 = triple single-quoted string // 7 = triple double-quoted string // 8 = multiline math mode // 9 = singleline math mode auto it = buffer->begin(); auto start = it; int wordtype = 0; int count = 0; bool finished = false; while (!finished) { if (it.is_end()) finished = true; auto cur = deref(it, 0); auto next = deref(it, 1); if (wordtype == 1) { // End on non-number if (g_unichar_isxdigit(cur) || cur == '.' || cur == 'x' || cur == 'o' || cur == 'j' || cur == 'X' || cur == 'O' || cur == 'J'); else if (cur == 'e' || cur == 'E') { if (next == '+' || next == '-') ++it; } else { buf->apply_tag_by_name("number", start, it); wordtype = 0; } } else if (wordtype == 2) { // End on linebreak or end of document if (cur == '\n' || cur == '\0') { buf->apply_tag_by_name("comment", start, it); wordtype = 0; } // We might have mistakenly assumed the line is a comment // due to a # sign; but this could also be in the middle of // the implicit math mode at the start of a property declaration. // Therefore, if inside comment mode we find a :: then we should // exit comment mode and let the line be reformatted accordingly, // even though this does the wrong thing if someone has typed '::' // in a comment. if (cur == ':' && next == ':') { wordtype = 0; } } else if (wordtype == 3) { // End if not alnum or _ if (cur == '_' || g_unichar_isalnum(cur)); else { if (*start == '@') { buf->apply_tag_by_name("decorator", start, it); } else { std::string name(start, it); auto tag = get_keyword_group(name); if (tag) { buf->apply_tag_by_name(tag, start, it); } } wordtype = 0; } } else if (wordtype == 4) { // End on ' but skip \' if (cur == '\'') { ++it; buf->apply_tag_by_name("string", start, it); wordtype = 0; } else if (cur == '\\' && next == '\'') { ++it; } } else if (wordtype == 5) { // End on " but skip \" if (cur == '"') { ++it; buf->apply_tag_by_name("string", start, it); wordtype = 0; } else if (cur == '\\' && next == '\"') { ++it; } } else if (wordtype == 6) { // End on ''' if (cur == '\'') { ++count; if (count == 3) { count = 0; ++it; buf->apply_tag_by_name("string", start, it); wordtype = 0; } } else { if (cur == '\\' && next == '\'') ++it; count = 0; } } else if (wordtype == 7) { // End on """ if (cur == '"') { ++count; if (count == 3) { count = 0; ++it; buf->apply_tag_by_name("string", start, it); wordtype = 0; } } else { if (cur == '\\' && next == '"') ++it; count = 0; } } else if (wordtype == 8) { // End on :;. if (cur == ':' || cur == ';' || cur == '.') { buf->apply_tag_by_name("maths", start, it); wordtype = 0; } } else if (wordtype == 9) { // End on $ if (cur == '$') { ++it; buf->apply_tag_by_name("maths", start, it); wordtype = 0; } } else if (wordtype == 10) { // Highlight and move on buf->apply_tag_by_name("brace", start, it); wordtype = 0; } else if (wordtype == 11) { //Highlight and move on buf->apply_tag_by_name("operator", start, it); wordtype = 0; } if (wordtype == 0) { cur = deref(it, 0); next = deref(it, 1); // Set word start iterator start = it; // Start a number on 0-9, or .[0-9] if (g_unichar_isdigit(cur) || (cur == '.' && g_unichar_isdigit(next))) { wordtype = 1; } // Start a comment on # if the next symbol isn't } else if (cur == '#') { wordtype = 2; } // Start a name on a letter or _ @ else if (g_unichar_isalpha(cur) || cur == '_' || cur == '@') { wordtype = 3; } // Start a single quoted string on ' else if (cur == '\'') { // Decide if this is triple quoted if (next == '\'' && deref(it, 2) == '\'') { wordtype = 6; it.forward_chars(2); } else { wordtype = 4; } } // Start a double quoted string on " else if (cur == '"') { // Decide if this is triple quoted if (next == '"' && deref(it, 2) == '"') { wordtype = 7; it.forward_chars(2); } else { wordtype = 5; } } // Start multiline math mode on := else if (cur == ':' && next == '=') { wordtype = 8; it.forward_chars(2); buf->apply_tag_by_name("operator", start, it); start = it; } // Reformat current line as maths if :: found else if (cur == ':' && next == ':') { wordtype = 11; auto line_begin = it; auto line_end = it; line_begin.backward_find_char([](gunichar c) { return c == '\n'; }); line_end.forward_to_line_end(); buf->remove_all_tags(line_begin, line_end); buf->apply_tag_by_name("maths", line_begin, it); } // Start inline math mode on $ else if (cur == '$') wordtype = 9; // Highlight as brace else if (cur == '{' || cur == '[' || cur == '(' || cur == '}' || cur == ']' || cur == ')') { wordtype = 10; } else if (g_unichar_ispunct(cur)) { wordtype = 11; } } ++it; } } void CodeInput::highlight_latex() { auto buf = edit.get_buffer(); buf->remove_all_tags(buf->begin(), buf->end()); // 0 = none // 1 = comment // 2 = command // 3 = can expect a parameter to begin // 4 = inline math mode auto it = buf->begin(); auto start = it; int wordtype = 0; int curly_depth = 0; int square_depth = 0; bool finished = false; while (!finished) { if (it.is_end()) finished = true; auto cur = deref(it, 0); if (wordtype == 1) { if (cur == '\n' || cur == '\0') { buf->apply_tag_by_name("comment", start, it); start = it; wordtype = 0; } } else if (wordtype == 2) { if (!g_unichar_isalpha(cur)) { buf->apply_tag_by_name("command", start, it); start = it; wordtype = 5; } } else if (wordtype == 4) { if (cur == '$') { ++it; cur = deref(it, 0); buf->apply_tag_by_name("maths", start, it); wordtype = 0; } } if (wordtype == 5) { if (cur == '{') { ++curly_depth; start = it; ++it; cur = deref(it, 0); } else if (cur == '[') { ++square_depth; start = it; ++it; cur = deref(it, 0); } wordtype = 0; } if (wordtype == 0) { if (cur == '}' && curly_depth) { auto next = it; next.forward_char(); buf->apply_tag_by_name("parameter", start, next); --curly_depth; wordtype = 5; } else if (cur == ']' && square_depth) { auto next = it; next.forward_char(); buf->apply_tag_by_name("parameter", start, next); --square_depth; wordtype = 5; } else if (cur == '\\') { if (curly_depth || square_depth) buf->apply_tag_by_name("parameter", start, it); start = it; wordtype = 2; } else if (cur == '%') { if (curly_depth || square_depth) buf->apply_tag_by_name("parameter", start, it); start = it; wordtype = 1; } else if (cur == '$') { wordtype = 4; start = it; } } ++it; } } void CodeInput::enable_highlighting(DataCell::CellType cell_type, const Prefs& prefs) { std::string map_idx; void (CodeInput::*callback)()=0; switch (cell_type) { case DataCell::CellType::python: map_idx = "python"; callback = &CodeInput::highlight_python; break; case DataCell::CellType::latex: map_idx = "latex"; callback = &CodeInput::highlight_latex; break; default: break; } // Create tags for (const auto& elem : prefs.colours.at(map_idx)) { if (edit.get_buffer()->get_tag_table()->lookup(elem.first)) // Already set edit.get_buffer()->get_tag_table()->lookup(elem.first)->property_foreground_rgba() = Gdk::RGBA(elem.second); else // Need to create edit.get_buffer()->create_tag(elem.first)->property_foreground_rgba() = Gdk::RGBA(elem.second); } // Error tag if (!edit.get_buffer()->get_tag_table()->lookup("error")) { auto error_tag = edit.get_buffer()->create_tag("error"); error_tag->property_underline() = Pango::Underline::UNDERLINE_ERROR; #if GTKMM_MINOR_VERSION>=20 error_tag->property_underline_rgba() = Gdk::RGBA("red"); #endif } // Setup callback if (hl_conn.connected()) hl_conn.disconnect(); hl_conn = edit.get_buffer()->signal_changed().connect(sigc::mem_fun(*this, callback)); // And perform an initial highlight if(callback!=0) (this->*callback)(); } void CodeInput::disable_highlighting() { // Remove all tags that are currently set edit.get_buffer()->remove_all_tags( edit.get_buffer()->begin(), edit.get_buffer()->end() ); // Disconnect the signal if (hl_conn.connected()) hl_conn.disconnect(); } void CodeInput::relay_cursor_pos(std::function callback) { edit.get_buffer()->property_cursor_position().signal_changed().connect([this, callback]() { auto iter = edit.get_buffer()->get_iter_at_mark(edit.get_buffer()->get_insert()); auto line = iter.get_line() + 1; auto line_offset = iter.get_line_offset() + 1; callback(line, line_offset); }); } bool CodeInput::exp_input_tv::on_key_press_event(GdkEventKey* event) { bool is_shift_return = get_editable() && event->keyval==GDK_KEY_Return && (event->state&Gdk::SHIFT_MASK); // bool is_shift_tab = get_editable() && event->keyval==GDK_KEY_Tab && (event->state&Gdk::SHIFT_MASK); bool is_tab = get_editable() && event->keyval==GDK_KEY_Tab; bool retval=false; // std::cerr << event->keyval << ", " << event->state << " pressed" << std::endl; if(!is_shift_return && !is_tab) retval=Gtk::TextView::on_key_press_event(event); Glib::RefPtr textbuf=get_buffer(); if(is_shift_return) { content_changed(datacell); content_execute(datacell); return true; } if(is_tab) { // Only complete if the last character is not whitespace. Glib::RefPtr ins = get_buffer()->get_insert(); Gtk::TextBuffer::iterator it=textbuf->get_iter_at_mark(ins); int ipos=textbuf->get_slice(textbuf->begin(), it).bytes(); if(complete_request(datacell, ipos)) return true; else retval=Gtk::TextView::on_key_press_event(event); } // else { // // If this was a real key press (i.e. not just SHIFT or ALT or similar), emit a // // signal so that the cell can be scrolled into view if necessary. // // FIXME: I do not know how to do this correctly, check docs. // // FIXME: this should be done by monitoring the buffer for changes, see // // http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9250238/detecting-text-view-change-in-gtk-and-mono // // if(event->keyval < 65000L) // content_changed(tmp, datacell); // // return retval; // } return retval; } void CodeInput::exp_input_tv::shift_enter_pressed() { // Glib::RefPtr textbuf=get_buffer(); // std::string tmp(textbuf->get_text(get_buffer()->begin(), get_buffer()->end())); content_changed(datacell); content_execute(datacell); } void CodeInput::exp_input_tv::on_textbuf_change() { content_changed(datacell); } bool CodeInput::handle_button_press(GdkEventButton* button) { if(button->button!=2 || button->type!=GDK_BUTTON_PRESS) return false; Glib::RefPtr refClipboard = Gtk::Clipboard::get(GDK_SELECTION_PRIMARY); std::vector sah=refClipboard->wait_for_targets(); bool hascadabra=false; bool hastext=false; bool hasstring=false; Gtk::SelectionData sd; for(unsigned int i=0; iwait_for_contents("cadabra"); else if(hastext) sd=refClipboard->wait_for_contents("TEXT"); else if(hasstring) sd=refClipboard->wait_for_contents("STRING"); if(hascadabra || hastext || hasstring) { // Figure out where the mouse cursor is, so we know where to insert. Gtk::TextBuffer::iterator insertpos; int somenumber; edit.get_iter_at_position(insertpos, somenumber, button->x, button->y); if(insertpos!=edit.get_buffer()->end()) ++insertpos; insertpos=edit.get_buffer()->insert(insertpos, sd.get_data_as_string()); edit.get_buffer()->place_cursor(insertpos); } return true; } bool CodeInput::exp_input_tv::on_draw(const Cairo::RefPtr& cr) { Glib::RefPtr win = Gtk::TextView::get_window(Gtk::TEXT_WINDOW_TEXT); // std::cerr << "on draw for " << get_buffer()->get_text() << std::endl; bool ret=Gtk::TextView::on_draw(cr); int w, h, x, y; win->get_geometry(x,y,w,h); // paint the background cr->set_source_rgba(1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0); // cr->rectangle(5,3,8,h-3); // cr->fill(); if(datacell->cell_type==DataCell::CellType::latex) cr->set_source_rgba(.2, .7, .2, 1.0); else { if(datacell->ignore_on_import) cr->set_source_rgba(.4, .4, .7, 0.5); else cr->set_source_rgba(.2, .2, .7, 1.0); } double line_width=2.0/1.6*scale_; cr->set_line_width(line_width); cr->set_antialias(Cairo::ANTIALIAS_NONE); int hor=5; cr->move_to(5+hor,line_width); cr->line_to(5,line_width); cr->line_to(5,h-line_width); cr->line_to(5+hor,h-line_width); cr->stroke(); // Mark whether cell is executing. if(datacell->running) { // cr->set_source_rgba(.8, .2, .2, 1.0); cr->set_source_rgba(.2, .2, .7, 0.5); int rem=hor-line_width; cr->set_line_width(2*rem); cr->set_antialias(Cairo::ANTIALIAS_NONE); cr->move_to(5+rem, rem); cr->line_to(5+rem, h-rem); cr->stroke(); } return ret; } bool CodeInput::exp_input_tv::on_focus_in_event(GdkEventFocus *event) { cell_got_focus(datacell); return Gtk::TextView::on_focus_in_event(event); } void CodeInput::exp_input_tv::on_show() { if(!datacell->hidden) Gtk::TextView::on_show(); } void CodeInput::update_buffer() { std::string newtxt = edit.datacell->textbuf; Glib::RefPtr textbuf=edit.get_buffer(); std::string oldtxt = textbuf->get_text(edit.get_buffer()->begin(), edit.get_buffer()->end()); if(newtxt!=oldtxt) { // std::cerr << "setting buffer from " // << oldtxt // << " to " << newtxt << std::endl; buffer->set_text(newtxt); } } void CodeInput::handle_insert(const Gtk::TextIter& pos, const Glib::ustring& text, int bytes) { Glib::RefPtr buf=edit.get_buffer(); // warning: pos contains the cursor pos, and because we get to this handler // _after_ the default handler has run, the cursor will have moved by // the length of the insertion. // std::cerr << text << ", " << text.bytes() << "; " << pos.get_line_index() << ", " << std::distance(buf->begin(), pos) << ", " << pos.get_offset() << ", " << bytes << std::endl; // there is no quick way to get the byte offset for the iterator, so we do: int ipos = buf->get_slice(buf->begin(), pos).bytes(); edit.content_insert(text, ipos-bytes, edit.datacell); } void CodeInput::handle_erase(const Gtk::TextIter& start, const Gtk::TextIter& end) { //std::cerr << "handle_erase: " << start << ", " << end << std::endl; Glib::RefPtr buf=edit.get_buffer(); int spos = buf->get_slice(buf->begin(), start).bytes(); int epos = buf->get_slice(buf->begin(), end).bytes(); edit.content_erase(spos, epos, edit.datacell); } void CodeInput::slice_cell(std::string& before, std::string& after) { Glib::RefPtr textbuf=edit.get_buffer(); Gtk::TextBuffer::iterator it=textbuf->get_iter_at_mark(textbuf->get_insert()); before=textbuf->get_slice(textbuf->begin(), it); after =textbuf->get_slice(it, textbuf->end()); }