#include #include #include #include #ifndef _WIN32 #include #include #endif #ifdef _WIN32 #include #include #endif #include #include #include "cadabra2-cli.hh" #include "CdbPython.hh" #include "Config.hh" #include "InstallPrefix.hh" #include "PreClean.hh" #include "Config.hh" #ifdef _WIN32 std::string getRegKey(const std::string& location, const std::string& name, bool system) { HKEY key; TCHAR value[1024]; DWORD bufLen = 1024*sizeof(TCHAR); long ret; ret = RegOpenKeyExA(system?HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE:HKEY_CURRENT_USER, location.c_str(), 0, KEY_QUERY_VALUE, &key); if( ret != ERROR_SUCCESS ){ return std::string(); } ret = RegQueryValueExA(key, name.c_str(), 0, 0, (LPBYTE) value, &bufLen); RegCloseKey(key); if ( (ret != ERROR_SUCCESS) || (bufLen > 1024*sizeof(TCHAR)) ){ return std::string(); } std::string stringValue = std::string(value, (size_t)bufLen - 1); size_t i = stringValue.length(); while( i > 0 && stringValue[i-1] == '\0' ){ --i; } return stringValue.substr(0,i); } #endif using namespace linenoise; namespace py = pybind11; std::string replace_all(std::string const& original, std::string const& from, std::string const& to ) { std::string results; std::string::const_iterator end = original.end(); std::string::const_iterator current = original.begin(); std::string::const_iterator next = std::search( current, end, from.begin(), from.end() ); while ( next != end ) { results.append( current, next ); results.append( to ); current = next + from.size(); next = std::search( current, end, from.begin(), from.end() ); } results.append( current, next ); return results; } Shell::Shell(Flags flags) : site_path(std::string(PYTHON_SITE_PATH)) // : site_path(cadabra::install_prefix() + "/lib/python" + std::to_string(PY_MAJOR_VERSION) + "." + std::to_string(PY_MINOR_VERSION) + "/" + std::string(PYTHON_SITE_DIST)) // , globals(py::handle(nullptr), false) // yuck, but prevents pybind from trying to create a new dict object before the interpreter is initialized , globals(py::reinterpret_steal(nullptr)) , flags(flags) { bool no_colour = flags & Flags::NoColour; colour_error = no_colour ? "" : "\033[31m"; colour_warning = no_colour ? "" : "\033[33m"; colour_info = no_colour ? "" : "\033[36m"; colour_success = no_colour ? "" : "\033[32m"; colour_reset = no_colour ? "" : "\033[0m"; if (!(flags & Flags::NoReadline)) { set_histfile(); LoadHistory(histfile.c_str()); SetMultiLine(true); } restart(); } Shell::~Shell() { if (!(flags & Flags::NoReadline)) SaveHistory(histfile.c_str()); } void Shell::restart() { // Cleanup previous session if (Py_IsInitialized()) py::finalize_interpreter(); // Start new session py::initialize_interpreter(); globals = py::globals(); if (!globals) { throw std::runtime_error("Could not fetch globals"); } // Get sys module and append site path sys = py::module::import("sys"); py::list py_path = sys.attr("path"); py_path.append(site_path); py_stdout = sys.attr("stdout"); py_stderr = sys.attr("stderr"); } void Shell::interact() { // Run cadabra2_defaults.py try { execute_file(site_path + "/cadabra2_defaults.py", false); } catch (const ExitRequest& err) { throw ExitRequest("Error encountered while initializing the interpreter"); } // Print startup info banner if (!(flags & Flags::NoBanner)) { write_stdout("Cadabra " CADABRA_VERSION_FULL " (build " CADABRA_VERSION_BUILD " dated " CADABRA_VERSION_DATE ")"); write_stdout("Copyright (C) " COPYRIGHT_YEARS " Kasper Peeters "); write_stdout("Using SymPy version " + str(evaluate("sympy.__version__"))); } // Input-output loop bool(*get_input)(const std::string&, std::string&); if (flags & Flags::NoReadline) get_input = [](const std::string& prompt, std::string& line) { std::cout << prompt; std::getline(std::cin, line); if (std::cin.eof()) { std::cin.clear(); return true; } else { return false; } }; else get_input = [](const std::string& prompt, std::string& line) { return Readline(prompt.c_str(), line); }; std::string curline; while (true) { using namespace std::placeholders; if (!(flags & Flags::NoReadline)) SetCompletionCallback(std::bind(&Shell::set_completion_callback, this, _1, _2)); if (collect.empty()) { if (get_input(get_ps1(), curline)) { PyErr_SetNone(PyExc_KeyboardInterrupt); handle_error(); } try { process_ps1(curline); } catch (py::error_already_set& err) { handle_error(err); } } else { if (get_input(get_ps2(), curline)) { PyErr_SetNone(PyExc_KeyboardInterrupt); handle_error(); } try { process_ps2(curline); } catch (py::error_already_set& err) { handle_error(); } } if (!(flags & Flags::NoReadline)) AddHistory(curline.c_str()); } } pybind11::object Shell::evaluate(const std::string& code, const std::string& filename) { auto co = py::reinterpret_steal( Py_CompileString(code.c_str(), filename.c_str(), Py_eval_input)); if (!co) throw py::error_already_set(); auto res = py::reinterpret_steal(PyEval_EvalCode(co.ptr(), globals.ptr(), globals.ptr())); if (!res) throw py::error_already_set(); return res; } void Shell::execute(const std::string& code, const std::string& filename) { auto co = py::reinterpret_steal( Py_CompileString(code.c_str(), filename.c_str(), Py_file_input)); if (!co) throw py::error_already_set(); auto res = py::reinterpret_steal(PyEval_EvalCode(co.ptr(), globals.ptr(), globals.ptr())); if (!res) throw py::error_already_set(); } void Shell::execute_file(const std::string& filename, bool preprocess) { bool display = !(flags & Flags::IgnoreSemicolons); std::string code; std::ifstream ifs(filename); if (!ifs.is_open()) { std::string message = "Could not open file " + filename; PyErr_SetString(PyExc_FileNotFoundError, message.c_str()); handle_error(); throw ExitRequest("Script ended execution due to an uncaught exception"); } else { std::stringstream buffer; buffer << ifs.rdbuf(); code = buffer.str(); } if (preprocess) code = "import cadabra2\nfrom cadabra2 import *\nfrom cadabra2_defaults import *\n\n" + cadabra::cdb2python_string(code, display); try { py::exec(code, globals, globals); } catch (py::error_already_set& err) { handle_error(err); throw ExitRequest("Script ended execution due to an uncaught exception"); } } void Shell::interact_file(const std::string& filename, bool preprocess) { std::ifstream ifs(filename); if (!ifs.is_open()) throw ExitRequest("Could not open file " + filename); try { execute( "import cadabra2\n" "from cadabra2 import *\n" "from cadabra2_defaults import *\n" "__cdbkernel__ = cadabra2.__cdbkernel__"); } catch (py::error_already_set& err) { handle_error(err); throw ExitRequest("Error occurred during script initialization"); } std::string curline; while (std::getline(ifs, curline)) { if (!collect.empty() && curline.find_first_not_of(" \t") == 0) { try { process_ps2(""); } catch (py::error_already_set& err) { handle_error(); throw ExitRequest("Script ended execution due to an uncaught exception"); } } if (collect.empty()) { write_stdout(get_ps1() + curline); try { process_ps1(curline); } catch (py::error_already_set& err) { handle_error(); throw ExitRequest("Script ended execution due to an uncaught exception"); } } else { write_stdout(get_ps2() + curline); try { process_ps2(curline); } catch (py::error_already_set& err) { handle_error(); throw ExitRequest("Script ended execution due to an uncaught exception"); } } } if (!collect.empty()) { try { process_ps2(""); } catch (py::error_already_set& err) { handle_error(); throw ExitRequest("Script ended execution due to an uncaught exception"); } } } void Shell::write_stdout(const std::string& text, const std::string& end, bool flush) { try { py_stdout.attr("write")(text + end); if (flush) py_stdout.attr("flush")(); } catch (py::error_already_set& err) { std::cerr << err.what() << '\n'; } } void Shell::write_stderr(const std::string& text, const std::string& end, bool flush) { try { py_stderr.attr("write")(text + end); if (flush) py_stderr.attr("flush")(); } catch (py::error_already_set& err) { std::cerr << err.what() << '\n'; } } void Shell::set_histfile() { std::string homedir = "~"; #ifdef _WIN32 const char* userprofile = getenv("USERPROFILE"); if (userprofile) { homedir = userprofile; } else { const char* homedrive = getenv("HOMEDRIVE"); const char* homepath = getenv("HOMEPATH"); if (homedrive && homepath) { homedir = homedrive; homedir += homepath; } } #else const char* home = getenv("HOME"); if (home) { homedir = home; } else { auto pw = getpwuid(getuid()); if (pw) { homedir = pw->pw_dir; } } #endif if (homedir.back() == '/' || homedir.back() == '\\') histfile = homedir + ".cadabra2_history"; else histfile = homedir + "/.cadabra2_history"; } std::string Shell::str(const py::handle& obj) { return py::str(obj); //.str().cast(); } std::string Shell::repr(const py::handle& obj) { auto uni = py::reinterpret_steal(PyObject_Repr(obj.ptr())); if (!uni) { handle_error(); return ""; } return str(uni); } std::string Shell::sanitize(std::string s) { replace_all(s, "\\", "\\\\"); return s; } void Shell::process_ps1(const std::string& line) { // Convert cadabra to python bool display = !(flags & Flags::IgnoreSemicolons); cadabra::ConvertData cv; // std::string lhs, rhs, op, indent; std::string output = cadabra::convert_line(line, cv, display); if (output == "::empty") { // Cadabra continuation line, add to collect collect += line + "\n"; return; } try { py::object res = evaluate(output); if (!res.is_none()) { write_stdout(str(res)); globals["_"] = res; } } catch (py::error_already_set& eval_err) { if (eval_err.matches(PyExc_SyntaxError)) { // Might have valid Python, but needs to be executed not evaluated. try { execute(output); } catch (py::error_already_set& exec_err) { bool need_more = false; // Check if we need more input. The approach taken is from the Python codeop library: // https://github.com/python/cpython/blob/8c93a63c03ddc789040a6ad50a18af1df7764884/Lib/codeop.py#L19 // First compile with a newline appended. If it compiles, then we need more input. std::string output_with_nl = output + "\n"; auto co_with_nl = py::reinterpret_steal( Py_CompileString(output_with_nl.c_str(), "", Py_file_input)); if (co_with_nl) { need_more = true; } else { // Recompile with two newlines appended. Compare the error generated by the two compilations: // if they are different then we need more, otherwise it is a genuine error py::error_already_set err1; // Save&clear error from co_with_nl std::string output_with_nlnl = output + "\n\n"; auto co_with_nlnl = py::reinterpret_steal( Py_CompileString(output_with_nlnl.c_str(), "", Py_file_input)); py::error_already_set err2; // Save&clear error from co_with_nlnl need_more = (repr(err1.type()) != repr(err2.type()) || repr(err1.value()) != repr(err2.value())); } if (need_more) collect += "\n"; else handle_error(exec_err); } } else { handle_error(eval_err); } } } void Shell::process_ps2(const std::string& line) { if (!line.empty()) { collect += line + "\n"; return; } bool display = !(flags & Flags::IgnoreSemicolons); std::string code = cadabra::cdb2python_string(collect, display); collect.clear(); execute(code); } void Shell::set_completion_callback(const char* buffer, std::vector& completions) { int len = strlen(buffer); if (len == 0 || !isalnum(buffer[len - 1])) return; int pos = len - 1; while (pos > 0) { if (!isalnum(buffer[pos - 1])) break; --pos; } std::string partial(buffer + pos, len - pos); for (const auto& item : globals) { auto key = str(item.first); if (key.rfind(partial, 0) == 0) completions.push_back(buffer + key.substr(partial.size())); } } std::string Shell::get_ps1() { if(py::hasattr(sys, "ps1")==false) sys.attr("ps1") = "> "; auto ps1 = sys.attr("ps1"); return str(ps1); } std::string Shell::get_ps2() { if(pybind11::hasattr(sys, "ps2")==false) sys.attr("ps2") = ". "; auto ps2 = sys.attr("ps2"); return str(ps2); } void Shell::handle_error() { if (PyErr_Occurred()) { py::error_already_set err; handle_error(err); } } void Shell::handle_error(py::error_already_set& err) { if (err.matches(PyExc_SystemExit)) { auto value = err.value(); if (PyExceptionInstance_Check(value.ptr())) { _Py_Identifier PyId_code; PyId_code.string = "code"; #if PY_VERSION_HEX < 0x030a0000 PyId_code.object = 0; PyId_code.next = 0; #endif PyObject* code = _PyObject_GetAttrId(value.ptr(), &PyId_code); if (code) value = py::reinterpret_borrow(code); } if (!value || value.is_none()) throw ExitRequest{}; else if (PyLong_Check(value.ptr())) throw ExitRequest{ static_cast(PyLong_AsLong(value.ptr())) }; else throw ExitRequest{ str(value) }; } else { err.restore(); PySys_WriteStderr("%.1000s", colour_error); PyErr_Print(); write_stderr(colour_reset, "", true); } collect.clear(); } ExitRequest::ExitRequest() : code(0) {} ExitRequest::ExitRequest(int code) : code(code) {} ExitRequest::ExitRequest(const std::string& message) : code(1), message(message) {} const char* ExitRequest::what() const noexcept { return message.c_str(); } Shell::Flags& operator |= (Shell::Flags& lhs, Shell::Flags rhs) { lhs = static_cast( static_cast(lhs) | static_cast(rhs) ); return lhs; } Shell::Flags operator | (Shell::Flags lhs, Shell::Flags rhs) { return lhs |= rhs; } bool operator & (Shell::Flags lhs, Shell::Flags rhs) { return static_cast( static_cast(lhs) & static_cast(rhs) ); } void help() { std::cout << "cadabra2-cli: command line interface to cadabra2\n" "Usage: cadabra2-cli [OPTIONS] [script1 [script2 [...]]\n" " -h --help Display this help message and exit\n" " -v --version Display the version number and exit\n" " -i --interactive Force interactive mode even if scripts are\n" " provided (will be started in the same Python\n" " context as the last script)\n" " -l --linebyline Run scripts as though the input to an\n" " interactive session\n" " -f --fatal When a SystemExit exception is raised, do not\n" " continue to execute any more scripts\n" " -q --quiet Do not display startup banner\n" " -n --ignore-semicolons Do not replace semicolons with calls to\n" " display(...)\n" " -c --chain Share the same Python context between\n" " scripts and interactive mode\n" " -r --noreadline Do not use readline libraries for input\n" " -w --nocolor Do not colourize output\n" " --nocolour\n" " -V --verbose Print extra debugging information"; } void version() { std::cout << CADABRA_VERSION_FULL << ' ' << CADABRA_VERSION_BUILD << '\n'; } int main(int argc, char* argv[]) { #ifdef _WIN32 // FIXME: duplicate of code in cadabra-server.cc // The Anaconda people _really_ do not understand packaging... // We are going to find out the installation path for Anaconda/Miniconda // by querying a registry key. std::string pythonhome=Glib::getenv("PYTHONHOME"); std::string pythonpath=Glib::getenv("PYTHONPATH"); std::string s = getRegKey(std::string("SOFTWARE\\Python\\PythonCore\\")+PYTHON_VERSION_MAJOR+"."+PYTHON_VERSION_MINOR+"\\InstallPath", "", false); if(s=="") { s = getRegKey(std::string("SOFTWARE\\Python\\PythonCore\\")+PYTHON_VERSION_MAJOR+"."+PYTHON_VERSION_MINOR, "", true); } Glib::setenv("PYTHONHOME", (pythonhome.size()>0)?(pythonhome+":"):"" + s); Glib::setenv("PYTHONPATH", (pythonpath.size()>0)?(pythonpath+":"):"" + s); #endif // Collect arguments std::vector opts, scripts; bool accept_opts = true; for (int i = 1; i < argc; ++i) { char* arg = argv[i]; int len = strlen(arg); if (len == 0) continue; if (arg[0] == '-') { if (len == 1) { accept_opts = false; } else if (arg[1] == '-') { opts.emplace_back(arg + 2); } else { for (int j = 1; j < len; ++j) opts.emplace_back(1, arg[j]); } } else { scripts.emplace_back(arg); } } Shell::Flags flags = Shell::Flags::None; bool force_interactive = false; bool line_by_line = false; bool fatal = false; bool chain_scripts = false; bool verbose = false; for (const auto& opt : opts) { if (opt == "i" || opt == "interactive") { force_interactive = true; } else if (opt == "l" || opt == "linebyline") { line_by_line = true; } else if (opt == "f" || opt == "fatal") { fatal = true; } else if (opt == "q" || opt == "quiet") { flags |= Shell::Flags::NoBanner; } else if (opt == "n" || opt == "ignore-semicolons") { flags |= Shell::Flags::IgnoreSemicolons; } else if (opt == "h" || opt == "help") { help(); return 0; } else if (opt == "v" || opt == "version") { version(); return 0; } else if (opt == "c" || opt == "chain") { chain_scripts = true; } else if (opt == "V" || opt == "verbose") { verbose = true; } else if (opt == "w" || opt == "nocolour" || opt == "nocolor") { flags |= Shell::Flags::NoColour; } else if (opt == "r" || opt == "noreadline") { flags |= Shell::Flags::NoReadline; } else { std::cerr << "Unrecognised option \"" << opt << "\"\n"; help(); return 1; } } if (!scripts.empty()) flags |= Shell::Flags::NoBanner; Shell shell(flags); int last_exit_code = 0; for (const auto& script : scripts) { if (!chain_scripts) shell.restart(); try { if (line_by_line) shell.interact_file(script, true); else shell.execute_file(script, true); last_exit_code = 0; } catch (const ExitRequest& err) { if (err.code != 0) { if (!err.message.empty()) shell.write_stderr(err.message, "\n", true); last_exit_code = err.code; } if (verbose) shell.write_stderr("Script exited with code " + std::to_string(err.code), "\n", true); if (fatal) return err.code; } } if (scripts.empty() || force_interactive) { try { shell.interact(); } catch (const ExitRequest& err) { if (err.code != 0) { if (!err.message.empty()) shell.write_stderr(err.message, "\n", true); last_exit_code = err.code; } if (verbose) shell.write_stderr("Exited with code " + std::to_string(err.code), "\n", true); return err.code; } } return last_exit_code; }